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Replace the roles and have Ellie be the original daughter so the superior daughterfu could be raised later on. Any other answer is incorrect.
Take that bitch to the mall... let her shop till she drop
Report her to the police for trading in illegal substances
Cuddle with and think about raping, but not actually do it
this desu
Demand her wallet and yell at her to buy my games and if she refuses I’ll kill her
Put a bullet proof vest on her
Run away, i don't want to associate with druglords.
>that one sfm by selfdrillingsms
Avoid the main roads and avoid going into the chaos of the city? What was the purpose of that? Joel and his brother should have taken one look at the overturned semis and turned back.
Isn't that what they were trying to do though? Leave the Austin TX area?
The roads and backroads leading out of town were just all jammed with traffic
that shit is literally 1 step away from child porn my dude
Mating press
The quality of SMS's stuff honestly baffles me. It's legit fucking hollywood quality animation and camerawork and he's pushing SFM to it's absolute limits with the lighting.
Dude's clearly a legit professional 3d animator in the industry, why is he spending so much effort on porn
Is as close as a stick figure drawing you fucking retard
That defense won't hold up in court
>but not actually do it
what court, is not illegal and even if it were no one is persecuting or enforcing it
Thats the fucking point retard
Which one specifically? he has a lot
If only this game wasnt on a dirty console only people would have modded it and swapped the lolis around already
Yikes, why are you getting so defensive? This isn't like masturbating to lolis dude, this is masturbating to something made to look as close to a real child as possible. This isn't even about this being a crime or not, but if you legitimately enjoy masturbating to shit like that then you can't say you wouldn't jerk it to CP if you had the chance because you're already more than halfway there
I would have saved her
They should have had a "What if" dlc where she lives and Ellie and her were bffs... or maybe more =3
Because you said something stupid, thats not being defensive thats killing retardation at the base so it doesnt spread even more
Its not real, end of discussion
The irony of this post is amazing.
>if you do this in fiction that means youd do it for reals!
Literally kill yourself my man because the opposite is true and retards like you are the cancer of these modern days
autistic music and voice "acting" ruins it, same shit plagues a lot of good stuff like animopron, I guess those people are a bit disillusioned and forget they're making porn for people to fap to instead of some art nouveau bullshit
the best is still pockyin's sara/ellie blowjob, simple is good
Where do I watch these? paheal is no good. Do I need some secret paheal account?
CP fucking sucks dude the kids are clueless and dont know what they are doing, its not arousing in the least
>literally looks exactly like child porn with the only difference being that it's animated
so what did i say that was stupid
What irony?
I would have agreed with you if this was just some anime loli
pornhub you dumb retard
>extreme delusion on the interwebs
More at 11
he gave you the artist name you lazy fuck, do you not know how to fucking use google?
consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
Its fiction it being more or less realistic does not matter, people should be free to do what they want regarding fiction, it does not encourage raping real people its been proven to have the opposite effect, you are fucking stupid user
>extreme retardation on the interwebs
More right now Im sure
This, literally pedos in extreme denial
I downloaded CP and did nothing for me in fact I found it pretty gross, yet I love SFM loli
What now
This is something retardedly stupid to admit unless you live in some 3rd world country that has no laws.
I never claimed you shouldn't be able to do what you want with fiction and I never claimed you're committing any kind of crime. I do like how defensive you're getting and bringing up stuff I never mentioned though, guess you're feeling guilty after all?
You can't even kill children in your vanilla gaems, todd. You can't kill her so you can't pry money out of kids.
Not him, but "CP" was basically legal on the early internet. Especially if you remember all of the Ukrainian nude child modeling websites or the tons of "nudist" websites.
I deleted it, I no longer have any in my possession so it doesnt matter
And Im no 3rd worlder but in my country it would be impossible to get caught unless I went to the police and turned in myself after having to search again and redownload the CP
It would have to be a pretty slow day for any law enforcement to follow up on Anonymous's probably fake post on Yea Forums.
