Why do western developers want to get rid of sex appeal?

Why do western developers want to get rid of sex appeal?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because we live in a society that oppresses us poor gentlesir gamers. The SJWs have the whip.

Because gamers are older now. We don't need sex appeal in games because we have wives/girlfriends.

Why is this a news article?
Who even reports on trash like this?


/ourguy/ moving up in the ranks

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William Usher is basically just the right-wing equivalent to Kotaku or Vice's gaming section.

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because the devs are full of mentally ill trannies

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Why can't their be a right wing games site that's not clingy as shit like oag


I get all my news from steven "if she's 9 she can consent" bonnell

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>men in their 30's don't like young sexy women
>they like their older/fat wives and girlfriends
>they all have wives/girlfriends

You are not even 20

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We have to protect core values

every gaming site is cringy

they are gaming sites

OneAngryGamer is cringe as fuck tbqh

Because it's offensive to women you fucking cuck, It's time to create strong female characters that don't rely on their sexuality to be their only identifying trait. Quit being a fucking child.

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funny how you never seethe in libtard outlet (polygon, kotaku, giantbomb) threads

Alienates a possible new audience while doing little to retain the older audience. And it's not as if you motherfuckers haven't jerked off to nuns before, sex appeal's not worth anything.

>This just in, character in fighting game where people rip each other's spines out is not sexy
>This must be a mistake, instead of an intentional design choice
>More news at fuck you

What are you talking about? The guys are hot

Gotta bunch of people that got animosity towards black guys cause their dicks are bigger than them. These are guys that are jealous, cause they don't carry, they don't possess, BBC. They don't possess that GOD GENE that's involved in these black men out here.

Keep getting jealous while your wife asks for cuck-holds. While your girlfriends ask for cuck-holds and WISH that they could get FUCKED by these African warriors with these huge BBCs that could pipe them down to the point where they could FEEL each and every last spectacle of their pussies getting VIBRATED and THRUSTED until the orgasm just SPEWS out. Keep saying NIGGER, keep saying BLACK.

Come on you cuck-holds! You love it! You love this shit! I’ll be that monkey. I’ll be that monkey. Yup, with a BBC. Enjoy it. Have your woman take this dick. She’s imagining a HUGE Black Cock. Why do you think your bitches get huge dildos!?

You guys don’t possess the BBC gene. That’s why you’re upset. No BBC equals anger. You’re upset, you’re mad at these African Cocks. These Rhino Dicks. That’s why you guys like saying nigger so much. I get it.

>It's offensive to jealous whales on resetera

nice false flagging faggot

t. 37 yo boomer with a wife

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Why? Because it triggers your tranny sensibilities?


this poster is a white jew stirring shit.


oh fuck who is that sexy cartoon mouse?

Only the most based and redpilled of reporters, of course. The vanguard that will lead us to the long awaited rise.

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Remember to use the real right wing media, the Daily Stormer. They're actual experienced journos who don't run a blog appealing to 15 year olds addicted to buzzwords

Because any gaming site that's just an excuse for the writer to get on their political soapbox is cringey. Kotaku, Vice, Polygon, OneAngryGamer, NicheGamer, they're all the same.

What you should be doing is just checking Gematsu and Siliconera. Stay the hell away from the comments section though, holy shit.

the high suicide rate amongst actual cuckolds pleases me greatly


Why is he so fucking bad at fighting games, but then acts like he's good?

Seethe some more, tranny

Who the fuck even is Jade, was she ever sexy to begin with? I'm going to assume the answer to that is know, because it's Mortal Kombat

Was that a typo or are you me? I say "Clinge." all the fucking time.

Because we never get those threads and whenever we do literally everyone tells OP to fuck off.

>mfw reptile gets announced

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Funny when a right wing gaming site appears trannies are suddenly concerned with it's quality

they are shit and you know it

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Imagine being a white knight that defends this when older games had plenty of sex appeal

do i have to be a tranny to get triggered by this?

who gives a fuck about this aggro nogger opinion?

Some people find ripped off heads and exposed spines sexy. You shouldn't kinkshame them.


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But get a blowjob from my wife while i'm playing with a good looking grill is waaay more satisfying, user.

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>This is your average /pol/tard

you're out with your newly transitioned girlfriend and this dude walks up and slaps her ass

next move?

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>Muh culture war
Holy cringe

lol no we have daily giantbomb threads, why aren't you seething in those?




Is he, dare i say it, /our guy/?

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Show me

slap his dick

discord is late tonight

anyway you will never be a woman

he's a sociopath.


Yikes! Newfags! Retards! Cringe!

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I don't think this guy understands Cyberpunk.

get that ass banned

Putting this much effort into shitty bait. Pretty sad.

>There are people that take what this faggot says as gospel
Oppa epic style



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Shut up and buy my shirt, tranny

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>All these discord trannies trying to quell our rise up
Not gonna work, we're too smart for that

pretty sad that you don't recognize classic LTG

>Caring what LTG has to say
Have we really stooped so low? Is Boner Culture that important to you?


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The older games looked like bad Jpegs of claymation figures pretending to be pictures of actual people.

But you wouldn't know about that, because 'older games' for you probably means MK9.

But I shit on them all the time.
It's a shame I lost my webms of them playing Mario Sunshine though.

Sex is for losers

Nice try, discord tranny, but it looks very fashionable and trolls libcucks epic style. I happen to have three in my wardrobe myself.

LTG is someone who exists to be made fun of. No matter what he says it is backed by stupid shit.

Good job, OP. You made the 245253rd "WEST BAD GLORIOUS NIPPON ^________^ GOOD" thread this week.

If the Japanese games you love so much were as superior as weebs say they are, all of you would be discussing them or playing them.

Perhaps this will be more to your liking. It's a very eclectic collection.

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You know the industry is doomed when the audience wants nothing but Marie Sues.

he peaked there
everything else he's done is just embarassing

What a spaz

Why would you buy any of these? Who designs these?

>was she ever sexy to begin with?
She wasn't. But everything has got to be an outrage so that oneangryfuck can get his clicks.
Mortal Kombat 11 fucking blows by the way though that's hardly any surprise.

Quality "journalism" right here

>hates niggers
>shit at vidya
>pussy bitch that doesn't admit his losses
Yeah, I'd say he's Yea Forums personified.

You are literally triggered by it right now lol. Stop being triggered.

Wow, is this one of those fabled discord tranny threads I heard about. 99% of the time it's just some non right wing guy accused of being one. I thought it was a myth

the posting patterns here though, obviously multiple people getting together. /pol was right

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Women rise up!

I know you think you're fooling someone, discord tranny, but basically anyone that is based and redpilled buys these shirts to troll the libcucks epic style. It's well worth the price and it directly finances our side of the culture war.

holy shit i also live in lancaster

she looks better, if I'm going to main her I want a skin that's cool and isn't just fap bait.


Dare I say BASED ?

Because it makes you have an utter fucking meltdown like right now?

I bet this guy says he wants to get rid of politics in vidya

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He's right
>fake tits
>no ass

This. 20 bucks for a tranny triggerer is well worth it.


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how does it feel that quartering has more subs and views than hbomberguy lol

We have to protect our core values.

>that image
I always find the communism argument weird
>stalin didn't have true communism
>we just haven't had real communism yet
But if someone says the same about national socialism, people go apeshit.
Vidya Games.

