Oh shit! You just became the CEO of EA...

Oh shit! You just became the CEO of EA. Investors are wanting to hear your 10 year plan and pitch to bring traction to this coming E3 to steer this company back on track. What is your plan?

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Make fifa 18 2, i heard fifa 18 sold pretty good

Do exactly what its been doing. If it makes loads of dosh, who gives a fuck about people?

the mobile division alone keeps EA afloat for decades

I ask em for extra funding to build myself a time machine to try to save Madoka, because there's not much difference between the EA investors and Kyubey.

redesign origin so its not shit
give mod support to everything again
put old classics and pc exclusives back on the store and make them work out of the box again

there i just fixed all of EA's glaring issues in 3 easy steps

I shut down Bioware and then quit

Day 1: Shut down Bioware and DICE.

Split the company into two and sell them to china and disney

Shut the down the company and set all assets on fire.

Dead Space is back and if its not good I'm executing the dev team live on Twitch.

Abandon BFV and make a new modern military era Battlefield. They clearly did not want to do WWII but were also too unmotivated to do anything else, force interviews on every single dev team manager. Make it clear that management is not safer than the talent team, they clearly have some comfortable fucks in charge that are short sighted.

I haven't been following the state of Anthem/its sales numbers recently but Bioware should just become EA Motive in name, provide assistance to other devs games and come up with something new under Jade Raymond. Without the name theres no longer any guilt for a company long dead.

Make video games that are good.

Replace useless/quota people with competent, passionate, videogames-loving people, disregarding other attributes about them.

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that's a bold idea

>Hire good writers
>Hire more 'superstar' directors and let them have power
>Prefer long term engagement than short term rip offs to prevent another anthem.

Take the existing project greenlighting system and throw it in the trash. Rework the approval process for prototyping. Harshly beat back the "prove it will make money" chicken-and-egg garbage that paralyzes much of the company creatively.

Focus on strong engineering discipline and "when it's ready" rather than deadlines, which would require a significant change to how game development is approached for the company.
Abandon certain current and soon-to-be catastrophic internal tech initiatives and mandates.

The company has an amazing amount of talent across all disciplines that is squandered by an old, slow apparatus that simply doesn't need to exist anymore. It's still mired in the days where putting out a game meant purely needing to have software on a cart by X months in advance of launch.

>Take the existing project greenlighting system and throw it in the trash.
Oh, and this one applies to Ubi and a couple of the other big companies too.

Double the amount of players available in fifa loot boxe.

Authorize the use of Star Wars characters in Apex Legends.

Day 2: ???

Make Dead Space 4. But good.

I would get a team to make a Road Rash sequel before I'm promptly assassinated by Larry Probst's ninjas within a few hours of him finding out.

For real though, you aren't turning EA into a good game company while he's still pulling the strings.

Double down on microtransactions, make them prevalent and obnoxious in every game they release. It would serve a double purpose, it would please the investors due to their short-sightedness, and it might actually kill the company if you overdid it to such a degree that it actually caused people to give up on their shit (or legislators to step in).

All I want is for the company to die.

All titles older than 10 years are put into an archive subscription service on Origin. Release a new ported title every month.

Give Battlefront to Respawn to see how they do with a big AAA franchise. If successful then I will green light Titanfall 3 and 4 with full creative control
Bring back Skate and have maybe EA motive or a small AA give it a shot.
Bring back Dead Space and either make DICE try to make it as their last chance to stay or again give it to a AA studio.
DICE will be given the Bioware treatment. They get 6 years to develop a game of their choice. Either new IP, Bad Company sequel or Dead Space sequel/soft reboot (ala resident 7 ). If the game underperforms and is critically panned then they get shut down
Have Madden get worked on for a full 3 years but make Madden a gaming as a service IP with each year having big season packages
Last I'll bring back Burnout

make skate 4

who developes it?

This. I don't get why they stopped this series cause it always sold well

build a skyscraper to the moon funded entirely by microtransactions

FIFA battle royale

I mean Day 1 is all you need

I would purposefully destroy the company.

Probably didn't see as many opportunities to monetize it as other games. The Skate series was also a one-of-a-kind thing, there were no other games like it, so EA had no established pattern for success and growth that they could imitate, which made every new entry more of a risk than a new entry in some generic trash series like Battlefield. That's my guess anyway.

Sell the company to Microsoft and sell FIFA and Madden to the highest bidder


should of made custom skateboard skin DLCS.

that would of been pretty good.

Here's what I'd do with each studio:

Support the newly-launched Anthem as best we can for a year or two. After that, stop having them make fucking MMOs.
Put them to work on a single-player Star Wars RPG. Not necessarily KOTOR, but something in the universe. SOMEthing needs to be done with this fucking IP.

Support the current Battlefield for a good 2 years.
Then, make a $30 Battlefield title with no campaign, and continue to support it over at least 4-5 years with shitloads of content. Long-term support will be funded by lootboxes, season passes, etc. Develop gameplay on interesting ways that a squad of friends can interact and work together.

