Open world metro game

>open world metro game
Fuck no jesus christ. Who thought this was a good idea? God damn.
>Go here
>Okay go here
>Okay now go here
>Okay go here now
>Oh heres some REALLY long fucking exposition.
>Now go here, fuck you
FUCKING. BORING. Unless this is a one time thing in which case I am willing to suffer through it, otherwise hell no. This is a perfect example of the open world meme and how awful it is implemented on games that should never have it. What's wrong with linear games exactly?

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metro series was always cringe

Dude, really? Go beg somewhere else

beg for what? i wouldnt touch these garbage cod clones with a 50 foot pole

Quit whining and go play STALKER.

You're not getting anymore (you)'s bud. Get lost.

600+ hours in it, faggot. I know as much about stalker as I do your mamas asshole.

it's not open world

im not leaving your garbage thread kiddo. now you angered me and i have a vendetta against you. im here to stay. ill follow you to your next thread as well. and the thread after that. and after that. until you finally break down and beg for the keys to your cuck cage

>please uncuck me! please uncuck me! please uncuck my boyclitty!

ill laugh at your pathetic faggot ass and spit in your face. youre nothing. metro is fucking gay

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Nice copypasta

search the archive sweetie you wont find it. your heart beast faster and faster as you realize what youre dealing with. an unhinged maniac whose only desire is clicking your cuckcage tighter and tighter every day . starts to hurt doesnt it? please uncuck me please uncuck my boyclittty

you little fucking faggot, you are nothing. suck my fucking dick

Sure as shit seems like it. Looks like it's gonna be a bunch of little open world maps, like farcry 2

Yep. I dropped playing it around after it reset my progress 20 minutes in volga. Fired up modded STALKER and had more fun than I did at all in this piece of shit far cry clone. And not even far cry railroads you into awfully written 5 to 10 minute scenes of standing around with dialogue

Holy fucking based

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I'm up to Winter, just talked to everybody and listened to all the radio station.

I can't believe the chutzpah of the plot.

Also epic store is twice as gayshit

>>Okay go here
>>Okay now go here
>>Okay go here now
This is literally every game eer.


Metro series is the Stalker for console plebs.

Metro is stalker lite and everyone knows this

Metro was never good games 2bh

>we want the STALKER audience.

Name one other game where you don't go to a place and do a thing before going to another place and doing another thing.

sooo does this game even take place in a metro?

>get to the church near start of game
>go the wrong way in the stealth segment and get trapped so I am forced to fight
>game autosaves
>can only load that autosave
For fucks sake why would it autosave 30 seconds after the end of a cutscene fuck

i highly doubt thats the reason why. if anything open world really lets you get lazy as fuck, so does procedural generation.

there's only 2 kike

fuck you nigger

Just like Far Cry 2.

Looks like CoD is more your pace
I’m sure it has enough epic scenes and explosions for you

Wow dude such a cool post. Fight me irl faggot. I'll eat ur fuckin ass.

>play on ranger dif
>get into train depot
>first try to sneak
>find out it's nearly impossible for me
>start silently dropping motherfuckas
>so many of them
>always some shithead knows i'm there
>die to litteral living aimbots over and over

I will git gud, but jesus this shit makes me so mad i won't touch this game for a solid month.

The aimbotting is ridiculous. I gave up and just threw it on easy. If it's not going to fairly challenge me then I'm not going to bother. I already have enough gripes with the game spending most of its run time trying to make me care about this dumb whore constantly causing problems and getting space cancer.

Bet you didn't beat STALKER on master, or at all. It's not that hard, you can be in front of a fuckers face and as long as your LED isn't lit up you're good.
it's not hard.

>Bet you didn't beat STALKER on master
STALKER is broken on anything BUT Master because of the way the game is designed, you shitposting nigger. Anything below Master messes with the accuracy of everyone's weapons, not just the AIs.

Master is the only difficulty in stalker that's not broken. I have a few hundred hours in stalker games, but metro on ranger is a shitshow. More so than stalker ever was. I did even beat Misery so shut up mongloid.

he's right though. Metro was literally designed and made by a bunch of faggots who left GSC after they wanted to focus on making stalker on rails MUH PURTY GRAFIXES and ruin it, and got told to fuck off. so instead they made their on rail shallow ass Not!Stalker and skimped on everything except the MUH PURTY GRAFIX. and the retards ate that shit up.

i couldnt stop thinking about how much more fun i'd be having if i were playing STALKER instead during the the 3ish hours i played the game for today

the awful performance just kills the fun, not even OG metro had this many problems on release

>go here go here go here
that is every game though, the difference is context

you can barely even tell what the context is supposed to be when the characters keep talking over each other in every cutscene

I've been playing it with the Russian spoken language enabled because I figured it would give it some ambiance, but this VA is terrible. Every single performance is just bad. And it's not decades-long memorably weird like STALKER, it's just bad.

>they still think you do more damage on Master

I didn't say that. Where did I say damage was affected? Kill yourself, please.

I can't believe it, not 10 minutes into starting exploring once we hit Volga and I manage to get stuck in the corner of a building. Good thing I just saved.

Feel free to explain how every difficulty mode but master is broken, then. Don't peddle that "phantom bullet" bullshit, either.

holy shit, it checkpointed in the stuck position too. Thank god for the autosave.

why are all the guns so weak

why do they jam every three bullets

>Thank god for the autosave.
Wait, is there a way to load something other than a checkpoint? I got absolutely fucked by a checkpoint save in the church and seem to be unable to stealth my way out as I just get spotted right after loading.

clean ur guns

>there are cuckolds that UNIRONICALLY bought this off epic store for $60 and are now getting their data mined as they run around in game to go to broken down ruins and underground tunnel #52 in search for crafting materials

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The Ranger mode in this game is legit terrible compared to the old ones

whoa whoa whoa user.

If you've played the olds one you're not allowed to have an opinion on this game boomer.
we /openworld/ now. get out.

It's okay. I would have paid $15 or $20 for it had it been on Steam. Instead I got it off the CPY store for free. Definitely not worth $60

>open world

why do people still fall for this shit after 10 years

because people often conflate quantity with quality and it works in the developers favor. It's much easier to craft a few dozen samey old ruin/broken down building/abandoned tunnels/bandit camps in the case of this game and litter enemies all over them (in the case of this game) than to craft an actually well done location AND give you an actual context for being there besides "lol need crafting materials for our crafting system"

Ranger mode in 2033 was the best, the one in LL was also pretty fucking bad

>dumb slut gets her dad and her qtbf killed
>going to get bred by some nigger in a mud hut now
epic conclusion

>in the case of this game
why did I type that twice. oh well I'm drunk.

Im enjoying it so far. Second map is very different from the firsts and I like the aspect of scoping things out which then marks points of interest on your map. I dont understand people who complain about the open maps. In other metros you just followed a straight path, here you can go straight for the main quests or explore interesting areas and find weapons and upgrades

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Manual saving is disabled in Ranger mode, if you're playing on it you're fucked

because theres nothing inherently wrong with open world games you contrarian fuck.

He's right. Every single game has some objective to move you along.

>entire world bombed back to the stone age
>somehow the same rail line is unbroken for a 1000 miles

>>Go here
>>Okay go here
>>Okay now go here
>>Okay go here now

isn't this every game ever?

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What is the train powered by? How and why do they have perpetual fuel to move a rail car across the entire continent of Asia?

>because theres nothing inherently wrong
Try playing through skyrim, oblivion, the far cry games, assassins creed game, and even fucking BOTW and get back to me with that shit faggot. Well you can literally play any open world game and you'll find the same shit.
When a game becomes open world they either do one of two things
A: Litter the map with unrewarding shit and samey locations with very little variety to "fill out" the map
B. Have fucking nothing on the map.

90% of the time they do A. This issue is further exacerbated due to higher development costs for games leading them to asset flip almost constantly to save costs.

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>turn on english voices
>Steve Blum everywhere
And back to Ruski I go.

My bad, I meant Quick Save.

This post was supposed to go to this guy

we get it, you like linearity.

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>turn on english voices

>Steve Blum
he only voices sam..the american.

Yes there is.

Open world games inherently suffer from terrible pacing.

It is an unavoidable limitation of open world games.

steam engine, they use coal. At some point you run out of coal and just start dismanteling stuff to get wood to burn. Also they are just going from moscow to another place in russia. Hard to say how far they are going

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>series called metro

>needing to be spoonfed the story


>lets make a third game with the exact same enviroments

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Yes user, you are correct. Every single person who has ever cared about pacing or considered it important in a narrative throughout all of human history was wrong.

