
It’s going to be shit, isn’t it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's obviously going to be great

It'll probably be a decent game with some minor grips but since Yea Forums hates everything, yeah, it will be shit.

Nah, It's gonna be great.
Fuck you nigger, go play anthem

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Yeah it's shit

>doubting based Miyazaki

>FromSoft will finally be free of soulsbabies after this game fails

Feels good man

So they can start making what exactly? Souls is all they’re good at. Everything else they do is shite

>It's a generic action game instead of a deep and rewarding RPG


>retarded bugman who can't even make a story

yes, but just like Dark Souls they are going to praise this shit till death "muh DIFFICULT".

>he doesn’t like the weird quirky jank games that FromSoft use to make like Kings field, echo night, adventures of cookie and cream, and armored core

It’s okay user you can always replay dark souls again for the 20th time

I think its gonna be great I look forward to a singleplayer game with deep combat mechanica

>deep and rewarding RPG

Then you're gonna have to wait for another game


Free from Souls so they can get back to doing nothing?

It will sell well and people will constantly defend it as a masterpiece despite it having tons of flaws and a lack of content.



This thank you
Everyone else gets scared cause there's no leveling or coop or overpowered weapons crutch to carry them through the game, and when the game turns out to be ass tearingly difficult and rewarding just like all of from's rpgs they'll say, "its not souls so it's shit, I'm not playing it"
Fuck em, let them play nioh 2 and pretend sekiro doesn't exist, you and I will play the game and enjoy it too

Is this a joke or are you being serious

the combat doesn't look very good desu, it looks too similar to souls but with some gay posture gimmick and it's probably going to feel like shit to play after DMC5

A little bit of both. It will probably be a decently fun game, but it will probably also get tons of people ignoring the flaws and claiming its the goat.

I'll buy it just because the main character is cute


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I was waiting for this thread!

Happens every fucking time with you Yea Forums


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He isn't doing the story this time, they've got a writer so Miyazaki is strictly gameplay.

It's going to get delayed. The serious lack of trailers and advertising within a month of release is always a red flag. They will likely push it to August or September.

Yeah but people ignoring flaws to defend games is a constant, just like Yea Forums shitting on a game a full month before it even releases
And I know it's just dark souls fans shutting on it too, no one else on the site cares this much about it to rail it so hard every thread, just because it does some different stuff than before

They’re intentionally not talking about it because they know it will be bad. There’s zero hype behind this shit

without online how much in avg is this game supposed to be maybe more than 30hs? did the devs say something about this?

It's been 3 years since thier last game, and it's had more spotlight than I remember bloodborne getting
Hell it even has a demo, I think March is fine

>bloodborne but in samurai setting
eh could be worse

I'm hoping it will be like ninja gaiden with miyazaki atmosphere and world building, but I'm afraid it will just be sengoku souls with no replayability and the standard dull souls style combat

This place will look for an opportunity to shit on literally anything. Don't know why I still come here.

Could be better though, Aztec setting, come on miyazaki I'll buy the dlc just make it you sumbitch

>pvp autists BTFO

>The serious lack of trailers and advertising
They've put out like 5 trailers in the past two weeks
Not to mention game informers month long spotlight with a fuckload of new info.
They're releasing small teases instead of spoiling the entire game

Is this even a souls like?
Does it even have the MP aspects the games are known for?

Yeah it's fucking great

No but people shitting on sekiro are fucking vicious, it's the worst treatment I've ever seen a game get, people are simultainiously saying "there's no hype, it's casual garbage, no one wants to play it" and at the same time going into any thread that wants to talk about it and girls g massive amount of shit at anyone excited for it, like holy fuck guys its not ds4 get over it

>Aztec Souls
We can keep dreaming, user. Maybe next time.

>caring about story
what a retard

It looks nothing like souls aside being a third person action game.

Did you miss the lead up to Monster Hunter World? Shitposters gonna shitpost.

