Who's your favorite girl from a game you've never played and why haven't you played their game?

Who's your favorite girl from a game you've never played and why haven't you played their game?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I just never bought it. Probably because I have no friends or a group to play it with.

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Why do you post a girl with a fat ass?

>little girl with no chest
>give her a fat ass

Serana from X/Y
Gave up on pokemon after gen 3

>find out it's actually supposed to be jack the fucking ripper, a notorious and elusive prostitute-slaying serial killer from the fucking 1880s

Jack came home for me! the only thing I need is a good support caster

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Jack was the original thot slayer.

You don't really love her

Just get support memelin bro

she's an ASSasin, makes sence to me desu senpai

Attached: jack_fate23.jpg (850x1134, 192K)

Acksually, she's the composite mind specter of the theory it was vengeful orphans passing the blame on the original killer. Doesn't explain the bikini assassin outfit but eh.

I try to, but all the guys that has merlin either
>hide their merlin now
>don't max them or level up their skills properly as a troll
I hope these guys get fucked when pic related happens

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>ass ass in

I wouldn't be caught dead playing a MOBA, but Ahri can Charm me anyday.

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Why do these idiots always buy the wrong size of panties?

I tried so many times to play La Pucelle, but gameplay is so fucking slow and boring. I can only manage to reach chapter 2 before dropping it again only to pick it up months later. Also I hate the game's recruit system. La Pucelle PC fucking when

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i can't be bothered to commit to another gacha. and she was an NPC last i checked.

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I dont like Mobas

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This, best girl.

well it's mainly a money wasting simulator, except the loss of money is real
but there's also a bit of a game

This cat girl, the cutscenes from what i’ve seen look unbearable.

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that girl with glasses from XCB2
no switch

Her, the white hair girl from Coldsteel and Tifa, I just can't be arsed to play jrpgs

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What game please

Fate Go, its gacha so dont bother

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Thanks user

I haven't been in the mood to play anymore FE games after finishing 7-10.

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Jack's ass is kino

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jack the ripper (of fat braps)

Absolute perfection

that thong (and body) is way too small for that gargantuan ass

And that's a good thing

>that thong is way too small for that gargantuan ass
Why is that a problem?

It's not
gib me more

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Her ass isn't fat enough

She's showing as much of that thing as possible so you can appreciate it before she kills you.

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Seems fat enough to me.

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Imagine how that buttfloss tastes.

>short hair
>flat chest
>that big, meaty ass
the ultimate shortstack
her design hits all my fucking buttons

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sweaty with a hint of metal because she's always holding daggers.

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Yeah, short and thicc are my favorite type too.

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hello is this the jack thread

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Today, I will remind them...

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That's one of them, because all FATEshit is shit.

yes this is the jack off thread

>short woman with no chest
>she has a fat ass
tfw i want a wife like that

Fuck bros. I hate incels that keep posting images like this. Just look at it. Fuck.

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holy fuck, why are you doing this to me

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literally perfect, elin had the theory right but their application was horrible

>jack the ripper is a loli with a huge ass

fuck japan

Hey do you guys want me to keep my 10/10/10 jack in my assassin support or put up my 5/4/6 First Hassan instead?

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>not red
Being triggered aside, I still fap to this.

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Prove that Jack wasn't a supernatural loli borne from the souls of the aborted.
Hint: you can't.

>jack the ripper is a bunch of dead fetuses aborted from prostitutes who gather together in the form of a loli with a huge ass for some reason.

gotta make euros useful somehow

I haven't played LoL since they released Vayne, but I still really like Jinx's trailer
and Lux's judgement

As I understand it "Jack" is the manifestation of dead babies that were the result of the real Jack the ripper killing prostitutes/mothers. It was summoned in this form because Jack the Ripper's identity is unknown in the legend. Basically like a haunted servant or something I dunno.

Are there even american servants?

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She doesn't even have a huge ass, it's literally all fanart


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Paul Bunyan (Female (loli))

I guess so, and it's fan art so blame the artist if she's too thicc for you to handle.

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Geronimo, Billy the Kid, Thomas Edison, Florence Nightengale, Paul Bunyan, Abigail williams

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Tesla too, and he's ranked higher than Edison.

can't be a Jack thread without her friends

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Lilith. She's the sexiest thing ever conceived by man.
Haven't played Darkstalkers because there aren't any living human beings to play against and there's no point in learning a fighting game if I'm just going up against the AI.

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It's more about THOSE HIPS, man.

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>flanderization of Jack's ass

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Whenever I see a Jack thread, it's a fap thread. #1 rule.


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It's still cute.

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I haven't played it because it looks fucking retarded

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American citizen

F is for friends who do stuff together!

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There's a few people who play vsav on fightcade last I checked.