>Why is he so fucking bad at fighting games, but then acts like he's good?
Well he's certainly better than Yea Forums

>low tier god
>a literal nigger
sums it up perfectly

>William Usher is basically just the right-wing equivalent to Kotaku or Vice's gaming section.

Since when asking for sex appeal in media is a right wing talking point?

he's not covering this though, and he hasn't done anything similar like this if it wasn't like that to begin with

Reminder that waifufags or SJWs are not the main source of revenue for videogames. People who want to have a good time playing videogames are, and those people do not give a rat's ass about the sex appeal (or lack thereof) of any given character.

NRS franchises are THE best selling fighting game franchises on the planet, and you are seriously delusional if you think them tweaking their character designs a bit is going to kill their popularity.

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Sorry, mate, but Yea Forums is a based and redpilled board and we will not tolerate shittalking based Jeremy who is fighting against SJW oppression.

you get one (1) yike

because sexual freedom and expression doesnt exist any more. Because people who are below average in looks complain about seeing the same body type over and over again instead of looking at the character and their personality.

He's one of them self-hatin' niggers.

ok taking back the shocked face, this is actually lame as fuck, was expecting more after all the hype

remind me never to visit another tranny discord thread

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They targeted us gamers and they will pay the price for that. Get woke, go broke. They'll be destitute within the year, cuck...

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He is and he made BFV flop :)

Let's assume you're not baiting for a second, answer a simple little question.

> it's offensive to women

Why and how do you know?

gadget from chip & dale rescue rangers

When are vidya gonna get apolitical again, Yea Forumsros?

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hot girls are offensive to fatties and uggos

He's not baiting, retard, he's being sarcastic. Sorry about your autism.

Imagine forcing a failed meme so that BFV doesn't flop...

...and then it does


I've never skipped a game over gender politics/SJW shit before, I can always find a way to overlook it. But not this time. Mortal Kombat was among the first video-game series' in history to push the envelope and defy social mores and norms, even when countries called for the banning of MK for its gratuitous gore.

Now that it's leftist SJWs doing the complaining and not jumped-up Christian zealots, NRS and Ed Boon are cowering like fucking dogs. As far as I'm concerned, MK11 can fuck off.

Hahaha, yessssss, us gamers truly rose up. AND WE'RE JUST GETTING STARTED. Apex Legends is next.

Because they think that video games is a platform to empire women, instead of it being entertainment. It's cringe. It's almost like conservatives took over video games, but if they did, they would remove violent games too.

gamers aren't reserved to one generation. Its hypocritical to think that getting rid of sex appeal is considered being adult when all it does is reinforce childish hurt feelings about body image. Adults can see that sexappeal is there to help sell the game, and adults can tell imaginary from reality. Adults know that sex appeal in entertainment is just that, entertainment.

>Apex Legends

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its funny honestly

they're both prudish and degenerate

Cry more, tranny. Cry to your deathbed (in a few years)

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I was wondering what kind of faggot would unironically make an image like this

this thread has answered my question

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>Unironically defending that numale and his gay shirts
The "redpills" have given you brainworms, my dude.

I just can't imagine playing an NRS game after Mortal Kombat 3.

seethe some more
fortnite won
/pol/ won
trump = prez

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but it has strong women. I find it problematic you equate how a women looks as her strength of a character.

We gotta fight back against the leftist invaders by subverting their memes just like they do to us. It's the only way to save this society we live in.

>gadget from chip & dale rescue rangers
I hurd someone say they always wanted to fug her when they were a kid but I didn't know that show.

Damn I wana fug her too

Can't see why that matters to him, he'll be too busy dedicating his brain space to salty rage and getting his ass beat than worrying about her sex appeal.

Stealin' this pasta like blacks are stealin' cars.

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He peaked at getting his ass kicked by Viscant at SF4, a game Viscant fucking stinks at

>Mortal Kombat was among the first video-game series' in history to push the envelope and defy social mores and norms, even when countries called for the banning of MK for its gratuitous gore.
>MK11 has literally doubled down on the gore

Reminder that female characters in the first two games wore less revealing clothing than in the later entries. MK11 is a return to form in that sense.

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>offensive to women
>It's time to create strong female characters that don't rely on their sexuality to be their only identifying trait

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I'm enjoying his salt when he delved into Smash ultimate. He talks so much shit for being so garbage at the game it's amazing. It's cathartic to watch him just lose his shit.

Why are /pol/tards so obsessed with trannies? This can't be healthy behavior.

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they wanna fuck them.

That guy is very obviously being sarcastic. You are really stupid, dude.

Sometimes on old videos I see people saying stuff like everybody here is dead that's kind of spooky

at least 40% of this thread will be soon and it's kind of weird

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Bullshit argument as always. Their early concept arts showed how NRS wanted them to actually look like.

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Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and I am 100% justified in using none of the designs or characters from MKX or 11 for the sequel story

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Flaunting ones sexuality in a fight to the death by wearing clothing that not only looks silly but also offers zero protection is retardation and will most likely get you killed. You don't see male characters looking like this, do you? They are always dressed for the occasion.

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No, dude, I'm not talking "pretending to be retarded", I'm talking outright obvious sarcasm. There's a difference. You're real dumb, my man.

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There's already shirtless dudes in the game too.

>attractive women are offensive to ugly women

>being hot means their entire character is irrelevant

and people say women aren't petty self centered assholes. This entire complaint is an admission that women are the lesser sex.

That's MK3, user. I specifically said first two games.

if you try to convey sarcasm over text, you are the one who is retarded.

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This is




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That's not how getting married works.

Why do all trannies type the same way. I think they could be putting some stuff in your tablets dudes

like some kind of government experiment, do you even know what dilation is? it could be mind control

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Sjws are dumb

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Being shirtless is equally retarded and NRS should do something about that

If women can have boob-windows then why can't men have ball-windows?

Jade is a fit undead with titty armor, I don't get it

That guy is right

Kill thy self you faggot.

>buy every streamer to shill for you
>pander to every journo and twitter checkmark
>gamers don't care about none of this shit as long as gameplay is fine
>game still fails to stay on top

Yeah I guessed as much, you don't mind dishonest competition by evil capitalists as long as they are parroting your message.

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Well, he's not wrong...

>Turning into a commie when the system produces something you don't like
Nice ideals you have there

Nah, I'm sexist, I only prefer chicks because I like girls.

>That's MK3, user. I specifically said first two games.

And this is official promo and concept art for MK2

Attached: mk attractive mk2.jpg (1481x771, 186K)

>You should make your posts understood by the lowest common denominator, or you're the retard
Ok, this is epic


All I get from this thread is that people who play video games become radical retards.

Thank you for the wake up call, I’m going to stop playing video games and live life.

More like /pol/'s law

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See how there is no retarded boob window on the leotard?

Where did I say I don't like Apex?

Yo learn some boxing, the exercise you get from it feels great.


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based and redpilled, Imagine if all vidya journalists will be like him. We will return in the '90 golden age of gaming but with modern graphics.

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It's not even sarcasm you dipshit. user is just retarded, as are you apparently.

Do women even play mortal kombat?

in around 10 years, female characters in video games will wear nothing but thongs pasties.

Still, even their MK2 concept arts showed them thicc and /fit/. They exuded this womanly-essense from them. They were female warriors, yes, but they also had tonnes of sex appeal coming through their bodies, outfits and behaviours. They didn't seem like just your average attentionwhore fitgirls.

