The Shanghai Dragons, a professional Overwatch team with 0-42 record, is one map away from their first win...

The Shanghai Dragons, a professional Overwatch team with 0-42 record, is one map away from their first win. To put this in perspective, The Shanghai Dragons hold the record for most consecutive losses in a professional sport ever.

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Other urls found in this thread: of iori yuki vol 1

Holy shit i'd have them both threesome pronto.

Why is the dyke interviewing a walrus?

right girls really ugly but id fuck those tits in a heartbeat

Those are some prime fukken titties, lads.


zoey really grew some milkers

>3 tank 3 healer vs 2 tank 3 healer and Sombra

What the fuck happened to this game?

>overwatch league
>ever being considered in the same realm as professional sports

>in a professional sport

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>sleeve tattoo

Such a shame.

No, they don't. Because video games aren't a sport.

Imagine being the team that loses to the Dragons.


>professional sport

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How much are they getting paid to keep losing like that?

Soe is a qt and her boyfriend is lucky.

No one cares about that garbage, who's the landwhale my dick is hard

I don't know, but their org is paying blizzard millions to play.


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competitive Overwatch is even worse than competitive League of Legends

imagine the topless sag

They're about to break their 42-0 streak

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Lucios actually play cool now

need names

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goddamn Soe can get it

>professional sport

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>fat chink
>tattooed skank
You have awful taste in women.

She probably has giant brown nipples that point at her toes.

It's called "I wanna roll in dirt once in awhile".

>pro overwatch

what a joke

Fuck'n hawt.

You have shit tastes in filthy women then. If you wanna “roll in dirt” go to a Vietnam brothel and pay ~100 dollars to have a 3some with some SEAmonkeys.

>those shitty tattoos

women are fucking stupid

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>Such a shame.
To believe, in escape

I want to wrap them around my head like a turban

isn't that lil' suzy ? she used to cast SCBW with Tasteless


>they did it
Chinks are the masterrace

the people in Shanghai must be so happy right now

I only watched to see the loser's faces. Did not regret.

They did it! 1-42!

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She moved from Korea with Montecristo when OWL started up and they both got jobs there

Is she pregnant?
Damn, if only she had another haircut

>Those crying qts

ikr, im pumped
I want to upload a story to my ig but literally nobody cares

>Vietnam brothel
Nah too much dirt.

tomboy got breast mogged by the chubby asian

Only one person on the team is chinese now. They traded all the chinks for gooks.

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>face of defeat

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I was checking some national football team stats:
>743 games
>98 wins
>535 losses
>507 goals
>2123 suffered goals
Only 23 consecutive losses though

Are those the Shanghai Dragons in your photo?

Its money laundering, right?

>Thanks OP
I have a confession. Overwatch is one of the most boring games I've ever played in my life, which is why I dropped it after 3 matches. But I really love watching OWL matches.

All the players who caused their losing streak left the team. This is not an underdog story, and especially not one celebrating Chinese pride. This is replacing a little league team with a MLB team.

imagine losing to a meme team

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those are some nice shangainese juggers

>it was my fucking city that lost to this shit
Fuck boston

it is
no one in their right mind would watch anything other than dota
everything else is brainnumbing

LGBT money laundry

>professional sport

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Only in the most depraved, SJW-infested dystopia can I fathom thousands of Americans cheering for a Chinese team that's competing against an American one

would smash

What SHD's victory says is that if you dump inferior Chinese for superior Koreans, you will win.

imagine having to play at least 42 games of overwatch

boston's team is full of gooks too it doesn't really matter
people just love seeing a cinderella story/seeing the underdog win and that can transcend patriotism in the right situation

That's actually more like 150+. Each match is 4 to 5 games.

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>bro, if you don't want to fuck prostitutes with undiscovered strains of STDs then you aren't a REAL man
There's a big difference between rolling around in dirt, and rolling around in raw sewage.

How is Toronto doing?

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>The Shanghai Dragons hold the record for most consecutive losses in a professional sport ever.
The China Dragons lost 156 straight in the Asia League Ice Hockey.

What is it with Dragons?

Why do 159k people give a shit about what some nerds do in a video game?

Nerds from Spark VS nerds from Houston. Like who gives a fuck?!


