Well, I finished making the webms for these, so I'm going to post them here.
Megaman Legends 3
>tfw havent given capcom money ever since mml3 got canned
pirated remake2 and monhuns
>Mega Man Legends 3 (Rockman DASH 3) – Nintendo 3DS, cancelled July 2011
why did you remind me
Wait a fucking fuck
Is that my boy Geo Stellar?
and a low quality one I found with the bonne boss fight
Because we're in this world just to suffer.
Same here.
Only capcom games I've bought since then are the zx games and the ps2 classic and x collections, and only because I know they're so damn old that capcom ain't getting any money from them.
Goddamn, has it really been eight years already...?
time passes
Cool fakes bro
So the beta got leaked? How long is it?
Will she ever come back?
Yet she still remains the same.
Its just old footage someone dug up.
I'm still mad. When Capcom goes under, I will still be mad. When I die and decay, I will still be mad. When the Sun expands and takes this planet with it, I will still be mad. When Half-Life 3 comes out, I will still be mad.
Wow, is that all you got
There has to be another reason for the cancellation. It just seems like such a waste to have all this done and just throw it away.
Why have MML3 when we can have Megaman 11: Somehow has less content than a NES game edition?
The megaman games at that time were all selling badly. ZX advent, maverick hunter, powered up all sold badly.
>looks worse than the ps1 model
wait, what's all this
They say because there wasn't enough fan interest, but any idiot can tell you what a load of bullshit that excuse was.
For fuck sake they even used this excuse for the demo cancellation too.
The demo for judging fan interest.
The demo made specifically to see how much interest there was for a new entry.
That demo.
You'll also note that there's a massive void between any megaman entries between now and then.
In fact it's such a massive void that literally nobody at capcom currently knew how to make a megaman game when they made mm11 cause none of them had worked on one before.
In this time they were also going balls deep into making aaa appeal to everyone on the planet schlock with DmC: devil may cry and RE6 aka gears of duty 6.
Megaman games simply don't sell ten million copies so the heads weren't interested.
Funny how they seem to be getting their shit together lately after nearly bankrupting the company with shitty AAA games and saturating the marking with shitty fighting games... again.
Fake shit
the sad part is that crapcom shills will say that crapcom is "back" because they remade an old ps1 game and they're about to release a microtransaction-filled dmc game. real fans know they'll never be back until they apologize and release mega man legends 3.
I thought people were bullshitting when they said MML3 was unfinished, but it might actually be released. I'm going to be sad if it isn't the game Nintendo decides to release. By the way, what are the chances of this game being the one?
I fucking hated not-Protoman wannabe and the shitty pink haired girl no one liked but won the poll anyway because LOL LET'S COMBINE THE WEST AND JAPAN RESULTS AND NOT TELL ANYONE ECKSDEE so while I was extremely sad and mad that Legends 3 got cancelled I was partly glad because those two faggots would never see the light of the day and taint the franchise.
here's praying for MML3's resurrection
Continue seething about a new Mega Man with not shit controls Legendsfags, im sure you'll get your Con Man pet project game someday.
it's just pre-cancellation media of the game, no one's pretending it's new
roll isn't lewd wtf user
retranslations of 1 and 2 when
>Realize it's called CARBON Reinitialization Program because Humans are carbon-based lifeforms
Why? The translations are decent enough, specially for that era.
>mega man volnutt
eat my ass
did you seriously miss the whole "carbons are artificial humans that now populate the world" thing?
Might as well re-translate every single game in the franchise then.
would you guys rather have mml3 and capcom bankrupts and sell their ips to a greedier company or never have mml3 and capcom goes back to its golden era?
think a little bit harder.
this game reminds me of EX trooper, in combat
Or you stop being a autist instead. Go learn Japanese if it bothers you that much.
Yeah but I think the 3 devs confirmed they are also robots somehow (Something 2 only sort of hinted at with Joe's arm and Klaymoor)
We're getting the latter right now
his name isn't rockman volnutt, it's rock volnutt. it's completely retarded to localize it as mega man volnutt. there wasn't a good reason to change the name to begin with but fuck, they could've picked mega volnutt or something.
maybe you should stop eating shit instead of telling anyone that doesn't eat shit to lower their standards.
A classic mega man and a real resident evil games, I would say the chance is not zero.
Thing is, they didn't just burn their bridges with legends 3, they practically taunted the community while burning them then threw some oil and napalm on the ashes and burned them again.
Legend 3 would be great
But i want Starforce 4 more
>they are also robots somehow
Carbons ARE robots, just so fucking advanced they are perfect replicas of humans. That's the whole point. About them being able to get robotic implants and stuff, it's partly part of their robotic nature, and partly don't think too much about it because it gets silly to start thinking about the logistics of how Rock pretty much swaps bodies when going on digs and the such.
