25+ year old club, what will you be playing this weekend?
Other urls found in this thread:
Tomb Raider 3
Replaying all the ps1 Tomb Raider games, already finished 4, 5 and 2. Order is messed up because I started with 4 without planning to play them all. I just got hooked.
38 btw
I played 2 about a year ago, it is still addictive despite its loading times and clunky controls. Venice level is 10/10.
I could never get into 3. Also, Angel of Darkness is underrated.
I'm not playing anything, I'm making a game
finished metro exodus. awesome. sadly no other game like it anymore, so, not planning to play any major title for a looong time.
we used to have good games like this in the past. used to.
now we have anthem and whatever all this aids i do not know about is called.
end times people. it's here.
Tempted to either start Hardcore Leon B or finally try Darksiders 3.
All depends on the baby, if he keeps kicking off it might be another Saturday playing Hearthstone and MTG Arena since they're one handed.
nothing, im depressed.
You should be fucking proud. That's what I'm trying to do ultimately but I can only barely draw my character concepts yet,
Thinking of playing Blood Bowl 2 for the first time. Feeling pretty intimidated since I know people have played the series for a long time.
Thanks friend.
dunno, suffering from a flu. Company deadlines coming up and kind of have to put overtime hours during weekend.
Xcom Enemy Within with Long War mod
more of this crap
I can't into art either, but i'm trying.
>playing games
what the fuck is wrong with you OP
Playing Dungeons and Dragons with my Discord buddies tomorrow night, but since I work 3rd shift I'll slip into EU IV and try to actually play England. Sunday's a tossup between more EU IV or completing Portal 2. I think I'll complete Portal 2, it helps the brain.
Persona 5
The disappointing my parents game
Metro Exodus
Dark messiah of might and magic
Company of heroes 2
Maybe some Dark souls
I'm choosing between:
>Dragon's Dogma
>God Eater 3
>The Division
>For Honor
I enjoy these kinds of choices.
Nothing, cause there's nothing good that I haven't played already.
Apex Legends
Either Foxhole or Battle Operation 2, badly made games that are addictive as fuck
I just installed the Quake 3 Arena demo and had a nice time. I've never played it before since I grew up with UT. I plan to reinstall UT99 tomorrow as well.
My hour of Quake 3 was fun. I was most bothered by the extreme fucking head wobble. I expected more of a vertical experience but it was fast enough, I suppose.
Just beat KH3, am playing Furi right now, and will be playing Donganronpa 1.2 Reload next
Just finished Styx: Master of Shadows. Jumped in to Shards of Darkness right after.
Why do video game developers think they constantly need to shoehorn in crafting shit and mission markers. It's a fucking stealth game.
finally start Kingdom Hearts 3
finished KH BBS and 3D last week
wanted to play earlier this week but got sick
I'm playing on pc, no loading times.
Yeah 3 isn't really good, Ugly level design, I like it more than 4 though and I'm enjoying it because of nostalgia.
Swapping between Lumines games, Electronic Symphony is the best one. Rapidly tapping on the back of the vita to build up your abilities sounds retatrded, but it actually just works. Lose hours everytime I jump in, just managed to beat some old high scores too. feels good
Going back to university after 4 years to finish my engineering degree. I dont remember shit from my first few years. How fucked am I?
if you will study in your free time youll be fine
>RE2 Claire B run
>Apex Legends
>Legend of Dragoon
>Shenmu 1
>Shadow of War
It will be my birthday soon and I want to get a game to celebrate, any recommendations?
Metro Exodus and God Eater 3
dumb memeposter
None. I grew out of games years ago.
I've been playing Two Worlds 2 lately
It's actually pretty good
just got the finished the pacifist run of deus ex mankind divided. dunno what ill play tmr, maybe the surge or ZoE2
30 here. Mostly playing LoL. Might start Mass Effect since I've never played it before.