Naoto in P4 and Tae in P5
RPGs, especially JRPGs, bore me.

just never really had a strong desire to play it

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Jack is pretty great

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Mythra looks really hot and I want to play her game.
Because its on switch and I refuse to buy a Switch for a single game I am interested in so far and I still have an endless backlog for the platforms I own and can emulate. But once the Switch can be emulated properly its the first game I can gonna jump on.

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yes this is the thread where I jack to jack

consider yourself lucky, she gets totally shafted by the story

He cast off the shackles of not-americanism when he moved to America and became a citizen. He was born a filthy europoor, but he died as a free man.

Based Lilith poster

Are there any beginners on there or is fightcade only inhabited by drunken masters?

Over protective mother didnt approve of boobs or violence. I just havent had the money to pick it up after moving out.

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I just really hate fighting games, and Venus Vacation has some botchy launcher download and half-ass translation. So I just have a folder of like 500 Marie Rose pictures.

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She and KOS-MOS make me want to play that game, but I already own XCX and have barely played it

She's so fucking perfect though

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t. never saw the fig that started it

Welp, there goes my dick.

Palutena is absurdly hot but Uprising just doesn't appeal to me at all.

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Tbqh I best most Marie Rose fans (such as myself) are in an even worse state than you and don't even know what the names of her games are besides "DOA."

No I haven't, do post it.

How much money do I have to spend to get the anime titties

My phone is a potato with almost no memory

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I love the way she runs and her bare legs. I don't know how people can say leggings Mythra is hotter desu.

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too much

Glad to have been of assistance.

Varies wildly game to game. Vsav doesn't have many players so they're all either fairly competent or total shit.

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Nightingale was born in Italy and died in England. She is hardly a murrimut.

I'm assuming he means this

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my mistake

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>she gets totally shafted
By the protagonist hopefully

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She's even better in 3D.

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got any face-to-ass action?

Aigis from Persona 3, I should play this game just for the robutt

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Honestly I have heard this before, where does the belief that she is American even come from?

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Counts on how lucky you are and how many girls you will be going for

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Because she's a character in the American arc

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Aigis is the reason I liked Alita's body so much

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The only time I've bought a game based on how much I like the girl is pokemon b/w1. I hadn't played a pokemon since gold when i was a preteen. I ended up dropping it after a few hours because I found it just completely boring. Needless to say I learned my lesson about buying games with my dick. Still love Touko though.

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So are Cu and Medb, yet nobody considers them to be American.
>>>>>>>>>>getting your history knowledge from Fate

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Lovely. She's damn expensive though.

Almost everyone around here says FE Awakening is shit and honestly I'm not even interested in FE, so, yeah, I'm not gonna play one of the good ones because Lucina isn't there, and I'm not gonna play the ones with Lucina because they're apparently not good.
If there's a cool FE with Lucina in there someone tell me, I could play that.

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>Almost everyone around here says FE Awakening is shit
Angry contrarians because awakening is what made FE popular again.

>Blue short hair
would be a bonus if she is a Tomboy

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I'm playing GBF which already eats up enough of my time so I can't start other mobage without ruining my life. Honorable mention to Belfast from AL.

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Where do you fall in that range?

So is Awakening good?

She gave me a robutt girl fetish, I really should play through her game sometime

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I don't play vsav. If you mean fighting games in general, I'm generally garbage.

I'm not trying to fap I'm playing games but fuck

Fucking dammit

Pic related, she just looks so cute.

I haven't played it because I don't know much about it and I can't really be arsed to take a gamble unless its half off or something. I still check from time to time on amazon in case it is. Also some anons in a thread said that they took down the servers so you can't even beat the game or get her cute costumes or some such which was kind of shitty to hear.

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thanks for giving me an android boner user

Cu and Medb have gaelic sounding names.

Nobody gives a fuck about who Nightengale actually was.

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I really enjoyed it and I played all of the FE games. Tharja and Nowi are cuties.

>Jack the Brapper

more Jack for Jacking

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Not enough replayability but I did buy SC6 for her

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>Raine Sage
>Game looks shit is why

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Well, one user who likes Awakening, a bunch of anons who don't, mmmmmm... Meh, I'm going with you, I'll try to finish Awakening.

Jesus christ i don't want to fap but you niggas and your big loli butts

can you erp as jack for me

imagine the smell

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soul calibur 6

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>hehe I'm going to cut his balls off and eat them, right mommy?

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Oh she is in Soul Calibur? I didnt even know that.

Don't even know about them other than they are the definition of ecchi fanservice. This qt ticks like every single box I have when it comes to an appealing character though.

Also the community that posts about the games seems pretty... I don't even know what word to use.

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I guess I should at least watch her anime. Had a friend get into FGO and want to quit a couple weeks later.

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The figure didn't start it though.
Jack's design originally had well rounded hips.

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>I guess I should at least watch her anime.
Be warned that
1) its the worst Fate anime
2) Jack really sucks in it

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She entertained millions

i guess i deserve that

I want to impregnate these dead babies.

