>game's plot makes less and less sense as it progresses
Game's plot makes less and less sense as it progresses
so life
>tfw no daughter to hold hands with
What is it about this theoretical game's plot that confuses you?
why didn't polnareff ask for the speedwagon foundation's help with diavolo and the arrows? hell, just get the duwang gang to take a flight over like koichi did and diavolo is dust
Anime made Trish look hot wtf
Could he beat Diavolo?
Anyone could theoretically beat anyone in Jojo.
That said, Ringo's kind of a bitch so probably not.
No. He wouldn't know when to trigger Mandom and even if he did, he has to recharge equally for how far back he went; King Crimson doesn't.
>part 8 in a nutshell
kg works on stamina too, he can't cut time at will like he's some kind of vampire.
how do people even watch gold experience? it's so boring and formulaic. I hate all the characters & the artstyles sucks.
I thought i had understood KC's ability but all these new arguments as a result of the anime has me confused again.
>I hate all the characters
>the artstyle sucks
You just described JoJo in its entirety after Stardust Crusaders
The only game that has that feel for me is Spec Ops: The Line.
>Anyone could theoretically beat anyone in Jojo.
So Dark Blue Moon can beat Gold Experience Requiem?
but Jotaro and others were there to keep you going in diamond is unbreakable & it had some cool moments.
I guess it just gets worse from there.
>Vento Aureo has so many cool bad guys that could make for good recurring side villains
>Every single one just gets killed off after their introduction to the group
I'm still angry. He had his win, his fucking win by outsmarting Mista but no no no, Giorno comes in and fucks everything up
I’m not gonna address the artstyle debate, but you really have to admit that this Part’s cast is painfully lacking in personality. Hell, Fugo ends up leaving halfway through, and you barely even notice he’s gone.
mista is literally the only good character in part 5
La Squadra got fucked.
>La Squadra
minus the music and the faces, I like the symbolism in this video
Are there any shonen series that are actually goos with distributing screentime for its cast?
>but you really have to admit that this Part’s cast is painfully lacking in personality.
No? Part 5 has some of the best side characters in the series. Mista, Narancia, and Bucialleti alone are better than most of the main cast in other parts.
one punch man so far.
tho it's farily easy at as only very few cast members are important at the start.
How? I’d like to hold off on going full Plinkett Test for the moment, but how are Part 5’s cast more characterized for you?
True that, I agree, it just loses its spark in Part 5 in every way, every character is tossed to the sidelines and there is no room to breathe in the plot due to constantly jumping to places and other things like Stands being a virus
I've started reading Part 6 atm and boy do I appreciate Jolyne after Part 5, Giorno is so boring
>the show where everyone sucks except Saitama is the one that manages its cast best in the whole genre
That’s fucking sad
Ringo Roadagain is a cool motherfucker, but he literally has the shit version of KK
I also Recommend Mob Psycho 100, also written by ONE. Going on right now in its second season.
Fuck those games
>Giorno somehow uses pieces of Babyface's remote stand which should have just reverted back to the people it "ate" to create a poisonous snake that travels several miles to kill the Stand User because "muh GE loyalty" I guess.
>The banana Giorno makes turns back into a gun right when Polpo puts it in his mouth, and he coincidentally happens to hold it in the exact position to have accidentally pulled the trigger.
Is Golden Experience one of most fucked Stands in the entire series or what? Like even before GER, it just kind of has whatever ability is needed to make the plot move along and tie up loose ends.
It's so fucking lame.
I was just about to say this. ONE is a very good writer. opm is good and all but it's a little sad that people only care for his series that's basically one stretched out joke, and not for his real magnum opus
I started S1 a while back. I should finish it.
Pretty much. I’ve joked about how he’s literally just the Ultimate Lifeform at this point, and could probably kick Kars’s ass even without Requiem.
The more i think about it the less sense it makes.
Sub or dub?
Like that meme picture says, have you never seen the Futurama episode Time Keeps on Slippin'?
I prefer the explanation some user here had that King Crimson is not really time erasure but that it allows you to change fate for 10 seconds.
Sub, and I watch both.
I mean he's also up against King Crimson, one of the most overpowered stands in the entire series. KC could beat Dio without any issues and he's not even a fucking vampire.
reigen is highly relatable
>KC could beat Dio without any issues and he's not even a fucking vampire.