>tfw 23
>posting here
28 years old here and I'll be playing EDF 4.1. On another note I feel sorry for zoomers, I feel like I grew up in the golden age of gaming (especially since my first console was an atari) and got to see how far gaming has come. I can't imagine living now with how shitty everything is, especially when it comes to dlc and nickle and diming consumers.
>Two Worlds 2
in which world hheheehuehuheuehuhehuehuehuehue
Just joined the quarter-century club
Rimworld or EU4 probably
Metro Exodus.
Maybe some RE2make but I've only got S+ to do.
Any suggestions to fill the void RE2make left? It's left me wanting more REesque/survival horror gameplay but I already played through a bunch of RE leading up to RE2make.
playing KH3 and vomiting at the dialogue
Max Payne 2 since I haven't done it in a decade.
I've been posting in these threads since forever and I'm 18, but shh, don't tell my boomer pals. ;)))
>mostly playing LoL
That's just fucking depressing, man.
33 here
escape goat 2
cross code
Are the first four Tomb Raider games compatible with controllers on modern PCs? I plan on replaying all the TR games after I'm done with Hitman.
I think I'm just too old for video games now. I'm not having fun anymore, everything I play just makes me frustrated and I find myself embarrassed to associate with people who still play these games. You can only play your favorite games so many times before you get bored. I think this is my last post on this board.
It was fun but Yea Forums has changed, video games have changed, and I've changed. It's time I found a new hobby, I guess. See you gents. Hope you all find more enjoyment in vidya than I can.
25 here
learning to speedrun gta sa
I lack the willpower to look up games on pcgamingwiki and spend the 10 minutes into improving everything that needs to be fixed.
It's just so tiresome.
SCP Secret Laboratory with other anons at user server. Funnest multiplayer I played for years.
29 here.
Guild Wars, working on LDoA.
Dirt Rally 2.0 and Silent Hunter III GWX
just what exactly do you think happens when you hit 25? You're still considered young across most places so what the hell
I'll be 25 in 3 months. Can I join?
In three months you can.
You will see, zoomer. You will see.
>Dirt Rally 2.0
Is this playable without a wheel?
I am currently 28. I stopped playing vidya at around 2011 or 2012. I fell out of love with them.
26 here
finishing up my doom playthrough on the X. was thinking of playing dead rising 3 next, but i also wanna play through all the tomb raiders on gamepass. not sure what to do.
Nothing. I just hit 30 and nothing happened as well. If anything I feel much better than when I was 22, because self improvement and taking care of your body through exercise and especially diet aren't a meme.
28 and playing black desert online and making my korean overlords rich.
>tfw spent already €1000
Thank fucking god i have a decent paying job because my retardation knows no bounds.
Bought a Vita with Christmas money, hacked it, just started disc 2 of MGS. Should finish that at some point, but I will also get up with my squadron on IL-2:Battle of Stalingrad. Playing missions with my wingmen buddies against other human opponents is the dream. No game makes my heart actually race like lining up behind another fighter plane and lighting them up
Secret of Mana with my wife. She's never played it.
>what will you be playing this weekend?
My liver, among other things
Well bruh at least you're not a part of Scam Citizen community.
Bout to play Mount and Blade Warband
probably going to play some Grand Ages: Rome after that to some proper comfy going. If I get bored of that I'll switch to Mechwarrior 3, if I get bored of that I'll switch to either Vermindtide 2 or Total Warhammer and once I get bored of that and don't feel like playing any of that I'll just get on Saints Row and hunt down random people with the dildo bat.
Too bad you autists won't fix your bullshit so I can get Whitelisted
Going to finish Agony and then probably play that thimbleweed thing
Im one of those nerds who likes Fantasy more than Sci-Fi. Were it not for that im pretty sure i wouldve sold my kidneys for for a digital ship that wouldve never been delivered.
27 here
I'll probably play some VR games. Blade & Sorcery and Thrill of the Fight are my current favorites, the core gameplay is just simply fucking fantastic.
Maybe I'll get time for some FH or EDF with some mates as well. They'll probably just wanna play Apex though, bleh
>For Honor
My nibba. Who are your favorite heroes?