>not deep

Souls shitposting has been so fucking bad around here for the past two years, it's like once Ds3 came out there was a massive asshurt tidal wave washing away any discussion

No leveling, no coop, no armor, no extra weapons (there actually are though don't tell anyone) but the combat has been completly reworked around combos, there's skill trees that lets you switch out different moves and special moves, but it still has the kind of feel of souls in the difficulty, movement, and exploration
Just enough to be similar to fans, but enough to be a different kind of game

Well it needs something to make up for the shallow gameplay

>this guy probably thinks dragon's dogma or dmc has deep combat
can you imagine being this retarded?

I actually anticipate it to be really good. Let me know how shit my taste is.
DeSo=Sekiro(where I expect it to fall)>BB=DS1>DS2=DS3


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I'm looking forward to Nioh 2 more, but Sekiro will be a good appetizer.

Honestly if miyazaki really puts an emphasis on fighting vertically with the grappling hook I'll be fucking sold on this game, make fighting big shit feel better than stabbing at thier ankles
Swimming adds a lot too, but only as long as it isn't used for stealth only like a lot of games

>DeS that high

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I think people are under estimating the release soon after DMC like this guy says. I remember playing DmC and thinking "it's not as bad as people made it out to be." Then halfway through I stopped to play Bayonetta 2 which I considered to be average to above average. When I finally returned to DmC I couldn't even get myself to finish another level. Timing is a big factor that most publishers overlook.

The question is really whether they're just going to make more Nioh or if they're going to improve upon what they started.

I'm sorry man, but I've only played ds3 once, beat it, and I'll probably never play it again
Love ds1 and bb though, favorite games of all time there

>having taste this bad

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I think a lot of it was burnout, but I just really didnt enjoy them. The interconnected world of DaS and BB really do it for me too.

Its the souls formula distilled down to "perfection"

We've seen how the grapple works in combat a little and it seems decent. I'll be excited to see what other applications it may have. Swimming I'm not entirely sold on.

I'm about to start Nioh. What do you think they need fo improve on most?

No. Why would you think that?

It was a straight corridor I rolled million billion times on the same stamina bar though to kill a bunch of meme bosses and 3 good ones to end a series I really liked until then, just kind of boring
Didn't play the dlcs either

>thinking ds3 is better than ds1

For me it's:
DS1>BB>DeS>>DS3>>>>>witcher 3 or some shit>>>DS2

1 weapon, no stamina system, stealth instantkills

I'd be happy either way. I've played Nioh more than all of DS1-3 and Bloodborne combined, and although Soulsborne has a slightly better plot (I see people rag on Nioh for a shit plot but imo they're the kinda people who can't remember ancient jap's names) and world building, Nioh's combat, progression, mechanics, and level based system is much better for repeated playing and experimenting.

That and refashion is dope as fuck.



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Where did I say that DS3 is better than 1, retard?

I really feel like DS1, BB, and DeS are the only ones that are in the conversation. 2 and 3 just feel like they phoned it in to fund BB(funded by 2) and Sekiro(funded 3). You can tell Miyazaki is tired of Souls and dealing with dancing around the established lore. The souls fans on here are exhausting to deal with at times, imagine if you were the one to develop the games.

>One weapon
Not an argument. Think more than two seconds about this.

>No stamina system
See above.

>Stealth instakills
Some enemies might be immune. Some enemies might be in areas where they are watching each other, so as soon as you stealth kill one you are surrounded. Still, of your three criticisms, this is the only one that holds any ground.

>but the combat has been completly reworked around combos
R1 spamming isn't combos retard.

I have preordered it for pc and theres nothing you can do about it

1 weapon and a bunch of prosthetic weapons too, no one ever mentions those
The insta kill thing bothers me too though, and the fact that bosses have health bars for no reason when the game still comes down to posture tug of war to win

Enemy and level variety. What's there is good but there's not enough unique content. Also every weapon of a sub-type having very little difference in the way it plays. The storytelling is also rather poor. But on the other hand there is some great atmosphere and level design to be found.

Enjoy the shoddy nip port. Consider waiting to see how optimized it is, brother. You know the japs cant into PC

The only word on that front is some guy tweeting about playing it and saying it was "like Nioh but better" which I personally think could mean damn near anything.
Almost solely the balance in several aspects. Some people make other complaints, which are either not particularly well founded or are rooted in the balancing but it makes the intended and most enjoyable approach to the game not as much of the focus as it should be.