Araki said that Za Warudo would beat KC.
Assuming the post you’re replying to wasn’t memeing, that part is easy to understand. What isn’t is shit like how Diavolo can simultaneously see and not see everything that can happen to him, or how he can literally Prince of Persia away any damage he takes.
Even if it works like that there has to be some sort of restrictions, otherwise he could just change everyones fate to
>ur ded lmao
When he was able to make parts of his body that he was missing is when I started hating Golden Experience.
Araki is a retard desu
What physical level is King Crimson on? It’s obviously tougher than Gold Experience and Sticky Fingers, but I really hope it’s not said to be much higher than that.
did you put Golbez below fucking Kefka and Sephiroth
Golbez was one of the best villains the series spawned
>That whole gag where they cant sense his spirit, cant wait for it to be shown
How come the snake was able to travel back to the train?, I mean they were far away from the train, unless the snake transformed into a car it wouldn't have been possible
I worded that poorly, what I mean is that it allows the user to alter their own fate for 10 seconds while everyone else is a slave to fate, on autopilot more or less.
I've seen the dub, and it's honestly pretty good quality. At least as good as dubs can be. I still can't believe they got Kirbopher to play Reigen. I do agree with you, though. I'd rather the sub as well.
He just identifies the cause in cause & effect, erases it, and skips to the part where his enemy gets dunked on and nothing happens to him.
Dude, fuck off with that level of contrarianism.
All KC does is just erase the memory of everyone's actions for 10 seconds while letting bossu effectively disappear and do whatever he wants during that time. Sure that's not 100% accurate, but it's pretty much what it does and how he uses it in battle.
Oh boy just wait till the last half of part 5
>game series gets shittier the more popular it gets
This is the last half
wait until you get to the part where KC grabs SCR's shadow
He's just a punchghost with very low range outside of his ability.
When they get to the colosseum
Survivor can beat Tusk act 4?
How many parts you must read before knowing the MC is good at asspulls, even more so the son of Jonathan AND DIO?
It's not contrarianism, 4 had the best plot out of the FF series, legitimately played and was like an epic where you didn't know what would happen next. Kefka was 1 dimensional joker ripoff, Sephiroth is just edgy 90s grunge personified. At least Golbez was a good anti-hero
The only thing those 2 have on Golbez is the gnarly fucking boss themes
MP100 is a fucking treasure
>not Bruno
Shit taste detected
>game's plot is retarded and only confirmed retards enjoy it
>MP100 is finished
>ONE still hasn't returned to the webcomic version of OPM
iirc he tweeted something about wanting to go back to it at some point this year. but he's also got the reigen spinoff that he's doing now so who knows
what actually happened here?
He was able to hack peoples computers though. Kind of hard to believe that he couldn't get an email out to Jotaro. Part 5 is still great though, even if it did have some problems.
He can see into the future and erase small chunks of time.
jojo is just taking the ms3k manta to its extreme. looking into it too much is just going to make everything confusing and stupid and it'll fall apart, just chill and go along for the ride
tonight's episode had me shook... i cant believe it.
He was literally shit Darth Vader, and he being brainwashed substracts villain points for me.
Araki probably didn't know how emails work until mid 00s.
The ability of king Crimson is to predict the future future and render everyone else unconscious at the same time. time is "erased" for the victim because they have no idea of what happened
Why don't Giorno and by extension Mista and Polnareff show up in Stone Ocean when Dio's children are being called up and around?
I mean, this one I'm more mad about. Giorno and Mista, Polnareff checking in with Jotaro, multigenerational meetups to deal with everything coming to a climatic end. Mista freaking out to himself when he finds that Giorno's the fourth DIO child they've run into.
I want my wife jolyne to get animated already
I want Jolyne and her wife, FF, to get animated already
doesn't it explain it in the manga? it's been a long time since I read it but wasn't there a note like "giorno felt the call but was too busy being a gang star and ignored it" or something
>Golbez on the hero side
He was the coolest guy.
Because they Giogio doesn't get to shine by making a perfect counter appear outta his ass
What is Pucci's stand's ability again? How does it reset universe?
Speed up time
Made In Heaven. It doesn't reset the universe, but it does speed up all natural processes in the physical world, ending the current universe and looping back around to a new universe
Kinda like date raping somebody with roofies.
