And now a special message from the next president of Nintendo

And now a special message from the next president of Nintendo.

So tell me Yea Forums. Do you think Bowser will do a good job working for Nintendo of America? What are your impressions of him?

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Other urls found in this thread:

im not sure but change is exactly what nintendo needed right now. hopefully this kicks things into gear.

who gives a shit

NoA makes no meaningful decisions.

I am not a fuckwit so I don't form opinions of, or attachments to, soulless corporate people.

>bald manlet cracker with stupid glasses
Fuck this

what did reggie ever do other than being le reddit meme man?

I think he's going to do a great job! We should send him a card.

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yo mama lol

Also former EA employee

Bowser has already been there for a long time OP

Look at his smile. Its fake smile. Its telling you dark time are coming and nintendo is doom.

>asking teenagers on a weeb message board whether or not they think a business man, will be good at business
Fuck off you fucking gay cunt

No. There's just something about him that has that nintendo charm.

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nigger detected

he was in charge of marketing and if you didn't know, EA fucking killed it with advertising. And this Bowser guy was in charge of marketing the Switch in these last couple years, he's the reason there is even an audience for the Switch in NA.

I'm bi actually.

Seems fine

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No wonder Nintendo is dying

>sucks dick
>isn't gay
you're gay.

Whatchu problem wit white pipo huh

ea bad

He looks like that one teacher who taught your class for the first few days only to be replaced and never seen again


He's a marketer. Not a director.

name one thing good about nintendo of america

just a joke that means nothing, but he play Catan and isn't so asshurt even if he's a leftist that he can't make a joke, so there's that

>Bowser literally in charge of nintendo of america

Truly these people are worse than bowser

NoA doesn’t make games. So nothing will change

Man, Im gonna miss Reggie it feels like another reminder that we're all getting old, fucking 31 now

Name me one good thing Reggie did for Nintendo gaming wise that isn't a meme.

Go on.

It's happening.

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I really don't care if he's a democrat or a republican. As long as he does a good job that's all that matters.

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He increased their family friendly image despite saying thins like coming to kick ass and take names leading to more profits and more money. Reggie did alot those robot chicken sketchs for E3 are now a thing of the past with him gone and Itaowa dead, Miyamoto is next, he'll never get Pikmin 4

saved for shits and giggles.

hey reggie was black

>unable to think someone in a position of power at a company whose products you consume is doing a good or bad job
Yeah, you sure are showing off some big brain strats right there

He previously worked 8 years for EA

Reggie was black actually believe it or not.

What I want to know is what will become of Bill

>people are already digging through his entire posting history
This is fucking pathetic.

>Bowser is the boss now
I guess that Peach can't deny any of his request now.


Yeah, white males are notoriously bad businessmen, right?

I just want him to make sure Treehouse never pulls the shit they did in the Wii U era again.

From 2007/2015

A good job... with North American marketing and distribution? Because that's basically what Reggie was responsible for and basically what Bowser will be responsible for. He's going to have very little impact on the quality of the games.

If you mean do a good job being a meme, it seems like he's on the right track.

whats that on the shelf?

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damn that's subtle but hilarious. this guy's got my vote

it happened the minute he was said to replace Reggie

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good, EA marketing has always been solid, while Nintendo marketing as often been shit

>using racist terms to describe white people
Um sweetie, this is 4channel and we don't tolerate that kind of hate speech.

Find out in a very special Nintendo Direct this April!

People are already having fun with this.

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>be Doug
>parents name you bowser because they loved mario
>decide to honour them by working on the videogame industry
>can't code, draw, do music, etc
>take the easy path and become a pr manager
>eventually land up at nintendo
>parents are happy

I like the new trio (Furukawa, Koizumi, Bowser)
It is what it is...the old big 3 lost it's charm when Iwata passed

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The guy who has your vote is the PR team that put this together.

So that's why Pizza Hut fell off Reggie is no longer there

why do nintendies care so much about the person who advertises their toys?

Isn't Bowser his last name?

They're funny

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You had the option to ignore this thread dude.

This will be the norm for the coming age.

Except censoring.


Imagine if he's gay then when he leaves as CEO everyone can say "So long gay bowser!"

His last name is Bowser.
Nintendo has a thing for naming its characters after its employees. Like how Kirby is actually named after one of their lawyers.

