How do you guys overcome lack of interest in playing games? This is a constant thing

How do you guys overcome lack of interest in playing games? This is a constant thing
>install another game
>get bored after 30 min
>install another game
>get bored after 30 min
>install another game
>get bored after 30 min
>install another game
>get bored after 30 min
>install another game
>get bored after 30 min

What the fuck is wrong with me?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You can do other things than play games.

find new hobby

I'm an idort.

i masturbate

im honestly not sure how to fix this, taking a break from vidya does not work

you actually have to do something else not just browse Yea Forums

Same with me. loading up the game and actually playing it is the hardest part of all

I'll sit and play a game for hours once I'm going, but for some reason the drive to actually click it and play never seems to overpower the drive to shitpost on Yea Forums

Same, I haven't touched RE5 since 1 week ago.
I'm almost 24/7 tired and sleepy.

the fuck is wrong with me bros

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But other things also lost interest aside from trying to learn to sing but I'm shit so I stopped a bit


Stop having so many games installed at once, force yourself to start playing one for at least 2 hours, and if you still aren’t having fun then you should take a long break from vidya.

You don't, as it turns out when one has abundance of money or cheap games the majority of those games go unfinished because you don't connect with them.

Also you just may not be in the right mindset to play a particular game. I remember buying Demon Souls a year after it came out but didn't commit to finishing it until 3 years later.

Play competitive games, not just single player

I usually just kill myself, but that hasn't worked in a while.

>Play competitive games

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I play games that are actually fun and entertaining

i have, by focusing on school, movies, music, exercise, nothing works

you are craving social interaction. Yea Forums is just shitty replacement for it.

>he doesn't have that one game he's been playing for 10+ years with an endless supply of mods and right knit communities of the few people who create/still play it
you're buying new shit, and new shit sucks, and the people who play new shit suck
it'll only get better once their shit (and them) get old

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For me, it's JA.

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you got me, boomer

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mount and blade?

whoops, i'm retarded

Read Buddhism 101, and try finishing until the end without offing yourself

I don't get why people think they should enjoy every random game they install just because it's a game and has positive reviews.

Play your favorites. Stop playing PC games. Branch out into emulators, play games that aren't being played by 100k people at any given time.

How do I overcome having no passion for absolutely anything at all?I have no direction or motivation whatsoever and i feel like shit every single day sitting at home doing nothing but playing video games

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You're getting older. Time is ticking on and you're feeling unfulfilled. Maybe like me you've not achieved much yet. People my age are married and have started a family, have a mortgage. They have that shit to focus on.

Videogames were a passion when you were young and had no responsibilities.

I don't know what to do about it either, OP. It sucks.

I've been playing rhythm games since I was a teenager. It's more a solitary thing but it's what I always come back to when I've got nothing else to do.

Stop trying and start making creative things. You've outgrown playing with toys.

short retirement urges sweet return

>download citra emulator
>so many good games i cant decide which game to play first when i wake up
>i play a few hours of one then hop back to the other games

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I cant focus on enjoying videogames because I feel like I should be doing something more productive with my time so I end up here as a compromise

You can't fix it. Your mind has been permanently ruined by Yea Forums. You fell for the everything is shit meme.

watch anime, furiously jerk off, try to shit extra hard, then pick a game and marathon it.

unrealisticly high standards.

i only play 1 out of the 10 shitty isos i leech, so... 9 get deleted years later when hd bloat sets in and it is clear the game was shit anyway (hello re2 remake).

seriously though, only play the best. that way you avoid 99% of all the issues of modern gaming. the point is, you have to -know- what is good and what is not in the first place. if you have figured that one out, you are free to go and have a great time.

I rotate between hobbies a fair bit. Sometimes everything will be balanced between gaming, watching youtube/twitch, anime/manga/comics, and mtg, and sometimes I'll lose interest in one or more of them and just do the others some more.