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join us join us join us

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Fuck off Liznigger

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Shut the fuck up Liz there's enough versions of your retarded, incomprehensibly stupid design to even rival Saber.

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>why haven't you played their game?
don't even know where to start desu

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have more

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>Haru, Persona 5; Don't own a PS3 or PS4
>Miriam, Fire Emblem Awakening; Currently playing through three other Fire Emblem games in a weird rotation and finally started focusing on one
>Nozomi, Love Live; Not enough room on my phone
>Madame Helena Blatavsky, FGO; Not enough room on my phone

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Robutts are retarded.

This. I'll never touch a single MOBA, but Jinx is a miracle.

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Why must us lizposters continue to be oppressed in these modern times
Oh fuck so Liz and Smug actually chose me?
What do I do now with this knowledge
I don't even understand how to use smug effectively

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Pirates curse

These pictures are too dangerous no wonder she's a criminal

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>tfw someone was gonna erp Jack for me
>They vanished before anything could happen
Feels bad man.

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I hope you get a nice boyfriend someday who erps as Jack for you every day son

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Risky revenge and Pirate curse are really fun
GBC Shantae is okay
Half Genie hero is okay until near the end where you need to collect 4 piles of magic whatevers to get to the last stage.

Damn, that's a good one too.

I've technically played a Street Fighter game, but Cammy still basically counts.

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If a game has a delicious dark skinned girl in it she's going to be my fav but I probably won't be playing the game

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If I did that I'd just inject my size fetish, user.

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at least you found someone

>there's no point in learning a fighting game if I'm just going up against the AI.
Nigga, just be autistic, lmao, worked for me.

>Just showered
>don't want to get sweaty from jerking off

Not sure why you specified the gender, but thanks.

>size fetish
Gee, I wonder who this could be?

Might as well not of found anyone at all, nothing came out of it after all.

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it'll be okay son

If that's a connection to someone in a general, that ain't me. I stay away from them.

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>not colored

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Stop driving me to sin

>my favorite girls
>failed to get both

Imagine the SMELL

Not from a general, but I know a certain someone from a /trash/ thread who I thought might have been you. Seems like you aren't them though, my bad.

I like Jack and Abby but I'll likely never play FGO.

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Her game is gachashit and I have 2 LCK. Plus I don't think she's even out in the west yet.

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I love her so much...but fuck MOBAs

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presence concealment, bro

Reason why not:
>playing a moba

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I want to fuck the potato but I'm not playing that grindy as fuck game. Might pick up the Platinum or Arc game if she's in it

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Don't pay attention to the story if this sorta things doesn't interest you, but you may enjoy the combat. It's pretty fun regardless of people's bloated expectations.

Based and same-pilled potato poster

But you can play her OTHER game. That has no english option, but that's neither here nor there.

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Not them at all. Haven't even been close to Fate style size stuff with roleplay. Did debate it using either d'Arc or Jack though.

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my based potato brethren.

is that

Tfw I have fapped to every girl in this thread

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>rolled her GSSR
>had 50% chance to get her
>got Jannu Blanco instead

Attached: 1539467236627.png (544x632, 407K)

>right click
>Save image as...
user, think of the advertisers.

Abby a QT

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>got jack with only one large SQ pack
>got both MHXA and Nightingale across two separate single rolls
>gonna get findommed this december by Abigail followed by Hosukai
wish me luck, bro.

Attached: only_120SQ.jpg (3400x1913, 2.26M)

To clarify, by size stuff you mean giantess stuff, right?
Why d'Arc though? Just cause she's cute?

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I do. I guess d'Arc because of cuteness and a more sweeter appeal, I'm not one for generic destruction shit so she seems the best for that.

it's a Jack thread so sins are absconded.

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3ds isn't emulable yet.
Fat ass and huge tits. The worst combination. YIKES.

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this tbqh

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Hm, good taste user. Cute is love,cute is life. Cute giant d'Arc being cute and doing nice things!

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what about these two?

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do female even get aroused in real life? Never seen it before.

She assisted the Union's doctor's and nurses during the Civil War

Only on Yea Forums from official material afaik.

based, breasts are for babies

If you save up everything for them you have like a 90% chance of getting them.

Really wish it was done more or drawn more though.

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>that slight protrusion
My fucking dick everytime

can't believe I've fapped to Jack in this thread 3 times already. truly a kino ass.

Fuck if this whorelet wants a cock up her asshole she should just say so instead of walking around like a slutty cocktease


I'm all for twincest yuri but those two are unlikable in their own ways

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user don't rip your dick off

she dresses like it to torture cocks.

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>Yea Forums told me nipple was SFW in current year.

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what about her?

Attached: __shuten_douji_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_rahato__d203e04304653c5cc959ada137cfcd7f.png (1228x2000, 1.03M)

I haven't fapped in over a week so I think I'll be okay doing a few now.

damn fat ass lolis..