>Cloud and sephiroth
>Well written
The little face on King Crimson forehead is another stand named 『Epitaph』. Which is actually Doppio's stand that lets him see 10 seconds in to the future.
>characters that have an outstanding and well founded presence
So why is Ramza there? He's a generic do-gooder who has no personality traits besides unerringly doing the right thing?
>interesting, charismatic and multi-dimensional
He didn't pull the trigger Mr. Speedreader. The hammer of the gun had been peeled, and thus as hammers do, it came back to rest and pulled the firing pin. It was a murder.
Babyface was a physical worldly stand which died allowing GE to convert it into a snake. Had you not speeded, you would know that Giorno and co. left the snake at a station that the train arrived at. There is no nonsense about superfast snakes needed.
>Hating an intelligent application of a stand power with good buildup
Why is it that people who hate Vento Aureo have no reading comprehension? It explains why they get especially twisted about KC I guess.
a lot of part 5 readers are probably like me, and read it when we only had the shitty translations and haven't read it since it got redone
is the anime for 5 out now
kc just showed up
Dont respond to these bait posts, shit gets posted in every fucking thread its some autistic user trying to get replies.
Wait, did the anime finally get to King Cirmson?
I wasn't keeping up recently.
Did Bucciarati "die" already?
Worst part.
I thought this was part 5 thread, not part 3 & 6 thread.
Oops my bad i meant 2 and 7
the two groups ended up having the same goal, if they didn't die they could have been on the same side
all parts are good
Well it's set in 2001 but Araki started writing it in 1995.
I'm pretty sure Kira Buckland is going to "an hero" if she doesn't get the dub role of Jolyne.
Well for now she got the role of Reimi
She already voiced Remi, I don't know if they'd reuse her.
The japanese cast reused some roles (Satoshi Tsuruoka voiced both Wired Beck and Tamami) so it isn't that much of a stretch.
More like La Squander am I right fellas
Seriously boys have you read/watched it? The only reason anyone could theoretically beat anyone is simply because how it's written. Look at the ends of part 6 and 7.
You don't simply win because you're powerful, you win because the plot demands it
Part 5 is pretty awful. The ending falls apart completely, and the powers of the main character and main villain don’t follow any coherent logic. I also don’t like the Jojo parts that are self-serious.
I haven’t watched the anime version yet though. I’m hoping it will be a bit more entertaining to watch than it was to read.
This times a thousand. Araki is an absolutely dogshit writer. The only reason that Jojo is entertaining is because he somehow manages to write something that is so fucking stupid that it circles around to being entertaining again. This is especially evident when you read part 1 and the first half of part 2 when he was still trying to write a serious story.
Jojo is extremely entertaining, but you’re going to have a BAD time if you actually try to apply logic to the proceedings. Any character can beat any other character, because Araki will just make up some new convoluted aspect to their stand to make them win. Or alternatively, there will just happen to be an item in the environment nearby that will make the battle winnable.
Even with an illustration explaining it this doesn’t make sense.
>part 1
I see you have absolutely rock bottom standards
I rate it at the bottom overall, but I like the series and there isn't a part that I think is "absolute shit"
It had kino moments. It really used the TV anime format well.
Based animeonly retard
My biggest question about this is how is this any different than Dio, and why did he bother writing ANOTHER time manipulation villain.
He had three time manipulation villains in a row, all with more convoluted powers than the last.
Yes and no, they both wanted get rid of the current boss but they also wanted to take over the drug trade themselves which giorno and hole-in-his-chest didn't want to continue
But Stardust Crusaders is the most "formulatic" JoJo part ever
you have to understand the majority of people who have read part 5 read the dogshit tl and have had no desire to re-read it
which is why Valentine is da shit
Does anyone else find the Jojo anime to be much more light hearted and comical than the manga? The tone feels completely different to me.
I actually prefer the anime tone, but it’s kinda strange to watch these adaptations and have the scenes play out with a completely different tone than I imagined while reading it.
four time’s a charm
>Any character can beat any other character, because [writer] will just make up some new convoluted aspect to their [character] to make them win
Literally every manga or comic ever made in history of all time ever
___ ____ ____ _______ ____?
get a feeling so complicated?