Did you look at any breakdown of the combat from anyone who played the demo? The you'll know how not at all spamming it is, jackass

>and the fact that bosses have health bars for no reason when the game still comes down to posture tug of war to win
posture? lol no you just walk left and spam r1 until the health is gone

Yo, where the fucks my new Armored Core?

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Hm. How do you fix the weapon problem? I'm not sure what you mean by sub-type since I haven't started yet. Do you think the real world inspiration of Nioh hurts its potential in story?

in hell were it belongs


Some SOME of the bosses have bullshit attacks that have stupid tracking. Either make the attacks faster or shorten the wind up, don't have the boss pivot 180 on it's heel to hit me.

Some levels are just bad in terms of layout.

It's got the borderlands loot system and that hits my endorphin receptors but at a certain point I never got better gear.
yeah here's the "breakdown" of the "combat" you fucking retard

its the same garbage as souls with a BAD eastern skin

I do too. That's why I'm buying Devil May Cry instead of this shit.

Loot system is legitimately upsetting for me. If I'm just looking to play through once plus DLC will I be fucked over by my gear? I really hate loot based grinds.

are we not counting the trick weapons? you could one shot tons of enemies in souls games and often not even from stealth. Remember the hornet ring?

The focus system (or whatever) the stance thing is similar to Nioh's (Nioh also had normal stamina) like how is that bad?

fromsoft ports have been good since das2 and I have beefy pc so im not worried. I was considering it getting for my ps4 pro, but fromsoft still hasnt clarified framerates and res for pro/x

I think it is going to be a game I buy, play for 2 weeks, then sell on ebay.

Who here is buying Sekiro and DMC in March for the best experience possible? Where my patrician boys at?

Oh no you'll be fine, the DLC hands out better gear

that was actually a vanilla compaint

and if you jump into DLC early to get better gear, you still won't be overpowered for vanilla content, the game is hard

Alright, you know your rig better than I do. I wish the best for you, brother. I'll see you in the land of the rising sun.

DMC is awful. What's fun about beating up non threatening enemies? It's basically Dynasty Warriors with less enemies and lacking the cool factor of RotTK.

Getting both, unless for some bizarre reason they end up being shit

It doesn't feel like it matters what kind of sword you pick up. It's just another sword and it will look like most other swords and play like most other swords. I would prefer something like Dark Souls 2 where the weapons looked, felt, and played uniquely. I don't think the real world inspiration necessarily hurt its story so much as the way it was presented. In most Souls games, you only have cut scenes for very climactic moments or to introduce bosses while most of the major storytelling is done through gameplay. In Nioh there are tons of story cutscenes and the story itself is not that great.

So, if I play NGaiden on the hardest difficulty and do well, how will I find the difficulty in Nioh?

>soulsbabies mad that it isn't a souls game
>shitposters claiming it's souls again


Real world inspiration makes the story.

And the other user who said "muh enemy variety" is literally parroting what he's heard from other snobs. Someone else broke it down, but the DLC adds a lot more enemy types with some being brutal as fuck. The base game has plenty of variety though.

What the other dude said about weapons being the same is that, all one handed swords have the same combos as all other one handed swords, etc, but that's ignoring how a lot of weapons have properties or set bonuses for a making your own playstyle and builds. It's also ignoring how you have 2 active main weapons you can switch between in combat, each having 3 stances, each with a light combo, heavy combo, dash combo, and skills. Basically he's probably a Soulsborne nig since "this one handed sword and this other one handed sword swing differently."

this. based.

You'll definitely be ok, and probably won't have trouble beating the game.

Maybe three or four bosses (optional included) will give you deaths, but if you've mastered ninja gaiden, the game industry will have to work to put out a game to make you sweat

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The loot is extremely easy and straight forward to navigate through the game's simple sorting options, and due to the game's mechanics and to an extent the poor balance you rarely if ever have to really delve into set building, though that also is simple and offers many fun possibilities even dipping into it as slightly as reforging or tempering effects.

