We're never getting SNK spritework ever again

>we're never getting SNK spritework ever again
Why even live

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Arcsys Metal Slug

why would anyone put effort into a game when it doesnt matter?


Metal Slug 3D: based or cringe?

Attached: 2856312-screenshot+2016-05-27+at+11.46.48+am.png (1920x1080, 986K)

>when it doesn't matter
Maybe not to those with shit taste.

Nah : it'll look nice but not as nice as good ol' sprites!
This must be a bait.

If only I was that good...

It fucking hurts man

I don't want to SNK to die.

maybe I'm just a fucking casul but I don't get why people says everything after metal slug 3 is shit, I had fun with all of the game. MS 6 is the only one I see that has lower quality sprite compared to the others.

They are not shit but they are definitly worse.
MS4 is the one with more reused assets but i like it just because i can use the bradley.
Also talking about sprites you can see all the waifu sprites that SNK is doing for MSA.

Never got imported because of fear of backlash over abandoning sprites. Valid fear, but still looks fun.

X and 3 are obviously the height of the franchise. But that doesn't mean the rest isn't worth playing. I'm very fond of 1 even if the formula is at its most basic.

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>tfw were never getting stages like this again

damn, forgot the pic

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Didn't they ask recently what would we prefer? Handdrawn, sprites or 3D renders? I'm sure I saw an article about that.

It'll come back. We're living in the age of retro masturbation.

Post more

Wow, that looks like shit.

Attached: garou-markofthewolves-background-freeman.gif (640x384, 410K)

Being Chinese is a fate worse than death

nazca > snk
shows what you know. nothing.

in the hunt was awesome spritework by the same guys. geostorm ii even before that. aaah, mame and history.txt. so many infos, so little knowledge all around

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i bet ur ghey lmao rt

sad side note: if snk wouldn't have bought nazca corp, we might have real metal slug sequels to this day.

and not this shitty playmore crap from korea with re-used assets and god-awful level design from hell in everything slug after 1-3

no one claimed otherwise user, stop being a bitch

Unless you mean 3d metal slug.
Sprite work is fucking expensive.

Waaaaah pixel art is dead uguuuuu
You're just ignoring the people that actually put effort in pixel art and going to only the heavily publicized games

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nice protected tweet. and while I love momodora and its art, I don't think I would ever compare it to snk at its heyday

It's because every Metal Slug after 3 was made by a different team and it shows in terms of the level design and the sheer amount of reused assets. 3 is considered the best because it was the original team's swan song in terms of going all out, which is also why the Final Mission is so infamously long.

How come Yea Forums wants pixel art but immediately shits on any indie game that uses it?

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People want pixel art no pixel shit.

Please tell me the difference then, surely an expert like you can teach me.

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Here's your sprite "art", bro :^)))))

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theres nothing wrong when indies use sprite art as long as they have good sprite art


Well yeah that's awful, but that trend has died out recently.

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Sorry senpai
Not a big Twitter guy, I only use it for fanarts and to follow people that need more following
About the snk at his hat days just support people that do good pixel art, after some time people will adapt and do actually snk-tier art for their games

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Ironically, the developers of the gif you've posted are excellent in spritework. Their newest game will be a homage to both Contra and Metal Slug with all spritework made by a single BR.

all their tweets are protected. see that little lock by their name? that means you can't see their tweets unless you follow them, and they have to approve your request to follow them

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I'm never going to forget that one E3 moment
>"So yeah, I made this pixel sprite cave man guy and someone said it looked good so we decided to try making a game around it, but it turned out pixel art is hard so we decided to move to 3D."

Yeah, I remembered Blazing Chrome recently and immediately added it to my wishlist.

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the name's mister bitch, fag

and i really could care less what you say lol

>could care less
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

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Whathever, my have the screenshots of the screenshots of the game
Thank you about your tweeter 101

Oh fuck, Blazing Chrome looks like Hard Corps, the best Contra. I'm sold.

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Spin, Ea!
>Red Earth, released in Japan as War-Zard
>Release November 21, 1996
Huh, it's actually way older. Did Nasu get the idea from this?

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What the fuck was that boss.
Better yet what the fuck are most of the bosses in that game.

>dk mode

it's always the toehoes that have the nice spriteart

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Momodora isn't a good example anymore because their latest project isn't pixel art, they're another dev who abandoned it: youtube.com/watch?v=OcYzzPtCrII

Most final bosses in Hard Corps were some product of "The alien cell." A super-mutagenic alien tissue sample being kept in a lab, from the original alien wars. Probably an actual piece of Red Falcon. The one on the rocket was some kind of weapon, probably due to spread alien spores on impact of the rocket.

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hey at least that looks good. they could have kept going with momodora V, which looked like shit youtube.com/watch?v=hXSaq0rG13I

>Metal Slug RTS NeverEver

What about the skeleton alien with the baby in the stroller?.

That's... OK I don't fuckin have a clue.

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I would say it isn't, but I'm pretty sure she was a dio reference from the start

still good spritework


>this head size
>these hands


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if you want it, now's the time to grab it before it comes out of EA in a couple days and goes up in price to $18. it's by the guys who made pharoh rebirth+ and that jack frost metroidvania atlus released for halloween store.steampowered.com/app/851100/Touhou_Luna_Nights/

Nor Capcom's unfortunately.

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It has good english dubbing, menu translation is all you need (or not). I liked it.
Had some solid tracks
And it was fun to see the cast interacting with eachother.

Nasu isn't exactly the most original of fellows, so I wouldn't doubt it.

Oh shit it's the Pharoh Rebirth guy? Thanks for the sauce, user, I fucking loved that game.

I think what's sad to me is the fact that we are capable of having games that literally look like cartoons but no big company will ever actually do it. Watching games like Skullgirls and Cuphead blows my mind, the idea of animation on that level but with a budget of an AAA release would be amazing. Yet, here we are, with devs concerned more on plots and looking realistic so they can get all those awards, it fucking sucks.

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I would love to see more of it, but to be completely fair, animation on that level is very hard and very expensive, so I can understand why big companies shy away from it

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I'm a big fan of run n gun games too. I know, it doesn't actually belong in this thread because it's not pixel art but have you guys seen the trailer of the new game made by the creator of Gunman Clive 1&2? It's a boss rush type of game inspired by Contra. Looks pretty promising.


It's not any less expensive than the the ULTRA REAL FULLY MODELED FERN 4000 MILLION POLYGON shit you see these days.