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Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

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daily reminder the guy behind gangweed hanged himself after a failed "castration"

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Remember to like and click that subscribe button

You're retarded and new. No one ever takes those sites seriously.

Well, I didn't say I didn't mind "dishonest competition", so I thought we were just going on assumptions here.

I can confirm the trannies are rising up. boners and everything

Imagine caring about videogame bloggers in current year. Are you boys gamergaters I keep hearing about?

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maybe jews dont want you to reproduce or something.


Fuck this shit.

I'm going to stream Total Recall (1990). Anyone down?

>Not supporting people fighting against SJW oppression

>shits on good players because they beat him
>shits on bad players because he beats them
>shits on his own viewers because they view him
this guy is fucking platinum
my fucking god

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Why, exactly, must a female warrior appeal to a male observer to be considered badass, while male warriors are allowed to be anything from sensibly dressed gentlemen to deformed abominations that no one would think attractive and still be considered cool?

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Imagine being so braindead you think CDPR is going to go SJW with their game at all.

Enemy of my enemy is not my friend

Because this is our hobby and I don't want anyone else being pandered to.

Fuck Scrubs
Fuck Coons
Fuck Trannys
Fuck Thots
Fuck Jannies
But most importantly GET THAT ASS BANNED!

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Because video games are entertainment and the female body is much more appealing to even women themselves.

>He fell for the "every woman is a degenerate lesbian" meme
I expected better from /pol/tards

So fucking based.
>b-but she's not obese and has clear skin! That makes her 10/10!
>please ignore her fake pancake tits, lack of ass, and sticc fridge build with no athleticism or curves apparent

Suck my dick and I'll give you something you expect


Hello, resetera.

>bitches about muh SJW character design
>posts fap bait to illustrate good character design
>continues to bitch that the character had sex
>uses 'degenerate' unironically

What a seething faggot.

206 replies, 85 posters lmao

the trannies are getting desperate for attention

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Why, exactly, must a female warrior appeal to a male observer to be considered badass
Because, my onionjuice friend, we are not exactly talking about how badass they look. We are talking about how sexy they look and how they are slowly and needlessly taking that away from them with each game. In a game where bombastic, cartoon violence and muscly, half-naked adonises already ran loose.

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She ought to do squats.

Videogames are entertainment, true. But there are different kinds of entertainment, designed to provide different kinds of experiences. If you want to gaze at female beauty, there are other forms of entertainment tailored entirely around catering that experience.

If you just make the assertion that "female beauty is nice, everything should be nice, therefore everything should involve female beauty", you are placing severe creative restrictions on the media you consume, and thus severely limiting the kinds of experiences available to you. Is that really what you want?

still showed more than MK11.
i liked how you used the first two games as to make your point better and still got BTFO.
man, these shills and trannies are ridiculous in their defense.

I'm glad Japan is still based.
Leotards will be extinct in the next few years.

>>uses 'degenerate' unironically

I mean there are degenerates in this world - like gays that bug chase AIDS, you would call those degenerates, right?

But why does a warrior need to look sexy?

But that's more conservative than MK9 which is the ideal female design you guys want

>Is that really what you want?
Yes. That exactly what we want. We want 10/10 sexy goddesses in each game. Games started as a male hobby. Fuck you.

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Why is every male character wearing no fucking clothing than

So if a developer wants to make sexy girls, you wont say anything because if you do, you are placing severe creative restrictions on the media.

Because I can draw them this way, faggot.

Except you moved the goal post and disqualified MK3, a classic entry with sexy characters because of how badly you lost. Sheeva's ass in MK3 is beautiful.

Regarding clothing, not bodytype

No I'm somebody new asking the question

>Being male means you must lust after half-naked women each waking hour

Do you even play these games or do you just jerk it to the characters? I've played MK games since their conception and I am completely fine with these changes, because they have zero effect on how the characters play.

why must a female character be the total opposite to show strength?
the answer to this and your question is this, they never did.
You see the problem lies with what look IS popular. many characters are made with different body types YET the ones that are focused on are the sexy hot ones with big boobs and butt. Never is the contrary noticed by the opposition because they refuse to acknowledge they are wrong.
So really, and sincerely, your question is a retarded one, because you take an objective term like "cool" and use it as a factual statement that everybody agrees with your vague description.

How can this dirty nigger be this based. Im already following him on twitter


Yes? If NRS wanted to keep making highly sexualized characters, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and I am 100% justified in using none of the designs or characters from MKX or 11 for the sequel story

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I'm glad Mortal Kombat isn't pandering to /pol/tards anymore :^)

do it

Jade looks sexy to me, why is everyone bitching? Literally what the fuck?

incorrect because you just limited the art of entertainment yourself. By saying everything should be pretty blah blah blah, you yourself limited the point of view of the entertainment industry. No one is forced to limit themselves the only person who limits themselves are the ones making an argument against freedom of expression.

Gotta be outraged about something, user. Muh SJWs. Muh trannies.

Who cares, Your story sucks more dick than Sonic the sluthog

Here, have your (you)

You didn't read it.

Who does he have sex with in chapter 6? I'll give you a minute and a half to answer.

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All I'm saying is that female characters are not allowed to get nearly as creative as male characters without suffering backlash from thirsty nerds.

Imagine if the genders of Ferra & Torr were switched. People would be furious that a female character is a big, musclebound freak instead of a sexy goddess.

But it's not MK9 and that makes my penis angry
Which makes me angry

Yes but you are posting in website that is full of degenerates. That is why it is weird seeing all those 2016 newfags trying to act like Yea Forums is some christian website with hardly any degenerates.

I'd call them retarded and a blight upon society. Degenerate is reserved for pedos, animal fuckers, gurofags and that one weird tile guy.

Yeah, but /pol/tards are more than fine with that. They don't want creativity or variety, they just want every woman to appeal to their dicks. It's cringe, but what you gonna do.

At the end of the day, this is just yet another example of /pol/tards refusing to accept that not all video games are trying to pander to them and them exclusively anymore.

>The only person who limits themselves are the ones making an argument against freedom of expression

Kind of like people who argue against NRS doing whatever the fuck they want with their own IP and characters, then?

They absolutely don't.

This decade has been really shitty for video games. Why not let NRS finish off the crappy decade with fitting crappy character designs?

I'm doing both you lying beta.

cringe that I appreciate the woman body at its best? How much of a faggot do you have to be exactly?

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*point out no female characters are sexy*
nobody said anything about oppression little faggot, keep bootlicking

Oh, however will industry will recover from the suffering that thirsty nerd backlash inflicted.

Do you even partly realize how retarded you sound?

>keep bootlicking
/pol/tards not even ashamed of talking like Resetera faggots. Horseshoe strikes again.

>most used search terms for /pol/ is ebony shemales

>All I'm saying is that female characters are not allowed to get nearly as creative as male characters without suffering backlash from thirsty nerds.
that is a load of garbage because people play females all the time because they have a wider variety of style.
also you play dragons crown? you ever notice there is a muscle up female character called the Amazon?
The only reason any one would bitch about anything is because you changed something through political motivation. that's why people bitch, if they were females from the beginning there wouldn't be any bitching at all.

>cringe that I appreciate the woman body at its best?
Oof, that's a "Yikes" from me.