They actual lost more than that in a row too, I think it was a little over 180 games. They went through a few different names before taking the Dragon name. (They were the China Sharks for a bit because the San Jose Sharks gave them some funding for a couple years.)

Anybody screenshot that supreme cutie wearing the atlanta jersey in the background while the diversity hire was interviewing the fat nigger. She was waifu material. unironically one of the cutest girls Ive ever seen in the crowd.

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They got blasted today

brigitte "I heard you were having fun" lindholm

What should I jerk off to tonight?

God remember when soe looked cute?

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Same with mayhem but last year was comfy and hilarious cause so many people playing didnt deserve to be their and teams seemed to be much more wholesome. This season is non-stop cringe that you cant laugh at later and pretentious casters who suck all in all.

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>Breast envy
Man pro gaming has gotten really weird over the years

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tits sag, that's why they're tits

She looks eerily like my ex

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bbw asians

I know people aren't crazy about Soe but I'd still smash.

>The Shanghai Dragons hold the record for most consecutive losses in a professional sport ever.
nah i'm pretty sure the Cleveland Browns have that too

God id do soe when she looked like this. cute as fuck.

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I don't understand

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blizzard is really trying to push this "esports are real sports" thing huh

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How do people even get good with Zayra, her damage is shit, her burst damage grenades are shit, her range is shit and her health/shields for a tank if absolute fucking trash. Her cooldowns are ungodly long, too easy to waste -- borderline useless and her ult's range nerf has made it almost useless other than to grab some ulting Genji.

She can't do shit unless she's with another player backing her up.

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No she doesn't. Quit looking for excuses to remind yourself of her and move the fuck on, faggot.

>her health/shields for a tank if absolute fucking trash.
That's where you're wrong. Playing Zarya effectively requires you to learn how to use the shields. Once your charge gets high enough you become a powerhouse.

>22 February, 2019

Yes, and?

There is only one EU team? No wonder the NA nooblets are so high on the ladder.

Sombra makes her almost useless and her personal bubble is useless unless you save it for devastating attacks/retreats. Bubbles for other players are way too weak and pop too fast. Zayra is supposed to promote high risk/high reward but her counters are direct opposites.


Guess I will have to remove my SD skins from Reaper now.
I don't even play anymore, but I will do this anyways out of shame


Look at those delicious milkies


>le incel
Hey reddit.

Every fat chick has huge tits, incel

He was using dirt figuratively.

They play vidya competitively and get paid for it.

>How is Toronto doing?

They beat the Spurs so all's well. Once again Demar Derozan became DeFrozen

>in a professional sport

definition of a slampig

>supreme cutie
Pot meet kettle

That's statistically wrong, but you're an actual virgin so I guess it makes sense for you to come up with a ridiculous false claim and call others incel.

Do you have a pic when she did? Cause that ain't it.

says the fat, sweaty neck beard on Yea Forums

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Absolute unit

>imagine topless sag

pic related. me rn

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>professional sport

First of all, video games ARE NOT SPORTS

You wish that was true

exes can be a sad topic

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must be cos they are both asian

did they gut her after the huge community backlash or does she still instantly invalidate half the cast?

No one plays Overwatch here. I think you have more south americans playing overwatch than chinese.

Cool for them. Chick in OP is a linebacker butterface

Damn, looks like they were getting (massacred) lmao

James ruined her.

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London is 100% Korean. There's scattered EU players but most are Korean. They added Paris this season which is the closest to a full EU team.

give me the sauce now you fucking faggot

Found the incel.

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You fell for the Yea Forums memes saying that the game was dead didn't you.

Doesnt change that fact that the girl was cute, and nice projection of your autism. Never go there but im sure you're an expert in reddit etiquette.

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I guess literally anything can be a "professional sport" these days if companies spend millions marketing it as such.

I don't really follow OW. But realistically why would blizzard (who I assume pays their salaries) even want a team that doesn't seem to care about putting together a serious roster? Like even the worst teams in sports aren't that fucking bad at the highest level. Why is blizzard okay with a team literally just going through the motions for an ez pay day and hurting the competitive integrity of their event/league?

Soe inst gonna fuck you now for defending her honor, loser.

>lil suzy
Jesus fuck what happened

>incel crying from fellow Yea Forumsirgin
Welcome to hell.


The c word

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I want to fuck both of you

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>Missed it
Fuck. Did the crowd pop huge at least?

