People worshiping FAKE ASS GODS

>People worshiping FAKE ASS GODS.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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The dark gods are very real, though. Not even The Emperor denies this.

'sup loyalist

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Speaking of BR

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reminder that the emperor didnt want to be seen as a god and made it law that people couldnt worship him
reminder that the imperium is actually a traitor empire

Reminder that he's well aware of the ecclesiarchy and has done nothing to stop it. Reminder that he even sent living saints, feeding the faith to keep going.

Remind that everything that's happened is still according to his keikaku.

>Robert has to clean up the fucking messes.

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/nurglebois/ WW@

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My boy malal confirmed canon when my fellow chaosbros?

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>Says increasingly nervous Amalathian inquisitor for seventh time this year

Can we agree that he had good intentions but he fucked up?

Right after the squats and dorn come back. Also malal is canon, he's just not important.

Debatable, he tried to redeem himself but choose the worst path.
It was always self serving and proving the usefulness of magic.


Not so fast.

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He never left

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Post them green characters

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>never did anything right
Yeah, no.

They almost reach their home planet. What happens if they did.

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You got it

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>Turn his proud physic army into...

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Grandfather Nurgle green is best green.

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Ork looter shooter when

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Not soon enuff

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When some indie dev composed of three people in a cupboard approaches GW for it.

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Post a dream 40k game. No remakes.
Hard mode: no RTS. no grand strat, no Imperial guard, no 40kart even though it is a great idea

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Earth defence force but 40k.

Mass Effect style Rogue Trader

Is BFGII good?

I would still buy it.

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I just want a warboss sim. I'm not sure my life will ever be complete without it, sad as that sounds.

Orky Earth: Shadow of Waaagh! It's so obvious it's painful it's not a thing.

Just make a fun and actual good 40K MMO already, fuck

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Space Marine 2 with co-op campaign.

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>Remembering what side you're on

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I wish for an Ork RPG that has the character get bigger as the levels go up.
But we cannot have nice things I guess.

I would have thought that some orc characters getting popular after Shadow of War would have clued people in to the possibiilty but I am obviously terribly wrong.

>Dark Millennium never ever

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Being Guilliman is suffering

And also Gypsy.

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>Magnus stated he was wrong about everything
which one is it, if you still claim that he did nothing wrong you are essentially saying Magnus was wrong which already makes that statement false

>When your entire life is a waking "I didn't study for the exam" dream

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What kind of a man brings a bolter to a chainsword fight?

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Ork focused vidya when?
>tfw no Deff Skwadron game

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>tfw Ork Ace Combat never ever

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peak aesthetics

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So basically "If Emperor had text to speech device" but Guilliman is the main star.

How much lore did gw dropped about the two lost primarchs?

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Lads how do I make a proper blight grenade irl

Goddamn zoomers who wake me up at night with their loud drunk noises

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they kind of tried it with eternal crusade
ended being a shittier planetside 2

mix salt, bleach and as much organic waste and rotting meat you can find.

Do Primaris Marines worship the Emperor? And if not how does Bobby G cover shit up?

Pretty much, everything's worse than he could've ever have imagined.

You know, I'm suddenly very suspicious.

don't do this, it'll kill you

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Not like much would have to change in terms of writing.

eternal crusade is more greedy than gw itself obviously it's shit.

Thief 2/Dishonored Dark Eldar game in Commorragh

Well yeah, it should be deadly.

Next to nothing beyond them getting allegedly killed by Russ and implications of treachery.


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My Emperor, why are these strange people talking about your Text to Speech device?

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How much of a fag am I if i'm thinking of playing a blood angels army on tabletop?

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Basically Speed Freeks. A game concept I've been talking about since before they released that boxed game. You run around on a planet, destroying other vehicles and looting them for parts to build your ultimate racer and take on the other orks in head to head races through various locales. Kind of like mad max with more focus on customization and also actually good.

>he isn't mecanichad
Don't come crying to me when your metal box breaks down

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At least he has a cute gf

You're fine. Ultrafags is the chapter not to play.

The only difference is that the Belka would be praised for always providing the action.

The only time you'll get shit on is if you're just running a barebones detachment of 2 slam captains and 3 scout squads allied with imperial soup. Otherwise Blood Angels are rad.

Don't waste your time looking for list advice on /tg/ though, /40kg/ is fucking trash

My beeping compatriot from another machine-spirit.

>Gear lever
>Brake pedal
So it's true Matt Ward never flew in an airplane as of yet?

