Bioware is going to get shot in the head and left to die in a ditch by EA, aren't they?

Bioware is going to get shot in the head and left to die in a ditch by EA, aren't they?

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Anthem creators receive death threats for making a diverse game.

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i mean, does it matter? they haven't made a good game since dragon age origins and mass effect 2

Hopefully. The goodwill from Kotor, ME1, and DAO can only carry them so far, and they’ve kind of proven time and time again that they’re mediocre game developers, as well as all around shitty people.

And why should we care?

They are getting the axe for sure, its actually surprising how long they have evaded EA

took one decade too long, thank goodness this bullshit is almost over

Please god. The sooner Bioware dies, the sooner a potentially good developer will notice their absence and start created Bioware-like games. In the best case scenario, we'd get multiple studios making Biowarelikes and competing to make the best one.

I think the will be given ONE more chance with Dragon age. but if it's not a MASSIVE success, they are getting taken outback.

I worry that after they kill Bioware, they will absorb another RPG company and fuck them over. I see Bioware as a sacrificial lamb, but now that they raped the hell out of that lamb and cut it throat, it won't be long until they will start catching other lambs to rape and slaughter.

Which RPG companies are left?

of course user, this is how EA works. However, there will be a few teams that pop up before the rape occurs and they will hopefully make some great games.

(and why this is a bad thing)

How successful was Inquisition? Despite being a sack of hot garbage, I feel like it probably sold decently.

I hope so.

Microsoft should just purchase Bioware which I believe they've tried to do before (when the EA acquisition rumors were floating around). If they're going to actually give these teams resources and creative freedom, and people will be able to access their games at least via xCloud on non-Xbox devices, then I say why not? Bring back some OG leads and take Bioware to its roots. Depending on how Anthem sells, I could see them being shuttered. A Dragon Age sequel seems like a weird bet from EA to justify keeping them around. May as well make a few bucks selling them.

Bioware has been dead for years. The Doctors leaving was the dirt hitting the top of the coffin.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but EA refuses to sell the IPs and companies it's killed.

Basically boils down to they don't want another company to make something successful where they failed.

I couldn't say one way or the other, but that would not surprise me.


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>mfw they actually made combat in a mass effect game fun
>but the story and writing was ass and the series is dead

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I get the impression it wasn't as successful as they want you to think it is. I remember EA announcing it was the "fastest-selling launch" it had, not "best-selling" and I think there's a distinct difference.

I remember posting this in the Bioware forum after ME3, good times. Think it got taken down though because it was getting too many replies.

Successful enough for them to make a new dragon age

>shit anthem is going to bomb
>uh pad it with the announcement of vaporware

I can't believe people weren't more despaired than they were when Andromeda failed so hard, it killed Mass Effect.

Think about that statement. Imagine telling yourself seven years ago that Mass Effect would have an installment so atrocious, so bad, so *insufferable* that it KILLED the franchise. Mass Effect is dead. The world is dead. The stories are dead. The characters and lore are dead.

Seems like all these big studios/publishers are flopping except for Ubisoft.

People thought it already happened with ME3. Andromeda was just the final nail in the coffin that nobody in charge actually cared about the series.

I want Bioware to suffer even more by being forced to make really low budget phone games with a tiny budget and very little staff before they finally get put down permanently.