I literally read it in Japanese, colourised, and I still think both Giorno and Diavolo had stupid, nonsensical, poorly written powers. Both of them just felt like ass pulls where Araki made up whatever he wanted to fit the situation.
At its best, a shounen battle manga should feel smart because the characters utilise an intelligent strategy that plays on the rules established long beforehand. In Jojo part 5 it just felt like Giorno was “that kid” with his powers, and he just made up new shit all the time.
How the fuck doesn't it you brainlet?
Point A: Man shoots gun
Point B: Man gets hit with bullet
Point C: Bullet fly's off into distance
If you remove point B then you're left with a man shooting a gun and the bullet flying off into the distance and not hitting anybody.
It's almost like being in a group is better than fighting solo isn't it?
I actually really like incomprehensible plots, does anyone have recs for sci-fi games with insane plots?
Yes except it well written stories the writer avoids doing that because it’s a cheap and uninteresting way of solving things.
Giorno is the worst character in all of JoJo. He's literally the ultimate Mary Sue and when you think of it he's basically Jesus Christ.
>mfw I get a 4
>Manga and anime
>Avoiding asspulls
Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha. Ahahahahaha
but Part 7 has true literal Jesus
Part 7 is boring as fuck. I dropped that shit.
that was more in response to plotholes not actually being plotholes like giorno leaving the snake at the train station. i think giorno and diavolo were pretty 'nothing' characters. as i understand giorno was supposed to be honorable like jonathan but with the cunning mind and indomitable will of dio. but that got lost in translation since araki has such a hardon for italians
I mean, Polnareff not showing up makes sense, considering what happens to him. He'd just be a liability. Giorno not showing up is harder to explain, but Golden Wind is ultimately about Giorno rejecting his heritage (or his 'fate') for something better, so thematically it makes no sense for him to help Pucci.
I suppose it depends on how you perceive time. In order for it to make sense, all time needs to occur simultaneously. Otherwise you can’t remove the second part and expect the third part to still happen. Even if you do think about it like that, the bullet has continued moving as if it hit the man, even though the man wasn’t there.
It’s definiteky needlessly convoluted and poorly explained within the manga itself.
Did they have the train rape baby birth scene in the anime? Is it fap worthy?
Maybe if you exclusively read Naruto and Dragonball then that’s a solid argument.
Diavolo has 2 (two, dos) stands
He has a second ability where he can perceive 10 seconds into the future. So he can remove the time where he gets hit with the bullet before it happens
If by “lost in translation” you mean “lost between Japanese and English”, it most certainly wasn’t. He has no personality in Japanese either.
You still can see Dio's traits on Giorno, he kills without remorse not like Jonathan would (even if it is justice) and the way the gang blindly start trusting him must be some of Dio's charisma too
That assumes that time is destined to always occur in the same way, but that he can alter the predetermined way that it happens by removing parts.
Which is actually kinda interesting. I wonder if that’s what Araki was getting at. If it was, he certainly didn’t explain it properly.
>Time is always destinated
He did in a way with the epilogue vs. Rolling Stone
Araki has gone on record that the reason his finale villains all have time related powers is because he believes that control over time is the ultimate power. That said, there is a difference between stopping time and erasing time. Time still 'passes' when time is erased. Ten seconds pass in real time, it's just that no one can remember what they did in those ten seconds, except for Diavolo, who saw the future (and what everyone else was going to do,) before erasing time.
>That assumes that time is destined to always occur in the same way, but that he can alter the predetermined way that it happens by removing parts.
This is exactly how it is. The wiki for his power shoes an example where he envisions a pair of scissors in his throat. That's destined and WILL happen. But he is then able to immediately rip them out before any real damage is done to himself.
Not true, because certain items seem to literally phase through each other when time is “removed”.
>The only thing those 2 have on Golbez is the gnarly fucking boss themes
Even there Golbez wins if you ask me
Dio stops time, and typically attacks during it (although he liked setting up traps as well like the knives)
You'll never see Diavolo attack DURING the "skipped" time, he uses it to avoid all possible sneak attacks and to place himself in an advantageous position, poised to strike the moment time "starts" again. Although using the term "starts" is incorrect here, since time never actually stops for him, he still perceives the "missing" ten seconds
Forgive me if I’m wrong because it has been years since I’ve read this, but weren’t there parts at the beginning of the fight between Diavolo and the zipper guy where Diavolo attacked him during the deleted time?
