Attached: wesker.jpg (500x382, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Albert "0.10 Inch Tyrant" Wesker
>Albert "Erectile Error Bio Terror" Wesker
>Albert "Gucci For Pucci" Wesker
>Albert "Dick Needs Wet" Wesker
>Albert "Virgin" Wesker
>Albert "The Kijuju Cummer" Wesker
>Albert "What a MANSION" Wesker
>Albert "Please Open That Whore" Wesker
>Albert "3 And under Biohazard" Wesker
>Albert "Chris? S-stop!" Wesker
>Albert "Las Fagas" Wesker
>Albert "Excella Be-Gone" Wesker
>Albert "Needs Pussy" Wesker
>Albert "Code: Erotica" Wesker
>Albert "D-Virus" Wesker
>Albert "This Volcano Isnt The Only Thing Erupting" Wesker
>Albert "Hard-On Like You Wouldnt Believe" Wesker
>Albert "Drop A Nemesis On My Penesis" Wesker
>Albert "I Have Sunglasses For My Balls" Wesker
>Albert "Frosted Tips" Wesker
>Albert "Ganados For My Gonad-o's" Wesker
>Albert "I'll Be The Tail To Your Snake head And We'll Make An Ouroboros, Baby" Wesker
>Albert "Gorgeous" Wesker
>Albert "Small Time" Wesker
>Albert "Not Used To Escorting Men" Wesker
>Albert "Seven Minutes" Wesker
>Albert "If I Jizz Up My Dick Looks Like The Umbrella Logo" Wesker
>Albert "Resident Weevil" Wesker
>Albert "Looking For Some Action" Wesker
>Albert "Bleaching My Hair For Claire" Wesker
>Albert "Neo" Wesker
>Albert "Choking Hazard Bastard" Wesker
>Albert "Sticking His Hands Where They Dont Belong" Wesker
>Albert "Johnny Bravo" Wesker
>Albert "Sitting On A Brooch Looking For Cooch" Wesker
>Albert "Cerberus Fucker" Wesker
>Albert "Slim Shorty" Wesker
>Albert "Microparasite" Wesker
>Albert "Saturating Her Globes" Wesker

Attached: 1486522192877.jpg (529x529, 34K)

cant wait for them to meet again

Attached: clairexwesker_meet.webm (1280x720, 1.51M)






>Albert "If I Jizz Up My Dick Looks Like The Umbrella Logo" Wesker
Best one

Attached: No D-Virus for you.png (577x467, 32K)

Attached: clairexwesker_09.jpg (800x1000, 146K)

>Wesker didn't fuck this
What the fuck..?

Attached: 23904820934.jpg (500x1150, 69K)

he had better options

Attached: becca_costumes178.jpg (1400x1200, 143K)

>More like Albert "get pimp slapped by a plant and run away like a little bitch" Wesker

Attached: 1548781187020.png (460x452, 202K)


Wesker only wants blondes and cute tomboys

Do you guys have tips on running RE2make? The demo seemed to run pretty smoothly for me, but now the game itself is just destroying my rig. Is there some evil setting I'm unaware of? I basically have to choose between caveman framerate and chops or the screen looking like I dont have glasses on due to the lack of AA and texture.

Switch DX12 to DX11 and turn film grain off.

why is this artist so based?

Attached: ed7.jpg (720x809, 64K)

I'm taking a break from a Leon A Standard speedrun, currently at 2'27" and G2 just broke down the shutter. I have no defense items and only a few shotgun shells. This is going to suck. Is it even worth continuing with the time I'm at, before I waste any effort on this?

The artist is a LeonxAdafag. The artist has patrician tastes.

They can’t draw Ada’s eyebrows or lashes or whatever the fuck is going on above her eyes to save their life

If he were so based he'd put Claire on this instead of Ada. Claire is hotter.

Attached: 1528990736690.gif (375x211, 622K)

Fuck off, Chris

You should start over desu.

Finished RE2 Remake and then went back to finish all of the RE7 DLC. I've not played every game except for Revelations 2 which won't run on my laptop. Going to wait until my PC is done to play it. Should I play RE4 again while I wait, Yea Forums? What weapons should I use this time?

Topkek, based and Ouroborospilled

Attached: 1549512487210.jpg (331x259, 7K)

I don't have Windows 10 so it's stuck on DX11 but I find it hard to believe that's the main issue. It's so gay that I cant look at my settings for the demo due to "one shot" autism.

>that dog eater bitch wont get Leon. He will fuck me and Sherry, I will die for it if needed

Attached: images (45).jpg (550x326, 12K)

You can download a trainer for the Demo


Attached: 1549521039527.jpg (720x720, 72K)

Stop saying what you dont know. Chris is very busy and get a lot of women and he wouldnt be posting in this shitty imgboard.


Attached: 1f8.png (1559x1199, 1.91M)


Attached: 1550467739487.png (278x258, 88K)

Fuck, seriously? I was feeling pretty good because I got through the sewers in like 20 mins and barely got hit but I got PTSD from the first time with G2 and now I'm hesitating. I should really start over?

How do you get the demo on steam?

How would Desperate Times in Outbreak have to be remade due to the changes in Remake2? My idea is they have to go around and find the medallions then place them in the correct statues, explaining how they got there in the first place. Maybe the statues would drop parts for a key or something, but I don't know what door they could escape though. Maybe instead of the tunnel under the statue that the lady cop uses there's a secret one in one of the morgue drawers.

Attached: 1535085286321.png (248x176, 82K)

Sounds more like Revolver Ocelot.

I bet you guys didn't know that Lickers could jump through time and space to get at you

>fuck chinks and fuck spies

Attached: claire_face_smug3.jpg (614x579, 69K)

She has some patrician taste

Attached: 058.png (1600x1199, 1.23M)

Games worth playing?
So far I have 4 and the 2 remake how is RE1 remake?


Attached: 54363457.png (1280x720, 532K)


Attached: claire.jpg (720x900, 81K)

its the best one, tied with remake 2

Attached: becca_cowgirl2.jpg (462x554, 43K)

What would happen if RE6 Leon would have encountered RE2R Ada?
What would happen if RE6 Ada would have encountered RE2R Leon?

Attached: 73330918_p0.jpg (701x1000, 543K)


He is a lolicon

becky in the resident evil thread!