Ork City Builder Sim.

Start as a ROK survivor, feral orks, few grots.
Go from there
can control units whenever like dungeon keeper
Mix of Ceaser/KANGZ/Rollercoaster tychoon for gameplay.
Reason to unlock tiers of tech because of Genetic memory
Fight the locals and other orc warbands
Zoom in and see the boyz
Build dakka piles

End game ideas: Made a Rok(NG+?), get a spacehulk, attract a WAAAAAGH and join it, turn the planet into a forever war. Mekboy; set up on the space hulk, Weirdboy; invade a demon world.

Oi, did someone call for da mekboy?

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Third or First Person RPG set on an Imperial Hive world where you play as an Inqusitor, hunting down a conspiracy while juggling opposition from within the Inquisition's myriad of factions, the planetary government, the adeptus mechanicus, some space marines and more. It wouldn't just be you going off and doing things, you'd also make plans, send people off to investigate, have to schmooze and deal with diplomatic concerns or just shove your rosette and your chainsword into everyone in your way.

If you're running a mostly blood angels army and not what is talking about then no one will give you any problems

As in terms of their competitiveness blood angels are in the same spot as all marine armies in that they're horrendously outperformed by the less elite factions. However there's tons of talk that theyre going to give the space marines a shitton of buffs this year based on the LVO results so get ready

To stay on subject what 40k vidya have you fuckers been playing? I've been sinking a lot of time into BFGA2 and have been loving every minute of it.

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Is it likely the blood ravens histoy was covered up because of them being descended from a corrupted primarch

That's an Ork plane, dummy. Odds are those parts work as intended, too.

What the best looking vehicle in 40k?

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The answer is always greenskins.

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redpill me on this Guilliman fellow?

pretty much that, except take away the comedy and some of the benefits and conveniences big E has and replace them with everything somehow going to more shit

he was always a bitch soiboi

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Girlyman was so fucking pissed when he saw his own chapter never deviated once from the Codex Astartes for ten fucking thousand years.

Woke up, after being put into a coma in a time when things were horrible, only to find things to be unimaginably worse than before.

Really depends on the Chapter. For example, some Primaris came from the Horus Heresy are just right after it and are horrified that it became a religous state. Others are part of the Cult Mechanicum due to a huge portion of them growing up on Mars which have them worshiping and referring to big E as the Omnissiah which has led to disputes (Notably in the Dark Angles). Primaris from the Black Templars likely just worship Big E as a god. As for covering it up, it won't be necessary due to Space Marines already allowed to be atheists due to the fact nobody will dare force them to worship big E as a god so long as they don't do any heretical shit

So... are they fucking?

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Please understand.

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Please understand his special boys

I don't know about fake gods but I wouldn't mind a tau or eldar gf

Yes and they make The Visarch watch

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He smashed that eldar pusspuss

Doomguy is in the Warp. How fucked the Chaos Gods are?

>lore has ground down to literally everyone fighting over a single star system
>game has ground down to nothing but boxed games
The return of Abby will change both. R-right bros...?

Essentially Guilliman is pretty much the straight man of the Primarchs. While he is not the best at everything, he is the one able to see more long term when compared to the others and created some of the most stable and prosperous planets the Imperium has ever seen, After the Horus Heresy, Guilliman decided to split the legions into chapters to prevent another heresy level event from happening along with commissioning the creation of what will eventually become Primaris marines. Shortly after that, he got fatally wounded by one of his traitorous brothers and forced into statis. He was recently abled to be revived to the current timeline and is horrified to learn that everything has gone to shit in ways that should not be possible and becoming even worse. As of now he is taking charge of everything but has to fight tooth and nail to get necessary reforms made while questioning his own beliefs (especially the part were he is slowly starting to believe Big E might be a god even if he tries to deny it)

Would recommend you look more into him, he is kinda interesting when you really get into his lore

Depends which version of him.
RIP AND TEAR Doomguy would probably just feed into an endless loop of Khorne daemons to fight.

surprisingly yes considering the lore team state Vigilus will not have a happy ending

For who though?

Can someone post the story where he struggles with his armour?

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Okay, I want to know
>What's your favorite race

>Favorite chapter

>And favorite character?
Mine is Orks, Space Sharks and Tarkus.

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Wow, someone actually put Roboute's lore into a reasonable post, rather than just going "LOL FUCK ULTRAMARINES FUCK THE CODEX!1".