It's a shame Starforce ended as it had finally found it's stride, but at the very least, it also ended at it's highest peak and had a somewhat satisfying conclusion.
I always assumed it was "Mega Man" Volnutt
Who's the girl?
what girl?
I meant to say, who's the pink haired girl, and who's the red haired lad? Is that supposed to be Volnutt?
isnt this around the same time as sengoku basara as well? it didnt sell gangbusters so they just killed a great series in the west.
>We have people so new here that they don't know about the Waifu Wars
God, every fucking day just makes me wish for death more and more.
Who's the biggest tummyslut?
The red haired lad is Barrett. And the game was probably going to follow him until they could get Volnutt off the moon.
I read from somewhere that SF are supposed to have at least 5 installment like BN series but other 2 was quietly canceled due to SF3 poor sales
And they scrap idea from SF4 to make EXE Operation Shooting Star
Thanks lad.
I'm still assblasted feather girl didn't win.
I'll say that if Capcom does come out and make Mega Man Legends 3 finally after 11's success, that I think it will be a DmC scenario where I'm kind of glad I had to wait longer for the game.
DMC5 is looking as good as it is because it had more time thanks for DmC being a fuck up.
If Mega Man Legends 3 does come out at a point, I honestly think it will have been for the best because it being for the 3DS honestly didn't look like a good decision to me, and some of the extra stuff seemed a bit off to me.
3 prototype was an early 3DS game on a shoestring budget. Legends deserves better consider how 2 was one of the best looking games on PS1 no homo.
why must you torment me so user
Those all came out years before Legends 3 was even announced.
You're both dreaming if you think MML3 is ever going to have a big budget. It's niche, and the previous games never pulled a huge following. They're cult classics and that's as kind as I can be to them. Capcom isn't going to put much weight behind it if it even deems it worthwhile in the first place. It's too bad, but there it is.
Here's the thing though: DMCV has DMC staff coming back to make it and leading the project. A Legends 3 would have no such thing, and no, I'm not referring to Inafune, I'm talking about everyone else. It would be just like MM11 being a bunch of people doing their best and scrambling around to "get" the Legends feeling the best they can. Legends 3 as it was originally planned is not gonna continue, it was nearly a decade, and it's been 20 years since Legends 1 and 2 so even the plot will be super different from anything that may have planned in the past.
A Legends 3 revival would encounter 100 times as much difficulty as 11 encountered, and Rock, Classic, is THE face of the franchise. Volnutt's chances are infinitesimal.
Maverick Hunter and PU sold badly because they were fucking launch titles exclusive to a Sony handheld. When Nintendo had the handheld gaming market locked down.
There's really no reason to think any of the Kattlelox residents would ever return, short of maybe the newslady since their newship returned even in 2.
Well, unless whoever makes a 3 goes full fanservice.
Who's that other girl?
They should at least bring on Ishikawa.
Was he right or wrong in his actions?
Looks like some kind of reaverbot girl. My guess is an OC or a scrapped concept art idea.
Someone on Yea Forums once said something that stuck with me. The best (If only time) to make a sequel is a couple years after the original. Any longer and you lose key staff, values/technology changes or it ends up with completely different people working on it.
The most we can hope for is something like Samurai Jack season 5. It was terrible by the end but still a fucking miracle of the universe that it even existed and was even half as good as it was.
100% right. What does it matter if they're technically human or not? They're sapient. They'd be genocided just on a technicality.
Sera did nothing wrong.
Fuck Carbons and most important fuck Trigger.
>and saturating the marking with shitty fighting games... again
The G1 Capcom fighting games were all great, though. Aside from maybe Red Earth.
I wonder if anyone has the cia or it was just fake the entire time
I disagree completely. You don't need all the human elements who made the first games good to have a new game that's also good. A cohesive vision is nice, but most people working in a game studio do not contribute to a "vision." They are just doing their jobs and there's no reason to believe no one could ever do it better.
Yuna is a gooder girl. Saving random folks and not throwing a tantrum over not being daddy's favorite.
>microtransaction filled
okay there. dmc4 had optional red orbs you could pay for too. optional. optional being the key word. in case you don't get that yet.
Without someone of vision and passion for the product in the making leading and guiding you end with something bland and without any sort of flavor. Do you think people like Directors and Producers or even Artists can be replaced by any random and everything would be exactly the same? I know the industry has gone to hell nowadays and it's more corporate and sterile and by executive design for maximum shekels than ever but to say the people working on the game don't matter who they are as long they only do their obligatory coding and what-not for their monthly check is ridiculous.
