There are good ways to respond to criticism and then there is the EA way
There are good ways to respond to criticism and then there is the EA way
The only criticism they care about is a boycott and people are too stupid to do that.
do the chocolate bars say
>made out of 62% shit
Kinda Ironic that they think 62 is the lowest the scores gonna be
better change those bars to be 60% or maybe even 58%
EA actually had those sent to Bioware as a kiss of death. Like "you know what's coming, and you know why." Make 'em squirm a bit before the inevitable.
>le 56% game
When Dice did it I laughed but trying this shit again with Anthem is retarded, you guys make shit games.
I've noticed that there aren't any tools to see the player count of BFV like the past battlefield games. Did dice do this on purpose because the player count is abnormally low?
Yeah it's already dropped to 60 so their own joke doesn't even work
The appropriate way to respond to Battlefield V's criticism would be: "Sorry, we're working on making the next Battlefield Vietnam themed or modern, set in South America."
>Eating chocolate that's less than 80%
Even EA's usual defense force thinks Anthem sucks though. Can't hide behind sexist, racist, homophobic gamers this time sweaties.
>He doesn't eat Stratos
>EA hires and posts a picture of a bunch of mutts for the same joke as their next game gets a 56% score
I wouldn't say less than 80.
I prefer 70, myself, I feel like there's a good balance before the bitterness turns to earthy chocolate.
The chocolates weren't made for that, but hey, who cares about facts
lay them facts on us, marketer-kun
How about you elaborate then?
Shame EA didn’t start this complete mental breakdown years ago. Would have been interesting to see them respond to criticism by putting a bunch of people on a ship and running it into an iceburg.
yes I'm a marketer for caring about facts. this shit will be posted for months anyway because a good story is better than the truth
Anthem's score is a 60 tho.
Did they spend so much money developing the game that they couldn't pay off the "journalists" or what?
I don't know why it bothers me so much when these robots try to be wholesome.
They say "awesome" a lot, too, everything is "awesome", they work with "awesome people".
Because they thought it would be good.
62% sounds like an oddly specific percentage to make a chocolate bar but sure maybe it's just a cute fun tweet that we're implying to much from but that's literally Yea Forums's reason for being.
>not eating 90% cacao
fucking plebs with shit taste
It's a coincidence for sure.
How else would they know what the metric score was going to be before release?
Is EA completely run by women now? They'll counter any criticism with passive-aggressive stunts and accusations of bigotry, but at least the employees get cake.
It's really sad to see people start hashtags like #ANTHEMRANGER as if people are going to be so invested in the game they're picking their favourite class and championing it so early on.
That kinda fanboying has to happen naturally after a period of months or years and only really works if your game is a social phenomenon like WoW.
They must know in their heart of hearts this game was going to be a middling success, if that. They must know it's never going to be as big as even Destiny, which is hardly a household name.
Free to Play games do it all the time, too. Their social media people ask "Good morning, soldiers; What's your favourite gun?" and they'll get maybe 7 likes and a few brazilian kids saying "I like the mega shotgun haha see you out there soldiers! :DDD"
I feel like Apex was made solely to spite EA, the devs said EA contributed nothing and EA seems reluctant to even acknowledge its existence to investors, its third partys making the connection.
its hilarious Apex released out of the blue right before Anthem
>EA suits come and tell Bioware to start making good games that people will buy
>Bioware insists that they need inclusivity and refuse to budge
>EA suits quietly excuse themselves
>Next morning Bioware wakes up
>Feels something in his bed, there's some sort of brown, sweet smelling substance everywhere
>Throws back the covers to find that he is surrounded by half melted 62% chocolate bars
Might as well coat it in fucking spackle, would taste the same
nice diversity hires EA. lucky apex legends is bailing their asses out
They tried to pay off youtubers instead, but even they wouldn't say it was good.
>edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
>just came out meme
It came out last week user. People could buy and play it last week, don't believe this "day one patch" bullshit. It's been out a week and reviewers reviewed the game based on the version they bought. That is the score it has had for a couple days but it's dropping.
ooooh ok
I think it's mainly to do with companies trying to artificially cultivate those sorts of communities. A suit somewhere makes the decision and a bunch of people who need that job to eat have to push on with a shitty decision they can't do anything about. People on Yea Forums have this bad habit of blaming the consumer-facing individuals for things, rather than the people actually making decisions.
I wonder if women were behind both of these moves, it seems like something a woman would do, definitely the chocolate one.
They could go get a job selling extension cords door to door if they wanted something with a little more dignity. I have no sympathy for people who willingly put themselves in these positions.
I get that, but I blame the consumer-facing individuals because I have worked with them for 6 years at various studios. They're social media people, everything with them is a soulless slog to get eye traffic, words don't mean a thing to them.
I'm not saying they're inhuman NPCs but I can't think of a better way to put it.
>"Sorry, we're working on making the next Battlefield Vietnam themed or modern, set in South America."
That would be, what, third time they used Vietnam with the series, that war is becoming as overused as WW2 is, I personally would like to see something else instead.
> when you get forsaken by your main audience and have to do this
not being retarded is always an option.
I meant that more in general than specifically with social media people but that's fair.
Social media people suck, it's true. They're either doing soulless bullshit or even worse, creating new PR disasters like that Austrian T-Mobile thing where the chick tried to be 'sassy' about plaintext passwords rather than passing it up the chain.
why would you play anthem when there is apex legends?
This is me at work. People probably see through it, I'm absolute shit at faking how I feel.
Theirs a good way to take criticism but this isn't it.
I found a guy like that. The final nail in the coffin was that he described something bad as "not awesome".
I see you, you fuck. Just come out and admit you're a normal guy like me and not a super green and socially-conscious robot. Take that step, you fuck, it's actually cool to be a regular guy again and people actually treat you far better when you don't toe the line.
