Their games are baddy bad. What should be their punishment?

Their games are baddy bad. What should be their punishment?

Attached: pikabui.jpg (1200x900, 191K)

burn them

we all know what's going to happen

burn them, then piss the fire out
check my 7

pee on them
and THEN burn them

I said it in the other thread and got dubs you faggot cum on them.


The best part of Lets Go was the new mechanics and the worst part was the shitty kanto dungeons full of trainers who waste your time with their weak pokemon

Attached: dubs man off by one.png (472x470, 489K)

I played eevee version so eebui gets pee

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now shove it in your mouth

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It begins

getting comfy


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Delete the NA, translation.

Clearly these have potential, so why not go all out? Get a better camera, better lights, even spring for a nice toilet seat. Spruce it up a bit. Drink tons of water and you could have the entire scene be crystalline on white instead of a yellow wash.

Her game sucked too so pee for her

Attached: ultra pee.jpg (720x1280, 160K)

tf you getting all this piss from?

I drink a lot of water so I stay healthy

Attached: meganium pee.jpg (720x1280, 151K)

>literally made in the same animation style as the old games

The graphics are subpar for switch also removed a lot of shit so yeah they're baddy bad

Attached: poke pee.jpg (720x1280, 162K)

user ya got any zoroark plushies to piss on


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Cut open a hole where their anuses should be and fuck the ever loving shit out of them.


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hehe go poopoo on them, that would be a funny joke

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Not yet

Attached: jirachi pee.jpg (720x1280, 138K)


That's degenerate

Attached: treecko pee.jpg (720x1280, 170K)

I like fire red, that's how remakes are done. Lego pee on the other hand...

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I don’t like these threads

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sylveon is my favorite you cunt

Why not?

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stop or else
best pokemon doesnt deserve this

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dumb frogposter

Attached: mawile.jpg (1080x1439, 159K)

Any more favorites?

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thanks doc

Attached: phoxes.jpg (720x1280, 145K)

These are all old pics. Reverse google search any one of them.

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Best selling game
Expect let’s go 2 and gen8 delayed

Yes cuz i made these months ago faggot

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I guess he always piss, huh?

I'll be waiting

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alolan raichu

The games are not bad. If you call them bad you're calling Pokemon Yellow/Red/Blue bad and technically FireRed/LeafGreen bad too.

>but held items hehe FireRed had more features like HELD ITEMS


Getting Baddy Buttfucked till gen 8.

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But why though

Who's your favorite pokemon Yea Forums?

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Cuz they're baddy bad

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>The games are not bad.
Yes, they're

>If you call them bad you're calling Pokemon Yellow/Red/Blue bad and technically FireRed/LeafGreen bad too.
No, Yellow/Red/BlueFireRed/LeafGreen are good games unlike legpiss


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