>Force users with the power with the warp as well
Holy shit

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The model releases are what bother me most. Rogue Traders and Men of Iron are cool and all but having new Daemons, Orks, Genestealers, and CSM AGAIN being restricted to a new box set is going to kill me. I'd accept it if we got a plastic noise marine box and a full line of new character blisters, but I can't find someone to halfsies a big box EVERY TIME I want a new model.

What are the latest books dealing with the Rowboat's magical adventures in the 42nd millenium? I've read Dark Imperium.

Orks, Space Wolves, and Fabulous Bill

This motherfucker teleports in your base and starts to slap your buildings wdyd?

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>Tell them this is the book, and to stick with it.
>Be annoyed that people stick with the book.

Girlyman doesn't deserve such loyal sons.

The one where he struggles to pick up a piece of paper due to his armour and cracks a joke about it?

Find my incense because the machine is clearly displeased.

>belka's superweapons are just attempts at finally achieving enough dakka

What about Doomslayer?

Teleport my entire base away

Just as planned

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Thank you for saying this. Would it kill GW to act like a normal wargame miniature company for once and just release the stuff in their own boxes?

>CSM AGAIN being restricted to a new box set

No way these models won't be mostly standard replacements for most of the CSM line, shit is getting OLD and it's really showing also most of that Primaris shit can be resold anyways if you're into that

Has anybody else played the 40k mod for openXCOM? I've been playing it recently and it's really solid, albeit very, very hard.
I'm considering doing a Yea Forums plays for it, though I've never really done anything like that before. Would people be interested in that?

While the chaos gods can't ever be beaten they can get the shit kicked out of them if their infight and that time Gork and Mork gave Khorne a swirly are anything to go by

Thousand Sons if traitors count, if not, Space Wolves
Cap'n Bluddflagg

have only seen posts describing him as a goody two-shoes but this actually seems really interesting
also the part about the big E being a god, like he already started to become one of the chaos gods? think i've seen some anons say its hypothetical that when he completely dies he could reincarnate as a God of Order

Ward had nothing to do with Deff Skwadron, which is a great piece of Ork writing.

Tell him that this world belongs to my fucking dynasty then throw a C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer at him.

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I attempt to make peace with him and send some of my people over as a cultural exchange.

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>he doesn't know about Ork tech

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>What's your favorite race
>Favorite chapter
Only the best. I also enjoy the Ultramarines tho.
>And favorite character?
Gabriel Angelos before he got as big as his Primarch

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>People worshiping a DEAD ASS BODY

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cute post

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>What's your favorite race
Special to WH40K would be Dark Eldar
>Favorite chapter
alpha legion/ Imperial fists
>And favorite character?

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Warsword Conquest for Mountain Blade? I know it kinda sucks but it's all we have...

>Sheaves of blueprints were scattered across the desk in front of him. He spotted something of interest written on one and reached for it, gritting his teeth against the purring of the suit. He always reached with his right hand. The integration points for the Hand of Dominion on his left made picking anything up nigh on impossible, even with the over gauntlet and its underslung bolter removed. Day-to-day tasks such as this were a struggle. His armoured fingers pushed at slick plastek. Ceramite skidded across the papers, knocking them to the ground in wafting flutters.

>‘Oh, for the love of…’ he grumbled as he bent awkwardly to pick them up. The Armour of Fate was bulky. As its waist joint prevented him from flexing his spine and reaching the floor, he had to kneel. He reached for the scattered flimsies. Fingertips failed to grasp the sheets, sending them fleeing in small armadas over the polished floor. He growled in frustration, abandoned his task and stood, drawing a curious look from Sicarius.

>‘I have the manual dexterity of a Legio Cybernetica battle automaton!’ Guilliman said. ‘Created by the Lord of All Mankind, master of the greatest armies in the Imperium, and I cannot pick up a plastek flimsy.’ He glared at the offending articles. ‘My greatest enemy.’


>There was a thoughtful quiet.

>‘You are joking, my lord?’ said Sicarius.

>Guilliman looked at Sicarius. He had to turn all the way around to do so. The pauldrons, ornamental wings and large halo mounted on his back made it impossible for him to see over his shoulder. At least he had stopped knocking into things. There was that.

>‘By the Throne, why am I expected to be serious at all times? Yes, Captain Sicarius, I am making light of my predicament. During the worst of the Great Crusade, I was known to make the occasional jest. Even after Terra fell. I did not spend my entire previous life writing deep thoughts into little notebooks, but sometimes dared to enjoy myself. I suppose that was not recorded in the hagiographies.’

