Wow, we get to play as a female American in this one!

my sister will love it :)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just give me gloves as quickly as possible and I'll stop caring.

>ponytail on the suit

No... NO!! Not women! How can this be happening?! Why are they taking everything away from me?! Ugh...

Jesus christ, whats with that camel toe. Its not even a toe at that point. That suit is literally violating her cooch, holy fuck

>suit covers everything
>except the thing that's visible to the player

I'm glad this quiet and immersive exploration game will now have a greater focus on strong genius kweenz who can swim in the cold and interpersonal drama, all voice acted of course

Its funny, because the only reason they did this was to get back at one of the developers who made a joke tweet saying "Should we make the main character a woman, or continue working on the game?" For the original subnautica, and he got fired for it and similiar tweets.
So in the new one, of course they made it a woman. Also made it so she doesn't have gloves so you see her nigger hands 24/7
"There are no guns in the game because we're against gun violence"

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>That suit is literally violating her cooch
As it should.

Would you rather a centaur with a literal horse pussy or a nigger?

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>She talks
>Suit has no gloves despite the fact that you're on an alien planet so maximum possible protection from possible alien pathogens would be considered the most important thing
Why. Why can't I just play as a faceless, voiceless, skinless person like you should in every first person exploration game.

Literally making the game objectively worse for the sake of diversity pandering.

la crea-

I'd rather play as a floating camera with a body. Just like you should in every first person game.

Fuck talking protagonists in first person games. It's always fucking shit.

isn't protag of first game a nigger?


ITT: /pol/tards bitching about a game they never intended to play anyway

would fug this jungle queen

>Make poll asking whether people want a female protag or for them to fix the broken game
>90% of the poll votes for fixes
>they ignore that and make a sequel with a female protag anyway

I genuinely, unironically, fucking hate black people. I find their entire race to be disgusting in appearance. I curse the traitorous politicians that have allowed these subhumans into my homeland.

same but with cumskins


jealous much?

Who are cumskins?

wh*te """people"""

Have you actually socialized with normal black people before? They're not all niggers.

imagene de pusy smellz

I dont hate blacks, but I feel for your sentiment about politicians inviting other races in without asking

Why don't you move to Africa then?

Oh, I get it, like shitskins, but not as funny, and more confusing.

what people? your post seems to have been censored somehow. probably some leftist banning ur words

Why would I socialize with people whose mere appearance fucking disgusts me? I don't care if there are "normal" folks among them, the fact that they do not belong to my race and ethnic group marks them as outsiders to me and I have no interest in interacting with them. I generally dislike people who don't belong to my ethnic group.

>main game is unfinished and lacks content
>better release a sort of spin off with the same assets, less content and even more bugs

I just don't get it

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Its not about women its because shes brown

>In a frozen arctic wasteland
>Not wearing gloves
>Hair outside the suit
Y tho?

>main game is unfinished and lacks content
we're talking about subnautica in 2019 right? i don't see how you can say this

imagine when she gets the stillsuit


>tfw my nation used to be 99 percent white 25 years ago when I was born.
>now it is 95 percent white, with the number of non-whites growing rapidly.

I don't want my homeland turning into some sort of fucking disgusting multicultural and multiracial melting pot. This is the only homeland my people have and I'd be willing to fucking genocide all these foreign fucks if that is what it takes to retain the demographic majority of my people.

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Same but with the entire human race.

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>step outside water
>hair turns into giant icicle
>stab yourself in the back

Can't imagine a bigger way to shill darkies in my game like exposing skin to unsurvivable temperatures.

>"There are no guns in the game because we're against gun violence"
And this inadvertently made it so that little bitches outed themselves
>Weeeeh my pointy shooty is gone what am I gunra dew!?
Meanwhile I beat sea abominations to death with a robot suit.

>look down
>sea tits
Good game

Because virtue signalling
Everybody must be aware that you are playing as a black girl who talks like a teenage white girl because the developers are city dwelling white people and have never spent any time around blacks before and think all races act exactly the same

Haha, they don't drink their piss with the Stillsuit, they drink their sweat! Like, that's still gross too, haha! Imagine all that salty sweat getting processed into salt nuggets and clean water, and then you DRINK IT! Eew!

