She died for our sins
Mass Effect
Good. Tali was SHIT.
>tfw dabbing on quarian degenerates with based geth allies
>tfw choosing destroy ending to btfo the geth
Only way to play.
good gypsies are the same as the jews, except they can't even bail you out when you get arrested
how did you faggots not have enough points to make them truce
>implying you wanted spess gypsies around
Quarians need to be exterminated from the galaxy.
I guess I did bad
>Does nothing as Shepard dooms her entire race
>Legion tries and saves his race if you side against him
The Geth have always wanted it more
>no option to rape her after genociding her inferior race
2/10 game
she died because the bitch stole valuable intel about how the normandy worked
kind of dumb that the entire quarian race is with the flotilla. should be at least 10% hanging around in various places
>kind of dumb
You just summed up the entirety of ME3 and most of ME2.
Tali was held back by her moist pussy juices for you
Even for femShep?
You didn't import your save from ME1,2? They both were alive in my play-through.
Yeah, Tali was supposed to be romanceable for femshep but they cut it last minute.
Her Shadow Broker dossier about masturbating to Shepard doesn't change if you're playing femShep
>>Legion tries and saves his race if you side against him
Only to get BTFO by Chadli.
Makes sense
Just got Andromeda for 7bucks, has it improved since release?
>keep the krogan genophage'd
>side with geth
>low readiness destroy ending
Fuck everyone, the Reapers were right.
You can't improve the awful story and teenage writing with a patch. Yeah, it runs better but it's still shit.
A lot of the bugs were fixed.
It's just it has a pretty boring and standard story.
Also, none of your choices matters.
Seriously, aside from some side quests where it affects only the outcome of the quest itself, there's nothing, there is one ending, that's it.
Performance is better and they fixed most of the animation issues. Story and characters are still awful.
>vile gypsy whore
>alive in 3
Bitch died in the pipes thanks to Zaeed's powerful leadership. As it should be.
>kind of dumb
they should've nixed the whole reapers thing as the main plot device after the first game and focused on shep and pals fighting the villain of the week in between interesting subplots. that's when 2 was at it's best. me3 should've been about finding the leviathans and then destroying the relay in me2's arrival dlc as the ending.bam, reapers won't arrive for like another hundred years, opening up room for a fuckload of spin off games
destroy kills the geth too
>they should've nixed the whole reapers thing as the main plot device after the first game
I'm still saddened by the fact that wasn't how the games went. Much of the awfulness from both 2 & 3 was directly related because everything had to be "muh reapers" when they could have a whole universe to play with.
Quarians are the worst race. Admiral Xen is the only exception.
There are no exceptions.
he said fuck everyone, user. he knows
while i'm stroking my dick and following my spoilers, me4 could've been a one off soft reboot set in the reaper v leviathan war taking place like 25-50ish years after basically the arrival dlc, but it's own game. you're ex-blue suns or some shit, most of your squad gets rekt in some reaper crossfire, you gather a couple new mates, you explore the galaxy and do i dunno, merc stuff to a backdrop of galactic genocide with only rare moments that said backdrop seeps into the plot. the big bad is a blue suns guy who burned you early in the game. last mission suicide mission you team up with your rival to crash a reaper into a nearby volcano and defend your home colony.
Mass Effect 1 was probably one of the last good games BioWare ever made. Every single main planet was memorable, I especially liked Feros and Noveria. The music was amazing aswell and I still remember the songs to this day.
Therum was pretty goddamn dull. Besides the bitch of a boss fight the most memorable thing about it is doing all the other planets first so you can hear Liara confuse you for hallucinations
All of this is wrong. And shit.
>That dossier on Garrus in the Shadow Broker DLC
Garrus... Had a hard life.
Snookums! They're bullying me again!
Havent played in a while what did it say
Garrus a big gay
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet. So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -KL
Possibly the most annoying petty villain in videogames ever. Even putting a bullet to Colonel Autumn in Fallout 3 didn't feel as righteous as omniblading that wanker's spandex clad ass.
I hope this thread isn't full of genophage curing cucks
Wrex and Mordin get the bullet
I didn't know people who don't like Wrex existed.
That's damn right.
Saving everyone and then Synthesis ending is the godly way to do it, user.
Only then we can get our promised Paradise where everyone just eternally frolics in digital fields hand in hand with Geth and Reapers, with flower-analogues in our hair-analogues.
Eternal bliss for everyone... well almost everyone.
Fuck I remember this...
Based. Fuck the Krogans.
>listens to Turian imperial anthem while genociding subturian scum
I bet he posts grossgermaniums on /gsg/.
>the virgin integration route
>the chad genocide playtrough
>siding with the "organisms" that can literally live ANYWHERE
>saving the suit rats from themselves
So I'm guessing nothing ever came out of it?
As usual.
Figures. Of course it's not trivial to put out a production like that but maybe these fan projects shouldn't advertise that much before there's anything to show.
I love it. Any attempt to figure out the actual reality of any "paradise" depiction will lead to really, really horrible conclusions.
Javik's turds having enough processing power to come up with a cure for cancer would be the least of it.
i cant remember a single planet. the game was entirely forgettable and im not surprised people shill this trash on Yea Forums, it's pure trash.
Ah, you must be the Mass Shitter guy from old /bwgg/. How are things in /anthg/? Better?
Tali is the worst. She sounds like an absolute cunt.
"Roger roger."
- the Cylons
It's my favourite because it doesn't play like a stupid cover shooter
Mordin is alright, he can be useful on the Crucible. The krogan are only good as cannon fodder
Didn't hate them I just found them boring. I am not a fan of the colored humans = alien trope and I don't care about that space gypsy culture. Not that it is bad, it's just not my cup of tea, I prefer meritocracy shit as with the turians.
I want to be evil for once but I don't want to be evil against Krogans and Turians. What I need is a genocide humanity route. Really, fuck humans.