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Boston literally only has 2 Koreans on their whole team. The irony is that a Korean on their team last season (who Boston management traded away to Shanghai) helped defeat Boston today.

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Because they paid the 20 million fee to buy in.

If you're ever in need, ill always be here ready to help.

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The crowd popped, there were cute girls crying tears of happiness, twitter and twitch popped off hard too.
Everyone loves the Dragons tonight.

Would sniff

say please

I like how she warped the game so badly a pro quit and directly cited her, in detail, as just being ridiculously badly designed.

ive met fat chicks with B cups.

it makes me sad.

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You can compete with who sucks dick the best and make a league out of it with whores but that doesn't make it a sport.

Please give me the sauce, kind user

>a professional sport

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Seagull probably would have quit anyway not that he's wrong. Streaming is a lot less stressful than going pro.

in fact there are probably more absolute units out there than fat chicks with fat tits

>make a sport out of cocksucking
>get known as the guy who figured out how to get his dick sucked 10 hours a day for the rest of his life

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damn, facebook mom'd advice dog

>chink's tits literally bigger than goblina's ass
What bizarro reality did we enter

Has Mickie played yet this season? He's the only one I care about.

Iori Yuki. Nearly 3 hrs of cowtits here. of iori yuki vol 1

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One night I had the idea to fap to fat chicks with small tits and couldn't get it up.

Many thanks user, going straight into my spankbank

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>Impossibly high standards on a fucking cambodian pottery forum

You can almost always spot the virgin.

>esports going the way of traditional sports
>koreans imported to every continent to compete for cities

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>>Impossibly high standards

18 vids being torrented now, thanks again

It's a hypothetical threesome, you fucking bitch.

It's still funny. You can see these guys in suits sitting around a $40,000 mahogany boardroom table saying "Well, we need a female host because guys are the main demographic, but if she's hot then SJWs will attack us. If she's too ugly, guys will be turned off. God dammit, Jim, what are we supposed to do???" .. "Okay, I got it. Been from accounts receivables has this daughter. I met her one time and she was pretty dykey but doable after a few bears. She'd probably work for cheap, plus we'd get the SJW nod of approval for hiring a dyke. Brad, what do you think?" ... "I don't give a fuck. Not like I'm gonna watch it. I mean, who the fuck watches e-sports" ... "entire room chuckles knowingly then lets out a sad sigh"

Ass is for niggers. I'd dive my face into those monster tits.

>doable after a few bears

yum for me senpai

>desperate to fuck any fat, hairy, slime encrusted hole out of pent up sexual frustration
>"Y-you're the virgin! Not me!"
Keep projecting, incel. And hey, you keep those standards low enough and maybe even YOU could score eventually, though I wouldn't hold my breath.

I always feel blueballed in these threads because I expect there to be a picture of that Chinese slampig fully undressed or a short video of her taking it before the advent of Twitch thots.

Tattoo'd chick has been in esports for years and started from the bottom. She deserves it honestly.

The fuck? change the team name to fucking seol dragons or equivalent korean mythical creature then, unless those koreans all live in shangahai for whatever reason.

This is Yea Forums. We don't judge here. Just ask that guy that jerked off to geometric patterns.

>not only does one state have two teams, both are from the same fucking city
Jesus fuck, why does my shithole have some many shitters playing this shitty ass game.

To be raped by bears during a telecast? I agree. Maybe she'll understand a little assertiveness and domination is what she really needs.

Almost none of the teams are representative of their city except for maybe Paris and Seoul. London is all Korean, NY is all Korean, the new Chinese teams are all Korean, there's almost no Americans even playing, etc

Welp at least Tekken, the "esport" I care about isn't just all koreans now.

I dunno who she is but I agree with you.

The only 2 things chinks are good at are dying and killing chinks.


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It's Overwatch.. who gives a fuck even if you win you're still playing fucking Overwatch

sauce now. or else

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i been lookin for even a name for ages and had no luck

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It's not a sport

I would in a heartbeat.


Are you retarded? I found her Instagram in 10 seconds.

probably. But hey rather than be a twat, post that shit.

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Scroll all the way down before calling me a liar.

How fun is it being a virgin living in his moms basement.

Look what i found

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>They play vidya competitively and get paid for it.

