ITT: "what the fuck is this icon"
ITT: "what the fuck is this icon"
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It's an undead's face without the lower jaw.
It's pretty fucking obvious if you're not blind.
Looks like a guy barfing blood
Looks like the top half of a head vomiting a ton of blood
It's a turtle in a river of blood
Looks like someone giving a blowjob to Red Skull
As iconic as warcraft icons are, holy fuck you can't tell what the fuck they are half of the time
When I was younger I thought it was a goblet spilling over indicating some sort of poison
I always thought it was an abomination projectile vomiting blood
Guy barfing blood while getting his head bisected by a weird sword with holes.
I always thought it was some guy ripping the flesh off of someone.
can't we just ask blizzard?
they dont answer questions anymore for some reason
Whatever do you mean?
We got a pretty clear answer from them.
I thought it was Xena's throwing anus
An abomination projectile-vomiting blood, that's honestly one of the least difficult to visualize
oh my god I can't see anything else now.
I thought it was a ring with like a blade able to loosely swing around on it. Which actualy in sounds really deadly and easilly throwable.
It is. It's a recoloured icon from the abominations in Warcraft 3.
but its not that.
It's a mage's water elemental obviously.
Yes it is.
Even knowing what it's supposed to be, I can't see it
more like this
Pic related
medievil dude sucking a flaming hot cheetos fart.
Orchid fan held by hippo
Name these icons for 43.33 interwebs
>a weird crook, like a cane, to be used as a dueling weapon somehow
>part of a ring of volcanic rock
>captain america mask
>a balene whale
>green rayman
hm, i thought theres no blood in onions of war.
It's a dream catcher right?
Crazy guy eating jelly
They do if you ask on mobile
...You guys do have phones, right?
>hm, i thought theres no blood in onions of war.
Yea Forums - video games
christ this game is hideous
who the fuck thought an over the shoulder camera would be good in a melee based action game
Looks like a jeweled mace/hammer to me, or ice elemented wind attack.
yeah, whole game is ugly and boring like this? This was my impression so far. Thats why i found this unusual.
Always thought it was crooked bleeding spine
What spell was this originally from?
dunno, pretty obvious. These threads usually hase different pictures, more obscure.
There isn't much non-monster gore, you fight humans like once and that's about it IIRC.
Definitely not as violent as the original games.
A hand stretching a red bed sheet
no bulli awoo OnO
Back when Warcraft wasn't scared to use gore.
Now it's a fucking Disney channel game.
That's a bear on the right.
Rage comic guy puking blood.
Its a guy vomiting blood, get youe eyesnchecked
it's not her arm