Why did Digimon fail?

Why did Digimon fail?

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The games are the worst kind if JRPG the ones that requires hours if filler grinding to get the materials you need for your final battle and the grind gets so intense you literally don't wanna fucking play anymore


It did not.

You have no fucking clue about what you talking about.

Are there any good Digimon games that have Beetlemon in them?

because digimon fags are delusional and the anime fags are obsessed with pokemon for some reason
digimon only ever had mainstream appeal when it was just the edgy Tamagotchi

>beetlemon when kabuterimon exists

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Because the game gave us Digimon gfs way too late

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I like wrestling user


No digimon dating simulator

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It wasn't as good as Pokemon.

>It did not.
Oh yes it fucking did. Digimon is heavily niche.

Because Pokemon TCG was already fucking huge when the anime hit

While Digimon tried to grab on the Tamagotchi market which was already dying at that point

>tfw no renamon gf

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I wonder what Angewomans's poop smells like, just kidding haha

Renamon is for Impmon!

are fantastic

Did you play that dumpster fire of a game on the PS1? I loved it but it was terrible, the new games have no draw for me. Not even the new Pokemon games draw me in anymore, maybe the new one coming out on Switch will be good.

That is just my opinion, though.

It probably just smells like ordinary standard poop.

I bet it smells heavenly.

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Who /hype/ for survive?

The reason it never achieved Pokemon success is simple
>Promotional anime turned the monsters into people with specific roles and not animals in the wild that could be made pets
>Digidestined as a concept makes it so that the target audience feels less special whereas Pokemon allows everybody to get in on the action
>Pokemon had easy to get into games focused on collecting and raising
>Digivolving was just a power up and Pokemon evolution felt like your pet was growing up with you
>Isekai that limits the ability to imagine daily life with the monsters unlike Pokemon
>Less collection focus and awkward evolution mechanics for games
>No core series games
>Card game was poorly handled
>Poor marketing
>No way to capture Digimon or make them pets without feeling evil or like a parent as they're, again, treated like people and not animals

I dont know about your country but here pokemon was already popular

Mainly cuz the games are pretty bad. There are some good ones here and there, but the majority of them are just garbage because they never found their gimmick/gamestyle.

Every pokemon game may be the same, but its a solid foundation that won a generation over. Gamefreak is just lazy for not expanding on it. Digimon never had that and after finally finding some small success outside of nipon again with Cyber Sleuth, they immediately nuked that with Last Order or what ever its called. They refuse to stick to one thing.

Also what this user says

Haha that sure would be funny if I dared you to smell it and then you dared me back. That would be wild huh?


didn't have more giantess(slightly) digimon

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I had the little piggy that transforms into her.

Digimon made me gay.

It didn’t, it’s still going and doing just fine.
Nothing is going to eclipse that series, doubled with the fact that anything that isn’t Pokémon and is monster based is going to be seen as a rip off of it.

It needed some giantess (mega) digimon

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So there aren't any good games with Beetlemon in them? Lame.

the pubes ruin the image


t. literal faggots

Body hair is a masculine trait, you prancing lala homo

You could fix that user. Do it for her.

It’s not a mainline Nintendo franchise getting support, cameos, a new game every generation, and an ongoing anime series that shits out episodes with the same mascots every season.

It’s a knockoff that never grew in to its own thing because it was never supported like it should be an eternal franchise.

Its doing fine. Monster Rancher failed.

This meme needs to die.

They kept changing genres too much. If they stuck to a single method and merely took the time to perfect it, while it might not have reached pokemon, it'd would have been much more successful.

And now of course the next ones gonna be like Fire Emblem,

>puberty is exclusively masculine
Good logic retard. Female pubic hair is a sign of maturity/fertility. It's fine to prefer clean shaven, but it's a different matter entirely when pubic hair is somehow able to throw you off of a woman entirely.

That's what makes you a fag.

Not that user, but sorry my guy, it just looks gross. Angewomon is still sexy it’s just that image is ruined for me, I don’t like gross bushes.

