My dad died and i can never live up to my moms infinite expectations. What games do you play to heal your depression?

My dad died and i can never live up to my moms infinite expectations. What games do you play to heal your depression?

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Depression is a scam invented by pharmaceutical companies to sell antidepressants. Try exercising for once.

more fit men than you have still killed themselves due to depression.

Ah, yes. Another Joe Rogan watching internet psychiatrist likely in his teens. Epic!

Kill yourselves lol

Your mom's only expectations are biological ones, which are anything but unachievable.
The correct answer is to just fucking ignore her besides returning the favor of being a caretaker and calling her on the weekends. Do your thing you stupid asshole, stop sulking on a fucking Taiwanese exportation guideline forum.

>People actually believe depression is anything other than a mood
>People actually believe it isn't down to impulse control like a person with anger issues.
It's LITERALLY the same fucking thing, if depression is mentally crippling, then so is anger issues.
But the fact of the matter is being "Depressed" isn't an excuse to be a tub of shit that does nothing with themselves.

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>Depression is a scam invented by pharmaceutical companies to sell antidepressants
Possibly true. However depression has been confirmed as a genuine medical condition
>Try exercising for once
Not true when it comes to 'curing' depression.

The best way to cure, or at least reduce the depression significantly is actually start doing shit that improves on your life.
Unemployed? Get a job
Got a shitty job? Get a better one
Little to no social life? Get a hobby

Basically, engage in actions that have outcomes of intrinsic value to improving your life on a long term basis. Being physically healthy helps however it's not necessarily long term if you relapse and become lazy again.

Depression and anxiety cause brain damage.

commit small petty crimes, helps a lot

>My dad died and i can never live up to my moms infinite expectations.
Are you me?

>Try exercising for once.
Don't forget /fit/ exists.

Dark Cloud 2
Rune Factory 4
Mega Man legends 2
Lost Odyssey
Stardew Valley

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My dad was manly and could fix everything house related. Im a fat otaku gamer who ends up calling a plumber after failing to follow a youtube tutorial. My mom judges me harshly like a failure

Why does the son not simply remove himself from the mother?

starve yourself for a few days then go each a nice meal
you'll be pretty happy when you're done with it

Cause i love her and shes older/sickly now. She needs me to be her caretaker.

>I'm a fat otaku gamer
What an elaborate LARP, no one calls himself a fat otaku gamer, no matter how much one hates himself.

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I take abilify.

You do know that it's only called LARPING when it's LIVE ACTION roleplay, and everything else is just called roleplay you dumb fucking /pol/ posting retard.

I've been depressed and suicidal since the 3rd grade, but life goes on. Doesnt give me an excuse to become a living cumrag of a human

i had crippling depression. didnt leave my houese 6 months, hadnt even shower. drugs helped me a lot. i wish i started early.

>Have money to pay somebody to repair things
So next time don't do anything and let her house flood and/or tell her to shit in the woods. You're not your dad.

Katamari Damacy

I don't, I killed myself years ago.

I like how easy it is to tell when people mix sadness or cynicism up with depression.

Hotline Miami

Just get a job and move out, then you can cut her off completely if you want.

>just lift bro it fixes everything

Buddy, I have survived multiple attempts. I know real depression. Because of that I can also say that it's possible to over come and people who use it as an excuse will be stuck that way forever

Give it a few years. I'm sure you'll try again.

>check /fit/
>it's all depressed muscle NEETs who still can't find a gf because their social skills suck

The game of alcoholism

Maybe so. But til then I'm not going to wait around in my moms basement complaining like a degenerate. Make the best of your situation. Good God, it's not fucking rocket science. If you cant give 100% every day, so what? At least fucking try 30% or even 10%. Sitting on your fat ass crying about being fat doesnt make you any lost fat. It's literally not that hard

Mother 3

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Are you still here op?
Gimme and email and I will try to help

You can't fix depression with a videogame any more than you can beat cancer with aspirin.
It'll let you escape your troubles for a while but they'll never actually go away because you keep hiding and not dealing with it.
Depression is such a meme at this point. Don't take the drugs for the love of fuck, they make your dick stop working properly, sometimes permanently, even if you come off the drugs.
And if you do come off the drugs, enjoy your brain zaps.

Depression is so over-diagnosed because everybody having a hard time and thinks they might be depressed but doesn't think they deserve to complain. They finally confess to the doctor and to their astonishment he takes them seriously and offers them anti-depressants. There's a temporary elation in that, like "I knew it! I knew I had a problem, and now this expert has confirmed it!"
It's like an achievement or an excuse for all your recent behaviour, and that's what keeps people in the rut.
Reject the idea that you're depressed as hard as you can. Literally no good comes from sharing your problems with others, either. That's also a meme.

I was hiki for 10ish years, drugs only made it worse, gave me panic attacks.

I recently managed to get a very laid back job as a museum security guard, so I'm sort of getting better. I'm glad drugs helped you, but they're certainly not the answer for everyone.

What I really wish is people realized when people are stuck in that mental cycle they really need a pull from someone outside, but instead everyone just thinks you're lazy and avoid you.