Attached: 1485400712486.jpg (774x1032, 144K)

Weskerrr, what are you doing?

Attached: Screenshot_20190222-225934.png (2048x1395, 709K)

Better than Ada

Probably "meeting" behind Chris's back, no wonder he wants Leon to love her. Although Leon is too hooked on Ada.

Attached: tumblr_phns98UPa21tqklz9o1_400.png (383x600, 110K)

shes the best resident evil

Attached: 1550548874456.jpg (1075x1045, 157K)

My game is being remade next, anons! You'll see!

Attached: Rita.png (411x651, 245K)

Just beat Leon's campaign. Someone tell me what the difference is between claire NG and second run claire

sorry if this is common knowledge, this is my third RE game ever.

Attached: 1533857101694.jpg (1080x1145, 150K)

G3 is an absolute unit

Attached: Mr Universe.jpg (1920x1080, 260K)

Attached: 3FF557A9-085E-40BD-98A4-829377ED8595.png (665x960, 423K)

Attached: G3 swipe.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

There is no "NG." First run is the A scenario and second run is the B scenario. Make sure you select the second run and not the normal new game whenever you start the B scenario.

agreed! nobody can beat her, even if some come close!

Attached: 1510774361658.png (1125x1013, 933K)

Attached: worlds strongest mutant.webm (960x540, 2.99M)


Never mind

>tfw you never play RE for the first time ever again

Attached: DyVvGvlXgAImMAj.jpg (1000x1333, 133K)

Wesker. You

Wesker's also going to need to breed the seed...

Attached: 02-22-19_11-13-25 PM.png (1920x1017, 725K)

Attached: 1550433725249.webm (423x800, 1.04M)

I liked to play with Claire . There are new cutscenes and areas.

Attached: Ada G3.png (1004x977, 1.29M)

In Outbreak only Rita can fit through the escape tunnel, she leaves to get a SWAT van and save the survivors while everyone else makes a last stand.
Except in RE2make the tunnel connects to the parking garage which leads directly outside, whereas in Outbreak it's never explained where the tunnel leads. So it doesn't make sense for Desperate Times to be about using the tunnel if it just takes you to a different place in the RPD, especially when the outside is swarming with zombies.
You don't see a lot of civillian zombies in the RPD, but you see a ton of cop zombies so they must've got out somehow. If they do remake Outbreak, Desperate Times won't be about using the tunnel.

Attached: becca_butt_012.jpg (1920x1080, 238K)

RE6 Ada would rape the fuck out of RE2Remake Leon, and RE6 Leon would know how to handle, and thus play with RE2 Ada

That's why I suggested there could be a "new" tunnel that only Rita would access by using one of the morgue drawers (it would fit just fine imo). Leon and Claire never bother with the drawers that much so it wouldn't retcon anything in Remake2.

Is any of the costume dlc worth buying?

Attached: claire huh.jpg (296x375, 23K)

Attached: 1550817825833.png (739x1077, 1.17M)

Noir Leon is cute as fuck and Elza Clair really shows off her bubble butt

Attached: 1549232070447.jpg (2872x3633, 1.77M)

I always wondered where the flashlight went when you aimed a long gun. Turns out it completely disappears. I thought you maybe tucked it under your fingers on your left hand while gripping the gun with it, but apparently not

Attached: shotgun flashlight.jpg (1920x2208, 709K)

Attached: Paper Planes.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

Attached: clairexwesker_bully1.webm (1920x1080, 2.03M)

Attached: clairexwesker_bully2.webm (636x360, 312K)

Claire Redfield is adorable and sweet and wonderful and I love her.

Attached: 1549390324737.jpg (790x722, 93K)

Maybe it was the magic of immersion, but I swear that Leon was holding the flashlight against the barrel of the shotgun. I even felt disappointed when I saw Claire didn't do the same for the grenade launcher.

Why is she so pale here? Is she okay?

Attached: clairexirons_slap.webm (1280x720, 429K)

>There are actual people ITT who "love and respect" Claire too much to let themselves appreciate her 10/10 nude mod, despite desperately wanting to have sex with her
If she's so much your waifu then you should be happy to be able to see her intimate parts

Attached: 20190217003426_1.jpg (1920x1080, 130K)

Just beat Birkin G5 in remake 2. Can he actually attack you, or is it just instant death if you don't deal enough damage in time?

>Thinking of your woman you love in such a way
>Not wanting to wait for marriage, saving yourselves for each other and waiting until your wedding night to be intimate with one another

You don't know the first thing about waifuism.

These others don't want smoke with WeskerxClaire

Smiley: Fans have been wondering, and I kid you not. From your experience in the games which of the Resident Evil ladies does Wesker have his sights on? Claire, Ada or Rebecca? Or do you find his obsession with Chris to be more than what he’s letting on?

Richard: I think for Wesker sex and violence are the same thing so he isn't gender specific or even person specific but he does light up around the people who challenge him, like the Redfields.

Smiley: To be fair though, Alyson Court (voice of Claire) is “Team Wesker” in this case and has voiced her views on Wesker X Claire. Your thoughts?

Richard: I don't know any male who has met Alyson who doesn't have a bit of a thing for her so I'm afraid I am a little biased. Claire is a favorite.

not being able to play REmake for the first time again is legit soul crushing

if you get super close to him before the big eye pops out he insta kills you

Wesker only has his sights on one tomboy.

Attached: 02-22-19_11-48-59 PM.png (1920x1017, 1.57M)

I know if I was super in love with a girl I would want to have sex with her as soon as possible. Waiting for marriage is just punishing both of you for no good reason.

He only wants Chris

Claire is important and special to me. I'd want the time to be right.


well there's never gonna be a "right time" because she's not even real

I know, you don't have to remind me.

Attached: 1550021383694.jpg (780x439, 46K)

Noir Leon, Sheriff Leon, Elza Claire.

Thanks for replying, went ahead and bought those three. Have a Jordan for your trouble.

Attached: rare jordan.jpg (980x1369, 284K)


post the ramen jordan

id like to see it happen. but Wesker will have to become good, i dont see Claire becoming evil

Attached: clairexwesker_02.jpg (1000x1000, 210K)

>tfw Claire x Wesker has always been my guilty pleasure
REmake CV can't cum soon enough

>evil Claire
Muhhh dick.

