Viva Pinata 3 when

Viva Pinata 3 when

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Hopefully someday. Viva Pinata was great, possibly Rare's best Microsoft work.

If they ever make another one i hope they get Grant kirkhope to compose all of the music again his music made the game so comfy

>Viva Pinata came out 13 years ago
>Trouble in Paradise was 11 years ago

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What are the odds in the next 5 years they give us another Viva Pinata in the form of a freemium mobile game?

I don't want to imagine such a thing

Post favorite Pinatas.
I had this guy with the desert variant and wildcard triceratops frill.

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Sherbat may be a disgusting creature but i have a weird soft spot for him

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There was a second game? I knew there was a gay party game, but was there actually a second one?

pic related

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>There was a second game? I knew there was a gay party game, but was there actually a second one?
Yeah. I actually didn't know the sequel existing until like half a year after it came out when my dad had taken me to NYC.
I remember the train ride back home feeling like forever because I was so excited to get back home and play it. I didn't have as much fun with Trouble in Paradise, but it was still good fun.

I probably wouldn't get as into the game as an adult though.

Did anyone else use to be terrified of the kid with the mask, Dastardos or whatever the fuck his name is, who would come into your plot and kill your sick Pinatas?
I always tried my hardest to make sure he didn't appear whatsoever.

The sequel was pretty much just viva pinata but with more stuff so if you already played the first one recently it wont be as much fun but it was still good

Geckies are one of my favorites overall, from the original game my favorite is Crowla

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Yes, it was basically a straight upgrade of the original. Nothing about the core gameplay really changed, it just had better graphics and more content like 25+ new pinatas.
The rhino is one of them. And penguins.

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No, I wasn't a faggot and am not a zoomer so I wasn't young enough to "get scared" about games when this came out.

Why do you have to be so mean in a Viva Pinata thread?

I dunno man he was pretty heckin spooky

Because I'm old.

I remember last E3 when the Fortnite pinata was shown and for half a second I thought about Viva Pinata and felt actual excitement before they dashed my hopes against a boulder.

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>It's been 13 years

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Salamango's my favorite. The green variant. I didn't like the little experience I had with 2, because I didn't like the capture mechanic. It also seemed to run really poorly on my 360, but I'd totally give it another go if I had the xbox one. Wish it was on PC like the first one.

>watch the viva pinata cartoon when I was a kid
>out of curiosity look the game up
>recognize multiple mechanics in-game that came up during the show
Pleasantly surprised.

>95% of the forests where I live is split between Red Fir, Douglas Cedar, and Hemlocks
>planted a bunch of hemlock seeds in-game expecting to get some cool trees
>it's poison hemlock, pinatas attack them spreading seeds even more and eating flowers
>Dastardos wastes all my pinatas

anyone else watch the tv show...

How mad are you that i've been able to post here for 2 years now.

Please no, his shitty music in Castle of Illusion make me not want to hear anything he does again.

No more mad than my baseline. I'm always mad, you'll be this way soon enough too.

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God the sequel was so great but one thing I disliked was that there were so many retcons from the first game in terms of Pinata evolution methods. Made a lot of the info I memorized from the first game's Strategy Guide kind of useless.

If rumors are true and Rare Replay makes it to the Switch somehow, that'd be fucking insane