How the fuck did they release this for $60?
How the fuck did they release this for $60?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is why I like Origins Premier. For $15 I can test a bunch of games and realize they are all shit and then buy none of them.
I bought it because its fun with friends.
Throwing pebbles at the lake is fun with friends and much cheaper.
>Shitty game
>Console gamer
That's gonna be a yikes from me
It was more a proxy purchase. Since I just got a 2080 I got BF5 and Anthem, neither of which I'm playing. Though I wish they gave me like Dirt 2.0 and Division 2, that would have been neat.
Because people fucking buy it. They will buy the Early Access. They will buy the pre-order bonus. They will buy the season pass. They will buy the MtX. They will buy the DLC. Because the entertainment industry is a giant consumerist race to the bottom designed to squeeze you of every dollar you're worth. This is the industry where glorified ecchi gambling is the biggest money maker on the planet. Companies would literally, unironically sell you a steaming, hot, smoking piece of shit for $60 if they could.
This is my favorite game ever. The graphics are wow, the loot is just fucking awesome, and I’ll for sure play this game for the next five years, maybe even more.
After coming home from school today I threw everything around my home in a frenzy, just to try to reach my PC as quickly as possible. I’ve never been more mesmerized by a video game in my life.
IDK what you’re all talking about but this game right here is a gem. It has a very few amount of problems but this game is going to SHIT on Destiny and Division 2, no competition.
Oh and I may get flamed but this game has a nice coat of polish!
See you all out there! I’m about to go soak up some more Anthem! ;3
Poor fag detected.
my man the price was decided before they even had a game to sell
they did?
Planning on selling on Bioware's good name which is pretty tarnished now. After this flops Bioware will likely finally be put out of its misery. They may make them put out a shitty phone game first.
I was talking with my dad about how Bioware has been going to shit, and he was talking about "It's just so expensive to make a single player story these days, it's like writing a screenplay and that's why they always are focusing on multiplayer these days instead of making every game like ME2&3"
I genuinely want to know how he can justify this shit even when he said Andromeda was only shit because it was Bioware's 'B-Team'.
Last cashgrab before killing Bioware.
I would just like to thank everyone at Bioware and anyone who helped bring Anthem into this world. I am assuming that someone from Bioware is looking over this Sub to find feedback so that is why I am putting it here.
For all your blood, sweat and tears. For all the sleep lost and any strain working so hard might have on any relationship of any kind. For all your hard work over the last 6 or so years, I thank you. Wholeheartedly, I cannot put into words how much appreciate all of you, no matter how little your role.
All the hate from the critics and youtubers has to be somewhat stressful or disheartening to some of you (after all this project has taken up a large portion of your life) and to that I say; the hate is just from a vocal minority, please remember that. The quiet majority could not be more excited, I know you know how much we have wanted this for so long. We are all titanically grateful you even decided to do this at all.
Again thank you.
Even EA employees have been giving it negative reviews.
I'm a dad and have a salaried 50ish hour week job. I have limited time in the week for my gaming hours and I choose games I can commit to over longer periods of time that only need an hour at most of my attention per day. I often I feel my perspective on gaming isn't voiced even though I know there's a fair amount of my demographic out there.
I'm not looking for a game that can sustain 30+ hours per week of play; I'm not a streamer who chooses games based upon their potential for streamable revenue. I'm looking for a game that can surprise me, maintain my attention, and keep me coming back with only a small time investment. I feel like most youtubers & reviewers act like a new video game has to give us as much hours of activity as a job. And, frankly, I find that ridiculous.
So, for me, Anthem is a good fit. I can be patient with it because I'm not going to blast through the content in a Monster/Red Bull fueled three day binge. I can be patient to let it grow as a game because I'm not in a hurry to see everything.
About ten hours in my favorite mode is Freeplay. It fits my lifestyle. I appreciate being able to wander around the map, harvest resources at my leisure, engage in World Events, and then muck around with my Javelins' cosmetics.
There's not denying that aspects of Anthem are undercooked and underdeveloped. But, you know what? People like me have the time to watch the game grow because we're not rushing around from game to game every month.
>your new content
>they can't legally call anthem a game
>Needing to test anything recent from EA to know it's shite
Kill yourself you absolute retard. Just because I live with at home doesn't make me one of those faggots, It just makes me neet.
fuck off retard.
We need to change the way we review these type of games. We know things are going to change. We know things will improve. We can’t expect game companies to constantly be powerhouses of perfection. If we are going to have games as service, we need to change reviews to reflect that.
Well do you think Sony's gonna call their shit movies to your face?
Not his biggest fan either but you have to admit EA firing an employee that worked on Anthem for giving it a shit review is pretty fuckin hilarious. Even the devs know it's shite.
It took me 3 hours for me to get bored of it
You faggots are jealous. Jeremy is much smarter and more handsome than you will ever be.
I bought it just as something to play til Division 2 comes out.
Fuck off retard, you can't shit on someones plate and expect them to be happy about it or that adding some seasoning to it down line is gonna change their opinion on said shit.