Imagine the smell bros

i can ignore the pubes if i just start at the tits and thighs

I want to pull her pubes with my teeth, pretty slowly to not hurt my beautiful angel digi-waifu. Just brief and harmless pulls.

You just have really shit taste user. I could understand if she had 70s bush level of hair and think it's disgusting, but if think a slight covering of muff is bad, you are in fact homosexual user.

>You are homosexual because you find something unattractive on a woman.

t. Homosexual gay faggot

Either gay or 12 years old, either way get the fuck out.

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it wasn't pokemon

Those pubes alone make me diamonds hard, I don't even care about the tiddies.

Nothing can even remotely look anything like Pokemon at all. Pokemon was more easily accessible via gameboy and Digimon wasn't. Sure it had the V-pet but you couldn't quite just pop that into the gameboy and play it, it was its own thing. The west is very autistic about the monster raising/capturing genre and Pokemon needs to really REALLY crash and burn hard for anything to really pop up but that's never going to happen because Pokemon will always go the safe road.

a man of culture and learning

want to know how i can tell that you don't shower?

Yeah I agree. I'm digimon kid, but even I sometimes weirded out by the concept. Some of the mons designs, like the one OP posted are just too much. Well, they are supposed to be data, I know.
I wish monster rancher isn't dead though.

i wonder if angewomon gets dandruff in her pubes lol

post more psychenergy art OP

And that sucks. I love the monster raising games and they are beyond niche now.

Not enought Angelwomon's feet
Not enought Ranamon's feet

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Some good points have been made already, but ultimately I would think where Pokemon got right unlike Digimon is in the consistency department, shit is safe as houses. Digimon lost the opportunity.

Although I never looked into why Renamon is actually as popular as it is and don't know how popular 3rd gen Digimon went. I refuse to believe both the porn and it being a fox is doing all the legwork.

What a delicious specimen


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this desu

pubes are fucking gross and nasty

The Japanese mans worst enemy

>Dugimon didn't change the world like pokemon did, that means it failed!

Based retards.

Pubes are fine on mature women.

I'd appreciate it if somebody else with more time on their hands did a better version of this but I tried to remove the pubes as much as I could.

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Silly user, the artist did both versions.

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Poor mans pokemon.

Anyone else fantasize about fucking her while the English OP plays in the background? Doggy and mating press to the CHANGEEEEEE INTO DIGITAL CHAMPIONS.

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I want her to be my living dakimakura

somebody post the image set, you know the one

bandai keeps pandering to the adventure fags even though they never buy shit. to the point the franchise has almost taken irreversive damage.
Also World Series suck ass. and Story games never have enough budget

Stopped making more sexy dragon men.

No. I am mad about Sora cucking Kai. New Dihimon games are sterile, RPG shouldn't mean math but player choice. Chrono Trigger had better player choice and world to explore despite being SNES. At least the new Digimon visual novel looks unique for Digimon, please let me date a girl that a Matt/chad character id into. MATT YOU WILL TASTE YOUR OWN MEDICINE.

Why do people keep saying this shit? Pokémon didn’t invent monster catching/raising.

why was this deleted? megami tensei came way before pokemon

angewoman line cant even poop. Because she is superior

>megami tensei came way before pokemon

And nobody gave a shit about it, Pokemon made it mainstream.

Except digimon is literally a direct ripoff of pokemon regardless of that fact.

No it literally isn’t.

>different game series being different
>this is bad
do you not understand that story/world series are different game types?

>direct ripoff by being 100% different
you ok there bud?

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>Media is all over the place.
>Games never had any kind of consistency except maybe being a RPG.
>Evos are a clusterfuck and branches never are entirely available on games.

Pokemon might do lot of wrongs. But doens't matter if you are playing RBG on GB or SM on 3ds core mechanics are same and have the entire catalog of mons for player use.

Digimon never build a proper identity.

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that's the best kind of RPG, they exist to kill time

it doesn't matter, you imbecile. pokemon didn't invent the monster collecting and rising genre

>Evos are a clusterfuck and branches never are entirely available on games.
this doesn't matter because you and everyone wjust want to rush to get their favourite Perfect or Ultimate

>it doesn't matter, you imbecile
Yeah it does.