First by coal, then by wood, then by gasoline they stole in the desert level

>not really deconstructing any points but just strawmanning
I'm alright with that I didn't expect much more to be honest

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>I'm a complete ducking moron!
This is how you sound right now

what points are there to argue against?
You hold pacing to a higher degree than you do freedom and agency.
That's on you.

so do the story missions then

>not really making any points and then complaining when nobody addresses them

I made points here
but for some reason you schizos keep thinking I'm the user right above me and you're talking to one person kek.

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why do you expect an open world game to deliver you the story the same as a linear one? Both styles serve different forms of playing. Its like saying linear games are inherently flawed because they dont give you enough freedom. Both have pros and cons and in case of Metro they do a good job of letting you explore the map without filling it with icons where you need to climb towers or some shit

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why is it that everytime i hear
>the open world meme
it's always followed by
>What's wrong with linear games exactly?

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>keeping the hitmarkers on
Lmao fuckin gaylord

>so do the story missions then
The story missions have shit pacing because of the open world design.

i wish there was a way to just keep the kill marker

>why do you expect an open world game to deliver you the story the same as a linear one?
Why do you think that "you're wrong for expecting good story out of an open world game" is a defence to the argument that open world games are shit for storytelling?

so what?

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.02.18 - (3440x1440, 1.65M)

you just made a bunch of vague complaints behind a list of the most popular open world titles, you're a dumb piece of shit and even your mom knows it.

you're implying all linear stories are good stories because they are linear

ur a faget

>muh storyline in video games
faggot I play open world games to run around and kill and loot shit.

your comment has nothing to do with what I just said

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.02.16 - (3440x1440, 588K)

They apply to this game too.
The absolute fucking state of these morons.
someone make the chink store edition of this image.

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>you're wrong for expecting good story out of an open world game
literally was never said.

not once have i defended metro, metro being a subpar open world games doesn't mean they're all bad by virtue of being open world.

I actually think they did the open parts way better than the linear areas, like the Ark. Anytime Metro has turned into a shooting gallery the quality of the game has taken a fucking dive.

No, I'm implying that open world games are shit for storytelling because they suffer from fucking terrible pacing.

That doesn't change anything.

That's because you're shifting the goalposts and I'm not letting you.

Open world games are shit for storytelling because they suffer from fucking terrible pacing.

>why do you expect an open world game to deliver you the story the same as a linear one?

>phoneposter trying to throw shade

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Name THREE good open world games. I'll give you morrowind fight off the bat because I know that's pretty good. Name TWO

Except an open world game in the Moscow Metro could've been fun and unique. Some missions taking you to the surface, like working for the Brahmans and going to the Library or for stalkers gathering supplies

ok ok tell me why you feel that the story for exodus is shit.
Then give me a linear game of yours that you like so I can hold you down and rape it before your eyes.

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Assassin's Creed Odyssey.

Red Dead Redemption.

every game is go here, you nigger

>go here, i can't do it/won't do it do it for me
>holy shit that was scary, I didn't do any work you did.

wait wait, why does morrowind get a pass if they started all the tropes you seemingly have a problem with.
Consistency you dumb nigger, learn it.

>red dead redemption
Open world is relatively empty. I finished it but the most memorable moments were the story missions, not the parts in which I'm traveling between them
>unironically using assassins creed odyssey
And this is where I don't even believe you're the person I'm talking to (even though I want you to be)

This bait is just too poor.
Person I was talking to please respond.

Red Dead Redemption
Kingdom Come
Sleeping Dogs

>open world game
>inside the moscow metro

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Why would I waste any more time on you?

>why do you expect an open world game to deliver you the story the same as a linear one?

>you're wrong for expecting good story out of an open world game

these are not the same things unless you are
admitting that is right.

it's called Metro: Exodus (which means departure)

>>these are not the same things
Yes they are.

>why do you think X
implies that thinking X is incorrect, and the person asking the question wants to know how the person being asked arrived at the incorrect conclusion.

I'm not going to discuss this further, so don't bother replying if you're just going to keep talking about these stupid fucking semantics. Move on to the actual argument or fuck off.

this game is peak plebfilter on every front.

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.02.19 - (1920x1080, 2.13M)

>hurr phoneposter
No, I'm just fat and have fat fingers, and you're still a moron

Morrowind for the most part has good hand crafted locations. I never said every single open world game was bad because they were open world. I was the user that said open world games DO have inherent issues that are exacerbated by the cost of making modern games that push the majority of them to shit . While open world games HAVE THE POTENTIAL to be good, vast majority is terrible
>spider man
>kingdom come
>sleeping dogs
How does the open world actually help these games? Also SD and KCD were shit mate. I was never inspired to actually explore in this games and while the settings of KCD were realistic and looked good.. It's just emptiness and bandit camps that were all the same.

Now explain to me why open world adds more to the game of spider man. I haven't played it to be honest.

Play S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

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you're a literally retard
>why do you expect an open world game to deliver you the story the same as a linear one?
this is implying that expecting a story being told linearly from a non linear experience is a stupid expectation.

>you're wrong for expecting good story out of an open world game
this implying that all non open world game stories are "good"

>It's just emptiness and bandit camps that were all the same.


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Yeah, whoever likes it is a total pleb

why would you want a spiderman game where you are only allowed to go one direction?

>non linear experience
Open world stories aren't nonlinear though. You don't even know what the words you're using mean.

>this implying that all non open world game stories are "good"
No it doesn't.

"X is always Y" doesn't mean the "Z is always not Y."

Okay lads i was really disappointed with this game can anyone recomened me any new good mods for STALKER i liked COC but now its dead and there's still not much to do

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>Yeah, whoever likes it is a total pleb
you need to go back

why do people pretend this is an open world game?

>he liked it
You have to go back

You can make good usage of movement abilities in a game with large levels too.

I'm talking about the actual open world. What's the incentive for exploring here. What are the rewards like. What are some of the settings you encounter mate.


fallout new vegas
>Open world stories aren't nonlinear
fallout new vegas
you do realize narrative linearity and gameplay linearity are two different things right?
>"X is always Y"
that generalization is killing all the credibility of your complaints.
Which is it? all open world games have bad stories or just the majority.

>Yeah, whoever likes it is a total pleb
the most reddit of responsed to a plebfilter comment

SoC > CS > CoC based mods > CoP

the liberating freedom you dumb one-way pathed fuck.

>fallout new vegas
Linear with branches.

If you want a nonlinear story you won't find one in videogames.

>you do realize narrative linearity and gameplay linearity are two different things right?
Considering that is the exact point that I just made, yes I think that I probably am.

>Which is it? all open world games have bad stories or just the majority.
All open world games have bad pacing because they are open world.

>What's wrong with linear games exactly?
ten bucks you were ok with the main missions in rdr2

But I already played SoC a lot

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Metro is 10 times the game stalker is butthurt babby

>If you want a nonlinear story you won't find one in videogames.
fallout new vegas

>fallout new vegas
>Linear with branches.
so therefore, not linear

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OBJECTIVELY, literally fucking best opinion I've ever seen on this website.
>all those CoP cucks spamming it
IT'S FUCKING GARBAGE. SoC shits all over it left and right.

CoP is only good as a base for mods

AMK, AA, AMKAE/AA, and any of the like are memes.

Was just about to start a thread bitching about this piece of shit. They have NO FUCKING CLUE how to do an open world and it just feels like a huge depressing failed experiment.

Half the "points of interest" are just ammosuck hordes of shit-tier enemies with maybe a couple crafting materials. The boat stuff has got to be one of the most frustrating things I've ever experienced in a game. It controls like shit, moves slower than crouch-walking and you have those fucking WHY enemies shooting poison at you the entire time. What the FUCK were they thinking?

The whole "morality"/non-violent NPC shit is just another big WHY. Every single NPC just fucking yaps non-fucking stop and none of it is interesting or well-written. I find myself just killing every "innocent" because that's the only way to actually interact with them at all.

Ridiculous amount of unskippable on rails cutscene/story sequences that no one fucking cares about

I can't believe this game got past QA. Did they even playtest this at all? It's just a fucking mess, not to mention it runs like garbage. I've replayed the first two games countless times but this is just ridiculously bad. Fuck I'm mad

>fallout new vegas
Linear with branches.

>so therefore, not linear
Wrong, you fucking retard.

A linear story is one where the events happen sequentially. The fact that you can choose branches doesn't make the narrative not linear. You are still following a line from beginning to end.

You think it's nonlinear because it branches, but no matter which branch you're on you're still on a straight fucking line from beginning to end.

A nonlinear story is where events happen out of sequence. This can be because the story jumps around in time, or because of the existence of other perspective characters.

Now, seeing as you have conclusively demonstrated that you have NO FUCKING IDEA what you are talking about, I'm going to stop replying.