Yeah well too bad. Won't be too long now before no race has a "homeland" except the jews because we gotta protect Israel's boarders from everyone else in the middle east.
It's just how it works user.

Gosh and here I was hoping we'd finally get to have Subnautica threads without *cringe* racism
Thanks a lot guys, at least you won't be spamming "el goblino del mar" anymore

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Ok calm down boy
But why dont you join NordFront?

>Being so inbred you get confused by something so obvious
I get that you were trying to be cute user, but you just outed yourself as a moron instead.

One can't escape the realization that Hitler was fucking right.

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Its not because its a woman, or brown.
Its because in the original subnautica, you never saw your character, so the gender and race didn't exist. Which was fine.
Then, right before it was over, they made it a black person, and plastered it everywhere.
If that wasn't enough points for them, they then make the new game and make it a black female. Fine, whatever, its a black female, at lest the game started this way. but THEN they leave her gloves off, so all you can see is her black hands, showing you 24/7 that it is indeed a black person.
I don't know about you, but if I was on an alien planet in freezing water, I wouldn't want to leave my gloves off just so I can see how black I am.

>the /pol/ boogeyman doesn't exist Yea Forums says
every time a character of color is posted this happens

finland was 0% white 25 years ago and is 0% white today

Give me one (1) good reason to build the cyclops and use it.

They are basically just a bunch of fucking biker gangers here in Finland. Maybe in Sweden they are more respectable, but here their behavior is that of thuggish brainlets that can only scream into megaphones and act like fucking morons.

Israel needs our aid in order to protect their borders and also to have a space program. Space programs are a basic human right.

You... You need to use the Cyclops Fabricator to build the Neptune.

Sorry, I know it must be hard coming up with insults for white people, seeing as we're literally perfect.
If Cumskin was the best you can do, then you're just shit at making up insults.


Can America protect their borders too or only Israel?

You need the Cyclops to finish the game. You can't go deep enough with the seamoth.

its so she can cum again and again as she swims. obviously her suit and shit has a pussy juice Particles per milligram sensor for an inertial navigation system.

So they told people the character was brown... And now your upset that theyre brown...

/pol/'s views became mainstream among people who have never been to /pol/
Thanks for that by the way, to imagine these manchildren used to be autistically focused on nothing but videogames.

it's technically necessary for depth requirements but you're right that since they made it destructible it's super shitty to play

Slave owner: know what we should do?
Other slave owner: what's that?
Slave owner: bring black people to every single country we live in as our slaves.
Other slave owner: I see absolutely no problem arising with that idea. Let's do it!

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Exactly, it's literally a giant floating fabricator because it has no other purpose. It's slow, dies to everything, is obnoxious to get to the end-game area and obnoxious to use once there, and there's no reason not to just do all this shit with the PRAWN instead.


When you stop seeing them as people, then it makes tolerating them slightly better.

((((Slave owner))))

The only reason you need the cyclops to finish the game is because you need it to build a part of the rocket, that is the literal only reason.

>multiple bugs that have been there since pre-alpha
>anything above water still looks like pure aids
>major pop-in and bad optimization
>(rare) game breaking glitches that have been there since pre-alpha
>multiple biomes are completely unused and unfinished

My people never held any fucking slaves. We were a bunch of dirt poor peasants under the thumb of European Empires for over 800 years and only gained independence 100 years ago.

>tanks even biggest enemies with ease
>has defensive mechanisms
>can just turn off engines and leviathans forget that you exist
>easy as fuck to repair
Maybe you're just stupid.

Now bentover and lift up your ass cause Im going to fuck you for a whole hour nonstop

To be fair user. That worked out fabulously for the slave owners themselves, they made tons of money off of the trade of slaves and got to have literal fucking slaves.

Then they died long before any problems arose. So it worked out for them just fine.

cringe and destiny pilled

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>Using cyclops for depth instead of prawn
Why are you so retarded?

How the fuck are black people coming into europe in 2019 slaves?
>Every single country
There was an african slave trade anywhere but the USA?