Bowser culture has destroyed our society since 1994 when Nintendo let us okay as Bowser in Mario Kart. Being and to play as the evil King of the Koopas has led us down a very bad path.

I wonder what he's gonna do on his retirement

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Reggie gave us the Bigfoot pizza and the Big New Yorker. Pizza Hut does nothing special now

Who came up with the PZone? It was great. None of the big 3 pizza chains fucking do calzones. It's bullshit.

elite beat agents

and like how mario is named after ma ryo, a half chinese investor

Mario is named after NoAs landlord back in the 80s.

play another dragon quest game, maybe

Not anymore.

This is completely untrue.

Wasn't he Haitian?

Rumors say Doug Bowser is already thinking about replacing core Nintendo staff with Alfred Ganondorf, John Andross, Chad Dedede, George Ridley, Oliver K. Rool, Nick Hades, among others.

The thing is these people are all associated with the golden age, and the two on the left are Nintendo originals. I don't think another trio could ever compare.

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Reggie was black you retard.

Play Animal Crossing of course.

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his name's not actually bowser is it

Is animal crossing a good game? It always seemed like a bullshit non-game to me

It's fun and addictive from what I've heard.

Why is he isn't the president of Nintendo at all.

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He's a game man, not a business man, if that makes sense.

Glad to see Reggie go, he was a complete piec of shit.

>The year is 2029
>Doug retires
>Millions of men in their 30s/40s come out of nowhere and send him off by saying "So long Gay Bowser"

This is all I want.

it is

He's the creative mind, not a business man. Sometimes visionaries can be business people (see Walt Disney) but it doesn't always work out.

Furukawa is the youngest president of Nintendo with the most creds at his age, and Koizumi is literally Miyamoto's protégé. They have the potential of matching and surpasing the OG Trio, specially since Koizumi is more open minded than Miyamoto and Furukawa is fluent in english

>the two on the left are Nintendo originals
Iwata isn't

How is Reggie there when he already died?

I adore Koizumi's creativity. What he did with Mario Odyssey and Wind Waker was simply magical.

no, his name is doug, bowser's his last name

given your tripcode, you'll love it.

I can almost guarantee Reggie will move to something else eventually, he's too young for "retirement." That's just a nice way of saying he wants to move on to different things, but saying "resigning" would make Nintendo look bad.

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Eh, I'm not into boring games no matter how many cute animals are involved.

You would love it you furrie fuck

>realizing Reggie grew up in the same town and went to the same high school as you, 30 years prior

Fucking surreal desu.

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Thoughts on this

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>nu/v/ unironically giving tripfags attention

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Hey now, even furfags have standards. But I'll try it.

He'll trigger reddit, sounds pretty based so far to me

Attention seeker.

Also check the comment section. People aren't taking his shit.

I only use a tripcode because it makes sooner people so fucking angry

Reggie is stepping down because he knows the end is coming and doesn't want to be associated with the downfall of Nintendo

Screencap this, I called it

The Switch is breaking sales records all over the place the fuck are you on

>oh no, everyone has stopped talking about me
>time to desperately claw for some more buzz

He's a G&W inventor what are you talking about

bang his wife and drink scotch all day

Yeah and Half Life 3 is coming out in 2022.

Get lost.

He's a creative, and not even a good one at that nowadays.

is his last name actually Bowser?

It's like pottery


Retards like you have been predicting the downfall of Nintendo "any day now" since Internet forums began

No he's not. He worked for HAL until 2000.

Probably he will make more anti consumer policies (raise the online service fee), bring more cheap indie shit for Switch etc...
Nothing will really change

Only because they completely front loaded its library. People usually wait a year or 3 to jump on board with a new Nintendo console but Nintendo released all their games at once, which has made it sell faster but not more. It's slowing down already, they had to drastically cut their forecast due to it. It's going to get even worse next year. Reminder that Switch is not only the next generation of Nintendo handheld but console too. It should be selling at least as well as the last 2 combined, and it's not. And that's saying something since the 3DS and Wii U are their current worst selling handheld and console respectively. Soon to be replaced by the Switch.

I thing the same. I will screencap this

sorry bro I cant view that link because I'm not a member. this is worse than sad panda

>racist term
It's adorable tbqh. more funny than offensive.