But am i when she is literally a killer?

Well, you could always just commission someone to draw stuff you enjoy if you have the extra cash to burn.

Attached: 1537464737288.jpg (448x529, 68K)

asuka from senran kagura
haven't watched the anime either

Attached: __asuka_senran_kagura_shoujo_tachi_no_shin_ei_and_etc_drawn_by_tetsujin_momoko__ce983fcfc3a7b8faa4a1 (768x1024, 381K)


Attached: 1526352484938.jpg (508x950, 300K)

Of course

Attached: 1546323158227.jpg (1386x2710, 1.34M)

I'm too low IQ to play VF

Attached: EileenVF5.jpg (1500x2000, 781K)

I've got zero money. So I have to roleplay to fulfill me needs.

Attached: DtptRMeU8AEwLQx.jpg (1021x1200, 79K)

Fapping to a sinner is fine because she deserves it for committing homicide.

Attached: __jack_the_ripper_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_yuuko_takega__fa687875e5070e530b2da52a23d3f950.j (1000x1414, 143K)

Oh, roleplay is just as good, if not better than pictures anyway!

Attached: 1546943524544.png (422x380, 298K)

I can't whale for Shuten and even if I could I'm not sure I could stomach it. I don't even need her, I have Jack and Papa Bones, but I WANT HER GOD FUCK

Attached: 1547366337151.jpg (904x716, 137K)

based and shutenpilled

Attached: __shuten_douji_and_shuten_douji_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_sherryqq__3f2375de179066bdad48cc0c (1033x1674, 1000K)

Since this user posted XC2, I'm also in the same boat, but for Pyra. I'm totally open to buying her game and a Switch, but it's not a priority since I have other things (Vidya and non-vidya) that need to be purchased.

Absolutely based.

Attached: 1543665593948.jpg (500x500, 84K)

I sorta agree on that, but man I'd love some more kind-hearted size pictures of Kaban or something.

It's all fine, I get even by torturing her with my cock in turn

Abby's so cute.

Attached: DzFHXsUUUAAJv4l.png (1500x2158, 1.7M)

Even sinners deserve love too user

Its not out yet.

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Oh I would give her love, but I don't feel bad about fapping to her.

Attached: __jack_the_ripper_fate_apocrypha_and_etc_drawn_by_venomrobo__809d85ef1f3e1261a9fa42dd6e7e5028.jpg (1200x1259, 262K)

I suck at bullet hells and I dont think you can play as her, shes a boss

Attached: 1536493697513.png (1430x1801, 1.6M)

Not sure who Kaban is, but I hope she gets some more art to your liking. Have a discord or something? You seem like you might be fun to play with.

Attached: 1537602259822.png (219x204, 55K)

this dumb smug cat

Attached: 1548493977468.jpg (1413x989, 475K)

go erp elsewhere faggot

I've only played D5 and she seemed cute.

Attached: 69186040_p0.png (1074x1746, 445K)

What the fuck why are there so many of you now stop making me want to fap again

That's the plan! That's why I'm asking for contact into!

Attached: 1530934432294.png (165x172, 31K)

Kaban is from Kemono Friends, but the only one drawing size stuff of her is Ochiko. So not much of a win. Yes, I do have one.

lmao based gay discord poster

Post Lily Jannu

I love Jeanne!

Attached: Savate.gif (480x420, 91K)

Oh, she's pretty cute. Mind sharing it?

It isn't gae if it's involving a female of some sort

I'm too nervous to post it here. I worry on random invites.

Attached: 1424500146912.gif (180x180, 144K)

Based social anxiety poster.

She's worst girl in 4.

Jeanne is shit lmao

Attached: 1548058122502.jpg (1000x1000, 293K)

Passionlip yes. Heard about that dynasty warriors style fate game and was filled with multiple seconds worth of hope until seeing she is not in it.

Attached: 1494505056395.jpg (1200x860, 222K)

Jalter is a big stupid dork that deserves somebody grabbing her by the hair and giving her a noogie!

Based in-denial gay discord poster

Attached: Drae78dVAAAB3wO.jpg (1800x2500, 344K)

Attached: 67309883_p0.jpg (1300x1659, 346K)

post more abi...

you better watch your tone mister

Attached: 1544931934663.png (1670x2362, 3.36M)

she's so fucking hot holy shit

Attached: 1521321982125.jpg (2508x3541, 1.12M)

Attached: __kaban_and_serval_ijiranaide_nagatoro_san_and_etc_drawn_by_haikuro_odic__9d0a4b71f0d2f0c58f89322c42 (866x1214, 510K)

The only thing I need to watch is Jalter making a fool of herself trying to be all cool and edgy! What a dumbie, she doesn't need to try hard to be cool, she just has to bee herself!