Okay I don't know why this makes me feel bad about laughing at Anthem's demise. It's just someone happy about enjoying cake. Do I still have a part of my soul left?
How much does EA care they own fuckin FIFA it feels like they can do whatever they want and not get hurt to bad if it fails.
Not him, but it depends what circles you are in. Most places will see fucks like that and treat them with kids gloves, because they don't want to deal with the fallout of you getting triggered. Easier to just avoid you as much as possible, and when they have to deal with you, end the interaction as quickly as possible.
But if you're in a shit hole like San Francisco or Portland, acting like a "normal dude" will get you branded with a scarlet letter.
>and it turns out the rangers are chocolate inside, yummy
fuck, lads I can't wait for bioware to get fucked like all the previous studios now that anthem is a confirmed commercial and critical flop
>Celebrating their death
>Not mourning the loss of who they were
Wtf happened to this place?
old bioware died 2 years before dragon age 2 came out friendo, this current shitshow of a studio deserves to burn
Oh for sure, but if you live in San Francisco or Portland and you're a normal dude, you've kinda made your bed.
I'm just saying that the San Fran bugman influence got as far as it could naturally and now it's on lifesupport.
You can rebrand and repackage the NES as much as you want, but most people want the SNES by now.
we woke up
My line of work deals with animals and all the customers I interact with are animal people. If you don't act like your reason for existing is in every retarded little thing their pet does some of them count you as subhuman. Faux positivity and stock words like "awesome" make it less risky to deal with some of these psychos
theyre both bad. like jews and muslims. both bad. get it?
I sure hope we aren't unironically shilling this Apex shit, Yea Forums.
>implying you couldn't clint eastwood the shit out of a job like that
If you work at petsmart, then sure, be an awesome robot for survival.
If you are a vet or some other skilled worker, you can be as manly and normal as you want. Chicks fucking love a gruff guy who cares for animals.
The Vietnam War has great unused game potential as a setting with the weapons technology, brutality of the war, peak cold war and the political absurdities of the time. There are lots of great Vietnam movies but games just settles for jungles and Forest Gump OST every time. But it's not Russians/Nazis so probably too problematic for current Dice to even consider it to begin with.
People gotta eat.
>walk around out in whatever weather
>get doors slammed in your face
>selling a product everyone already has because if they need one they just grab one during the weekly grocery shop
>or sit in a comfy airconditioned office and just post tweets and shit
>anonymous most of the time, or if you do it from your own account it's obvious it's just for work
>its on the internet so it must be true
>I may as well be a stupid nigger
I fixed it for you
I wonder if Blizzard layoffs were caused by something like that.
>Jim, have you seen this retarded tweet from EA?
>That's just their marketing Joe
>Shit, wait, are we hiring people like that too?
>everyone at bioware is getting fired
>millions of dollars of funding
>infinite access to experts in programming, design and art
>huge marketing campaign available
>make a horrendous game and none of the people working on it even realized there's anything wrong with it at all
How do you throw money away so easily? How can you have so little passion for your work? Do they just not give a shit at all about what they do? Are they actively trying to make their company burn?
Give it to me instead, I'll make you a better game for 1/10th the price.
I would imagine the EA overlords told them to create a product to a design specification instead of a team at bioware having an idea they genuinely care about. It can go the other way too. Let one person endlessly chase their idea without ever reining them in and you could end up with the first star wars prequel.
This is more EA's fault than Bioware's. The Frostbite engine is designed for FPS first and foremost. EA forced all studios to use the Frostbite engine even if the franchise had shit working fine using other engines. This is why Andromeda is fucked compared to ME2 and ME3 (those had story issues, gameplay was fine) which used the Unreal Engine. Frostbite did not have support for many of the things they were doing and these studios had to bring in game engine developers to create the framework for this shit to function. Many of these studios never had such heavy code work being done by them before and it shows in the game releases for the past few years. Not every studio can handle game development like id or crytek.
Why would I play any of these trash games when all devs do is shill bland soulless dumpster fires anymore? Games that seem to be increasingly a barebones framework to tack on loot boxes and other microtransactions later along with shitty exclusivity wars? Modern AAAs are fucking cancer.
EA Bad
Activision bad
Ubisoft bad
THQ Nordic good
I can't believe this was a real thing and that any of these stats that solidified their decision to do this are remotely accurate.
>cornflakes get soggy just as the frosted wheats get good
>everything made of much the same ingredients by looks, feels and tastes fucking weird and inconsistent when taken together
>throw all these cereals into a single bowl together and you don't get to really appreciate any single one, because their flavor is lost in a sea of drab, sugary wheat.
Really makes you think
>genderfield 5
Are you suggesting the unique elements of each CEREAL are the best thing about them and by forcibly mixing as many types of CEREAL as possible you ultimately ruin all them equally?
probably sampled from a select lgbtq community
I'm definitely not suggesting that at all, but it does sort of look like every CEREAL might be suited to being served separately, because I think I'd hate to live in a world where every BOWL OF CEREAL looked like the one above and no one BOWL tasted especially of any one CEREAL to any real degree.
I just want COCOPOPS to be as COCOPOPS as possible, I want CORN FLAKES to be CORN FLAKES and FROSTED WHEAT to be FROSTED WHEAT.
Hmm when you put it that way it almost feels like "diversity" becomes "homogenization" and isn't actually a strength then.
When you're talking about CEREAL that is, or maybe also VIDEO GAMES.
Anyone who owns cats is pozzed in the brain from parasites.
>70% of consumers said that a brand's reputation for friendliness toward the LGBTQ community influenced their purchsae decisions
That's a very ambiguous statement. Consider the following:
>Does a brand's reputation for friendliness influence your decision to purchase?
