Well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
scantily clad underage girls
It's good
past 80 score
it's apolitical
All the girls look the same
you have to collect 7 things to get an invincibility power that has to be used to defeat the final boss
Game logic is tied to the framerate.
The developers have Japanese names.
It's good
everything already mentioned ITT and this youtube.com
women and trannies are both hot.
The DLC is swimsuits or bikinis instead of grotesque, horribly recolored guns. They're not even reskinned guns, they literally just change the color palettes to something ugly - like neon green, or gold and pink zebra stripes, and charged you $3 for it.
It doesn't have black women with fluffy afros in it.
There is one character who really likes food and mentions he is hungry at inappropriate times.
Japanese """""humor"""""
Graphics and animation that came out of the late PS2/early PS3 era sold for $60.
It has good boss fights.
A veritable flood of katanas of varying sizes and strengths
male characters are the precise opposite of whatever masculine is
post the webm
you know the one
The females don't look like this
Characters behave like Jar Jar Binks
It has shit I can't fucking read in it
No NIggers
Teenage boy can kill a god with the power of frenshit.
It's good
2nd post best post
RE2 remake came close
Everything is over the top even basic facial expressions are insanely over exaggerated.
-Dont worry, she is 200+ years old
Where did this come from anyway, seeing how she actually looks ingame
That's real life though.
fantastic menu design and menu sounds
The lesbians are cute and don't look like shrek.
For some reason every females including this teenage boy little sister and ancestor lust after his penis and this boy is oblivious about it.
Demon Lord
file deleted?
>file deleted
May as well have deleted the whole thread
Why has this happened almost every night now?
Around 1:50
It's a dumb reply-baiting template thread devoid of originality
She looks fine at 1:25 though, or rather, how she looks like ingame now
I'm confused, or is this supposed to be another character
and? why not delete the whole thread instead?