>Albert "Johnny Bravo" Wesker
I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers that video.

Candy? Wesker really doesn't know how to socialize with other people.

Attached: 1550740536730.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

The Remake's graphics are ground breaking, I tell ya'.

thank you
she's so cute it hurts

Say what you want but Claire and Sherry's relationship was pretty great. Sherry is more Claire's kid than Annette's.

Yes based on her original photo and her deformed body. She'd make a great research pet, a major promotion for Wesker within Umbrella.

You can't mention it without posting it.

How often do jake and sherry fuck?

>when you shoot your cum straight into her eye.jpg

Finally got S+ in RE2make. I like blowing shit up with the rocket launcher. I'm still missing like 4-5 records, but I dunno if I'll go for them, it feels like i already got my fill of the game.

Attached: 1540380521958.webm (720x720, 199K)

wow, claire forcefully rode leon for hours of in game time and her pregnancy test came out negative. leon's really prolonging the inevitable...

Attached: 02-23-19_12-21-47 AM.png (1920x1017, 1.5M)

Claire and Wesker are one of the best pairings. Would make Claire story a lot more interesting.
Alyson and Waugh are big fans.


>eating fruit loops naked is how he copes

Attached: broly heh.png (573x437, 321K)

Revealtions 2 was good. Fuck you guys.

he cannot truly be free. he must escape through toucan sam's multicolored loops.

Attached: 02-23-19_12-26-47 AM.png (1920x1017, 1.19M)

Why was he recast as Wesker in favor of Douglas anyways? I like Douglas's Wesker but the dude is a real creep.

I'm beginning to see why speedrunners go insane

Attached: 20190223001415_1.jpg (1920x1080, 111K)

Attached: incel.png (449x217, 127K)

Maybe one of them is sterile

>anyone but Rebecca

Attached: becca_face_unimpressed2.jpg (354x390, 25K)

>He's started speedrunning?
>Start putting sphere hunter and gender reassignment videos in his recommended Youtube videos

Attached: bog phone.jpg (500x500, 30K)

Oda, where's my friend Billy?

Attached: friendly missing person.png (1321x1053, 1.7M)

LOL, fuck that scenario. Can't imagine trying to do it in that short of a time.

Can Claire ever recover?

Attached: cucked.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

Ultimately a faggot. Who wouldn't want to bang sexy noblewoman.

Attached: 1488677571937.jpg (600x765, 102K)

Oh no no no no.

Claire a cutie.

Attached: 1550353947196.jpg (2560x1440, 351K)

I don't know but he was in the middle of recording for UC, when they recast him. Best Wesker, maybe he would have been expensive. Capcom also advised Douglas to sound like Waugh. Can't stand when they do that.

But DC seemed alright when I saw him, how is creepy?

They better not screw up best girl's appearance in RE3make.

Attached: 1550721582156m.jpg (998x1024, 108K)

Beccafags seething and can't take the smoke.

Attached: MellowHairyClumber-size_restricted.gif (252x252, 1.4M)

>its ok user, Im sure Capcom will hire me for Resident evil 3 Remake, thanks!

Attached: Jillvoth_talk_A1.webm (576x720, 463K)

Well there was that time he recorded himself in a womens bathroom listening to a woman take a huge shit. I wouldn't be shocked if he was a brap poster.

>Play as Claire
>Get oneitis

Attached: 1550477562238.png (500x340, 161K)

Never include resident evil thread in the OP it always attracts the waifufags that shit up the threads

Attached: 1530846039039.png (598x628, 383K)

Are you serious??

It was fun playing it with someone on splitscreen but I can't imagine dealing with the AI.

After re7 and re2 I'm hype for 8 bros.

Rebecca was last week's model in Wesker's reptilian eyes.



the only one shitting up the thread is you with your gay off topic image and bitching

Attached: becca_lab_yousure.gif (320x389, 1.85M)

I've unironically liked all of the mainline games. No matter what, I'll probably have a blast.

You WILL give me an EGG

i dont think enemies even target the ai in sp
make of it what you will.

Attached: leon shits himself.jpg (784x588, 50K)

mediocre at best

It is in your best iNTEREST to assist me.

Attached: 1526674484144.jpg (325x270, 21K)

Attached: ada.jpg (2100x2502, 819K)

I've known that feel since the remake's release day.


Attached: REEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg (585x300, 26K)

her mercenaries lines man, phew
> I neeed your magnum

Attached: Excella_gionne_psd_jpgcopy.jpg (517x1051, 38K)

Attached: claire cucked.jpg (575x561, 154K)

Yeah.....I'll stick with Waugh.

They've done nothing but improve upon themselves lately and giving the fans what they want. I'm hyped too.

Attached: cucklaire.webm (1280x720, 283K)

What the fuck was he even doing in the womens room anyways? He tries to play it off in the end but he knew what he was doing.

Attached: 1515121455896.png (480x480, 94K)

Attached: 1441271273123.png (500x497, 132K)

Imagine if Capcom made a costume like this for Claire haha

Attached: jordan gym1.jpg (724x1004, 122K)

Seems like a common mistake in Denver airport, apparently?

>Remake 1 - 2002
>Remake 2 - 2019
>Remake 3 - 2036
>Remake 4 - 2053
I won't live that long

Attached: 1547295422133.jpg (801x561, 136K)

imagine if Claire had a zombie costume

Attached: jordan_sick1.webm (640x640, 1.47M)

by the time i noticed something was wrong, the entire city was infested with Claires

Attached: claire_zombies.gif (480x280, 1.98M)

Attached: claire_flirt6b.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

i feel like theres not enough leon x claire stuff

Attached: 1550860243095.jpg (610x650, 229K)

You ever wonder what series of terrible life decisions leads one to become a USS mercenary?

Attached: zombie goast leave this place.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

was facemapping a mistake?

Attached: real_claire1.jpg (1636x1142, 342K)

Putting japanese people in charge of making white peoples' lips animate properly was a mistake.

My name is Leona. I'm under the president's order to rescue you.

Attached: FemLeon.jpg (288x175, 10K)

Probably the same chain of events that leads most people that find themselves working for a PMC to that profession.