Well obviously if you remove being penetrated with a bullet then it would "phase" through you
iirc it was Epitaph showing Bruno getting memed by Diavolo in the next 10 seconds
Probably. The first appearance the creator didn't have how the powers worked fully decided so there's inconsistencys that don't carry through to the rest of the story. Like zipper guy seeing a vision of himself in the future (how the fucks does that even work?)
Some stuff gets dropped. You gotta remember manga creators need to get out 30+ pages a WEEK so shit gets planned and dropped and tweak constantly and you just gotta keep moving forward.
Best fights in the manga were the one on the train and the one with the ice armor guy. Were they done well in the anime? Waiting until the whole part is done before I watch.
The protagonists always win just because the plot demands it. Honestly, the point the series turns into pure asspulls is very obvious, it's when Abdul was brought back from death because readers couldn't stop bitching and moaning about it. This basically ensured that the series would only very rarely have any kind of danger for the main characters, and usually only for a recently introduced good guy nobody really liked instead of someone who had been around for 50 chapters.
This in turn makes the series dull until the final few chapters, where you finally might get to see someone die.
>Bruno died like a complete moron
>didn't even question the boss about anything before chimping out
bravo Araki
>Like zipper guy seeing a vision of himself in the future (how the fucks does that even work?)
Couldn't this theoretically be explained via Diavolo giving Epitaph to Bruno momentarily? I know they don't mention or show it, but doesn't he at least technically have the power to do so?
>mary sue
love this meme, he got rekt many times. jospeh is still the biggest mary sue and asspull master
post yfw you completely understand KK, or at least have an understanding of it that could coincide with its actual actions
KK makes the user omniscient of his immediate area, as well as what would happen in that area for a set (but short) period of time. Within that period of time all actions are guaranteed to continue as they would, aside from the actions of KK. KK can manipulate his environment within his speed/strength/etc capabilities during this time. Due to everyone else's actions being guaranteed (including what they see) they still "see" what they would have done in that time if KK did not manipulate it, that is until after that short time whereas they are able to feel and see KK's effect.
an example
Someone with a gun has approached KK from behind without making a sound. KK's stand gives him borderline omniscience within a certain range knowing that the gunman is there, and that within a moment he will shoot KK, once the gunman entered that range KK was aware of him. The gunman pulls the trigger, but KK was never in that space (within KK's experience) thus he is not shot. The gunman continues along his guaranteed experience and sees KK shot, until the short time period is up.
A metaphor of sorts
Existence is like a comic book, meaning the book is written and future events are, for most, guaranteed to happen. KK, uniquely, has a viewpoint of a short time frame of his own existence, which he can redraw/manipulate as if standing outside the comic book and reading it. The rest of the comic book adapts to his changes.
Is it established anywhere he can give his stand powers to other people? If not then it's a concept that was dropped
It's debatable. He gives it to Doppio later, but he also IS Doppio, so it's arguable if he can give it away.
His range is only like ten meters or some shit too which is why he's a super paranoid wreck hiding in secrecy all the time incase someone sniper headshots him from a distance or maybe blows him up or something
I really don’t think we should excuse bad writing just because we like Araki and “writing manga is hard”. He is awful at writing consistent powers and seems to very frequently forget what tools the characters have access to. Most big mangakas are much better than him at this, and it drags Jojo down a little bit.
For example:
In part 4, why didn’t Joseph use ripples to locate the invisible baby in the lake? There are numerous other parts in part 3 or 4 that could easily be solved if he used ripple.
In part 2, when the pillarmen are hiding in the house, why don’t they just air-strike the house? They have the support of the German military at this point. If they blew up the house the pillarmen would have instantly died from sunlight exposure.
The whole series only functions if you don’t think about it at all when you’re reading. It’s a fun read anyway, but Araki is definitely a flawed writer.
Because Joseph is a fucking senile old man
>afraid of Snipers
Truly, this was the ultimate stand
Why does that matter? Hasn't it been established that close-range Stands are fast enough to catch bullets? It's the reason why Jotaro can't shoot himself in jail even though the revolver was literally only milimeters away from his head.