My friend, no one is banned from user server. If you keep getting kicked, it's just the common bug. Run Steam as admin and try again. If it doesnt work, try authenticating your game files and/or re-install.
Let's roll
2 Dark Messiah blind run
3 RE4
5 Dino Crisis 2
6 MGS1
7 Dark Cloud 2
8 the first COD and the expansion pack
9 Crash remaster
0 masturbate, drink and shitpost
I'm playing Apex Legends. I kind of like it for just killing time.
Next week though I'm gonna be playing through the master chief collection and Halo 5. just bought an xbox one and 4k tv so should look pretty nice. havent pl,payed Halo in years.
You better not bamboozling me user.
34 here, also playing Cross Code.
Play them on a PS1 emulator. Just make sure your emulator uses PGXP, it fixes a lot of the glaring issues the PS1 version of those games had.
Yep. I have a full wheel setup but sometimes use just the gamepad for casual play.
Some of the best DR1 players were game pad only... That said with a wheel its awesome.
As a famous singer of my teenage years said.
>keep Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin
I'll give it a go.
>Some of the best DR1 players were game pad only
Damn, there's no excuses then. Thanks
Yeah. The point of the user server is that there are no rules and ban-trigger happy admin.
RE4 it is. What's thr best port right now? I had it on GC originally and haven't played it since.
Platinium, maybe go back to Skyrim or Xenoblade 2.
Turn off the lights. ;^)
Post the link, Im having trouble finding it again
RE4HD, the PC remaster. 60fps and all cutscenes rendered ingame
steam version
Nothing. Why the fuck are games past 2010 so incredible fucking shit holy shit
Go to /vg/. Search for scp
Cute forehead
maybe wwe 2k19 with my gf
I'm going full retard OP
>Who are your favorite heroes?
I go between Gladiator, Conqueror and Shugoki. Recently started learning Kensei; I've over 20 hours but aside from the Shug I've literally only played Knights.
Also voiced by tsundeRie and approved by based Harada.
Thanks hive mind
Trust me, if you have literally any interest in rally, you'll love it. It's tough to even get through a stage initially, but once you start figuring it out DR is one of the most rewarding games I've ever played.
33, gonna play gothic armada 2
>Alright let's have some fun with fellow autis...
Empty server
>Fuck you user, fuck you.
I suck at it even with constant savescumming. Escort mission give literal nightmares.
Active hours start from 6pm GMT
It's already 10:27 PM on Saturday night. I wasted today on Total Warhammer 2. I'll probably waste tomorrow on it as well. Played through The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince the other day. Was alright.
I need to fucking die.
Playing some Titan quest. Doing a pet build currently
Ghost recon wildlands, I got my coworker to buy it so now I've got a full squad of peeps to play with.
Just bought an Oculus and have been fapping to Virt-a-Mate relentlessly.
How's the ragnarok expansion, I've been eye balling it, but currently poorfag at the moment.
Actually haven't gotten to it yet. Almost there just gotta finish act 4. Picked up the anniversary edition and Ragnarok bundle for like 5 bucks.
Wildlands with bros is 10/10 time.
I'm 23 am i honorary boomer status now? Been enjoying REmake 2 first game in awhile that's cleared the "gamer depression" or whatever makes you lose interest over time. Just downloaded a shit ton of games on my ps4 for my brothers so they don't get brainwashed by the soiswitch and play BING BING WAHOOO games for the rest of their lives and i can play too. I'm practically donating it to them because i have a super gaymer pc now.