>be soldier
>4 years is up
>want to keep doing soldier stuff
>find out PMC is hiring and pays way more than Uncle Sam does
>go work for PMC instead of re-enlisting

Attached: advertiser friendly Claire cleaning herself.jpg (800x1067, 161K)

Wesker ain't no virgin, he must have fucked a girl fo Jake to exist.

the combination of facial scanning, performance capture and animation touchups can and has accomplished some pretty impressive results. capcom seems like theyre just fooling around with this tech without the proper expertise and budget

Attached: IRL_RE4_Ganado.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)


did Wesker last 7 minutes?

Attached: becca_face_concerned_2.jpg (500x549, 41K)

>You will never be the president's son and be protected by Leona


judging by her expression, no

Would you be able to last 7 minutes with Rebecca? No, no one would, you'd be lucky if you could manage 7 pumps.

Attached: Lickers.jpg (1069x748, 71K)

Imagine how weird their kid would look, half gorilla/half sandwich.

Attached: ChrisJillrender.png (525x700, 286K)

resident evil, fallout. those were great games once. ONCE.
now, they are synonymous with aids and fagot. gj, npc's.

Attached: resident shit 2.jpg (855x647, 115K)

I don't blame him. I've gone in the women's restroom on accident a couple of times.

>you will never have a woman cry out your name during orgasm

Attached: cbb.jpg (1472x1152, 223K)

Attached: chris YES.jpg (479x562, 36K)

>and then Barry said-
*takes bite*
>-I was almost-
*smacks lips*
>-a Jill Sandwich
*licks fingers*

Attached: Jillvoth_sandwich.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Attached: Claire_Marvin_1.jpg (1920x1080, 497K)

the decline was on the horizon for those who saw it coming, alas, pleople are blind (and stupid).
to the good old times. may they rest in piece.

Attached: re hd cube vs pc.jpg (1392x2123, 548K)

Attached: Claire_Marvin_2.webm (848x940, 2.99M)



Reminder that Bravo Team (sans Rebecca) deserve their own game.
Reminder that Enrico deserves to be the lead.
Reminder that the mansion incident will be incomplete until we see it from Bravo Team's perspective.

Attached: Enrico2.png (446x436, 225K)

My game is being remade next!

Attached: Rita.png (411x651, 245K)

I hate everything about this webm.
No one does it like that. And no one would film it.

>Claire is a screamer once Leon breaks her hymen

Attached: lewd.png (1200x675, 1.5M)

Soon. Until then. Now.

Attached: REO-Guide.png (1482x2448, 835K)

I'll take bottom desu.

Enough. Is. Enough.

Attached: 2093480293.jpg (1200x675, 61K)

the only one doing any hymen breaking is Mr.X

Attached: BIG TYRANT COCK.png (720x1440, 283K)

Why? They all fucking die and don't do anything of worth.
>Kevin dies immediately
>Enrico runs like a bitch then dies like one
>Forest gets pecked to death
>Richard gets fucked by Yawn
>Kenneth gets fucked

retcon it so Enrico faked his death to fool Wesker and take down Umbrella.
nanomachines son


>Get away from MY man, you bug-faced chink!

Attached: 1549530450137.jpg (614x579, 66K)

so how many clones are there of her?

Attached: becca_wife_crossarm1.webm (1280x720, 154K)


Attached: 18762611.jpg (2544x4000, 799K)

I wonder if Leon and Angela became fuck buddies.

Not enough

Same thing that causes a lot of veterans to join PMCs.


So did they change this nigger game to be more annoying than it used to be? Zombies are eating shotgun shells and magnum rounds without being staggered now.


Attached: claire_smug_elza2.webm (892x720, 333K)

Could be worse, you could be UBCS.

Attached: claire ahem.png (274x307, 76K)

Cos she's a neo nazi that can't go anywhere without inciting a race war. Even Ben 'One Man Klan' Garrison would be proud of Claire.

Jokes on you, I havent played RE1 before



Attached: ShevaB.gif (390x336, 2.95M)

Jesus Christ Leon clean your fucking gun.

Attached: vp70.jpg (797x565, 51K)

>someone took the time to make this

Hunk's been in the sewer for a week and his gun looks cleaner than Leon's.

Attached: MUP.jpg (693x569, 41K)

I'd let Sheva show me the breeding customs of her people any day.

Imagine this, but Leon is the protagonist and everytime he gets bitten he shouts: AHHH NO WAY FAG

did chris get culturally enriched?

Attached: 68638599_p5.png (795x740, 503K)


Attached: 1549139700678.png (561x522, 144K)

Aren't you and Piers expecting a child?

He ruined Sheva for other cultures. She'll never go back.

goddamn that's grimy

Her interactions with Sherry really gave me feels. Claire is so motherly, warm and caring. It's a big reason why I fell in love with her.

Was Sheva even 100% black? She looks half at best. Maybe even a quadroon.

I thought you and Jill were just good friends?

>He ruined Sheva
chris is gay for piers

Why is she so [/spoiler]file name?

Attached: Physics.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

>despite being in the second weakest game of the series, these two had more chemistry than Jill ever did with Chris
I replayed it earlier this week and god damn, the sexual tension was thick in that game.

Why is she so file name?

Attached: Physics.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

the character is supposed to be full african from a small town, but the actress she's modeled after is mixed. just artistic license i guess

Attached: concept art.png (487x980, 1010K)

I bet someone autistic enough will use that AI technology to create higher-res versions of the original textures

Already been done. He used GC backgrounds as bases in many cases, it looks pretty good to be fair.

REUpscale Project

wtf bros you never told me how hard B route speedruns were, I barely made it on my first try!

Attached: 20190223014250_1.jpg (1920x1080, 353K)

I saw your failed spoiler dummy. Damn Jill has nice tits

>more chemistry than Jill ever did with Chris
to be fair, that's not saying a whole lot. even in 5 they're written with an odd kind of sense of distance in their interactions

>In the novelverse, Chris is mad because Leon is banging his sister

Attached: ClaireLeonNovels.jpg (1057x5215, 1.63M)

core values

>finger nail

What the fuck??

Attached: JillxWesker_RE5intro.webm (640x360, 1.65M)

What if the all theses viruses fucked him up so bad that he now reproduces using mitosis?