>70% yes (30% of respondents are more likely to buy Faggot Flakes, 40% of respondents are less likely to buy Faggot Flakes
>30% no, they just want cereal
>food is mentioned in LOTR script and again in the bio
>Also cats.
>Have some chocolate too.
Why are Japanese devs more like rebellious rockstars and Western devs more like androgynous hobbit?
>be company full of rich people
>laugh at poorfags buying your trash
>still rich since the world is mostly poor fags with addictions
ITT retards
The fact that you are even talking about it means they won.
Because people let SJWs take over video games. Their next target is pretty obviously hollywood, judging by that Gillette ad. Once they have that, they will have huge swaths of cultural influence as well as the education system.
Luckily, it's looking like things are becoming more decentralized thanks to the internet, so that won't necessarily be the end.
How many times does this have to be said.
They didn't make them, EA sent them the chocolates to shame them in making a terrible product
Considering it's EA subsidiaries at Bioware we're talking about here, NOT laughing would be soulless. Everyone there knows what they were getting into, plus the game sucks.
I thought the 62% was a joke about America only being 62% white and the package being only 62% white too
What about Dragon Age: Inquisition? That was their first game on Frostbite and it was fine on a technical level.
This "Frostbite is at fault" meme needs to die.
I don't recall ever once saying that after the year 2008 even once.
I'm tempted to spend $15 on ea premiere just to see the trainwreck.
>be in company
>pay 3.7k SF rent
>make 90k/year
>6 dollar milk, 15 dollar parking and other assorted CoL
>socialist level taxation
>good luck saving for 500k entry level property to fix up
Sure for the executive suites. The social media whores and rank and file are deluding themselves.
You are correct in general though so have a (u).
>How many times does this have to be said.
I think people would be more inclined to listen if you had a single fucking fact to back up this fanfiction theory of yours where EA had chocolate bars expressed through production and shipped in a single day just to make a sick burn on their own studio in an age where everybody has a camera in their pocket and their company is already tanking stock.
>and it was fine on a technical level.
It was buggy as fuck. You could just be walking and glitch into the ground. Animation was also notoriously shit.
Maybe I'm just jaded, but that tweet in particular feels weirdly hollow. Maybe because it seems overly verbose and full of emoji's, but that and the picture feels like "putting on a strong face".
>The picture doesn't show any people's faces
>Cakes are supposed to be some kind of celebration, but there's no real joy in the picture
>We know how EA treats their dev teams, even if they are just happy to "ship" the game, morale has to be dropping.
I would love to be a fly on the wall at one of these "good job team, the game shipped" events at bigger dev teams. Something feels really off about it all recently, like dev teams aren't allowed to take pride in their work because it's so corporate and design-by-committee or something.
Your criticism is shit. Nobody with clear mind neva would answer to it.
>I'm tempted to give EA money to see a trainwreck I can watch for free on YouTube
Yeah nice attempt at damage control sales, EA.
I would, but they died long ago, this is just a nail in the coffin.
Face it, we live in a world where the only "western RPG" devs with publicity and money left are CDProjektRed (who has long changed since the original release of The Witcher), Bethesda (kill me now), and maybe whatever the fuck Larian is up to these days.
We can only hope that Outer Worlds breaks the mold is actually decent with a couple of Troika's founder's behind it. But, these days "good quality" to me starts to mean "cult classic" rather than "mass marketable" or "successful".
the SUPERIOR rpg studio did it again
Activision fired people who were doing nothing and hired more devs. Seems good in my opinion. Because fired people happen to be special snowflakes only adds to this
Big studios like Bioware dying means opportunities for little ones to break through. And/or games becoming more niche again, leading to the death of the AAA and allowing the return of the AA studio dominated market in all its glory
Considering blizzard ate mega shit and Black ops 4 fell off hard, what are they even doing for money these days?
>none of the people working on it even realized there's anything wrong with it at all
They have to stay positive. Given the long time it takes to develop a game these days and the amount of people working on it (and how early it gets announced), standing out by saying "this isn't working" too late or too early could lead to any number of problems. A lot of people feel like they would be better off just gritting their teeth, forcing a smile, and getting on with it like any other job.
At least, that's the best read I have got on the industry. Especially since EA just laid off so much staff that, even if they were genuinely unnecessary staff that weren't even doing their jobs, everybody else has got to feel like their position is hanging by a thread too.
>some people like shit so nothing is really shit: the comic
I have faith in their ability to repel shitty SJW based change and moronic marketing suits and shills. I think Space Skyrim will be pretty dope esp. since they're finally going to do an engine upgrade and F76 was really the first major hit to their studio reputation so Todd will be hankering to fix that or people under him will end up dead.
>Outer Worlds
I didn't know Troika was doing this one, but it's sad to see them waste themselves on such a shit game.
>That original comic
You ever have that feeling where you know how wrong someone is, but you know that no matter what you say they'll just plug their ears and try to drown you out, so you wonder if you should even bother? I'm feeling that in waves with the game industry as a whole, especially just looking at Anthem.
Once a corporate culture is corrupted by leftists and greed I'm not sure any amount of devs can fix it. Devs have to take orders from the execs that run the culture.
The overwhelmingly negative reaction to FO74 by the end of it makes me feel great imagining all the lost credibility of that comic author, though.
They did fire alot of management though. That's why some are a little hopeful
Well CNN hired a right wing person recently, so I suppose miracles can happen but I'm not holding my breath. Japanese games, backlog, and AA studios on steam for me until these faggots collapse hopefully.
Fatshark and Vermintide 2 for example.
There's one putting out Warhammer:Chaosbane that looks better than D3 or PoE, I'm biased as a Warhammer fan though.
That's the dream, but finding games is hard as fuck these days. Shipping physical copies is expensive for indie-devs, and online store-fronts aren't helping indie devs all that much at all because they are inundated with crap that actually getting anything noticed is hell.
