Why does he pretend one of his arms is broken?

Why does he pretend one of his arms is broken?

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Sneak attack

its a ronin thing

That's the arm he jacked Jecht off with
He's honoring his memory by refusing to use it

This, as well as the jug of sake.

Historically, the one arm sleeveless was a samurai thing in general (in case you needed to grab your sword to fuck someone up). But it and the jug of sake became strongly associated with the Ronin or masterless samurai like the duster and wide brimmed hat became associated with the American cowboy, for much the same reason - film.

He's supposed to look like Japan Clint Eastwood

But if your arm is in essentially a sling it takes even longer to grab your sword. When Auron enters battle in a few cutscenes he first has to free his left arm by taking the left part of his jacket off. Seems slower to me.

The question stands as to why. It's really just aesthetic?

Why do you think Lulu belts?

Its called a limiter. You never watched anime before?

he rests his arm so when he needs to use it, it is at maximum power

so he can jack it during combat because he has some weird fetish

>tfw remembering I carried my arm like that in my button-up denim shirt when I was 12 years old after playing FFX
Fuck I guess that was my chuuni phase

I did that once at a grocery store to look cool and my mom called me a faggot. Good times.

She's stupid.

yunalesca fucked his arm up

>He's supposed to look like Japan Clint Eastwood
Funnily enough, neither of them have fought in an actual war.

Was his arm not broken? I havent played this since release, I thought it was broken

It means he's a samurai that's lost his master. His primary sword arm was reserved for that person which I assume is Braska. That's why they make a big deal of highlighting him removing his arm from his cloak in Luca stadium since he's taking as Tidus as his master now per se

yuna is his master, dumbass

Man wouldn't it be weird if someone walked around like that in middle school after the game came out ha ha man they'd probably look back on that and regret everything ha ha wouldn't that be weird

He can do most everything one handed, he uses his other arm for power attacks.

Aw cmon user, being a kid is all about doing silly stuff like that. No need to beat yourself up if you had a good time

>No need to beat yourself up if you had a good time
no good times were had, at least I didn't go to school with a milk jug clipped to my belt loop like I wanted to

Because he's Muslim

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>He's supposed to look like Japan Clint Eastwood
Which is a funny comparison, since Clint openly based his screen persona on Japanese movie ronin characters, particularly Toshiro Mifune's characters in Kurosawa films.