People actually think this game did anything right

>people actually think this game did anything right

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Other urls found in this thread:

The music was great and most of the bosses were fun.

It was a'ight, it just wasn't as good as Dark Souls 2.

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I'm convinced that 50% of Soulsfags think 3 was better than 2, and 50% of the Soulsfags think 2 was better than 3.

At the very least, people seem to agree that 1 was better than both, and that Bloodborne was better than one.

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There used to be more universal dislike for 2, but they warmed up to it after playing 3.

I think that DaS 1 is overall the worst. It has insane charm and atmosphere, and some good area design in the first half, but as a gaming experience 2/3 are better (but also have plenty of flaws both inherited and new).

>Have to get to Untended Graves on Soul Level 1 to have any fun
>Latency fucks with online gameplay alot
>Most situations are autistic "nostalgia" inserts
>Weapon Matchmaking in online play which not only killed DS3 online community but also ended DS Remastered/ Artorias of the Abyss community's lifespan
>Yhorm's boss fight in its entirety

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>loud sameshit orchestra

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It was a very good game.


Lost Izalith is way better than all of ds3

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nah its still better than that shitshow 2. I don't see how its even a competition.

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The movement doesn't feel like absolute asshole, so there's that

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it had really neat art assets and visuals. lighting, reflections, animations all very very pretty. neat fantasy stuff on that aspect.

>Have to get to Untended Graves on Soul Level 1 to have any fun

The only thing I didn't like was the R1 spam online, but then again Souls online has always been pretty dogshit cause of the lag

Good graphics consistently good gameplay and fun bosses. Ds3 is a good game

It had some decent bosses, provided that you like flashy bosses with 2 stages that primarily just want you to learn their roll timings.
And while the game does have arguably improved player control this doesn't seem to match up well with the enemies, rendering that point rather pointless since your controls only matter in respect to the challenge that you are expected to beat with them.

DaS2 is a broken mess stapled together with corridors and elevators from unfinished scrap. The few moments it has that are good are pretty good but the overall impression is that you are playing an unfinished product. The game being hated has nothing to do with it being different and I don't really know why this is sometimes used as an explanation when it should be obvious to anyone with eyes that this isn't the core problem with it.
DaS3 is also shuffled about a bit and halfassed but not to this extent, it lacks the interesting bits though.

DaS1 has better art assets and aesthetics.

Reminder: nobody cares about your opinion

it was fun and challenging , that is all that matters you faggot.

yeah, there is nothing this game did right...

>movement that isn't slow as mollases
>fun weapons
>best armour and fashion
>best bosses
>actually coherent story
>best graphics

Its the best of the series and if you disagree you are just a

Unironically one of the best games I've ever played.

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As someone with thousands of hours across the series, here's my ranking.

BB > DS3 > DS2 > DeS > DS1

>DaS1 has better art assets and aesthetics.
nah. not in my opinion. archdragon peak is kino, i'll agree that the overall world design is better in 1 but the moment to moment look of the game is pleasing in basically every second of 3. makes it look more like concept art instead of looking like an imitation of art. except maybe farron. particularly i just loved looking around at the environment in Archdragon Peak

Games aren't about having fun user

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guess I better stop posting altogether! goes for you too, though

>>fun weapons
>>best armour and fashion
>>actually coherent story
>>best graphics

>>people actually think this game is better than Dark Souls 2

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>>fun weapons
>>best armour and fashion
>>actually coherent story
>>best graphics

It did, it combined the best mechanics of DS2 and BB with the level design on DS1.

way ahead of you!

I like them in exactly reverse release order. I played them all as they came out going all the way back to my imported korean copy of demon's souls.
fight me nerd

cloth physics

>it's true

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If you really think that then you should be sterilized immediately in order to protect the world from your retardation

Tell me more about the games I'm an expert in, user.

I'm sure your nostalgia clouded view of playing Dark Souls back in 2011 is more valuable.

DS1>BB>DS3>Slashy Souls>DS2

Objectively the most accurate rankings

DS3 has the best co-op though

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Helmets that aren't full face sarcophogi with eyeholes that are just the same metal texture as the rest of the helmet.

DS3 = BB > DS1 > DeS > My Own Shit > DS2

wait... wtf is Slashy Souls?
is that supposed to be Demon's? or Sekiro or Nioh or something?

Pontiff is an excellent boss. Extremely vanilla, but very satisfying to fight.