>‘Humour is not something you are renowned for, my lord.’

>‘My time in this new age has revealed that to me amply.’


I thought people hated Guiltyman as a mary sue? Now there seems to be some genuine admiration for him. Has there been a recent turn in the fluff?

40K Souls/borne.

>one of them humans who gave his soul to the old ones
>immortal, resurrect in some place separate from space and time
>warp out to climactic places in time
>for eg, go out to an Imperial ship in the middle of a daemonic incursion in the Warp, fight through a twisting maze of ship corridors and rooms to take down a daemon prince
>eventual goal the old ones are guiding you towards slowly becomes clearer over the game

Thanks! I really like those short stories that show the more "human" aspects of primarchs or astartes.

Imperial Fists
Daddy Dorn

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He woke up and got to give his side of the story and be a character instead of being a figure head spoken about by people who've never met him before.
The man is better than the legend.

I hear the Horus Heresy novels do this well, mainly for the Space Marines for the 30k era, they come across a lot more human rather the aloof beyond human marines of the 40k era

Just be a Dark Eldar
>Get cloned when you die
>Literally get stronger from fucking people up

a 40k jrpg.
Turn based, FFX battle system, make your own chapter, go on missions, kill things. J-Metal songs on the background

Imperial Fists/Salamanders

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Based and crusadepilled

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Well Dark Imperium recently got a sequel called Plague Wars so that is one, other then that surprisingly not much only a few short stories or being delegated to side stories for example, Guilliman being present in a book about a Primaris Chaplin

Iron Warriors
Captain Titus

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He is a good big boy

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Well he didn't really tell them to stick with it (only part he wanted enforced was the one thousand limit and even then they were supposed to work closely together), Guilliman wanted them to be flexible and use the Codex as a guide and not a religous book. Ironically the only guy who seem to got that idea was Titus.

I think people really just hated his chapter.

Resource management game. You are a part of Krieg’s government. Main goal is to supply enough soldiers to Imperium, while avoiding heresy charges because of more and more grimdark laws to keep up with tithe: non stop propaganda, juvenile conscripts, mandatory pregnancy, lab grown soldiers, abducting and brainwashing people from other planets and so on

Whatever you say, warp-blobs


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>Red laser
Robert and Cawl really need to bring back Volkite weapons.

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Phosphex the xenos, Great Crusade now

That's just boring.

Behold, new chapter

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He looks constipated and eternally confused.

Artist name? This looks GOOD

When talking about the Ultramarine in general, its important to keep in mind that a lot of people will have a negative bias against them (which is somewhat justified since GW uses them way to much even in regards to them being poster boys along with Matt Ward really fucking up their lore) which will make it seem they are Mary Sues in general which is a shame because it does ignore their more interesting points. As for Big E being a god, it was always implied that at the very least he had enough power to hurt the chaos gods back during the Great Crusade. As of now, it has been noted that Big E's power has increased tremendously along with the fact that he has been doing certain things that only a god could really do (ex living saints and legion of the damned are pretty much considered daemon or at least a similar concept of warp spawned fragments of a deity). If you want more details on Guilliman in the current setting that also touches upon big E being a potential god I recommend you check out Dark Imperium.

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Imagine the walls they would build together. That's the real reason Chaos machinated Pert into falling.

There's nothing boring about being a dark eldar
>Get to use crazy technologies that are basically magic
>Get to use exotic weapons
>Get to be fast and do ninja backflips
>Unique mechanics revolving around inflicting pain on your enemy and getting stronger as the fight goes on
>Enlist bizarre aliens and frankenstein monsters as buddies
>Fly around on hover boards and reaver jetbikes, or just have wings grafted to your fucking back
>Do as much drugs as a fucking eversor

survival horror on commorragh
bonus points for degeneracy

All the consoles and PC being represented by chapters would be cool.


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what type of unholy combination have you created user

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Get to work. I am too tired to do it right now.

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The whole point of being an old one puppet immortal is that you could pick up and use any weapon, so your points about crazy technologies and weapons are moot. Also Warp magic and artifacts would be a thing so same with the being fast and doing ninja backflips...
>Enlist bizarre aliens and frankenstein monsters as buddies
>Fly around on hover boards and reaver jetbikes
Have you ever played a Soulsborne game my dude? Because at this stage I'm starting to think you haven't.

