How are you supposed to conserve ammo in this game...

How are you supposed to conserve ammo in this game? Every time I try to go anywhere there are tons of monsters gang raping me that when killed, give absolutely nothing in return.

It's getting pretty annoying.

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is this game even worth pirating

Its not that great so far. Story is weak, generic and boring repetitive open world shit.

>repetitive open world shit

get gud would be my recommendation

Like any other open world game.

>Go here to these ruins
>Monsters and loot around
>Go there to that building
>Monsters and loot around
>Go to the cool building
>Monsters and loot around and an NPC to have dialogue with

I just got done with that retarded train sabotage section after you're captured in the beginning and everything just feels like fucking shit. Also is it only me or is this game WAY too fucking dark to the point where you can't see jack fucking shit in some places? The performance is also ass because it stutters way too much. It feels awful.

The stuttering alone make it impossible for me to play this game for more than hour at a time. The shoddy audio mixing on top of that makes the already awful dialogue hard enough to enjoy as it is.

On a side note, I noticed the darkness thing as well in outposts and bandit hideouts. I just mash E in there and hope I pick up whatever's important before fucking off to do something else.

The game is alright so far (once you get passed the introduction) I'm almost done with the Volga and while all the game mechanics seem average at best the game is still managing to hold my attention and draw me into the world, it's been worth a pirate so far.

Switching to dx11 helped the stuttering somewhat for me, also switch to Russian voice lines with English subs, the animations are all made for the Russian voice over.

Avoid monsters, for the most part of you're smart you can avoid monsters packs, I'm playing on hardcore and am not finding it hard to preserve ammo.

Go during the day. More monsters come out at night.

Nah go during the night, it's piss easy to avoid detection at night.

Yeah, in Volga I had no issue avoiding things, its this area after that. Every few feet you basically get ambushed by those little mole rat fuckers, like 8 of them will just pop out of the ground surrounding you. Also those ghoul things are literally everywhere not just around structures. They also will just pop out of the ground and surround you.

This happens during the day.

okay that explains why i keep seeing a conga line of mutants busting through the front door whenever i'm raiding a bandit outpost

>fame is just go to a location and fight enemies(or avoid them or beat them non lethally), explore if you want, advance story
The only games that dont do this are games like tetris, is tetris your ideal game?

>start on ranger hardcore because some user suggested so
>reach the train hall, flashlight is on
>enemies see me immediately, stealth is not an option because there is no time to turn off the flashlight
>die from two hits
>load the save and respawn to the same room with my flashlight still on
>back off to the previous room to reconsider my tactics
>enemies follow me straight through the closed door
>I can't open the door anymore

Had to start a new game and watch all the unskippable cutscenes again. I knew it was going to be buggy but they really could have thought better places for autosave

OP is a fucking liar and just wants to shit on a game he never played.


Monsters never gave anything in this franchise, you want to kill as many people as possible because THEY drop stuff, and try avoid critters in general.

The most 'unavoidable' critter problems in this game are the mutant guys. And those go down VERY VERY easy to a single shotgun round, and you can kill like 3-4 of them with one well timed tikhar incendiary round.

Watchmen can be avoided, and more importantly ESCAPED; if a swarm of these fuckers mobs you, just run away, preferably through a bandit camp. because they'll start fighting each other too

Shrimps? What the fuck are you even doing. There is absolutely no reason to fight shrimp unless you just want to loiter on the shoreline or something, I've finished the game and I didn't fight a single shrimp except the one you whack off the boat with an oar in a QTE because there is no reasonable circumstance you cross paths with one in an unavoidable conflict unless you intentionally seek one out or something.

Demons? Spiderbugs? The Tikhar incendiary rounds once again turn them into an absolute joke

those big worm things? librarians? You don't even actually 'need' to fight them. Just keep rowing, and do the same thing as you did in the previous games; you do not need to fight either in gameplay to finish the game.

tldr; tikhar incendiary rounds for what you actually have to fight, and avoid everything else.

How do you avoid shrimp in the boat? I haven't figured it out yet, whether the shrimp notice you or not seems really random, sometimes you can row right by them and they won't bat an eye and other times they'll come at your from 25 metres out and start spewing acid at you

>conga line of mutants busting through the front door whenever i'm raiding a bandit outpost

My very first bandit outpost experience in this game was quite memorable. I had just finished all the scripted moscow/volga 'intro' missions and escaped the church, got the next mission, and was free to explore and had poked around a bit, found some new attachments, and my first workbench, when at nighttime I came across a bandit camp with a tower and some bandits talking to a prisoner. I crouch down behind a rock to listen. The slave says nobody wants to buy him, why not let him go? The bandits start agreeing in a somewhat sarcastic manner, I'm like oh shit, they're going to kill him, go into ironsights and line up one of their heads. I'm about to save this nigga.

and then I get attacked by a fucking pack of watchmen, and run through the middle of the bandit camp and the bandits and watchmen start fighting and I kinda ran to hide in some corner and snipe dudes from the shadows.