He is also much fatter and balder than I will ever be.
down the line*
Still gonna buy it and enjoy it and support it with cash shop purchases so there :p Sorry just had to get that off my chest, all this negativity is horrible. I mean every video on YouTube is garabe crap like that GTA scum MRCLICKBAITFORTHEWIN guy just trying to cash in on the hate. You can't get this girl down !! Looking forward to seeing all you peeps online :)
Actual industry writer here.
No, it not expensive to pay an actual writer to write a story from the ground up for a video game. I make about $60,000 US dollars to do this sort of job; half in advance, half after completion. However, the video game industry hates working with the WGA(Writer's Guild America), which you basically have to be apart of to get an entertainment based writing job. So, when you see a story in a video game, 9 times out of 10, it was done by someone who isn't actually a writer; it was a team effort by multiple individuals who have various roles at the company and have seen a lot of movies and watched a lot of television (hence all the cliches you come across in games). But even if you were a top talented book writer or screenwriter, and went into the world of video games, and I mean, a top tier writer, you'd still only be looking at $500,000 to $1,000,000 USD to craft that story. This also includes editing and reworking things on the fly due to the way video games work.
And the reason developers are focusing on multiplayer is simple; single player titles don't create revenue. With multiplayer, they can always sell you something; new maps, new modes, new skins, new weapons, and put them in loot boxes to keep you buying and buying.
Pic related the post.
>everybody is shitting on the game
>even biodrones aren’t defending it
Boy you sure are dumb.
> single player titles don't create revenue
Fuck off tranny the quaterpounder is based.
Yet everyone that does defend it is a biodrone right?
Weren't Jeremy just saying was finished when a dev said you had the choice to not buy it? Or has the script flipped yet again?
Just the most retarded ones I guess.
can you name some games that were written by one of this glorified writers that charge more than $500k? because I honestly can't see any game's story being worth that much, not even in a heavy dialogue game, unless the author was already some fucking writer messiah who sold millions of books and will be used for advertisement.
>just saying was finished
BF5 was finished*
How does it feel paying $60 for a game thats already getting discounted?
How about releasing an actual full game? Gee, that sounds like too much work.
Neck yourself, fucking retard. You're the reason games are going to shit.
Sorry, what? I was playing Red Dead Redemption 2. After that I think I'll boot up the new God of War, then maybe some Spider Man.
To all Anthem haters
Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no endgame!" and "EA lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing Anthem around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been lovingly handcrafted for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We Anthem fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow freelancers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you. I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that Anthem is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Destiny, start up Anthem, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.
One of the most amazing things about Kingdoms of Amalur was Kurt Shilling actually fucking hired R.A. Salvatore to write a lot of it.
He hired a fantasy writer he liked to write his vidya gaem instead of leaving it in the hands of a video game developer writing staff. Amazing.
What a shame it turns out throwing increasinly exorbitant amounts of money into one hell of a messed up, unfocused and mismanaged project doesn't mean you'll get a game out of it that'll pay off the debnts you saddled an entire city with ha ha holy shit it still makes me laugh.
Iirc Crysis 2 was written by an actual Sc-Fi author, can't remember the name or and haven't read any of his works though.
>You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
User scores/reviews tell a different story...
This. Normies and mainstream vidya consumers don't care about bad press. They never have, and never will. They will drop $60 on this because it looks neat and their friend(s) are dropping $60 on it too and they don't want to be left out.
And Amalur was a boring slog of a game with some cool concepts here and there.
>Food analogy
Redditor is full of these deluded drones. They are the people from the bioware forums that got shutdown years ago.
post >yfw you didn't buy this disaster
Hello freelancers!
We all know how the reviews are going, and we know that the 6-7 / 10 scores are justified (even tho a lot of the reviews could be researched a bit better). That being said - this game does NOT deserve to be 0-bombed by a hatemob who is out to just shit all over it.
A lot of us like the game and see its potential while also admitting its flaws - so head over to metacritic and do your part! Give it a fair review so that we can have an actual user representation of this game!
>glorified ecchi gambling
Of what do you speak?
How did they release Dragon Age 2, Inquisition and Andromeda? same toilet, different shit.
Bioware has suck since I was like 21, I just turned 30. The meme that bioware sucks is not new. Therefore I can't say that I find anything about anthem sucking being a surprise.
I just wish they would've stuck to an idea with the game, that's my biggest problem with it.
>lets make it a single player, story driven RPG
>no wait, lets make it a looter shooter
>no wait, lets make it multiplayer
It just seems like they spent 5 years going back and forth, and then scrambled to create a game within the last year. Kind of like ME Andromeda, hell, it feels exactly like ME Andromeda. It's depressing.
cohh carnage said it was good so i bought it
Yes, because the revenue stream of God of War, Spider-Man, or RDR2 will clearly surpasses that of FIFA19. Maybe RDR2, but the others will never be close.