A single weapon of any type in Nioh is more satisfying and varied than damn near every weapon in souls games tho. And it doesn't matter what game in the series we're talking,every fucking Greatsword to UGS has the same moveset save for like 1 different R2 and something worthless like a sprinting r1 being different

I might get DMC when I'm done with Sekiro

It's fun cause the combat has a fuckton of depth and the infinite replayability is great. I wouldnt expect souls players to like DMC cause of the bigger focus on styling on enemies rather than having aggressive enemies that kill you in 2 hits (if you do want that, dmd in dmc3 and 1 is your best friend)

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Holy shit I hadn't refreshed but I was 100% right. He is a "muh dark Souls" nigga.

Again, yeah, just forget set bonuses and built in modifiers. All swords are pretty much the same, except for those crucial modifiers that dictate your build and playstyle, but we will ignore those.

I swear, it's always Dark Souls fanboys who parrot this stuff.

Cool, I look forward to playing it.

Thanks for the responses, guys. Can't wait to join in on the conversation once I finish it.

Right but wouldn't it be better if the individual weapons felt individually interesting? You don't think there's room for improvement?

>It's fun cause the combat has a fuckton of depth
Congratulations, you pushed buttons while enemy is defenseless in the air and doesn't fight back. That's boring as fuck.

t. hasn't played Dante Must Die

I'm happy you enjoyed the awful typical Koei Tecmo historical Japan fantasy bullshit story they love to put out. You got to live out your chosen weeb fantasy. It was a good game for its budget size but you Niohfags are absolutely delusional. He asked for my opinion and I gave it to him. I'm happy you get off on having to press five buttons to accomplish what only takes pressing two buttons in a Souls game. You're so cool. Take this (you), it's the last you'll get from me.

It sounds like it's different focuses for the weapons in each game. Nioh sounds like it would benefit more from adding new weapon types rather than distinguishing within each type.

You're trying to make things more complicated for no reason. If I want to switch between elements, I don't want a completely different move set, with the same weapon type, that I have to learn almost 9 different combos with.

It's incredibly unnecessary and actually detrimental to both development and learning/playing the game.

>this spear has a different move set than this spear
>why? Aren't they essentially both pointy sticks? Shouldn't he use them like the others?
>no, this one is special, they're all special, so they all get different move sets

It's boring to (you) user. Have you tried Nioh or Ninja Gaiden? Nioh is pretty bad in terms of level and enemy variety but the gameplay is great. Ninja gaiden has good enemies, levels and gameplays so that one is worth checking out as well. If you're not a fan of the cuhrayzees tho that's fine

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Congratulations, you figured out I didn't play some optional mode in a series I don't like. What a genius. The fact you need to cling to a gimmick hard mode says it all.
Never played Nioh.
Played Ninja Gaiden on Xbox, it was much better than DMC.
Played Bayonetta 1 and the minigames and QTEs were cancer.

That's cool. Sorry that you didn't like DMC, different tastes I guess desu

Having several weapon types you learn and grow with as a player while still unlocking new moves for them as you go and finding new designs of them with inbuilt effects is vastly more interesting than having a bundle of weapons in a type that collectively have barely half the number of attacks and most boil down to having different stats and length, particularly for the kind of game Nioh wants to be, where learning how to wield weapons effectively is the main focus.

t. doesn't understand hitstun & how action game enemies work.

>I hit enemy and he can't hit me back, keep doing this, especially in the air and it is of no threat at all.
I think I understand it very well. It's boring.

Why are you mentioning story to a mechanic post? Why do you think pressing less buttons is good? Are you a faggot zoomer?

And I guess I was double right since you are a DS babby parroting what others have (incorrectly) said. It's ok though. I'm sure you have a NG++++++++ that doesn't change anything besides numbers to get through.

>NG+ can't be bothered to change too much or the fanatical fanbase flips out
>Nioh is changing placements and throwing in extra buffed enemies

Sorry Nioh told an actual story unlike Miyazaki's "ambiguous good, you make storry" that required you to have someone else explain it for you through the shittiest version of lore dump audio logs: item descriptions.

Just... damn bruh

>called out for not playing the definitive mode in a game
>probably played on easy/auto
>moves goal posts

>muh enemy variety

It started with one guy, and yet so many people copy the same shit.