I used to work there few years ago. CDPR back then was already being overrun by SJW since like 50% of the company were foreigners, and now it's much worse from what I've heard from my friends that still work there. Most of good Polish devs left after Witcher 3 because of pic related who is massive asshole and narcissistic egomaniac. If you disagree with him you basically cease to exist in the company, everyone hates him.
Also original devs of Cyberpunk2077 left after all their work surrounding initial teaser (personal responsibility one) got scrapped by Adam Badowski in favor of sunny GTA clone that will be full of SJW themes. They formed new studio and made Ruiner game.

Attached: cdpr_adam_badowski.jpg (1024x1024, 142K)

I see people bitch more about Jade not being sexy, instead of bitching about Skarlet, which really looks retarded.

>you changed something through political motivation
Is this the part where /pol/tards start going on about their SJW persecution complexes and muh forced agendas?

and that's an onions from me

I can write a lot of text with no sources too.

It's because SJWs would lose if they brought that up and would have a hard time defending Skarlet's shitty design

Meanwhile the new Jade isn't as offensive as her outfit, so they have a vector of attack to work with.

Based filter going over this simp and getting the clean squash.

I didn't claim they need to recover from it, just that it exists. NRS games are some of the best selling franchises on the planet, and they will stay that way because, at the end of the day, the average customer does not give a shit if they can see skin or not.

But to say that a part of your fanbase decrying everything that does not make them hard has no effect on what you put out is being disingenuous. If it didn't, we would have much more varied female characters than we do.

>severe creative restrictions on the media you consume
This is intentional, not all forms of creativity are equal. Just look at the dumpster fire that is modern art.

It doesn't matter who the guy is when he is telling the truth

that's the opposite. unless it's an outside political group demanding they make it into something else.

I deliberately did it you retard. You fell right into my trap. Didn't you see the "an"?

Attached: 1524351345864.jpg (270x447, 18K)

Oh sure, user, I believe you, why would anyone lie on Yea Forums?

Attached: 1543847972056.png (872x700, 344K)

>He actually typed it out

no it's the part where you cant come up with a logical counter argument do to your lack of understanding of the situation.

I understand your persecution complex just fine. Muh SJWs ruining gaming forever. Trannies from discord raiding Yea Forums. Etc.

He's not incorrect.

yeah I did

>The Amazon
>An idealized bodybuilding goddess

Way to completely miss the point.

That was absolutely beautiful, user. Never post on Yea Forums ever again.

Attached: I'll register you as a retard.jpg (400x551, 77K)

this guy is such a fucking hyporite. He always whines about keeping politics out of vidya but politicizing vidya is the only way his shitty articles get any traffic.

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Attached: 1547787635978 4.jpg (462x383, 79K)

Kys tranny

Absolutely this. Stealin it.

"Keep politics out of vidya" is always actually "Keep politics I don't like out of vidya". Every time.

Like the people who demand that they give the female characters more revealing outfits?

Don't pretend like it's some rare and impossible thing that ex-employee would post here, there's like 10k people that worked in CDPR at some point during their career and many of them browsed Yea Forums.
Also getting job at CDPR is super easy, they are so understaffed most of the time that they hire literally everyone, don't make it into something that only top of the top are able to achieve, working there is nothing elite.

I dont even go to /pol/ sweet heart. I just play vidya and also an artist that believes in freedom of expression in all non physical violent forms. A pretty girl doesnt make a case of limitations because there are people who dont find it attractive, that's fine, but when you use freedom of expression then say you dont like that expression then that tells me you only like freedom or expression when you are expressing yourself but not other people.

It's ok when we based and redpilled gamers do it

That would be all real world politics, left and right. Of course if you admitted that, you'd run out of excuses.

>Because it's offensive to women
Just like it's """"offensive"""" to me that a ripped tall handsome hunk with a 200k sportscar gets more attention from women than i do.

You unironic doormat feminist "males" need to start considering suicide asap.

Attached: unrealistic sexist female character design.webm (720x420, 2.52M)

I can still write a lot of text without providing sources a second time too.

Fuck this thread

Attached: SPEED2_2019_02_22_23_12_08_417.jpg (1280x1024, 281K)

reminder that low tier cuck got bodied by a fucking cripple and got triggered HARD:


Attached: 1473885536712.jpg (163x240, 33K)

Why is LTG so based?

who is demanding? tell me who is doing that?

Yea, whatever.
I post stuff here because that's relevant to my experience and I don't mind sharing it. I even posted stuff on Yea Forums and /vg/ when I was still employed there, leaked some minor stuff about Witcher 3.

Attached: 1542760048942.png (424x716, 325K)

Your representation in video games does not include only chads, though. You have the freedom to choose to play games with characters you can relate to, if you so wish. Women do not have that luxury most of the time.

Not gonna lie I've busted many many nuts to big dick bitch

your representation doesnt include only thots.

That's really cool, user. I actually work for Nintendo right now. I don't mind telling my Yea Forums friends that Sigmario is confirmed for smash. Y'know that's just me being a cool dude spreading some minor leaks about the game. Not that I need sources or anything. I work for Nintendo. I said so.

I don't relate to any characters.

This vid will never stop being awesome.
And the model is very sexy too. Lazy landwhales and trannies are seething.

Attached: 1547656066538.webm (640x900, 2.75M)

Do these people not know that they would be forced to get a job under communism?

>We're not demanding anything! Just voicing our opinions!

Meanwhile, every female character reveal NRS does on Twitter is filled with "REEEEEE CHANGE IT BACK TO HOW IT WAS IN MK9"

You get chads and you get the skinny pretty boys. Thats about it. Moreover, being "relatable" isn't in the body, it's in the personality, if you think otherwise you're petty.

You faggots care way too much about this stupid shit. Gameplay is what matters.

I do believe the quote was she has no sex appeal. your hyperbole stands no ground.

>hurr durr everyone on Yea Forums is a loser ugly neet like me
nice projecting faggot, some of us actually work in the video game industry
t.blizzard emp

Vidya female are hyper competent badasses 90% of the time, the fact that woman only focus on them being sexy and ignore all their other positive traits you know the stuff that actually matters like what they're capable of and how they're treated in the world just shows how ridiculously shallow and insecure most woman are, if anything I don't think most woman can actually identify with the super independent game woman because its not something they personally identify with or can truly wrap their head around, men often write stronger female characters than actual females do which is just kind of hilarious.

It's not "giving" when it was already there.

Also, the reason companies are doing this is because they think Millenials like censorship.

Ok, but what do fatalities have to do with gameplay?

Men can be cool if they're ugly. If a female is ugly then she sucks everything but cock 99.9 percent of the time. The first word that comes to mind if you say girl/woman is pretty/one who maintains appearance. Other words like a courageous strong warrior or some jew master planner always evoke a man's imagery. I mean video game speaking you make a female character if you want some eye candy, otherwise just make a dude because most female characters are either that or a male character who was drawn as a girl. Their primary power is sex but instead of doing cool femme fatales who use that shit to their advantage to twirl fags around their fingers they try to make them something that they're not primarily associated with.


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Sonya wore yoga pants and had a nice rack, so from the very beginning MK was showing some sex appeal.

>1 hour later
>No receipts
/pol/tard BTFO

We decided to close the asylums.

Made me chuckle.

Attached: 1546907613392.png (861x1092, 607K)


name one ugly girl that does this name 1

Why do incels think they can speak for the non-incel population? You don't know how normal people think.

What kind of women who needs representation are you talking about? Because Otome FeMCs are always cute and no one gives a shit.