Make a VRchat-style Sims spinoff game focused on social hangouts and interaction. Players designing and selling their own stuff is key. Like a cross between VRchat and Second Life with a Sims coat of paint.
Meanwhile, make a mid-budget Sim City game. No online, no microtransactions, just a solid robust simulator to please the autists who enjoy making clover interchanges and shit.

Loosen the leash, and have them design something wild and exciting. Capture the intensity of their older games, but applied to a new genre. Let them decide, and approve it as long as the idea's not obviously shit.

Definitely keep expanding upon Apex Legends, as soon as the steady flow of content dries up so does the game. Once Apex starts to dry up, loosen the leash and let them make a new game. Could be Titanfall 3 if they want, or something new. Again, let them decide.

Keep making sports shit, brown people will keep buying them no matter what so it's fine.

>Popcap/Other Mobile Studios
Divide them into two groups: Licensed and Experimental. Licensed studios will make typical mobile shit to cash in on IPs. Experimental will go nuts and try crazy new shit, like PvZ was for its time.


Close all the studios immediately and absorb them into the company, then go work on slot machines and drop all pretense

Shut down everything except the Fifa studio and double the price of Ultimate Team packs.

The skateboarding craze died

Skate was still selling well after skating died.

I think scraping Anthem is better or give it to another studio to update


First thing's first I buy an evil suit.

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Make sure to get that evil jawline

Is it a coincidence that he looks exactly like the illusive man?

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>Investors are wanting to hear your 10 year plan
Investors don't give a fuck where the company will be 10 years from now, they only care about a year from now at most.

Or the antagonist of Mirror's Edge: Catalyst...

release FIFA 20 but remove the actual game and just release the P2W card minigame


I bring in all remaining staff members that worked on Mass Effect 3 and I bring them to their new office: a windowless concrete building where I will torture them in barely legal ways.
Every day they come to work they will get to choose from a red door, a blue door, and green door but they all lead to the same torture for the day
Then I will force the next FIFA game to call it's players and customers retarded 3rd world niggers every time the game loads

buy planetside, link it with titanfall, create a huge fps map that is well made.

Make Spore 2 that fixes all of the problems of its predecessor. Plant editor, agriculture, water stage, flying wings, cubic planets, different-shaped midsections and have the animation actually reflect the construction like the 2007 build. Release it as shareware so everything beyond the creature stage costs 30 bucks. No censorship or DRM.

who developes it?

Make Hello Games do Spore 2

Put all games on Steam except 20% more expensive than on Origin.

Support Linux, at least allow the games to be played on Linux through Wine without the anti-cheat blocking it.

Work on community relations to prove that we're a "good" company now, and respect customers instead of abuse them.

>Make KOTOR 3 and hire Avellone to write
>Restructure Bioware, shelve ME and DA and do a new IP, support Anthem until it's no longer profitable
>Dead Space reboot
>Skate 4
>Burnout game
All in year 1


If I got any high authority at EA, I'd tell the share holders some bullshit about acquiring more IPs, and putting in more microtransactions and ultimate team packs, then I would commence in doing none of that and would instead personally attempt to run this shitty company that has been shitting up the industry since the 90s(Of which I have personal memory.),into the ground. First by selling off its IPs and ending its licensing deals with the likes of NFL, FIFA, and Star Wars, then I'd funnel development budgets into shell companies and anonymous donations to competitor studios, reassuring shareholders its for "advertising", and "R&D"( they're retarded and not very versed in gaming, so they will swallow it.).

i would also anonymously leak intel about the bullshit microtransaction plans I told the shareholders that I would enact, even what they truly think of the customers, so as to get even more bad publicity and public backlash toward EA.
In the end I would santer off with my golden parachute, after the shitstorm comes raining down on this trashcan of a company.

In all seriousness, EA overstayed their welcome and don't deserve to exist anymore, nor even a chance to revive, I would scorch earth that fucking corporation.

EA has broken promises too many times and have badly influenced the industry,
saving them is the last thing I desire. Saving them is especially not in the cards as they make games for shareholders mainly(People who don't like or play videogames.), and shareholders.
It ain't just studios like modern Bioware that need to go or what will solve the problems if they do go, its EA as a whole that is the problem and needs to go, permanently.

Ask the investors how they all feel the company should move forward and what specifically we should do with our games. I then grab the first one to open his mouth and smash his head against the table until it's mush and tell them their opinions mean less than nothing.

After that I'll sit in my office smoking cigars and drinking bourbon while I watch 90% of staff crying in the parking lot because they have to find new jobs now. Little after that and I'll just make all of the IPs I own open-source and wait until the company is bankrupt

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I like this

Nice try EA. Eat shit for your SJW pandering and micro transaction shilling

Bring back trip hawkins

Have the P.R. department promote it like Steve jobs returning to Apple.

