Play LoL
Play LoL
no one cares about your shitty game nigger
Yes but only for cute yordle boys
Fuck it, this has the same problem as Overwatch where the female characters are really hot but the game is played at isometric perspective so most of the time you're looking at figuratively ants. As for Overwatch the game is an fps and you're forced to cycle heroes anyway so you can't even stare at thicc asses.
Just look at the porn.
Been trying. I wanna unlock Sona.
ill just save the images
cant. Some hacker got on my account and got me perma banned.
I think he might've did me a favor.
why? Are you some kinda e girl support main or some shit?
>Same autistic thread every night
Nobody here likes that game, nigger.
I do wonder, has the community gotten better since all the 12 year olds moved to Fortnite? I remember playing LoL in 13/14 and fuck it was horrible.
Maybe later.
Did they revert the Poppy and Xerath reworks yet? If not I have no reason to return.
Actually yes
Realistically, the left one would be sad af because there's no way in hell any guy would bother trying to get with her, as long as the one on the right is her friend.
So which of these sluts is confirmed BLACKED?
I miss Old Xerath.
this but Soraka
>Bot lane dies 4 times in 5 minutes
>Enemy jg free to do what they please
>Bot lane "You guys suck this is over"
No this game's community has gotten worse, ESPECIALLY with the influx of Chinese players
Here you go senpai
>go back to see what changed just recently
>the first game I play midlane is afk and support feeds
get into game
>report pyke no skin ;D
what is it this this cucked fan base?
The issues are a mixture of defeatist tryhards who refuse to make a comeback after a rocky earlygame and just straight up toxic chinks or AFKs. Even if Riot managed to revert all the bad shit ingame back to 2011-2013 glory the community damage is already done.
Some of these make no sense. Arhi is Canon a slit, why would she be queen of hearts?
At least soraka is safe
That's just a joke, user.
>Not posting the best girls
Swap marksmen with tanks and the image gets accurate
You're right, here she is
Meanwhile Fiora ISN'T a Queen of spades? Get the fuck out of here.
God. I just want to cuddle their small frames, tousle their hair, and tease their ears. It's not fair.
LoL doesn't have 12v12, no thanks senpai.
The very moment you start doing stupid shit I lose interest because its a message to:
"I'm a fucking retard now carry me" Now guess what? You can be sure that I wont be willingly caged with angry manchildren in their 20's and zoomers for 40 minutes in a game especially what was lost within 5 mins, play whack-a-mole for 15 mins then enter the 'which retard will be caught first to decide the game' phase. And hell I'm not going to pander to them and lick their assholes inside out just to win.
Gooks realized this a long ass time ago that wasting your time in a lost game is making you actually worse in game. If you fail you learn from it and start fresh in a new game. This is how you improve, if you stall you can dig yourself a grave because you already lost, no wonder they always win. A carebear community with absolute garbage who refuse to improve is doomed to fail and the "positive mindset :)" mentality is bound to fail.
I learned my lession a long ass time ago in WoW, and hell I'm not going to repeat that.
That's just dumb banter. We've had it since s1.
I do but I play ryze and poppy so I can't impact games solo enough to carry unless its a 40 min game. So I don't play it that much.
Ayy gurl u want sum fuk?
Posting jinx now
trashy korean tier art
Play Pokemon instead
>seething soulless nigger
Get some help and play a better game
I do already I left this garbage game along time ago.
Shit community, shit game, shit company
Kayle is a permavirgin, a femcel if you will
those necks are too long
I'm finally starting to drift away after 7 years, not because I hate the game but because I just don't have the time or energy for online timesinks anymore. I still appreciate my time with League at least and will definitely continue to follow LOL news.
On a related note the guy who did Get Your Yordles Off is doing a sequel with Lulu and it looks awesome, much more personality to it than with Trist.
the only one
I have a dick so it's like a 50/50 chance here if that makes me better or worse for you.
The average age of the playerbase should be like 16 by now.
>change the loading screen so it doesn't show how fast people load and their ping
Am I imagining things or is every rework just completely killing a character, their playstyle, and their backstory to replace them with someone else with the same name
Jinx is my hatefu.
