*sucks your dick
*sucks your dick
>after so long in development I cannot understand anyone looking forward to kh3. I mean its been years since the last proper game kh2.
>I am so excited for dmc5 and I am positive its going to be worth the wait.
Used to like the fag
Based... Wait, where the fuck is the original Deus Ex?
Maybe he's finally understanding that KH is shit.
His taste are mostly alright in my opinion.
better than a vast majority of Yea Forums
>Persona series
>DS shit
>any RPGs/fighting games
Other than those this dude has perfect taste.
GamingBrit is so based. Glad how much he makes nu-Yea Forums assmad.
I've never heard him say that for KH. I wouldn't like him if the industry was stagnating and becoming boring.
Better get back to his Discord, then. His dick isn’t gonna suck itself.
wheres the fucking overblood 2 review charlie?
He cute, gymcelled hard
I whish he trannymaxed instead of chadmaxing
get a better camera!
Ugh I'm sorry but this isn't as good as the dick I sucked when you were a kid, guess that's how I feel about dick these days.
Mathewmatosis has better taste on account that he's a DMC1chad instead.
Matthewmatosis is an insufferable Kamiyafag.
truly a man of class.
>butthurt KHfag
Unlike KH3 which is out and mediocre the DMC5 demo is looking amazing
What video is this from?
he posted it on twitter
with REALLY GOOD combat
>thinks RE6, DMC4, MGS4, MGS2, Yakuza 0, and Asura's Wrath were "good"
>thinks MP3 is better than MP1
Absolute shit taste confirmed.
Woah, Brit's bf looks like THAT?
>having MGS4 at all and ABOVE MGS3
>Having Asura's Wrath at all
>Having RE6 at all
>Having almost ALL of the 3D Zeldas
>Crash 2 but no Mario 64
What's the best video by "TheGamingChad"?
He was proven right when KH3 turned out to be a total piece of shit.
DMC5 shows issues but the demo already shows it's a great game. It's going to need a breaker switching and inertia mod tho if Itsuno is really gonna stick to his guns on those stupid decisions.
>He doesn't think that Clemps, TheGamingChad and PixieValkyrie are the holy trinity of YouTubers
Clemps is trash and I've never watched that woman.
RE6 has amazing gameplay, too bad you're dumb fucking muh spookclassicfag boomers who can't into mechanic depth.
I don't hate RE6? My only problem with it is that they don't balance ammo properly by barely giving you any in a SHOOTER game and the QTE sections.
>no god hand
surprising seeing how often he brings it up in unrelated videos
Just play mercenaries dude
I did each campaign on max difficulty (and I'll never do it again). Honestly, it just needed more ammo drops and it'd be fine.
he's a giant poser like the rest of Yea Forums that's why they love him because he pretends to like games
I'd like Brit better if he wasn't such a contrarian with a fragile ego
>RE6 has amazing gameplay
keep telling yourself that
>Dark Souls
>Not Demon’s Souls
re6's level design and pacing in its 4 scenarios is beyond trash that you can only enjoy its combat in mercenaries
90% of the game is awful and thats ignoring all the terrible driving or vehicle sections
Still better than Charlie Cade desu.
Face it bitch, it is the god hand of TPS.
So it’s an overrated shitty game with shallow combat and okay music?
Do you really think DMC5 will be as big a disappointment as KH3?
they basically only have to remake DMC4 and then add more bosses and levels.
I wasn't disappointing in KH3. It was exactly what I wanted. Now I'm just waiting for Final Mix
JESUS CHRIST! I didn't know he was that fucking ripped.
His video on travis strikes again was decent
While I agree KH3 wasn't that disappointing, it wasn't great at all, it was just OK. Plain old OK.
DMCV is looking fucking good, though.
>Metroid Prime 3 over 1