What games did you play today?

what games did you play today?

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not telling you, chinaman

Etrian odyssey nexus.

But I did rewatch Gunbuster with some friends, that was fun

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shut the fuck up idiot

ESO with my bro. Good times, almost like the old times.

Yokai Watch 3
Kid Icarus Uprising
Pokémon GO
Tetris 99
Superbeat Xonic

KH 1 final mix


None. I have pain in my right wrist so I got off of work early and saw the doctor and he gave me some shit for it saying he hopes it works and now I'm just waiting for it to recover, hopefully before DMC5 comes out. It hurts too much to game.

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Metro Exodus
Buggy piece of slav garbage, but the game itself is ok

A bit of MOTHER 3, but I was too tired for anything else. I might play some Twilight Princess since I'm almost done with it.

>what games did you play today?

XBC2 and Smash

I beat Lords of the Fallen. Dumb game. I'm glad it's over.

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Patrician taste, what part are you at ?

metro exodus

Currently playing Metro Exodus. I'm at Taiga.


It's not very good.

Factorio, working on a railroad and killing illegal aliens trying to get past my walls.

Started Bioshock 2 and played some Apex, I suck at it but i wanna git gud

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I hope your wrist feels better user

Ch 8, Jin just left. Don't want the story to end just yet so going back to do side quests and level up the different cities some more.

This game is so goddamn good holy shit.

maybe you should stop jackin off

It really is, I have no idea why I was apprehensive on if I'd like it or not when I started. Enjoy the next couple of chapters user.

Just finished Persona 3. Again

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Thanks, baby.
I use my fleshlight with my other hand though.

World of Final Fantasy on the Switch. It’s pretty fun. I’ve been really wanting to play a FF game but I didn’t feel like replaying any that I’ve done before.

Golf It! with my friends. It's truly amazing how even the worst of games can be entertaining when you play them with a group of buddies
how old is too old to go back to college

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Final fantasy legend 2
I just started it

getting dat rs exp gains on my hardcore ironman

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Hyrule Warriors and Dragon Quest Builders. Both are fun.

Dawn of War GoTY and just started Winter Assault. I almost feel guilty having never started playing way earlier in my life. This game has no right to be so much fun.

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Probably when you're hitting retirement age, so not now I'm assuming with you.

I played a game where I tried not to fap to Lusamine x Lillie

I failed.

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>playing an 80 hour game more than once

Where the fuck is Guzma

Best case scenario would be Guzma entering the league specifically to Spite Kukui and becomes the winner because Ash has to lose

I reread berserk for the 10 millionth time, does that count?

you can go back to college at any age as long as you aren't trying to fit in socially. there's probably one or two old people in your class, just segregate yourselves so you don't look like creeps. the young people will assume you're already married and have kids. which is pretty generous of them.

I just played her game actually. The ultra version. I’m surprised she has a fighting clefairy

Bloons TD6, Dead by Daylight, Stealth Bastard, and some Fortnite.

Only if you hate that faggot Griffith

titanfall 2
ffxiv since a friend gave me the starter edition, feels incredibly slow and i feel like the only draw is cute characters. not entirely sure ill be sticking to it

got a few wins on apex today

Replaying dmc4
Also finished shadow warrior (at least the main campaign)
Also started playing through the plasma back for blood
I was playing postal2 yesterday but decided to take a break because the weekend levels felt rather lackluster honestly

None. I woke up 1.5 hours ago.

I do, but is it okay if i wanna hate fuck him to death?

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I can live with that.

Kingdom Hearts 3 and Yugioh Duel Links

I've been playing Lifeweb and acting like a total Gyzma in every rounds

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None. Last time I played video game was 4 month ago and it was VN. I finished morning workout and met friends today tho.

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Dota and Picross 3D round 2

I finished off steven universe. I didn't even know it ended weeks ago. I'm glad it just ended fuck.

Is there any more western shit to look forward to anymore? There's either braindead kid shit that's been neutered by either SJWs or people trying to push an sjw agenda, or stuff so cal-arts to death that everything just blends together. Guess there's rick and morty whenever that comes out.

Oh and played 7 days to die with friends. We actually did pretty well getting through day 56 but need to shore up our walls and kill pits better.

hearthstone and dnd with my buds. they played ddr with a lonely old lich and ran into two cults, one full of waifufags and the other full of manchildren. it's great.

FFXII TZA. It's pretty fun
My crippling indecisiveness is preventing me from choosing a second job for everyone.

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Deep Rock Galactic. Wish it was more active so I wouldnt get put into laggy as fuck games, the game is like Helldivers but in first person, something Ive always wanted to see.

I played FES twice and P3P once, too. Why does it matter?

I bought Dragon Marked for Death on a whim and started playing Witch. Really fun game but I start fucking up my inputs like mad under pressure

Street Fighter V
Xenoblade Chronicles TGC
Twilight Princess HD

I'm playing RE Revelations 2 and earlier I played a tiny bit of smash ultimate

God Eater 3

I’m this close to teaching Phym every single skill on the list

Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Chapter 4 just had to pop Wulfrics blade on Rex for Level 2 Super Strength (Poppi's Trust wasn't high enough) and didn't feel like grinding it. I am excited for this chapter to be over

Kenshi. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I've been having my loli carry Hobbs all over the continent.

It's only 8am but imma boutta bust some Quake out

My time at portia