What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?

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Its still better than any Nep game...

Is this game supposed to be played with a constant erection?

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I want to fuck the girl
that sits while fighting

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh stop i already jacked off ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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just watched some random gameplay video since ive never heard about this game until now, the gameplay look almost identical to a nep game.
how is this any better? not like thats really going to mean much.

It's at least written around an actual idea rather than :'DDDD BIDEO GAEM

You could say that about almost every single turn based RPG since the formula hasn't changed that much from the very early days.

Like the combat from Dragon Quest VIII is almost exactly the same as Final Fantasy I.

It's honestly the best game they've made, you can tell they put a lot of effort into this one.

Want to buy it but I'm poor. It looks great, even the combat looks fun.

I still find it hard to believe that Compile Heart put out a game that wasn't shit, but here we are

PC release? I don't trust the ps4 versions of these kind of games.

Nothing announced, yet. The PS4 version is untouched though

it's ok bruh it runs fine and these girls still strangle each other with no censorship, squirrel loli's transformation is still lewd as fuck, etc

fucking stop this shit japan

Tell them to stop using email instead of mms

is this mainly Yuri shit? all the Yuri under tones from the Nep series was really off putting

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It isn't.

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well damn thanks user im actually interested now
is there Hetero relationships?

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It's actually a pretty good game. Would much rather play this than some homo Ubisoft/EA shit.


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So Tsunako is not doing the Artwork for this one like in FFF and Nep and they instead opted for the guy from Trillion?

Not that I'm complaining, Trillion's artstyle was top-notch in it's own right, I'm just wondering if they opted for this because Tsunako was busy with other project at the time or because Trillion's artstyle fits better the tone and setting they're trying to portray

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Mary Skelter had the same artist as well, I think they just use him for their edgy games.

>Tsunako is not doing the Artwork?
Didn't she retire because of family issues?

Cute armpits.

>let's release an obvious vita game on PS4 so westerners will buy our shitty Compile Heart garbage
Source: I consume garbage JRPGs on the daily

>all the Yuri under tones from the Nep series was really off putting
what a fucking fruit

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Nope, Tsunako does Nep, Date-A-Live and sometimes other IPs but she isn't the only character designer.
Nanameda Kei(Mary Skelter/Trillion) did Death End. He's kind of like the 2nd main character designer they have. The third is a guy called Hirano. He's the guy behind Moe Chronicle, Moe Crystal and Castle Panzer.
Then there are guests or just not as common artists. MOTA did 7 Pirates and was the guy behind Arc of Alchemist. Minamitsu is sort of like Tsunako's apprentice.
You need to remember that Compile Heart have like 4 dev teams. Galapagos(Death End, Fairy Fencer), Nep Team(self explanatory), Dungeon/makai ichiban(Trillion/Mary Skelter), Felistella(Genkai tokki/Azur Lane CW/ re:birth series). That's not including collaborations. Tsunako can't possibly cover all those works even more so when CH release 4 games a year.

What a gigantic faggot

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compiletards are brainwashed and will believe every turd produced by them is good
if you see compile heart on a game, fucking stay away from it

She still does freelance work for IF, she just had to quit being an actual employee because she had to leave the city to help her family.