>tfw Nioh actually has more variety because the enemies have different moves instead of attack_dog and flaming_attack_dog.

you realise that's only true for the weakest enemies right retard?
you realise you're not just fighting one enemy at a time?

You didn't call out anything. Are you the type of moron who watches youtube videos like "Student debates Professor and gets BTFO!!!!"
I've played enough of the games to know when you are beating up an enemy in the air, the other enemies do virtually nothing. I know that when you fight multiple enemies, they all waddle about waiting their "turn" to attack. They are not aggressive like in a Ninja Gaiden game or a Souls game or a YS game or a Castlevania game,etc.

they're only publishing for NA

From self publishes in Japan

I've never seen one person say so many dumb things in such rapid succession

>user outs himself for playing on easy without realizing it

That other user was right.
You're pure pottery.

It's much easier than making legitimate observations that aren't caused by their inadequacies. Ditto any level design complaints, which never hold any water. There's plenty to nitpick for people that actually understand the game, but they never make it that far.

I've seen hundreds of fanboys resign to shitposting when flaws in games they like are mentioned.

I still don't get it, is this supposed to be a 3d adventure game like some sort of metroidvania with a world to explore or an action game with linear levels like dmc or ninja gaiden?

Don't know. I wish it was just Tenchu Reboot with Rikimaru, instead it is some weeb souls lite thing.

They said it has an "open world" like Dark Souls 1 with interconnected levels

I love it. Shitters always out themselves and that dumbass was no different.

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The former. The world's been described as being similarly designed to Dark Souls.

watch the lady butterfly trailer. from still dont know how to animate faces in the year of jesus christ 2019.

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>The world's been described as being similarly designed to Dark Souls.
So backtracking and then turns to complete ass after you get two thirds of the way into the game?

Imo level design (which I think they either parrot or confuse with the setting's aesthetics) is better in Nioh since they can focus on each level, and plan placement and such better than an open, connected world.

Finding a side route in Nioh is less about sequence breaking and more about short cuts or access to behind enemy lines for backstabs.

Early demos all showed a gratuitous amount of spam. Why would I bother following the game after that if that's how they decided to present their game in the first place?

it's actually hilarious how so many AAA companies spend ungodly amounts of time and money trying to make realistic animations (and usually fail), while from soft literally don't bother animating people talking and their games still receive acclaim and sell well.

because nobody actually cares about horse testicles

Day 1

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I think its going to be fun.

Now run along faggot and be happy your crying devil game is coming out soon. Make yet another DMC thread if you must.

Oh fuck, I watched it once and thought it was a mask.

I like how you agree with me that the game is bad on normal mode.

Where did OP mention DMC?

It'll most probably be alright
DMC 5 is launching first tho
Get that

shame they dont invest in some of that tech. but theyre whole graphics pipeline is horendously outdated except maybe monster hair and cloth physics desu

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Ahhahahahahahahaha he's leaning into it

watch the corrupted monk fight

You can still do damage the regular way by hitting him. But when you parry enough times in relatively quick succession you get rewarded with a ton of damage. This is just back loaded parry damage

Feels like it's going to be one of those single player games with garbage replayability.
Going to pirate the game on PC just in case.

They said the same shit about dark souls 2 and 3

Both methods have their strong points but yeah Nioh's execution of it is extremely well done consistently throughout the game and aside from the sidemissions to an extent (for seemingly obvious reasons yet it's all that's brought up) each offer something a little or a lot different in how they're played.
>they either parrot or confuse with the setting's aesthetics
A little of column A, a little of column B. Though even at that the world design is pretty great too. It's a bit more grounded and true to the setting but it accomplishes that well and has far more variety in the actual design and concepts of the locales than people like to pretend.

That's not quite how it works. You can decrease the health of the boss, but an execution is needed to actually remove the bar. I'm not entirely sure what lowering it's health grants you but I assume it's something.
The parry mechanic is simply that timing your guard to the enemy's attack will damage their Posture too, so as long as your Posture is fine from not being hit you can combine that with attacks to cause much more Posture damage faster and break it for the execution.

It played better than DMC V for me.

i'm much much more into the fantasy and gothic settings of souls and bloodborne, but I am glad that they're trying something different here in terms of gameplay. my question is that will they shift it enough.

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