Capcom has been doing a lot of right recently, I don't see any reason why this couldn't be revived to release on switch
It's a bad business practice. You don't sell single player content back to players, fuck that. If you want more health, you enter a "cheat code." Remember those? No one should defend this kind of behavior. Not when EA did it in Dead Space 3, not when Capcom does it either.
So basically Neir if the android plan succeeded and everybody got new bodies?
The fallacy here is you assume everyone who did their job and made a game the previous time was "passionate" about it. Game development is a job. And you may romanticize the results, but some people are just there for the paycheck. And being a part of a good game may have been incidental. Getting every artist, level designer and code monkey back on the project is not going to ensure everyone "LOVES their job and would rather be nowhere else!" That's a fantasy.
Or you can just play the game's missions a few times and get the exact same stuff. Who cares
don't bother user, these people are whipped beyond reason and will find any way to defend this garbage
>Who cares
That attitude is why they get away with it.
Is this the thread where we are extremely, extremely angry?
>Not everyone loves their job so that means NO ONE loves their job!
And you dare tell me I'm the one talking fallacies here. If you truly are trying to tell me there's no one left in the industry without vision then I don't know what to tell someone as ignorant, or willfully ignorant as you are.
I didn't say that. But once again you think everyone is contributing to the "idea pool" and is shaping the overall game. Some people call the shots, some people just follow orders. This has always been the case. And believe it or not, not every aspect of the original games is flawless either. Legends could use a lot of improvements, especially in level design and flow. If you want everything exactly the same, you have no imagination and are entirely too swept up by nostalgia.
Looks like a barely upscaled PS1 game. Couldn't they have just put this on the regular DS?
>real fans
AKA less than 100,000 people who just say they hate Capcom because 1 shitty game got scrapped.
>They say because there wasn't enough fan interest, but any idiot can tell you what a load of bullshit that excuse was.
It's a valid excuse when only a handful of older fans were the only ones who cared about it.
>For fuck sake they even used this excuse for the demo cancellation too.
>The demo for judging fan interest.
>The demo made specifically to see how much interest there was for a new entry.
Not enough people were interested in the demo, dipshit. Looking at it here it's not hard to see why it failed.
Since Capcom hasn't released a Legends Legacy Collection, it's safe to say MML3 isn't in the works.
Unless they want to release them together
If he swapped bodies then I'm sure we'd have seen his other one on the ship. The games have a good attention to detail so I bet that if it wasn't shown there, it's just a crackpot theory with no bearing outside of a promo image showing Trigger swapping weapons.
This is a pretty good sign.
C'mon user. A modern game company giving you an old suite of games packaged WITH a new one? What do you think this is, 2007?
>We have people so new here that they don't know about the Waifu Wars
Good, the less waifufags in MM threads the better.
Why be angry? Capcom released REmake 2 and DMCV will come soon. They're BASED now. All is forgiven! Now take the Capcom dicking like a good boy while we put more ads on SFV and remove all FM while we're at it. Swallow everything and we MAY tease you with a MMBN game
>I'll say that if Capcom does come out and make Mega Man Legends 3 finally after 11's success
I doubt that even half the people who bought MM11 know or care about the Legends series.
Doug don't you have a Metroid thread to ruin?
Classic MM and X (and arguably BN) are guaranteed sales, the rest are literal whos except Zero as a character.
Who's Metroid, is that one of the Castlevania characters? I see their names together sometimes.
My world might have been changed forever.
It was always Megaman Volnutt to me but I've always had issue with it. Especially since they mention that Roll named him Megaman after the game Megaman. (I'm assuming OG MM is a game in legends) but if his name was Rock after Rockman, that not only makes more sense that sounds better.
But I do like the idea of Juno and all the other elysum peeps calling him Megaman better
As long as I can play as Glide, I'm good.
muh grafx
Playable Tron doesn't seem entirely beyond the realm of possibility given her importance to the series, but you want a playable homo C-list villain? Yikesaroni+cheese.
Isn't Juno also a Megaman? I figured they just called Trigger that since it was his title, like Data maybe mentioned it to them or something.
If I have to spend 10s of hours looking at something, I'd prefer it not to look drab and uninteresting.
I could apply that to Legends 2 as well. Not having to do much for the last two keys worked in the first game when the focus switched from defending the city to exploring the ruins but in Legends 2 this just means that with the game's longer dungeons it just feels like the second half of the game is noticeably less "filled" than the first half.
It would be a neat callback to have a side mission mode with Tron that plays like Misadventures where you gather materials for the rocket or something.