There's a middle ground that needs to be reached, especially in genres like RPG where the more you include that "fans" of the genre like, the less it becomes mass marketable.
>There's a middle ground that needs to be reached, especially in genres like RPG where the more you include that "fans" of the genre like, the less it becomes mass marketable.
That's such a narrow way to look at it and just speaks to the death of creativity that abounds in AAA. FF15 had plenty of sexy graphics to appeal to casuals and if they had just done the gameplay right it would have taken off hard, look at Dark Souls which was not a AAA to start with but now one of the most talked about titles.
Easy to pick up, hard to master will hold true forever in gaming and is one of the qualities that separates the true winners from the mediocre. Skyrim skirted this with factor with robust user mods, but it sorta didn't since users had to master the mods.
>a shit hole like San Francisco or Portland
better not be talking about my Portland, fucknuts.
I live a a small town in the Netherlands and a couple a days ago I finished getting groceries with my bro so we were parking the car and another guy was parking it as well. When he got out I saw it was some white sperg in a hoodie holding you guessed what, a ps4 copy of anthem in his hands. This guy most have preorderd it and went to get it on release.
Even in a small backwater town there was a guy getting anthem. It shocked me but now that I think about that guy must really regret it by now having wasted his time and money on trash. /blogpost
>leftist shithole gets called what it is
FIFA is their raft, with it they will never sink
I'm talking about Portland, Oregon. Absolute hipster capital of the world, and riddled with SJWs on a hair trigger.
But what about all the awards the game won, before review copies were even sent out?
absolutely not true and you're a faggot for thinking so
move out of your buttfuck nowhere town and see the world. i really the days before the internet when shithead hicks like you who don't want to integrate into society could be kept away from the general population and safely ignored.
the problem with hollywood is that it'd be the golem going haywire. (((they))) created it and now it'd be coming for them. it'll probably never happen.
That's the developer reaction, right? Wonder how much they'll be laughing when the studios dissolve and whoever they don't fire merges into Respawn.
Why are you making shit up you fucking moron, these were made for launch day
I've been to Oregon. After being there, I can safely say that there is a reason that show Portlandia exists. I don't find it funny, but I can see why Portlanders would, as it's pushing what Portland already does to the extreme.
That's a fair point, but personally part of the appeal to RPGs isn't anything skill based.
One of my favourite parts of the original Mass Effect is the 1-2 hours you spend just walking around the citadel at the start talking to people, sidequesting, scanning keepers etc. And I only liked it more on subsequent playthroughs.
That kind of game and storytelling seems extremely far gone from what's considered "marketable" in the AAA squares, but it also requires far more budget and scope than most indie-devs seem like they could put together.
I actually really enjoy FF15 (still early in-game admittedly, haven't picked it up in a while though), sure it's imperfect, but there are a lot of moments that I really fell in love with. The moment I stepped into the first "dungeon" and everybody slowed to a walking pace and the camera zoomed in to add to the claustrophobic feel really came across as quite "traditional" to me. I started keeping my eyes peeled for possible ambushes and traps, and my focus really zeroed in. Then you get out of the cave and it's a breath of fresh air as the movement opens up again you're free to run and dash as much as you like. Whoever made that creative decision was a fucking genius.
The "auto-travel" in the car actually gives a purpose to a lot of the breathtaking environment and vistas and skyboxes in the game, it's just really nice to sit in the back seat and go from place to place, especially when the story is trying to be pretty dark and the combat is (or at least tries to be) high tension and fast paced. Tonally and pacing-wise, the quests/sidequests can be a bit iffy, but that's par for the course for a FF game I figure, but the atmosphere is done really well early on to juxtapose against the main story.
Believe me when I tell you FFXV will get old fast.
Also there's exactly one dungeon with traps and they aren't the slightest bit dangerous
Now that you mention it. Why the fuck does Anthem have a unicode emoji?
That's not a unicode emoji. That's a twitter feature where some sponsored hashtags will have an icon next to them.
>But it's not Russians/Nazis so probably too problematic for current Dice to even consider it to begin with.
Oh, yeah, forgot about that... If we did get a fictional modern conflict in South America, DICE would probably sympathize with Maduro.
Oh, I'm not a twitter man myself. Thanks for clearing it up.
>i flew in to pdx one time and drove through pearl district one afternoon
lol what a queer
nobody here likes portlandia. proof that when you were here you didnt talk to anyone. but since you're on Yea Forums that doesn't surprise me.
Battlefield five sold like ass and anthems probably going to sell even worse with a six year fucking development phase.
If I was some random codemonkey at Bioware, I probably wouldn't appreciate those "cute" candy bars too much. I would probably take that as my sign to start seeking employment elsewhere now.
>One game is mediocre, both fans and reviewers realize it
>Reviewers can post how they wanted because lol-who-gives-a-shit-about-these-devs
>Other game is near literal garbage, but for some reason a diverge between fan and "professional" scores
Hmmm, I certainly wonder what could be causing this. I guess it's a mystery.
thank mr skeltal
Why on earth would I talk about Portlandia to strangers? Although, now that you mention it, it makes sense that Porlanders wouldn't like it, as hipsters and SJWs hate being the butt of a joke.
Anyways, feel free to have the last word while chewing on some meme food or overengineered beverage that you paid 9 dollars for, while sitting in an apartment that, on average, costs 4x more per month than my duplex, and 1.5x as much as the US average.
I must be stupid but what is even the joke, what did they try to accomplish by that?
"haha our game sucks, it only has 62%! hey employee who worked during 6 years on it, please have this chocolate"?
So I'm not the only one who saw a skull, good.