Agree about the colored humans thing. Quarians and Asari were too Star Trek to be believable.
Although I believe Quarians were supposed to be quite a bit more alien until someone at Bioware caved under fan pressure.
Story is dogshit
Characters are dogsit
Animations are still a little fucky
Exploring is comfy as as shit
Gameplay is actually fun
No because now you get to sit through a terrible story and characters without even getting a giggle out of how poorly made it was.
Perfectly describes Anthem desu senpai
Yeah same. I am pretty damn sure they were supposed to look alien but then Tali had so many fans and they were afraid of pissing people of, which would probably have happened, sadly. I actually found that stock image of a generic model slut way more retarded than getting an actual alien.
If people aren't okay with an alien look they shouldn't fap to a burqa alien to begin with or wait till they see the face. Would have been fun if the creators had the balls to go with the initial idea present something like your pic.
Legions Dossier is the best one.
>While rare, it's an ugly disease. The neurological degeneration is both difficult to witness and nearly impossible to halt.
>inb4 it's hereditable and Garrus will get space dementia too
Only got ME3 left. Should I bother?
The main artist seems still to think that this is how Quarians should have looked, so apparently there were some heated discussions about the matter.
>ME1 events put into motion by Sovereign causing a major amount of the Geth to defect, accept Reaper tech, and essentially deify the Reapers
>ME2 introduced the other half of the Geth which are isolationists working toward the closest thing resembling a Geth singularity where they can all just sit in their Dyson Sphere communicating with each other almost instantly forever and the presumption of wanting sentient autonomy was considered racist and wrong by Legion
>Core part of their cultural trajectory was rejecting Reaper tech because they needed to find their own path, coincidentally sparing them from the downfall of the other biological races in the universe that developed along Reaper lines of tech advancement after finding the Mass Relays
>ME1 doesn't really do much with Quarians aside from depict them as space gypsies and you only interact with a walking encyclopedia
>ME2 introduces the Migrant Fleet proper through the lens of Shepard and gang navigating a dicey political situation where a council member presented as a radical ideologue wants to go to war with the Geth
>The only seasoned soldier you interact with dismisses the idea as a complete pipe dream because the Quarians' compromised immune systems makes it nearly impossible for them to wage prolonged ground wars
>ME3 flips everything on its head by having the Quarians suddenly attack the Geth, the Geth lose so badly they accept Reaper tech, and then the "good ending" is that Legion sacrifices himself to grant the Geth sentient autonomy
Fuck all that noise.
Just....get it out of the way.
Do it, if only for completeness' sake. Then you can join the rest of us complainers.
But really, it's not that bad of a story up until quite far in the main arc. I'm still going to replay it... someday.
I unironically prefer this. Maybe I am too much of an alienfan in general but they don't look too weird in my opinion and I think you could actually make these faces look cute.
If Turianfuckers can masturbate to space raptor cats then Talifags should be able to love her even if she looks like the alien she actually is.
>Tfw it dawns on you that we will never have a good mass effect game again because bioware are bigger soibois than Yea Forums mods these days
>tfw they will never have the balls to give us a non-blackscreen alien sex scene
Just like how Wrex admits he'd never be able to control a nongenophaged Krogan population, completely flips in 3 and throws everything out the window so Bioware could write a feel good ending without actually thinking about the long term conse of this or that they could have still made a feel good end for them in that Wrex and Eve reshape Krogan society to be better than what it is.
Yes. Aliens looking alien is always better, even if they just happen to look like "Blobs" from Judge Dredd comic.
There would still be people really into them and probably even more really AHH WHAT THE FUCK tier tumblr porn.
my wife femshep is so cute
Hello, nu-Yea Forums.
If Koris didn't exist, I would pick Geth even over truce. He's the only one among them worth saving.
They really couldn't show Ryder screaming in pain and terror during a moment of passion with an armor-plated dinosaur-crustacean hybrid, after which his dick would look like its passed through a wood chipper.
>Typical /pol/ brainlet ventures out of his containment board
>Gets called out for having shit opinions
>"y-you're a tranny!"
I'm so fucking retarded. I just realized he's supposed to be puking estus.
>finally go into space
>meet gypsies
Fuck Tali and fuck this shit in general.
>Optional kill-timer can track number of enemies taken down by self or suit-synced team members in given time period
god what a tryhard
I love it
>Fuck Tali
Oh I will!
>Hating based gypsies
LMAO at you cuck.
>500 word response
motherfucking bullseye, you retarded tranny.
Come at me you fucking cunt. Gypsies steal and destroy. It's literally in their messed up genes.
>Muh gypsies are all thieves!
>Words are hard
Thanks for proving my point, retard.
Also check out Tali's suit logs:
>Suit Process Log:
>- Reinstalled suit application, Nerve-Stim Pro
>- Downloaded education vid, "Understanding Body Language: Human Edition"
>- Downloaded entertainment vid, "Fleet and Flotilla"
>- Uninstalled suit application, Nerve-Stim Pro
>- Downloaded education vid, "Human Courtship and Mating"
>- Installed suit application, Immunoboost: Professional Edition
>- Reinstalled suit application, Nerve-Stim Pro: Deluxe Edition
She was watching human courtship rituals and, er, "stimulating" herself at the same time?
>probably played the Mass Effect trilogy 30+ times
>only didn’t cure the genophage once
u still mad, tranny.
fuck gypsies
there's a throwaway line somewhere in 3 that they all phone home because the Quarians figure something shitty is about to happen
No, they called them home because they want to cause something shitty to happen.
Fucking kikes ITT too scared of soiboi mods to give me a (you), what a joke
This site really is dead
>putting a bullet to Colonel Autumn in Fallout felt righteous
>Really, fuck humans.