30 here
Minecraft and maybe S4
I just spent the last few hours absolutely spaced from a good bowl. Played some Apex till friends got off. Booted up RE2 but couldn't do it in that state. Then went into DS3 and beat Gundyr. I'll keep playing those and some Apex when friends are on throughout the weekend
LMAO look at all these pathetic old people. Grandpa instead of discussing your archaic pixel game, maybe you guys should start planning where to bury yourself saving us the trouble taking care of a senile fart in the future
Good choices. I really like conq and glad too. I prefer shaolin, roach, JJ, Nuxia and zerk though. Zerk is easily the best hero in the game btw, his free hyper armour on almost everything is stupid OP. Been trying to get gud at vortiger, he seems like a beast as well. And Cent is hilarious to play against shitters! 390 hours played btw, this game is like crack to me :' )
I just went through RE2 and finished leons route and just got past the first tyrant on my 2nd run on claire over a 6 pack. light beer buzz > bowls. I like weed for like sheit games like farcry 5. But if we're talking real nigger shit, if you do drugs it should be adderall while playing rimworld/factorio.
Now THIS is a real JRPG.
Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies
Kid Icarus Uprising
Octopath Traveler
Trying to clear my backlog.
This resolution scale looks ebin.
Currently trolling CSGO ranked mode hoping to get try hards that lose their shit and rage on me when I "accidentally" flashbang them or "oopsie" shoot them in the head with a scout leaving them with one shot left after they bought an AWP.
Epic trolling and memeing it up right now. Gonna do one more match then buy some food.
I just started Claire B HC. Trying to get everything I can done before I trigger X but I've never played this route before so I'm going in blind. I only drink socially and I don't do hard drugs or pills, only ever smoked pot. Its kind of a cliche but I enjoy the kind of "transcendental" experience for lack of a better word. It really clears my mind and I either space super hard or I'm more conscious of my physical existence. The only down side is I can't play certain games during
26 here
Vice City Stories on pcsx2
Spiderman (2000) on ePSXe
Pirated Metro Exodus
Sunless Skies
and maybe I'll start Cultist Simulator
I just watched the AGDQ run and I honestly prefer the PSX version graphically over that. It exists in that middle ground where its not good enough to actually look good but its not bad enough to be charming
Do it cunt, Cultist Sim is bloody fantastic with a little imagination.
I bought Legends of Grimrock 2 on a whim. About to start it. What am I in for?
Don't be fooled by the drinking alone is bad mmk meme. A few beers spaced at over a day while playing is fine, drinking paint thinner vodka alone until you fall alseep crying is nkot. I used to really like weed for vidya but near the end before i quit out of boredom i ended up playing games like overwatch because they were simple and allowed me to zone out, the games aren't really that fun while being high, being high is fun. listening to music and drinking coffee after a blunt > literally game game while stoned imo. Adderall isn't a hard drugs it's just good in moderation.
If only you knew how bad things really are
that one song
that one fucking song
I bet you know which one
I have no problem with drinking alone, I just don't really care for drinking most often. I keep a bottle of vodka on hand to mix with Sprite maybe twice a week or OJ if I make a nice breakfast on the weekend. No interest in using pulls outside of a medical prescription in the slightest. I will admit listening to music with a good pair of headphones often beats vidya while stoned. I chilled last weekend with the most recent Color Theory album and it was a most pleasurable experience
I'm playing 北斗が如く. I just fought Raoh for the first time. I like the source material and the Yakuza/Gotoku games so I'm having a nice time watching how they get Kenshiro to do all the things that Kiryu does. After I finish that I'm going to try out Hollow Knight. The rest of my weekend should be fun.
Playing with my dick because I'm a Yea Forumsirgin and no GF
Mass Effect 2
Recently more engaged now. First 6 hours, I thought the game was quite dragging as opposed to its predecessor which had good soul imo. Stuck with paragon for now but damn do I want to say edgy shit with renegade speech options
I swear this one looped for 90% of my playthrough
Also that Leon outfit from the artwork is baller
Feeling suicidial?
Try SuicideGirl ;^)
Enderal is breddy good.
Don't. Game is stupid so go all paragon or all renegade or suffer bad ends.
A few games
It's mediocre at best but its one of the few games my friends are interested in and I like spending time with them. It only cost me 5 bucks anyway.
One of the few open world surv/crafting games I can stand
Apparently it's un-fucked now.