EA needs to bring back trip hawkins.

Ok, first we make this

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Show them how much money we're making with Fifa and then proceed to laugh maniacally.

Sell the company to the Chinese. Go party on my yacht filled with fancy hookers and cocaine.

Sports games are now released every five years with annual roster updates. Remake mass effect 2&3 properly. Then begin work on a sequel to Medal of Honor Rising Sun. Quit once I'm satisfied with my share of intern pussy.

Finally release Dead Space 3 and give Ragtag greenlight. Keep milking the Wilson lootbox scheme until it gets outlawed. Fire most of the Bioware team, kill Anthem and make Mass Effect multiplayer that would surpass the 3 and start working on another ME singleplayer while retconning ME3 ending and the entirety of Andromeda into a fever dream of Shepard. The story of the next game picks up from the ending of 2. Get a restraining order on Casey Hudson so he can't get near 2 miles of any EA studio.

Stop making FIFA games
Focus on making innovative and unique experiences
Stop putting micro-transactions/lootboxes/DLC in. If fans want more, too bad.
Make AA games for popular franchises such as Star Wars.
Don't make games in franchises that EA have previously released. That means no Star Wars, Anthem, Battlefield, Dead Space, Mass Effect etc etc.
Change the company name


Make good games with a lower budget. Just make games people like to play.

Also we are going to have to down size in order to work with a smaller budget. But instead of firing companies and layoffs, we let other developers go off so they can do their thing while keeping a few for ourselves.

We might not make every single conceivable dollar in the world, but the games will turn a profit.

>In the end I would santer off with my golden parachute
Right into a prison where Jamal would fuck you in the ass every day.

Personally invite major investors to a conference where I will lock them in a room and introduce our new lifelike Caustic Gas Canisters, courtesy of Respawn Entertainment.

I am Jamal, and there is no prison for this white collar non crime, especially with the plausible deniability.

Companies are legally forced to maximize profits. If you are deliberately destroying a company that's prison time.

remake Syndicate. The old one.
Make a lightsaber focused Star Wars game.
Talk to Maxis about making other Sim games other than The Sims.
Give Respawn budget for more teams to fix Apex Legends and work on Titanfall 3.
Stop making yearly Battlefields
Try to make NBA Live games again because 2K is literally dropping the ball

Plausible deniability, not maximizing profits will otherwise just get me fired, which is the intention all along.

The only thing keeping it afloat are Blandpex and sports titles. Andromeda, Battlefront 2, Battlefield V all performed well below expectations and Anthem is sitting at 60% reviews right now.

2k is next on my list to run into the ground, in fact.
Would have said Activision but they seem to be doing well doing that on their own at the moment.

Fire anyone who has any hair color that isn't natural.
Fire anyone who has face piercings
Fire anyone who brings up the term "diversity."
Refuse to do any business with a company that has any of the aforementioned.
Those that don't let them continue on as normal, but have them show progress reports and play testings focusing on how entertaining the game is instead of focusing on visuals. If the game can not meet deadline due to insufficient progress on the game, give them six months and allow them to hire on 40% addition staff temporarily to finish the game properly.
Cut spending on Marketing by 200%
Remove any and all forms of loot boxes and simply have paid cosmetics that effect nothing in the game.
Constantly challenge the competitions CEOs to boxing matches for funsies.

First I'd short the shit out of the company
Then I'd buy up every single vaporware indie IP for ludicrous amounts of money
Then I'd bury all the money I made in my mum's backyard so I can retrieve it once I get out of jail

First job is that every dev team that isn't currently working on a project will have an in-house competition to come up with their own concept and gameplay demo. Basically have Bioware/DICE/whoever split into a bunch of smaller dev teams and do a one month/week game-jam, and whoever has the best demo gets it graduated into a full game, and the teams that get runner up earn prizes and marketing/sales can put together some in-house pins/mugs/statues of their games, and the ideas get put in a box of ideas to review at a later date.

Kojimbo and Molineux

I sent out a hunting party to round up all the old members of Black Isle and trap them in our corporate headquarters and force them to make KOTOR 3. It will be the most expensive singleplayer game ever made (Maybe with a co-op mode if I'm feeling generous, but it'll be an afterthought). An epic story that ranges from you being a little child to becoming a wizened old man, living through the era of Revan's war and the events of KOTOR 2. Travelling to and from multiple planets with truly tremendous playable areas cram packed full of interactivity and the ability to create your own little jedi enclave, with the ability to guide them down the light or dark path as you choose. Picking up the pieces after the whole Revan fiasco, with at least a dozen unique, fully realized endings (No red, blue, green shit), to to mention dozens or hundreds of other minor choices that have minor effects on the ending. A truly massive, sprawling game that doesn't skimp on the detail and will almost certainly drive EA bankrupt just due to the cost of development.
Then after the 8 year development cycle I retire and play it forever.