Yes Im guilty of trying to argue with retards that try to keep alive the
>killing cops in fiction makes you kill cops in real life
I wouldnt bother if it wasnt because the EU is using such excuses to control and censor the internet as we speak
Its infuriating and you are not helping when you spread those lies
Holy shit, has technology gone too far?
give me the link idiot, right now
Compared to the invention of the press this shit is nothing
>he thinks shes straight
oh my sweet summer child. shes gayer than ellie
Fuck me with a mangy rabbit, if I've ever seen a stupider clod!
There's a difference between just killing some cops in some video game and watching fairly realistic animated child porn
>The quality of SMS's stuff honestly baffles me.
I guess if you like watching twitchy meth heads fuck it's all right.
When it comes to affecting if youd do it in real life afterwards there is not, your likehood of doing it actually decreases.
he must have his own hi-tech mocap studio where he hires pornstars who are amazing at hard fucking to record sex animations with.
There's no other explanation
Let's pretend your warped perception of reality was correct; what would you have pedos do? I'd rather they fuck with 2d/dolls/this instead of real kids.
This is not a solid argument when it could be just as easily argued that seeing it will make you want the real thing more, and this applies to many things outside of just this topic
I agree. People who watch straight pornography featuring adults don't have sex with adults either.
I can only assume you are confused about who he is or what we are even talking about, because there is no way anyone who's actually seen his shit can believe that.
But experimental evidence only backs one of those arguments. It isn't yours.
You can argue that
But youd be completely wrong.
Its PROVEN it decreases the desire to do it for real
Man whats with all the clueless normalfags?
Fuck off to reddit or twotter holy shit, this place is not for you
Could I see this evidence then?
Im too invested in 2d/fictional girls to care about 3dpd
Rule34hentai, make an account.
Try Sankaku Channel
>not "where are the proofs?"
Its all over the fucking internet why do I need to google shit for you?
And EVEN if it encouraged it Id still be against banning it
Art is the most precious thing on earth and no form of it should ever be illegal
Pump their belly full of my mead if you know what i mean.
>But experimental evidence only backs one of those arguments.
>Butner Prison Study shows evidence that there is a link between possession of CP and offending
>N-JOV Study showed that child molesters and rapists consume and catalogue child pornography
>A study by Public Safety Canada determined that online offenders were often offenders in real life as well
>Studies that vindicate the ideology that "pornography is a substitute for the real thing" rely on self-reported data from convicted pedophiles
>Many studies show that people who offend are more likely to be repeat offenders
Fuck off, kike.
Thanks to games and other media being an outlet there is now less violence and rape than ever in human history
Crucifixion. Suffer not the non-human to live.
That only says that real actual pedos are likely to rape
Wow what a surprise
That has nothing to do with the current conversation, it does not make people that arent pedos into pedos
What are you talking about tubs?
Everything you've said is correlation/causation or irrelevant.
This. Instead we had to pal around with some ugly coalburning carpet muncher. This game was when Naughty Dog officially died to me.
There is a big difference between violence in video games and porn. You don't play games inherently for violence, you play them because they're entertaining and fun. You watch porn for sexual gratification, and I think we all know that being horny can massively influence our decision making and common sense. It's not far fetched for a common viewer of child porn to eventually want the real thing after getting tired of watching videos, and of course with his brain listening to his dick they'll go through with it knowing the risks.
Also, art is not inherently precious. I will say that I support the right to make what you want as long as it isn't breaking any laws.
>I like to watch children get fucked
>I'm not a pedo btw.
>Studies show that child pornography would actually DECREASE how often children are raped.
>uh... b-but not those ones...
Day of the Rope, soon.
why do lizards need breasts?
Think how much further we could go. Imagine letting people with homicidal tendencies execute the homeless, death row inmates or volunteers. We could let them "get their rocks off" and ensure that they'd have a safe, legal outlet to indulge in their fantasies.
Enslave them and have them dig up ash yams on my plantation
why does this character look like a kid with the head of someone in their 30s?
Nothing you posted implies that porn increases rape. It was all "durr rapists watch porn."
polygons arent children
I saw children being fucked and it was disturbing and not hot
And then you deny science, great
No there really really isnt, its the exact same thing
The only people that want to ban this stuff are usually real pedos themselves
You are also a phillistine and a lower form of human being, barely an ape
To feed their young, presumably.