Ok, Jordan Peterson.

As a tranny and a faggot or straight if you don't class me as a female, I really don't give a shit,
I really like seeing sexualised women in games, Bayo, Jill Valentine, and Samus are all hot

>You get chads and you get the skinny pretty boys
Which one is Guybrush? Or Leisure Suit Larry? Or Salvador/Brick? Or Raziel?

The point is that you get so much more variety with male characters because their creators are not concerned with whether or not they are sexy or good looking enough for the audience. With female characters, you're lucky to get one departure from the generic thot template a year, if that.

We as a society really need to get over this obsession of treating women like inferior men rather than an entirely different gender that has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Have some self respect as a woman, you aren't xena or hercules.

la creatura...

>Your representation
My skin is already crawling you fucking cuck-a-doodle-doo.
>in video games does not include only chads
And? who fucking cares about the joke male characters? Think i care about that shit? You're saying you want ugly, dumb, spineless female characters in video games just to be the butt of jokes? Are you fucking serious?
>You have the freedom to choose to play games with characters you can relate to
How the fuck does your brain work? Are you aware that you can relate to people that don't look like you do? or aren't even the same sex?
>Women do not have that luxury most of the time.
Women don't have the "luxury" of having idiots, losers, ugly characters, freaks and joke female characters. They have the "misfortune" of mostly having female characters depicted as being capable, attractive, smart etc.
You're insane. You're actually gone.

On the off chance that this is bait, congratulations. You're good.

Attached: 41415111.jpg (300x300, 66K)

i love it when uggos and fatties are caught staring daggers at hot girls

>M-muh representation

If you need a fictional character that looks like you to enjoy something then you are beyond retarded, in more ways than one.

Normal people don't care about these things because they can feel empathy, unlike you, you low-key sociopath.

Attached: 1390255934869.png (222x211, 4K)

I'm so fucking triggered by this cunt that i forgot to link

Who are you quoting?

back to your discord, tranny

You get variety in male character archetypes in general because nobody cares about male characters(straight white male characters in particular). Oh and I see no reason at all why all of the female characters in a game shouldn't be attractive other then it pissing off legbeards.

Normal people also aren't crying because the women in MK11 aren't sexy enough, so I don't think you should be bringing them into your argument.

no it isn't. Girls love dressing up as sexy characters. MK girls are no exception.


Attached: 1461172321962.gif (319x239, 2.56M)

>You're saying you want ugly, dumb, spineless female characters in video games just to be the butt of jokes

Why would this be a bad thing? Guybrush Threepwood is an inept, borderline retarded pirate wannabe, yet he is considered a gaming icon.

>Your representation in video games does not include only chads
I wish most male characters in western games are ugly roid monkeys thank god Japs give us attractive males to play as though.

you haven't played too many games if you actually believe this.

And I'm saying your point is incorrect. There are zombies like sylvans, bird nosed lesbians, etc. Women have plenty variety.

Attached: brainlet_04.jpg (200x313, 10K)

you obviously dont play games outside your own circle

yeah im sure feminists wouldn't flip their shit if they made a modern female Guybrush.

How new are you?

Fuck off with this whataboutism. I'm not mad because of MK11 designs, I like many of them.

How normal they are is a different topic.

What do we think of him lads?

Attached: C_9d7KiUQAAaAkl.png (731x540, 450K)

They didn't have giant balloon tits either which is what you incel losers want. Go play shitty ass DOA 6 if you want that trash. This is a new era, where female fighting game characters are allowed to have good serious designs.

if you think those hookers and paid promo girls look better than the current skarlet get some taste mate and get your head checked

Attached: One-Punch.Man.11.jpg (1920x1080, 142K)

I'm sorry. I lived there for 4 years and do not miss it a bit.


Everyone but you gets who's user been quoting.

MK isn't exactly known for it's deep and interesting portrayal of characters. It's a spectacle fighter, and sex is one aspect of the spectacle.

>Yes. That exactly what we want. We want 10/10 sexy goddesses in each game. Games started as a male hobby. Fuck you.

You do know women can be sexy and not look like pornstars right?

then why dont you pay attention to those ones instead of be outraged by the pornstar ones

Stay new, newfag.

And the developers feel like changing that. Good for them.


Opinion discarded.

Oh yeah, a facial feature that is slightly off-putting! How daring, what bravado!

Meanwhile, male characters can be fucking anything, ranging from regular dudes to outright monsters with no other humanoid feature than maybe walking on two legs, if that. Can you show me a single playable female character that isn't even remotely attractive and isn't relegated to a sidekick for the real protagonist?

>Also original devs of Cyberpunk2077 left after all their work surrounding initial teaser (personal responsibility one) got scrapped by Adam Badowski in favor of sunny GTA clone that will be full of SJW themes. They formed new studio and made Ruiner game

Aha, I fucking KNEW IT. Explains why its a first person shooter too. Too bad for him, Altered Carbon shits all over his game.

Attached: 1531146872110.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

You don't watch porn if you think all pornstars look alike. How low is your libido, user?

Attached: UnequaledCheapHammerkop-small.gif (332x250, 384K)

Attached: OKAMMY001.jpg (873x705, 176K)

>Guybrush Threepwood
>is considered a gaming icon
I had to google this name. So basically the Peter Griffin or Homer Simpson of some adventure game almost 30 years ago.
>Why would this be a bad thing?
Try to imagine the reaction from your very camp of subconsciously insecure tribal losers at the sight of a caricature of an unattractive stupid woman. And not just any ugly dumb cunt, but one with saggy breasts(because remember your gaybush idiotwood example isn't exactly a shredded alpha male) yellow teeth, balding, overweight who can't do anything right.

Libido is what it comes down to. Some Yea Forumsirgins have such high libido that they seethe at the thought of a video game having women that aren't meant to make them cum.

The confirmation bias is real. That or samefag.

>He didn't even know who Guybrush Threepwood was
It's impossible to take /pol/tards seriously. Could you be any more obvious in how you're an election tourist?

I would be all for that, because it would be a departure from the generic thot template. You are trying to shoehorn me into a group I have no part in. All I want is some more creativity in the industry, I couldn't care less about your retarded culture war.

>I had to google this name

>he didn't know my game trivia
>he must want to kill jews
I can't take you seriously.

Ammy is aesthetic, nerd. You don't have to be a furry to think it's a pretty wolf

Just google Ruiner and interviews with devs if you don't believe it.

>good for them for spitting in their fans faces
they deserve bankruptcy.

>discord tranny

What's next?

Attached: 1543532585182.jpg (220x240, 14K)

Now count how many Amaterasus there are for each non-human, non-attractive male character.

And why do you omit that most of the disgusting male characters of the outright monster kind are usually the villains?

Also, here's your monster female character, and there's a lot of them, user. You're delusional.

Attached: queen Azshara.jpg (2560x1440, 267K)

>I had to google Guybrush Threepwood

Attached: 1394313670108.jpg (500x423, 56K)

>t. oneangrytranny

The only fans they're spitting on are the /pol/tard ones. The average MK normie doesn't give a shit about this.

Ruiner sucks though.

>3 shirts saying get woke go broke
ebin oregano

Wrong, Ruiner was made by ex cdpr staff, this was confirmed. Had no idea they quit due to that guy ruining the game. Cyberpunk 2077 is gonna be a fucking mess. I knew the game was gonna be shit when they revealed it was first person and open world, and I couldn't make my waifu from Altered Carbon in it.