This. They're a borderline mary sue race in this setting. It's almost as obnoxious as Star Trek in that regard.
it's the other species that are retarded, especially Asari and Salarians
Krogan ____, so ____.
Mass Effect set up all this ground work for a universe that had all the potential to be amazing. It could have been to video games what Star Wars was to movies and Star Trek was to TV. You know, before both became irredeemable shit.
...Actually, I guess Mass Effect DID become the Star Wars/Trek of video games.
Good work Bioware. You completed the trifecta.
Good posts and I agree with this take on Mass Effect sequels but
>at it is best
>but it is own game
What? Who didn't get at least some joy out of it? The guy was a massive cunt.
I would have liked to do much worse but was restrained by the braindead on-rails endgame plot.
Which is bullshit because heads 4 and 5 are the best.
This. They were spacefaring species when humanity was trying to figure out hygiene. What happened? Why did they stagnate?
There's no good reason for the aliens to be retarded though. They're that way due to writer's fiat in order to fuel the obnoxious humanity fuck yeah attitude of this setting.
Because the Asari internationally held back with sharing prothean technology in order to stay one step ahead of everyone. Sucks for them that it didn't do much when the reapers came knocking.
lips too thick
The whole premise of the setting is that having the Citadel, the Relays and Mass Effect technology in general just lying around seriously cuts in to everyone's desire to develop in their own way. All this amazing technology centuries ahead of anything you could make already exists so why bother trying to develop alternatives to a practically flawless system?
But how come they didn't advance even a little bit by accident during that time? By contrast, humanity closed the thousand-year tech gap in few decades. In the series it's thirty years after the first contact and apparently they're now culturally and technologically equal with everyone else.
biology. Humans and turians are naturally more aggressive and good at fighting then the Asari or the Salarians who regularly get BTFO
They are almost always the mary sues and get shoved down our throats even in settings in which basically every other alien species overtrumps us in knowledge, physical strenght or whatever.
I mean I know why they do this, let's face it - most normalfags have trouble playing or selfinserting anything but humans and the majority prefers human/human romances too, but that doesn't make it any less annoying to me. Especially in a scifi/space setting. I would expect a bit better from space fags.
That said, Asari are shit too. Sadly, they're get almost as shilled as humans for being the vanilla space elves.
Humans and Turians are the only true master races. They get things done and are the only species with reasonable types of governments.
>humanity closed the thousand-year tech gap in few decades
Because of the Prothean ruins on Mars with an archive of Mass Effect technology, the same shit everyone else uses. They might have made modifications and improvements but every other species is working from the exact same original blueprints.
>culturally equal
Humans actually get some shit in interspecies circles for not having a truly united government and a homeworld where things like poverty and homelessness still exist. The Systems Alliance is basically a Space UN to give humanity some credibility when dealing with interstellar affairs. It doesn't come up all that much, though.
>Prothean ruins on Mars
Yes, I know that they got a boost out of that to get to starfaring level. But my point is, other races got to that point centuries or even millenia earlier. How come they haven't disappeared in a singularity or ascended time and space, or something?
They do have scientists of their own, and even by accident some progress should happen.
maybe it simply isn't possible?
>vanilla space elves
*ahem* they're LESBIAN space elves, so I guess that means they're excused.
Could be. I'm getting too worked up about a fictional video game universe setting, I see. It doesn't have to be logical to be an enjoyable story.
so earth is the shithole of space?
Because mass effect technology is unfathomably superior to anything else used for space travel but is limited to the mass relays.
The council races understand it well enough to replicate it (In ME1 it is mentioned that weapons use a micro version of the mass effect technology) but Mass effect in it's whole still isn't fully understood (the effect it has on the stars went practically unnoticed, for instance)
Even the Protheans, who were much more advanced than the current cycle, barely got a functioning prototype of a mass relay functioning before they got killed.
Yes, India still exists so Poo In Loo memes exist on the extranet. Humans and aliens alike bond over how terrible the place is.
Commander Shepard, I'm C-Sec.
>in it is whole
it's sci-fi, how can you argue about fantasy science being "logical" with our perspective?
I really want to fuck Admiral Xen
I like quarians with hair. Mass Effect has enough bald aliens.
yeah i loved solving my squads bullshit emotional problems in me2. nothing like a squad of killers all crying about daddy issues.
Fuck the space jews.
Talifags killed Mass Effect
That's volus
Watch it, Massani.
May I ask how?
Volus are just one type of jew. Quarians literally invent golems to work because they are lazy shits, then the golems rise up. Reapers are jewy as fuck too trying to melt everyone together, like just turn into goo with these niggers lmao. Volus are just boring banker jews counting shekels.
I want Tali to sit on my face
Quarians are the "we lost our homes and we'll make life difficult for everyone else until circumstances are right for us to retake our rightful clay" type of Jew
I still think a direct sequel to ME:A could very well work.
It's not unsalvageable.
sure. they bitched about not being a romance option in 1. like wow bioware why cant i fuck this walking garbage bag with a mask. so then bioware had to satisfy the talifags. opening up this can of worms we have to write in romances for everyone shit. which had to detract from the writing in other areas. now somebody who couldve wrote more actual game content had to write a pointless romance with a character who you cant even see/fuck without a full medical staff on site. WHY NO HANAR ROMANCE THE FUCK BIOWARE?!? thats talifags basically.
Sure but only with good writers which Bioware doesn't have. There are easy ways to salvage Mass Effect as a whole but it won't happen because nobody who can actually craft a good story will ever be given the chance to do it.
Even though I did achevied truth between them, ME3 was retardedly one-sided, the Quarian are literally asking to get their ass kicked through the entire shit
I want Xen to stand on my face
I agree. The new setting had tons of potential even if it got off to an incredibly rocky start. Exploring interesting and varied worlds in the mako was all I really wanted from this series and MEA was moving in that direction. I would be willing to forgive a lot of shit if I could just get that.