It's a 2D mobile Dark Souls game developed by Bamco

How to make the perfect Dark Souls:
1's level design (with obvious exceptions)
1's difficulty
1's poise
1's humanity and invasion system
2's upgrading
2's weapon and build variety
2's pvp and covenants
2's dlcs
3's movement
3's boss design
3's estus
and then remove boss parrying

Dark souls 1 polished DeS, its objectively the best souls experience, DaS2 is a complete ugly mess , wanky movement and uninspired bosses, without including soul memory and ganksquads, DaS3 goes full nostalgia but is still a superior game, with better bosses and better atmosphere, BB is overall great and i can respect it being first, putting DaS dead last denotes a complete lack of taste of any kind, the proper ranking is DaS

Attached: ugly ds3 armor.png (1110x720, 1.51M)

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eks was a step down, yes. now go take a screenshot of one of the nice looking parts of the game

It's fun to watch angry incels jump at each other's throats arguing which Souls games are shit and which aren't while I'm enjoying them all and have fun instead of getting angry on the internet

And also remember that opinions are subjective, you uppity, self absorbed twat.

and i have like 8k hours all together if not more
and not counting idle hours
>Tell me more about the games I'm an expert in, user.

what? ds2 had great coop
and bb has the best coop

>first two games are dark and edgy
>third has the protagonist giving you a thumbs up on the cover art

>3's movement
>3's boss design
>3's estus
Ds1 estus
BB Boss desien or Ds1s
and either bb or ds2 movement depending on the style

>BB was better than one
I’m probably the only guy on Yea Forums who doesn’t think this.

The only thing that really comes to mind is the graphics in general.

>2's upgrading
It was partially better but also generally worse than the DaS1 system of having you find more shit in the world and having different smiths and upgrade paths.
>2's weapon and build variety
As long as this doesn't include 2's actual weapons which are a blatant step down from 1 in terms of how they feel to control. A more polished left-handed and powerstancing system would be solid though.
>2's PvP
The matchmaking was generally pretty terrible and almost required CE to be workable(Soul memory) and actually getting invaded happened once in a lifetime initially since there was no unlimited invasion and dying placed your bloodstain where you died in the host world for some reason. It had a handful of good things going for it but was ultimately pretty terrible.
>3's movement and Estus
That shit makes it too easy. Some minor changes like the omnidirectional rolling maybe.
>3's boss design
Is generally only good for the handful of good bosses and even those are only good if interspersed with other bosses. Having only bosses where positioning matters significantly less and all you have to learn is how to roll on reaction while all the bosses have 2 phases is pretty boring.

it's still making people really mad almost 3 years on so it's probably the best game of 2016

BB and DS2 both had shit co-op. What’re you talking about?

uninspired piss filtered shit

it's armor and character models are shit
plastic looking

>best game of 2016
not a high bar
but The Last Guardian wins that year

I really like it

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DS1 > BB > DS2 > DS3
They're all very close though, the only reason DS3 is my least favorite is because it unironically feels soulless. Everything about it was so stale and familiar. I still love all the games though.

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You're right, that doesn't stop me from stating that yours is absolute garbage though

The problem with DaS1 upgrading is that if you miss large ember and/or very large ember then you won't be able to have a viable weapon
DeS and DaS2 did it the best - main easy to find blacksmith that upgrades your weapons to +10 and hidden blacksmith for extra shit

>it unironically feels soulless
I kinda have to agree. It's a great game, looks amazing but it feels more like a product than labour of love

I'm fairly certain most people thing DaS is better than Bloodborne.


>DS1 > BB > DS2 > DS3
>They're all very close though
>DS3 is my least favorite is because it unironically feels soulless

Attached: average ds3 fan.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

>People still unironically participate in Souls ranking threads

DaS2fags are an autistic vocal minority

as a qualified shitlord autismoms maximus niggerfaggot>niggerfaggot>niggerfaggot>niggerfaggot

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on reddit and Yea Forums maybe, everyone else likes DaS2

I’d say BB=DS2. But other than that, you’re right.

Planning to cosplay the Firelink Shrine Armor, what sword (and maybe shield) to use? Thanks Yea Forumsros, don't kys today.


BB >> DS2 >> DS3 >> DS1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Demon's

high wall of lothric is great
undead settlement is pretty good for the most part
road of sacrifices is shit
the road to the cathedral is decent but the cathedral itself is super disappointing
farron keep is shit
catacombs of carthus are ok-ish
smouldering lake is shit
irithyll is actually pretty terrible, it just fools you with the pretty scenery
anor londo was a cute moment the first time, but this version of it is way too small
irithyll dungeon is okay
profaned capital is a meme
lothric castle is pretty fun, the dragon bros are slightly questionable
king's garden is whatever
grand archives are okay
untended graves is another cool moment
archdragon peak is good

no clue about the dlc. now that I went through all of the areas in my head I do like more of them than I thought, still imo the weakest souls in terms of the levels themselves.

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Some bosses were god tier but apart from that, yeah it wasn't all that different from DS2 in the lack of soul.
Not true at all, vast majority overall of people that like Soulsborne do agree that DS2 is scuffed as fuck

Shut the fuck up you literal nigger. DS3 was the least flawed of any From game, including Bloodborne.


Now THIS is taste.

You should play Ringed City it's really good, except for the first part ,Dregged Heap, 'cause bad optimization.

For all the people that complained about 2's tracking and infinite stamina enemies 3 did that way worse and everybody seems to be ok with it.
It still has better level design and I enjoyed exploring it more so it still wins.

Only if you count framerate just because DS3 is for PC. When talking about actual in-game content, DS3 is very flawed compared to BB.

This is the correct order for objective and purely neutral ranking of how good the games are.
Personally I prefer DeS the most though because I don't have a PS4 or Bloodborne.

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