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But open world is such a broad term that Exodus barely applies to and let's be honest, you just wanted an excuse to rant about how you hate the genre.

I knew it would be shit the second they announced that it was open world.

I had hopes, but all along I still knew.

FUCK THIS GAME IS SO BORING. I haven't played a new game for years and the first two metros were really good. This one is shit.

I would if my modern PC could run Misery. I honestly don't know, do people just accept unplayable constant stuttering or am I the only one who gets it?

it's not open world you retards

It feels like they aimbot on normal difficulties too, or at the very least it feels like the physics and rules for bullets and guns don't apply to your enemies. Playing on normal, and every time I go to snipe enemies with a fully kitted out AK with the highest possible accuracy and stability, if I'm shooting from a distance where none of the shots are landing anywhere near the scope crosshair and are instead spreading at a diameter of 5-10 feet, landing around the enemies in a circle, the enemies shooting back with short barrel revolvers and bastards will spray long bursts and hit me with every single shot. It feels like enemies in this game don't have recoil spread or accuracy AI, it just locks straight onto you and fires in a straight laser. The fact that they keep doing this even if you're behind cover, and the bullets track your position behind cover even if they can't see you moving around makes me think this is the case. Other than that (and AI being fucking retarded when you're stealthing around) I'm actually enjoying this game quite a bit, feels like a natural evolution from the previous metro games to this one.

hopefully these guys do it better

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Gameplay is bretty gud, but it's a wrong game. Ideally, they should've made an expanded kshatriy (or whatever that stalkan dlc for Last Light called).
And fuck QTE enemy introductions.

LL's ranger mode was the one where you had to pay for it, and it was a super lazy difficulty where they completely cut out the AI and left you with no way to check how many bullets you had left for any of your guns without going to an ammo vendor, right? God, that was fucking awful. I understand it not being "realistic" that you could, at a glance, tell exactly how much ammo you have of every round, but they should have at least not skimped so hard and added some kind of animation where you ruffle through your bag/vest/pockets and come up with a brief estimation, rounded off to 5-10, of how much ammo you're carrying. What they did was fucking unacceptable for a PAID difficulty dlc, how do you fuck that up so bad?

last I heard this is in development hell and that gameplay trailer they showed is all prerendered

Oops, meant to say, *cut out the UI

The heck do I play then? Doppelganger? R.E.B.O.R.N..? Lost Alpha? Misery? Dead Air? Equestria Zone?

That could happen thanks to DX11/10. Always use DX9 enhanced. Never tried Misery tho.

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Oh you naive child...

The gunplay in the gameplay trailer looks horrible. Looks like they have good atmosphere and art but the gameplays trash.

3000 kilometers, they say that at the start.

>bred by some nigger in a mud hut

Just like real life


I love Anna

Yes it is

Yep, wouldn't be surprised. I just built this new computer in anticipation for a fun game to test my computer on that I couldn't run before. Why the fuck are the only options for decent games indie pixel shit or older games that don't challenge my computer at all? I literally just want to shoot npcs with good graphics, it's literally that simple. Why the fuck is this a hard request?

>A nonlinear story is where events happen out of sequence.
Beyond: Two Souls did this and it was absolute fucking dogshit

I don't trust slavs to produce anything worth a damn. At least I know that CDPR will at least give me AAA garbage at the minimum given how westernized they are.

so then by this definition games where the sequence of events, gameplay, and story varies depending on the player like most open world games still fall under the category of a linear games.
>What's wrong with linear games exactly?
so why is this a question then?

Welcome to russian VA

>you do realize narrative linearity and gameplay linearity are two different things right?
God you're so stupid it fucking HURTS.

>devs didn't add a scene where you get to fuck your WIFE of all fucking people on the train once you get the passenger cart with your own room
>first game (or was it the second?) let's you pay money to see a prostitute
wasted opportunity. they could've even integrated it with gameplay
>add an animation after fucking your wife in missionary where artyom pulls out a test tube, kneels down, sticks it under her pussy, and slowly watches his cum drip out of her hole into the test tube
>puts it away into his pocket, UI popup appears that says you collected some of the "chemical" crafting component

>he got the bad ending
well you get the world you deserve

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did you think this was a clever post

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DiD yOU tHiNK ThIs WAs A cLEvEr pOSt

so then you prefer games where the gameplay is railroaded and linearity is present.

Kill yourself.

Back to instagram






This section was kino

Nice autism

When you're older you'll try to forget you were like like this might aswell stop now

Oh so in a game called exodus, a story about a group of people traveling, scavenging, surviving, and experiencing a world outside of cramp dark tunnels should have been a linear game.
That makes sense.
By your own logic open world games are linear games anyways so why the thread?
You claim pacing ruins the story without any examples to back that up in a game where finding resources and traveling are woven into the narrative,

because pacing only fucking affects the story and nothing else, right? because a game being 50% walking simulator and 50% actual gameplay isn't the result of shitty pacing, right?

most kino moment in a game in a long time.
It was like the last ride in rdr2 but better in almost everyway.

That ain't me. I just find it fucking hilarious newfags get so upset at dumb posts that they somehow feel the need not only to reply to them but to reply to obvious bait replies after. Why not just do what any normal poster does and ignore it?

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>Oh so in a game called exodus, a story about a group of people traveling, scavenging, surviving, and experiencing a world outside of cramp dark tunnels should have been a linear game.

>By your own logic open world games are linear games anyways so why the thread?
>>you do realize narrative linearity and gameplay linearity are two different things right?

>You claim pacing ruins the story without any examples to back that up
That's like asking for examples that putting shit in cakes ruins cakes. But seeing as you asked, the first part of The Fellowship of the Ring.


Metro Exodus should've been one long arcade style railshooter ala Time Crisis where you just shit on the front of the train and shoot at shit as you pass all the cinematic ingame locations. Maybe have a few levels where you're sitting on Yermak's smol railcart instead.

> he's still doing it

Feel bad for you honestly

>the first part of The Fellowship of the Ring

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the first part of fellowship is beautiful you dumb fucking nigger.
I retract my case and support, fuck you and everything you stand for.

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>the first part of fellowship is bad

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i meant back up your claim of exodus specifically and how the "open world" ruins the pacing.
Not how pacing can ruin a story in general you dipshit.

>they're still replying instead of just ignoring
niggers like you are what's wrong with this website today. you should all go back to pleddit and stop trying to pretend you're a 4channer oldfag like me, toppity kek

I must be missing something here because he does not appear to be wearing a gasmask. Did people complain about finding filters being too hard or something?

>game about exploring a world
>the game should be linear

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seething autist

>how the "open world" ruins the pacing.
Because good pacing requires strict control over the reader's experience, and open world games sacrifice this control.

>"why does good pacing require strict control?"
Because that's what pacing IS. Pacing is literally pacing out the narrative so that you maximise the reader's engagement with it. For example, you don't end one event on an urgent cliffhanger and then insert 15 minutes of boring wandering around the map to the next event. It ruins the pacing. When you want rising action, the action actually has to be rising. Things need to be happening fast.

If you want a vidya example, consider RainWorld. Beautiful game, I love it, but the narrative (such as it is) really suffers from the game design. Now, narrative isn't the point of the game, and that's cool, but that doesn't mean it doesn't suffer.

the world be overwhelmed by extreme radiation was a myth, only specific locations require gas mask and some locations a gas mask isn't enough.

>book about exploring africa
>it's not a choose your own adventure
What was he THINKING?

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metro: exodus
you know it's awesome when the Yea Forums morons hate it

>Mark point of interest on map with binoculars
>Go there
>2 lootable corpse

Every time.

Not him, but I'll play devil's advocate here. For the record, I actually did enjoy metro exodus, probably one of the better games that's going to be released this year, but I don't think it's farfetched to say that the open world levels do have the tendency to kill the pacing of the story, but that's an inherent problem of open/semi-open world areas in games. You have chunks of downtime inbetween story setpieces/missions where you're doing nothing but wandering around from place to place, usually on long open stretches of wasteland with a few mutants here and there to occasionally take shots off. You get over to wherever you were supposed to be going, experience something cool, and now you have to make the same trek back. Repeat this multiple times and you have a level where the majority of your time in it is taken up by downtime walking around through areas that all look the same and don't really have anything in them. It's interesting every now and then as downtime does allow you to soak in the world around you and get in some good, atmospheric plodding, but do it again and again and it gets old fairly fast. The first two metro games didn't have that problem, even the parts that were "downtime" as you walked through quieter, less busy parts of the level between a story segment or enemies still had a ton going on environmentally and atmospherically, you felt on edge and tense as you made your way through dark spooky tunnels not knowing what lies ahead, or when it's finally going to hit you. Downtime made up of flat, empty parts of the wasteland doesn't have that same effect since it's wide open and you can see exactly where and from where you're heading to, when you're going to reach it, and you can spot any dangers rather far off, so there's no element of tenseness or danger.

adding to that, in this map there are sandstorms which force you to use gasmasks

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.02.17 - (3440x1440, 1.27M)

rent free

>make a game called red dead redemption
>no undead indians in it

this. what a shit series

>urgent cliffhanger and then insert 15 minutes of boring wandering around the map
i agree with that wholeheartedly and even agree alot of open world games do this. It mereley depends on the context and circumstance of said story event.

