Have you ever lacked the motivation to play vidya Yea Forums? Did a specific game break the routine?

Have you ever lacked the motivation to play vidya Yea Forums? Did a specific game break the routine?

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I just sorta got lazy really. Been fucking around with Roller Coaster Tycoon on and off. Sheeeeeeit.

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All the time with FFXIV

>C'mon man we're almost there
>But PLD is so boring don't make go back
>We're level 68 you just need to go through two more levels
>Why did I want to get all my tanks to 70?
>Fuck if I know dude but we're not pussing out now

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Motivation is the driving sense of purpose in an action.

Maybe if you have no motivation to play video games, it's because you have no reason to play video games.

Yes. For me, Caves of Qud renewed my interest in games, particularly indies. It was the first time I was truly interested in a game's world and lore in a very long time.
Stardew Valley nearly accomplished this as well, but just barely fell short.

Dude I have no motivation to do anything, I don't even have the motivation to go to sleep even though it's 5 AM and I only slept 3 hours last night.

Honestly the only motivation I have is to kepp browsing this site

>tfw white hiroshima could have closed this shithole but didn't

I really want to play fighting games, specially SCVI, but I honestly haven't had the time to practice and my schedule doesn't match up the times my locals have fightan game nights.
I know that each day I don't play and start practicing now, the worse it will be when I come back into the game.

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You are more likely to lose motivation/become depressed if you:

Masturbate constantly
Browse the internet all day
Eat processed food
Play video games
Grew up with a single mom

If any of this fits your life in any way or form then I got some bad news for you.

every fucking day
being a manual labor grunt is shit

I thought online was good enough these days

>Masturbate constantly
>Browse the internet all day
>Eat processed food
>Play video games
>Grew up with a single mom

>If any of this fits your life in any way or form then I got some bad news for you.
Tell me whats wrong with me Doc.

good thing i didn't grow up with a single mom

Closed my fucking browser and turned off my monitor because it's a pointless distraction that makes me feel like I'm wired 24/7.

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Just the first two

u r butt butter

> motivation to play vidya

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>bought DBFZ a year ago
>played maybe twice then overcome with online anxiety
I watch streams constantly and feel ashamed.

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Depends on the game, I don't have a particular dislike playing online, but when you play locals and have people next to you, giving that immediate feedback and pointers, it's a lot better. I enjoy playing in tourneys when I can, though I never really win any.

Whenever I lose the motivation for vidya it's at the same time I lose motivation for everything.

how do i obtain discipline bros?

hard work ;)

just be yourself

dark souls no dmg run

>Grew up with a single mom
what if you're an orphan

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I lack the motivation to play right now.
Pretty much all the time nowadays, I'm waiting for new content for some of the games I really like at the moment to breath new life into them.


The first step is always the hardest step, you have to force yourself to repeat the same refusals until its second nature.

Basically all of those count for me if lesbian moms count as a single mom.

Have kiwami metro exodus installed but dont have the motivaton to play them after seeing the shit reviews.
Downloading far cry new dawn but its going at 100 kbps so fuck it.

Is tkmiz okay?

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Start planning out your days; but not your entire days. It doesn't even have to be something that necessarily betters you, but make a list for each day of seven things, one that you'll do on that day.

And on that day, make sure you do whatever thing it was, don't put it off, don't say fuck it, just do whatever it was. And then slowly build the list month by month; until each week you can plan out your entire days of what you will do. Start small, and then expand it into a regular schedule; don't cheat it and always be consistent.

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I don't think you understand cause and effect

tkmiz just got a new manga out last month, hasn't been translated yet I think