>Should be selling as well as the last two combined
>When people that bought both now only have to buy one

There we go.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23 Doug Bowser - Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing - Nintendo of America (816x2930, 304K)

>open mouth smile
>dyed hair
>camo shirt
>untrimmed beard
>plays smash so he probably smells

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Yeah, he definitely has that authority!

>more funny than offensive
just like nigger, and to a lesser degree kike.

it's still hatespeech tho

Soulja Boy can eat shit and die, that faggot hasn't been truly relevant in nearly 10 years

My sadpanda pass broke recently, I don't know what happened

Yes, that would be him at the time that photo was taken

>Soon to be replaced by the Switch
It has already outsold the Wii U 3 times over, has outsold the Gamecube and it won't be long before it overtakes the N64.

>Hong kong
Get ready for china pandering

Also avid political shitposter

Yeah instead they send employees to japan to censor all versions of the game, so it's even worse and most people won't even know it's happening because self-censorship!

> Nintendo of America’s Treehouse localizers travel to Japan about “every two months” to work with Japanese developers whose work is being brought to America

>This allows the devs to talk about potential localization issues as they make the game rather than having to deal with them post-release

>When we have costumes or clothes that we have a little concern with, we share it with NoE and NoA and they’ll say, ‘No, no, that’s fine’ or ‘You’re right, that’s an issue.’ If it is an issue, we’ll go back and say we’ll say, ‘We adjusted it this way, what do you think?’

and here I thought "arts" was one of those bullshit degrees that got you nothing but a job at Starbucks but it really can lead you to be the president of NOA. thanks for pic bro here are these muffins

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Doug Bowser is entirely responsible for the Switch's marketing compared to the Wii U's marketing.

Doug came on board in 2015 and was the one who was basically director of the original Switch trailer, too.

He's pretty tuned in to what made Wii U shit.

Didn't Tatsumi tell them to fuck off.

At least we still got playstation

This is reason why Nintendo first party games are global releases now, they do localization same time as development instead of after, anything bad in FE three houses is already censored and we won't know about it

what are the odds having your last name Bowser and becoming the president of Nintendo, crazy world we live in

It was inevitable.

quads of truth, based post

He seems like a nice guy
But in the end he'll never be Reggie

Highly improbable actually

>Nintendo implemented paid online shortly after hiring him

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No. But he could surpass him.

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>once worked for EA for 8 years
.....oh god.

As a marketer. Not a director. Calm down.

I was thinking of Bowser with Doug Walkers face

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>implying he gets to make those kinds of decisions

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If everything has to happen once in our universe, then it was inevitable.

Anyone who worked for or was once associated with EA is cancer, regardless of what position they were at before.

Well that's not fair at all. :(

Marketer? Satan? No difference, really. But keep shilling.


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Arts are for fuckers who don't know what they want to be in life but acts as a safeguard to use.
BS degrees are pretty much that, specialized bullshit that guarantees fuck all


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>which has made it sell faster but not more
???? You'd have to see the end of the console's life to say that you brainlet.

>If everything has to happen once in our universe
But it doesn't. Nintendo could've closed their doors 5 years ago and this would've never happened.

Nigger he's literally the reason the Switch is currently selling quite well in the West.

The only thing pizza hut does now is make some of the greasiest pizzas possible.
On a side, is this a local thing? Because I order from them, pizza is always dripping with grease.
The fuck did they do?

Jesus Fucking Christ Nintendo is fucked.

Speaking from experience, marketing directors/marketing management and firms are directly the sort of people you will expect to influence new deals or offer new ideas to make more money. They're job isn't only to announce and spread new ideas for a company but to introduce new ways to increase revenue.

Domino's new "We Love Pizza" campaign comes from their marketing firm.

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>As a marketer
That's even worse.

>Boswer is on the right side of history
I like

>Domino's new "We Love Pizza" campaign comes from their marketing firm.
Wow, a marketing firm came up with a marketing campaign? That's totally the same as one deciding to change a core part of a business structure.

>based Doug Bowser having anything to do with the absolute autist loser that is doug funnie
not in this life friendo

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He helped it sell well in the West. Whoopdie doo.
If he was associated with EA in the past, that could bring about bad stuff to come in the longterm since he's now in a CEO position.

>read his story about the real Patty
What a miserable man

>CEO position
Wrong. He's the president of a regional branch. You're fucking dumb.