Guam sucks, dont come here. I can't wait to leave.
i better get a zero
Playing Mario Odyssey right now, plan to finish it before DMC5 drops. After that it's a tossup between The Last Story or Terranigma as I want to get started on my emulation backlog.
Super Robot Wars A Portable; maybe some Gundam Breaker 3 if one of my buddies isn't neck deep in ff14 Eureka.
I'm still yet to find a game that does dual SMGs as well as Dino Crisis 2.
Dylan was a fucking mistake and I hate ALL of his parts. His weapon selection is fucking cancerous and the character is nothing but irritating.
>talking shit about the anti-tank rifle
Too goddamn slow and you only get it right near the end.
32. Done beating RE7 on madhouse and speedrunning it (2.3 hrs) for trophies. Finna play Metro Exodus. Surprisingly it's well optimised
Replaying nier automata
Gonna continue playing Rain World, probably the best game I found trough Yea Forums, it's a great game with fantastic atmosphere and sound design and holy shit the wildlife is fucking me up good on the slightest mistake and I love it
28 here.
Downloading Enderal right now, I've heard some good things about it.
Also quite enjoying Anthem right now, but I feel like it will get boring soon and will need a big expansion like Destiny 2 Forsaken to make it a good game.
I am also looking to play some relaxing map or civ type game, any reccomendations?
Sleeping Dogs
Lucky you, I too have really good paying job but no MMORPG where I really feel like investing hard. I am looking forward to the new world by amazon studios personally but I am just in general really lusting for a good MMORPG.
tempted to buy ff15 on sale or replay type 0
cdkeys has FFXV cheaper than the current sale fyi
God Eater 3, slow burn. Some Ace Combat 7 and ZOE2 too.
Endless Legend
Watching Dragon Ball Super and hoping my copy of Ghosthunter (PS2) comes in today. May play some Nier Automata or FF6 if I get tired of waiting.
34 yr
Taking my son to the train show in town bc Thomas the tank engine will be there and I want to see him lose his fucking mind
After that I'm going to finish up the Spider-Man DLC
Apex Legends with friends most likely, also playing tinder.
Probably play some RE-2 Remake or pirate Farcry 5 New Dawn.
This site is too degenerate for all that wholesomeness
Save yourselves before its too late
Currently on Claire b in the original re2.
I played to death REmake on gc, should I try the original?
Fuck okay bye
It's an absolute monster to 100%
Gnna play Amnesia and relax with Dark Cloud 2 after.
Is the Resident Evil remake on PS4 worth playing or should I emulate the PS1 version on PC?
TF2, might also start playing majora's mask again
29 here, I'll be 30 by the end of the year. Looking forward to joining your ranks, hopefully alive and still employed.
I'll probably try finish LISA, and I do want to try out remake 2, but have no heart to buy it, nor have I been able to find a torrent with any seeds.
The remake is better in every way, play that.
Neither. Emulate the Gamecube version.
im finishing Beyond Oasis on Genesis.
Ive already finished Story of Oasis on Saturn and liked it quite a bit.
Even found new action replay codes.
Used to play this all of the time back in the day. I love how diverse the action-adventure genre used to be on the Genesis and SNES. Landstalker, Soleil, Beyond Oasis, Illusion of Time, Terranigma, Soul Blazer... Good times.
Enjoying Hollow Knight and RE2, but mostly Hollow Knight.
It's really nice to have a metroidvania that's just as enjoyable as Super and SotN, and one with so much content. I usually 100% other indi metroidvanias in a single day or weekend, so this is a pleasant surprise.
>what I should be doing instead of playing Hollow Knight
If you're into Metroidvanias and still got some love for the Wonder Boy series, then do yourself a favor and get Monster Boy.
Yakuza Kiwami, should also keep me entertained for the two weekends until DMC5
2 isnt even that bad.
wait until you get to 3 and see how the team making the game wanted just to wrap everything up and go home,asap.