Someone is paying for that loss record?


based as fuck I'd hook you up with my homemade drink of vinegar and honey so you can last all night

i...what the fuck happened? im going back in time and her boobs are INCREASING in size. this is some startrek shit

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she was pregnant twice

based on the earliest photos her boobs were still larger pre first pregnancy than they are now

Because they're more popular than the majority of teams despite the loss record. People love an underdog.

Do you know how pregnancy works? It makes your tits grow bigger not smaller.

>Chink fatty git big tits

God imagine her riding you while the sound of those mellons going up and down pierce your ears and make the glasses of your windows shatter.


Why when I turn on TSN, a sports channel, am I presented with Overwatch League? This is pathetic

so did they win or what

Oh and the original team that was responsible for most of that got killed


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She had them reduced after marriage. Don't bother.

Why isn't the dyke sucking on those Mandarin Milkers?

hell while she was at it she took the fat from her breast and injected it into her lips cause holy shit those are some noticeable work

Of course Yea Forums likes fat chicks, reflects their unhealthy life style. A fat chick with big tits and like a skinny guy with abs, doesn't count and both need to fix their body.

Nah bro, skinny with abs does take a bit of work to achieve. Heaps of skinny cunts are full skeletor, but with no definition at all.
Fat chicks can fuck right of though.

How much of a shitter can you be to don't know how to effectively play Zarya?

>only women get shitty tattoos

I just like soft, warm and fluffy things. That and crazy voluptuous feminine features.

>Uprising traded Gamsu out of nowhere to the Dragons
>Gamsu took the Dragons to their first win, over Uprising of all teams

Is this a shonen anime?

California has three teams, user. Two from LA and one from San Fran. And Texas also has two teams.

Is that Lilsusy or Sherry Jinx?

Her tattoos aren't even bad. They got nothing on this tragedy.

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They nerfed her but it wasn't enough, it's a second Mercy meta scenario where a single healer is horribly broken to the point where they warp the game and yet Blizzard won't nerf that shit.

Sailor Moon's nice but the rest is garbage.

>implying Boston didn't give it to them
>that's actually their very first win since it first began

At least they distract you from her arm hair.



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They gave her the most consecutive nerfs by far of any hero. I doubt a ban or a complete rework would even fix the issue. People will just run Zen/Moria/Lucio instead. Blizz needs to rethink balance across the board and maybe a hero that can completely fuck death ball comps. Something that can instantly separate teams.


Wait...people still play this shitty game? Seriously?

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Is that fucking lilsusie? She reaaaaaaallly let herself go

sauce please anom thx

Imagine dating a roastie with a Sailormoon tattoo.

those milkers extend FAR past her belly, which is moderately flat. she gets a seal of approval.

she got married

Why do so many pornstars become famous videogame celebs? She used to take dicks and now she works for overwatch? jesus christ

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jesus what a fucking dissapointment should be illegal to get a reduction why would his cuck husband let it happen

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Why not?

>his cuck husband

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That isn't her. This is.

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OW isn't vidya

some chink bitch that got a reduction, forgot her name but she has an instagram

Looks like Yoshinori Ono in drag

>Of course Yea Forums likes fat chicks
It also helps that fat chicks have low standards and are happy to hook up with a guy whether he is good or not.

The absolute state of Boston. This is the guy that owns the team that just lost.

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thats not soe lmao

What the fuck is wrong with that? Big breasts cause all sorts of issues, it's a good thing she got them reduced. All women passed DD need them smaller. It's a waste at that point


Literal homos need to leave.

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Modern men no longer desire big breasts.
Big asses are just. Better.

Is that fucking Lilan Bowden in the background?!

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Exactly, it's CURRENT YEAR. My hands have experienced such significant atrophy from years upon years of my entirely Onions based diet that now I can no longer grope breasts, a dominant independent woman with a big ass can sit on my face while a black bull fucks her instead to assert her sexual independence.

Fuck off, homo.


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good lord please tell me there's a whole album of these


Makenna Blue

no shit

It's not in the filename so fr*ck off.

That is actually big, despite the "chinese" team consists of 90% Koreans.

>Professional sports

Pick one

Guess you consider us Asians bad for liking ass too...begone Irishman

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Holy moley

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I pick esports, thank you.

No amount of tits will change the fact she looks like a shaved gorilla



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>atlanta literally got raped


I know I'd tackle them titties, she looks like she could give decent head too.

