Was this the exact moment GDQ died?

Was this the exact moment GDQ died?

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I don't think there was an exact moment, but that moment does sum up a lot of things nicely.

>Stop the speedrun, I need to talk about muh feelings

Pretty sure that was it right there.

pretty much

>you're literally raping me if you don't listen to me right now

what happened this time?

DESU I'd guess the first moment it died was when everyone started getting banned for cracking jokes and the showrunners apologized on twitter like they were hot shit.

fuck knitler

No, this is an old one.
Crazy bitch starts talking about her dead grandma randomy and people make the speedrunner stop playing so that she can tell her story and cry and then they all clapped.

banning snowfats after his incredible hotline miami block was the last straw for me, but as stated there really was not an exact moment. it was a painful degradation into its current state, and while i'd love nothing more for a new event to rise in place of classic GDQ, i don't want to see it, too, devolve into attention whoring and virtue signaling

yeah, the depressing shit at GDQ needs to fucking stop

>and they all clapped
why? was it something to celebrate?

It was more like stages of abuse that slowly built up over time, killing it.

>Cant have reimu plushie on camera anymore
>It being ok to interrupt the runner while they explain something
>Cant make jokes about companies or people or else youre banned for a year
>Dont wear specific clothes or cosplays
>BlueGlass being put in his own area for being too loud despite supporting basically every runner no matter what time it was

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Girl is talking about a dead relative.
Runner is doing some tech that makes a bunch of noise and is interrupting her sob story.
She says to him, "can you stop?" as if he needs to stop what he's doing, in his speedrun in a speedrun marathon, and listen to her bullshit.

It's ancient though and I feel like this year's GDQ, while boring, was a step in the right direction. There were almost no trannies and minimal drama.

Don't you know, user, she was BRAVE.

donation was announced iirc

When they moved into the bigger room, so 2014

please user spoonfeed me, that sounds interesting

Why are women such obnoxious cunts?

whoever had the autistic idea of speedrunning games to begin with.

poor bo burnham


That does sound fucked up.

Blueglass was the only reason I was even watching this shit, wtf

Girls get to be coddled and get to be the centre of attention with very little effort throughout their lives.

>>Cant have reimu plushie on camera anymore

Bonesaw's ban sealed the deal for me.

>"guys I might get cancer and die, could you pause for a minute"
>lol what a bitch
a brief minute is not gonna hurt the speedrun, you faggots

burgers clap for everything. besides giving free tips $$$$$ they love clapping

>a brief minute is not gonna hurt the speedrun
Read what you just said again because it is fundamentally flawed.

Yes, everyone was clapping over her possibly getting cancer

>a minute lost isn't going to hurt a speedrun

Clearly you know nothing about speedruns

It'll hurt it by exactly a minute.

Either way, it's just rude to butt in and bring everyone down like that.

I like the part where you put in a bunch of dollar signs because you know your retarded ESL speech is so bad you weren’t sure anyone would get you were talking about money.

Guarenteed replies. This is a strong bait

It died THE SECOND they allowed women and trannies in. God forbid men have something for themselves.

It's almost like there is an ancient wisdom why women were second class citizens through history

That chick that cried about cancer when everyone was trying to play

I have yet to meet any "serious" speedrunner that wasn't autist or assburger in anyway.

dollar signs for emphasis, english is my first language. cucķ

You cant have any plushies or hug pillows on the couch anymore.

>She says to him, "can you stop?"
Wasn't she saying that to someone sitting next to her who was trying to talk over her, not the actual runner?

>turkslime forgets his turkish k
kys subhuman

kill yourself you fucking furry

very solid bait

>Watching Tranny games done slow or other Twitch live-streams
>Not just watching based Summoning Salt videos

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I'm wondering why she's knitting

Why did you call me a furry? Fuck furries, the fuckin' weirdo animal obsessed cucks.



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When Mike Uyama sold out lmao stop blaming fucking SJWs for the charity fucking the fun

>E-English is my first language

You're not fooling anyone, roach.