Now..give me the example in Exodus.
You can't.
Anytime there is something very urgent or immediate urgency or an urgent cliffhanger the game goes into linear classic metro mode.
Like with the cannibals in the ark or Finding the cure for anna in the dead city, all non open world sections.

Better than that other series that needs ton of modding to get interesting

you can't interact with a fucking book

You can't really interact with a videogame either.

To add on to this, just saw and want to say that that backs up what I meant in a way that I couldn't find a way to word originally. Specifically,
>For example, you don't end one event on an urgent cliffhanger and then insert 15 minutes of boring wandering around the map to the next event. It ruins the pacing. When you want rising action, the action actually has to be rising. Things need to be happening fast.
Metro 2033/LL's wandering through linear levels didn't ruin the pacing because they didn't lower the feeling of rising tension as you made your way through tunnels, the game did a wonderful job at making you feel uneasy and at keeping you guessing and anticipating what's around the corner. Metro Exodus's flat, empty wastelands fail to do the same, so you get tons of rising action during setpieces or missions that fall flat the moment you have to walk to the next one.

stay buttmad, ogre

>Now..give me the example in Exodus.
>You can't.
There doesn't need to be an urgent cliffhanger for pacing to fall flat on its face. It can be as simple as keeping the player engaged and interested between encounters, which plodding through a flat empty wasteland where you have a clear field of view all around simply doesn't do as great as creeping your way through claustrophobic tunnels with spooky sounds and scattering in the distance.

>video game
i press a button, the character kills a man
i want the main character to kill a man, nothing happens.

Unironically commit seppuku with a rusty spoon faggot.

I think there's a bad thing over there.

but we are talking about the story and you know that.

>i press a button, the character kills a man
But never a man important to the game, because you can't break the rules that the developer has written because videogames are not really interactive. You're still just doing what the developer lets you do, much as you only read what the author writes.

Don't be obtuse on purpose. Engagement and player feeling are a big part of feeling immersed into and wanting to continue experiencing the story. The story parts of the game come across a hell of a lot better when the pacing is keeping you on your toes and in the game for at least most of the time.

I don't remember the base game looking like that. Which one is it anyway? SoC or CoP? And what mods are you using?

i played the game on on hardcore and ranger hardcore so i was always considering whether i wanted to sacrifice resources to explore for more and planning out routes, equipment, resources for ammo and cleaning, time of day and ect. And this is all thanks to the open sandbox designs.
And you are acting as if the game was meant to be a high speed paced action shooter when it is a slow pace methodical survival game.
Those keeping you on your toes moments are still in the game, and even in the open world themselves.

you were literally only referring to story and narrative until now that i asked you to provide an example in the narrative where moments like this
>end one event on an urgent cliffhanger and then insert 15 minutes of boring wandering around the map to the next event
At this point im wondering if you even played the game.

I'm not saying those elements aren't in the game. They are, and I enjoyed exodus. But to say that it does pacing better than the first two games is a lie, and if we're going to take about resource management it worked a hell of a lot better in the earlier games, where worrying about ammo was a real concern and not
>well if I throw the story and pacing completely out the window, I can spend a few hours scouring every last inch on this huge map and completely max out my ammo and equipment stores!
It was done in a way that was integrated into the game without fucking with the pacing of it.
That being said, I still like that they went with a semi-open world of exodus, I just think it's worse pacing, atmosphere, and resource management wise than the first two.

No, you retard, I was talking about pacing from the start. And besides, pacing and story are intertwined. I provided you with MULTIPLE actual ingame examples in this thread as to how exodus suffers in the pacing department, as did the other user, and you chose to ignore them and parrot the same line of
>b-but you didn't give me any examples from the a-actual game!!!
At this point I'm wondering if you even read the posts you're replying to.

Attached: anon.png (861x182, 13K)

but im not arguing it has better pacing than 1 and 2. Im not even arguing it has better atmosphere. Open world games have to play a balancing act and good open world games often balance out well in the end. It's all done for the sake of freedom and player agency. It still has better pacing and far better atmosphere than the majority of open world games i have played despite it's expanse.
I'd argue though that resource management is superior in exodus than in last light and 2033.

The whole point is that it's not as big a deal as op is reeeing about.


this game has a really nice stalker vibe with exploring and shit

>The whole point is that it's not as big a deal as op is reeeing about.
It's definitely not, and I agree with you on that. Exodus is a great game, and I don't regret my purchase (or playtime) in the slightest. The new semi-openworld mechanics were a much-needed, refreshing spin on the games so keep them from getting too samey. I just don't think it's fair for some of the more autistic anons on here to keep going on and on about how the pacing is perfect and how there's nothing wrong with open world designs.

>Thinking Misery is hard
>Thinking Misery is good at all.

Holy fuck.

For anyone who has the legit version, do you get any microstuttering or regular stuttering? I got fucked with buying Hitman 2 and I had awful stuttering because of denuvo's implementation with that game. RE2 surprisingly had no stuttering issues despite having denuvo. So I'm wondering how denuvo performs in Metro since it's inconsistent on a game per game basis.

This. Misery's a crock of absolute shit, but people flock to it 'cause
>muh difficulty
>muh desaturated landscapes
>muh anal economy
>muh item count
Fuck off, it's all broken as shit and isn't even realistic in many regards. The fact that the mod's regarded as STALKER's be-all end-all mod is a fucking colossal disgrace.

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why do i keep seeing fags ragging on the russian VA, especially when comparing it to the english ones? something about those posts tell me those anons don't speak a lick of russian, because as a native russian speaker i can say with high confidence that there is damn near nothing wrong with the russian VA in this game, it sounds natural just like regular russians speaking, and the lines are delivered with a lot more emotion and substance than the english ones. english VA is so fucking phoned in it's not even funny, it feels like a rushed afterthought. fags who don't speak russian are just bashing on it because they don't speak it, and because the shitty subtitle mechanics keep them from understanding anything

okay i'll start
>second time fighting the bear
>stand on the edge of the cliff
>bear glitches and cant move but still has animations
>use literally all of my ammo and throwing shit
>it doesn't die, you can't kill it
>have to let it hit you after shooting it enough for ANOTHER cutscene to play where the bear kills itself

Fuck this game

Well let me see those "MULTIPLE actual ingame examples" you apparently provided.
Because those are the replies i've been getting

How is base PS4 version holding up?

its terrible, glad i pirated it
i gave up around the cannibal place on hard and just dropped it to easy, im fucking sick of some niggers aimbotting me with their shitty AKs while my bullets shoot 40 feet to the right of my iron sight when standing still, even with the shotguns
and then i have to shoot them 10 times before they drop, assuming i dont land a headshot

plus the stealth is insanely broken, its like half the time AI cant see two feet in front of them in the light while other times they can snipe you from 90 miles away
I cant believe anyone would pay $60 for this, least the minimal hud and graphics are still nice
least miller's english VA is good

AC:ROGUE (4 clone)

>how the pacing perfect and how there's nothing wrong with open world designs.
fair but in the defense of open world games should they be held to the same storytelling standards as a "linear game"?
I don't think you should expect a tight concise and linear sequence of events in a game where you can spend hours doing what you want to do. It's part of the design and the enjoyment of the story often varies depending on the player.

Have you not seen DigitalFoundrys video? The PS4 version surprisingly is the worse because it dips to like 14-20fps at times, the Xbone version runs better because it runs at a lower resolution and can maintain 29-30fps.

PC for me then. My 760ti still holds the punch

I don't know why Yea Forums hates CoD for being linear, but praised Metro 2033 and Last Light as if they did something new.

any way to change from ranger to easy?

i'm literally dying in like 2 shots max

Don't get shot and enemies also die is 1-2 shots if you don't miss :^)

>even with the shotguns
>and then i have to shoot them 10 times before they drop
>AI cant see two feet in front of them in the light while other times they can snipe you from 90 miles away

tell me lies tell me sweet little lies

settings but i think you are fucked, i don't think ranger lets you change the difficulty

imagine being this guy

fuckin hell

thats like saying that someone has no input driving a car because you cant turn the wheels completely sideways since the car stops you

alot of games don't let you change difficulty once you start a new game on the most difficult setting, should've tried hardcore first instead.

guess im shit out of luck

god bless you user

a fucking car analogy

ranger mode becomes less difficult the more you treat it like it's real life.

