name some better things the industry should be focusing on rather than trying to achieve pic related level of graphics
Name some better things the industry should be focusing on rather than trying to achieve pic related level of graphics
Gameplay that isnt trash, pro consumer business practices, bringing back passion and originality into high budget gamedev
just about anything
style > fidelity
The "industry" is and will be focusing on making $$$. As long as leddit and Yea Forums shill for Nintendo, their shit will sell. As long as kuds and dudebros will buy the newest Call of Duty or FIFA, their shit will sell. As long as twitch or youtube "content creators" hype-up half-assed MMOs, this shit will sell. Graphics is something marketable, but it's not the only thing marketable.
Realize that more people want to look at attractive characters and not every pore on some 3/10 goblin's face.
What about her face gives away that she isn't real? Like, I know she isn't real by looking at the pic but I can't tell exactly what makes her feel unrealistic still despite that level of detail.
>style > fidelity
This so much
Give developers more freedom to create the games they'd want to play themselves.
Gameplay and artstyle will always be better than realism.
Her head is a little too circular and her facial features are too big.
Scantly clad lolis with HUGE asses.
Bobcuts are the fucking best, god dam.
trying to achieve PIC RELATED
better management, i think games should be lower budget affairs, all the best games came from devs who were pushing the limits of what they had. nowadays the ceiling for what's possible in visuals is so high that nobody gives a fuck so we get flooded with pixel art shit.
ideal game=
>mid-low level graphics fidelity, runs on most PC's, think overwatch
>huge focus on level design. size, verticality, detail, think deus ex, nu-hitman. lower fidelity graphics will allow great view distance/detail.
>just hire one fucking good writer and let him write the entire game. teams of writers are cancer
>do NOT waste money on expensive cutscenes/voice actors/multiplayer
Better gameplay?
Better optimization of hardware?
>>just hire one fucking good writer and let him write the entire game. teams of writers are cancer
B-but what will we do with the leagues upon leagues of d-diverse writers in California who l-love making videogames then?!
Second from left is mine
Gameplay variety that's polished
AI thats not bumfuck retarded
Why the fuck does she look like a pug?
who the fuck thought that looked good?
The lighting looks kind of weird on her skin and eyes I think. Her eyes look very CGI.
Fidelity can enhance and bring forth even more style though.
Getting 60fps or higher on consoles
too soon
I think despite the details of her hair and skin her facial features are still exaggerated enough to give it away. Doesn't really trigger an uncanny valley vibe to me though since the giveaways feel more like stylization rather than a botched attempt to mimic reality