It’s all well and good to write an explanation to logically describe what happened after the fact, but it seems pretty clear that Araki didn’t really know what he was doing when he wrote it, or he would have explained it like you did here.
>mfw the damage reflecting ability literally never comes up again a single fucking time
Pretty shit excuse to explain away the author obviously forgetting about things he established previously.
Could any Side Villian stands beat KC? Like if Cheap Trick jumped on him or if Hanged Man found him/Illuso dragged him inside a mirror without his stand?
Diavolo's King crimson skips time.
Doppio's ability lets him see the next ten seconds of time.
Since Doppio and Diavolo are split personalities of the same person, he basically has two stands that synergize extremely well, since one delivers the timeline, and the other can fuck with it untill he gets a timeline that he likes.
The real weakness of this combo is the spatial range covered by these abilities and events happening just after the 10 seconds timeframe. What's so hard to understand?
They have to hit whatever was given life
Is this a motherfucking Jojo thread?
Metallica can kill instantly anyone in JoJo.
Bruno could have easily beaten him by dragging Diavolo inside his zipper dimension and then never open the door again. Whether he wins or loses, Diavolo gets trapped forever.
Jojo is dumb as hell. You’ve discovered the secret.
How are people still acting surprised about bad writing 5 parts in?
Do people honestly take this series seriously, rather than as some schlocky guilty pleasure? Naruto was better written.
>>mfw the damage reflecting ability
That's not what it was, though. He just placed current Bruno in the path of the punches that future Bruno was going to make. Usually, Bruno would just jump to behind the pillar and get absolutely bodied by "nothing", but because of Epitaph Bruno is allowed to experience the removed time in which he punches the Bruno behind the pillar.
Speaking of confusing stands, how does Paisley Park work? Is it just a glorified GPS? What's the deal with the 'opening doors and going' explanation?
You know sometimes in fiction writers will purposefully avoid the most obvious solution because if every single scenario is resolved using the same method it would be boring as shit, right?
I hate when spergs in like a Dragonball thread say "why didn't Goku just X"? Well probably because it's so obvious and that you came up with it yourself why would that be fun to read?
And yet it never happens ever again despite things "given life" are hit or cut or destroyed throughout the story.
And yet he doesn't
No he couldn't because he can't even hit him to begin with you idiot. That's the whole point.
The problem is that most of the solutions are absolute braindead retarded shit like "oh, this one ice cube stops me from aging forever" despite needing an entire bucket earlier. There's no internal consistency to the story or logistics.
Dragonball is an awful example because it is also written extremely poorly.
The writer is free to avoid obvious solutions, but if they want it to be believable/interesting for the reader they need to write scenarios that AREN’T easily solved. Admittedly that can be hard when you introduce enough magic powers. It’s the same problem that the show Heroes suffered from.
>You know sometimes in fiction writers will purposefully avoid the most obvious solution because if every single scenario is resolved using the same method it would be boring as shit, right?
Yeah and good writers actually come up with reasons and explanations for why the obvious solution doesn't make sense or at least take it into account.
Even better ones come up with problems whose solutions are not so straight forward.
Hide below the floor, and open the dimension through the floor where Diavolo is standing. Even King Crimson can't defy gravity.
Gio literally got stabbed by the arrow in the opening chapters, which means the entire story is fucking gibberish because he should have had a requiem stand from the start.
>>Hide below the floor, and open the dimension through the floor where Diavolo is standing. Even King Crimson can't defy gravity.
The size of Bruno's portal is pretty limited, he couldn't do anything cool like just unzip the floor out of a large building.
You get stabbed by the arrow: you get a new stand.
Your stand gets stabbed by the arrow: you get a requiem stand
This helps explain why GioGio has like 5 stand powers and an increasing array of bullshit asspulls
Its weird, can search info and yet can provide different choices for different paths. Rule of cool like always I guess
>Haha just get within 10 feet of KC bro!
Have you read/watched the fucking thing? They can't get close enough to the fucking guy to use their powers on him. Anyone can BTFO KC and diavolo if they can get their hands on him but his abilities won't let them get close enough and if they do he can wibbly wobbly timey wimey away
>In part 2, when the pillarmen are hiding in the house, why don’t they just air-strike the house?
Probably because Caesar is an impatient idiot who ran into the house head first and both Lisa and Joseph aren't willing to bomb their friend. And then by the time they confirm his death, it's too late to return home to give the order to bomb the hotel.