>too young to own a car

>what is fallout new vegas

crafting a med kit costs a leg and an arm

What the fuck are you talking about? You have a handful of objectives and the rest are points of interest or sidequests that you can do whenever you want, if you want.

Attached: stalker mods.png (1059x64, 6K)

As opposed to
>go here
>load new area
>okay now go there
>load new area
>okay go back there now
>load previous area

If you hate open world exploration you are literally retarded.

Just play vanilla 2.0

well it's enough to heal a leg and arm

he didn't actually play the game

does the game having lightning storms?
i really remember one part of Last Light where you're on a bridge overlooking the city with lightning in the background and it looked awesome.


>walk around
>kill every single person I see, if they start to surrender I put a bullet in the back of their head, at least they saved me from missing
>each area doesn't last very long

It's not open world. It's linear if you haven't noticed. Boring I agree. Was hoping more like Stalkere but no..

stalker isn't open world

Attached: hurrdurr.jpg (560x461, 205K)


t. playing it like cowadoody

you can go where ever you want at the start of the game except for a few areas past the brain scorcher

Stalker isn't open world

>>open world metro game
>Fuck no jesus christ. Who thought this was a good idea? God damn.
me ever since railroad 2033
>>Go here
>>Okay go here
>>Okay now go here
>>Okay go here now
>>Oh heres some REALLY long fucking exposition.
>>Now go here, fuck you
literally applies to metro 2033 and LL except you had a fucking npc babisitting.
Fucking ruined all exploration enjoyment of those two games.


it's a series of areas varying in size separated by loading screens


>dur ur supposed to spare the lives of people who shot at you
I'm not a yuro so I don't get this mindset. Being """brainwashed""" is not an excuse. You attacked me, you get a bullet.

What mods would you recommend for a first time player of the STALKER series? Specifically for CoP and SoC.

if there were no loading screens would it be open world then?


what difficulty should i play?

Well fair enough then i guess

It's almost like Metro series was always basically just a CoD campaign with a bit of stalker atmosphere

>Go here
>>Okay go here
>>Okay now go here
>>Okay go here now
>>Oh heres some REALLY long fucking exposition.
>>Now go here, fuck you
Sounds like every metro only in those you were following a linear path.

like metro it is semi-open world
how many metro games have you played?
what is your experience in immersive survival games?

other than set pieces and first person shooting they have no similarities.

How do I know this isn't what rural Russia already looks like and WW3 didn't really change anything outside Moscow being a frozen crater?

because rural russia has vodka around every corner

both metros games, but not in a while. and i play STALKER.
ranger hardcore sounds fun, but is it too much for first playthrough?

This is the most retarded OP I have ever come across on the World Wide Web. First he makes fun of how the game is linear telling you to go there and do that and then asks what is wrong with linearity.

t. autist

might be, you cannot change difficulty once you start on ranger.
I easily recommend hardcore for you. Ranger could be annoying but also very tense on a first run.

probably a mutt competitor. they always like to bash the competition.

but yes, the thread's retarded. doesn't make sense except for bashing reasons.
game is superb though. 3 days of excellence for me, and i have long waited for another half-life2 experience type game. never played the old metros, guess i have to change that now. was surprise hit for me this year so far.

Attached: Metro Exodus time.webm (1920x802, 2.81M)

forgot to say, another thing non-russian speakers playing with russian VA will completely miss out on are the intricacies of how well they nailed regional dialects/accents while you travel for characters you run into. everything is incredibly believable and immersive

yeah Metro has more in common with half life than falllout or cod which are the usual comparisons

Goes to show that the best parts of 2033 and LL were also above ground


Attached: nickek.webm (1280x544, 2.97M)

>forest lady leaves me alive because "i'm not a bandit"
>i brutally murder all of her people

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fuck these shits

Attached: Metro Exodus surprise.webm (1600x668, 2.95M)

game gave me the old valve vibe in terms of "there is an actual story game there", a feel you do not get from today's mass market crap.
played re2remake before that, left me cold and bored.
this game has soul.

Why do the ones defending the game or open world always sound like the biggest retards?

Because playing Metro requires even an iota of brain power

I just killed everything I see and I got to the end

to me both games have soul to me.
remake2 just lacks in the story side of things

Pretty sure you can check your ammo by pulling out the map and right clicking it with your lighter on.

yes playing those cutscenes and scripted events is so difficult

went and wiped out their nest early on because of this

kek. well, you earned yourself a cripple then.

problem is, you often do not know who you can kill and who you can't .
sad ending is best ending imho anyway. i killed every bitch with knockouts lol

Play Anomaly and NA 6

Is this supposed to dismantle my argument? That's generally the objective for these types of games.

>download exodus
>start playing, loving every moment
>get to the part with the big ass spiders in the darkness
>close the game, haven't touched it since
why the fuck did the devs bring them back? those things are fucking awful and damn near ruined last light for me

Attached: pepe.jpg (604x613, 71K)

but then i just played it for the story. games like that are like fast food. you only consume them once lest you like to eat them "well done"

you played on an easy difficulty and got the bad ending.


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Yes, that is obviously what I was referring to. You actually forgot the options menu. Real nuanced difficulty scaling there.

>looks like it
so you're in this thread talking shit about a game you have not even played, kys zoomer

Metro Exodus

got the good ending save from gamecopyworld and watched it just for completeness sake.
bad end is better anywho

Do you have to get every single good instance to get the good ending, or is fucking up every now and then okay?
>problem is, you often do not know who you can kill and who you can't .
Yeah, this sucks big time. It's so ambiguous, you can be walking around blasting raiders left and right, and then you get to a part where there's a literal slaver crawling around on the ground, your mission objective is to help out the girl in the lighthouse by getting rid of the slavers, and if you put him out of his misery the game docks a point from you and calls it an evil action. Fucking why?

>problem is, you often do not know who you can kill and who you can't .
it was clear for me, the characters tell you themselves.
And the game flashes a bright light or dark light depending on your actions and a sound cue.

Typically it is bad to kill slaves, people who are surrendering, and people you could have spared.
Why do you think the game makes knockouts quicker and quieter than stab executions.

if they make a game just with that train i'll play it next. how about "murder on the russkie express". that train hq was the best part of teh gayem.

Stop memeing this trash

because they are fun but man being in big room with them at all sides with no light is terrifying

Do I still have to stand around and listen to every conversation to completion to get the good ending like the previous games? The sound they used for good karma actions seems to have been removed.

>that rave animation


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maybe giving ranger hard a 2nd go with fling trainer. a smooth sail to take in the graphics again on e-z mode. engine smooth as butter on old phenom, not something i can say for all the other new crap.

not really but some are worth it for immersive reasons and unlocking mini objectives for good karma.

they were not suffering, they were shot in the leg user. They could recover and the chick who shot them clearly didn't want to outright kill them.

You do realise we're on a fucking image board?

Attached: 4235255425.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

>all these bad ending was better comments
t.fatherless bastards

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.02.19 - (1920x1080, 3.64M)

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though the bad ending is still non canon kino

>>entire world bombed back to the stone age
Literally didn't happen.
>>somehow the same rail line is unbroken for a 1000 miles
The one in Moscow could have been repaired by the survivors, the rest make some sense not to be destroyed because it would have been incredibly expensive for any government to destroy so much km of rails, which means that if they wanted to attack the rails they would have attacked some points of the rail and not the entirety of it, and those attacked rails could have been repaired by the survivors.

so mad

the only retarded thing that struck me were the gorillas in snowcity last level or whatever it was called

>STILL using the same terrible grunt/melee sounds from the first game
>STILL has every non-essential NPC voiced by one of two people

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>plays AMK

lets be honest here stalker itself was ruined by incompetent devs
their fucking engine doesnt even work properly the shit is even worse than gamebryo and now THAT takes skill.

I always find it amusing when autists point out these kinds of plot holes when there's literal magic and supernatural beings in the game.

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There's a guy choking to death on the gas vent, and another guy who got the gas in his eyes, is blinded and screaming. I shot the guy who was already choking to death with a single bullet to the head and received the negative sound for it. Why? The reasoning makes no sense, he was gonna die no matter what I did, and if the game tries to pretend like keeping slavers or raiders alive by sparing them when you can is the moral thing to do, then receiving a bad point for putting a guy choking to death on gas out of his misery and giving him a clean easy death is just dumb.

>implying autists and morons are the same
user, i-

So is the game actually bad? I didn't think the first two games were bad. I enjoyed them and was looking forward to this game. If it's not good though, I'll just end up pirating it.