Attached: becca_wifedissapoint.webm (650x536, 152K)

Leon's baby is kicking!

Attached: claire tummy ache.jpg (1920x1080, 267K)


Attached: clairexwesker_07.jpg (857x933, 157K)

Well, they did spend the entirety of RE5 together. Did Chris and Jill spend much time together in Revelations? I haven't played it yet.

What will they name the first of the biological Kennedy-Redfields?

Attached: kennedy2.png (711x427, 214K)

>dust particles
damn, this games pay so much attention to detail, don't they?


some, but not the majority of the game

Attached: 1550854406346.jpg (1577x894, 284K)

Wesker had sex with some off screen woman and sired Jake in Resident Evil 6. So he was probably finished with women once he completed his biological function of siring offspring.

Attached: 657876979.png (1000x1000, 190K)

>Those scratches
God I wish that were me

So he likes redheads?

Attached: claire.gif (500x290, 922K)

They won't have their first son until after REmake 4. Leon and Claire will name him Luis, and their next boy will be named Mike.

These comics are terrible and ugly as fuck

>tfw you'll never EVER have a boyfriend
>tfw some old woman that can't even take the poo to the loo properly makes fun of you for it
>your life is just pure suffering and crippling loneliness
>no way out in the horizon
>if any man even tries to come near you they'll die
>the only one who wouldn't die doesn't wanna come near you ever again

Attached: JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP.png (757x1826, 1.9M)

Because you're a moronic shipper. Ada and Leon's never ending back and forth until they're old, wrinkled, and grey haired is one of the worst parts of RE. And worse it's not like Ada Wong is a likable character, that cunt has obviously killed innocent people while working for Wesker before she met Leon. Even after Wesker dies, she continues working for shady immoral organizations taking jobs from them instead of making an effort to reform. So this cunt is unlikable. The only reason this Mary Sue keeps haunting the series is some idiot at Capcom worships this cunt just like how Simmons in RE6 worshiped Ada Wong.

Someone should post that leaked RE4 remake ending.

Plus by 5 he'd probably refuse to indulge in anything as lowly and human as simple sexual urge.

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Darkside Chronicles Claire was absolute perfection

first time playing REmake2.

Any tips? I've heard about not killing every zombie you come across, but I don't really know when its best to do that.


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Nah, just gas...

Interestingly enough, the lore seemed to imply that Wesker actually cared about Jake's mother, at least before he went full RE5 crazy.

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This is likely. After all Wesker is the opposite of Birkin who was a family man entirely (even if he was evil as all hell).

Attached: RE4make ending.jpg (1350x861, 228K)

That she was.

Attached: ''Claire_(1).gif (500x272, 914K)

>Leon: Claire,do you rip band aids or remove them slowly?
>Claire: Rip them off of course
>Leon: I'm glad you said that
>Claire: Screams in pain

So lets say he won, how would his new race of people reproduce? Since sex is beneath him, a race of people like that would easily die off.

Do you think Umbrella Corps will ever be brought up again in canon? It has a lot of implications to the greater story.

>Wesker is still alive
>Umbrella Inc. is essentially resurrected with Red Umbrella
>3A-7 is hinted to be HUNK, meaning he's still been active behind the scenes this entire time

Attached: 3A-7_Render.png (555x1010, 454K)

Closed the game 5 minutes in, don't know it's lore components.

Might give it another go

Wesker makes Claire tremble

Attached: claire_tremble.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

He wasn't evil, he was a smart and brilliant man.
He just played with fire and got burnt.

Once he was G, he didn't really control his actions any more.

Think Heisenberg/Walter from breaking bad.

Morality is bothersome

To kill zombies, I found it a lot easier to just shoot them in one leg and blow it off, then knife them from behind until they die. However it's better to just avoid them altogether if you can. Also the blue herbs do more than just cure poison this time around, if you combine them with a red herb they'll give you full poison immunity and a temporary defense boost, or you can go G+R+B herb and get a full health restore on top of it. R+B herb really helps in the sewers when you're dealing with the G mutants.

I mean he literally and knowingly experimented on Orphans in Remake.

Blue vs Red Umbrella when?

>Do you think Umbrella Corps will ever be brought up again in canon?
They already said it's canon, whether anybody likes it or not.

He wanted to take his work to the military, he knew how fucked up umbrella was...

>implying they're not two faces of the same organization
Malus Necessarium

The ending cutscene of 2 remake is so bad. RE3 still remains the kind RE ending cutscene

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Been going through Assisted to get the no item box + no healing items records. God damn this shit is retard proof.

Beneath him, not his subjects. He considered himself a god-like figure, separate from and as its creator above even the new superior world he intended to bring about. The act of biological reproduction becomes one of creation on a grand scale instead. Though there's an element of self-delusion there, and by that point his mania is at its peak in anticipation.

I am on my 2nd playthrough in REmake and decided to go Jill/Hard and I am legit terrified. Ammo is extremely rare, there are mostly green herbs everywhere and not enough kerosine so now half of the corridors are infested with crimson heads so I have to look for ways to walk around them. I just got a military shotgun from the first confrontation with the snek, though. In the woods now and I don't want to think about my return to the mansion when hunters start to spawn.

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I was almost a Claire sandwich

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That makes sense, plus I think he wouldn't want the liability of an offspring. But he needs to figure out a way to reproduce because you never know. Something could wipe them out.

he wanted to take his work to the military when it looked like umbrella wasn't going to fund it at the level he needed anymore, there's really zero indication of birkin having any moral qualms about his work or really thinking of it in moral terms at all, positive or negative. it seems like he just wanted to explore the potential of the virus to its most revolutionary extent at any cost

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>Wesker will never grab your face and slap you like this
Why even bother living?

>We will never have a game about them having to clear the New York sewer system and after the events of Vendetta

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good i hate sewer levels. but RE8 will probably consider vendetta canon, so we might have to deal with some aftermath and probably have to play as Rebecca

Attached: becca_wife_tied1.webm (1280x720, 907K)

these bonus modes suck ass and make me hate the game

I wish when blood-splatter appeared in the air that small blood pools would appear on the floor below it, like the spurt of blood fell onto the ground. Imagine if the smaller blood pools from each spurt could merge together and make big blood puddles. That would make the gore look so much better

Probably, but I figure whatever form his post-uroboros world would take and all that was just intentionally left vague. No need to bog down the game with the nitty gritty and it's more striking and atmospheric for Wesker to describe it in sweeping aphorisms than to detail any of the mechanics.