And not to mention, Wamuu can use his wind manipulation to ensure that both he and Kars can stand in the sunlight anyway, meaning they'd just escape.
Polnereff's arrow is unique. Look it up, it has a design that's different from every other arrow in the manga, including the one that stabbed him.
Mandom doesn't need to recharge, this is explicitly stated.
It's also explicitly stated that Ringo put arbitrary restrictions on his stand. He could have triggered it just by wanting to, instead of having to turn his watch back. He probably could have gone more or less than 6 seconds too.
I’m talking about Giorno’s damage reflecting ability you dingus, look at pic attached
No, but Giorno pinpointed the exact location where Diavolo was hiding before Bruno got himself killed.
King Crimson can't punch through Bruno's zipper dimension because it doesn't exist until Sticky Fingers created it, fool.
That's not how it works, retard.
It literally is though
To be able to catch the bullet you need to be aware of it.
Which means he'd have to be CONSTANTLY checking the 10 seconds in the future for getting shot.
KK appears invincible but he's actually very easy to play around once you understand his stand. I'm honestly surprised Araki stooped to bullshit superstand climax instead of 13 dimensional chess tactics from people like Jotaro or Josuke.
>Aha, foolish Giorno! I forsaw your double attempt at killing me because I can see 10 seconds in the future!
>But what you didn't see was a THIRD attempt at killing you at the 11th second!
Bruno can't open a portal big enough to cover the range of KC either way, though.
>Can counter the time stop
>Can snipe Kira who sucks at avoiding projectiles
>Can snipe Diavolo before he's even aware he should whip out his stand to forsee it
>Can melt an idle Pucci
>Can melt as many Valentines as it takes
Bug-Eaten is the most OP stand, not even Jotaro could stand a chance
I didn't say he could punch out of it. I said he won't be able to get close enough to trap him in a zip dimension to begin with. And even if he did get close enough KC will allow him to wriggle out of the scenario.
>you guys it totally makes sense and isn’t convoluted bullshit!
>proceed to have an entire thread of people arguing about THE REAL way it works, and ignoring exceptions because “Araki wrote that before he figured it out”
Yeah.... great writing....
dorohedoro is really good and makes 0 sense for the first like, 100+ chapters. and then suddenly everything clicks into place
He resorted to an "asspull" because it was poetic. The final fight was them trying to get the arrow, not the actual fighting itself.
King Crimson - Removes CAUSE, maintains EFFECT
GER - Maintains EFFECT, removes CAUSE.
It's the ultimate irony, on top of the irony of him being unable to escape the fate of constantly dying.
Everything that happens in just the first meeting with Bruno in the basment doesn't count because those concepts quickly were dropped or tweaked.
That's it. Everything else is just people confused how it works.
Shut up whitey bitch
>Jojo is dumb as hell.
>dorohedoro is really good and makes 0 sense for the first like, 100+ chapters. and then suddenly everything clicks into place
Like certainly there are many mysteries but the world and most powers make sense internally. It's only the mystery that's not explained at first and that's kinda given in most mysteries.
Thanks for being kind of on topic. Although Nihei is my goto guy for incomprehensible manga, his art is outstanding but fuck me for the last 2/3rds of Sidonia I had no idea what was going on
>forgetting the real op sniper stand
>spray barrage of bullets that lasts longer than 10 seconds
Gee, that was hard
If it didn't travel through Diavolo, then why would it travel through air either? Fucking idiot.
He still needs to dodge to not take the bullet. If time gets erased, it just prevents time from from moving and change happening. Like, if you try to bomb Diavolo and he used time erasure like in that example, would the destruction from the bomb on the surrounding area also disappear? Would the bomb disappear? How would it just disappear if it didn't explode? If it didn't disappear, wouldn't it just continue the countdown?
The only stand fight/user I really disliked was the old guy with the dragon talisman/mirror thing in Part 6. It was just weird and confusing and boring.
You need the use logic where time occurs like the frames in a film. He just cuts frames out of the film.
Yeah, it’s fucking dumb.
I haven't kept up with the anime adaptation of part 5, are the subs still making really stupid ridiculous name changes like Deadly Queen and Flaccid Pancake?
Zipper Man, Emperor Crimson.