I can relate bro...nowadays I'm lucky if I can get into one game a year. Unfortunately as we get older we tend to become more selective, or picky, with our vidya games. I miss being younger and loving pretty much every video game that wasn't complete trash


You either don't actually want to play games, or you're just not comfortable with playing games. Figure out what you actually need to do, get it out of the way, and make games into the recreation they were always meant to be, and you will feel better.

Quit playing video games and come back in a year.

get a job

Sounds like you're depressed.
Examine your life and the things that make you feel that way. Maybe you feel trapped in your circumstances, are struggling in education or career or have some sort of relationship issues going on. It could even be diet, as lack of certain vitamins can contribute to depressive feelings.
Now, being depressed, despite what you might hear in the media or here, is not uncommon. Everyone will experience it at points in their life. It's only if it continues, week after week and month after month, or is recurrent, such as getting over a bout then getting another a month or two later, that it's cause for concern. At that point, I'd seek professional help.
Otherwise, like I said, do some soul-searching and see what's causing your depression.

That's called alienation, and there's no readily available cure. Some people have theories on that, though.

>>get bored after 30 min
from what i've found this is usually the problem. if i force myself to play something for an hour or two, i'll get into it. problem is when i stop playing to sleep, finding the motivation to start it up again is a struggle

I'll give it a read

and these days, the best is usually -not- aaa big publisher titles. shocking, i know but sadly true.

indie-apocalypse is in full swing and titles like "texorcist" and "game dev tycoon" are already my sleeper hits of the year. i've seen enough of the "always the newest and best graphics" games, they have nothing to show for anymore to me. gameplay is more important than unskippable cutscenes and the latest hdr bullshit engine. of course, a game like "metro exodus" is a gem, but that is one in a million. most of these games are us/nip made, and they all suck. witcher, metro, all the good shit not from muttland. figures.

>I play games for fun
disgusting normie, go take drugs and alcohol with your retarded friends at a gay club, if you cant handle "boring" games

user what if I can tell what is good but they are so far and few between the only else left to do is ride a shitty hype rollercoaster with bad games

"if it's not fun whats the point"
-william shakesman

Go on impulse, I spent my entire day playing through Catherine for the first time just because I saw a thread about Full Body on the catalog.

>open game
>play for 30 minutes and close it
>open fl studio
>dick around for 30 minutes, get disappointed in myself, close it
>play guitar
>put it back after 10 minutes
>try to draw
>get mad at myself for drawing like a toddler
>go back to start
how do i enjoy my hobbies again

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Replay something you like.
Branch off from games you like.

The problem is that the biggest developers cater to the masses, and the masses jump for the next biggest shiniest thing out there. If a game doesn't /look/ better than the competition, it won't sell as well early on and will be deemed a failure. Devs pour more resources into graphics, which in turn drives up the cost of development more and more, but they can't raise prices endlessly, so the games suffer in other ways, and profit margins and whatnot have to be higher, which puts more pressure on devs from publishers. It's a shitty neverending cycle of garbage. Smaller major devs and indie devs can create products that rival what used to be considered AAA games a few years ago, and make actual fun games.

Play better games, fag.

Installing random shit from your Steam library will not work. Play games you actually want to play instead of forcing yourself to play your backlog. Check some videos online, consult friends or threads on Yea Forums etc. If you go the other way around you're just forcing yourself and you'll never like it.

Do something else. There are other things to do.

Stop expecting much from your drawing and music, and take those in strides as you go. Much more relaxing if its for the sake of the activity rather than the result.

then, you probably face the dilemma to get a second hobby, as gaming is pretty shitty these days. too few good games exist now, it's all mass media now - no quality anymore.
so... either do it like me, collect them and when all the verdicts are in a year later you decide you give it a go or if it's shit you can safely delete them without missing much - but the problem stays the same, too few worthy titles in a sea of bs.

it's all so tiresome.gif

Just play what interests you. Backlogs are a meme. I'm playing Bayonetta for trillionth time until Devil May Cry V releases.

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Try not being an ADHD zoomer with the latest trendy mental illness.

you aren't treating them as hobbies anymore.