I liked Heretic 2
the fact that it released a short time before anthem and cucked anthem in a way feels like revenge for titanfall 2 being released between bf1 and codiw
I'm honestly just kind of worried how characterisation of all the "boy-band" is really going to go. After Gladiolus' spiel to Noctis, I'm (VERY) cautiously optimistic that we'll see a kind of nice "coming of age" story for Noctis as he goes through a rollercoaster of highs and lows until he starts really embracing the mantle and starts pulling his friends out of their low points to really reinforce them rallying behind him in preparation for the "jump forward" at the start of the game.
So far, I think I've just seen the heart-to-hearts with Prompto and Gladiolus, but I've been enjoying them so far. The idea of Noctis really coming together as a character is a risk I'm willing to take.
I mean, I've read worse manga with shittier characterisation. I can probably put up with whatever the game throws at me, especially since I'm already taking everything with a grain of salt because of expected translation issues.
>literally no one in the thread said anything positive about Activision
Criticism of EA is now inadvertent praise of Activision? What the Fuck is wrong with you, brainlet?
EA is a god damn dumpster fire that's propped up by sports games and a free to play game that came out of fucking no where that's so god damn polished it makes their AAA productions look like fucking jokes while actiblizz is proactively digging its own fucking grave and might end up with the companies parting ways with each other.
Short version, go Fuck yourself retard.
most of the people fired are not devs but community managers and e-sport shit
useless people like that should be fired
I think that the message is that people can enjoy chocolate even if its labeled 62%, the labels is meaningless, so is metascore.
>they had 62% cacao chocolate bars manufactured in advance of a unannounced metascore through the power of jewish telepathy
Is OP retarded? Is Yea Forums retarded?
Are you all retarded?
>That panic-inducing sound a cat makes right before it pukes a hairball up on your carpet
The other 38% is wax
It's called a funny coincidence, you bitter old grandpa who can't enjoy anything in life anymore.
>eating anything below 90%
This board leaves me doubting, all the time.
Haha Ronnie
More like death stranding
yeah im triggered. cant put portland into the same pile as SF. portland so much better
>legal weed
>you can own a home with a normal job
>cheap guns courtesy of southern oregon
>legal cheap weed
>natural scenic splendor
>plentiful rain so everything grows big and strong
>best mix of liberals and conservatives to keep everything balanced
>max 2hr drive to practically anything you could want to do outdoors
>best homegrown weed
>everybody stays inside a lot because of the rain so vidya is a natural topic of conversation
>if youre homeless people just leave you alone
>homeless like being left alone so they dont stab people too much
dont ever come back to this state, cunt. you can sit in idaho and get jelly from there, but i fuck you up you step one foot.
dam this looks tasty as fuck
>mix of liberals and conservatives
>in Portland
Fuck off San Francisco junior. The rest of the state fucking hates you. Stop coming to the coast and stay in your containment city.
>yeah I'm triggered
>cant put portland into the same pile as SF
Gee, a person from Portland is triggered. It's almost like you're out to prove those guys right.
There’s like 3 games actually about the Vietnam war. One mission in black ops and bad company multiplayer DLC don’t count.
Hello, fellow Bend friend!
>Considering blizzard ate mega shit and Black ops 4 fell off hard, what are they even doing for money these days?
You may not have enjoyed any of Blizzard's releases, but they had an excellent fiscal year.
Bend is Portland junior. Also how does coast = bend?
What all did they release? I don't think I've played a single Blizzard game since Diablo 2 back in 2001 or 2002.
I am not saying I agree, but I believe that is the point EA is trying to make, I can't think of anything else.
New WoW expansion is the biggest thing. Other than that, just more characters and the like in their other games.
Based off the threads I've seen over the past few years, I think most people are likely over WoW. Which is understandable, as it released over 14 years ago. Also, don't they charge like 15 dollars per month, PLUS extra for each expansion? Seems a tad bit pricey to keep people for more than a few years.
Play some Vietcong series, Battlefield Vietnam, Shellshock 1/2 and of course Rising Storm 2
nigger pretty much everytime we've done regime changes in south america its ended in disaster
Not just women, no. There's also testosterone devoid men who may as well be women in personality (but they wouldn't make good traps)
>Well CNN hired a right wing person recently, so I suppose miracles can happen
How is that a miracle? That's to be expected.
>complains about diversity hires
>praisws game with shoehorned diversity
mmmm yes keep licking that boot
Agreed. Their ratings have tanked hard the past 2 years. Plus, I'm pretty sure that they hired someone who calls themselves conservative just so they can point to that person and say, "Trumps fucking up, even this conservative thinks so!" Alternatively, it's to have a punching bag.
oh yeah its leftists ruining video games and not horribly exploitative business practices that put on an SJW friendly face for free PR
Everyone has the token alternative character. Fox has always been doing this, getting a "liberal" host to have faux debates with and in the end have him change his mind.
Legion brought a lot of people back in and did some things very right, and others very wrong. Overall people had a positive impression of the expansion. The new expansion was getting rid of the things that Legion failed at getting right so people were cautiously optimistic, but the new systems are even worse.
Still, Battle for Azeroth got a lot of people hyped up and it sold ridiculously well. And to be fair, the zones of the expansion look amazing, the raids and dungeons are excellent, etc.
WoW still makes a lot of money, and lots of people are willing to pay for the monthly fee (or have someone else pay for them with tokens)
they already fucking did this, what the fuck guys
Nah, it is SJW's. Example: Google.
its people who think politics didn't exist before trump. Fucking goldfish brains dont even remember what the news was like during the iraq war
Battle for Azeroth saw some amazing sales, but because the devs are being really fucking stubborn about their broken-ass systems they are losing a lot of players.
You should've just Operation Condore'd harder.
Of course you'd say that, fucking Vietnamaboo cunt. The rest of us are bored. There's so many parts of history they're just never gonna use 'cause hurrrrrr America wasn't involved.