It's exactly the same.

how is it the same?
How is a monster raising game the same as an smt style jrpg?

Bait. Not even worth giving the (You).

It's the same.

Based retard.



It's the same.

why are pokeniggers so obnouxiously defensive of other games that are part of this one subgenre calling it a ripoff
it's this retarded brand loyalism that allows gamefreak to make lazy shit all the time because it's fans lap it without a second thought

The rpg is meh at best... while the fighting games are a little better. But it never aged well...

>want to discuss the actual franchise or at least the games
>thread dies
>waifufags make a thread where they start sucking each-other off and smearing their shit and cum all over the walls
>500+ posts

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-Digimon doesn't know how to market itself. One side of the franchise wants to be SMT-Lite with it's concept of hacking, mythology, and Law vs Chaos battle. The other side of the franchise wants Digimon to be a youth drama with monster adventures thrown in.

Based retard.

This is my main gripe with Digimon. It's just a waifu simulator at this point. Only the early generation has monsters that I want.

just go to

>pubes peeking out

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Why was Digimon World 2 such a chore to play?


I want pubesfaggots off MY board.

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What do you mean, fail? It was pretty damn big for a while. Nothing lasts forever.

That retarded fusion system. If you wanted a decent digimon you'd have to grind everything again and again.


because the only thing the game had to offer was grinding, just like DW3 and especially DW4

I want you underage to leave

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Actually brainwashed

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thats fucking hilarious

because it's a C-tier franchise that tried to compete with the king of the late 90's and failed

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way too unkept

>a fucking treasure trail on a female isn't unkempt


>he can't handle a strong independent green maid

I understand vehemently, however the general consumer wouldn't. So when the different game in question is bad, then yeah, I'd say it's a bad thing

Furthermore, that isn't the only example for this franchise. Like myself and other anons have pointed out, the series has no consistency. When you look at the pokemon franchise, it is very easy to tell what is a spin off and what isn't. Digimon doesn't have a "main" game series so the average consumer wouldn't understand why Last Order would be so different than compared to CS (ie think of a kid at a gamestore) and when the majority of all Digimon games are shit, it shouldn't be a surprise why the franchise bombed so hard.

I love Digimon, but the franchise is a fucking mess both game wise and animation wise

Except it hasn’t, if it did it would’ve been like Monster Rancher (Unfortunate as it was to see that one go). You guys over exaggerate what “failing” and “bombing” is. People are doing the same for Yokai Watch and it legitimately makes no sense.

Then what is your definition of bombed user? Digimon is a franchise that hasn't be relevant worldwide in over 16+ years and has only ever saw moderate success in japan. The series has always been horribly inconsistent in what it was ever since day one and kept chasing trends and trying to compete with a market that had ultimately eclipsed it. Sure it hasn't bombed in the same way as something like Lawbreakers, but it is an undeniable market failure in every major country except japan and every attempt at a revival/newfound interest in the series is ultimately squandered because they don't know what the fuck to do with it.

But yeah no, it hasn't bombed at all...

it really hasnt, when cyber sluts game out it fucking sold tons, same for the superior ps4 next order. THese are not expensive games to make. They are not some overblown AAA budget where 4million sales means a collosal failure

>tfw have to bargain with my gf so she lets her pubes grow

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A bombed series would have almost next to no interest, the company seeing no incentive to invest in the IP, and dropping the mere idea of marketing it anywhere else. The reason we’re even getting games in the first place is due to interest in the franchise. Obviously I won’t deny the series inconsistency, but a large problem with Digimon lies within its marketing and Bandai Namco needs to buckle down.

Is your gf Dormammu?


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Body hair fetishists are as bad as footfags. Kill yoursleves.