The prisoner guy was dead at the end. I honestly don't know if the bandits or the watchmen got him. At least I found a cool guitar on top of the tower I guess

>can't speed up cutscenes

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Yeah the save system is this game is absolute ass, I messed up on the ship stealing mission and got caught and my checkpoint consistently dropped me directly in front of a guard who would see me before I regained control of Artyom, shit is retarded

protip: change audio language to Japanese.
Russian VAs suck and English VAs somehow managed to be even worse than Russian.

Like seriously, just keep rowing. Smack em off the boat with the qte if they attack you, but just keep rowing. pop a medkit if you need, but there's no tangible benefit to stopping and shooting at them.

Also, there's really not many times you 'need' to use the boat in volga where you're vulnerable to shrimp. Unless you're frequently just 'fucking around on' the boat to admire scenery, shrimp shouldn't be bothering you regularly or in any meaningful capacity.

Whenever you have to boat in volga, just like 'think it out' before you hop into the boat. Do it like a point A to point B, and just get there and get off the boat as fast as you can.

I'm fairly far in the game now, it's alright but probably not worth $60. Can't even imagine playing it on a console where the framerate is an inconsistent 30. Hoping patches improve the PC version so I don't have to use such a drastic resolution scale with my 1080Ti.

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The boat is comfy when the shrimps aren't attacking though

Can confirm everything except DX11 and Russian. Havent tried yet.

It's so slow though, the thing about boats if that once you build up momentum you can cruise pretty hard with just a little bit of additional paddling here and there. No such luck here, Artyom seems to be rowing on heavy grease with how hard it is to get moving and stay moving.

You're right but the boat animations are really nice and rowing along a post apocalyptic shoreline is comfy

>repetitive open world shit
I thought you guys were meming about this but I got on top of the crane, engineer dude told me to look with my binoculars., I get some weird audio cues and get a message that says "when you hear an audio cue, zoom in"

Repeated this a dozen times and I got a buncha random X's on my map. I had already been to one of those places. I just ended up getting a lot of crafting material for taking out a bunch of those deformed human things. I'm assuming the rest are the same.

Jesus FUCK Bros.

I literally never ran out of ammo, but i came close frequently.

Sounds like you're a shitter and not crafting or gathering and also shooting every thing that moves.

No, the tumble weeds aren't mutants, user.

Now here are some spoilers since you're dumb enough to be on v before finishing the fucking game.

Press shift or whatever the console equivalent is while rowing to speed it up.

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>be Artyom
>sneak up on bandit camp
>wanting to do a nice clean stealth run through the camp
>get noticed after being wreckless which is fair
>proceed to shoot at bandits carefully
>look up in the sky
>Bandit is walking in midair
>I shoot him once and his body just flops to the ground
>this has happened more than once

Anyone ever seen this bug?

Not that, but I've ran into all sorts of stuff floating for no reason. NVGs, pieces of armor, shards of glass...

I only saw it in the camps in the Volga River area. This game isn't really broken but that bug really tickled me

What do you guys want for expansions?

some of my ideas

>Metro SUPER Redux; 2034 and Last Light remade in Exodus engine, Weapon customization system applied to previous games with some tweaks (you cannot attach scopes with pack, but you can clean guns and make molotovs/cans/knives; you need a workbench or gunsmith to attach/zero a scope), also 'old' weapons (and customization for them) added back to all 'chapters' of the game in the super redux

>plot extension/expansion 'expeditions' (singleplayer dlc). post-game 'side missions'. Going off to other places to contact people to bring to the settlement. Should have two primary types. 1. narrow/linear fierce combat/tricky stealth/environmental hazard classic metro stuff 2. some new small open area to fuck around in and do side missions/main objective

>Metro Co-Op L4D style, with character 'classes' that unlock an exclusive 'primary weapon'. E.G. AK/Bourbon, Sniper/Anna, Hellsing/Khan, Saiga/Pavel with prestige unlockable characters Railgun Miller who can run super fast because robolegs, Bayonet Hunter with his bayonet on all guns that does much more melee than anyone else's standard, and Venice boat guy who can only carry one primary weapon which is limited to duplet or ashot but can carry 30 grenades

You just described every open world game

if your game is stuttering and you pirated it, that might be why. apparently the unpatched game is really unoptimized
it was for me, but my computer is barely within minimum specs. i played it on console though

Fighting alongside Miller was pretty great, he just seems so excited to be shooting stuff in a tunnel again instead of commanding from the train. ;_;

And that's why they're all shit. Instead of carefully crafting good locations, levels, with a strong narrative to push you forward, it's just a literal checklist.