The only thing the British did wrong in all of history was inventing the concentration camp for the Boers, when they could have invented the death camp.
>infinite access to experts in programming, design and art
Who cares about talent when 1. they cost too much and 2. you can hire 5 people in their place for the same price? People who will accept being paid just enough for a subsistence lifestyle will surly have the same work ethic and productivity.
Hollywood accounting
I work at a studio that does this. Every time we tweet some soulless garbage, our social media guy posts it in Slack and tells everyone to "signal boost" it.
He's also been streaming on Twitch for the last 5 years, and never gets more than 10 viewers.
People who eat 80% and above are lying to themselves and are only trying to look cool.
>the cereals naturally formed ghettos in the bag during transport
Can't make this shit up.
That's probably more to do with how it's put into the bag. They'd just be pouring each cereal in at different stations.
>I'll make you a better game for 1/10th the price.
Yes, you likely will, because you will have passion and a unified creative vision untouched by the knowledge that if you don't sell x million copies, you're fucking dead.
Hence why indies are great and western AAAs are not. (Nipponese AAAs are often quite bad too, but Nintendo somehow still makes good games and they have a thriving AA scene which makes good games).
Marketeers and game designers can't ever just do their job. Our game designer constantly has polls in the studio on whether or not his idea is good. I don't care faggot, you're the designer, do your job. I'm not asking you if you like my texture am I.
So, 90% of Yea Forums.
They don't give a shit about criticism because people keep buying their games. Why would they stop doing what they're doing when they make millions every time they make a game? They still profit. The only way they'd start giving a shit is if they stopped profiting, and they're too big for that to happen in any meaningful way anytime soon. It'd take years of this type of publicity and they know it.
It's not like this is some EA exclusive thing. EA are just in a position where their PR is already dogshit so they don't care anymore. Every publisher is like this in reality, they just pretend they're not so that they get more profit. EA doesn't get any benefit from pretending they're anything but EA so why would they? EA is trash, just like every other major corporation on the planet. Wow, it's almost like when you put profit before everything, everything else suffers for it. Profit and quality aren't naturally at odds, but quality suffers when profit takes the precedence.
What the Fuck do you want euroshit? What other wars do you want, some shit genocide nobody gave a Fuck about? There hasn't been any other major wars that America wasn't involved in since ww2. Lets make a game about blowing up Argentinean fucking Shits in the Falklands or mowing down towel heads as Russians?
man social media is so fucking stupid
People who guzzle down >90% chocolate are poser faggots. Strong chocolate is only good in small bites.
>buying western games besides gears, halo, forza, and cuphead
Microsoft is the only western dev with barely pozzed series. really makes you think
They should do one of these for liquor.
>some shit genocide nobody gave a Fuck about?
Yes, you heaving, fat-gobbeted Burger. I want the Chinese warlord period. I want the absolute shitheap that was 80s Africa. Fuck, even a literal WWII game that's focused on Asia instead of Europe or the Pacific.
If they're anonymous then why do you get so upset when I make fun of them? If they can't handle the fact that people hate their shilling then they got into the wrong fucking business.
That's because Microsoft jews you out of shekels in sneaky, software-related ways. They don't need to pander to make money. If laws were passed that forced them to be transparent about their subscription services and ways to cancel them, I guarantee they'd start getting "woke" and political like everyone else. Look at Gears 4, even. It was dev'd and released during a period where Microsoft could be considered in a slump, and the campaign was full of stupid pandering that Gears fans normally wouldnt give two shits about.
Even their cakes are generic as fuck
You have a stroke or something?
t. American
>Plus, I'm pretty sure that they hired someone who calls themselves conservative just so they can point to that person and say [whatever]
That's nothing new my friend. Every burger entertainment 'news' organization has some token from the 'other side' that is functionally no different than the main cast and has had them for decades. You only noticed now because of how stupidly blatant they're being when trying to criticize Trump for literally anything he does.
I'm not upset, just pointing out the flaws in your dodgy logic. I mean, why do you get so upset over shilling?
Like well really why should EA care? they may not make as much as they could have with a better game sure. but still them lame as fucks are still going to make millions upon millons off of whales. Since just like free to play mobile games you dont really need that big of an audience when you can trick handful of motherfuckers instead to just give a shit ton of cash for worthless digital goods.
Gears 4 story feels like they didnt have a solid idea on where to take the story after gears 3. Which i can understand, thus a timeskip with new characters. Even when it was in epics hands and times were less pozzed, gears was still diverse, with different ethnicities from the start. Playable women also makes sense and is justified by humans having very little population left. Now gears 5 looks to have some tension that 4 was lacking even if the new characters arent as likeable as the old squad
People shit on Activision all the time. Only contrarians who love sucking corporate cock defend them.
man both of you need to calm the fuck down. you both want something fresh for a game, its all good, lets just hope you both get the game you are seeking. if i had any suggestions i would say, sadly i do not.
the quantity you eat isn't the issue, it's that once it's gone from your mouth there is an aftertaste, but that will start to kick in at a much lower percentage anyway. it's all about having something to chase it down. i like banana for that
Boer war when?
>Women drivers in Bongistan
>Not pozzed
FH4 is absolutely haram brother and sign of westerner degeneracy
The game is bad and is getting bad reviews, but has it been confirmed that it's a commercial flop as well?
This is the biggest problem. They're too scared to try another war. There are so many people don't know if they'd fucking have a blast immersing themselves in a different kind of war and environment.
But they're to scared to budge.
>Boer war when?
This would be perfect (no it wouldn't because of the weapons used).
But you'd have Anglo and Boer duking it out with Zulus in the middle like the Indians. Some of them being conscripted to fight in Both sides
>mowing down towel heads as Russians
do want
Spanish American war game NEVER
Youre right brother, but we can burka them. Praise be to allah
I thought the red one was the Arby's logo
user, it's just bants.