Pathetic subhuman clout chasing negroid

>Bowser is an industry veteran who joined NOA in May 2015 as the Vice President of Sales before being promoted to Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing the next year. During his time at NOA, Bowser led the sales and marketing efforts for Nintendo Switch, which became the fastest-selling video game system of this hardware generation through 21 months, according to The NPD Group. Previously, Bowser was an executive with industry powerhouse Electronic Arts, most recently as the company’s Vice President of Global Business Planning.

Calm. The. Fuck. Down. You're getting worked up over nothing. He's just there to make it sell.

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Don't pretend Nintendo does shit other than pocket those $2 bucks you give them, lmao. It's not changing a core part of their business other than now charging money for something they've neglected for more than a decade.

Is he why we got those great PS1 demo discs? I love Reggie now.

>Vice President of Global Business Planning
So, the guy in charge of all those wrong decisions. Except he's now in a new company that has A LOT of rep to burn.

I'm not denying that's all that has changed at all, but charging for online is indeed changing the paradigm of a core aspect of their business model. Marketers don't get to do that. Executives do.

If you're not aware, the "We Love Pizza" campaign is literally a money drain for them as it offers any pizza from any where to count towards a free one of theirs. People are using lunchable pizzas to redeem shit.

What the? Reggie is gone? Why the fuck is this happening so late?

Ea probably went sour since he left EA

The point is: besides the head executives of the company, the marketing teams are the greatest influences in decisions for them as they offer the numbers, stats and trends for execs to follow. The original post doesn't imply they even make those decisions, just that they have greater power than the original post implies they don't.

I can't even find info on this alleged campaign

Do you know the fucking difference between President and Vice President, dipshit?

Didn't know Yea Forums was being taken over by closet EA shills.

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Fuckoff Discord tranny

>Fuckoff Discord tranny
...WTF does Discord have anything to do with this?

And people in those positions at their Japanese branch obviously have more pull on those things than those at other regional branches. Trying to pin that decision on one guy who doesn't have that much power in the grand scheme of it all is retarded.

Because it's called "Points-For-Pies". It was made specifically to be a massive data grab off pizza trends. Look it up.

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look at the two. reggie had soul, he was a memorable face. new guy is just a generic white corporate businessman

>Called a shill for correcting your hyperbole

I always thought they were prepping Trinen to take over for Reggie

They need to pull a Domino's and do one of those public apology campaigns where they acknowledge their product is crap and promise to fix it up.

idk where you are but i live in central texas, every pizza hut in the area is a heartburn inducing grease nightmare. its definitely to do with the whole line of stock they distribute, how it's manufactured, and the standard procedures involved in making them. always go local

If that's what its called, why did you keep calling it "We Love Pizza?"

Dominos never actually fixed their recipes, btw. They just told their chains to stop being so fucking wasteful. Subway is currently the only chain going through some tough shit.

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That's what we're calling it in-house.

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Again. Doug is literally just there to oversee sales and marketing. It's not at all that serious.

They put some garlic butter on the crust or something for a while there anyway. I was never a Domino's fan myself though. Any pizza joint that ships in pre-made dough from hundreds of miles away isn't worth anyone's time.

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Nintendo has actually been the most lenient company this gen, think about what's happening with PS4 and Steam rejecting or censoring games. Nintendo's sole stipulation is 'no nipples' as far as I can tell, and the covering is pretty minimal, not extreme like PS4 censorship. Shit was bad in Wii U era but they seem to be under control now

Why would you call it something different when the name given to the public makes more sense? Go elsewhere, LARPer.

he look like a great guy, and actually is a vidya player/ fan of nintendo, he just look more serious on the outside.

Why can’t the Dutch use commas?

So what is Reggie? Is he like black or what?

He's from Haiti.

Explain xenoblade 2


i get carl vibes from him.

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let me bite this rq but you're so fucking stupid

He's Reggie

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he was willing to be in a photograph with a guy wearing a smash variant of a maga hat. he's good people


What a dork.

>that afro
>that fucking shirt
Jesus the 70s were weird.



Do you think Doug calls his son "Bowser Jr."?

I picture this bowser dude kicking down a meeting door and yelling LETS MONETIZE THIS SHIT UP with crazy eyes

As expected from Bowser.


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desperately trying to cling om to relevance and failing

Her body better be ready.