Stopped playing games for ~7 months. Also it helps to stop coming to this place who just wants to find reasons to shit on everything

one day, i will simply delete 2 partitions and be done with it. making animated pixel gifs is a way more fulfilling hobby these days. playing games has become like watching tv: passive and boring.
got to find new challenges in life, or, become all stupid like the rest of the crowd.

throw all your electronics in the trash. You will be bored shitless for a couple weeks. This is good. You will break you addiction to screen time and crave different forms of entertainment. The internet is a bad place for depressed, lifeless losers.

if you don't have the talent you shouldn't even bother

I'm tired almost the whole time even if I sleep a lot and get sad for no reason sometimes. Am I mentally fucked or what

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>listen to new music or watch movie
>hey, this aesthetic is pretty good
>find game with that style

Start a family and do stuff with your kids
Video games will never fill the void of not procreating


>implying that talent is more important than practice

I'm too lonely and unfulfilled in life to allow myself guilt-free enjoyment of petty medium aimed at children.

I don't play them. I watch streams. I enjoy watching people losing their shit while playing vidya games.

I have adult kids now (started impregnating girls as a young teen)
All those girls are single moms on welfare. I'm saving the white race btw :)

>learning to sing
it doesn't really work like that and you should never have tried if you were shit in the first place

how does it not work like that

Change genres or get on antidepressants

Maybe your life wouldn't be so shit if you weren't a reddit-tier le feels man poster.

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>Tristan Pang (born 2001), started reading independently and doing high school math at the age of two, sat in on the Cambridge International Examinations IGCSE maths (Year 11 / O Level) and earned the top grade of A*, scoring 97% at nine, by age eleven he top scored with A* at the Cambridge A level exams (Year 13), and delivered a TEDxYouth talk.[30] He started his university studies at the University of Auckland and created a free online learning platform, Tristan's Learning Hub, by the age of twelve.[31][32]

Jesus christ.

Your vocal range and pitch detection is largely genetic.

I feel you, fren

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Child prodigies are pretty much nobodies once they become adults because they mix in with everyone else who had to put in work to get to the same level.

That's assuming they don't put in work to do even better.

You became old

Push yourself to learn something that's a step higher. Maybe learn a bit more of music theory or just try to recreate a more complex song with your guitar so you can dissect how it was made.

It hurts

nigga read a book

nigga go outside

nigga lose weight

Which is rare. No one recognizes 90% of that wiki list.

That image is just what the jews want you to think. They own the gyms, the healthy foods, and antidepressants. I'd rather live knowing my existence is a threat to their kike schemes and the SJW regime. I just need Trump to finish building that wall before I kill myself.

I look through my entire list of games and realize I've played all of them to death or they just don't do a single thing for me anymore. Now I just play porn games because atleast I can jerk off and have fun at the same time.

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i really hope this is a troll


titanfall 2

haha just kidding, take a break from gaming for a while. go outside and explore your town/streets. there's a big world out there, no harm in partaking.

Personally I can play a game for a day or two before I drop it, but my issue is similar. I've learned why after reading an old article by a philosopher (
It's because when I sit down to play a video game it's on top of my list of priorities. Ironically this means that I will inevitably play something else, unless the game is really short. The reason I could happily play games when I was a kid was because I was supposed to be doing my homework, clean my room or some other household chore. Now that that is no longer the case I put my own wants on top of the list, but as a procrastinator I will always avoid doing what's my highest priority. The problem gets worse because whenever I drop a game in favor of a new one, the new one takes the top of the list. When I was a kid there was always something more important to do than play that one video game, which is why it remained interesting, not to say that the "adult effect" can't also happen for things lower on the list.
Supposedly the solution to the problem is to put something you don't really want to do on top of the list, which will make you focus on the top thing on the list that you actually want to do more of the time. I've yet to do this myself, but if I managed to change my mindset so that "learn japanese" took the top of the list or if I started getting more responsibilities, likely in the form of a family, then taking care of them would also make the top of my list. This would, ironically enough, make me play and enjoy video games more.

