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>1 minute and a half late
You really are losing control of your life.

i need to get a fucking job

do you have a field of work/study or are you going for a first "real" job?

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Whatcha playin' 4 am Yea Forums?
I have been playing some ss13 as of late, and I am finishing up Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations this weekend.

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It's 9 fucking am, I have a headache, and I'm just gonna listen to SMT music and play shmups.

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>be NEET
>have time and freedom but guilt and no money
>get depressed and lose motivation to do anything
>get job
>have money but no time or freedom
>get depressed and lose motivation to do anything

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Losing control and making chocolate pudding at 4 in the morning? i really need to try this.

how you holdin' up bros?

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Fuck off with your study shit you fucking retard nigger
go lay in a ditch

It's 330am.
I only got out of bed two hours ago.
I hope I hear back from that interviewer soon and get the job.

never get enough sleep to perform at peak in muh competitive games

calm down, i'm not just going to say "go study".
i was just asking if you were already involved with some kind of industry already.
i'm waiting out a slump in mine, and didn't know your situation.

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Badly. I once again failed to stop myself from eating compulsively, and it looks like I'm not going to fix my sleep schedule tonight either.

Its alright user, just gotta keep a positive mindset and keep at it.

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Why does trying to be positive all the time feel so exhausting? Feels so much better being pessimistic.

>I once again failed to stop myself from eating compulsively, and it looks like I'm not going to fix my sleep schedule tonight either.
Same senpai. Especially hurts that I start working next month. Thankfully they allow you to come in at 10 am and its in a time zone 1 hour behind the one Im in right now. Im also moving back out of my parents :x Gonna spend part of my sign up bonus on a Steyr AUG so Im excited about that tho

>keep a positive mindset
I can't keep a positive mindset without getting into one first, though, and that's the problem. For every small point of positivity I conjure up, there are a thousand giant points of negativity that flood my mind to wash it away.

Anything worth doing can take its toll on ya, Im not really one to talk im struggling with weight myself but surrendering to that problem only makes it worse.

Not great. Been trying to help my best friend get a job. But he's been stuck in this perpetual hell-cycle of "I need a job, but nobody wants to hire me because I have no experience, and I have no experience because nobody will hire me".

We've been at it for almost three months, and part of me wants to believe something has to give. But out of all the jobs he's applied to, only one has ever called back and even then it was to tell him they're not interested. On top of that I'm being pelted with bad news left and right. I hate this country and I hate its shitty job system so much.

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Something I noticed today
>"bois" on Yea Forums/Twitter are guys
>"bois" on Reddit are girls
Why is this?

>Have no social anxiety but weirdly anxious sometimes anyway
>My fucked up mind correlates anxiety with suicidal thoughts even though Im doing ok and have 0 desire to kill myself
>When this happens its like my head is frozen and I have trouble doing stuff

This is really fucking annoying!

He needs to make a new resume that looks more professional and ideally start working on stuff for a portfolio. Either do mockup work for himself or offer his skills for free to build his portfolio/resume.

Im stuck between jobs myself, getting my first one was pretty tough but the money is nice, builds character too. Your a great friend user I dont think any of my friends have even bothered to ask me about job hunting.

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Sounds like generalized anxiety, my dude. You may wanna get some professional help if you can.

Yea im waiting for my insurance to kick in on march.

>Everyone in family slowly accepted I'm gonna be an introverted sperg forever
>Saw Aunt for first time in months
>"So hows your love life, user. You courting yet?"
>Suddenly reminded I'm fast approaching 23 years on this Earth and I haven't so much as even kissed a girl
I love my aunt but ffs why did she have to remind me of my non existent life

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Im 35 and in the same boat. Don't fret to much friend.

Have you tried just being yourself? Yep, just go up to a girl, give her a firm handshake and ask for a bf application.

If I were Stu Pickles, I would have simply not made the pudding.

If your really interested in dating/meeting girls, get some kinda dating app (not tinder) and start trying to meet people. ive fucked 3 girls I met within a week and im def no chad Or just go to some bar and get the courage to start talking to someone.
I believe in you too user.