Yes. I mean, it’s not like they’re doing that shit for a laugh, it’s for legal reasons
>Why would it travel through the air
Because the part where the bullets moving wasn't removed. Just the part where it hit him
And yes a bomb would probably fuck him up which is why he was so secretive about his real identity and was always in hiding all the time to avoid people doing exactly that.
sorry, he'd asked for recommendations with incomprehensible plots, so that's what I focused on. the inner workings of the world and powers and everything make sense, but because the mysteries are so front and center in the plot but aren't fully explained for a long time, a lot of it felt like a huge mess that you only understood partially. plus the messy art really helps in that regard. god I'm still really worried about the anime, where will it even end and how on earth are they gonna try to adapt that art
Why is it fine in Japan but not in English speaking countries? Legitimate question - I know nothing about the law.
I've never heard of a lawsuit over a pop culture reference before.
>Emperor Crimson
I would ahve gone with Ruler Red
just you wait until we get to part 6
tbf jojo does benefit from not having prior characters play massive parts. Joseph in SC and Jotaro in DiU are supporting at best
Can you provide an specific example? The last reflect (even non-GER) I can find is vs. Koichi, at any other battle he was directly involved whatever he imbues with life either gets dispelled before it could be targeted to get damaged or finishes whatever order Giorno imposed and then reverts back
Paisley Park's power is that it finds the most direct route towards solving a problem. It seems like a GPS because most of the problems Yasuho have are 'where is this guy?' Note that it doesn't solve the problem, or else Part 8 would be over, it merely tells Yasuho the fastest way to solve it. Occasionally, there are two equally fast ways of solving a problem, and hence, Paisley Park asks Yasuho which one she prefers.
Either that, or Paisley just tells Yasuho the most common solution to a problem, hence the 'finding the door that has been opened the most' analogy.
Basically he just always knows what's going to happen and can make sure it doesn't effect him negatively?
Japanese copyright laws are much laxer.
Except film continues with same logic despite the events being displayed. By same measure, Diavolo should be able to run through walls if just built momentum and activated KC before hitting the other mass. It's same forces that govern the explosion's destroying force. However, if he can just ignore forces of the world during time skip, then why doesn't he fall off earth or be incapable of moving? Can he decide which forces apply to him and which don't? Then it's more of a phasing ability than time skip.
I'm so glad manime fags are getting pleb-filtered
You're thinking too hard about it.
Copyright laws are more relax in Japan than it is in the US.
People get picky sometimes and will try to sue over stupid shit and I guess they didn’t want to go through that shit.
Like Oda designing most of the OP cast after irl celebs would never fly in the US.
Fate is the central theme of part 5 (and part 7). In short, his entire character is based around escaping/running away from fate and thus he has powers that allow him to constantly cheat and change his fate.
Just kill the people trying to sue them??? Its not like any humans are real
For the bullet it's indifferent if it's traveling through Diavolo or something else. If anything, the bullet should follow the pattern of hitting Diavolo without it actually hitting him. Which means that Diavolo would just redefine himself in the alternate continuity after time skip which replaces his old would-get hit self.
>being surprised that things introduced early are changed or never mentioned again when araki realizes it doesn't fit how he wants to story to progress
dude's just making shit up as he goes half the time, and it shows but that's part of the fun
Kek. Been a while since I've laughed at a post.
And why exactly would he not bait his enemies into damaging shot he imbues with life to hurt them? Seems fucking retarded right? He could just created a maze of trees and his enemies first instinct would be to test them down out of the way and they would then take massive damage not knowing it would reflect. Yet he doesn't. he supposedly has this amazing powerful ability that can fuck everyone up but doesn't use it. It's almost like it was written away or something.
How come shit like Scary Movie and Deadpool can get away with it then?
Shows like the Simpsons, South Park and Family guy reference pop culture all the time. Characters like Darth Vader and Batman will show up, or people will name real life bands/brands/companies by name, often while making fun of them.
I just don't see how what Jojo does is any different.
I think Araki isn't thinking enough about it.
The outcome always stays the same for however the end of the 10 seconds is.
Glass cannon, can't defend well unlike Giorno or Bucciarati. Can't stand-rush, opts for single fatal blows.
>half the time
100% of the time user. It is very clear that he never plans even one chapter ahead.