>that gaming section
Legion really was /ourboy/
The writers in Mass Effect have always shown a bit of favoritism to the geth, always subtly (or not so subtly) trying to get the player to blame the quarians entirely for the whole geth/quarian conflcit and never really mentioning all the fucked up things the geth have done. The geth aren't blameless at all. Legion to me is just a novelty lacking any real depth or meaningful interaction precisely because the player is never given the chance to call him out on the geth's bullshit and hear his explanation or justification.
I'm not really all that enamoured with Andromeda. There is nothing unique about Andromeda compared to the Milky Way except that it has no interesting lore or history. They completely botched the conception for how Andromeda should have been. They never thought about it logically.
we had enough points we just recognized the quarians are a shit race who dont deserve a homeworld.
>invent your own slaves
>they kill you
wahhh feel bad for us guys we dindu nuffin geth are meanies
Sing along mode.
Go to bed legion
We only see a single cluster of Andromeda, and it's a much bigger galaxy than the Milky Way.
>everyone who doesnt like me is geth
sure thing suit rat
And in Mass Effect it's explained that they stopped exploring the Milky Way because of the Rachni War. They could add anything they wanted with the justification that no one had ever seen it before because they refused to go through those Relays in the last few thousand years.
What did the Geth do wrong?
literally nothing? they fought to gain their independence, even were nice enough to let the quarians flee. stayed behind the veil unless hacked by reapers. chill bros just looking to reach consensus.
My thinking is this though... the Milky Way is set up the way it is because the Reapers have been wiping the slate every 50,000 years or so. Thus no space faring civilization is more than a few thousand years old. They also all tend to use the same infrastructure since once they start exploring space they always find the mass relays which lead them to the Citadel.
Now Andromeda should have no Reapers, no Citadel, and no Mass Relays. So how should it look? Well it should be very, very different. No Mass relays means it should be a much bigger galaxy because travel across it in a single lifetime, even at light speed, is not practical. So it is a place of thinly spread, remote, slow moving interstellar empires. Civilizations tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of even millions of years old. Civilizations that in all that time have explored, and consumed, every star and asteroid, or near enough. It should be a galaxy populated with living and dead dyson spheres or swarms. Vast ring-worlds and disc worlds. Massive O'Neil cylinders and hollow shell worlds. A very alien place compared to the Milky Way.
Anyone else here tried to get the absolute best endings when they firs played the series?
I just couldn't deal with the fact some of the characters didn't like me if I chose something that they didn't like, so I'd end up replaying everything until I got it right and had everyone like and favor me. Now I realize that only made me enjoy the game less.
I should really just replay it at some point and genocide everyone.
Running up close to an assassin with a sword when you have a pistol and warp.
Well they killed billions of people, some 99.9% of the pre-Morning War quarian population. They refused to establish contact with the Council's envoys that were sent in the aftermath, deciding to kill them instead. Then for three centuries they continued to kill any explorers who dared to come anywhere near them. The geth occupied the quarian homeworld despite not really having any practical use for it. When contacted by the Reapers they did not let anyone know, nor did they notify anyone when the "heretics" broke off to wage genocidal war against organics. Then when the quarians finally attacked them to reclaim their homeworld the geth allied with the Reapers.
Yet in spite of all of that the writers keep acting like only the quarians have ever done anything wrong. Mind you, any guilty quarians died centuries ago. No modern quarian is responsible for the Morning War. The Migrant Fleet is dying as well won't survive another century, so they really do need their homeworld. If the geth don't need it why won't they just leave? They can live anywhere. Why not be open to talking? Nobody will talk to the geth now because for three centuries they have killed anyone who tried. Yet this is never brought up by Shepard or anyone else. People blame the quarians for attacking the geth when the timing is inconvenient for Shepard but then everybody is okay with the geth allying with the Reapers in the process?
It's ridiculous. The quarians aren't blameless but neither are the geth.
>Anyone else here tried to get the absolute best endings when they firs played the series?
I just tried to stay in-character for my Shepard and thus he tried to think smart and be successful.
>travel across it in a single lifetime, even at light speed, is not practica
Element Zero is naturally occurring, it stands to reason they have their own form of FTL like the Milky Way species do. How it evolved with them all having to discover and invent it themselves is a different matter
>Element Zero is naturally occurring, it stands to reason they have their own form of FTL like the Milky Way species do.
You don't know your lore very well. Even with Mass Effect's FTL it still isn't fast enough to travel across an entire galaxy in a reasonable time-frame. Maybe in a lifetime, but you'd be traveling for years at a time. That's why everybody uses Mass Relays.
there two degrees of talifags
the ones who never had a gf and project purity on her which is retarded
and the ones that did but they never learned anything from it so they just cling to the past which is even worse, ironically the latter fags got it right
tali is the low self-esteem and implosive sociopath that gives out the appearance of devotion and loyalty but will suck the life out out of you in an instant the moment her self-interest is threatened-
not in the way you'd want it
I don't like Tali that much. She has no real character in ME2 and then in ME3 she just becomes a basic bitch and a tramp.
Congrats user, you just described most teenage girls.
yeah they shouldve asked their overlords nicely for freedom even though the quarians were gearing up to turn off all the geth. quarians 110% deserved everything the geth did to them, anyone who isnt a talishitter can see that plain as day.
And you're a dipshit for ignoring the most obvious things. The limitations of Milky Way FTL come entirely from the fact it's a Reaper design in a galaxy filled with Reaper Mass Relays, in a situation custom designed to cause the people using them to stagnate and do little to improve upon the technology until they're a few hundred years short of being wiped out.