I realize CS sold well. Cant speak for Next Order(is it next order? I guess the Psp one is Last order, get em confused) since I never checked it's sales numbers. The points of my posts aren't exclusive to these to games though. They were addressing my opinions on way the franchise has failed, like the OP asked. The ps4 games are an outlier for this franchise

Perhaps bombed was the wrong word(I dont think so, but agree to disagree) but you are completely right on the marketing and that was all I was ever trying to insinuate. The franchise has been all over the place and I feel like if every individual piece of its identity wasn't constantly at war with each other then it wouldn't have been far more successful than what it has been.

I once fucked a girl who was cosplaying as this digimon. She was ugly as sin

Can someone shop some milk dripping from her tits? Thanks

The PS4 games sold well because Yasuda's designs complemented the Digimon and cyber atmosphere of the games. Too bad his characters are too good to translate into anime.

I restarted the Digimon World 2003 forvthe umpteenth time today and it's prettier than I remember
Topnotch pixel art

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What's with you guys and posting porn all the time

the mods allow it

but say the N word and it's bye bye

Cyber Sluts had that right mix of plot, fanservice, and gameplay. They also saved a fuck ton by not dubbing the game, and releasing sub version.


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Back when I was a kid I got stuck pretty early on playing this game, maybe I should go back to it.

>original cyber sleuth got delisted from every store except japan's
>its impossible to get the dlc now

Not even bamco gives a fuck about digimon.

Digimon is one of the biggest gaming franchises

Remember when they banned this figure in America and Europe because Saban believed that only kids like Digimon?

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Bamco is too retarded to market Digimon. They're just sitting on the licenses

Oh no!?

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Been said already with the consistency thing, but I think another problem was just plain letting it fall off for too long. At least in the west, it's pretty much in that "hey remember this" ballpark for most people because it kinda slowed down, and we grew up without it and without many new kids getting obsessed all over again to keep it in our minds. I have no idea how popular it is in japan, but it's still getting seasons and vidya so it could always be in a worse spot.

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damn this is actually pretty cute


>multi-billion-dollar media franchise that continues to get new games, merchandise and anime to this day
choose one.

>TFW Monster Rancher is dead.

you can blame disney for digimon falling off the radar for a while in the west. they got the rights to it when they bought saban, and it was obvious they didn't really want it, since they dumped it in bad timeslots on obscure networks and didn't promote it.


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monster rancher actually is in the state that game freak dicksuckers think digimon and yo-kai watch are in. no games since 2011, no non-mobileshit games since 2008, no anime since 2001, no merchandise since god knows when. and even at its peak, it wasn't a huge money-maker. that's what an actual failed franchise looks like.

Why did they do that?

because unlike pokemon the games are never fucking consistent and the available digimons is always being changed from game to game. they only started to realize this when we got cyber sleuth it seems. my only hope is that they keep doing solid world and story releases consistently.
also i unironically like digimon world 4. 4-man co-op was fun.
the anime hasnt been good since frontier either.

>likes digimon world 4
>doesn't like savers

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i enjoyed the punching digimon in the face aspect, hell i even liked shoutmons digital world gattai nonsense but the anime just hasnt been the same for a while. also they need to stop using royal knights as antagonists for fucks sake its getting stale. like we have Olympus 12 and they are barely used. its a damn shame honestly.

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They should have stuck with the first digimon world concept.

Okay, Yea Forums. I'll bite.

What are the best Digimon games one can emulate right now?

What makes you a homosexual is finding something naturally attractive to be repulsive.

i bet it smells like shit

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dawn/dusk/championship for ds are all good games.

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You retarded faggot, how does that make me attracted to an entirely different gender? Both males and females have pubes dumbass and they’re still disgusting either way. Shaved is better.

probably lost the lisence to one of the songs or something

Not gonna lie, even as a grown adult it has some questionable design choices and roadblocks

Not enough Tai x Kari.

>Some sperg just replies to every post in the thread
Fuck off, retard.

>all these zoomers that dislike pubes
faggots.all of you

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Since digimon poop is that pink swirl I always thought it smelled like candy.

Id eat it from the tap

I love this site.

millenials are the one that love gilette and to shave, granpa. and judging from the amount of people who seeths at zoomers we can tell who fall for the jew faggotry of not liking pubes. pubes only started getting popular now that the new generation is reaching adulthood

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