Barry still is based tho
This game is fucking horrible
What a coincidence I'm playing it right now. Yeah its horrible besides Barry sections and they knew that when they cut out Claire's section in episode 4 in half in favor of lengthening Barry's. Moire is Donte with a vagina and I hope she disappears
Raid mode>Merc Mode btw
It’s great, it was the best RE since 4 and the scariest one too and better than 7 as well.
I haven't played it, but because I'm on Yea Forums I'm going to take this opinion and run it into the ground rather than find out for myself.
Nope. It's good. Barry and Moira are so good. Moira is so ridiculous and absurb with her swearing that it circles around to being good.
Raid mode is garbage
I fucking hate Moira so much, she is even more annoying than Donte
I'm gonna guess you like DmC too right?
I hit level 100 with Gina in raid mode, now what?
100 all of the characters. Not even for the sake of variety, you can inherit other character's abiities
No. DmC is garbage. Story and characterization is bad. Combat is serviceable.
most of the waifus are high level and sharing skills now, havent bothered with the guys outside of dailies.
It's better than RE2make, what are you talking about?
This bait is even worst than Rev2
He’s not really baiting since it’s a legitimately great game though I don’t think it is better than REmake 2
Barry and Moira carried the game. Claire felt tacked on.
>Yea Forums hates Rev2 and 0 and thinks they’re shit
>I love Rev2 and 0 and think they’re underrated
Maybe Yea Forums has shit taste
Nope, Game is really good.
This. From now on I'll shit on this game whenever I see it posted. Can someone provide me a list of arguments to use against people enjoying this?
Yay I'm playing rev2 co op and one I much prefer Claire sections, and the game is a blast.
>and better than 7 as well
Setting the bar pretty low there.
Yea Forums also hates 7 to dead
1) It's not Resident Evil 4
2) No tank controls. Tank Controls were peek Resident Evil
3) If it actually has Tank Controls, backpedal and say it's cause of those. That's the worst thing about Resident Evil.
7 wasn’t bad, it was just flawed in some areas. Rev2 before it was the first RE game to be pretty much totally horror the entire game since debatably 4 and defintely 0. Revelations 1 would’ve if it would’ve just stayed on the damn ship.
Nah it's decent. Barry definitely had the best parts though. It's much better than the original Revelations.
7 is better in every way.
7 is more divisive. 0 gets so much vitriol for dumb reasons and this one gets hate for being low budget despite being way better than Rev1
Rev2 has way better pacing, a better story, more enemy variety, and is about as scary too.
She made Clair's side so unbearable how can this come from base Barry's seed?
I have not played 0 but i always hear that people hate it because no item box and opera singer can control leeches
Worst resident evil right there. God forbid you try to co-op it too.
Yea Forums is underage nowadays, they can't apreciate a good old fashion game with actual beauties on it without QTEs and handholding.
And the bitch is so disrespectful to based Barry, at least she dies in the bad ending
0 is a shit game that didn't need to exist. The only people who like it only like it for Rebecca. Nothing makes sense from the plot, characters, to the mechanics. The locations don't even make sense either.
>Yea Forums is underage nowadays, they can't apreciate a good old fashion game
>Rev2 came out in 2015
Come on man, you are trying way to hard
I was talking about RE0.
She's a spoiled brat don't care if she changes near the end of the game dealing with her attitude majority of it left a bad impression making preteen sidekicks who curse all the time is not interesting or entertaining.
Rev2 is plain inferior to Rev1. Its only redeeming feature is the inclusion of Moira. I want to comb her hair and cook burgers for her.
this game is lit
Raid mode is fucking garbage and not fit to lick the boots of Mercenaries. Sorry to state facts.
I actually managed to use mental gymnastics to explain the locations and the events all being covered up.
Lazy cash in with a decent raid mode built on previous iterations
Share it, should be fun to read
I enjoyed every Resident Evil game (besides Operation Raccoon City)
Alright so the cover up first: Rebecca probably told her team but Chief Irons didn’t believe it nor the Mansion so that’s settled. Wesker knew about it but was going to betray Umbrella. Birkin knew and he correctly didn’t trust Umbrella so he never said. Sergei knew but he was so high up he probably only told Spencer. Enrico knew but was shot. As for the explosion Wesker probably told Alpha team they’d investigate after finding Bravo which obviously never happened. Rebecca not being able to defend herself very well likely comes from a combination of a severe lack of sleep as shown in UC. The locations made sense until REmake 2 but that fucked up a lot anyway. The only thing I can’t truly explain is how the hell a leech managed to obtain a dude’s conscience.
>wahhhhhh game is bad cuz i have no friends wahhhh
fucking faggot
The game is good though. Much better than RE5, 6 or Rev1. Not as good as RE4, but what the fuck is?
This one actually has the most scarce ammo of the 3rd person ones besides REmake 2
edgy faggot, lol
I got the platinum for Rev 2. But I can't remember all the guns you get.
Seethe retard
yea but at least the train section is playable. the entirety of Code Veronica is shit.
The game is garbage because it's co-op experience first and foremost. The fact that you can play solo feels like a bonus. Barry sections in particular become awful when the invisible monsters start showing up and useless Natalia starts throwing bricks instead of pointing her finger.
I think Yea Forums hates 0 because the train section feels like an amazing tech demo and then the rest of the game is a complete bore. The inventory system is objectively awful too, there's no defending that shit.