How are video games and porn the same thing?
>and I think we all know that being horny can massively influence our decision making and common sense.
Are you a rapist because that has literally never happened to me, its always you unstable types that want to police others, thinking everyone must be as fucked as you
>Nothing you posted implies that porn increases rape.
But that's not what I'm arguing. I'm attacking the hypothesis that pornography deters rape. Which has very clearly been debunked as rapists indulge in pornography.
>And then you deny science, great
>i-i'm not a pedo!!!
By combining them and then making sweet patreon buxx
This. Sarah was overall the better loli.
You literally have no argument and are seriously fucking retarded with your dumb logical fallacy
As expected of a frogposter
I would jerk it to an indistinguishable-from-real-life CG video, sure. It's the abusing a real human being part that makes it illegal, not the small bobs.
>that has literally never happened to me
so you have never masturbated to something that you would never touch with a clear mind? you've never gotten off and been kind of disgusted that you were masturbating to some weird shit?
>Which has very clearly been debunked as rapists indulge in pornography.
I see you haven't finished high school. Come back when you know what "critical thinking" is or anything at all about the scientific process.
Who is th-
>if it any rapists at all watch porn, porn does not prevent anyone from raping
I seriously doubt you are this stupid.
CP is illegal because it infringes the rights of the subjects, NOT because it is pleasing content to pedophiles or because it may drive someone to commit more crimes.
Animations and drawings are not real, do not infringe the rights of anyone, and do not require regulation to protect the people.
Argument is derived from a false premise.
Has anyone else noticed that most Sarah porn gets deleted? Yet for some reason Ellie from the same game and shit like Clem from The Walking Dead don't get deleted. wtf?
>76% of CP possessors were also legit rapists
>83% of possessors were legit rapists
>these percentages are insignificant
>cook spaghetti dinners for her
>take her to soccer practice
>peek at her when she's changing
that can be easly fixed with something that starts with R
probably because Ellie's character has been shown all-growed-up from the sequel, and also she looks like Ellen Page and so subconsciously people's image of her is older and therefore they have a mental blindspot for her being underaged.
Same reason why people lose their shit about Marie Rose. If someone looks younger/older than they are they change their accusations about pedophilia even though the only thing that matters is how long they've been "alive".
>, why is he spending so much effort on porn
you have no idea how much money porn makes
the christmas one?
>tfw liked the original TLoU and its creepy shroom-zombies
>so far the sequel is nothing but hardcore virtue-signaling and not even a single zombie yet
To think this was once the fucking Crash studio, no less.
>these percentages are insignificant
>I don't know what a control is
You are like the dumbass that goes to a doctor having already diagnosed yourself because you lack the basic knowledge to understand what turns up in your google search.
Where does he get money now that Patreon went to shit?
>D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DOESN'T COUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'M NOT A PEDOPHILE!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's be real here. Nothing I say is going to change your mind. But none of that is going to matter when you get dragged by your neck from some patriot's bumper for 125 miles on the Day of the Rope, pedo. The least you can do is admit to it and prevent your suffering in Hell.
Or better yet, stop trying to promote your degeneracy on a "video games" imageboard.
See you in Hell, proto-rapist.
The first trailer had the zombos my dude
Granted it was for like 12 frames, but there were there
>it's a dumb LARPing frogposter episode
paypal as donations probably, you cant sell porn in paypal but you can recieve donations
>Nothing I say is going to change your mind.
That's because you aren't capable of saying anything that can change the mind of anyone more than a complete simpleton, likely because you yourself are a complete simpleton.
Post it.
>attack strategy "distracting information" defeated
>defense strategy "fallacy" engaged
>form of: STRAWMAN
joel was under the bed the whole time.
Not defending it but a lot of those where probably found to have it after being caught raping rather than them arresting as many people who had CP and then later finding out they where rapists.
if you would not kiss this girl on the lips, you have no soul
Seventh Post Best Post
That face looks like it was shopped onto a grown man's body and then increased the size of the head 10x.
Why is she so perfect?
>Tfw no incredibly kinky loli wife who acts about 10 years older than she acutally is
I want to pinch her cute cheeks.