>t. faggot who is complaining

Me on the left except it's my dick

A real shame that. Scathatch is decent motivation, but not enough when the first Extella didn't impress me. Lip would've sold me in a heartbeat.

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Attached: DrJd3AIU8AE-TWU.jpg (529x752, 82K)

fucking legend

Attached: 1530772848748.jpg (858x1200, 162K)

>only good characters are lolis
what did Fate mean by this?

Attached: t3e4.png (512x724, 332K)

I’m calling the police.

This is a old mature granny

Attached: 1546279577368.png (765x1010, 588K)


Say that to my face fucker

Attached: 6d6961099306fa1e108aa2721da6cf74.png (1000x1552, 2.31M)

oh god she's so flat hhhhhnnngggg

Attached: 1534878612554.jpg (1002x854, 59K)

best kind of cunny
some others are good but the lolis are the best

Attached: 1542740653719.png (641x480, 540K)


Shuten is so hot I want to lick her feet

Attached: 1531247646873.jpg (2515x1772, 805K)

more jack

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Attached: sample_02bbf6cb1fd6dc812cce6daefe02cb5f.jpg (850x1192, 298K)

I liked the ending a lot when I first played it. Music is great all around. Not the best FE, but worth going through.

Attached: 1530584978534.gif (303x303, 813K)

FuuUCK if I had my way with them their head wouldn't be the only things covered in white

She's from a game right? FGO I think. Unless she came out in one of the anime series. This design and personality does it for me but Fate seems so fucked I don't even know where to begin with it. I can understand fucking Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear but Fate is near impenetrable for me. It feels like it's on a whole different level.

>My favorite loli gets 0 new art or porn

Attached: 1531119223686.jpg (500x356, 65K)

Attached: Nurebairo.jpg (876x414, 67K)

Forgot fucking pic

Attached: Raiko_1.png (1608x2412, 3.95M)

I'm 98% sure jack the ripper was NOT a small tit, big ass 10 year old girl with white hair.

Attached: 1520383061657.jpg (1080x1080, 83K)

Yeah it's Raiko from Fate.

Attached: Raiko 26.jpg (1294x1484, 144K)

Attached: 205cfdb8d40cac854a3546c49c44d900.jpg (772x1102, 382K)

I just can't wait until the game's popularity and they make loli Hitler in one last attempt to get headlines

Can you prove it though?

Attached: Jack.jpg (675x955, 75K)

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I think they already have Hitler in Fate Koha Ace.

Attached: Nobunaga.jpg (900x1296, 293K)

>Chaotic Evil

I'm seriously gonna have to stop what I'm doing and go fap

Couple of ways to start:
Watch the anime if you are into that. Its very easily digestable. A lot of people started with Fate Zero, its a good anime.

Just play Fate/Grand Order. The story is simple enough that you understand 95% and its very easy to get into.

Or the best way: Play to original Fate/Stay Night novel from 2004. Its a god tier VN, explains the lore the best and you will be able to BTFO all the anime and video game only secondaries.

Either way, Fate is not hard to get into. They always make their games/anime under the assumption that you havent played the previous stuff.

i'll just wait to pirate it

Fate produces too many highly fuckable girls.

Attached: ^B5949AD38AA523C8BDE224BBC859BE5C23AB87947372EFBDB3^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.png (1600x963, 1.99M)

The concept isn't hard to understand. Servants are magical beings that are summoned from the Throne of Heroes, which contains a bunch of "heroes"(I believe is more of people that did something important) real or fictional from our world, which can range from Leonidas to Nikola Tesla.
In FGO, you summon them to save the world going to shit, whereas in the manga/anime/VN, they are summoned to participate a Holy Grail War, in a free-for-all composed of 7 servants and their masters, to get the grail that can give any wish.

Jack can also be summoned, as a Berserker, that can take a lot of forms (even a fucking watch), and can transform into a demon.

Attached: BerserkerSF.jpg (1000x721, 61K)

I remember when it was JUST the VN and the shitty 2006 anime adaptation....

do it fag

Attached: 1497883128796.jpg (1280x1765, 324K)

Fucking damn it I hate how easy I get hard.

Attached: 1499698615692.gif (212x225, 90K)

what artist?

Fuck fuck fuck I can't contain it I want to fuck them so bad FUCK

the horns only work like 5% of the time, and I probably still wouldn't like her without it, literally anyone else would like better in her armor

you madman

id eat it

>Jack the Brapper

Attached: 32154234.jpg (258x196, 8K)

bro.. it's right there in the pic

joke was already posted

Its not even on the level of KH fuckery, don't blow this out of proportion.

>mages association creates an all wishing machine: The Grail
>ok its mine
>no fuck you its mine
>fuck you, fight me for it, lets have said machine summon us servants that are heroic figures from history or fiction and kill each other, whoever survives takes it

And then its just each character's personal story that coincides with that ritual that happens every 100 years.