Don't tell me what to do faggot

it's pretty much not about him at all but IIRC watchers of the throne depicted the moment he returned to terra

not gonna lie: that series launched me from being reasonably enamored to full blown autism.
>mfw when i'll never die for the emperor

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>Wanting it to literally be Dark Souls but with a 40k paint job
Yeah sounds like a shit game to be honest. I want to see a game that innovates, I can already play Dark Souls. It's still available in stores you know? in fact they just remastered it.

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>with a paint job
Sure, because chain weapons, guns and a crazy Warp magic system are just "a paint job".

>Dark Eldar
>having warp artifacts


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Blood Ravens

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Is there a program or template for this?


Oh wait I'm blind and missed

>Chain weapons
You mean like... swords? Axes? Glaives? So normal weapons but they make a lot of noise
>Warp magic system
Yeah Dark Souls has always had magic, now I'm thinking it's you who hasn't played them. Saying "it comes from the warp WWWOOOOOWOOO" Doesn't make it different.
Trust me I know what you soulsfags are like, you always want literally the same game with only the slightest of tweaks.

>I understand more than you could possibly know
Just 3 more years to go.

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Hes just boring

I mean, that is literally being a daemon.
Get too much insight, such as it is, become a daemon spawn.
Go where the boundary between Materium and immaterium is thin and do as you do.

Octarius War game when?

I never played the classic XCOM and I still find those screenshot playthrough threads interesting.

Have any of the Chaos legions done anything relevant in the lore lately, or do they just job around?

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Reading comprehension ain't your strong suit, is it?

>So normal weapons but they make a lot of noise
Yes, that's really all chain weapons are... You sure are an imaginative boy.
>Saying "it comes from the warp WWWOOOOOWOOO" Doesn't make it different
Warp magic focuses on different aspects that haven't really been explored well in Souls games.


Define recently.
The Death Guard is closing in on the T'''au after spending some time kicking the Ultramarines when they are down. I think that is the most recent even I heard of.

robot girlyman is actually omegon

>Has anybody else played the 40k mod for openXCOM?

Death Guard 'bout to dab on them blueberries.

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Greater good

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>could defect to any chaos god
>choose slaanesh
I've actually had much more success with the Guard than with Marines, mostly due to losses being much easier to replace.

Is getting culturally enriched by big bloated stinkpots.

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Is that fucking Mortarion himself in the background? I didn’t know he was back on the front line.

this looks dope, I've never played old X-COM, ubt I have 70 or so hours with nu X-com. Will I transition well, or is the learning curve too much of a problem?

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It is. Since Magnus is also back for the fun, chances are another loyalist will be coming back. Presumably the Lion since Luther is out of his cell

It's got a bunch of neat shit like commisars restoring your entire squad's morale after shooting someone who committed friendly fire or panicked, as well as Plague Marines inflicting ungodly amounts of Fatal Wounds with their weaponry. The early game is very hard since you have pretty much no truly effective way to deal with armored stuff like CSM thanks to the missile launcher being super heavy, though lascannons, massed flamethrowers, and the occasional lucky bayonet charge can deal with them pretty well.
I'd advise you give vanilla a shot first, since the 40k mod is very unforgiving and the original is a classic for a reason. Just be sure to read the manual or at least look up the base mechanics.
Original Chrysallids make the new ones look like a fucking joke.

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>everything about that """comic"""
>tumblr nose

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What the absolute fuck am I looking at

Water caste are the hot ones with the tiddies


ok, I'll try the original first.

Remind me, why can't we fuck the xeno's again?

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what the fuck is this

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>it's likely the blood ravens history was covered up because of them stealing their geneseed

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Don't be discouraged if you crash and burn a couple times, that's just the nature of XCOM.
The most important tip I can give you is this: Use smoke grenades and never leave the landing craft turn 1 unless you absolutely know it's clear, since the ayys will have full TUs and thus be able the murder you with reaction fire. Also bring a bunch of flares and/or incendiaries, you'll need them for night missions if you don't want to be constantly be getting shot by things you can't see.

Literally an elven scum fucking traitor. He should burn

There's literally nothing wrong with xeno waifus

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>Smurf fags

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Farsight is just going to slam dunk that depressed clockmaker like it's Super Robot Wars, with help from best berry.

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Can you blame him? She's pretty cute.

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I already own the original X-com, shuold I play with Open X-com or it's better playing the game as vanilla as possible first?

>call dad at the wrong time
>dad tells his brother to destroy his home
nice one

With OpenXCOM. It leaves the vanilla experience completely unchanged by default, and adds a ton of quality of life and bugfix stuff along with allowing it to run in modern resolutions. I'd highly advise upping the Battlescape scale a bit as well as turning on the "show carrying capacity in equipment screen" or whatever the option is called.