I swear every day I am more and more into a simulation. How the fuck can people WANT to be a trans? Why would anyone want to give up their male masculinity and testosterone?

>w-why don't i have a gf

Too much anime and porn addiction

Avoid responsibility
Victim points

hug pillows I can understand, but plushies? Not even pokemon plushies? That's pretty fucked.

I dunno, why would anyone want to be a tripfag on an anonymous image board?

>Bonesaw was banned from submitting new speedruns until 2018
At least he's free to submit runs now if he cares to. ThaRixer's Jak 3 run was pretty fun though.

Winter 2017 was the camel's back for me
>Pokemon Emerald
>Donation incentives were going all day for naming the pokemon used in the run, which included a Swablu used mostly for flying around
>Donation war between naming it AJ Styles or some other name (I forget what though), the other name edges it out at the end though making nearly 2k
>They catch the Swablu and the runner asks for the name
>They spend almost a minute not telling the guy the name of the mon before he has to leave the name for later and continue with the run
>When he gets to the name rater they tell him AJ Styles won even though it came second in donations
>People bitched so much in the AGDQ discord they started banning people for mentioning the name that came in first

It wasn't even something like NIGGER that got memed to first place, it was just the online handle of some dude who died from cancer. Like if they can't even commit to what people are donating towards then why the fuck should they get money in the first place?

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a dev, author, or writer doing a QA. Being a translator for manga or LN. It's useful for a few things, but in this case shouldnt be used.

Hey tripfag. Go fuck yourself, and then fuck off.

will you be my gf

Why the fuck are tripfaggots like @452032009 showing up on Yea Forums again. I thought we ran them out of town

Why are you upset?

I want to die because I have no self confidence within myself, find that I have no one I actually truly love romantically or familiarly, and have no passions, aspirations, or any real reason to want to live. Also your is meaningless and should be removed, faggot.

Just hit the gym and became the guy you'd want to date to get chicks. Redpill up so rejection and heartbreak are laughable. Become swole, muscular, lose fat, whatever your physical goal are and you'll feel so, so much better about yourself that it's ezmode to get pussy.

nice meme, fuck off /pol/

They were taking donations for cancer research or something like that, it was a fitting thing for her to talk about. The guy doing the speedrun actually talked about this.

Not meming. /r/theredpill read the sidebar, if you have an hour to kill.

It's fine but to tell him to stop during a speedrun isn't fine

Where were you when GDQ was saved?

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here's the video


It's an event with rules. The audience isn't meant to make noise or distract from the event.

Because Woman like attention from males

The soon to be deceased might be content to sow chaos, but they don't have to live with the aftermath. Order is what is necessary for the living to function in a meaningful way. The dead have no right to destroy that.


This. People forget this is an event to RAISE AWARENESS for cancer.

It was that year for sure, wasn't that also when Mirrored drove Cosmo to half-insanity allowing John Numbers to finish the job shortly after?

Yes, but it's easier to hate her if she was trying to interrupt the runner

Any1 got the vid?

glad that fucker left

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this, tripfags can't post solely for making good posts, they need a name attached to everything so daddy user can see all the good things they did.

this bait is so fucking bad and people are still replying anyway kek

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>2 year transition
>just a man in a dress
>Something Autistic

That run was dope and I don't even like sonic 1

Yeah, people like you.

It's funny. So many people hate transgenders because the most vocal of them are like these dorks. Just a bunch of longhairs wrapping a skirt around their waist and cutting their cocks off. That's it. Minimum effort and it makes everyone look bad.
I've met plenty of decent trans people and the only thing they have that these retards don't is they put effort into at least looking like the gender they wanna be. Bonus for being more low key about it.

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kys tranny

well that was random

I liked _GDQ a lot back then and still do. I miss the small, homey atmosphere that comes with a small venue, but Yea Forums's obsession with identity politics means I haven't entered the threads for years

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art is dead

ya honestly i met this trans girl in a bar and she was more fine than half the girls there, i wanted to ask her about what she thinks of proto and those retard tranny sjws but i stopped myself because it wouldve been a bad idea and she wouldn't have known lol