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it was pretty consistent for me, i played it on a base ps4. of course 30 fps sucks but you get used to it

playing on a gtx 1070 and 1440p with settings on ultra, tesselation on, hairworks on, no stuttering.

upgrade your fucking pc's people. Your gtx 960 or whatever isn't going to cut it anymore.

You can have both you know. And Metro isn't a regular open world game, just have open ended levels

lol you think i have a gtx 960

yeah but did you pirate it?

Yes I did. I have a pretty okay CPU (4690k) overclock to 4.6 if that matters at all, although i'm sure this game is more gpu bound.

yeah i think my problem stems from my cpu its 5 years old and im pretty sure its on the verge of death

Agreed my fellow Steam user. Down with Epic Games

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>You can have both you know
Metro doesn't.

Almost no open world games do, and those that do would have been better as linear games because the open world just ends up being a timesink as you drive from cool location to cool location that would be better off not existing.

>What do you guys want for expansions?
I want the base game to be good.

I want fucking prawn bait I can throw in the water to makes them fuckers leaves me be.
I want throwables that don't kill while stealthing... blowdarts or chloroform bombs or some shit.
I want to be able to walk up behind someone and get a surrender animation when I point my gun at their head

>inspired by metro 2035
>has nothing to do with it

Last Light and Exodus could have been great if they followd the books. I can't play these shitty games, because i read the books.

Seething chink.

pretty much this, they diluted an genuinely great plot for shit stupid "gotta save the princess" bullshit.

>5 RMB has been deposited to your account

>soulless GOOKS can't even false flag convincingly on an anonymous Chinese shit posting forum
You need to take a lesson from the discord trannies my friend

Youre supposed to avoid fighting if possible. It was a thing in first and second games too.

i fucking loved this mission. i wish the game was nothing but missions like this strung together. sure it's less replayable but i prefer a solid experience, not metro: shadow of mordor

attention: this is not a game for retarded pew-pew mutts. go play call of derpy instead.

Did you give the guitar to your crew?

is volga the only area? seems kinda small

Are you playing on hard or something? I play normal and I just walk past monsters lol

it's not an open world game

Anyone been through the Caspian Desert? I hear this somewhat distant gun shooting its like BOOM..pause BOOM-BOOM. It has never stopped since I got here. Even when I was in the underground bunker I heard it at the same volume as the surface. It doesnt change volume no matter where I go, just always sounds the same distance away.

I cant handle this bug if it is one. If its not please tell me where to find the person firing this fucking gun.

did you get the van?

why did miller die tho, it's such bullshit he was a total bro in 2034, and then he was kind of offscreen and a bit of a dick in last light and then once again not doing all that much except being a bit of a dick for most of Exodus but in the last chapter, from like the very moment he's like "we're back in our element" until the very end of gameplay where he's just based as fuck and I feel like I'm 5 years younger going on interesting russian cave explorer adventures with some cool wise old guy but then he's fucking dead.

I mean what the fuck

If there were three injectors, and I took one, he took one, and the kid took one. The fact that I survived off of ONE, he definitely should have. Like the kid is smaller than him and wouldn't need as much green stuff; he had more green stuff than me.

Like I'm not even trying to argue about the fact that he dies in general, I get that there's the whole blood transfusion thing from the moral points for you to even survive, but how exactly; like long before it even comes to that; has he already succumbed to radiation poisoning before you even wake up in the van?

Why the fuck can you barely sprint anywhere? Even while holstered artyom acts like an obese fuck and has to take a breather and eat a Twinkie.

I was so sure they would start spawning in large numbers to swarm in from the tunnels after you picked up the gas can, but they didn't, and the can just disappears into your quest item bag of holding anyways. Missed opportunity for a slow tense trudge in the darkness towards the kerosene lamp in the generator room while clearing a path/securing your rear with your light and molotovs. Also,
>that later mission near the end where the radiation fucks with your light and you have to get through a spider area with just your lighter and any standing torches you can find and light up

hold H till your gun pointed down and then you can sprint more

This game is fine, fuck you all

>>that later mission near the end where the radiation fucks with your light and you have to get through a spider area with just your lighter and any standing torches you can find and light up

the alt-fire ammo on the tikhar made ANY spider area laughable and this is coming from someone who found the spider sequences in the previous game kinda tricky/scary

Hey pal, I mentioned that. Even while doing that it feels like it's barely an increase. Why did they even think this was a good idea?
I could understand if it happens more often while damaged or in a gun fight but having to stop every ten seconds while walking to and from locations is starting to get annoying.

He didn’t use his injector.

Literally get gud. Scout ahead with the binoculars, only go for headshots, fire only one bullet at a time.