This is the first time I've seen the dreadknight sword used by a contemptor actually make sense


No problem man, have fun.
Get ready for squadwipes.

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>Marines Malevolent
I wish there was a book about these assholes.


Nothing is cuter than a gun nun

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Grand Theft Auto: Commorragh

Oh, and don't be afraid to use the wiki, though I'd recommend against spoiling the details of any ayys for yourself at least on your first playthrough. It's quite useful.

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Off the top of my head:
>Rise of the Primarch (Gathering Storm splatbook)
>Watchers of the Throne
>Dark Imperium
>The Armour of Fate (short)
>The Desctruction of Baal
>Dark Imperium 2: Plague Wars Boogaloo

made for xenos and chaos dick

I hope she and her bitch boy get fucked by slaanesh' 20 dicks for all eternity

Didn't they finally blow up cadia?


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What the hell is going on underneath that obvious edit?

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Do not bully the farseer

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Oh look, a little gremlin's stumbled into the thread. Shoo shoo.

Macha is made for bully.

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more like WHOREseer

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Can they even get it up? Do they have dicks?

>While the chaos gods can't ever be beaten
Bullshit. Just like the eldar gods their consciousness can be destroyed. It would just take an incredible amount of effort both in the materium and immaterium.
>inb4 without the gods we all wouldn't have emotions and sheet
The big four chaos gods are like every other warp spawn a parasitic emotion sucker. Their aspects don't come from them. It's the other way around.

She is a pure Maiden.

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good luck sticking your thick meaty fingers in that slim hole

wonder how an eldar got into my shower to begin with

There's only one way to deal with pesky rangers.

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not even close

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Maybe it's her shower


ouch shit last time I checked up on this mod, there were only some marines in the game. Now I see that its pretty fucking expansive.
Thanks for reminding me about this mod user!

Anyone building any figs? I just assembled the skaven band from Shadespire and those are really nice minis.

She tries, but she'll never get it.

Never ever.

I'd love to see that.

Nice headcanon. But the lore says that the Chaos Gods are eternal and immortal. Furthermore, the latest Ynnari novel shows that the Aeldari Gods are actual Warp constructs and not actual gods like the Chaos Gods.

I've got a knight and some inceptors that I'm assembling. Does anyone happen to have magnetization guides for knights? No idea how I want to kit it out.

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>shit kicked out of them if their infight and that time Gork and Mork gave Khorne a swirly are anything to go by

Why do you feel the need to make things up? The Chaos Gods were never shown to fight anybody and they never shown to interact with Gork and Mork.

Yea yeah and they also were birthed in medival times, because earth somehow has the potential to birth thre chaos gods for what took the eldar a good portion of the galaxy and countless billions of lives.
Chaos wank is the worst of all.


The Exorcists


>Yea yeah and they also were birthed in medival times, because earth somehow has the potential to birth thre chaos gods for what took the eldar a good portion of the galaxy and countless billions of lives.

That's not true. The new fluff says otherwise (not even that new). Why are you citing 2nd edition lore?

Your primarch was weak

the emperor was a fucking retard about religion in life and saw the error of his ways after being enthroned

Dead Space 1 but 40K

RTS where computer controls IG in huge numbers and you control special forces, ie space marines.

>don't treat me like a god
>but I'll use religious term on most of my shit though
This is like fishing for compliments but with praises for being godlike

Democracy 3 but it's 40k


Daemon Prince Fulgrim comeback when

The Emperor is a funny.

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>try to smash space elf pussy
>keep getting cockblocked by imperial business because everything's broken twice over
Being Rowboat is suffering.

Alpha Legion
Trazyn The Infinite

I think you can fuck them to death


hate me for this but a WH40K FPS looter shooter is my dream

A forge world management sim
I love the mechanicus and I have a boner for industrialist themes
also this kind of soundtrack

Already posted it a while back, but
>Game centured around being an Inquisitor with great focus on independence and freedom of action, where you can battle your typical threads to Imperium (chaos, xenos, mutants) or get busy with internal threads, like heresy that's hidden behind layers of bureaucracy or internal corruption involving people who are untouchable to any other body of authority (like Lords-Gouverneurs)

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Grey Knights

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>tfw fire warrior could've been a decent game.
Regardless of your bias against Tau as a faction in general, they have weapons and technology which would be fun in a game. Fuck, imagine a Crisis suit game.

