15 minutes of looting

>15 minutes of looting
>15 seconds of shooting

Zoomers were a mistake

Attached: apex-legends.jpg (770x433, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>/r9k/ makes great "Virgin VS Chad" meme
>It's funny for a while
>Gets ruined by being turned into "Thing I don't like VS Thing I like"

>/r9k/ makes great "Boomer" meme
>It's funny for a while
>Gets ruined by being turned into a strawman wojak like all the others and by butthurt "boomers" posting "counters" with the "zoomer" shit (le tidepods, le floss, etc)

>/r9k/ makes great "NPC" meme
>It's funny for a while
>Gets ruined by /pol/tards using it as the new libtard oppa epic style troll

It's not that nu-Yea Forums can't make good memes, it's that they never fucking last before being subverted for the lowest common denominator. This is hell.

What's the point of a meme if it's not a strawman?


Imagine being such an autist you actually think people only use one board on Yea Forums and your favorite board is r9k

drop straight from the plane spawn scrub

Yeah it's not for me either. My attention span is just too low. I like Overwatch

I was the same way till i put more than a couple hours into it with a pre-made squad. I hate BR's in general too.

minutes of looting
Boring trash
seconds of shooting
I feel asleep...
>Zoomers were a mistake
Zoomers NEED to be killed. All of them fuck this race fuck humans we need to start over. The only good zoomer is a dead one disgusting nigger acting kids running around like faggots hell some of them ARE faggots or cunts with dicks.

If you're not constantly looking for fights but loot the whole game like a pussy you're playing wrong. The best matches are those that are just non stop action.

>/r9k/ makes great "NPC" meme
It was a thing on twitter long before that. Also, practically every meme gets turned into a "Thing I don't like VS Thing I like" or "Us VS Them" meme.

The reason zoomers are fucked up is because of their parents. Don't blame the children.

Attached: virus protection.png (1280x720, 939K)

Fine moooom!

Glad you're listening to reason, user.

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The best memes are the ones that never leave their home boards.

Attached: abc3e3aa.png (1326x954, 84K)

I enjoy games with downtime because constant action is exhausting and not fun.

Looks like someone is jealous of the superior generation.

>dropping in the middle of nowhere like a pussy
>dying to the first enemies you see in 15 seconds
Stop being shit at video games and you might start to like some of them

this is a case of git gud

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You look like you're ready to make an announcement.

Zoomers go zoom zoom zoom!


Ladies and gentlemen I would like to say a few words

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Your first loot should take no more than 2 minutes, then you go kill niggers constantly and steal their loot. You are either a horrible player, a complete pussy, or both.

Zoomers just zoomin LOL

what the fuck board is this from? I just assume it was Yea Forums because their jokes never make any fucking sense

Your Move zoomer.

Agree this whole battle royal die once shit is boring. I want all zoomers to die and take their shit taste in games with them

This when is zoomer hunting legal? plenty to take out!

>their jokes never make any fucking sense
that's why they're so good

Attached: 1550513483552.jpg (1030x1145, 427K)

Without Gen Z you wouldn't even be using that computer you're typing on right now.

Worth the sacrifice to take you niggers out get fucked zoomer get off my planet go shit up another one.

>>/r9k/ makes great "Boomer" meme
more like /r9k/ stole boomer meme

>/r9k/ makes great meme
you are a brain fucked retard

Don't reply to me peasant BOOMER



That's how they keep you thirsty for more so you keep playing.

What was this thread about again?

The boomer meme was made by /fit/ and was never funny, and LE EPIC NPC XDDDD was never funny or clever in any fucking way whatsoever and only became popular through one fucking autist spamming it all over the website one day.
>has so much ADD he can't handle the fact that the game has a bit more depth to it than just shooting everyone
>calls other people zoomers
oh the ironing

Attached: 1550873682093.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>makes all other weapons irrelevant close range

Attached: 4311221211.jpg (1600x900, 110K)

Was this game made specifically for healsluts?

An entire match lasts around 20 mins, and that's if you make it to the final round. It doesn't sound like you even make it that far.

It's more like 2-3 minutes of looting, another 3-4 minutes of running and maybe finding some beef to kill, or dieing by this point.

Then don't get close, cutie.

*snipes you across the map with the choke*

>just dive straight down into 6 other groups
>have wild 1 minute death match
>have more fun than the actual 45 minute matches

fuck this genre is a meme

theres a reason that people who win have 6+ kills a game, they dont spend 15 minutes looting like you you fucking retard

The person who has looted just a couple of superior items is going to win a firefight with equal skill

>get gun asap
>kill 3 people who are defenseless civilians
>epic gamer

>Land in a zone with multiple teams
>Expect the odds of finding a good gun to be in your favor

That's where you fucked up.

How am I supposed to improve my gunfighting skills in this game when engagements are 10 seconds long with minute long stretches of down time between fights/games because I lost the fight?

A passable gun will let you win with good positioning.

Keep losing until you're gud enough for the matchmaking to work. It's basic hitscan shit like in other shooters so there isn't much to practice.

> not dropping hot
> 10 seconds of looting
> minutes of intense firefight with 10 other squats

Cowards were a mistake

and how else would you like a fight between two opponents of equal skill to be? you both die?. fucking moron

>It's basic hitscan shit like in other shooters so there isn't much to practice
No it absolutely is not. There's even a toot tip that says the guns have travel time and bullet dropoff. It feels like anything outside of 10 meters requires leading your shots. And the accuracy and damage required to kill is so unforgiving, it's unreal.

>enter house
>find helmet and a scope
>get shot by enemy with a peacekeeper
br were a mistake

Man this game is getting really old really quick. I have 500 hours in PUBG so that's saying a lot, but maybe it's because I'm just getting tired of looting sims.

NPC garbage was forced on /pol/ by a single person for months before it picked up any steam. Then it was forced on several boards for a few weeks until dying because few people gave a shit about it. Then /pol/ turned it into liberals=npc.

Boomer was forced by a single autist on several boards, probably attempting to make fun of said people (essentially thing I don't like). However, it turned around quickly, got co-opted by boomers and the negative connotation turned into a more positive one.

The guy that spammed boomer is based and was just doing it for shits and giggles rather than any attempt to make fun of anything.