To be fair entirely fair to Richard, he seems capable and holds his own until he selflessly sacrifices himself to save Jill/Chris from Yawn/Neptune. I’m not sure if the rail shooter games have any sort of validity but he’s able to hold his own with Rebecca until they get ambushed by Yawn.

Is there a cannon order for the story of re2 remake or are they really just a mess?

OK, then that makes him a-moral, not evil.

He didn't do it for the sake of evil, it just wasn't evil from his point of view. For him, science should not be bound by petty morality

since they have an airborne antidote to the virus used on ny wouldn't that game just be like a fumigation simulator plus occasionally bagging bodies and trying to escort deeply traumatized survivors

This. At least with the USS, umbrella actually wanted you to come back.

Yeah pretty much but even if they fumigate the sewers with cure gas that would leave dead and dying people wandering who knows how far down those tunnels. Someone's going to have to do it and since the gang just blew up a bunch of buildings in downtown New York they've got to be on a shitlist.
>they get sent down with some rescue teams
>oh no the cure idn't work on some people cause the virus mutated
>the nonames are killed and now Leon and Chris are separated in the sewers trying to get out and have to decide if they should just shoot everything or hope Rebecca can make a new cure.
>the collapse of the buildings also messed up the underground tunnels or something
>surprise there is a lab because there is always a fucking lab

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>tfw no chocowaifu

at least Marvin died happy

Attached: claire_butt_elza_squat1.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Right, with a good hair pulling while he hits it from the back.

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>taking 57 minutes to get to the lady statue
dude, what the fuck?

Wesker was so fucking far gone at that point there was very little indication of whether his plan would have actually worked.

>all in disarray and potentially collapsed due to 5 highrises falling on them
could be neat, and you could easily explain away a lab and similar facilities by just saying they were glen's since they just made a bee line up to the roof the building

yoshiaki redeemed himself with remake 2

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Claire's ponytail was made for pulling

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jordan posters, arise!

My best time for the whole of Leon A Standard is 59 minutes, you should really restart kek. Also dont get the shotgun until NEST.

I played it for the first time in december and i used all my ribbons right as i was getting out of the mansion for the first time. Getting to dodge the crows, Lisa,snakes and not knowing where the next ribbon is was so exciting. Since then i played like 5 more titles in the series. Now i'm finishing 6's Chris campaign.

Attached: clairexwesker_12.jpg (600x851, 86K)

1st: Marvin
>time lapse from 1998-2004
8th: Luis
9th: Mike

>Glen's labs
That works good.
Could make the main fear for the game be a sense of claustrophobia as sections of the tunnels can collapse based on your actions (be careful with those grenades) and pockets of infected being revealed. The buildings fell after the infection so it would have trapped zombies in rubble.

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Attached: claire_grabbed.webm (1280x720, 1.83M)

The fact wesker has that racy pic of Rebecca in his desk makes me giggle.

>you thought your first kiss was going to be leon
>but it was i, wesker

god Steve so fucking cool

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t. steve

Capcom even had Wesker stealing Claire's "cake" in the cafe for their 20th anniversary.

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Drop that damn gun, Sherry!

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Get your grubby finger off my Claire Bear

they say a Claire without a family, past a certain age, can be a bad thing

Attached: claire_sees_girl.webm (1920x1080, 2.51M)

Only if you give her to Wesker.

But in the new timeline she has a happy family in Leon as her husband, Sherry as the oldest daughter (adopted), their 11 biological children and then finally, Ashley as the lucky 13th child (adopted)

would add to the atmosphere if temporary deafness & disorientation from firing in tight concrete enclosure like that was modeled somewhat and ammo was actually scarce.

damn now i want a tunnel spelunking/diving game in general

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She's an ugly bitch and not Chris. Cant blame him.

we will have to wait and see

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What happened to the president?
Never played 6.

I am not sure if kidnapping a kid is equal to adopting one.

>CVcucks say RE3 has more action than their shitty game

>cutscene = gameplay

Attached: claire_disgust7.webm (1280x720, 69K)

Nothing happens to Ashley’s dad

Leon and Claire would in this timeline see another girl to adopt and save from their incompetent parents despite Ashley being a fully grown adult

he dies, but thats not ashley's dad, its the next president

The most actiony RE3's gameplay gets is the barrel in Raccoon's lower streets you can blow up 7 zombies with. In CVX you get an entire section as Steve with dual wielding where you go on a rampage, shut the fuck up you mong.

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president evil

a 1 minute section with steve =/= entire game

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a twenty second encounter with zombies =/= entire game

How about Chris' rampage through the labs later on while The Code is Veronica plays?

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I made a resident evil 1 thread a few days ago. I was stuck. Posters reffered to me as zoomanon. Wanted to update I'm doing good. The mansion is spooky but it's fun. Like a survival Metroid prime

>getting this triggered that RE3 has action

Attached: becca_face_unsure1.jpg (361x389, 33K)

It doesn't have any more action than any other OG RE, CVfags just like to be revisionist and act like their game was the TRUE SCARY NO ACTION game, beccafag. Do me a favor and use the unimpressed picture next time so my filter gets rid of you.

Stay strong, Ritaposter.

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looks like jlaw tbf (to be frank)

>Expecting anyone to take your ass seriously when you admit to blocking posters that hurt your fee fees.
Maybe Reddo is more your speed

Pretty much everyone filters you because you contribute nothing but Rebecca faces and generic one-sided comments, you aspie. I'm not the first to say they have and I won't be the last, you're insufferable.

ya, the canonical one is the freak. keep dreaming fag

Will we ever see her again, bros?

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I know is just my second playthrough (with a different character no less) but I FUCKING HATE THE SEWERS, luckyly I learned of the G-tumors weak spot, which came in handy when you got no grenade launcher or grenades, but fuck me I will never get to 2 hours I am lost.

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The more shooting and blowing shit up you do the harder things get since you both attract zombies and cause collapses.
Reminds me of the catacomb story in World War Z

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I'm not even Becca fag, I'm just putting heat on you for being a faggot, and I also don't dislike 0 either so I don't mind stepping in to call you a little bitch, takes a special kind of bitch to get triggied by beccafag.