Attached: confused kot.png (183x212, 34K)

i am autistic and i find this comparison with an obvious moron to be quite.. moronic.

never gave two shits about railroads. whoever does this complaining is clearly retarded. not autistic. got it?

why would survivors repair fucking rails lmao
have you ever been in russia
there are about 120 millions survivors right now and no one bothers to repair roads
now why would a handful of post-apoc survivors bother with repairing rail for which you need specific materials, tools and measurements, when there is no food on the table and monsters everywhere.

>they made their on rail shallow ass Not!Stalker and skimped on everything except the MUH PURTY GRAFIX. and the retards ate that shit up.
Pretty much how I feel about these games, moreso demonstrated by last light and the first game's redux version i.e. ''original vision''.

Ironically I enjoyed this game the most out of the series because it was the most STALKER-like, albeit in a very ubisoft kind of way. I can mostly overlook the trash because the story and characters have their charm, but the mission design can be absolute shit, e.g:
>do mission in desert setting
>drive all the way back the train to ass end of the map as there aren't any subquest markers for side activities
>via radio: ''yo artyom! our scouts picked up le such and such, giving you coordinates now go check it out bitch!"
>check the map
>the mission is literally five steps from the location I initially drove away from with my ass jank van

Thanks for wasting my time, assholes. Apparently, this is how you make 20+ hour games in not-russia.

it's good.

Is there a question objective/journal somewhere, it just keeps updating my map to go to the next place but the X is so big on the map I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing.

Yeah bro why even have a narrative in a fantasy story? Just show random shit happening, it doesn't have to make sense

oh that dude, yeah that was confusing so i just reloaded a minute back.
I agree with you, that one was confusing.

>Just show random shit happening
are you referring to the game?

I just watched the good ending on youtube. Makes sense to me that you would kill everyone you see. Limited resources in the apocalypse, leaving people alive means more future enemies later and more competition over resources.

this. poor mans stalker

i always find it amusing when autistic kids and retards imply that if a piece of media has something supernatural in it then plot might go ahead and lose all logic and coherence in all the details, especially those that have to do with how actual reallife things work in actual real world.
i hope you aint much older than 15, that kind of maximalist fluff is mostly suited for that period.

Its fine. Performance is iffy, theres only one fuckin save slot, lots of scripted shit, and the good boy points system is still there.

Other than that, if you liked the other two, you will probably enjoy this one.

i only watched the gameplay and it looks dull AF. previous one had a way better athmosphere. the part with retarded AI zombies like its 1999 was the final nail, im not buying this game. It also feels "westernised".

It would have worked better if the world had been split up into different sections like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

>the late game throws a small army of enemies in your face
>can't kill them because ''they're the good guys''

Pretty fucking gay ass shit if you ask me. Not even challenging or interesting, just a fucking chore.

metro has the dumbest morality system
>only way to avoid nuking the dark ones is by smoking some weed and giving beggars bullets

i wish it would have had more "open" areas and not just two with one being a boring desert


I'm in the forest level and I blew the Admirals brains out before he had a chance to speak, now I don't know where to go and no objective updated. Any clues?

how to BTFO a poster with 1 reply

theres a rope you cut that drops a ladder

At least it somewhat makes sense in Last Light since the little niglet dark one is reading your brain and learns to forgive if you've been acting like a good boy

Thank you anons, I'll try it out then.
>Performance is iffy
>lots of scripted shit
That's unfortunate
>theres only one fuckin save slot
That's just... odd. But I'll live with it.

>Playing on ranger hardcore
>Game auto-saved during an animation (in this case it was climbing)
Congratulations, you have now soft-locked your only save

Its not like the first two games don't beat you over the head with scripted shit, its just kind of old at this point.

Why is soviet equipment and machinery so cool

this is doubly funny if you're russian because originally they are called literally "blacks", first minutes of first book you're reading as if all niggers went crazy and bloodthirsty, or maybe its just some crazy nazi society killing them left and right, only after some time author bothers with proper introduction of blacks so the reader finally gets that they arent niggers. in that sense smoking weed makes sense i guess.

functional is often cool, i dont know why

1. Game runs ass on PS4 and Epic pulled it from Steam by pulling out of their contract, so if you're ever going to play it you should pirate.
2. Game is buggy as hell, in 4 hours of playing I have discovered 2 gamebreaking bugs that set me back 20 to 30 minutes.
3. It tries to be Fallout 4 but it doesn't really translate well and feels forced in, some points are almost clear ripoffs making the game look and feel like Fallout 4 eurojank and not Metro.
4. Cutscenes and exposition is far too long and will make you bored out of your skull.
5. The acting is even worse than 1 and especially 2 that did a far better job than 1.
6. Weapon customization is essentially just running around and finding parts for your weapons to replace, it's simple and fun, but could have been a little deeper.
7. Gas cannisters, ammo, and secondary weapons are not very scarce and by the first bump the only problem you'll have is running out of ammo and needing to find a savehouse to craft more.
8. Ammo is sparse but it doesn't feel natural, the game just severely limits the amount of ammo you can hold and it's far too low.
9. It's open world but poorly implemented, meaning you'll have to run around from one side of the map to the other, while the map isn't as interesting and won't tickle your taste for adventure.
10. Enemies are extremely easy to dodge, especially monsters.
11. The good/bad ending is incredibly broken and the game never makes it clear who or what can be killed without ruining your ending, so it might just be better to get the bad ending and then watching the good ending on youtube.
12. The AI on human enemies is downright terrible, there are points where they were running my way or jumping down into my bullets, it's early 10's PS3/XBOX videogames bad.
13. Your wife is fucking annoying and keeps needing your help with the most mundane tasks while you feel no connection to her whatsoever.
14. Metro's original solitude/depression/doomthink atmosphere is gone.

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This may as well not have the Metro name. It doesn't feel like the first two games, it doesn't take place in the Metro, it has nothing to do with the Magic Niggers. All in all it's really mediocre. All of the voice acting is terrible, I have found the Japanese is the most tolerable. It's mostly the script. It's awful. Nothing sounds natural like how anyone would talk.

>13. Your wife is fucking annoying and keeps needing your help with the most mundane tasks while you feel no connection to her whatsoever.
Uh, and this is bad, how? Metro Exodus probably has one of the most based and redpilled depictions of marrying a woman there is in any vidya.
>keeps pulling you aside when you're trying to have fun with your sparta boys and bitching at your character about woman bullshit
>dumb fucking AI, can't do anything without you holding her hand
>incredibly weak, can't do any physical tasks like pulling herself up over a wall or jumping up to reach a ladder without having to beg you to pick her up and help her over those obstacles
>doesn't know how to handle a gun, shoots only in fully automatic and can't hit a single target despite there being five of them all swarming around directly in front of her
>betrays you like any women eventually will
>extremely shrill and always yelling at people, is in a near constant state of hysterics in almost every cutscene
>doesn't respect her father, is always talking back to and bitching at him
>except in situations where her ass is in danger, then she goes from "fuck you daddy" to "DO YOU KNOW WHO MY DADDY IS? ANYONE WHO LAYS A HAND ON ME WILL BE SHOT AND THROWN INTO A DITCH ONCE DADDY FINDS OUT"
slavic developers did it again, this is the game that will redpill thousands of normies and teach them that women are not to be trusted with the sacred contract of marriage

The only good thing in this game is the last level
The rest is trash

>Its not like the first two games don't beat you over the head with scripted shit, its just kind of old at this point.
I know, that's why it's unfortunate. It got old in the second game. Not the worst thing in the world to be honest.

>Gas cannisters, ammo, and secondary weapons are not very scarce and by the first bump the only problem you'll have is running out of ammo and needing to find a savehouse to craft more.
I'm sure mods can fix that, but I never had an issue with scarcity in the other games either.
>The AI on human enemies is downright terrible, there are points where they were running my way or jumping down into my bullets, it's early 10's PS3/XBOX videogames bad.
>Your wife is fucking annoying and keeps needing your help with the most mundane tasks while you feel no connection to her whatsoever.
>Metro's original solitude/depression/doomthink atmosphere is gone.
That's disappointing. As you mentioned,
>if you're ever going to play it you should pirate.
Which I think is the gameplan. If I think it's good enough I'll buy it, but it's good to know whether it's even worth playing. I'm interested to see the open world implementation, as bad as it might be. Mostly because I enjoyed the first two, but if it's that bad I'll end up deleting it. Thanks for the in-depth rundown, I really appreciate it.

>I have found the Japanese is the most tolerable.

Attached: Neckbeards.png (345x337, 127K)

Only regret is we weren't allowed to blow the rest of the dam up behind us to teach all of those tree niggers a lesson.

You know I'm not going to reply to this extremist bullshit right?