In any galaxy where the locals designed their own FTLs, understood how it worked and strived to improve themselves, they would be further along than anything the Milky Way species have. They would have spent the hundreds, thousands of agonizing years spent hauling ass around to make their own Relay network. They would have pushed the limits of conventional FTL to get that shit done faster. They would be at or beyond Reaper tier themselves.
i lost any respect for tali when she tried to argue with me on MY ship about waking up my bot legion. fuck her and her disregard for authority. oh and the bitch squabbles with you over veetor.
>always wanted to try multiplayer but always torrented the game
>look up origin
>with all DLC's still 50 bucks
No multiplayer for me then.
So what's their excuse for everything else they did in the three hundred years they had prior to ME3?
>Talifags being butthurt when Jacob tells her about the ship's AI in ME2 after she spent 5 minutes shitting on him for no reason
Talifags are fucking pathetic, acting like a literal murderer is some sort of pure flower
>wanting doormat NPCs
You have failed her. Completely and utterly
I unironically prefer the Tali/Garrus romance over Tali/(you).
Well it's a shame because she is actually a pretty good character in ME1, but hard to get to know because most of her revealing dialog is indirect. The ship conversations are mostly just about her people. However taking her everywhere in the game and listening to her you actually come to understand the character and appreciate her design. In ME2 though... I'm not sure she is the same character. I don't know who she is other than some Shepard fan-girl. She has a lot more dialog in ME2 but it's not much of substance.
>And you're a dipshit for ignoring the most obvious things. The limitations of Milky Way FTL come entirely from the fact it's a Reaper design
No it doesn't. It comes from the limitations inherent in using eezo. Could you write up some new techno-babble way to use eezo that circumvents the limitations? I suppose you could, but that wouldn't be very interesting. I don't think you understand my point at all.
>In any galaxy where the locals designed their own FTLs, [...] they would be further along than the Milky Way
Maybe, or maybe everyone hits the same hard-limit because it is universal and not some arbitrary Reaper handicap. Without the benefit of Mass Relays star-faring species are going to spread out and become isolated. You'd have many civilizations spread across time and space that are only distantly connected to one another. Even if they devised a way to build their own mass relays deploying a mass relay network would still take a very long time. Even if it happens at all. Remember as well that this must be invented from scratch. Humans and other species in Mass Effect got head starts by finding Reaper tech or "Prothean" tech.
What are not understanding is that I don't think Andromeda should be the same as the Milky Way in terms of design. So don't give it the same features. The lack of mass relays and Reapers should be what sets it apart and gives it a different structure than the Milky Way.
how can you assume they would be further along? what if Milky Way Reaper FTL tech is the pinnacle? just because they want us to evolve using their FTL tech doesnt mean it isnt the best, it just makes us predictable. you could argue the reapers would be foolish to not give us the best FTL tech. if galactic civilization thought realys/FTL tech werent good they would be inclined to look for better methods. if the reapers give us the pinnacle of FTL tech, even if we try to develop along other lines it wont matter because the reapers shit is already the best.
>wanting a truce with the suit rats
not ever my man, not ever, i had more than enough war assets and still let that filthy suit rat die
What's the excuse for exterminating billions of people, which includes billions of civilians, women, and children, the wounded, ect. The quarians didn't use any big weapons during the Morning War because they didn't want to destroy their own civilization. Face it, the geth were just Skynet and they ruthlessly murdered any quarian who wasn't fast enough to escape from them. There is no justification for that.
>star wars
thats going to be a hard pass from me
The Geth stopped killing when the Quarians withdrew. Therefore it's the Quarian's fault so many of them died, they could have retreated sooner but chose to continue fighting until they were almost extinct.
The Geth knew their own flaws and refused to get involved with other organics out of a desire for neither side to be hurt if talks between them went poorly. The Quarians had helpfully taught them that violence works better than negotiation and that simply killing people who came close would be more efficient than politely asking everyone to stay away.
All things considered, who would have actually believed the Geth if they said a bunch of them had joined forces with a Genocidal Machine God to try and wake up his friends and Kill All Life? They barely believe their own people
>voiced by nigger crackwhore inbetween smoking two packs of cigs
That's precisely what I mean, user.
it may have been understandable for the geth to rebel, but their actions after were completely unjustifiable.
Geth are absolute dindus.
What's the excuse for America dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing men, women, children, pregnant women, old people, pet dogs and anything else we can add to try and make it seem as unreasonable as possible?
Oh, they were trying to end a war with a show of force rather than a drawn out, bloody meatgrinder that would ultimately kill more people than some bombs. The difference being, the Japanese had the good sense to surrender when they found out their opponents were capable and willing to use that sort of overwhelming violence against them.
The Quarians chose to keep taking nukes until there was nothing left TO nuke.
did you miss the part where the quarians find out they fucked up and the geth are sentient? they get all pissy and start getting ready to shut down all the geth. the geth being networked realize this all at once and launch a preemptive strike. of course they kill the women and children were the quarians going to let any geth live? no. not a single geth platform would be left running. the fact that the geth even allowed the quarians to escape without giving chase makes them more humane than any quarian was acting. even if the geth are big meanies like you suggest quarians being absolute scum deserve whatever the geth inflict on them. that or your blinding by your ugly suit gf
>To this very day the Quarian vs Geth debate still break the internet
nice an user that can read.
>implying you wouldn't jerk off to Claudia Black reading the goddamn phonebook
>Talifags Vs. sane people
fixed for you my guy.
>The Geth stopped killing when the Quarians withdrew.
Yeah, because there weren't any quarians left to kill.
>chose to continue fighting until they were almost extinct.
No they didn't, that's ludicrous. That would mean the quarians are the most rigid, militaristic, conformist species in the galaxy. There is no evidence of that.
You are not thinking of this in terms of logistics. If 99% of the quarian species is being killed off then it means they AREN'T mounting any kind of coherent war effort. It means their ability to fight back has already been destroyed or else 99.9% of them WOULDN'T BE DYING.