FGO is a spin off where the world suddenly ended and you time travel to fix the apocalypse with the help of the grail and pseudo science.

didint notice but whatever

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>ywn get to slam all their holes

Attached: 1525134738392.jpg (1200x1491, 1.49M)

>cover looks really good
>check the doujin
Every fucking time

I'm gonna leave this here.

Attached: Lolis.jpg (1100x782, 128K)

Attached: Lolis1.jpg (1448x2048, 311K)

>I'm gonna leave this here
No, you take your trash with you

Attached: 1537297174584.jpg (1849x1505, 438K)

Oh no, poor Jack is out of mana, will you help her?

Attached: 005.jpg (1247x1825, 528K)

>"look who finally came out of their cave, come join us"

Attached: 1547686284232.png (1499x700, 1.62M)

The only good characters in all of vidya are lolis though.

I think the biggest problem I had with trying FGO is that right away everyone is talking to me like they already know me and I should know them. It made me feel like I was missing something and just ended up uninstalling. Would I be right in saying a majority of the characters in FGO are original to that game? Because for some reason it really didn't feel like it. Completely willing to admit it's my fault and I wrote it off too soon because I've done that before with things that I ended up eventually loving.

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Attached: _chloe_von_einzbern_and_illyasviel_von_einzbern_fate_kaleid_liner_prisma_illya_and_fate_series_drawn (882x1227, 199K)

Yeah sure I can spit on her, that should be enough
now keep fucking moving dumb shit time is money

etna, I've never even played any disgaea game but she's hot as fuck, should I bother with the pc port? closest thing I think I ever played was FFTA back in my middle school or high school days

Attached: 112.jpg (692x1609, 399K)

Feed her semen obviously

They're all so fucking small and tight looking but with hips and plump thighs and butts still fucking

Attached: 1542268008384.png (644x910, 643K)

A direct injection of white mana with my cockneedle into her pussy is in immediate order.

bored now time to go on a holiday

Attached: sample_89c66143b1d242927f0888d4cdde0695.jpg (850x1201, 122K)

Me on the bottom

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I can see her butthole

Attached: 1481317313224.jpg (657x527, 38K)

I love RAITA

Attached: IMG_4399.png (1136x640, 1.63M)

Attached: 932_DAT_ASS_loli_girl_Illya_fate_by_ponpon_tosico.jpg (761x619, 73K)

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fuck i need to JACK OFF now

Attached: 1543226204629.png (500x428, 240K)

Its story is set like that, most characters know you because you're part of the organization that's gotta unfuck the world, or that they're servants and they see you with another servant.

You are right in the part that you need to understand some basic principles about the Fate universe but its basic stuff like: Servants can detect other servants because both are magical beings etc. Its really easy to understand and most of the fuckery of this series comes from character backgrounds and their interactions with the story, the base universe is not hard to understand at all.

And yeah, FGO is a bad place to start. Go watch Fate/Zero, then Fate Unlimited Blade Works, then try FGO if you want. People will tell you to play the original VN but its literally wordswordswords, the aforementioned anime do a good job of summarizing it much more efficiently and have great animation. I don't like gacha personally so I dropped FGO due to that, its grindy as shit and unrewarding even compared to other gacha.

I recommend playing Disgaea 1 complete

Attached: 1537294475155.jpg (2894x4093, 2.72M)

keep going I can finish with this

The basic premise is simple but the world building behind it is almost incomprehensible. And it's required to understand anything beyond F/SN and F/Z.

Attached: when-you-are-watching-loli-hentai-and-then-you-hear-41550284.png (500x400, 206K)

Attached: 1656689_FateKaleid_Liner_Prisma_Illya_Illyasviel_von_Einzbern_hentai_big_ass_loli.jpg (1000x694, 96K)

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Why is all the fanart of vanilla Abby now, instead of eldritch Abby?

Attached: 1500219936073.jpg (720x1020, 511K)

Because that's the version promoted by TM. As far as the version of her that's your servant goes, everything past first ascension is basically not canon.

Alright fuck what's the source or am I just gonna have to comb each Jack doujin and fap for days

Attached: 1507385342072.jpg (786x1100, 210K)

>the world building behind it is almost incomprehensible
Never saw it like that. Its simple as shit. Its just an unreasonably big amount but when you sit down to read it, everything has a simple concept behind it.

Try explaining everything about KH characters and how hearts/bodies/replicas/time travel actually works. Or try explaining Xenogears/Saga instead, good luck on these.

use saucenao

Attached: 1497903729498.jpg (849x1200, 690K)

looks pretty similar to the pc release, too poorfag for a switch but I'll see where yuzu is at with it

Because no one wants to fuck some zombie dead looking corpse

>this whole thread

Dammit Yea Forums, I actually wanted to play games, not rip my duck off

I don't have the patience when I need to fap

Attached: 1510522070532.jpg (1392x2045, 334K)

Attached: 1525170321166.jpg (1336x1421, 128K)

You swindled me.