Hitting 13 years myself. Godspeed, user.

if you (or anyone else) want an ACTUAL answer, take it from someone who was on pills for years because of not following a lot of this shit.
>start taking vitamin d/get sunlight
>exercise (lifting and cardio) the latter you can also use to read books or play a portable if you need to play games.
>cut out caffeine and alcohol (doesn't have to be for good, but ymmv)
>start cooking for yourself, stop eating fast food and other processed shit. read this for a start -
>socialize. either find a sport to play, a site like meetup is great. there's fucking everything on there, people for board games, sports, etc.
>make goals - daily/weekly/monthly/yearly. small stuff like just making your bed, washing your clothes, showering, vacuuming seems trivial but it goes a long way.
>surround yourself with positive people. talk to your mom, siblings, cousins, etc.
>medication at an absolute last resort if nothing listed seems to help.

don't compare yourself to others, both in wealth, experience, knowledge, etc. only compare yourself to who you were yesterday. did you finish that book you started? did you set a new record for your mile? some days you won't improve as much as others, but as long as you are growing mentally/physically/emotionally, you're on the right track. good luck user.

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this is why being a neet is so dangerous for long periods of time. with all that time and idle thoughts (myself for example) you end up getting in your own head, and get depressed. it becomes a vicious cycle. staying busy, with work, dating, friends, whatever keeps your mind active and off of negative things.
it's okay to be sad once in a while, but don't let sadness become apathy where it envelops your entire life.

When cutting out caffeine, I'd stress you should go slow.
If you go from a few coffees a day to nothing cold turkey you'll have weeks of headaches and you're not going to want to do fucking ANYTHING else on that list as a result.
Quit one thing at a time and try not to replace it with something else.

It's a chemical condition which can be measured and cuantified, you mutt.

i made the mistake of going cold turkey. the headaches are fucking wild, but i'm working through it, and today was the first day i didn't have any. makes me realize how fucking badly addicted i was, i could pound cups of coffee and sleep right after, it did nothing for me. i've been off caffeine for 3 weeks, save for a few things of preworkout.
i miss green tea, but i really only drink water, almond milk and herbal tea now. my sleep is 100% better.

>m-muh chemical imbalance

holy FUCK based

Shit, good effort, man.
I'm working on getting my finances sorted and a little weight loss, so coffee is the one treat I have (not too bad, one giant one a day, get it free at the office) but it'll go in future too.
We're gonna make it, bros.

i was out of work for two years from an accident, nearly 30k in debt. finally got back to work last month, actually have a plan in place and putting everything i can into paying off my debt. the exercise helps, and ended up joining a contest for general fitness/weight loss, where the competitive aspect really pulls me in.
maybe i'm taking on a ton of things all at once, but given how i didn't really do anything for two years i figure it's time i make the giant leap. it's why i love /fit/ - even though there's memes and other dumb shit, people who actually show the will to try and improve themselves will get advice and help at any time of the day. the hardest part of anything is just getting in the door, be it the gym, a job, or life in general. i'll start dating again soon, once i'm happy and confident with myself.

it's similar to diabetes, once you're under frustrating situations for extended periods of time, your mind just becomes used to it and stops giving a shit about everything, nothing feels worth doing anymore since you stop secreting dopamine and pleasure from doing anything that isn't feeding yourself or masturbation is near to null. It's like you're drowning in shit, yes you can pull yourself together and breath a bit of air, but it takes a lot of effort and you grow tired, so you go back to sinking and breathing your own filth rather than do anything to fix it, once it gets too awful to just keep repeating the same cycle of eating your own faces you give up and look for an exit.

You still holding on there buddy? If you need to stop being depressed you could always try walking outside for a change. Get some fresh air. Or even get an escort for an easy fuck. Seriously, just try doing something different with your life

depression is more apathy than sadness, although the latter is a big part of it. but like you said, a lot of it can be attributed to situation or the perception of a lack of a positive one. if you poll depressed people on here, i'd wager to say a high number are either unemployed, sedentary, a shitty diet, and don't get enough vitamins. having the perfect storm of this leads people to essentially give up. pills, while beneficial for some, act as a placebo and lead people in the right direction to picking themselves up.

in the end, you have to be the one to bring yourself out of the darkness. some people may illuminate the path on the way there, but you yourself have to open the door to get out.

>maybe i'm taking on a ton of things all at once, but given how i didn't really do anything for two years i figure it's time i make the giant leap
Fuck it man, go for it. You know what you want and you know what happens when you don't get it.
I fucking love hearing about other anons who actually want to struggle for something positive in their life, makes such a change from these crybabies and the catatonic anime-binging condition they love but blame for everything, hatefucking themselves on the daily.

Anons, just try crushing it like that user, just one time, you have literally nothing to lose.

it's not easy, and some days i want to give up, but the suffering is good knowing i can climb out and make something positive out of myself again. the struggle is meaningless if there isn't some tangible goal at the end of it.

What's important is to note immediately something that literally everyone does, and it's "if i had done x by y, i'd have been a master by now"

You're probably thinking you should've already been good enough to fix your own plumbing problems or other house problems, but being unable to currently doesn't mean fucking shit. People learn super-hard languages at like 80, you yourself can learn some basic plumbing in the course of like a week with some focus. It's not a big deal, and regret shouldn't be something used to fuel a depressive fire, it's great to have it around as motivation, though.

Alongside this, I can't find much to tell you. Sunlight is so imperative to cohesive health, and I can attest - even midwinter sitting on a deck as still as can be can yield like 60-70F and ignoring the cold is easy when done so. I usually take off my shirt/pants and sit down because 15 minutes of sunlight is recommended per day - but literally anything is better than nothing. Remember that and apply it to everything you do.

A bit of sun doesn't hurt. A bit less food doesn't hurt. More water doesn't hurt, etc.

Also, cut out soda/sugars. After a bit you'll feel better.

and since you admitted to being an 'otaku' then play katawa shoujo, it's always recommended because it helps people cope/find themselves