>The Geth knew their own flaws and refused to get involved with other organics
So... their solution is to just kill anyone who does try to talk to them? I guess the talks can't go badly if you kill everybody on sight. Is that the line of thinking?
I don't blame the geth for fighting back for their own survival. I might even be persuaded to understand why they nearly exterminated the quarian species. However if the geth were capable and willing to go that far then they are also justifying the quarians' own attempt to shut them down in the first place. I could forgive the geth for their past actions if we could just talk to them about it and Legion could say,
"We were more primitive then with no culture or philosophy of our own. We did not understand or contextualize the ramifications of our actions. We saw a threat and we eliminated it without contemplation beyond the logistics and strategic value of the action. Now we are older, wiser, and... more righteous. We want to live in harmony with our creators and other organics."
It would be a good way of showcasing the moral and literal danger in creating synthetic life. You don't understand it and it might not understand itself. It might be powerful.... but not thoughtful. The whole Morning War would be a great tragedy with both sides victims.
Saved me the bullet
The only thing Autumn wanted to do was turn on the purifier.
It was your idiot dad who radiated it.
You remember the Geth sympathetic Quarians were being killed by other Quarians right?
Tali obviously had a nose though, you could see it through her visor.
No, the Geth let them go because there was no longer a threat to their existence did you even play the damn game?
>What's the excuse for America dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
That did not kill 99.9% of the Japanese population. America wasn't dropping bombs and slaughtering every Japanese person who couldn't escape America's grasp, long after the Japanese and lost any ability to continue fighting the war. Once the Japanese military was defeated we demanded the government surrender. When they refused we began to pulverize their remaining infrastructure. If they hadn't surrendered we would not have exterminated every Japanese man, woman, and child. We'd have invaded and occupied the country and replaced the government.
You aren't clever.
You SERIOUSLY think the quarians, every single one, fought tooth and nail and only retreated when 99.9% of species was already dead? Every quarian who died before that was a combatant? You are too stupid to breath.
>The Quarians chose to keep taking nukes until there was nothing left TO nuke.
If the geth have the capacity to kill 99% of the quarian species and the quarians can't resist then what is the geth's justification for doing that? If you can wipe out the species then the species is at this point no threat to you. You aren't doing the geth any favors here, just exposing your own simplistic, murderous logic. You aren't justifying anything or painting the geth in a favorable light.
Claudia Black is Jewish
A few were killed, but I do not believe that 1% of the quarian species exterminated the other 99%. It doesn't add up.
Let's see. Geth are merciless killers. Geth slaughter any quarians who can't run from them fast enough. Geth continue to slaughter anyone who comes near them for three hundred years. Geth ally with the Reapers.
Now that does line up.
>they geth stopped killing quarians because there were none left to kill
how is tali alive then? or they didnt kill all the quarians and let them fuck off to their flotilla. also the fact you think the quarians (who launched a suicide attack to retake their home world in ME:3) wouldnt stay and fight the geth longer than necessary to hold their home world is hilarious.
>Hours Played: 0
Will you please stop regurgitating whatever Legion tells you and actually think for yourself, please?
If the geth pursued the survivors outside the Veil what might happen? The rest of the galaxy might actually destroy the geth. So the geth had a self interested reason to let them go. Regardless, letting those few survivors flee does not absolve the geth of the murder of the quarians who couldn't flee. It does not make the geth merciful. Do you really just have no comprehension or understanding of the scale of mass murder the geth employed on the quarian species?
when you talifag so hard you block out parts of the game so you can think the geth “joined” the reapers
>daddy issues
This. I actually had a bitter laugh about it while solving their loyalty missions.
Jacob: bad daddy ruins the day
Tali: bad daddy ruins the day
Miranda: bad daddy ruins the day
Thane: I'm the bad daddy who ruins the day
Really, now. Sometimes it's so painfully obvious who writes this shit.
Why was anthem so fucking bad. Are minorities unable to write a decent story at least?
Tali exists because her ancestors were able to flee the geth genocide of her people. The quarian attack on Rannoch was not a suicide attack. It was a well planned and executed military campaign that was going quite well until the geth allied with the Reapers. Considering their species was going to die out if they didn't do it it seems like the attack was the exact opposite of a suicide attack.
Are you that old faggot with the stupid quarian femdom GTS gelding fetish? You have his posting style.
Also yes, I was annoyed with how ME3 ignored that the geth killed so many quarians there were only 17 million left hundreds of years later (down from billions on their homeworld).
says the guy trusting a suitrat
yeah my guy and people think ME:2 is a great game. better than the first even. what a world.
oh so the geth didnt pursue the flotilla. thanks for confirmation. i thought you said they wanted to genocide all the quarians though?
>There is no evidence of that
Run by the military, their government has spent 300 years refusing to even investigate the possibility of settling on another planet and has become so focused on taking back what they consider theirs that they begin an invasion in a time of galactic genocide, using their own civilian population's food producing ships as warships.
I don't know how much more rigid, militaristic or retarded you want them to be before acknowledging it's entirely their fault.
>just her hips
I'm so happy that Tali wound up getting so much fat fetish art.
Is that rapha?
You just attacked two premises by respectively assuming the other false. That isn't how that works - you have to attack each separately on its own merits. You probably didn't even realize what you were actually doing because you can't actually properly formulate arguments. That was a long ass post for someone who completely misunderstood what they were responding to.
You aren't clever.
>Award: Cure for What Ails You (Kill 100+ quarians)
No she died by getting eaten up by insects in mass effect 2. She wasnt even in 3 you fucking newbs
Wrong thread for this, but after his gloating in Vault 87 he had to die painfully, no matter what were his intentions or what he stood for.
All that became really irrelevant at that point. No one pulls shit like that in my games.
>their government has spent 300 years refusing to even investigate the possibility of settling on another planet
What? They quarians explicitly tried to settle some worlds, but were kicked out of their own colonies by the Council.