Attached: duck.png (1280x720, 956K)

>multiple c_* threads now
welp there goes my sleep schedule

Attached: 1525894206738.png (700x1000, 330K)

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Attached: 94536699ec7e940dbaffb9a69125a5ff.png (800x1200, 456K)

>tfw Jack figure on my desk
>tfw seeing those hips every day as I start up my PC

Attached: 1539757692634.jpg (1275x1700, 581K)

Attached: 59720132_p1.jpg (1280x1810, 217K)

>the upper body of a loli
>the legs and hips of a shapely, sensuous woman

How can one girl be so perfect

fuuuuuck I need fap again

Attached: 40f358509cbcbac5ae74c6b3e0aedee0.png (982x816, 723K)

Attached: 62816092_p0.jpg (868x1228, 152K)

Shit like quantum timelocks and timeline pruning, the concept of the "human order" and its influence vs the will of the world, our current world literally being a layer nailed down over the world of gods, etc is all way more retarded than anything in KH.

KH is simple as shit.

How often do you hotglue her?

keep going user, you're doing gods work


I dunno man, KH just started hinting at steins;gate tier wordlines in future games.

This female War Magus is one of my favorite designs, but I've only played the first Etrian Odyssey game. I don't know why, just never got around to the others.

Attached: 56.jpg (530x800, 101K)

runnin out of loli

Attached: 1542619886716.jpg (1456x2048, 238K)

I've spewed gallons of semen to Marie Rose and have never and will never play DoA

Attached: 1542763940160.gif (1892x1050, 1.66M)

Attached: 1542737614432.jpg (2868x2040, 1.77M)

Yup, sometimes I am tempted to get into fate though, the lore sounds good.

Attached: __nitocris_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_chan_co__8312f59bd416d513eb6e4ce2a0a5b12b.jpg (1000x1000, 88K)


based same-threads poster

That actually is pretty dumb but all the things you mentioned are extremely simple.

Nothing that quite causes a headache on the level of, say, the throne of heroes and how it supposedly exists outside of time despite all the ways this makes no sense whatsoever.

you can never go wrong with a 10/10/10 servant especially Jack

Attached: 1526700559967.png (1200x1659, 1019K)


Well, there's a fine alternative there user

Put Grandpa in Assassin and Jack in All so everyone knows how much you love her.

I usually play and try a game for a female character that really tickles my fancy. Mine is more Yea Forums related and it's Doronjo. I don't really watch anime but I'm into fighters and back then Tatsunoko vs Capcom introduced me to this lady and I've yet to see any of her cartoons. I would like to fix that one of these years.

Attached: Doronjo_tvc1.png (650x1050, 299K)

People keep going on about Jack and Illya/Miyu but the one that really got me was Abi.

Attached: 1550918969979.jpg (1232x1752, 272K)

delicious brown, love it

Attached: 1509128580860.jpg (2480x3507, 2.26M)

Forehead is slightly too big, looks kind of bald, and she also looks like a corpse with the purple skin


Attached: 4cecaa7386f6dda170a892a7daf9faa5.jpg (900x1058, 545K)

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Something about Jack's body drives me nuts, it's the perfect combo.

Attached: __jack_the_ripper_fate_apocrypha_and_etc_drawn_by_butter_t__32e304ade07fd78c0b5bbbbac330ce86.jpg (595x842, 186K)

Attached: 1546085564594.png (1061x1500, 2.17M)

thanks user

Good thing nobody gives a shit about that version then

no problem

Attached: 23668755_1742201029144866_5930420254354441760_o.jpg (714x1200, 117K)

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m-more butts please

her user, shiny butts

Attached: __shuten_douji_and_tomoe_gozen_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_rahato__01d69fb753c79ab1c3369db9790 (1333x2000, 1.99M)

>other c*_ threads deleted
Fucking jannies, at least I don't have to fap so much now

Attached: 1546375941511.png (1101x825, 589K)

fuuuck this is a great ass

Attached: 1490364368615.jpg (736x915, 124K)

Literally never played a game in her franchise.

Attached: 30462cd0a88152d089c3736c8bdf39ee.jpg (1900x2500, 1.56M)

>Shit like quantum timelocks and timeline pruning
It's simple. Quantum timelocks are events that happens in every timeline no matter what, like Camelot's fall, or Kirei's death at the end of the fifth war.
For timeline prunning, it's when a timeline deviates too much from the average, shit like when Amakusa tried to force the Heaven's Feel on every human using the Grail. Think of it as pruning the branches of a tree.

gonna finish to these asses before the thread is murdered.