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all fucking Tau MUST fucking hang

It was never going to be good

>The Imperial Church has a navy of its own and is capable of moving armies across space independent of the Imperial Navy.

What the fuck? No wonder Vandire managed to take over the Imperium. Who thought this was a good idea?

Well yeah, because it was an FPS developed for the PS2 during the era where everything was trying to be Halo, but the idea of going around as a Fire Warrior doing Fire Warrior shit is not one that is inherently bad.

Who wants to tell him?

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Any idea has the potential to be good and as such should be given no merit beyond cautious optimist.
Only what is created matters in hindsight.

>edgy ghost boys
>Konrad Curze

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don't "good" xenos rank above chaosfags tho

Alpha Legion

lol Mortarion got dabbed by the big E himself during the plague wars

>What's your favorite race
>Favorite chapter
Dark Angels
>And favorite character?
30k Lion - saved me from memes and restored my hope in the future of the chapter.

You will shoot your enemy once, to ensure he fights no more that day! You will shoot traitors twice, to ensure nothing less than their deserved death!

Who is angrier Grimaldus or Asmodai?

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>fear, ignorance and hate
boohooo, as if the great crusade wasn't exterminating aliens left and right and genociding planets that didn't comply

also, the hate and ignorance part is pretty useful considering the nature of chaos, which wrecked your shit last time around

reasoned hate > ignorant hate tho
The muh Interex hated chaos just fine, after all.

The only reason the Interex survived as long as it did is because chaos wasn't even truly awake and active beofre the rise of the Emperor. Interex would crumble if it was put into the chaos endangared world of 40k

If not for Erebus' scheming and the Emperor's autism the chaos endangered world of 40k would not exist tho

Asmodai by a long shot.
Even the Dark Angels think he's got a few screws loose

>Emperor's autism
Show me ONE son of his that isn't autistic.

oh hai

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Griffith sure looks gay

Best boi and best (loyal) legion coming through.

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That's Alucard you nonce

Best fren

It's just Doom 4/5 style gameplay, but in a space hulk. Easy money

blueberry or bust

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Alucard isn't blonde dummy

>running AWAY
classic Tau

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Armageddon Steel Legion, Sautekh Dynasty and Farsight Enclave begrudgingly ally in order to destroy a MegaWAAAGH!!! lead by Beast-like Warboss coming from the outskirts of the Galaxy.
I know what a massive dump on the lore this is, but hey, it's not like 40k vidya is known for following it anyway, might as well make it as balls-to-the-wall as possible.

Also best traitor legion coming through.

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hes just generally a cool dude

What would a god of fake asses even look like?

>looter shooter
that's tech heresy.

something something Kardashian

>What's your favorite race
>Favorite chapter
Grey Knights
>And favorite character?
Guilliman for now. Daigo was my facourite character for a while, but now I think Guilliman is more fun.

knights of the old republic

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crom waits

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He told them to use it as a general handbook for chapter organization and tactical decisions, not worship it with the fervor a zealot would have worshiped a holy writ.

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People hated the Ultramarines because Matt Ward turned them into a bunch of gary stus that everyone loved and all space marines aspired to be as. By proxy same hatred ended up blanketing their primach. Ward was a fucking retard and he shat up a lot of lore while he had his way there, just google him on 1d4chan.

Why are Tzeentch demonettes so cute

Brother Calistarius

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There's nothing particularly offensive about this. The IG definitely would contain all sorts of people and colours unless it's a unit dedicated to a single planet. They use ogryn for fuck's sake.

They hated the bias towards the chapter and the stupid lore but bobby g is just a sad tale of dissapointment where everything he did was to help humanity and the Imperium but in the end was it all for nothing.
Also he doesn't act like a god like who looks down on everyone but rather like normal man with a great responsibility he even makes jokes ( I think that was in armour of faith) and his sons don't get it because they have that image of him being a kind of super genius hermit who always means business which makes him mad and sad at the same time because no one really understands him anymore making him more relatable for the reader.

>There are people who DON'T follow the literal God of Keikaku

Do you want to get left behind?

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this is it, the perfect body type for a woman

that comic was so good


i hope you have played the lastest blessing of the Omnissiah, Warhammer 40000: Mechanicus

Is there such a thing as enuff dakka? Do Ork philosophers even ponder the question?

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Enuff dakka is to Orks what the pursuit of perfection is to Humans.
Impossible, but they will try any way.