Feathergirl and White cape were the best
Trons been playable in more games than Volnutt at this point.
Not him, but this bothered me how when you clear some areas they would just stay empty and have little to no purpose. Revisiting levels in 2 isn't really that fun.
OG MM is a TV show in Legends. You see that in Legends 2.
If you're saying this is because of a changing in the guard, that's specious reasoning. Legends 2 probably got the later portion rushed because it was on a tight budget. We know certain ideas got scrapped, like a handful of other playable characters. They're still in the code. The game feels like it was pushed out the door.
The twist was, Rock was actually a "Megaman" hunter unit like how Juno was "Megaman Juno", but it got lost in translation because they localized his name as Megaman already.
Sure, if you count fighting games. But that feels like cheating.
>tight budget
IIRC in Barrell named him Rock to go with Roll.
>english Trigger is called Megaman even though he is a Megaman, not because he is a Megaman
I like Capcom
It's like if Martha and John Kent named just named their sky baby Superman.
it's been so long...
>Waifu Wars
oh god, it's all coming back...!
It literally comes up any thread where MML3 is mentioned.
>cancels your stupid fan game
Nebulothin personnel kid
>We will never get a 3d boss fight against his.
That doesn't even make sense.
Why do you have to keep opening the wound user?
Those webms are nice but they hurt.
I still don't get why they could get DMCA'd by capcom, they don't own the BN gameplay style right? I mean there's that one step from eden game that just had a pretty successful kickstarter and that's just battle network + slay the spire.
Oh hey she's basically yatterman 2 now.
i forgive capcom for cancelling mml3 if we get dragons dogma 2
Shanghai did include copyrighted elements, I think.
The dark program advances outright use the final boss sprites from BN, except silhouetted.
It's all shit that could have been removed with little issue, but I think it's obvious Koki simply wasn't willing to get into a possible legal dispute with Capcom.
Mmmm personally, I would call him Rock Volnutt as his "carbon name" and Megaman Trigger as the "purifier unit" he was. Keeping the most believable reason of why Barrell name him like that and the "Megaman Juno" connection. It would have worked because this Mega Man has two lives. If these games ever get remastered or re-released, I hope someone fix these small mistakes.
I'm never forgiving Capcom no matter how many Monster Hunter games they release and how much they try to redeem themselves, no mml3 no forgiveness.
Oh, and about Capcom owning or not owning BN gameplay.
All I know is that they've patented the navicust system. Not even Japs fuck with patents, which is why Shanghai.exe used an entirely different system for equipping programs.
I do think it's pretty strange that Shanghai.exe of all things got hit though. Last time I checked there's a Roll fangame being sold on Dlsite, which as far as I know owns the patreon equivalent that Koki was distributing paywall Shanghai.exe demos through.
judging by how pointy her nipples are, she clearly has a hard on for megaman in this picture
I will never not be mad. This would have been a literal console seller for me.
I will never not be mad
I will never not be mad
I will never not be mad
Announced when the 3DS didn't even was launched + barely a demo + having to resemble the original PS1 aesthetics = yeah no shit It looked like that. If finished it would probably looked 100 times better.
Thank god 3 never came out
>patented the navicust system
uh oh, jack and casie is doubly in trouble with capcom then since it's just "resident evil 4 attache case management:the game" and he recently added a navicust system to it as well
i remember selling my 3ds out of anger when the news dropped. animal crossing made me buy one again though.
>i remember selling my 3ds out of anger when the news dropped.
Pls more horny NPCs
That girl in the hotel in Yosyonke. She wanted the Mega D.
>but any idiot can tell you what a load of bullshit that excuse was.
>Took over a year for the 100K Strong campaign to reach their goal
>It quickly lost members shortly after, not even staying withing the 100K strong goal
>In the meantime, these salty ass niggas raided polls and Capcom related streams and be as obnoxious as possible
>Sales of the franchise in general was at an all time low
>3DS was tanking at the time with games being cancelled left and right
I blame Inafune's dumbass for 1) Putting this shit on the 3DS 2) Leaving the fucking company before completion. The idiot goes on and on about it being his dream game, finally gets the position of power to see it through, and he fucking quits the company. Mikami wanted to quit after RE4 got ported to PS2, but that nigga stuck around until the low budget God Hand was completed. Inafune couldn't stick around for his fucking dream game?
>Inafune couldn't stick around for his fucking dream game?
Perhaps it was all part of his MN9 keikaku.
He knew Japanese corporate culture. He knew what Capcom would do if he left. He wanted it to happen so he could drum up support for MN9.
This 100%. The fucker left before it was fucking greenlit for christ's sake.
You're fucking right its autism.
Doesn't stop me from being mad.