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Wait what? This game has fucking niggers in them? Should I drop it now and uninstall? Smh devs should put a fucking disclaimer on their games if they're going to shoehorn in niggers. You'd think buying a slav game you'd be free from that shit but fuck no

>You know I'm not going to reply to this extremist bullshit right?
>replies to it anyways
based retard

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adding to all those reasons, the game's performance is all over the place regardless of platform or whether or not you pirated it

the patches that are out right now barely help and be prepared to spend some time dicking around with your drivers and settings for a few hours before it decides to run properly


>searching the first map

Makes me wish for more games where you have a mobile railcar base. It's neat as shit. I love it.

damnit posted to soon

>looking around an abandoned house
>some fucking zombie like thing jumps me
>i jump

fuck plese tell me there are those telepathic fat fucks from stalker in metro
or snorks? are they in?

>the game's performance is all over the place regardless of platform or whether or not you pirated it
not true

pc on high settings is pretty smooth mang
ultra well yeah

shame there are only pre settings, no custom ones

closest game i can think of is probably ffxv since it has that same road trip vibe going for it

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>but the X is so big on the map I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing.
why are you people dumber than DSP?

am i alone in truly not giving a fuck about this. it's incredibly dull, trudging along in silence til i get to the next quest marker, unless i want to 'explore' first and go clean-out random drawers and dressers and sometimes shoot a monster. wow it's super-immserive and 'no hand-holding', cool i'm still just in another ugly as fucking open world game with a tepid story and i'm not overawed by all of your fucking immersive little touches.

you may be depressed user

The gameplay is iterative / "very simplistic".

are you really believing a guy who hasn't even played the game?

the psuedo open world feels really fucking shallow compared to STALKER I'll give you that

feels like I'm in one long decorated hallway as opposed to an actual living breathing world

How is Miller a Colonel, literally always wrong about everything. If he says one thing the fucking opposite is GOING to be true

cause he doesn't know what to do above ground.

dunno if cringe is the right word but I finished 2033 for the first time today and it was underwhelming as fuck, also anyone who calls it """survival horror""" is retarded, that game is a straight up action FPS

Redux or original

gimmie vr pls

Attached: [Exodus] Maximum comfy.webm (1920x1080, 2.66M)

okay fuck, tried turning on the game again and returning to the spider level but holy shit I don't know if I can do this. just the way they fucking move around, those fucking terrifying skittering noises and screeches they make, their speed and numbers, I'm so fucking spooked. Somehow made it to the air vents and holy fuck the claustraphobia combined with them coming from all sides the reverberating vent audio strikes a deep, deep fear in me that I didn't know I had. I'll say it again, what kind of assholes add fucking huge spiders to video games? Am I the only one completely unnerved by this level? Are there going to be spiders again later in the game or do I just have to run through this one and I'll be fine?

Just becuase a few people have a phobia of spiders doesn't mean they should never be put in a game lol, maybe mute the audio if that helps

They're working as intended if they make you nervous.
don't be a puss

10 times the call of duty maybe. dont get me wrong its fun.

>Damir comes on the complex speakers (pic related, probably what he looks like at that very moment)
>oops haha there's not enough power for the lift AND the lights, guess I'm cutting the lights, try not to die down there :^)
jesus fuck please no no no I'd rather climb out of there by hand than have to walk all the fucking way back with no lights

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>What's wrong with linear games exactly?
nothing. i'm a metro fan and my conclusion is that this was not a good move by the devs.
the linear parts of the game were the best parts by far, and there's not enough of them. open world is literally filler

he's referring to the npc's giving you all your missions. everything is laid out for you.

When you're in the caspian, why isn't there an option to divorce your dumb, whiny bitch of a wife and gf that qt lighthouse girl instead?
>still young and qt, not a washed up roastie hag like your current woman
>good taste in weaponry, uses a fashionable bullpup instead of a shitty old AK (and actually knows how to use it too!)
>not afraid to help you with your mission instead of being the one always begging for help like your wife
>trap expert, has natural engineering skills, probably smart and not some dumb fetal alcohol syndrome slav thot
>cute accent, can bond together with her while you help her get a better grasp on russian
>her parents are dead so she doesn't have a helicopter dad hovering over you and cockblocking/lecturing you every chance he gets
>because of this she's probably craving a daddy figure like you
god, the sexual tension between you and her when riding up the lift back out of the complex was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I'm not going to lie, I half expected her to reach out to you for a hug and deep, passionate kiss when you reached the top, her body language was BEGGING for it

Is your ass still trying?

Even worse is he takes ten minutes to open the fucking elavator i legit thought the game had bugged

>Metro exudus
>Open world
If anything is a small sandbox but hey, what would a shitposting retard know about that

no woman will ever care for you

The final area is the best part of the whole game because it is set in a linear metro. It doesn't help that none of the enemies can handle open space. This is the worst Metro by far.

t. holes threatening to make her holes unavailable

it's no use, you were already rused!

>posts from the only worthwhile part of the game
Why don't you post something from the other 90% of the game which isn't nearly as good

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This but unironically

What's the explanation for why there's magic perpetual snowstorms above the cities while everywhere else is fine?

big cities were hit the hardest and radiation magic ruined everything

Im replaying the volga area on ranger hardcore and im really enjoying it but im gona stop after becuase thats where most of the fun ended for me

I kinda want to see what the areas' conclusions are like doing it peacefully but it just seems too tedious to me. The AI is haphazard.

tfw in the original you run out of gas canisters in the open level. My last save screwed me over as well...

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yikes! that sounds like something a woman would say as a non-argument when she knows she's wrong and can't think of anything worthwhile to add to the conversation. are you a girl, user? or are you just the incredibly feminine SOI kind of guy who'd come on Yea Forums and defend women?

Happened to me aswell, and had my mask broken

I don't like how you're almost discouraged from exploring in RH becuase you know what you find isn't going to be worth losing ammo, weapon condition and health for

I searched the first area and spent a whole bunch of time there but it made me realize there was never going to be anything interesting enough for the effort to find. If the game wants you to try to find it then they will mark it on your map. Otherwise there's nothing out there. And if there's nothing out there then there's no reason for it to be open world.

the mutant hand ruined this otherwise comfy scene

based incel poster

Ikr why the fuck does his hand look so fucked up? I suddenly questioned whether artyom has been a black guy the whole time

now keep in mind, several people made quality sweeps and didnt fix this.

Olga was better, why would I want some bitch that got half of her face burned off, she is an actual roastie

I think they realised they fucked up and decided to make the taiga practically linear

>Downloaded the other day
>Off the weekend, decide I'll give it a go, will probably be good
>Get comfy, start it up
>mfw these fucking footsteps
It's like several footstep to move a fucking meter, and there's no volume option for them. I lasted 10 minutes before I had to stop, it's so fucking annoying

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My first playthrough on the original, I chose the hardest setting and ran out of ammo on the last level, then somehow kept forcing my way forward until I hit the part with respawning amoeba blobs where you have to escort the guy across the room without him dying. That was fucking hell, I (or he) kept dying over and over and over again and the only way I was finally able to beat it, after trying for god knows how long, was by accidentally discovering an out of bounds glitch where I fell out of the path in that room and was able to walk straight towards the elevator to finish the level.

Most of the cool gun modifications aren't marked anywhere and don't drop on enemies, they spawn in fixed locations and you have to search the map for them
>10 round box mag for the automatic shotgun
>60 round coffin mag for the bullpup
>drum magazine for the AK
>belt-fed version of the bastard submachinegun

if you think that's bad wait until you hear the dialogue

where'd they find these window licker va's, only miller is decent

>ONE autsave slot
>ONE quicksave slot
Good fucking job.
With this amount of gamebreaking bugs its barely playable.

>market the open world as if it's 90% of the game
>it's actually just 2 levels
>they're both trash

I did, The english voiceover has always been shit, Russian is better

Russian VA is also shit in this game

>high capacity upgrades
>encouraged not to shoot much becuase ammo is scarcer in RH

I guess it just sounds better to me since I don't know Russian

Not them but for the first time just get patches and fixes.

10 rnd Shambler mag spawns on enemies in the desert, actually

Oh yeah, and almost forgot to mention. You can find a semi-auto valve for the tihar pneumatic gun too, that's also unmarked. Those are all the ones I've found so far by searching, there's probably a ton more that I'm missing, especially non-mag attachments. Belt-fed bastard gun is fucking awesome though and super easy to miss, same goes for anything else I mentioned, they're all really far out of the way of any of the missions / question marks and you REALLY have to explore for them.

Yeah no shit but it's always better to have high capacity versions of the weapon rather than low capacity ones in case you DO have to shoot a bunch of shit at some point. Would you rather have a shotgun with 3 shells with a long-ass reload, or be able to take out 3 reloads worth of guys without ever having to press the R key?