Attached: tumblr_p3jfpk78Zm1rjn473o4_500.gif (500x250, 2.48M)

>if he ever loses then hes bad haha
thanks for revealing once again how this "hardcore" bidoo game board knows literally nothing about fighting games

and this is coming from someone who laughs AT LTG much more than with him

Don't move the goalpost, faggot.

Reminder that there are sad "human beings" in this thread that pretend to be SJW , trannies or girls just to get a few (you)s for attention

Ruiner is a better game than blunderpunk 2077, aka gta as a first person shooter. That game is gonna bomb worse than anthem LOL

what will that prove? giving you one example I should give one for another.

isnt that what sjws do?

>Queen Azshara

Attached: pudge.jpg (1139x701, 79K)

>liking this embarrassingly dumb Low Iq Nigger
you have to go back or someplace else cucks

>I would be all for that, because it would be a departure from the generic thot template.
When i read "thot" i picture this. And it's a weird obsession too. With ugly people. Not ugly men, because apparently there's plenty of those, far too many if you ask me. But ugly women. It's as if i'm talking to an alien who's come from another planet that doesn't know that beauty is to women as strength is to men.

Attached: 102977.jpg (600x960, 156K)

You believing everything you read in the thread and taking it as gospel shows that you have a bias already towards the game and are just looking for evidence to support your bias. Hence confirmation bias.


Ruiner is just some shitty twin stick shooter. At least the music is decent.

No, because I heard tat rumor before many times, and now its been confirmed. This game is gonna fucking suck. Just makes me more motivated to work on my action game, which will be way better than cyberpunk 2077 and have better gameplay and characters.

Attached: 1531146942881.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

Where are the female characters like this?

Attached: Outworld Devourer.jpg (1920x1080, 348K)

How has it been confirmed? Where's the source of your information?

Katy Perry isn't a fucking thot.

Queen Azshara is a shit example of a monster, because she's fucking sexy and hot. Try an actual ugly monster.

Fuck off.

Attached: 1498779802615.gif (470x437, 1.55M)

then play other games outside your norm and you will find them, there is creative characters out there you just dont bother looking because it deflates your outrage.

Ruiner is fucking awesome, and actually looks like cyberpunk is supposed to look.

it makes perfect sense and explains why ruiner looks like cyberpunk and cdpr's shit doesn't.

I just got someone that fits anons discription

>shadowrun was a true roleplaying experience
oh man I haven't laughed this much in a while, this was the dumbest shit I've read in a while

Or this?

Attached: venomancer.jpg (1920x1080, 567K)

I agree that it looks like good cyberpunk. It doesn't change that twinstick shooters are fucking trash.

oh you're psychotic
can't say it wasn't obvious

are you the same guy from the atomic heart threads

they'll put their job title as "twitter community member" as a job

Still not posting any information or citation.

Where will I find them, user? I have been playing videogames for 27 years, and I can only think of a handful of female characters that were not conventionally attractive.

Did I say she's playable? I clearly said that most monster-looking or unattractive characters in general are more likely to be villains, especially male.

Speaking of naga, og dota naga siren or whatever she was called back then wasn't "conventionally beuatiful", a regular monster girl.

why the fuck are you incels always obsessed with women being pure, not having tattoos and never cursing? you guys sound like boring faggots, no wonder women don't fuck you lol

These are not even people, but here you go

Attached: reksai.jpg (1215x683, 54K)

Because they forgot that sex sells and think they will sell more by doing the opposite instead.

Not psychotic, just a fan of good cyberpunk like altered carbon and blade runner.

Attached: reileen_kawahara_by_namelesssatellite-dc94eou.png (718x892, 93K)

>Katy Perry isn't a fucking thot.
The term "thot" can basically be equal to "chad", it just depends on the context and who's using it. But yes, if you use "thot" to describe an attractive female character in a video game, you're the equivalent of a female incel.

You didn't, but the post you replied to asked for playable characters.

Also, this is hardly that monstrous and is still supposed to be pleasing to look at, what with the hourglass figure and prominent breasts.

Attached: Naga_Siren.jpg (550x504, 35K)

There you go.

Attached: Wraith_Evolve_Stage2_Portrait.png (1024x1024, 972K)

Good example, user. Sadly a very rare one.

>that don't rely on their sexuality to be their only identifying trait.
Funny, whenever tumblrites say that I have to wonder which side actually can't see past the tiddies.


Nintendo Microsoft Sony. and before you say they are all attractive you already proven that you do not have an objective view on attractiveness. You say you have been playing 27 years and You been only playing the games that were attractive TO YOU. so go on keep complaining because the real reason you cant find it is because you never looked beyond what you enjoy.

Normal people don't usually shittalk previous employers in an official capacity, because that's just asking to have your ass bitten in the future, I don't know what you're expecting there to exist.

Check the top names here, they all worked on Witcher 1, 2 and/or 3:

still too sexualized, look at those curves

>Shut up and buy my shirt, tranny

Remember when Quartering got banned from a Con he goes too because he got beat up by a tranny and didn't defend himself instead deciding to sue them for 'personal damages'.

w-what a king!

Good example, though not much of a character. Still, we need more like this.

>Also, this is hardly that monstrous and is still supposed to be pleasing to look at, what with the hourglass figure and prominent breasts.
>reee she's still attractive!
The fact that you can type this shit without any self reflection shows your true colors. It's not that you care about how media affects other women, it's just that you hate the women who are more attractive than you.

Attached: 11666.jpg (1075x613, 172K)

A mind reader, are you? You can't know if it's supposed to be pleasing to look at. You can deduce a number of things of what a monster with partly human figure should make you feel like, and it doesn't really matter because people will feel differetntly about it. Even artists intention doesn't matter in the end if the design had the opposite of the intended effect.

Point n' click adventures and survival horror have lots of female protags that aren't sexualized, I mean they're still attractive but they don't wear skimpy outfits and shit but for some reason you need to play a fat ugly character for some reason I dunno why who wants to play a character like that? Also I highly doubt you have been gaming as long as you say or I wouldn't even need to explain that to you though you probably another dumb SJW who started gaming in the 7th gen and has no perspective on anything.

So there's no proof of your claims then. All you have are names and hearsay.


>nosed shekelmasters push diversity and gender-bendering in aaa games
>aaa games get shekel'd, no more sexy wimmen for the negro to look at
>negro not amused, sales tank
>shekel noses oy veyed themselves in the foot again, as always

karma is a bitch, oy gevalt.

>he's not covering this though
OP's image is literally an article from there.

Or, and this might be hard to accept for someone who is obsessed with titties, I simply want to see variety that isn't just throwing mildly off-putting features on the generic thot template. You know, how male characters are treated.

Attached: lifestealer.jpg (3190x1292, 2.4M)

black men get pussy though, so we don't care, you white boys are the ones cryin lmao

I unironically love ltg. He's the fucking homie.
Jesus Christ. No wonder they suck.
>a bunch of lonely old women that probably finger fuck themselves to shit like 50 shades of grey every night

or this might be hard to accept for someone who is obsessed with how she looks you could actually look for games that fit your criteria and stop getting people to do it for you.


I've always had a feeling that he's based. The first time I saw him I've felt it.

Why does it even matter if it's rare or not? Point is, it exists. What is the end goal of increasing the playable female monster count? How much is enough?