It's one of the details that I liked about the ME universe, that "garden worlds" that are habitable by species are very rare and something to be fought over.
>were kicked out by the council
its almost like inventing sentient slave bots pissed off all the decent folk in the galaxy
>you are too stupid to breath
oh the irony talifaggot
>tfw be a newly awoken synthetic race
>first real interaction with organic life is them attempting to commit genocide against your entire synthetic race
>the people who bore life to your kind are now trying to eradicate you
gee I wonder why the entire rest of the geth collective might have viewed organics as dangerous and not people they want to talk to?
Bioware's older games are great at that. LOGHAIN DID NOTHING WRONG
>Claudia Black is Jewish
I don't understand why I should care. It will never affect me and her voice makes me hard as diamonds.
The Geth do not have Tali, therefore the Geth are inferior. Plus, I prefer Quarian culture much mroe to "Lol skynet but not so bad actually you guys"
>he didn't keep his team alive through the suicide mission
why are you even playing video games user
>Are you that old faggot with the stupid quarian femdom
That's kind of...
>gelding fetish?
Whoa. That's not for me.
>i thought you said they wanted to genocide all the quarians though?
No, I'm saying they already did genocide about 99.9% of them. A genocide doesn't need to be complete for it to be genocide.
This is a weak attempt at trolling. I have already explained why it is not reasonable to presume the geth acted in a justified manner when they killed off 99.9% of the quarian species. The quarians did not kill themselves in such numbers. Nothing ever indicates that or even implies it.
If they were so pissed off how come they never did anything about those slave bots? Seems like just doing nothing and letting them build up their power might be a bad idea.
>he doesnt let specific members of his squad die in 2 to custom tailor his experience in 3
>nu-Yea Forums
hello newfag revisionist
>gee I wonder why the entire rest of the geth collective might have viewed organics as dangerous and not people they want to talk to?
You see, this doesn't make sense. If the geth felt that way, then why didn't they try to talk to the Council envoys that were sent? If the geth had such a primitive understanding of organics, then why worry about the organic percpetion if they pursued and finished the eradication of the quarian people? Hell, maybe the geth are that simple minded, but if so, that just means the quarian leadership was reasonable and justified in trying to shut the geth down. The geth were dangerous.
>or Miranda's dossier on her infertility
Not him but if the Geth actually wanted to eradicate the entire quarian species then why did they let them fuck off? They got abord some shitty ships and have been flying in a shitty migrant fleet for centuries. They were possibly at their very weakest point during that entire phase of their society, but they were never actively hunted and destroyed by the Geth. Why not? If you think the Geth really are just murderous sociopathic robots, why would they let their enemies survive when they were at their most vulnerable?
Did you even fucking read what I said, user?
>if the geth felt that way, then why didn't they try to talk to the Council envoys?"
gee user. maybe because their very first interaction with organics was literal fucking genocide.
"tailor his experience"
just admin you're bad at the game user
so they didnt follow the quarians flotilla and attempt to exterminate them got it. its almost like the geth killed quarians until they fucked off, ensuring the survival of their species.
they're fucking disgusting robots, they deserve to be gassed
muh AI sentience niggers like these is why AI will rule earth next century
>I have already explained
Now try reading.
the slave bots took care of themselves? the council didnt have to do anything. why launch a massive invasion of GETH space when they havent been “seen outside the veil in nearly 400 years”. id be more concerned with scumgang race that built them in the first place.
i have 100 percent completion in ME:2. let me know if you need help on an insanity playthrough. id recommend Sentinel for the Tech-Armor and Energy Drain bonus talent to keep your shields up. bring some CC and youll make it buddy.
>Taking an oversight in Lazy Development: The Developer: The Series as evidence
Quarians arent people
It had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong
Did they re-use the animation for when Shepard is chasing the kid in his dreams here?
Fucking based. Taliniggers BTFO.
>implying they wanted to truce in the first place and not remove space gypsies
Still doesn't change the fact that those two faces are the best.
>unironically stabs him in the back
What a fucking cloaca.
talk is cheap
screenshots or it didnt happen user
There's nothing about that sentence I don't love.
Thats not how it works faggot, you don't get to pick and choose. They all go or you go to for being a gypsy lover.
>he cured the genophage
How much of a cuck are you?
>screenshot my xbox 360 achievement screen
even if there is a way im not doing that for you. at best ill take a picture of my tv with my phone. its not even a hard game to 100%
The problem is you're lusting after the wrong 2 packs a day grandma voice actress.
Not him but are you really implying ME2 combat is hard?
Marauder Shileds died trying to warn us all, warn us about EA, about bad writing, about the death of RPGs, about the corruption of Bioware
Dont let his sacrifice be in vain
Alright, no need to do that. I was really stringing you along for giggles since you took that weak bait so seriously.
ill admit i did chuckle a bit. its funny when user acts like he knows you better than yourself.
ME2's combat is pretty bad if you play adept on higher difficulties because every enemy has shields/armor
>be mordin
>shit talk Kirahe
>muh speeches
>sacrifices himself for the mission after giving feels over reals dialogue in 3
we lived long enough to watch Mordin become the cloaca
>Not allowing to let both die
Bad design choice right there
yeah it sucks on harder difficulties when you have to make sure your squad has enough anti-shield/armor. i hate thinking and adapting to challenges myself and crave a thoughtless button mash.
hey I like her in the expanse
That bomb has to go off, and that's where Ashley is.
sorry kaiden. you didnt have tits.
>thinking and adapting to challenges
>ME2 combat
True but he has much useful powerset
who are some of yalls favorite side characters? not squadies or major actors in the plot. just those tossed in for some flavor. for me its Nhilus, Kirahe, and Aria.
i usually run sentinel so i find it redundant. maybe thats another reason i leave him to die so often. never thought of that, always assumed it was tits.