Where's the Laura B's or Mara's dump?
>the time skip implying they been doing it all day, non stop.
>muh day of the rope.
How's it coming along there champ? Was lynching that nigger from TV the first step?
Oh... Wait...
>streaming porn
Eastern loli is fine
Western loli is cringe
t. Weeb
>i downloaded some dogshit sub-240p webcam of a girl doing yoga in her pajamas in the dark and i didnt blast thick ropes of cum immediately
here's my question. when a minor, say a 16 year old, uploads a cam video of themselves masturbating to some website for the purpose of the general public consuming the video, whose rights are being infringed here? i obviously agree that porn performed under duress or coercion is of course wrong, but surely not 100% of videos featuring minors follow this rule. i know i've fapped to many webcam videos where i couldn't be certain if the subject of the video was 18 or not. certainly straddling the line. i don't think i did anything wrong by masturbating to such videos because the subject of the video is not obviously being coerced in the video. could they be? sure. perhaps they're being blackmailed but it's not clear, and it's probably a poor assumption to make of every video.
This girl makes me so horny
>google searching loli sfm artists
>not knowing any of the sites that would host it on which to search
CP is a federal crime so that would be the federal government's rights being infringed.
obviously there has to be some sort of arbitrary line in the sand so the courts dont have to piddle around all day deciding whether some adolescent individual is responsible enough.
>yea but then you charge them as adults for murder and so on
1) the issues of murder are much simpler that even a young child can understand
2) I dont like that the states do that either
>CP is a federal crime so that would be the federal government's rights being infringed.
well sure, but i think the average person doesn't really give a shit about the rights of a government. they give a shit about the rights of individuals. i couldn't give any less of a shit about the rights of a government, because it's not an individual. the only thing that matters to normal people is if a video is performed in coercive circumstances or not. CP is outlawed because a majority of people believe that no matter the context of a video featuring a minor it was either coerced or the minor simply cannot fathom what they are doing and therefore are too irresponsible to be making a video.
>federal government's rights being infringed
What? That sounds like implying that government has intellectual property rights over illegal media.
>federal crime so that would be the federal government's rights being infringed
Which of us is retarded
I think it's you, but it might be me
>all these retards arguing
I'd rather have Yea Forums spiderman posting desu
So, how many of you are in possession of actual CP?
Thay would be weird if i didnt have some sort of family relation to her
I'd stick with a hug or pat on the head
Maybe you don't care about it, but the government does. And the government usually wins.
Once child-sex laws tighten, historically they've aaaaaaalmost never loosened. (that one occurrence in france doesn't count btw).
slow day at the bureau? surely you could be snooping on trump or something.
I dont know how to feel about this post
I'm surprised this thread is still up. People are literally arguing about CP.
fuck off cia nigger
Well, I have some polaroids of me running around in the buff as a kid. Does that count?
stick a dildo in my mouth and let her ride my mouth
How's your janitor application coming along?
and i want to make it abundantly clear that i'm not arguing whether the government is opposed to something or not, because that is a useless conversation. i'm asking about whether our preconceptions/thoughts about the subject of CP are 100% accurate. that's a different question altogether. bringing up 'government doesn't care about that' is not a proper answer to my argument. i'm of course aware that the military force of government is the primary enforcement tool that keeps many societal rules in place.
The government's right to police the distribution of proscribed materials. In any case from a purely legalistic standpoint the "victim" is the US government which is why CP is handled by the federal government via the FBI and HLS and not the state police.
*bang* *bang* *bang*
Of course they aren't accurate but what are you going to do about it? Perform a study that gets immediately denounced and blacklisted for not coming to the sanctioned conclusion?
When Judith Levine wrote her book, Harmful To Minors, they wanted to throw her in prison.
pull my devil trigger.
Where do I even find SMS's stuff these days? His patreon and stuff doesn't have all his content, same goes for paheal
Where is he posting his sarah/ellie/Clementine shit? Same goes for other SFM artists and, say, Incognitymous. Is there some super sekret club where everybody is posting and reuploading their loli shit?
Doesn't have everything
Tried to, says account creation is closed, and even then I want to know whrere SMS and such are actually posting stuff, not just reuploads