There isn't really a lot of volunteer work where he lives. He's just trying to get an entry-level job to build up his skills in.

Best of luck getting re-employed, man. I've been using sites like Indeed, Snagajob, and Glassdoor to find job offerings near where my buddy lives, maybe they'll help for you too?

Why would you do that?

What are some alternatives to Tinder?


how's the guilt not eating you up bro. i wake up in cold sweats every other night and im only 24

>almost 22
>also khhv but otherwise on track.
it hasn't started bothering me yet, i've got time.

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i think discord is the shittiest thing to happen
public chatrooms and forums and cool places to hang out to meet new people are just all gone because everyone hides in their private discord chats

>not looking her straight in the eye

okcupid is probably what ive had the most luck with, but anything thats relatively popular that isnt completely based around hook ups, but some girls will be interested in one anyway even if they arent up front about it.
Thanks user, I had a interview at comcast today im pretty hopeful for a call back. Even if it is a shit tier company Id rather have any job atm than none.

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Dam user. I imagine theres a point where you just stop caring about it but still.


it works great for tabletop games when everyone can't get together.

23 and still a virgin, but it doesn't matter to me much. I mainly just keep up my appearances, I have been building up my facial hair as of late and hitting the gym. I know at some point I will find someone that I actually care about. In the mean time, I got other things to occupy my time.

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But I can't meet any new tabletop fags to play with b/c they're all in their already made discord chats

My manager saw me idle at work bejvsse I finished my current task 5 minutes early and she stupidly decided to take away an hours worth of work from someone else and give it to me because “You can’t be standing around doing nothing”. I was able to get Wednesday off, and the last two days where my days off.

I really don’t wanna go back.i feel liming quitting and taking like 1-2 weeks off of working but my family will give me so much shit for doing so. I might stick it out until my next paycheck and then quit. They’d believe me if I said I was fired, and I’d have a good amount of cash saved up to last me those two weeks while also ensuring I don’t fall behind on any payments

Well I had a fucked up childhood that less childhood and more survival, I started working out when I barely graduated, that didn't go so well, I wasn't ready for office politics, I spent years sort of drifting around, playing vydia, and mainly just focusing on my own joy and nothing else.

This led to ignoring the deaths of some of my cats, ignoring really bad situations, basically I crafted this little world around myself and refused to let anything affect it, eventually the sheer weight of the grief made it collapse and I almost killed myself as a result.

I've gotten help but I ultimately realized nobody's gonna love me if I don't love myself, which is something I'm still struggling with, building myself up, getting confidence etc.

>I'm at the point in my life where nothing i play can hold my interest
>have the money to buy whatever
>no interest to play anything

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Glad you're getting help, user. Recovering is hard, but you're taking the right steps to being a better person.

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>discord boogyman
Why do people say this about discord but never realize that steam group chat rooms are literally the same thing.

Because Discord is more well-known, probably.

that is true, but before discord there were private chats and skype groups.
discord isn't the cause, merely a symptom of everyone being wary or hostile to oustiders and strangers, something that tends to happen as social cohesion and trust erode.

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Steam has been around for way longer though, and has been hugely popular for over a decade.
This. Ive been in way worse steam groups than discord groups. Then again I dont go joining public servers and then complaining that its shit.

I'm ultra autistic but I've actually got a business degree, and a part of that was on resume building, etc.
post the resume (but remove personal information such as address, number, etc) and I'll see if I can help with it
I wont change it for you, but I can give you direction
gonna be in a game of league, won't immediately respond

>implying anyone used steam groups

Just because you say it dosent make it true user.

I don't have his resume, sadly. I just help him out by sending him stuff he could apply to. He's already gone to bed, and this thread will probably be gone by tomorrow, but I appreciate the offer.

We're just trying to find an entry-level job that'll give him a chance, but even entry-level jobs are demanding things like experience and professional references that he doesn't have because nobody will hire him and there aren't really a lot of things to volunteer at for him to at least get those references.

what do you mean when you say entry level? Retail? Data analyst? etc.
Also what country? If U.S. what region?