>Don´t like what I don´t like!!
Oregonian here..
>>legal weed
You've got me here. You don't get to count it twice though.
>>you can own a home with a normal job
Yeah, if you want to live in a rundown shitbox in some shithole like Tigard and commute 2 hours every day
>>cheap guns
They aren't that cheap here. Compared to California, maybe.
>>natural scenic splendor
that is being consistently ruined by twee hipster publications drawing massive amounts of tourists there to enjoy "ironically"
>>max 2hr drive...
Again, this used to be good. Now it's not.
>>best homegrown weed
You can't count something everyone everywhere claims
Oregon is quickly developing one of the worst homelessness problems in the country
This one is special
>>best mix of liberals and conservatives to keep everything balanced
I live in Salem bro, and this is horseshit. There's just enough consolidated conservative power roiling under the surface to undermine substantial legislation, and we end up with such "progressive" lawmaking as statewide plastic bag bans and raising the smoking age to 21. Meanwhile, this rent control law they're talking about now will never happen... or actually... it would be more in line with the history of this place for it pass, take a decade to go into effect, and go in just after a housing bubble crash in a way that actually hampers recovery.
Portland is a diseased cancer and you Californians need to get the fuck out of my state.
The Fifa games and their micro-transactions hold EA over water. If you wanna kill EA, kill the Fifa games
I'll eat that shit when EA sells it.
Which is apparently fucking never.
I have functional taste buds, user
When you stare at your grey cubicle wall for so long, you start imagining that everything beyond is the same color.
If you want a sneak peak at the cancer otherwise infecting productive corporations as they grow larger, just go find that story by a guy who worked at Yahoo in the early days and then quit when diversity hires became a thing.
Which is fucking stupid and also, if you don't realize, also a representation of how ghettos are made.
I strongly support this.
t. Bong
This, but supremely unironically.
battlefield 5 sold ~6 million compared to 25 million battlefield 1 copies sold, if they don't care about the more then 1 billion they lost on boycott they'll just fade into insignificance and have to survive out of niggers buying sports game microtransactions....
>battlefield 5 sold ~6 million compared to 25 million battlefield 1 copies sold
Prolly telling people "if you don't like it, don't buy it" isn't a good marketing strategy
prophetic post
Sometimes I wish America wouldn't have gotten involved in ww2 so all you fucking euroshits wouldn't exist because your ancestors would've been genocided by the soviets then we wouldn't have to hear your incessant fucking whining about America.
t. descendant from europe
>all fondant
They might as well be sculpt from clay
While this is fake as shit, i cant help but wonder exactly what the atmosphere is at bioware right now. Im sure they're well aware they could get axed at any moment
The SJW shit makes their heinous shit even more unbearable. Fake SJWs are even worse than the real deal because of how two faced it is.
eheheh what is worse is dumb fucks like you not realizing how shit works now a days where a lot of sales do not matter as much to them when all they are after is whales and dolphins to partake in their shitty free to play economys that are included in their full priced games.
Like shit man why are faggy nerds like you so damn dumb? all they are after is a handful of people to give them millions for worthless shit and nothing more. They seemed to have succeeded on that end apparently and will rake in disgusting amounts of cash from it.
What you say is not factually wrong but the metrics of how to measure shit has changed with time my man to the point that lifetime sales dont really as much anymore since them microtransactions are where the majority of the money will come from anyway.
60 now lol
lmao look at this dude not biting in fresh cocoa beans
that was a cool rhyme
It's actually some mafia shit if you think about it.
7 million copies is not selling like ass
Perspective. 7 million is great for no name weebshit shovelware that everyone expects 20k at best sales from. But battlefield is a very expensive and major project, so EA invests a lot into it, and the results arent what they like. It was half off a week after release and they try to hide player counts on all platforms
Did you mistakenly think you're on reddit, little shill?
5-10 million copies is the expected range for AAA games, unless it's absolute slam dunks like Skyrim or GTAV.
Not denying it could've sold a lot better, but the game still has made a modest amount of money which is only going to get better when they introduce MTX's for the whales that actually bought it.
Stop, you have no idea what your talking about. It sold less then half of the previous battlefield, and that is unacceptable to shareholders, who are the only ones who matter
good post retard
dont reply to me again
It doesn't matter if I sold ten million chocolate bars at one dollar a piece if it cost me 2 dollars to produce each bar.
First time I replied to you, great argument
>anthem dev " 62%? this is me not giving a shit!"
>prospective anthem consumer "62%? this is me not giving you money!"
not caring for what people think is only appropriate when you dont want to sell them something that they certainly dont need.
The characters interaction is the only good part of the game.
>62% cacao
What would be in the other 38% of an Anthem bar?
Wtf i wanna work at EA now
Since it's American chocolate, they traditionally fill it up with vomit.
Based retard
New England wins again.
>dodgy logic
You haven't pointed out any dodgy logic, you're making an emotional argument
>nuuuuuu don't make fun of them because they have a shit job it hurts their feelings!!!
But I thought Tony hated gays?
It's always some retard white knighting a dumpster fire followed by some sarcastic shit like, "Get out of here with your logic and reasoning XDDDD"
Because celebrating something with some well made cake is a universal, wholesome activity. In that moment they aren't a group of incompetent, self-righteous dumb asses who dug their own grave, the greater context falls away and they're just some people who wanted to celebrate something they worked hard on, only to have the whole thing fall down around them.
Obligatory warframe did it first post, and better. .. in 2013...
EA is going to have money forever thanks to Apex. Why wouldn't they be feeling cheerful?
>he dosent know
I had a friend try to get me into that game and I couldn't tolerate it more than 45 minutes.