House of the Dying Sun. Maybe Mechwarrior Online later.
although he's supposed to be on the crucible project, i cannot shake the suspicion that colin johanson will have something to do with new world and i am staying as far away from amazon's stuff until someone can confirm it isn't radioactive cancer. but i don't think that will happen because they will push twitch integration in all of their games
the catalog of good games is insane.
currently going through genesis and i love it.
my middle-market games nigga
Finishing cleaning up all the side content I missed in Dark Souls 2, and then starting Deus Ex Mankind Divided. I love DXHR and have finished it at least 5 times so I'm looking forward to it.
I really enjoyed this game. It came as a surprise treat when I randomly checked out what it was on the Genesis Collection I owned for Xbox 360.
the PC version for RE1 works fine on windows 7 with full 3D hardware acceleration.
But its bitch to install.
Just finished metro exodus (7/10. It's OK)
Now I'm going to play TW3 blood and wine and try to finish RE2 during the night.
I thought MD had some pacing issues. I don't really know how to explain it, there were just times where I felt like I'd been playing for hours only to see it'd been 30-40 minutes. Looking back at it it was a solid game though, I enjoyed it enough to finish both the main story and all side content I could find
>Might start Mass Effect since I've never played it before.
I envy you. Be sure ME3 has all the DLC or the ending is going to fuck you up
What other indie metroidvanias would you recommend? I recently played momodora revirie and loved it
Metro Exodus
Rising Storm 2 Vietnam
It's a decent expansion. I enjoyed the last Act but I couldn't finish another run through the game on Epic. I can't stand playing through the same levels over and over again, but I'm probably just not cut out for arpg games
Playing Enderal until i go on holidays. Then start with PoE: Synthesis on Hardcore for luls.
Kingdom Come, Warhammer 40K Mechanicus.
Evil Within games maybe
gonna finally beat darkest dungeon. Start tales of Bersaria and play some EDF 4.1 on the side.
Replayed Episode 1 and 2
They have not aged well
They are the closest thing to RE4 we're probably going to get.
IKTF. The first half of HL2 has some of the most horrible pacing I've ever seen
29yo NEET. It can't possibly be worse than this so I'm going to drink the wagecuck coolaid
6am to 6pm sat-Fri i'll be at work, (at least I'm getting that sweet overtime / doubletime pay tues/weds), but outside that I'll probably be playing Project Gorgon, Elona+, and maybe The Division
that game only gets worse as you get older
especially the second episode.
its shallow to put it mildly,maybe its better they canceled ep3.
Finishing up Nights of Azure.
Thinking of either RE2 or God Eater 3, I'm more interested in GE3 for the weeby edgelord story but I'm afraid it's going to be as janky to play as the previous games.
It has the best pacing of all HL2
What? I find the pacing to be a perfect mix of quiet parts and shooty parts.
You actually enjoyed being chased by manhacks in the sewers or playing airboat rally?
I told myself I'd fix everything by 25, but I haven't even started.
Turning 30 in a couple months.
Should be finishing my DMC3 playthrough, but I'll probably end up playing more Apex Legends like the casual I am.
Almost 30 and same here lad. It only gets worse
Metro Exodus on Pc
Diablo 3 on Ps4, which is surprisingly comfy
maybe some Bloodborne
First is uninspired trash, two is surprisingly decent. Bad news, you need to play first to kinda understand two.
I found ds3 deluxe for 20 euros on psn, is that a good deal? Also found dialsgaea 5 deluxe for the same price
not him, but manhacks in the sewers most definitely, airboat rally could stand to be half as long or chop out one or two 'gotta open the gate' sections, same for buggy rally.
Trying to beat Darkest Dungeon, long road ahead of me
Also playing Bloodborne for the millionth time and Smash Ultimate.
Should I get God Eater 3? Sunk 500 hrs into MHW but never played GE.
I'm 34. I didn't start getting my shit together until 27. I'm doing well.
Don't give up, user.
A lot of people start closer to 30 anyways, some start actively working out, some start working towards their college degree. You're not late but it's better not to waste any more time.