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This is out of context. In the very next paragraph he dismisses his own thinking as misguided and blames chaos for everything.


>jean sneeds

>evil white male
>strong independent nigress in charge
>wacky side charecter
this shit screams tumblr

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It's ok, he's got a substitute

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Based and utterly correct.

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Tropicork -- a "city" builder where you play a boss scrounging up boys and grots and mekboys to build a proper kamp to krump other boys and get them to stop krumping eachother all the time

>you're sick
The whiteshields didnt die for this

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Why aren't those bitches executed yet?

Imperiam commando
40k has tons and tons of potential but GW are retards with their ip

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What is GWs endgame for 40k bros? I say choas is driven back but at the cost of imperium being destroyed and all other races are fucked up by the nids.

Howling Banshee game with devil may cry combat

Aren't there also a few moments where Bobby has to be careful around objects that belonged to him before the coma because they've basically been turned into holy relics for people? IIRC there's some chair that he used to sit in all the time that he just goes 'oh cool, it's still here' and just unceremoniously plants his ass down on it and everyone is kind of shocked.

The orks will win. They will outlast the empire and everybody else.
It's only a matter of time until the Empire is in crisis and there comes a huge WAAHHHGGG at the worst possible time

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Orks are for dorks

Turning hard and cold man/xenos into fabulous luscious gentlemen/ayylamo.
I know this might be work of Slanneshi but...

No. Stop that fucking bullshit and stop it right fucking now. The Eldar are without any doubts, without even the slightest doubt I say, the worst faction within the Fictional Universe that is Warhammer 40000. Not only are they soly responsible for everything wrong with the Universe, this utter race of retards even double down on it. Not only are they themselves utter dogshit, they are only topped by their fans, who would gulp down said dogshit with pleasure, in hope to becoming something better.
>But muh Ancient Aeldari Empire!
Lies and Deception, its Bullshit. All they ever achived was just possible with the stuff they stole from the old ones, like the knive eared niggers they are.
>But muh Guardians of the Universe!
Nonsense and double Bullshit, how did that work out? Right, the Dark Eldar ascend every day further and further to become the twisted lovechild of liveleaks and deviantart, while the Craftworlders cry out every single day again about the problems as they cause them. They gave birth to Slaanesh, they are behind the Cabal and by that the burning deportion trainwreck that was the fall of the Alpha Legion and of course now they are also on the best way fuckign everybodys shit up again with their nonsensical Plans about Ynnead.
>But muh Natural Psychic Race and stupid Mon-Keigh!
Oh, you know, guess what? Triple Bullshit, and I am calling it. Psychic I will give them, but thinking themselves superior to any other race is utter nonsense, from an objective perspective. Their bodys are weird and disgust any true humans, their language sounds like a hemoridhic cat fell into a Synthwave Soundboard and their so called culture is based around jerking off to some colourfull marbles.

In short, the Eldar are worst race in 40k, nobody wants them or (you) here, go fuck yourself and stay gone. And fucked.

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>worshiping a corpse on a toilet

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>Farsight Enclave
>Most of them, i love the little details the lore gives to each army

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damn, the Emperor look like THAT?

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In all honesty the salamanders do look like friends

>worshiping 2d anime girls

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Grey Knights

Jaghatai Khan

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Here comes the flesh eater chapter.
Don't do drugz.

He's so psychically powerful he could probably alter his appearance to be like that if he wanted to.
Instead, he just made himself a big handsome adonis man who then proceeded to surround himself with more big muscular men who all wore either gleaming gold battle armour or simple robes barely held on their well oiled quivering musculature. What women did attend him never talked.

>living emperor
>mark 7 armor and grey knights

Porn artists aren't worried about lore.

death guard is the best legion but mortarion is the worst primarch

can i watch?

only if you have a Yea Forums pass, otherwise you will want to kill yourself thanks to the captcha

Two great goods

Is it possible to use Noscript Captcha? Each time I try it ends with stupid errors and I can't post and I can't stand current captcha with that fading to white bullshit

I'll take both, and there's nothing you can do about it


Don't know about worst primarch, since just about all of his traitorous brothers are all prime cunts too. Looks really cool, but he is still a bitter, huge rotten cunt though.

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We haven't had an XCom playthrough since that Xpirates guy half a year ago.
Plus, it's always ironic to have a 40k mod playthrough not even a year after Cato Fucking Sicarius screwed us out of a vanilla victory.

a rogue trader game that's basically a interplanetary besthesda game