Didn't they cut ties with their sound designer?

Reminds me of my favorite childhood comics that made my peepee tingly

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giv horse pussy

>barely taller than the guy sitting down

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Did you just close your eyes to my entire post? Are you fucking retarded?

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Damn she's thicc

>not using cyclops as a mobile base for the prawn suit.

yes, he was a nazi

>tanks even biggest enemies with ease
Nigger it takes literally 20x normal damage from most enemies
>has defensive mechanisms
No it doesn't. it has stalling mechanisms
>can just turn off engines and leviathans forget that you exist
Woa you can not use it and then it's not a detriment, amazing idea there Watson!
>easy as fuck to repair
Good thing too because it constantly fucking needs it.

maybe they buffed it at some point since I last played the game (which was admittedly i think almost 2 years ago) but hwen I played it the thing got destroyed in 10 seconds by bumping into rocks and the like leeches or whatever that came onto the ship, not to just mention normal enemies like the metal-loving sharks
the pop-in is shit but as i understand it they can't fix it without remaking the game from scratch
>anything above water still looks like pure aids

>Using the cyclops as a mobile base when you have absolutely no fucking reason to because its slower than the fucking thing you're moving around with it, runs out of power faster, is more fragile and has absolutely zero benefit.

Did you put any thought into the stupid shit you say? Just say fuck browners and mive on faggot, stop pretending its other shit

Daily reminder they fired the sound designer, one of the best aspects of the game, because like most Poles he didn't want his children raped by immigrants

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>not using it to gather resources with it's massive fucking cargo bays (and half a dozen cabinets you have installed inside of it), so you don't have to constantly go back to your base to empty your prawn suit.

What resources nigger? You don't need anything more than what a single inventory and maybe a cargo mod or two on your prawn can carry, and that's if you're bringing way more stuff than you'll ever need.

>nazi boogieman
UH OH guess that means he was a rational person and got excommunicated from the church of progressivism.

daily reminder that the sounds were mostly generic and not all too important to the game
no offense to the guy's work but outside of the laughing or whatever none of the sound design in the game is exactly unique, just standard growling and thunk thunk thunk

>implying you don't need shitton of resources to build the fucking rocket ship.

>Actually not just hacking resources in subnautica in on demand

You didn't really fall for the whole thing they did with turning an 8 hour game into 50 hours, right?

He also did the soundtrack which was great. I love this song

>>anything above water still looks like pure aids

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muh pol boogyman
majority are not racist sweety

>Nigger it takes literally 20x normal damage from most enemies
The damage it takes compared to all the ways to avoid the damage and how easy it is to repair it is trivial.

>No it doesn't. it has stalling mechanisms
Passive defense is still defense. I've never required more than one beacon to get away from a leviathan that was attacking me.

>Woa you can not use it and then it's not a detriment, amazing idea there Watson!
Yes, should you ever be in critical condition you can shut off the engines and repair your shit. If leviathans target you and not the cyclops, they can bump into it without damaging it. This means you can repair everything while hiding behind your vehicle should the leviathan attack. Also, it forgetting about your existence means it'll go back into it's regular idle mode, giving you room to escape.

>Good thing too because it constantly fucking needs it.
The only reason for that is player error. You just suck at this game, that's all.

>destroyed in 10 seconds by bumping into rocks
Maybe don't bump into rocks? You don't rate a car badly because it gets damaged if you drive it into a tree.

>leeches or whatever that came onto the ship
Those don't damage the ship, they drain the batteries and are easily dealt with.

>not to just mention normal enemies like the metal-loving sharks
You mean stalkers? I've literally never come into any close contact with them while in my cyclops. Can they even damage it at all?

It's freezing water, why would you need gloves racist

>daily reminder that the sounds were mostly generic and not all too important to the game
The sounds took the game from "good" to "memorable" for me. The music in particular was fantastic, synth was a nice touch for a futuristic aquatic adventure.

alien island and then the failed colony both look fine, and i guess the aurora too if you count that
While that's some pretty nice music I can't say I ever remember hearing it in the game
I'd rate the car badly if it was impervious and then a few weeks later they made it so that it could blow up.
If I remember correctly (which I could not be) I think even running into normal non-threatening fish damaged the ship.