Been playing a lot of turn based stuff lately, Im starting to prefer strategy over excitement and action. Working all day and then gym afterwards, I'm not really in the mood for heart-racing second-to-second action.
A few are darkest dungeon, xcom, wargroove, I wanna get into a card game but all the major ones just have gigantic learning/card curves. I think I'll wait for The Bazaar to be released and start fresh from that.
I also wanna get a city-builder game, never played em before, but the idea has started to interest me now.
I don't think anything will fix me, my mental issues are too strong.
I'm gonna try working out, but I'll never be able to get a job.
25 here. Every Saturday I have trouble getting out of bed because when I'm left to my own devices and don't have to go to work there's basically nothing that entices me enough to make me get out of bed. I don't have a single female friend even online, and I don't see any of my male co-workers outside of work.
I wish I had a girlfriend or a wife to help fix my home life, or lack of a home wife, but the way I exist now I'm far too weird and boring to even humor the possibility of having a girlfriend. I need help but I really don't think I'll help myself and seeing a therapist seems like a good way to piss away my money.
Will probably play one more game of Stellaris before uninstalling it for now. After that I'll either start Alien Isolation or Steins;Gate 0.
I've been trying to put games onto my PS Classic I begrudgingly bought to pacify my autistic brother. (I only paid £30 off eBay)
I managed it in the end, but I went through about 6 USB flash drives till I found one that wouldn't: outright not work, freeze after being filled to a certain capacity, or constantly corrupt. But another 100 games ontop of the 20 with actual cool games to play makes it quite appealing now
I played Micro Machines V3 with my brother this morning and it ended up with a tie ultimately. (Sometimes its better to let the wookie win if you get what I mean)
I might play Silent bomber later. That game was pretty neat in my testing. With Autobleem the only games I found that had issues were Vandal Hearts, Soul Blade, Tomba 2 and one of the Duke games.
You got a ways to go, I'm 28, fucked up my efforts towards a degree and gotta start from zero again
I play MHFZ. Surely you don't have it as bad?
28, I've been playing DQ IV slowly and Crusader Kings 2.
>Been playing a lot of turn based stuff lately
Same, my favorites so far are Panzer General 2, Master of Magic and Etherlords 2
I don't know how Tinder works but I'm going to assume this makes you a woman
Both games are pretty different outside of the "misson>hub>upgrade" format, especially the combat. If you really want to compare both, GE is a lot faster and missions are a lot shorter. It's less about "hunting" (collecting tracks, following monsters with your shiny ass bugs, carving their shit) and more about "kill or get killed" (find boss, kill it before it kills you, eat its corpse later). The game is also a lot easier thanks to the customizable AI allies.
In my opinion GE3 is overall the weakest one in the series (still a good game, though), but also the only one that doesn't feel like a Vita port so maybe it's the best one for newcomers that don't care much about the world/lore and just want to kill shit and look edgy.
I should really finish Darkwood. I'm in Old Woods and it's just gotten repetitive for me
This is not /r9k/ you fucking pathetic faggot, kill yourself
31, lol games
Warframe with friends tomorrow probably and I dunno. I'm still completing Sleeping Dogs.
Might throw some Sonic Mania/Asetto Corsa or DiRT Rally into the mix.
Fuck you.
>not a janky vita port
you sold me
RE outbreak while hitting another run of re2 remake.
That comic reminded me of the dumb fun antics pre-2010. I'll check it out.
>I've been playing DQ IV
Is Saturday here, 3:18 pm and I'm at work, tomorrow from 7 am to 7 pm (fuck), but after that I will dedicate myself to either invading other players or help them kill Nameless King. Just need 4 or 5 Sunlight Medals to ''complete'' the covenant.
*Dark Souls 3
>first world problems:the post
Call back when you're mortally ill and every day the knowledge that you might fall over dead hangs over you like the sword of Damocles and determines everything you do in life.
Monster girl paradox, but my arm is aching, I should stop and search for work