>literally rework a champion and change them
>"am i imagining that champions get removed and replaced when this happens?!"
>Lootboxes added
Holy fuck
At least post some Jinxes I can jerk off to.
Jinx is not for jerking off to
Thoughts of Sylas? He's probably the most fun I've had on a new champion in a very long time.
You're right. I forgot reworks meant you had to throw out their character as well.
do you have this one?
Teach me how to play first
Kills lots of minions and destroy towers
>Ahri has bigger tits than Sona
What, who made this. Sona's each tit is supposed to be as big as both of ahri combined.
Ahri is cute, but a Sona is fine too
Lootboxes are actually a good thing in case of LoL, since with them you can get skins for free, before that you could either pay for them or get some of the trashy ones at the end of the season.
Or maybe they fucked everything up after they removed IP if favor of blue essence, I dunno, haven't played this shitshow in 3 years.
I think you are too warped by the fanart, user. Sona is the biggest in the game, but not that big.
Why is Sona so titty
Ricegnat is a god.
He really is
based user sharing his jynx content.
Good genetics and good growing environment.
WW was a straight upgrade, though, both in design and kit.
I do miss old Galio and old Nunu, though. Especially Nunu's old design. He looked like an absolute menace.
I suppose that must be it
>WW was a straight upgrade, though, both in design and kit.
>but not that big
Yet is still bigger than Ahri by a mile. Also you underestimate her bigness.
Why isn't anyone posting best girl?
would jinx and gaige get along?
No u.
Already am
please continue user
The girls seem fine, but is the game itself actually good?
unfh, the cropping actually makes it hotter.
Play it and find out
I think that is the point
midgets are on the wrong side
also riven is queen of slime because she's for zac only
I used to play for a couple of years but quit years ago. I don't think I want to relearn all that shit and deal with other players again. I'll stick to the porn.
Best girl.
Stupid bitch got yoghurt all over herself
Who the fuck is gonna clean that mess up
I would remove that sweat with my tongue and replace it with saliva and semen.
No thanks. No amount of waifus and tits will make me go back to that shit game
Fpbp let this thread die
God i want Jinx as my wife and have crazy sex 24/7 with her
Is this the game where a team got a warning for beating an all-female team in some esports match? Or was that the other one?
hello lolbabs (as in league of legend babbies), still clingin on that dead game eh? carry on then while I'm enjoying the better game
I really don't. Sona's in-game model is actually smaller than Ahri, it is just her official default skin splash art has giant mammaries. That's where her "bigness" comes from.
wont play it until they release pool party Jinx
She's already in as the sword of pool party Fiora.
The size is just perfect.
Moar? She shows?
What she's doing?
If they finally make tanks viable
If your waifu is on this list then you are a filthy degenerate cute loving gentleman of exquisite taste.
New loli/female yordle when?
Hopefully someday.
stop posting fucking league, I don't wanna reinstall and then delete it again after 2 matches.
waifufaggotry ruined lol, fuck weebs
Most reworked characters barely had a dozen voice lines before. Are you one of those people who actually claims old Sions "character" of Arnold Schwarzenager jokes was good? Because it had "soul"?
But Sonas are still bigger in that image.
MOBAs are among the worst genre of videogames, if anything these sort of drawings are what are keeping LoL alive after all these years
What the fuck is wrong with their Necks?
Don't look too closely at Sonas 2 mutant claw-fingers either.
>play vlad
>be a pussy fag and run away from every fight until you have items
>come back with items and press R to melt enemy team
its a good feel lads
>keeping it alive
it should´ve died, no good comes from ahri´s 30th skin
There's better be a fucking cock in that box or i'll shank all of santas elves and maybe 2 of his reindeer
Besides more porn
and the millions of whales and the fact that riot has basically bought out e-sports in its entirety. It's amusing that people keep saying league is dead and yet it seems to keep coming out on top. It's not because its good though its because its an addicting as fuck gacha moba and riot basically bribes shit to keep it in the public eye.
League basically wont die as long as riot can keep its esports scene alive. Remember when overwatch was supposed to kill it? Or hots? Or fortnite? Yet its still there, at the top, the king of twitch still. It's time to face the fact that LoL is basically a WoW like figure in gaming, its not going to die.
teemo vore!