Attached: 1525147322590.jpg (715x1000, 147K)

Attached: 1540945097231.jpg (860x1214, 465K)

its been a pleasure helping anons pleasure

Attached: 1537377700021.jpg (1418x1956, 285K)

You should learn to play anyway, it's pretty fun and Lilith has the moves with the most personality.

Which country are you in? I'm from Sydney Aus and I need someone to practice with

That's okay, neither have 99% of her fanbase.

Attached: 1511606815980.png (1365x873, 1.39M)


Attached: spoiler.jpg (2600x1625, 1.71M)

Thanks kuro slut

Hags aren't bad just not as preferred for me

thanks user, have some brown in return.

Attached: 1527146393740.jpg (1000x1194, 224K)

>want to go to sleep
>get hard again
The image limit has saved me

>ywn ram your dick down her throat and make her choke on cum

Attached: 1526012879789.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

fuck that was good


Attached: 1537321516972.jpg (1176x1176, 152K)

Attached: 1545947280473.jpg (715x1000, 174K)

Is Lilith in official art supposed to look androgynous? That's the impression I get at least.

It would be perfect in that position, get to see the bulge pushing in her throat and the exact location where she's gagging on the cum

Man, I went through the effort of getting Nox, making a US google account, getting the apk. Then I play the game and get bored in about 30 minutes

ikr it's one of the best threads in a while imo, lot of good stuff posted.

i'm going to random a guess and say hyakkoi nokota

That'd just be the beginning of what I'd do desu

>image limit
well this was fun, see you in a week


>image limit
Yep it really was just an /alter/ general on Yea Forums.

Goodnight anons

She has the same body as Morrigan but with flat tits

Fire Emblem Warriors has Lucina in it, it's pretty fun.

>my videogames thread gets pruned 10 minutes in
>c*nny thread reaches image limit
like what the fuck

She basically has a boy's chest.

She actually has small boobs in the game but they made her flat in art

>Cunny thread at bumplimit

Scorched engine oil

You got a few things wrong.

Probably as a result of recycling, but art takes precedence over sprites.

I went a lot of years thinking that was Morrigan's brother.

I know, it's amazing. The combination of boyish and feminine features makes me rock hard.

You make that sound like a problem user

How? I also knew she was female and the idea of feminine guys did not exsist in my head

Only for the multiplayer treasure hunt/picture sharing component in GR2, GR1 Remastered is all on disc. You'll miss a few costumes, but the game is completeable

The flat chest and the hair.

it's androgynous. not a boy's, but could be a boy's.

But she still looks like a girl

She looks ambiguous.

Single images are not enough. Give me some fate cunny doujins to jack off to please.

Not to me.

I like Yayoi from Idolmaster but I don't even know how to start the series


Don't even try to deny it.

Not to me, I don't know what dudes you guys been looking at

i hate fate so much


Attached: 1543906015155.jpg (1299x1812, 317K)

Is liking these kinds of girls gay?

Not with those hips and thighs. Upper body being androgynous with feminine lower body makes it pretty obvious.


Attached: 1520013705228.jpg (1058x1136, 144K)

Fuya Syndrome and Backup no Nai Jakushou

Can probably emulate the psp games by this point.

>Upper body being androgynous with feminine lower body
Literally every single anime trap

Attached: 1521912474945.png (1483x2090, 1.75M)

Anime traps dont have that thou, they are just shapeless

Haha, nice try bud, but you definitely have not played the games if you think that.

>Ends on this bitch
Fuck off, at least post tiddies I actually like.

Sprites don't count. In game art makes her look not that dissimilar from that. Especially due to typical Capcom fighting game art with big hands and all.

Also she was literally originally meant to be male.

>Maou size art

There's a severe shortage of giantess stuff for this titty demon.

The sprites literally use the art thou and her concept as male is diffrent then the one she has now

deal with it

Attached: 1523999138038.png (905x1280, 1.37M)

Traps still don't have hips and legs like she does in the art. And sprites do count 1) insofar as what the devs felt was okay as for what kind of appearance Lilith would give off, which is obviously very feminine, and 2) on the fact that the sprites are a large portion of what fans recognize as her appearance.

go away footfag or i'ma rape your ass

By sprites I meant the actual gameplay stuff, not winning portraits and such. In gameplay she's just a Morrigan headswap.

Do you know how many times I've masturbated to this picture.

Her portraits are obviously meant to be more representative of her appearance, and those feature her as relatively androgynous when it comes to her upper body. Lower body not so much though.

Tell me user

Attached: 1522702087166.jpg (1447x2047, 1.23M)

Are you literally just deleting post to post feet shit

I wish I could but I cant. Its the mods who deleted some of the cunny and then I posted feet.

Overall it's hard to confuse her for a trap though. Most of her portraits I've only seen big hips. The upper body might be like what a trap might have, but combined with her lower body you can't confuse her for a trap. That would only work if she had a skirt that hid her hips and thighs.

posting in a cunny bread.

just waiting for another, still need to fap, fuck