I mean, they are a marketing force and looking at Switch sales, they are doing a bang up job

The Switch has been a roaring success. Change is fine, but it really wasn't needed at this point in time for that stated reason

holy shit

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so if people from the 70s are the ones calling the shots today arent we the ones living in the real 70s?

Why do you assume bi people are always sucking dick? What about the tops?

>wide nose
>brown (light brown) skin
>afro-textured hair
>is of Haitian descent

Hmmm, I don't know user.

>mfw it’s real

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>bowsette triggers the trannies and faggots
>bowser triggers the leftist

i feel like i can trust this guy

Bowser makes them seethe because he's sexier than them in any form. It's pure jealousy.

now this is a man i fully support

The fuck was he angry at Trump for?
Sounds like a closet libshit falseflagging as a conservative.

He cute

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It sucks how Soulja Boy was the first mainstream rapper to put in the effort to go out of normie sites and unite rap with the internet and now 10 years later he's reduced to a attention seeker.

Isn't miyamoto and koizumi rivals of sort?butting heads most of the time?

>look it up
>it's actually real

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you disgust me

Is this real?

>The fuck was he angry at Trump for?
the same thing most reps are mad at him for, putting america second in favor of israel

Republicans? The people who have been sucking off Israel for years.


doesn't seem like all republicans are sucking israel

No, really.
What the actual fuck does Discord have to do with anything I said?

I swear he’s the reason Xenoblade wasn’t released in the US.

W-where are their hands?!

filtered ;)

He has some enormous shoes to fill after Reggie, that's for sure.

He's off to join his waifu


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Once an attention whore, always an attention whore.

The Rock was the cover star for the best N64 game ever made. Based.

>tfw NINTENDOOMED has lasted longer than your life of 27 years

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If they remade no mercy, would they have to legally remove certain wrestlers? Not obvious shit like Benoit

>The Rock was the cover star for the best N64 game ever made
Ocarina of time?

Haitian is about as black as it gets bro.

I thought Jamaican was.

>Princess Toadstool was named after Miyamotos girlfriend.
>She was tragically killed in a freak gorilla accident, when a plumber tried to save her
This has been 60 minutes.

You're thinking of Aboriginals.

im literally fucking shaking right now

ok so really give me the story Yea Forums, why did nintendo let him go for this old bastard? What did Reggie do to piss off nintendo?

>Calm. The. Fuck. Down.
They weren’t able to calm down after founding out Reggie was leaving. Which is why they are so obsessed with Doug and look through his twitter history.
Now its going be worse for them since they found out he is an anti-israel trump supporter that formally worked at EA.
This is the worst day a Soiboy could dream of.

They're all sucking it off.

Nothing. He just felt it was his time to move on. He's 57. He's worked at Nintendo for 15 years. It was bound to happen eventually. Like he said, he's passing the controller over to Bowser.

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>trump supporter that formally worked at EA.


He's got banter. I like him already.

Based Bowser blowing Donald Trumpenberg the fuck out

I honestly think Iwata's passing left a hole in Reggie's heart and, after ensuring the Switch had success, he felt it was time to go.

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> what's your favorite third party game


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Find out if he had anything to do with FIFA's loot boxes, remember they were not only the ones to do the original loot boxes before TF2, they were pay 2 win as well.

There was always something that told me Nintendo treated its crew more like family than a business.

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Which is exactly why he's Miyamoto's successor.
I'd think Miyamoto would respect his ability to stand up for himself, and make games the way he wishes to

>real name reginald
you can tell he was a virgin until he was 35


>fastest selling system ever in its first two years

Fuck it, I might as well actually ask it here. In both the N64 and DS versions of Super mario 3D when you toss bowser away Mario says "So long, gay bowser!" Now, i'm 99% sure the nips wern't crazy enough to put that in 20 years ago and i'm mishearing it. What is Mario actually saying?

Yea.. If I had to choose between Koizumi, Aonuma, and Nogami, I'd choose Koizumi in a heart beat. He's put so much passion and genuine soul into everything he touches. He's been directing games since Ocarina of Time. If anyone should be the new head of Nintendo after Miyamoto leaves, it's him. He's destined to be the new face of Nintendo.

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I don't know if a change is what they need considering how well the Switch is doing.
But changing things up might improve things too.

they use it for decimals like normal people

Aren't the japs making all the relevant decisions anyway? Reggie was a glorified hype man, no?