Answer is it will never be enough. It's not about representation or some other weird obscure shit nobody cares about, it's about domination.

Make art wihtout the alterior ideological motive, and the market will decide if it's popular, end of story. You can't force people to like something. There will always be niche designs and niche audiences.

>stop getting people to do it for you
I had no idea I had so much power, user.

>butthurt nose detected
hell awaits :)

well that took you long enough

ltg obviously did and he's
>buff as fuck
>self respecting black man against all coonery
What now, is he a "bad example"?

Kek look at thay uggo tranny granny

All I want is examples, user. So far I have received two.

Attached: Underlord.jpg (1600x1066, 187K)

Funny, I've been playing for a bit longer than that and now that we have the tech I really want the west to go back to conventional attractiveness.

Then create your own game, and see how good it sells. You're not the center of the universe, user, your tastes might not be the tastes of everyone else, and no one is going to produce a product if they can't make a profit out of it if it's for 2.5 anons that have your tastes.

>Or, and this might be hard to accept for someone who is obsessed with titties
>dumb poopy head males and their biology! i fucking hate men! ugh!

>I simply want to see variety
That just by "coincidence" means ugly women.
>that isn't just throwing mildly off-putting features on the generic thot template.
Again with the "thot" thing. You're the equivalent of incels bitching about chad and his abs. You're not fooling anyone here.

>You know, how male characters are treated.
>B-but equality??
Again, equality is a pipe dream as long as you have a vagina and i have a penis. We're not the same, stop asking for ugly(uglier than you) women in video games. Nobody but brainwashed weirdos chanting about borders want to see maimed breasts dangling from a she-zombie.

and you should be doing that yourself instead of picking a verbal fight to give yourself a moral rage boner. You want and actual conversation about this come back when you are more prepared and not just some stupid activist who needs someone to do research for them.

The look on their salty faces. They mad jelly.


>Shit at vidya

His mentality holds him back from being a genuine pro but he's easily better than the average player, at the very least he's gotten diamond/super diamond on multiple accounts in SFV, which not many people at all can say

>What is the end goal of increasing the playable female monster count?
Variety between the available playable female characters, obviously.

>How much is enough?
How much variety is enough? One would hope people would want as much variety as possible, to combat stagnation.

It's not just monsters I want, btw. It's just the simplest method of demonstrating how differently female characters are treated in terms of design when compared to male characters. I'm fine with female characters that are human but not conventionally attractive either.

And I am not calling for the replacement of attractive characters either, just the addition of something else in the mix. If a game features a lot of characters and they are all monotone (for example, everyone is conventionally beautiful/handsome) that's boring.

Attached: bristleback.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

LTG wants clicks from you, the /pol/tard audience. He personally couldn't give less of a shit.

>game hasn't even shown off its custimazation yet
holy fucking autism and I'll be there are actually retards in this fucking thread that unironically think he's making a point

Why should anyone give you examples exactly?
Male visual appeal allows for far more variance than the female one and most character designers and consumers agree with that I think. That is simply how nature has made it or how our brains work since time immemorial, whatever you prefer.

i don't know who the quartering is, but i thought hbomberguy was alright until i rewatched a couple of his videos. his video on s.o.y is legit, but anything else is pretty meh

>Nobody but brainwashed weirdos chanting about borders want to see maimed breasts dangling from a she-zombie.

Yet it's completely fine for male characters to be grotesque? Nice double standards.

If you knew him you'd know how real he is. He doesn't do clickbait shit. He has a job and education unlike 99% of youtubers.

Wasnt Mortal Kombat single-handedly responsible for causing the creation of the ESRB?

Yeah lets pretend the sjw's arnt the usefull idiots but the ones in command. Cause thats how it really is right?

that and doom

Johnny Cage is shirtless in like every game, Goro and Kintaro wear nothing but loin cloths, quan chi is shirtless, Shao Khan is in straight up he-man attire, the list goes on

Not the same thing at all fucktard

Shirtless and muscular is equivalent to cleavage

What you're asking for would be equivalent to a vagina window

yeah we do actually, especially in a martial arts tournament.

because camel toe is the equivalent of balls hanging out.

>Why should anyone give you examples exactly?

Because the claim was made that female characters that do not fit the mold of "conventionally attractive" exist in abundance, if you know where to look for them.

Thus the burden of proof is on those who claim they exist, not on the one who claims they do not exist because proving that something does not exist is impossible.

why cant """""""""""white men""""""""""" officially say this? lmao hes a real man. white """"""""""""""men""""""""""" are so fucking weak actually that sjws can easily take over the video game industry and bitch anything about them.

Cleavage is bad because it marginalizes women that don't have it

I honestly don't have an argument against this.

Breasts are a secondary sex characteristic. They are not at all comparable to pecs when it comes to decency. There's a reason you will get fined for public indecency if you go topless as a woman anywhere where it isn't specifically allowed.

What martial art has you wearing mankinis?

Because apparently separating reality from fiction works for ultra violence but not for heavily idealized characters in impractical outfits.

>Because the claim was made that female characters that do not fit the mold of "conventionally attractive" exist in abundance, if you know where to look for them.
but that's wrong, just because there isnt an abundance doesnt mean they dont fit the mold.
just because it isnt popular doesnt mean they arent there.

if the burden of proof lies with those make claims then you should be proving your point there are only attractive women is on you. why? because there were already 2 examples proving you wrong and there are more you refuse to look up. why because that would prove you wrong.

If you want to actually have a discussion then you need to define 'abundance'. So far it just seems like you want to win an ebin 4channel argument rather than get somewhere. Surely you just need one example to prove your point that they do not exist as incorrect and you said you got 2 already, no?

sumo wrestling for one. WRASTLING for another.


Lmao, sup dude

That's because guys find shirtless ripped men badass its not done because its attractive half those characters are fucking monstrous looking in the face they definitely aren't sexualized at all and I'm not saying this because I think sexualized female characters is bad this is just such a poor example that I see used alot in these arguments.

But is it really asking for that much?

>Variety between the available playable female characters, obviously.

That's subjective. Market desides what we get. If there is demand for more female mosnters, there will be more female monsters. But there just isn't. I'm not saying "don't draw monster females" or "don't make monster females playable", all the power to you.

>How much variety is enough? One would hope people would want as much variety as possible, to combat stagnation.

We aren't having a lack of vareity per say, so I don't know what kind of stagnation are you talking about.

>It's not just monsters I want, btw. It's just the simplest method of demonstrating how differently female characters are treated in terms of design when compared to male characters. I'm fine with female characters that are human but not conventionally attractive either.

Then don't compare them to male characters. Male characters are not female characters, and it's not a competition. You just want what male caracters have, without thinking if that's what everyone else wants.

>And I am not calling for the replacement of attractive characters either, just the addition of something else in the mix. If a game features a lot of characters and they are all monotone (for example, everyone is conventionally beautiful/handsome) that's boring.

There is already something else in the mix. And it's boring. See, your argument is inherently subjective bullshit, and I can use it too. You look thorugh one lens and that is all you see.

You say good point but still kys you fucking waste of air. There's good people dying in this world and God allows tranny garbage like this to live??

You would have a point if the discussion was not about variety. Two examples among a sea of sameness is not conducive to variety, it is merely pointing out exceptions that confirm the rule.

