Anthem is complete garbag-

>Anthem is complete garbag-

Attached: Anthem Javelin.webm (856x480, 1.93M)



Woah Warframe is lookin pretty amped these days huh?

yikes that looks bad


Finished that for you OP, well spoken.

the string of melee hits looks like it doesn't feel good to use and the feet sliding in place looks really bad

>alpha gameplay

Yeah, they're adding better hitstun animations Soon™, so it won't look as bad as that anymore.

>no impact combat

>Flashy over-the-top combat makes a game good

I know this is bait, but there are people who actually believe this.

Yeah, lots of dragon's dogma fans around.

>Dragon Age Inquisition combat with a half assed flying mechanic

Attached: 22.jpg (764x779, 287K)

What was flashy about dragon's dogma? Is that really the example you're going for over DMC, Nier Automata, etc?

why would i spend 60 dollars on this when i can play warframe for free

nier has substance in story, dmc has depth in combat
dragons dogma has neither

>no hit animations
>spam the screen with special effects

Yikes, looks like we got a cuhrazyfag in denial here.

>man calmly floats while you rip out his intestines

Attached: e.gif (217x160, 1.07M)

that webm made me laugh so fucking hard. jesus christ taht looks so retarded.

god how the fuck do you release this shit.



You hap

>Anthem can be fixed with a pat-


now show a webm killing real enemies not these squishy weakest units

>not even a slight hint of knockback or hitstun
embellished feces

no e

Jesus, that AI looks literally brain-dead.

Attached: 1462280533380.png (1444x1121, 512K)

Attached: -e.webm (238x286, 348K)

6 Years.


>Jump button, melee button spam ~8x, jump button, fly button, melee button

Wow, such amazing and detailed gameplay.

Looks awful

The ™ stands for Type Moon, a company well known for it's fastidious scheduling and quick releases.

Tsukihime where

Still looks like garbage

This game looks atrocious. I can't wait to see the sales numbers

My son likes it.

That looks awful.

haha don't you mean your wife's son?
remember that meme we had some good times back then

Dont raise a retard

The gameplay is pretty good, yes, but the gameplay is only 30% of the game, and the other 70% of the game is pure dogshit.

Attached: 102169.jpg (225x350, 37K)

>not raising your child Amish style

Reverse image only brings up funnyjunk links.

anthem is complete garbage

just witcher combat my shit up holy fuck


Looks like a boring piece of shit to me


Is this the only phrase you can say you dumb fucking newfags? This isn't reddit, you don't need to upvote to show your appreciation of a post you braindead fucking idiots.
>inb4 cringe

>melee attacks phase right through the enemy
>doesn't even react to getting hit


please witcher combat is bad, but its better than that


Attached: crying of laughter ant.jpg (50x43, 4K)

>Flashy animations and particle effects out the ass
Oh boy do I love AAA games

This, at least by the 3rd or 4th hit the enemy flinches

ahahaha no witcher combat is barebones worse than anything. witcher lives by its world and story not its shit combat.

Great controls don't mean shit if the game design is lifeless or terrible.

Attached: 1548901186763.png (561x551, 726K)

You realize you have to put it down now right?

Attached: 1548880248356.jpg (379x368, 27K)

may i please have the source for your crop


hello shill, is this supposed to be impresive or something? nice bugged enemy AI btw

Sauce is (C92) [Selvage Fisheries (Uo Denim)] GuP Hside (Girls und Panzer) [English] =TLL + CW=


Garbage. Enemies just stand there and take it. It has the most retarded A.I. I've seen in years.

thank you


>ignore the fact that every other game has shit AI

>zoom zooooooom

Attached: 1503325484004.png (736x506, 461K)

Guys stop... OP is actually right here... You need a word worse than garbage to describe this game... maybe shit?

Honestly this game looks like a less polished warframe as far as combat mechanics go

Honestly this game looks like a more polished warframe as far as combat mechanics go

I too love games where enemies don't acknowledge my existence

Is this honestly the best you could come up with? You're human trash, you shouldn't be allowed to interact with other people.

You know you're in a bad spot when Warframe's melee has more impact than yours
Mowing down shit with Tempo Royale is amazing, though.

greasefire. Anthem is a greasefire.

That's one thing the Yakuza games get right: Good enemy AI.

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

You're just blind hatin as per usual

Epitome of style over substance. All that happens in the webm is the player kills 2 grunt enemies that don't even fight back or move.