I think BOWSER will fuck it all. well, you know, he is evil and all. with this big head, big belly, horns, tail and punk wrists he for sure will smash all will kick people and pierce all workers inside Nintendo of America. everybody will be dead by 6am. It was the worst idea Nintendo of Japan could have. It's all because he was based on an american Crocodile Turtle from swamps, native from USA, only present in the USA.

To further beat the point home that Bowser is one of the good guy's, he retweeted these.

He said he didn't want to become the head of Nintendo since it would limit him from doing what he wants to do. Make games.

Is this the guy making that illegal console?

And Twitter thinks he's a republican?

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Sorry that was for

Both sides are retarded.

Cheeky. If he's got that kinda of sense of humour, hopefully he'll do well.


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>tfw based based /ourguy/ Doug Bowser shows up for his first day of work at Nintendo of America, sees the enormous DEMAND FOR MELEE pile of files in the storeroom, and tells those stupid fucking slants in Nippon to get to work on it or else their gay anime Hogwarts Fire Emblem game will never make landfall
Dougyboy's gonna make (zipper)heads roll and get Nintendo back on the straight and narrow.

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>he is responsible for the roof top party switch ad

it's over

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Right wingers are talking certain tweets like his 'we're going to build the wall' and either removing the context that it was for a game and he was being tongue and cheek or shooping it to make it look like he's in favor of Trump's ego momentum.

So of course if the forged version is circulating, people will come to the wrong conclusion.

>Reggie literally fed me and gave me games all for free

Reggie had charisma, we will have to see how Bowser fares with that.


He did it for free and for us. I'm starting think maybe it wasn't all an act. Maybe that's genuinely just how he is.

Because Reggie looks like these fellas

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bowsette doesnt trigger me though

my dad worked at pizza during based reggie regime, and i ate his amazing pizza and play his demos free when they got canceled order.
I bet based reggie could even save sears.

You know what sure. The first two games were so shit, it'd be hard not to improve on them.

Reggie needs to go back to pizza hut so I can get a fucking p'zone again

Become a pro Smash player and BTFO HungryBox

fuck no as much as i love calzones, he should do something amazing and revive sears into a powerhouse to kill fucking amazon, then give us calzones.


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He could.

I know little about him, but he looks like a cool dude at least, so I'm cautiously optimistic.

that was actually pretty funny

I don't think sjws like Israel, Hollywood might but not the most hardcore leftists

So long'a bowser

Better than the wiiu ads.

If he actually roleplays like this in the next direct nintendo will be swimming in free PR.

>reggie took over in 2003
>it still feels like yesterday I was shitposting on gamespy about the announcement about pizza hut man taking over NoA
where does the time go

How come we never see Furukawa? Iwata was always showing up on directs and making public appearances. Even Kimishima got out a bit. But I've heard nothing about Furukawa since he took over.

Because unlike Iwata who was a really nice guy and Kimishima who was a badass, he's just a super nerd.

>when the bad guy wins

>they had to drastically cut their forecast due to it
Oh nonononono, the Switch only sold 17 million units instead of 20 million! Nintendo is DOOMED!

>change is exactly what nintendo needed right now
Yeah, let's change now, when Switch is an incredible success.

It seems especially strange since he speaks perfect English.

It's not

>Shigeru “Do as I say or you won’t get paid” Miyamoto

I already like him. He's against /pol/, bonus points from me.


The tweet isn't real

Just because it doesn't have any games on it doesn't mean it didn't sell well.

Marketing people generally suck but they don’t have an influence on the product so whatever.

Fuck off, Reggie.

I still can't believe they actually hired someone named fucking Bowser.

OcArInA oF tImE iS tHe BeSt GaMe EvEr MaDe GuYs!
You people seem to not remember how Mario 64 was ahead of its time and some of its features are still used in modern 3D platformers, like the long jump, the crouch, climbing trees and other shits that weren't present in any game before that.
Meanwhile, Oot is just a 3D Zelda game, nothing less but nothing more.