>we we we we we we
this bothers me, i'm glad you see it too, user

>You just want what male caracters have, without thinking if that's what everyone else wants.
>You just want T&A, without thinking if that's what everyone else wants

>X doesn't exist
>here's Y, an example of the existence of X
My point still stands, you need to define your argument better. How many examples will it take before you decide where the goalpost is going to stay? I guarantee it'll be however many you can fit before the bump limit + 1.

>That's because guys find shirtless ripped men badass
says who? you? your girl friends? I sure as hell dont find it bad ass. I find it trying to pander sexually to female viewers. See here is what males do, we shamelessly show off our sexual attractive parts to women, women find shame in showing off their sexual attractive parts to men.


Attached: KuF_Regnier.jpg (660x800, 64K)

What kind of female character do you want exactly? Strong? Literally unrealistic, so i'd stop you right there, it's already a concessiom that female fighters are even standing toe to toe with the male ones

there is a variety you keep making excuses not too look on your own, yes there are more uggo men then female but that doesnt mean they arent out there. Your obsession on who has more is rediculous you make this more a competition about who has more rather than variety.

At a certain point whether the devs call it male of female doesnt matter. You can't identify with something like that and its completely devoid of any sexual features. Why does variety matter when whether its male or female doesn't matter because it goes so far beyond what we register as male or female?

Give me 50 female videogame characters that are;
>Not conventionally attractive

Then I will concede the argument.

Sex sells, user. Ugly monsters don't - or it's a niche market for weirdos. You are retarded.

do your own research then you might have an argument.

because most men in the industry probably don't really have an political agenda like the SJW's do and just want to make games. they get fucked when the SJW's worm their way into that political vacuum.

If there is something a woman fears, it is not the nature of man, but the nature of women. In the world of 7 billion people, every woman is willing and has already declared war with the other 3.5 billion women. Not in a badass highlander way, but in a pussified Predator way.

MK11 is gonna sell great without needing sex appeal, sweetie


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I mean I haven't done anything wrong really, I've just kinda existed, I haven't hurt anyone since I've went through the process completely alone
outside of the tranny shit, I'd say im a good person, i've always went out my way to help people, I've volunteered at charity stores and sponsored races for veterans

Are you even attracted to men? It doesn't sound like you know what women or gay men find attractive.

Sex was never it's selling point.

Once again, you prove yourself to be a retard that only wants to win arguments.

>Sex sells

Is that why MKX was the fastest and best selling entry in the series?

>I find it trying to pander sexually to female viewers.
Than your fucking delusional dude those characters aren't made for female attraction at all, bare chested warrior look is super common male power fantasy, if they were actually bring attention to the guys bulge/ass and gave them attractive faces yeah i'd say they were made with females in mind but they don't, also woman don't usually find totally hulked out meathead looking dudes attractive btw this seems to be huge misconception by lots of men.

why is it offensive to show off the beauty of women why are men shot down for admiring the female form

New thread

>Sex was never it's selling point
>Don't mind the daily threads made to deride the series for moving away from what I've just admitted was never a selling point, though

>I'd say im a good person, i've always went out my way to help people, I've volunteered at charity stores and sponsored races for veterans
if you think that makes you a good person by default then you are kidding yourself. if anything it's a sense of pride you give yourself than actually helping. no good person would label themselves a good person. they wouldnt even argue with over variety in video games because a good person would know what's really important and not focusing something so petty as videogames.


Did I say MK needs sex appeal to sell copies?

Showing off beauty and showing skin are two different things.

I've constantly thought I was a bad person before my friends and therapist started actively yelling at me that I wasn't a terrible human being
Regardless of what I am, I'll still have my own opinions and viewpoints on shit, even if it's dumb shit like video games, it's something im passionate enough about to try and seek a job working in

I don't think anybody actually cares.


There are people on this planet that give LTG money. I can't even imagine having that poor of
money sense.

bullshit, women have commented on how sexy certain men look all the fucking time and you are a liar or some transsexual who thinks you speak for all women. Looking for an excuse to scream, it represents Male power, is just an excuse for you not having any real argument. No men look at a bear chest of someone else and go...hmmm I feel powerful. so keep trying and learn something outside gender studies class.

Because of course waifufags and shitposters on Yea Forums are a majority of MK players, gotcha.

>love is everything
How quickly the "love" disappears when someone says something you disagree with.

No, but you implied that having sex appeal is better than not having sex appeal, while the sales of MKX indicate the exact opposite of being true, or at least that the inclusion of sex appeal is inconsequential.

So those ones dont count because you say so, got it, despite the fact that Goro and Kintaro are literally the only "monster" characters on that list

At this point nothing will satisfy you, you dont want equality here, you just dont want men to have things they enjoy in games

then fucking do it, stop blaming others for you being so inactive. Stop making up reasons why you cant do it because you think there isnt variety. the reason there is so little is because you expect someone else to do it for you.

>no good person labels themselves as good
>being a good person means only doing important things constantly every second
I'm not even the retard arguing about diversity of fucking sexless monsters but you are a very dumb person

what does this even mean you can show skin and still be beautiful fuck off muhammad


>You just dont want men to have things they enjoy in games

Not that user, but I don't want anyone to feel like they cannot enjoy what a game has to offer. Which is exactly why I feel like there needs to be more variety in female character design. Note that more variety does not mean the removal of already existing designs to make room but adding on top of those existing designs.


Im not making up shit, Im studying at a university about what im wanting to, im actively trying to achieve my life goal, I

What the fuck are you talking about Variety? I said I liked shit like Jill, Samus and Bayo, they're hot as fuck

And you can be beautiful without dressing like a harlot

Ok then why are 99% of male superheroes ripped as shit then? And don't tell me its for female fanservice because it definitely isn't, if this wasn't a common male power fantasy it wouldn't be so common throughout media in general, yeah if the man is good looking I'm sure female will appreciate them but a dude being ripped alone doesn't immediately make him attractive to woman like so many delusional guys seem to think.
Stop acting like a bitch all i said was those characters aren't actually attractive not that you can't like them just don't pretend they're some female sex symbols or something when they're not to make yourself feel better about representation between sexes in games.


you are a very unrealistic crybaby who tries to pick fights like a fucking bible thumper. also nice reading skills.

I didn't imply shit, I said what I said, sex appeal CAN boost your sales, people like it. It's just not what MK audience in general is looking for. There is only a minority of players who care and very autistic about it. MK is recognizable enough brand to not resort to fanservise in order to increase sales, I reckon.

Dude, after few months its almost impossible to cum in the same old cunt. My ex thought i was getting better at sex, when i was simply bored of her. Switch to new model and i again cum like ussain bolt.
Men will always prefere fresh meat

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we have a mix up here then I was going after the cry baby overvariety. but good on you for doing what you are doing.

Actual new thread here

Sweet, we chill?

>Ok then why are 99% of male superheroes ripped as shit then? And don't tell me its for female fanservice because it definitely isn't, if this wasn't a common male power fantasy it wouldn't be so common throughout media in general, yeah if the man is good looking I'm sure female will appreciate them but a dude being ripped alone doesn't immediately make him attractive to woman like so many delusional guys seem to think.
because the physically have to fight crime. it's simple logic you tend to over think, there are fat ones but they arent as popular.

females rise up!
we cant´t let this nasty gamers oppress us by jerking off to big breasted fictional characters!


and yet nobody cares that kratos and all the male characters in mortal kombat are half naked and unrealistically muscular
women need to stop being such little children and grow up