Does Halo still have the same selling power it once did? Or has Microsoft's golden goose run dry?
Does Halo still have the same selling power it once did? Or has Microsoft's golden goose run dry?
That fad passed years ago, nobody has cared about Halo in a decade.
Halo is shit now. The last good Halo game came out in fucking 2007.
All signs point to Nextbox having Infinite as a launch title so I guess we'll see how true this really is.
any game these days will have selling power if it's fun and casual
games aren't sold by their names anymore
no. console fps have over saturated the market
>Does Halo still have the same selling power it once did?
I actually really like Halo 5's MP but what kind of retarded fucking question of this? Of course it doesn't.
Only Bungie can revive Halo and Microsoft burned that bridge.
We'll see with Infinite I guess, because I think Halo 5 pissed a lot of people off.
>Microsoft burned that bridge
more like bungie did
normalfags love this shit so yeah
>Alienated lots of core fans with Halo 4 and 5
>Didn't appeal to the CoD kiddies as they had intended
>Now both lots of old Halo fans and the mainstream audience at large don't give a shit
Halo is at its lowest point and should probably just go away at this point if they're not going to make a complete 180 and make an actual Halo game again, with all the bells and whistles Halo 3 had, like online and local splitscreen, and NO FUCKING MICROTRANSACTIONS.
It's gonna suck.
Hope it flops.
Halo is still popular as shit, the problem is that Halo is a product of it's time. Comparing Halo 5 to almost every fps out now you would see that its radically different no matter what shitposters say.
Halo 5
>Doesnt have a loadout system
>isn't a hero shooter
>doesnt have BR
>doesnt have real progression
>still has a very important lore, that wheater you like what 343 has done, is still a huge part of the game.
Halo has always been a very simple concept that just happened to really well made, and with how FPSs have been doing lately, the genre really needs a good Halo now.
>isn't a hero shooter
>doesnt have BR
no shit, this wasn't the FOTY when Halo 5 was in development or even before it had released. Halo 4 had loadouts.
>doesn't have real progression
What does this mean, no actual ranks like Halo 2 and 3? Or no infinite grinding to unlock the same shit over and over again like the prestige system or whatever the fuck its called in CoD?
Halo 5 doesn't play enough like Halo anyway, there's a reason its the lowest-selling FPS in the series. Instead of taking notes from what they did wrong with Halo 4 343 just kept going in the opposite direction and just made Halo or Duty instead of Call of Halo.
Stopped caring after 3 and reach, the franchise should've ended on a strong point not kept going into nothingness.
Fall 2020
>New Xbox
>Halo showtime series
>New hall game
It'll sell like hotcakes.
>Halo 4 had loadouts.
So did Reach, so what's your point?
>What does this mean, no actual ranks like Halo 2 and 3?
Halo 5 has a ranking system for playlist like 2 and 3, but other than that, you gain nothing substantial from leveling up like other shooters.
>Halo 5 doesn't play enough like Halo anyway
Its the most Halo game since 3.
>there's a reason its the lowest-selling FPS in the series.
But that's wrong
Wanting something from leveling up in multiplayer games is fucking cancer. Of I was emperor you and everyone who felt the same way would never be allowed to play video games ever again. They're supposed to be fucking fun, not achievement simulators you dumb piece of shit.
Are you fucking retarded? I never said that was a bad thing on Halo's part, if anything its why I love Halo. I brought that up because Halo is one of the few games that doesn't do it.
Sorry I'm falling asleep I had bad reading comprehension
What picture of mine should I make 343i autograph? Going to one of their events.
It's still got some pull, but nothing like the halo 2-3 days