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Take some ADHD pills

that list is cringe-inducing

shit nigga, i just watched a video on the movie battles mod. im gonna play that shit at some point, because unlike op, i just got back into gaming and am having a blast with all these games i missed since 2014

here's the vid, i don't watch tv, just schluptoube sometimes

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I made it in a minute and only to illustrate the point I'm making.

are you lonely?

The last single player game i finished was God of War, and I think it was because they had thousands of lines of dialogue for the side kick characters that gave the illusion of being in a party.

I just play multiplayer games like Lifeweb and Space Station 13 these days. Rain world was the last game i had a shit ton of fun

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That's literally the appeal of the Persona Series.

>are you lonely?
yes very

Stream your game and get a friend to watch it and shit talk with you.

I dont believe i take some user advice for real.
Thank you.




Massive samefag, not even joking.


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ironic shitposting is still shitposting user

It's just a terrible syndrome of too many games to play at one time. When we were kids, at least the early 90's, if you weren't super rich you would only get a new game on birthdays or christmas; renting was an option too, but even still.

The market is too saturated now, every day a new game is being released. It's fucking with your concentration. I'm not sure what the cure is personally, but trying to overcome the 'boredom' and stick with one game would be the best option at this point.

Intersperse productivity between games. All day spent playing games makes you appreciate them less.
Stop browsing Yea Forums or just come back like once a month.
Don't buy shit on steam sale a huge list of games you know you will never play just crushes you.
If you work and come home to just play games. Get something to work towards like another hobby or learning a language. Otherwise life turns into work then video games.

I'm going through the same thing. Hows the rest of your life going?

mine sucks bad, and I can't just enjoy gaming like I used to. too many worries and stresses to think about.

I think I should get a job but I hate working. If I could make real good money with videogames (enough to buy my own house) I would so be doing that.

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>how does it not work like that
holy fuck get 12 year olds off this site once and for all
learning to sing is NOT like learning to play guitar

literally me

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makes sense.

I found that after doing my chores, videogames felt more rewarding. guess that's it.

singing is a fuck ton easier than learning guitar. the hand placements are just fucking annoying to do.

Best post I've read on Yea Forums in years.

I need to know too
>was a neet for a few years
>games are not fun anymore
>thought it was because of the neet thing (you know you are not a part of the community bla blla bla)
>got a job
>i have been working for months
>games are still no fun


>getting tired of playing Steam sale trash

Who would have thought. Go get some real quality games.

I just can't enjoy single player games that aren't open ended sandboxes anymore. I think Assassin's Creed Origins was the last story based game I actually finished, but even then I only play Assassin's Creed for the historical tourism aspect. I tried to force myself to play the Witcher 2 recently, a game I completed twice in 2012, to refresh my memory in order to play The Witcher 3, but couldn't even finish the prologue out of boredom. Meanwhile I can literally play 10 hour sessions of Crusader Kings 2

play better games....?

I feel you user.

This used to happned me when I pirated ton of games in past, I had so many games that I can't decide which one to play, or started one, play some time and then forget about it forever. and again, and again...

Life changes, and I made the choice of supporting developers and buy games, sure, I buy only few games, like 3 or 4 per year, but now I can focus more in the game I have at the moment.

If piracy is your problem, stop doing it, otherwise there are a lot of things to do, not only videogames, eventually you will have the desire to go play something

No more hugs, Will.

I think that's something else. In your case it feels more rewarding because you literally give yourself video games as a reward. My example is the procrastinator's problem of avoiding the things you should be doing, leading you to enjoying and doing things that aren't as important, like playing that one video game.
Mind you, this isn't about finding more enjoyment in video games as much as it is about playing them in the first place.

While it's important for both, singing is much more reliant on natural talent than playing an instrument.

Witcher 2 is kinda boring, in all honesty. Try Witcher 3 side missions and the first DLC. They are amazing, made my empty soul feel something.

