This shit fucking sucks

this shit fucking sucks

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we know, now tell the devs it fucking sucks and why without being a cunt about it so that they can conveniently discard it as shitposter bait.

I really like Armored Core and I'm likely going to buy it when it comes out.
But I do agree with you, it fucking sucks.

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Nothing will fix that the combat is super uninteresting and requires no skill from the player.

I hope they fixed the framerate when it launches, it was borderline unplayable in the demo.
Don't like how guns autofire on lock on and the knockaway shield the boss has serves no function other than being tedious.
Otherwise it's fun.

Seems alright, though what I really want is full missile boat capabilities.

This seems like the kind of game that's going to be praised on Yea Forums but be fucking terrible.

nah. at most there'll be one or two anons that'll 100% it no matter what and make webms of the cool shit they did, but if the game stays like this, everyone here is going to be disappointed.

what control schemes do you all use
should I change from the default

I expected babbys first AC and thats exactly what I got

>frame rate is bad
>auto weapons are bad
>The only reason to be on the ground ever is because you're a fatty and no other reason.
>Maps are tiny
>That boss pattern design is needs improvement and makes an already easy fight last longer than it needs to
>Special commands are way too finicky to perform
>Mission complete screen stops gear pickup
>if the best way to get "great" gear is picking it up due to the slot system nobody is in for a good future
>weapons have no impact, there's no way to feel a shot is going off except for it's sound.

Well it says 0.1. SO maybe not all's lost. Gonna need fucktons of polish to and thoughts. Frankly I feel as if unlimited flight is a mistake.

>get knocked out of area
>go back into area keep getting my shit slapped out of the area
>no control

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Boost needs to be like 5x faster.

For the 100th time the frame rate is fine and it’s your micro sd card’s fault

Nah it's the game

>see trailer
>completely ditch it because "another generic mech game"
>play demo
>absolutely love it and can't wait for it to come out

Am I the only one? I never played a mech game (besides Xenoblade X if that even counts) but this shit is fun, especially the part about customizing and choosing weapons.

it's worse than anthem and that's saying something

Weird I didn't had any issues with the framerate. And SOME guns autofire, and I think if you pull their triggers they shoot even faster.

>is because you're a fatty
But that depends completely on your build, more importantly on all with the exception of one build, it has a much faster movement speed over air. Also much better for cover.

I agree, unlimited flight is an issue unless they balance around it but just fucking make it a resource thing.
It's fun and it feels like there will be plenty of customization but polish the weapons and framerate for christs sake

play armored core

yeah, Get Armored Core V. Its the best one out right now

>Also much better for cover.
There's no shots in the game that can hit a moving light. And cover involves you not hitting what's attacking you either. This ain't VD, user.

Haven't played the demo but was pretty excited for this, can someone explain the problems to me?

What's so bad about it compared to AC games?
I only ever played a bit of For Answer and liked it, but it looked interesting.

Only one of the guns in the demo autofires on lock on.

infinite flight trivializes strategy
customization isn't as deep, at least thus far, but it doesn't seem like tuning is going to be a thing (correct me if i'm wrong)

no quads
no treads

it's casual AC game
>allow you to pick up ammo
>pick up weapon
>allow to be healed
>unlimited flight
>too fast (but slower than AC4)
>you don't need to mess with 10 different stats to get a proper build
>you can't customize compressor, radiator, boost engine, engine cores, each arm cores.


default is fine.

Customize it so one of the shoulder buttons is your boost.

>another generic mech game
I wish this was an actual thing, at least then we'd have more mech games

if this game sucks someone tell me what game is like it that is good

Armored Core
start with Nexus if you're terrified at the thought of aiming with buttons

Zone of the Enders.

What I want is a merging of AC and ZoE

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is the hd collection on ps3 any good

I was hype for this game until I played the demo

damn it is garbage

1 is fine. 2 was shit at launch but was patched later.

I had it on 360, which had some frame issues, might be the same on ps3, but I think there was a patch that fixed it. Other than that it looks really good, and a couple new missions if I'm not mistaken.

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Play gundum breaker 3

>ask for mech recommendations
>you recommend an arena fighter with a gundam skin
come on nigga, atleast tell him about Gundam Versus instead

>gundam breaker
>arena fighter
Oh that's right you googled Gundam Breaker and came up with New Gundam Breaker

>>you don't need to mess with 10 different stats to get a proper build
>you can't customize compressor, radiator, boost engine, engine cores, each arm cores.
jesus christ all those shades of grey
what will we do

Just buy Switch Pro later this year goy

Learn Japanese. There are tons of mech games released every year in Asia.

They just don't translate them to English because, well .

you guys can keep this easy shit
We'll get AC6 soon once Fromsoft finish with seikro and play a real mech game

>useless unfun customization
that's not difficulty, it's nerd-pandering for the kind of people who look up cookie cutter builds online to feel superior to the absolute and ignorant dregs

yeah I'm sure From will stop milking the souls formula and go back to making mech games that never sell

If I had time to learn Japanese I would have done it already, you can't trust localizations.

This game have gyro aiming?

I thought this game was supposed to punish me for getting busted up but I haven't seen any pay deductions for repairs. Is it not implemented or are they doing something else?

Maybe coz I don't usually play mech games, I loved the demo. Cool aesthetic/colour design, great hints of the coming customisation, and anything I didn't like will probably be modifiable (remove auto lock, increase analog stick sensitivity and suddenly you'll have a more difficult but rewarding experience). I can't wait to mod out some beast arsenals and screenshot all my different looks. This game could be the mech game that gets me interested in the genre. Maybe I'll only find out later that it's a garbage entry. Still hyped though.

I wish we could get a proper Armored Core rpg from Fromsoftware or anything AC again. Cause I would instantly trash this otherwise.

I can see her...

The demo didn't have it, though it's probably going to be highly requested.

It only deducts for damage to the objective you're supposed to protect

Huh, I thought Four mentioned repair bills at the very start.

but then ascend is still on a button and you have to do that constantly so you can never aim

I doubt you'll be able to disable the auto lock. It's one of the defining mechanics of the Armored Core series (the big bounding box, inside which you automatically lock on to your target -see pic) and it looks like they've copied it wholesale. You'll get heads/processors with differently sized lock boxes, but I don't think it'll ever not be a thing.
(It seems to be a thing with Japanese shooters in general, I remember the same mechanic existing in Senran Kagura PBS)

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what's the best weapon combo and why is it rocket launcher/sword?

>Walking/skating animations feel satisfying as fuck
>no reason to ever do either because flying is objectively better
>flying doesn't feel good at all

I know Japanese. List me some of those "generic mech games" that are supposedly similar to this one. All I ever see come out are really boring tactics rpgs.