How do you feel about how tanks are represented in video game?

How do you feel about how tanks are represented in video game?

Attached: Rhino.jpg (1280x1024, 140K)

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I want more tanks with tracks. Wheeled tanks are stupid

>3rd person view on tin cans with restricted visibility

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They are over sexualised most of the time. The current gaming society is very disrespectful towards them and completely misrepresent them.

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i loved gta vice city and i still do but lmao those graphics.

>complains about oversexualization
>posts Tigers


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Well I'm playing the first Commandos game right now and tanks are the symbol of ultimate power in that game.

Why has no one built a twin barreled tank yet?

Seriously. Should have posted well dressed American tanks.

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It's not as practical as science fiction would have you believe. Same reason we don't put side sponsor mounted guns on tanks anymore.

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I would rather have a six barreled tank destroyer.

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daily reminder that tanks are completely pointless in the modern day.

>opens up like a car
>blows up everything it touches
>has infinite ammo
>shoots from the cannon speed up the tank if aimed backwards
You mean real life tanks don't do that??

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I'm amazed there isn't a good, western made tank game.

Armored Warfare is dead as fuck because the russian publisher decided to kill it in the west.

World of Tanks has been stagnant for years and that will not change.

War Thunder ground is probably the best of the bunch but is unfortunately hamstrung by gaijin's atrocious management, especially the egregiously long grinds and refusal to make an aircraft free mode.

Did the Russians experiment with it? With all the crazy shit they built I'd expect a few working prototypes armed with 152mm cannons.

Post ww2 nations didn’t generally see those kinds of tanks as viable

>One of the arms in combined arms warfare is pointless

I hope you try fighting a force supported by modern tanks with just infantry and light vehicles tard

Germany did. Failed the trials.

* gets destroyed by a plane *

Hence the name combined arms warfare. They usually are supported by SPAAGs and their own Airplanes.

I like how in Red Orchestra 2 you needed 4 people in a tank to even be semi-useful with it, and even then you'd get your shit rekt by infantry if you didn't properly know what to do.

>Combined arms

Keyword: Combined

Tanks are a relic

Because the extra weight of another massive gun would fuck the tank over in over a dozen situations.

Reminder that in ten years aircraft and tanks will be combined to a create a hovering armoured platform of death.

Pretty much every tank-making nation made at least one try at the start of WWII.
- two medium-sized canons take way more place in the turret than a big one, and pretty much make the loaded's job impossible.
- asymmetrically-positioned canons tend to bend the shit out of the turret with recoil, unless you always fire them in sync.
- two mediums

I love the luchs.

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>saints row 3 and 4
>tanks actually crush and flatten cars under their tracks rather than just making go explodey by gently nudging them like in gta

i was especially disappointed gta v didn't try to replicate the effect even though it's a newer game

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all nations testes twin barreled tanks. Your tank has to move fast so it isn't a sitting duck, so you can use a big cannon or twin cannons. But in real life when fighting other tanks "dps" is useless if you bullet can't go through armor

Delete this

The German Ostwind/Sturmwind and Panzer 2s were exampls of this. Their autocannons look fucking cool but against anything with more than 70mm armor, you might as well be shooting BBguns.

Damn, I remember when Luchs and co in WoT where Tier III stuff balanced around meeting Tier VIII+ because the matchmaker desperately needed more light tank players to do scouting.
Those few games where you ended up in an actual Tier III match were hilarious (not for the enemy team tho) .... zooming across the map while somehow machine-gunning Tier III heavy tanks to death.

I want war thunder with wot health points

>Tfw your favourite WW2 tank had good performance on the field and nice aesthetics but was an unreliable piece of shit that broke down frequently.

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t. zoomer

rhinos in the old gta games look so fucking terrible

>tfw your favorite tank destroyer is actually looks good and perform well

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Why not a tank that is just a large revolver on wheels?

because thats all sorts of stupid and so is your soul.

You mean tanks with autoloader?

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Yes, but bigger

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Sponsons were extremely practical in the conditions the first tanks were designed for. The Renault FT gets praised for the 'revolutionary' decision to mount its main gun in a rotating turret when literally the first tank ever made was designed with a turret in mind which was removed when the people working on it realised it would be extremely impractical for shooting into trenches.

but user, wheeled tank destroyers are the the sexiest shit when it comes to armored warfare

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but what about clip fed tanks
or even mag fed tanks

How's it feel that your favorite piece of military hardware is clunky and obsolete and unfit for the modern age?

Lol Ostwind/Wirbelwind are AA.

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D-did someone say Tanks?

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that's a penis

This posts reminded me of the tiananmen square 1989 massacre in china perpetrated by the chinese communist party on it's subjugated citizens

That's why you remove the speed limiter

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For me it's Panzer Front, the best tank centered game

Don't bully the nerd

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>"Eh, turrets already have costly drawbacks because articulations under high mechanical stress are a nightmare."
>"Let's put use even more articulations !"
>"Eh, tanks already have problem sinking into the ground even with wide tracks."
>"Let's create machines with 10 time their size and only tiny feet to spread their weight !"
inb4 "but my magical gundammium steel solve all those problem" - any improvement in materials' engineering that would benefit mechs would benefits tanks even more.

Is it time to post "that"?

I WILL bully the nerd and the nerd will love it!

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>120 mm main gun
>over 150 km/h
>800 km operational range
How can tanks even compare

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>150 km/h
*105 km/h

Don't say i didn't warn you

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Two guns means two loaders, means you need 2 deadzones for breech recoil, means the gunner needs to fire the guns with separate sights or set a convergence for each engagement. Then there comes the question, why make room in a turret for two guns when you could use that same room for a larger one?

the nerd won't do it, no balls

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Wh**led fags please leave this thread, this is a tracked-only space

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Probably not what you're looking for, but the Neubahfahrzeug here had two guns in the main turret side by side, one 75mm and one 37mm.

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