>being this triggered by Becca

Attached: becca_face_smug4.jpg (259x342, 15K)

What is it about Claire that attracts young women with daddy issues?

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What is this video from?

She's a nice pure girl, and exudes an aura of caring.

shes the good mother figure they need

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This but single player and a long insane plot and we have our RE 8

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tfw no STARS spinoff

How would that even work? We already played as each of those characters and we know of their fate.

wouldnt they have done some normal duties ie hostage situations in suburbia before the outbreak?

sounds boring as fuck desu

re5 was pretty much a stars reunion, minus Rebecca and Barry

Attached: JillxWesker_2on2.webm (1920x1080, 1.38M)

Chris gets cats out of trees: the game

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Is there a hairy version yet?

Excuse me but what the FUCK were they putting in Julia Voth's food?

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Many bark boogemans here

Reminder Leon's first date with Claire

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Eaten every booby

Capcom officially confirmed that

Attached: Capcom_Japan.jpg (570x1170, 160K)

Reminder Leon and Claire lived together after RE2 2019 (retconned)

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I'm sure there will be soon. The guy who made it released a guide

I love Claire

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DEmake 2 is not canon

based Vothposters

Attached: julia_voth_jill_valentine.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

It is, the newest version takes the place

I'm just gonna say it. I want RE1 in the RE engine.

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well it wouldn't be laughable

Attached: jillvoth_laugh3b.webm (342x332, 106K)

Is this to say you want it to be a casualized ots game, too?

>we didn't get the Chris/Barry buddy cop version of RE5


remake 2 is the hardest RE game tho

Attached: jordansmug4.jpg (446x408, 33K)

But re2 is objectively more difficult than re1 shitposter-kun

You know they will...

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That's not smug, that's happy

Attached: 1548700775268.webm (1920x1080, 1.29M)

big cope


Since there's no "full" version, yes.

Yes because it's taken from her wearing a swimming bikini or some shit but the faggot cropped it to bait for (YOU)s from unironic nonces.

what about this?

Attached: jordansmug2.jpg (768x836, 87K)


She's 18

literally Arnold

Attached: flex pose.png (504x766, 332K)

As of January, that pic was from well before that. Only 2019 Jordans are morally okay.

First Tomb Raider, now this. It's official, I now have a fetish for dirty girls in tanktop.

Claire is fuckin awesome in that game, way more than Leon imo. The whole Ripley-like part, with her motherly instinct kicking it is just great.
Oh and she's hot as fuck.

Attached: Hitting the G spot.jpg (1920x1080, 505K)

This, unironically.

Attached: zombiegirl_05.jpg (2160x3840, 550K)

>As of January, that pic was from well before that

Post proof and i will concede, not really the image, just some proof you have aeen it before January.

>has adaptive difficulty
>ink ribbons only needed on hardcore (read as slightly-less-casual) difficulty
>literally every item has a glaring prompt
>objectives or character telling you what to do at all times
>more challenging than any of the classics

It wasn't posted on either twitter or insta at any point this year, that's about as much proof as you can get.

A lack of evidence is not proof, in fact its the opposite.

add to this the fact inventory management is basically nonexistent due to all of the fucking side packs


>Adaptive Difficulty
Only on Standard, which nobody but you played.
>ink ribbons on hardcore
So? Did you really want to save on fucking Standard LOL
>objectives telling you what to do
how strange, I didn't have any of that until I fulfilled the objective and it came up for all of two seconds and by the time I fulfilled the objective, I knew where I was going
>more challenging than any of the classics
I disagree with him saying that but it's certainly no RE5, 6 or Revelations in terms of ease.

It wasn't posted on her insta or twitter AT ALL.

user if you wanna fap to her go ahead, only you can judge yourself as a pedo.

>Only on Standard, which nobody but you played.
Bullshit. It's on all settings.

>what is Hardcore
>what is B scenario hardcore

Literally play Hardcore and majority of your problems are solved you fucking child.

none of that matters when hardcore on RE2R is still harder than basically every other difficulty in every other RE game

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>"No, I got this."
How hard?

No, it isn't. Hardcore is set to the highest level of DA and doesn't change. carcinogen, bawk, trance and so many others literally have a tool on PC that proves this. You have no idea what you're on about.

I dont want to fap to her

Tanktops are peak casual-wear hotness. They're the yoga pants of upper body.

Lmao you have no idea what you're talking about

Post proof it has DA then, because I've played Hardcore enough and outright prefer it because it's not an RNG shitfest.

Why was RE5 so bad? At least 6 just goes full crazy and doesn't take itself seriously. 5 is just bland and boring.

I read hardcore is adaptive difficulty set to ranks 9 thru 12, with 12 being the hardest. At 9, you will go into yellow caution from a zombie bite, but at 10 and above you go straight to danger. Maybe it was actually 8 - 12 even, and I was 1 off about all that. Rank 8 is the hardest possible adaptive difficulty you can reach on standard mode I know.

Attached: claire_ohgod.jpg (1080x1080, 143K)

>no rhymes
Low effort, 3/10

Still an embarrassingly easy snorefest. I beat it easily the first weekend I played it and went straight to hardcore mode.

Someone needs to draw Claire in tanktops amd yoga pants

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>RE1 in the RE engine.

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Just finished 4 for the first time, had a blast.

About to start on Professional, any tips?

Attached: deal-get-resident-evil-4-on-your-ps4-for-999-social.jpg (1500x844, 245K)

RE5 was also supposed to be a rare kind of horror-survival game based on the very first teaser (when Chris wasn't roided) where Chris was to go through mobs of african zombies alone, which basically was horde mode in single player. But due to the racism stuff and a couple of changes in direction, Sheva was added and the mobs became a Mercenaries + extra.

Attached: DAMN RIGHT.png (170x249, 67K)

Whoops, meant this trailer.

It's not actually difficult. The main difference is just the increased damage intake and the extra hearts on the regenerators.