New Kayle looks kinda bad but New Morgana is pretty damn good looking.
left is better
>FFX lulu but with ass wings and without the belt dress
I like it, but I fear her skins didn't end up as good looking as kayles.
If only there was a way to enjoy LoL and OW girls without actually playing the games
vlad is basically the only character I miss from my lol days. I tried reinstalling and playing him a while ago just to scratch that itch, but they changed his kit a bit and he wasn't as braindead fun to play anymore. the other character I liked playing was zilean, and they changed him a bit too but he was still basically as fun as he was before. always loved having to ask my dumbass pubbie adcs if they knew what my ult did before the game started because I can't tell you how many times I'd ult someone only to have them run away.
Damn they added some really manly looking girls since I stopped following LoL
This. Kind of kills the picture once you noticed it.
Best to zoom in so you only see everything from the shoulders and below.
Tanks more like. Tanks are cancer.
>Dev team consistently does the opposite of what the community asks for because "they know better", refuses to take blame when shit blows up in their face
>Game is boring as fuck and slow as a snail so they literally add a new game mode to make the matches sub 45 minutes
>It becomes so popular that they are threatened by the dropping player count in the original game mode, so they put it on rotating mode.
>Their balancing philosophies with Yasuo in general
>their balancing with Ryze, Skarner, Corkie, Rumble, Basically every champ they just gutted and threw to the side because it was 'too hard' to do their job.
>Apocalyptically bad skins for outrageous prices (Prestige)
>Every new champion has cancer literally built into their very core. Zoe is RNG, Kai'Sa is mixed damage, Sylas is 'Do-everything', Camille is True damage done wrong.
Game's shit, hard pass.
When will they rework or literally just outright remove gnars ranged form its so fucking bad and literally cannot skirmish anyone 1v1 until so late in the game
you must be joking. Tanks hard punish stupid plays. if you jump into a fight that you can't win, you don't get to run away like Tristana, Quinn, Draven, Teemo, etc. Tanks don't have dashes, and are pretty much stuck in a fight once they initiate.
it should be Marskmen, Bruisers and Juggernauts on the right and everyone else on the left
Warwick, Urgot and Nunu were direct upgrades
all the rest were down or sidegrades, especially fucking Galio.
Yes, what is the issue?
The issue is you're trying to fap in in game models instead of fan art.
Seething Malph trash main. You forgot the entire season where tanks ruled the game?
Missed opptunity by not putting Lulu as purple'd.
I've already paid my dues by playing way too many hours of LoL back during S2 and S3. Now that i've done my part i can just fap to Sona fanart like everyone else.
I only play it for
some of the most fun champs easily
>anyone ACTUALLY LIKING old Yorick, Nunu, Urgot or Warwick compared to new ones
how fucking jaded can you be?
How do I resist installing it again? 1 month in league free
>I don't like these characters or how they play therefore they should cater to me and other players who didn't even play them in the first place
This is one of the many reasons why league turned to shit
>Be Riot
>get bought by chink company
>poor oversight from chink company
>Riot feels like they have immense power and say now
>Riot becomes SJW
>Riot discriminates and fires employees based on their gender
>Chink company orders Riot and gives them money to do the KDA Popstar project
>Riot the shill it is does what chinks want, implying their double standard of being SJW
>Riot's most popular champion is literally a Kitsune slut with big boobs.
>The game keeps updating and making every champion bland and the same...
>Riot still trying to be relevant in 2019
>No one but westerners and chinks cares about league cause they want to be number one
>it went from the soul game it was back in 2010 to now 2019 where gameplay has gotten stale and you get banned for speaking the truth on your teammates crying and bitching.
i liked them user, alot of people did, you're probably a cuck who mains one lane and is fucked when you don't get it.
we can't forget on the 3-hit proc/passive shit Riot does with almost every champion now lol.
>No one but westerners and chinks
So everyone relevant?
>new kdashit trash and sjw Sona redesign where they gave her generic blue eyes blue hair everything instead of amber eyes + huge tits gradient hair goddess
Not even worth watching on youtube.