ITT post dead games

ITT post dead games.

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Sequel when

>picture unrelated.

Mechanica was cute.

why do you make this thread everyday

Was cool for the first week.

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After Mario Kart 9 probably.

Nintendo won't ignore 2 million sales.

>2.1 million sales
my girl Lola is gonna get squeal!

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I didn't even say anyone in queue earlier. How the fuck am I supposed to play an online match and if no one else is online?

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This is bait.

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Only 2 million? Lol.

Battlefield V flopped at over three times that.

Arms doesn't have the same expectations of sale obviously and wasn't marketed as much.

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>All these females on the cover

Reeee no one cares about your SJW fighting game franchise.

I'm sad

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???? ARMS is fucking dead, and has been for some time.

I guess.
It is a pretty lame cover to be honest.

The community has died down, but it's not dead.

i think i figured it out

DOA's designs always sucked

now you know why tekken characters have ridiculous hair and outfits, and sf characters have ridiculous exaggerated proportions

plus whoever's modeling those faces sucks dick

You wish.
The cover isn't representative of the models at all.

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