Jesus Christ this is bad.

You have shinning examples of AI that does better? Warframe? Destiny? Same genre witht he same shitty ai.
Come on faggot, why don't you put some effort into your pathetic argument instead of crying like a baby over what you don't like. You're too stupid to understand what good AI even looks like.

Halo had better AI in 2001.

All have A.I. that reacts to the player, making them better by default. Do you have any other meaningless, blanket statements to try and defend this dumpster fire?

oh hey look, the anthem shill has returned with his webms. how are you doing, and how much did ea pay you to spam this site with constant anthem threads using the same few video clips over and over?

Attached: 1539606023806.jpg (363x363, 39K)

This is how that looks to me.

Attached: O8hIoLv.gif (320x240, 3.41M)

>y'all just playa hatin
Fantastic arguments. Tell your supervisor to send better people to defend this diarrhoea festival.

>this exact thread 5 times a day for the last month
remember to sage

Anthem looks like an uninspired dudebro science fiction game. Who even finds this game attractive?

Attached: Dq5Z1d6VYAALbZE.jpg (1080x809, 109K)

Random Outrage!
Geez could you fags actually enjoy something?

>garbaggio summoner

Can I shill my game here?

Attached: A974847F-9A59-494F-859B-5C12393B32F4.png (460x215, 220K)


no one

>non staggering enemies
into the garbage

>Dark soul combat with a eurojank flavor
>open world with no handholding
>survival lite, you can’t die from starvation or hunger
>backpack, you can use different backpacks to accommodate your needs. You also need to put your backpack down if you want agility in combat
>no manual save
>defeat scenarios instead of actual death
>play as no one instead of legendary cock destroyer
>3 faction questlines that need you to play the game multiple times
>time sensitive quests
>2 player co-op

>Enemy tickled to high ttk death
>Even with backup
>Pirouettes into a flashy stomp on 2nd
>Does fuck all for damage
>Both enemies redbar trash

Yeah naw

]I get paid by the post you retard. Thanks for padding my wallet :^)

Here, have a penny on me! It's the least I can do!

Dude keep posting the thread is going to die, I need every cent I can get. I don't care if it's about anthem or not just keep posting holy shit/spoiler]

I initially read this as "Anthem is a complete gam-" and the webm fit a lot more.

Of course, anything for you my dear boy!

Attached: 1539968150629.png (659x659, 363K)

so it's just inquisition with a double jump? wow


>That's one thing the Yakuza games get right: Good enemy AI.
post an example please

are you being serious?

why does every videos of this game look the same
is there only one biome?

I still can't quite fathom why Bioware decided on (was tasked with?) creating a multiplayer action combat game.

They let the success of ME3 MP get to their heads

Good post user

Post yfw you didn't fell for another EA scam

Attached: e.jpg (430x477, 28K)

Attached: 232134.jpg (375x266, 29K)

Disney should've hired Ghyslain to direct the saber choreography instead of their hobo trash fighters.

*wife's son

>not another pixelated platformer or tired roguelike
Already shows promise.
I like the split-screen focus, might literally support it just for that. Can't think of many local co-op games from the last 3 years at all.


fancy animations and effects BUT
the melee attack has no weight and the target doesn't react "realistically"
the effects and explosions just make the game look like a fucking mess too completely obscuring vision, it's too much

>enemy don't even turn your way when you mash him in melee

Attached: shrugs.jpg (500x682, 53K)

Quite literally the entire hack and slash genre fanbase


Attached: 1524459696311.webm (274x468, 207K)

Sit down.

>cinematic finisher

Is that supposed to be impressive? It looks like FLashy Particle Effects: The Game.

reminder that Yea Forums has taste THIS fucking bad

No wonder Bethesda's games are shit if this is how they're made.

Doing spastic flipping shit on non-bullet sponges doesn't make the game not shit.

>player is blinded for 3 secs

Attached: Untitled.png (2560x1440, 1.5M)



are there different melee weapons in this game?

because in that clip all I see is spamming a single button for melee attack

warframe is also a single button for melee, but there are many different melee weapons all with their own feel and theres actually a combo system for different moves

Yeah it is, the Y axis isn't even locked when firing so you can just keep rotating higher while firing due to recoil pushing the camera up

Attached: 19972.webm (1102x696, 2.95M)

nice bait thread