Stop trying to play so many games and just play ones your legit interested in. Just do other things too. I only play vidya occassionaly now. Can't just spend hours on them like when i was a kid/young teen.

I don't know. anyone can sing, but not everyone can play an instrument.

I dont even a fuckin pc im broke af

I hate playing sequels without playing all the games in order though, that's just my autism. It took me quite a long time to try The Witcher 2 after struggling with several attempted playthroughs of The Witcher 1 before giving up.

not everyone can learn to sing good

I found that switching genres helped. played lots of story based games and burned out. switched to twitch based arcade games and that really hit the spot for a while.

I dropped Witcher 2 after 2/3rds of the story and started Witcher 3. It was a good decision in hindsight. Witcher 3 is just better in every aspect.

but you can produce a tune easily without any training or knowledge. not so with a guitar or piano.

>install a game
>Want to play the game
>Loose my free time watching stupid YouTube videos

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Play better vidya, your taste is trash.

these game makers have become snake oil salesmen. sooner or later their shit will implode with the rest of the epic games, blizzard and bioware crap makers and i won't shed a tear.

>>Loose my free time
did you also loose your accent?

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just finish a game you already have

"Producing a tune" is as easy as hitting a string, pressing a key or just making a sound. And that doesn't mean it sounds good.

looks like you dont like video games

it's a product to them. and all the product games usually suck. re2 re is a lifeless corporate shell. all that was good got sucked out, and no one wants to eat an empty clam.

Same here, but with browsing Yea Forums instead of Youtube.

any kid can sing mary had a little lamb, but can they also play it on a guitar with zero training?

whatever you do, don't start a gaming channel. videogames start to feel like work, and you'll feel like it isn't worth it if you don't have the latest and greatest game every month.

shit sux

No they can't, just like they can't sing it without training either. They have to learn the words and the melody, just as they would on an instrument.
And while basic competence might be easier with singing compared to an instrument, reaching "beautiful" levels is more reliant on natural competence when you sing than when you play an instrument.

>any kid can sing mary had a little lamb
not every kid can sing it good.
Not that guy but,
Even a well trained guitarist wouldn't be as good as a well-trained one with natural talent.
Ultimately, singing is 90% natural talent.

>Start a gaming channel
>Gaming starts feeling like work
>Stop playing
>Still popular
WTF, how does he do it?

blizzard's last clam dish was frozen throne. i only play offline so wow already didn't count for me.
that was what, 15 years ago? all the old guys left and what is left is the shell of corporate failure.
pc gaming was never meant to be another big business with shitty sequels like the movie industry. but this is where we are now.
well, good riddance. back to the small studios and indie titles. they have to tell stories and not sell a sequel to a sequel because muh stock index.

All of these excuses are bullshit.
You have developed a low attention spam from being on youtube and Yea Forums in your teenage years. Games that arent the latest battle royale inherently have much more delayed gratification than browsing the internet.

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*attention span

whats easier , humming a song or picking up an instrument and playing?

>spam and Yea Forums

thats right too

you're a retard.

play some Paradox games

nu gamers and far cry/asscreed/whatever crap are the reason we can't have nice things anymore. also the reason games get shittier every day because now mouthbreathers are the major audience, so the games suck like them. and there you have it. a deadly circle of downward suck.

>youtube and Yea Forums
and Twitch

you want out? say goodbye to aaa games. they stink.
go indie and enjoy life.

Have a video game equivalent of a diet cleanse. As in don't play anything at all for months and start watching movies and TV shows, read comics, play DnD, build models, go to the gym, do fucking anything that isn't video games until you start craving to play them again.

You've burnt out on games. This happens with anything when you're overexposed to it for so long. From hobbies to food to the place you live, you need change.

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This is an excellent post, agree 100%

I came back from a long hiatus of videogames and started playing a lot of survival-horror and it's completely rekindled my love for games

you just don't want to answer because I'm right


agreed 100%
this is the shit

You just backpedaled from "singing" to "humming". What's there to answer?

they're entirely different things.
It's like asking a baby, who hhas never spoke or made a cognizant sound out of its mouth to hum a song.