I'd the dyke.

James is too much a cheeky cunt for his own good

>Meet Soe
>Start dating
>Having a pretty good relationship
>Suddenly on Christmas Eve, tell her "Hey I'm breaking up with you lmfao" feeling like the nihilistic narcissistic badass you are
>Regret it only a few months later
>She's already moved on
>James becomes absolutely JUSTED and lets his studio fall apart
>Soe changes her appearance to that of a dyke and starts sucking Blizzard cock

A sad story.

>professional Overwatch team

They also got married.

The teams aren't really related to the cities they represent either. The London team is just cloud 9 owned by a californian, they live in cali.

They're all in california.

I haven't watched or played Overwatch for a while, but you can PAUSE mid game?

nigga pls

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Yeah they do it all the time to make sure the match doesn't derail from the script

Is Diabotical still alive or whats going on there.

Maybe in third world countries.

Who searches for "boobs" or "butts" on a porn site?

Based Asian bro. Peckerwood over there is just a closet homo.

the girl on the left looks like she fucks black guys
the girl on the right looks like she fucks white guys

People consider asians bad for far more important things than their preference in women.

why detronize her pussy when incels will pay her more just for sitting in a chair and showing cleavage

I'd rather fuck the hambeast on the right than Zoey simply because tattoos are so fucking degenerate, UGGGGGGGGHHHHH way to ruin yourself baby

Who is the soi boy saying men have non eed for breast anymore. what a robot. I wdon't want to live in his gay future. Men have a need for both boobs and butts, especially in regard to successful births and nursing their progeny.

didnt watch did the chinks won


God I wanna smash a big woman so badly, why can't I find a gf that's thicc and meaty bros?

you're a waste

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Never heard of her. Whats her name?


I want to fuck Soe.

It's crazy how much better she looks with this haircut. From qt to disgusting dyke.

Dude if you can’t find some giant breasted chunk with a cute face you aren’t trying. They are everywhere and they are eazy peazy.


More like implant removal. Still a shame, she looked way better with those monster-juggs

You ever be in a threesome before? You spend most of your time on the cute one, only giving passive attention to the fat one (or have the skinny girl just eat her out) and when your ready you switch over and nut in the fat while while holding, kissing ect the cute one.

if you pull it off right the fat one is just there for you to come into, sheesh. Every three way or orgy should have a hump hog for people to finish with

>professional Overwatch

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>chink with fake tits
>even bother caring in the first place

I usually type in "Big peepee mommy boobs" and just slam my sausage to whatever comes up.
I'm in Canada so I conform to the infographic.

I haven't been paying attention to this shit since it started last year.

What ever happened with Miraculous Youngster? Weren't they the only genuinely good chink team? Why haven't they recruited them yet?

Also why did Seoul Dynasty tank so hard? Weren't Lunatic Hai the most successful team before this Overwatch League shit? Did Ana not being viable gimp them this badly?

Not the same person either, autismos. Not to mention Ariel is past her late 20's by now.

Soe is 30

I'm talking about Soe, you dumb fuck.

I want to make her a mommy.

Soe is still a qt. Fuck you James I know you're reading this just release your game already.

I want to titfuck a chubby Asian girl.

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Truly bottom of the barrel genes.

Soe used to be a normal cute girl, dating guys from DotA: Maelk, Tobiwan, etc...
Now she is a shitty dyke full of tattoos, looking masculine as hell. Fucking mongoloid dyke.

Pedos need to leave. Evens gays and other women appreciate large breasts

Stuff like this can happen because Overwatch's hard counter systems make the game literally boil down to team based scissors paper rock.

>James is too much a cheeky cunt
The opposite. Great personality, still jokes about everything, not giving a flying fuck if you like it or feel offended. The only e-celeb I still enjoy after all these years. I know people around James and they all say that he is a genuine and a guy with a big heart. It's ok if your dyke waifu got dumpstered by him, all he needs is a good whisky anyways.

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Name and insta?

>Yea Forums doesn't like the mommy on the right
Fuck this pedophile forum.

Well? Did they win?

Yes, and everybody is happy except for Boston

FUCK janus

>if you don't like an overweight hag, then you must only like literal children

Excellent powers of deduction my man

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the shanghai milkers