He ended up blowing like 500 dollars on that game
>its now 60
they should make 39% chocolate bars too, for the 3.9/10 user score.
that'll show those idiots
I'm convinced nobody on AAA dev teams plays their games.
They just focus on doing the part they were told to and go do the next thing.
That's why most games suck now, you don't have people goofing around making fun challenges for co-workers that end up in the game. Or at the very least influence it.
Why do people do this? It's not cute, it's cringy.
She's talking to other people, not her fucking cat.
Anti-shills won again...
How do we stop them bros?
>unironically eating chocolate
I know america is a third world country, but jesus christ
eat a fucking onions protein bar, that will make you healthy and tastes fantastic
I remember when Dragon Age 2 was coming out and it was a big deal that it had the "awesome" button.
I live in N.Y., your place sucks dick.
>mfw rooting for it to get down to 56% for the memes
>not shoveling pure 100% chocolate into your mouth and washing it down with a shot of pure vanilla extract
I don't think he's saying it hurts their feelings I think he's saying you're putting all the attention on the bottom level staff at the marketing end and not the unseen people who have literally never made a tweet but are responsible for meeting in boardrooms and deciding their game will look better if they make a bunch of interns astroturf it.
>eating at all
I can smell the fat through this post.
It gets good after 50 hours, like wow
Yeah well shit rolls down hill.
Wait I thought BN ended?
the world is not going to survive with these savages being forced into every position
Why would a company actively celebrate a mediocre product? I dont understand. BFV was one thing but this legitimately has a failing metacritic score and they're still going "good job! screw those nerds!" lmao your game is shit and bombing maybe something needs to change
Because they're trying to appear happy and confident in their product. No one is gonna buy a game, especially not a live services game, thats about to be abandoned
Now please buy our game bigot
>No, it is the consumer who is wrong
maybe if the games """"industry"""" wasn't so anti-consumer it wouldn't be collapsing
Can someone remind me how much time passed from the release of ME Andromeda to EA announcing they were killing every future project about it?
Realistically, and assuming Anthem's trainwreck keeps on going, how much time can pass before they pull the plug?
We're only 1 day after "official" release and It's a dumpster fire already
I'm struggling to believe that there's people who actually think the 62 is ridiculously quick metacritic reference and not just a cocoa percentage.
Tbh the game is not as big of a disaster as everyone is saying. Zoomers love callout culture and part of that is acting like everything is shit unless some faggot Youtube celeb tells them otherwise.
In all objectiveness, Anthem has a very strong core to work with -- Fun movement, easily the most immersive "robot suit" game ever made, a good cast of characters with interesting quirks. The problem is they filled the game world with all these bullshit "follow the green blips" bullshit. They're perfectly competent as developers to create some truly great things, but apparently no one has the creativity to figure out how to build upon those things to actually make something interesting.
Can't think of any devs that have fallen harder than DICE and Bioware. EA is a fucking cancer.
>and they're still going "good job! screw those nerds!"
Where is that happening? It seems more that the developers are just celebrating their (shitty) release. Every game team does that. Even the crackdown 3 devs.
The people at Bioware will certainly end up losing their jobs. EA won't sink, but it can end up closing everything down except Madden and FIFA.
Say that to BFV
They should have gone for the user reviewed 37% for some strong milk chocolate. 62% is too sweet for a satisfying dark.
Choc aside, I can't believe how many apologists there are for this garbage. I hope it doesn't mean that bioware survives this.
I know Yea Forums has long had a very strong us-vs-them mentality abaout EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING in this industry but, in this particular case, I'm pretty sure the industry, or at least the AAA wing, is legitimately suffering from a massive divide between developers and players. Everything works out great when you're making Yet Another FPS for 14 year olds that will love whatever you give them because "hell yeah it's the new game in the franchise I love, of course it's gonna be great!".
But the moment you go with something less universally beloved and which invites public criticism on your decisions, instead of looking inward and trying to figure out whether you might have taken a wrong step somewhere you essentialy seal up the hatches and prepare for a siege because you're the most celebrated and well-funded developers in the industry! You certainly can do no wrong! What do players know, they don't have the experience making games that you do, they only play it! Which somehow gives them this "If you're going through hell, keep going" mentality in hopes that, what, if they stand stalwart for long enough people will turn around and love what they made?
Bitch that's not how it works in this case, if you're a game developer and you're going through hell turn the fuck back.
>Fun movement
The stiffest, slowest flying I have ever seen.
>most immersive "robot suit" game ever made
Honestly even Fallout 4 gave me a better sense of wearing power armor than Anthem does, there's nothing that really separates it from the likes of Destiny or Warframe, might as well just be a regular dude with some special abilities, not even remote immersive
>a good cast of characters with interesting quirk
Quirky one-liners during the din of gameplay and a barrage of dialogue in the hub makes for entirely forgettable bunch of shits I could not care less about, forcing me to do nothing but listen to them for up to half an hour between actual gameplay just makes me hate them even more
If you eat under 90% you are a fucking goof weeb. Get taste dumbass.
Lots of reasons. First off, they want to sell the product. Even if it is a piece of shit they want to salvage as much out of it as they can. Openly admitting your game is a piece of shit doesn't help that.
Second, most of the "screw those nerds" people are the morons working at the company that made the product. It is a desperation play. EA is going to start considering layoffs if they don't do well. There is Bioware can do but shill their product hard at this point.
Third, EA executives don't want investors lynching them and replacing them all. An investor revolt is one of the few things that can get the suits fired. So EA pretends they did good before quietly slitting Bioware's throat in their sleep at a later date.
Companies always lie and pretend things are going better than they actually are because they market is merciless when it smells blood. A shoe falling apart cost Nike over a million in stock value.
Fuck off shill
literally SEETHING
Japan loves androgyny though, look at most of their "male" character designs