If the guitar player had even the slightest bit of training, he could easily do the hum-equivalent


Currently I just livestream to the void on youtube. No one watches, but I talk to myself as I troll and team kill and it's okay I guess.

8 more years till I run outta money and die so I got time.

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fine humming is different, but not much.

I'll just agree to disagree. I just think playing a musical instrument is more of a challenge than singing a song.

that's because youre a retard with no pitch detection ability.

I wish. I hate being an adult.

t. tone deaf

probably because you have an underage brain trapped in a man's body

>get urge to play game for once
>join game
>accidentally kill all my teammates with grenade
>quit game
There's no winning

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I think so. I've been taking care of my family and relatives my whole life. never had time for myself. any human interaction I have is just on the internet.

>stupid controller
>wait guys, it was an accident!

dont turn this into a pity party.
Get a job.

If I'm not feeling like playing anything, I usually just torrent some film or show to watch.
Currently I'm watching JoJo Part 4 dub but earlier this week I marathoned all 3 arthur and the invisibles films for some reason and watched Spiderverse since that leaked.

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Same here, the only games I still unironically play are online ones my 2 really old highschool friends still play, we keep in touch still and play games together. It's torture knowing you can't even enjoy your favorite hobby anymore

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Do some exercise semi-regularly. Start once a week, do it more and more over time until you're doing it at least three days a week.

I'm looking for one now. I hate it. thought about starting my own phoography business but its difficult to learn about all the paperwork to be legal. though I might just do freelance work under the table if I can.

I also have social anxiety so I hope getting out there will break me of it.

>I'm playing Bayonetta for trillionth time until Devil May Cry V releases.
This. If you start worrying too much about backlog then you're turning it into a mental chore. In situations like that, the best thing to do is say fuck the backlog and play something you know you love to play.

Sometimes I just thrown on Super Metroid and do a quick playthrough because why the fuck not.

You're addicted to instant dopamine by browsing imageboards so if a game doesn't engage you in the first 30 minutes your brain wants to go do something else.

This and OP's case are identical. This is depression. You medicate depression.

Two years ago:
>Porn Addiction
>Bad diet
>No exercise
>Bad posture
>Video games
>Keeping room dark
>Sleeping late

>Porn addiction
>Bad posture
>Video games
Relatively improved, thankfully. Lost a shit ton of weight thanks to regular exercise and improved diet.

If I could get rid of my urge to fap four times a day that'd be nice.

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>not taking drugs while playing video games
Smoke weed and play immersive sims, chaps.

I did this. I had a big alcohol problem that I tried to replace with weed. Turns out weed is like Viagra to me and I need to fap when I smoke it. Lost weight and got better but then I replaced alcohol addiction with weed and masturbation.

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for me the trick was to stop thinking so much. I would want to do something but would always get hung up on the consequences and then do nothing.
if you want something - buy it
if you're low on money - work for it
if you're tired from working - go to sleep

I started taking things a single step at a time instead of, in this example, thinking about buying something, getting a job and working, and then being possibly too tired. that's all too much for me to handle back then

I hope this helps you.

I masturbate at most once daily now, quit weed and alcohol completely, got my work schedule to be early enough that I have to wake up no later than 9am and will eventually get it so I have to wake up at 6 or 7, I exercise 5 days a week and that also helps me get up earlier, I eat fast food 5 days a week but it's protein menu stuff with rice and black beans and grilled chicken ("benefit" of a McJob), I hang out with my best friend usually once a week and have other social outings with coworkers 2-3 times a month, quit my depression meds awhile ago, play videogames at most 8 hours a day on my days off and usually 2-3 hours when I have the time, I usually try to watch films/read/write most of the time so I feel enriched, and my bedtimes are still a bit insomniac af but it's not all too bad.