>I'd rate the car badly if it was impervious and then a few weeks later they made it so that it could blow up.
>If I remember correctly (which I could not be) I think even running into normal non-threatening fish damaged the ship.
So your issues are that your vehicle isn't indestructible and that you can't just ram into everything like a mouth breathing retard?

It's a mobile BASE user. It has a fabricator and storage.
You use it because when you move your base around the map with you, you make it so that you don't have to move 2x the distance for a return trip.

You could be a total fucking retard and march thousands of metres in your PRAWN suit and artificially drag out the playtime, or you could have your base be the cyclops and be efficient in your time.
Guess we know where you fall.

My issue is that there's zero reason to want to use the cyclops as opposed to the prawn or even just the seamoth. It's just a big, shitty, worse version of the seamoth.

Im not mad that this game has a woman protagonist

Im not mad that she is colored

nor do I care about guns not being in the game

What pisses me off however is that this is a totally separate game from the original when it should be adding to said game which is also unfinished. I have loved subnautica since it came out but god damn this dlc pisses me off. so many things could have been added or fixed in the base game but nooooo they got to go waste time on this.

hey at least there's only two separate games and not like 6

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Lol imagine if there was a parasite fish that impregnates any female it bites and you'd have to finish the game with a big swollen belly carrying a hybrid.

>turn DLC into "full game"
>reuse assets
>EA milk it for a couple more years
>free positive press the whole time because of the focus on brave and stunning black queen
>if you complain you're a nazi

they've got the hypnosis squid thing

I've been playing recently and aside from one thing I never saw that instantly took it's hp down to 60%, the Cyclops has been pretty resistant to harm.
Several repeated hits from a reaper leviathan only took it down to 70% or so and I've yet to see it damaged by hitting terrain, and I slammed it pretty hard once while ascending from a trench.

>My issue is that there's zero reason to want to use the cyclops as opposed to the prawn or even just the seamoth. It's just a big, shitty, worse version of the seamoth.
This has nothing to to with your previous arguments. There's tons of reasons to use the cyclops, but you'd just pull more shit out your ass once more, so who cares.

My issue is that there's zero reason to want to use trucks as opposed to regular cars or just bicycles. It's just a big, shitty, worse version of a car.

you're leaving out the part where the truck also hauls around a car for faster driving that can be deployed at will.

>daily reminder that the sounds were mostly generic and not all too important to the game
Lmao what??
The unique sounds were the first thing I noticed about the game
Literally everyone remembers the BRAAAAP HUEHUEHUE hogs from the shallows
Hearing the sounds of a reaper roaring off in the distance will always be unsettling to me, it sounds like a whisper when far away and its hard to make out what it even is, but up close its absolutley terrifying
The atmosphere the sounds created literally made the game scary for me, without the sound design that communicated all that information to me and kept me on my toes the game would suffer
And in Below Zero it does suffer
(its unfinished i know) but the new sounds are very sub-par compared to the reused ones
And like pointed out, it really did make it that much better

You really don't. At all.

>Literally everyone remembers the BRAAAAP HUEHUEHUE hogs from the shallows
I'm aware and I very specifically mentioned them,
>"But outside of the laughing none of the sound design was that unique"

>"Passive defense is still defense. I've never required more than one beacon to get away from a leviathan that was attacking me."
>Being such a bitch that you run from leviathans instead of killing them
Another reason why you just use the PRAWN.

>The only reason for that is player error. You just suck at this game, that's all.
>Kid using the cyclops instead of using the much better alternatives whinges about people being bad unironically
Jesus, have some self awareness you retarded fuck.

>Mobile base
You dont EVER need a mobile base you fucking inbred cuck, that was the whole fucking premise of this argument in the first place. Holy fuck how can one man be this retarded?

>be efficient in your time
By NOT using the cyclops for things it has no business doing and that don't need to be done, you moronic fuck.

But you don't ever need to haul your car around, you can just fucking drive it and be quicker about it too.

>nananananananana everything that i disagree with is wrong nanananananananananana