Does it? I've yet to find it on the enemy, I found mine in an abandoned car that's crashed off the road.

Shotgun is actually the one weapon type where you really want more capacity but that doesn't matter since the semi-auto one shoots fucking marshmellows and the double-barrel is better anyway

I found one on a random slaver in the oasis mission

>but that doesn't matter since the semi-auto one shoots fucking marshmellows and the double-barrel is better anyway
Where do you get this from? Everything I've encountered so far dies in the same amount of shots from both the double barrel and semi-auto, I've yet to encounter anything that takes more.

>press buttan do thing
>go place kill thing do other thing
OMG is this video gaems!!???!

Oh huh, I didn't run into any enemies carrying them so I just assumed you were supposed to find it out in the desert if you explored the whole map.

>get tired of Far Cry style FPS
>just want a traditional FPS

>try ME
>just run around collecting trash and weapon parts
>craft consumables
>craft weapons

fuck this, ill just go back to pre 2005 FPS

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Ive played the whole game and i had practically no moments where i had to shoot like a mad man

footsteps are a bug
you get what you paid for, pirate. its already fixed in the paid product :)

The regular zombie dudes and mosalises in the last level, with the shambler you have to be either point blank (which is dangerous because they have that bullshit mechanic where just being near one damages you) or you have to aim for the face, while with the Ashot you can practically hit their toe and they'll still die

>gimmie vr pls
>le comfy

what you need is a noose, you fucking social reject

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>fight giant weird goo monster that occupies the D6 reactor at the end of 2033
>Miller says that we'll have to deal with it later
>is never mentioned or shown ever again
Why the fuck are there so many dropped plot lines in these games?

nope, every call of duty singleplayer campaign is better than every metro game. metro is complete shit.

ubisoft, exactly. what you just described is also the authentic feel of far cry 2. remove fun weapons and fire physics from that and you've got a 2019 open world FPS. but hey, it supports ray-tracing that only runs barely playable on >400 dollar graphics cards and barely looks different. how far we've come.

the dark ones becoming completely irrelevant pissed me off the most

People who shit on games like skyrim/witcher 3 etc. are unironically mad that those open-world games ruined other quasi-open world games for them.

Are you some sort of brianlet?

the texture on his thigh takes a whole 5 seconds to load in. I guess "ME" stands for Mass Effect after all.

>start game
>"you have to keep off the light Artyom
>immediatly start gunning everybody down easily
>take train in 4 mins
>"end of chapter 1"

you should play it as a larping autist to enjoy it. and no i don't play on easy, I played normal, just lined up 3 enemies, 3 headshots, and then killed the other ones while hiding in the corridor, easy. game is lacking hope it gets better after the train.

Still better than English VA with that shitty russian accent.

You basically just need to play it stealthily, that is the only way to pad out the gameplay otherwise.

ranger hardcore = normal difficulty
Normal difficulty = easy mode
Easy difficulty = baby mode
Reader = pleb baby

>people loved our games because they were cringy (in a good way) linear shooters
>let's change everything
I don't even complain about epic store exclusive. It was just the last nail to the coffin.

>let's change everything
But the biggest complaint is that it's too much of the same game.

Nigga it's the prologue
You think you're gonna have a hard time with a prologue on easy mode?

I killed one of those with Tikhar very early, new incendiary ammo is really handy

>>open world metro game
>Fuck no jesus christ. Who thought this was a good idea? God damn.
>>Go here
>>Okay go here
>>Okay now go here
>>Okay go here now
>>Oh heres some REALLY long fucking exposition.
>>Now go here, fuck you
>FUCKING. BORING. Unless this is a one time thing in which case I am willing to suffer through it, otherwise hell no. This is a perfect example of the open world meme and how awful it is implemented on games that should never have it. What's wrong with linear games exactly?

>metro series was always cringe

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because Yea Forums isn't a single person, Metro was always a slavic CoD to me, lots of scripted sequences of you watching people die in your rail car thing over and over, that chase sequence in the slums of Metro was quite similar to the chase of some dude in Modern Warfare 2. Metro has some nice ideas such as the ammo as currency, but it drops the ball hard on other aspects.


I find it very annoying how characters constantly talk over each other and cut each other off, voices differ in volume as well and its pretty hard to distinguish them and read the subtitles as well especially since everything happens very fast.

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i unironically think the only people who struggle to understand what people are saying/whats going on in this game are americans

Can you post anything else than buzzwords?

Well you're unironically demented if you unironically think that. But I guess that's easier than acknowledging the flaws of the game.

>tfw bought it on xbox one
>still better than an epic fag

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Americans are retards.

I guess pretending it's the game's fault is easier than acknowledging the flaws of Americans.

I just set the game to russian voices with english subtitles. Might as well go for maximum immersion, bandits calling you "bitch" is just weird.

I think the game is great but the AI is sometimes fucking all-knowing, all-seeing shit which gets really annoying sometimes.

>oh no my eastern jank is being criticised
>dont fret just accuse everyone of being an amerikan pigdog!

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Not an argument. The dialogue is fine and if you can't follow what's going on you're legit retarded.

This. If you can't understand the dialogue you probably have autism and can't follow real life conversations in a group of multiple people either.

Don't forget that there is a bit in the novel where an old man thinks that Artyom is racist because he is afraid of the "blacks"

And calling anyone American is? I swear to God you fucking Slavs are beyond retarded. You wouldn't know what an argument is if you looked up the definition of it. Re-read what I said originally and try to understand it if your alcohol damaged brain can still do that.

You're right?
All I got from this is the following;
>WAAAAH it's hard to follow and listen to what they're saying and reading it at the same time it goes too fast and I STILL can't understand why am I retarded?

shit game, shit PC port, barely worth the bandwidth to pirate it. I'd rather play STALKER or FC3/4.

STALKER audience is full of autist that been playing the same games for 10 + years with shitty mods ,they are bored in their /vg/ thread so they come out and come on Yea Forums and shit on every metro thread they see because some of the devs of Stalker SOC left to make the metro 2033.What a shitty community lmao hope they got a furry to fuck their /vg/ thread someday

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Anyone else felt the forest area was complete shit? It sets up the 2 factions on rocky terms with the 3rd being bandits and goes nowhere with it. The game just explains to you why they're fighting then you leave. I was hoping to start a war or some shit.

I take it as atmosphere and nothing else, you are just passing by.

>enter a metro thread
Anyway I finished the game yesterday after pirating it, it was okay but that's about it. The VA was shit, Miller was a dumb ass, I wish Anna died early on instead of getting to live in both endings, there was way too much dialogue to the point where characters would recite entire novels at you if you let them, I have no idea if I missed several gun upgrades entirely because there is no way to check and the morality system was implemented in a retarded way.
>Oh d-don't kill them, they're just brainwashed/defending themselves!
If I didn't care about getting the good ending I would have purged every fucker in the world.

I didn't hate the game but it had so many annoyances and I'm not even counting all the bugs, glitches and perfomance hang ups.
The best part about this game was the very last level which actually made the game feel like a Metro game again.
After 5 years I kind of expected something better. If they had to go open world they should have just stuck to Moscow or go into a new character and a new city entirely.

Gameplay wise it was pretty fun, the environments are top tier nostalgia if you're a slav
Didn't care about the plot really

lol you rabid fanboy twerp little shit

The dialogue in this game is just as that user described. It's typical slavshit, STALKER wasn't any better. But that game is more than a decade old, and Exodus is supposedly is more ''emoshunal and meaningfuller'', if you go by this dev team's intentions. It's pretty pathetic to lose sight of such details then. Also the dialogues go fucking on and on and mostly they just repeat themselves, and I don't think I've heard something original come out of their mouths in my 20 hrs or so playthrough yet. Faggot.

The last level was kino except for the FUCKING WORMS and their FUCKING BOAT


Seething buttmad american moved goalpost
nobody said the dialogue wasn't shit, just that you have to be retarded to have a hard time understanding what they're saying and whats going on.

>What's wrong with linear games exactly?

Ask all the people who bitched about Final Fantasy XIII for five straight years.

the mix is fucking awful and if you don't have subs on with character names enabled, you don't know who the fuck is speaking

all slavs sound same

>start game on ranger hardmode full dive and find a bastard early in the swamps
>don't use it much, but notice i have not much ammo left in the magazine whatsoever despite around 90 5.45 bullets on me
>while crafting on kresk's bench in the crane, notice that certain ammo highlights certain weapons, in this case .44 ammo is shared by my revolver and the bastard

wow, i felt dumb as fuck, but also tricked considering the bastard was 5.45 exclusive in the last two games. In a sense it's better balance wise i guess?