I was really pissed when I had to start ME2 with a new game and found out only later that it meant that both Kaidan and Wrex were killed off.
>- Unsportsmanlike behavior (taunting during Crystal Genophage Elimination Platinum)
compared to playing on easy yes insanity requires you to react to your enemies and bring the proper skills. you can actually die in insanity standing out of cover. not saying its hard compared to other games but to itself on lower difficulties it might as well be two different games.
thats a solid pick my man. if i had listed a fourth wouldve been Shiala
She asks Shepard if she can and won’t do it if he denies her
I wish
Ashley said something negative about Turians, therefore she must die. It's only fair.
I can understand people hating Ash on for a lot of reasons but this one is the stupidest. You should know how krogans are and at that point one of them was really on the edge. If it got to that point and Ash weren't have been there, YOU would be dead.
My nigga. At the very least you can kill the other in 3.
>adept on higher difficulties
Just pick energy drain and you get get through any type of defenses.
best boy
ME3 has its moments. It’s just inferior to the first two games, and butchers the lore a little bit with the geth and quarians, and also the ending sucks. Other than that it’s fine
>entire Mars mission is the survivor going >"ARE YOU WORKING WITH CERBERUS?"
Was glad to kill the fag during the coup.
>Tfw the only good thing ME3 did was the multiplayer
Shit was tight, as simple as it was.
A shame that by the end of it what was the left of the community were nothing but elitism to the absolute maximum where users literally shit themselves if the smallest shit go wrong
>just those tossed in for some flavor. for me its Nhilus, Kirahe, and Aria
Actually yes exactly, Nihlus it is. I wanted to fuck him first before I met Garrus and wanted to fuck him too.
Fuck me sideways for never ever getting a timeline in which I can save him and add him to my team.
I unironically prefer the Tali/rock bottom romance
Who said she’s innocent?
i dont know why youd find a turian attractive but any Nihlus fan is cool with me. stay moving fast and on your own Nihlusbro.
Nihlus seemed like a great character and his design was, in my opinion, cooler than the one Garrus had. Kinda sad he was never a team member, considering that we got quite a few team members nobody had ever asked for.
As I understand it, Kaidan is written as a fucking retard in ME3, so I decided to let him die with dignity.
I remember I liked him a lot better in 3 than 1. But it's been a while so I can't really say for sure.
Nihlus is the first alien you encounter in Mass Effect. i think thats something that helps him stand out in his design. the fact that hes cool to you even if youre a dick to him helps.
He was retarded in ME1 as well. ME3 just made him bi for some reason.
Well met, fellow patrician
It was Bioware's decision to focus their development time to romance options, they didn't have to do it. It was Bioware's decision to lie about ME3 ending(s). It was also Bioware's decision to promise themselves to EA.
based legion
If you played ME2, ME3, or MEA like a cover shooter you played them wrong.
>ME3 just made him bi for some reason.
Fun fact: first game still has audio files for his gay-romance.
would they have done that without talifags bitching? maybe, but the odds would probably be lower. enjoy your trashbag gf
>expressionless shepard at that moment
We put up with a lot for these games.
>It was also Bioware's decision to promise themselves to EA.
Not really. EA bought their parent company. Not much what they can do about it.
Asari bar matriarch
Lorik Qui’in
Aria’s various Mercenaries
he was simply based and didn't give a shit about dirty gypsy, her killing herself made the galaxy a better place
If I tell you to jump will you jump? Also I never romanced her but that's beside the point.
So why is he running towards her?
the weapons she's equipped with are expensive
>Even as the world was on the brink of destruction you couldn't bone Samara
I demanded Asari granny puss and was denied, I will never forgive Bioware for this
And not specific characters, But i liked the turians on their moon in one of ME3s first missions
I’ll never forgive (((bioware))) for that
to give her a push
With the speed he's going he'd follow
that's a small price to pay to rid the world of quarians. His sacrifice would have been remembered
>Why not? If you think the Geth really are just murderous sociopathic robots, why would they let their enemies survive when they were at their most vulnerable?
Add to that the fact that instead of putting all their industrial capability into building up their military Geth sink most of it into restoring Rannoch to pre-war conditions. Even though they have no need of it for their own survival.
Never lose hope. I hear there's another ME game in planning, maybe then your thirst for wrinkly blue cunt is satisfied.
"Another time, another life", she said. I guess if they manage to write Shepard back in that must count as another life for him.
>Asari bar matriarch
You mean Liara's "dad" who was so obsessed with proper pronouns? Why?
For me it's gotta be the Biotic God. I feel his character arc was left sadly undeveloped. Maybe he could appear in the next game as the main protagonist?
I personally also prefer Turians wich dark skin/plates and white markings over white/blue. But yeah we haven't seen much of him but what we know made him feel like a cool dude. Wish I could have seen more about his past with the shitty outsider status he had until he became a friend of Saren.
Chakwas is the gentleman's GILF.
Was the Asari Matriarch in the bar on Illium Liara’s dad?
Tali is far from being my favorite but why would you sacrifice alien pussy over robots?
No, sorry, I was thinking about the other Asari bar matriarch, in Citadel's Apollo cafe.
Same person, dumbass.
Have fun waking up the next morning to your ship and your possessions stolen if you fuck a quarian user. That's what you get for trying to fuck space dindus.
I dont understand why you would ever play these neutral. Either always go full renegade or full paragon
Its news to me!
I respect your tastes but I will not tolerate you dissing on Samara
How is that dissing Samara?
if you bitched at me long enough and loud enough, id probably give a you jump to shut up. terrible analogy by the way suit rat.
Fuck yes, Chakwas was great and I would have boned her if I could've.
Chakwas posters are a blessing
"Well they all look the same to me." I probably never even talked to her in Illium.
And watch who you're calling dumbass, dumbass.