All in all, doing pretty good. But women still think I'm pathetic ;_;

that's bitches for you, we know you're not pathetic
fuck em

are you retarded or is this some kind of joke I did not get?

sure, time to time I install game that does not deliver, and after 30 mins i uninstall it and forever delete it. But that is far from being typical. You should generally know whether you will like something before you install it, how the fuck can you not?

I would assume that you get and install every game that trends or reviews high, rather then playing genres that you actually like and ignoring trendy game in others, rather then thinking that you will like it because others like it. Plebs taste is shitty taste, just play genres you like.

I'm glad you lost weight, dude. I used to be 6'1" 220lbs and I'm down to 188lbs now

>he isn't too depressed to enjoy games anymore
get a load of this guy

Good work, man. I'm 5'9, 158lbs. Used to be 285lbs. Feels good.

That's fucking incredible, user. You're testament to the fact that diet and exercise can work miracles. Everyone should idolize your results.

If any of you are fat and "afraid" of going to the gym just look at this hero

My point is that you may be too depressed to enjoy games, but how can you not know it beforehead? after you do this with two games it row, why try third? WTF you expect with the third one? Actual retard confirmed.

With age, the lonely kicks get harder and harder to find. Our biological drive is basically screaming at us to make a family already.

This. Fuck me if I'm not trying to marry every halfway cute girl I meet.

No, really, someone fuck me

>almost 30
>all i wanna do is play porn games
>libido worse than when i was a teenager
It's true. Lifting probably isn't helping either[/spoiler

>30 this year
>Been in a relationship for almost 12 years
>Always said don't want kids, but now there's kind of a nagging feeling in the back of my head
>Even making somewhat decent money, it's still not enough to either buy a house or have kids, let alone both combined, without massive drawbacks
I hate being not poor but with no chance of ever having plenty of money

stop lying to yourself that those are your hobbies. Not anymore, or at least not at the moment. If they were, you would enjoy them. Just give yourself break for them. Do not do them. This way you will only create negative associations towards them. Give yourself a few months break and you will became drawed to them again. That actually happen to me and this actually worked

>last conversation I had with someone that isnt family or a coworker in over a year
>last time I had sex was three years ago
>last relationship I had was 6 years ago
Where did it all go wrong. Never did I think I would be 25 and have no friends or a gf.

Jews actually rather own the fast food chains and anything that can be branded a brainwashed as being normal.

Is someone forcing you to play games? Do something else, for Christ sake. Watch a movie, do some sport, learn something.

>play a game for a few weeks
>don't touch it for years

>read the first few chapters of a book
>put it down and never pick up from where you left it

Holy shit fuck off.
Why do these threads not get deleted?

You have fucked up attention span.
You need to fix your life, organize it better. Stop using social networks. Minimize using any electronics. Exercise, meditate and read books.

By not playing them until I feel like playing them again.

Switched to CS go. Got an 8 year old kicked cause I annoyed him enough to teamkill me as he raged into the mic.

Epic gamer moments am I right?

You could try playing something completely different to what you're used to playing.
Like a new genre or something.
That helped me a bit.

Attached: THEN.jpg (769x1078, 131K)

It's not you. All games are getting closer and closer to becoming copycats, nostalgia trips, meme games, or borderline apps. Not only are games shorter (unless you play a boring movie game), blunt (ie smash being legit just online mode the game), or repetitive, their creators are more interested in our money, or if their cash grab gets publicity, or making it look pretty so they can pretend they have creativity for their bosses so they can keep their jobs.

But nigga, at least I can play TF2 or revisit TTYD or some shit. Dunno what the fuck is up with you.

don't know

watch mlp

These are some good advice.
Had similar apathy towards games at age of 25 or so which motivated me to improve myself in many ways. Fix my diet, do some exercise and eventually lead me learn to make games since I already knew how to program. Took quite a long break from games and focusing mostly on making them instead and gradually regained some (not all) my interest towards games.

It'll never be the same though, but you'll likely end up with healthier relationship with games playing them for fun and to relax instead of treating them like full time job.