I'm baffled by sheer retardation of Yea Forums when it comes to nintendo.
Reggie Fils-Aime on screen is not the same man that has kids and family IRL. Same goes for Iwata, Miyamoto and the rest. It's just a persona people put on to appear affable and fun.
Whatever impressions you may have of people in Nintendo are perfec PR-fabricated images, because you will never get a view of their personal life, like you get with CliffyB, Kamiya and the like.
But he got memes, right? There was a meme those two times that got forced into existence, so now Reggie is a cool hip dude and totally not a cog in a corporate machine, his whole attitude tailored to make you dumbasses sperg out.
Nintendo faglords are all too fond of getting brainwashed into liking corporate representatives regardless of what decisions those people could be pushing. It's like a pavlovian reflex at this point.

Why do you even care? Hoestly, what difference there is? It could be just another paper-pusher and nothing would change.
And for NoA of all things, the most irrelevant HQ there could be. You are all stupid cunts and I hope you will never realize that.

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the whole 'arts degrees are useless' spiel has always been utter nonsense and falls to the most circumspect investigation.

Almost anyone with a liberal arts degree (barring maybe artists and musicians) should, if they're actually paying attention, come away with a bunch of valuable life skills that can be applied to almost any white collar career. Critical thinking, reading/analysis/synthesis, and writing skills, all trained up to an academic level, will open many doors for you IF you start to market yourself in this fashion. Yes, it's true almost nobody cares that you specifically read plato or heidegger or tolstoy or whatever. But almost everybody wants employees who can think critically, who can see both sides of an issue, who can communicate effectively. If you come out of a liberal arts degree w/o being able to do these things, you wasted your money and deserve to be working at starbucks.

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Show us where Mario touched you, little bitch

I'm gonna miss Reggie, his corporate salesman speak gave me ASMR

Based retard doesn't realize that, like Mario 64, without OoT to blaze the trails, 3D action games would look completely different because it laid the groundwork.

>It's slowing down already
The media create sales data disagree. It's doing better than last year. And they've been reselling all their Wii U games, what do you think the rest of their developers are working on?

Media Create and NPD sales figures both show Switch is up YoY by a significant margin retard

>Make Miyamoto president
>Now every game must star nothing but Toads and Pikmin


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They are responsible for localizing, and for that matter, choosing to localize and distribute games.
We've gotten fucked over lots of times because of their incompetence, and I'm not just talking Mother 3, we never got games like Fatal Frame 4, New Mystery of the Emblem, etc. We almost didn't get Xenoblade, The Last Story, or Pandora's Tower if it wasn't for Operation Rainfall, and those games already fucking had translations by NoE.

Now that the Switch is region free it doesn't matter as much but they're still important for being able to play the game in English buy it without importing. NoA can also do a good translation when they want to (Kid Icarus Uprising).

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I need the next post-April Direct to start like this. I'm ok even if they do it with the full body costume Mario and Luigi irl



pretty sure Mario 64 came out before OoT

nigga he left EA in 2014, Doug isn't a new-hire

user, marketing is region-based

Is he retiring already? How old is he? I thought he would just move to another company or something.

Eat shit faggot

Nigga My body is Reggie predates reddit

we have idiots thinking bowser was just hired to be president, don't be surprised

Fuck you.

You left out the part where they can only give suggestions on what they could change during localization meaning devs dont need to do anything

If anything, I think Reginald retiring right now is "safe" in that Nintendo is doing really well. What change do you think could improve Nintendo?

This old gif speaks volumes

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True or how Mario was orginally one of the buildings managers Nintendo was working out off

Retire comfortably?
He’s worth 40 Million and even if all he does is live off investment interests that’s still 400,000 a year more than enough to live like a king

Real muthafuckin G detected. Possibly from Compton.

It’s a life sim
It’s much more gamey than movie game

Nintendo of America are useless, who gives a fuck

Nigga is old as dirt at this point
Pretty sure his brain just doesn’t work as well anymore

You faggots have been preaching the end of Nintendo for almost 40 years

He looks like Action Jack from Sillicon Valley.

He spearheaded marketing the switch so I think he'll do a good job. Don't need anything more than that to be president of NoA

Say hallo to the new E3 trinity

Attached: new nintendo bros.jpg (1373x907, 152K)

Left: SOUL

Implying the Millions of Fifa sales mean nothing

Needs more pictures of bowsers

Late 50s

As foreign and anathema an idea as it may be on v, he popularized the idea that video games are for everyone. He sold Iwata's vision for families playing video games together, and it fucking worked. The Wii went absolute gangbusters.