>playing resident evil 1 for the first time
>what feels like about halfway through the game
>keep putting off saving because i saved a ton at the beginning and don't want to waste any more ribbons unless i absolutely have to
>been about an hour and a half since I saved now
>come across one of those red claw zombies
>switch to handgun to conserve some shotgun rounds, haven't fought one of those assholes yet (keep running around them) so I think it's gonna be easy
>shoot him, he freaks the fuck out and bumrushes me, scrapes me with a few claws while I keep trying to get claws in
>start to panic thinking I fucked up by bringing a pistol, switch to my shotgun and hope it'll knock him down
>he claws me one more time and kills me
holy fuck I'm so mad but I really should've seen it coming. why the fuck am I so bad at this game

i remember my first remake playthrough i lucked out and got a handgun headshot on my first crimson head
totally ruined their first impression for me

I've been playing the original RE 2 on gamecube for a while and II'm enjoying it a lot. Currently I'm still wandering around the police station collecting plugs. Is the goal of the first section of the game just collecting the plugs and using them to get into the sewer? I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be doing anything else on top of that.

Should have burned them before they turned, it would leave you with just the boss and one already turned somewhere in the mansion.

I did, for the most part. There just happened to be a handful I killed very early on before I even knew about the burning feature existing (trying to play as blind as I can) and they turned before I got my hands on kerosene.

Yeah I could totally see that taking the scare out of them. I'm dreading having to reboot and replay those 1.5 hours. Why the fuck didn't I save?

dont even worry about it you will reach your old spot faster now because you have an idea of what to do
resident evil games are like 2 hours long on average when you know what you are doing

Do I need to burn fallen redheads in Remake or they're dead for good?

Pretty much, though if you're playing Claire you get Aztec themed stones instead.

Dead for good.

why you have to be a massive faggot user?

>Only on Standard, which nobody but you played.
Whether you like it or not, standard is the intended experience of the game set by the devs. So thats what the games difficulty will be judged on retard.

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7 minutes. 7 minutes is all I have time to post in this thread

Neat, thanks. Are the other sections of this game structured around similar extended scavenger hunts as well or are they more focused? I could get behind the whole layered scavenger hunt-type structure for the rest of the game.

who's the artist again?

Not really, there is a very short one in the sewers. Much like the remake, it goes downhill a bit after the police station.

That's reassuring, thanks. Going to give it another go right now.

I have no idea, but I do know that i will never again be able to look at Ada and not see Rukia, although she is at least not midget-sized.

the artist is a bleach fangirl

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>implying he wasn't banging both Excella and Jill at once

Get it while it's fresh

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So she drinks bleach occasionally or something?

Stop it Jack, I won't fuck your daughter. I'm a married man

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It's easy to notice. Should have developed her own style, seems she was so busy copying, not only did she pick up Kubo's problem with sameface, but Ruk... I mean, Ada's eyes and brows seem to have something weird going on with them in close up.

Yeah, I've found myself doing Claire A hardcore runs for shits and giggles. Not real speedrun shit, but I'm close to breaking a 1 hour in game time.

That's not a speedrun, friend. But hell yes, good job! I'm glad you're having fun user.

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*incoherrent mumbling* stupid Leon *starts crying* why won't he impregnate my sister

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>actually read through the T-Virus articles and how it turns a regular person into a zombie
>the person is actually still a living breathing human, but the virus corrupts the brain so much that they're reduced to instinctive hunger
That's actually really disappointing for me. Now the T-Virus is simply another madness disease sort of infection. I was under the impression that the virus infects dead bodies or causes death then forces the corpse to reanimate and move post-death

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Chris looks like an SF4 model in these, I love it.

>big dimes Chris solos vergil and nero only for that faggot wesker to lose the match to van darkholme

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But that's kinda how a virus should work, they are a form of parasites, a dead organism would be end game for them, as it no longer produces energy molecules for them to use in replication process.


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The necrosis is the t-virus consuming flesh for energy I believe, which is why zombies look like corpses.

>You will never get Leon you subhuman pig faced goblina
Sheesh, clam down, Ada.

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Imagine the smell, they're both covered in sewer water.

Y-you can't post lewd things like this on 4channel!

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Why are the screen space reflections so fucked up? I just had to disable them since it looks absolutely terrible anywhere without water. What a shame.

You gotta get permission from the chief first.

Yeah but RE being one of the most prominent zombie series in media I kind of assumed they were literal dead corpses. It's a lot less creepy knowing they're less like Walking Dead walkers and more like Left 4 Dead infected. If I recall correctly a couple of viruses in the later games are able to reanimate dead bodies however like the T-Phobos with the Rotten enemies and Uroboros which is basically just tentacles wrapping themselves around a body to use as an energy fuel

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No sex for you today, rookie

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I find it scarier that they're still alive. It raises disturbing questions about how aware they still are.

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Raimi at it again.

When. Fucking when will they fire Sam Raimi?

>they are a form of parasites
A virus is a non-living structure. It is genetic code wrapped in a case of protective protein. When latching onto a living cell that is compatible with the protein exterior, it will inject genetic code into the cell. This causes the cell's mechanism to read the genetic code, create copies, and the corresponding proteins necessary for the new viruses. Some viruses, like endogenous retroviruses, can have their genetic code permanently added to the host's genetic structure. A virus reproduces only because all viruses that naturally don't will quickly stop existing. It does not feed off of anything.
However, this means dead cells can never host a virus, as the virus relies entirely on the mechanisms of its host to reproduce.
>energy molecules

I don’t remember this part on the train ride

or maybe remake2 is not canon how about that


Using a host to sustain itself in any way can be described as parasitic when you want ordinary people to easily imagine the relationship.
Would you rather I said Adenosine triphosphate?


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I love her.

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Sorry, I'm a bit into virology, so my autism gets tickled whenever people use wording that implies viruses are living organisms.


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I wish she'd marry me.

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turn off chromatic aberration and lens distortion you absolute plebeian, your shit looks like you smeared Vaseline all over the screen

What do you guys think about a RE2 DLC with RE7 scenarios?

Just finished chapter 2-1 in RE5.
Did I miss some spinoff or would they tell me how jill "died"?

That's just to hide her uglyness lol

>objectives or character telling you what to do
Why is this considered bad? If you're driving around in a new town and you dont know where to go, would directions not be welcome?

Attached: YES.png (640x700, 328K)

except it actively makes her appear uglier

Attached: same shit sans vaseline.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)