Holy shit he is 57 already, i thought he is pushing 50. at least, unlike shiggy, he knows when to call quits

Anyone who’s against /pol/ can’t be all bad

>NoA can also do a good translation when they want to (Kid Icarus Uprising).

Kid icarus changed ton of shit. It's not even the same script.

Looks like a gym/math teacher and a pornstar

Hang yourself

Shadows of Valentia also had a good translation and great voice acting.
Animal Crossing's localization is usually top notch as well.

SoV was done by 8-4.

That gif is taken from an interview with Doritos Pope where Reggie was dodging a question about how badly the Wii U was doing.

I understand Iwata
I will always understand

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Reminder that Alison Rapp got because she was moonlighting as a whore and not because of the stupid shit she posted on social media.

Oh I guess that explains why the translation is so good, we probably could've gotten a better translation for Xeno X if Treehouse wasn't also involved with it.

>Nintendo of America
literally who cares? just a glorified localization studio

Is anyone slightly depressed at the fact that we all lived long enough to see Nintendo's Old Guards moving on one by one? It's not the company or the people, but rather just the idea of seeing something you feel that's been around forever entering its new era/generation. I know it ain't bad news or anything but it just feels a bit somber.

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Prob has stock in nintendo.Prob gonna start a youtube,i mean i would watch reggie play smashbros and Minecraft because of his funny personality.

He needs to find his stage persona
At least get a mask like Taro

Is his last name really Bowser?

We really gonna forget about the fact that they put in those snide comments in the AC translation?

>good translations.

Probably because they got leashed, even then there is some iffy stuff, just look at what they are doing with dragalia.

>pizza hut used to be the shit back in the day
>vh1 used to be watchable before they turned into celebrity gossip shit
>is a true patriot and helped this country after 9/11
jesus man, can we get reggie to work for valve?

Fuck I miss Iwata holding bananas

I thought those were funny though.

Thank god I don't play phone games then.

Valentia was by a different team. 8-4 I think. Now they ain't that good considering the shit they pulled, like Gunvolt 1's translation for an example, but it shows that the moment Treehouse stop meddling with localization, even 8-4's localization looked like a godsend.

Miyamoto is next

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Yeah, I'm getting old too.

Damnit i accidentally wanked to muffins.

Father and son.Also he does look even more like a porn star.Also if he marketed the labo better I would love that because i love labo

>these people are all associated with the golden age,
what do you mean golden age? Iwata was responsible for the failures that where the Gamecube and the Wiiu, his only lucky idea was the Wii

we already lost Yamauchi, Gunpei and Iwata, nothing can really get to me now.
We also will never have another strong man like Yamauchi who won't take shit no matter what

He means build it in the game fuckheads not all walls are trump wtf.

The best part was the five minutes where everyone thought it was /pol/'s fault, and /pol/ tried to claim it as a victory. Then it turned out she was just hooking on the side.

>EA being shit and having shit marketing after he left
He must have realized EA sucked and wanted to use his skill on a good company.

I wonder if we'll get a Bowser game while Doug is in office, whether it's some kind of RPG, platformer, or a business sim game where you have to compete against Wario.

They will probably never make a good console with inovative titles that push tje boundaries ever agin again and that is the only change they need. They literally have not made a real new game since GameCube.

Reggie “pools closed” fils aime

You don't really need a uber console that run crysis on max setting without even making noise.

This got proven ton of times, you need a good catalog of games and keep building from there.

>Miyamoto is next

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>not official
lol no

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>reading comprehension

I wonder if Nintendo would actually go through with putting that character in the game if they really do make and Odyssey 2 or DLC.

Maybe as an entirely separate character but its still pretty unlikely

That's why it's a good localization. The original script was bland as fuck and played completely serious. It wouldn't be remembered even remotely as fondly if they hadn't changed it.

Nigga in the most recent direct we got 15 games slated for this year

People like you are the reason the final fantasy 14 writing is so fucking bad in English.. but, quite frankly "remembered wrongly" is more accurate.

I thought Yamauchi's still around, just only as a shareholder.

And most of those are releasing in the next 6 months. We don't know anything beyond that.

what's wrong with it? Mario already did what OoT was "supposed to do"

hahaha so funny XD dumb force joke, this guy has no charisma and is souless

Okay, I fucking laughed.

it's the background of a photo user. It's not the main focus. It's subtle. What are you on about.