That's the thing; there aren't any writers of that caliber in the video game industry. The only individual who be considered close to the type of person I'm actually referring to would be Tom Clancy. You could argue Paul Dini, since he is quite famous in the comic industry, but he's nowhere close to pulling a $500k deal.
Kingdoms of Amalur, despite lacking somewhat in gameplay, was amazing storywise. And it is still quite humorous that Kurt bankrupted himself and set a city back for years.
Richard K. Morgan, who is now making Netflix bank thanks to Altered Carbon (which is an amazing series). He also wrote the rebooted Syndicate series for EA, which was a decent story, but horrible game.
KOTOR was a 20 hour game.
Mass Effect 1 was a 20 hour game.
DA:O was a 30 hour game.
Quality is better than Quantity.
I'm okay with Anthem only having a modest amount of content right now.
> potential
The only potential in Anthem is the potential for more loading screens and menu tabs to slog through.
The finance officer transitioned
>consistently 100% CPU usage
HOW!? I actually like mediocre games but I still want them to be optimized well.
Anthem makes DA2, DAI, and Andromeda look like masterpieces.
kek, I wouldn't go that far, they are all pretty terrible games. Same shit, different meal?
Making less revenue over time wasn't what you said my goalpost shifting retarded friend. You said they make NO revenue which is blatantly false. Now fuck off and shill your broken no content games a service bullshit elsewhere.
Dude, your dad is a fucking faggot desu
tell him to grow up and stop talking like a fucking teenager
Uninstalled Destiny 2 a while ago and haven't touched it since. Not really into grinders with fuck all actual content.
Hows ol' ACK ACK doing? Still playing games horribly or having obvious opinions a child could agree with?
what's a worse failure
So the game is not fun.
Fun only consists in the 'friend' factor, not in the game.
I want the fun for me alone Richard. Where's the fucking fun.
wtf I love Anthem now.
The revenue a single player title makes will always be overshadowed by the amount of revenue a multiplayer title makes. I'm sorry you have a difficult time inferring what people are saying.
Lawbreakers was unironically a better and more fun game than Anthem of Loading.
warframe and shadowgun legends are the best looter shooters now. I think this is hilarious
Holy shit, you found an actual blue-eyed person in this game???
My dad unironically considers GoW 1-3 to be some of the best games released and that Cliff B only got screwed over with Lawbreakers because he didn't know that it'd become an over saturated market. I have literally no idea how we're related.
>yfw you didn't buy this piece of shit game
How are all these loot shooters failing? Are people just bored of the genre?
LOL at that attempted deflecting, you are a shill as i have already said. I don't care if your shit broken no content games make more money over time. They are shallow trash and i'll take a good SP franchise like The Witcher or Deus Ex over shite like Anthem any day of the week.
And it's not my fault you said SP games create NO revenue, you decided to type that you fucking idiot not me. But go on tell me more about how the Witcher 1-3 or God of War hasn't created any revenue.
Because the devs are completely fucking up and making the next game worse than the last
I didn't care for the campaign
I didn't care for the loading screen
I didn't care for the micro-transactions
I didn't care for the lack of endgame
But you see this shit where ALL the weapons look virtually the same? No fuck that. Like WHY? How hard is it to make weapon designs? If you wanted to be lazy why didn't you just do what Gearbox did with Bl2 and had the weapons be random??? That turned me off so bad.
I'm on PC though. Not sure if I should go PS4 but I like the 60fps.
I make alot of money so i mostly preorder everything. Preordered this and havnt touched it yet is it good?
Reminder that this is what we mean when we say more consolefags are retarded.
>Years ago, Casey Hudson, the executive producer on the original Mass Effect trilogy, founded a new team at BioWare Edmonton to begin work on an entirely new franchise. According to a recent report at Kotaku, the project was codenamed Dylan “because Hudson and team wanted to make the Bob Dylan of video games—one that would be referenced for years to come.”
>Now we know the game’s official title: Anthem.
its fun but short
Forgot this
It's fun. The best story in a looter-shooter too. There's definitely touches of Bioware magic in it.
Give it 6 months and it'll be a 9/10 easy
Shy a best.
Sounds like both of you are faggots
Holy shit bros, frangelico liqueur is so tasty. I never knew this existed. Going to try it in coffee next. Anyway, anthem is pretty fun. Is there even another game that offers the verticality and flying gameplay anthem offers? If not, then this is an automatic 7.5, honestly.
This fucking paid shill post is palpable.
he always goes on about not trusting reviews and trying games for himself. now he's too busy begging for quarters while playing BR games
He means Fate/Go, which made 2 billion dollars last year.
Not that I know of. Tons of fun.
>needing some youtube tranny to tell you what your opinions should be
wtf does this even mean? TONS of games have flying in them.
even no man's sky at launch was better than this game. unironicially.
A (you) just for you
>no man's sky at launch was better
i know you want to shit on this game and bioware in general, but come on, bro
>even no man's sky at launch was better than this game. unironicially.
Did you got this from plebbit? Only a retarded redd*tor would write this garbage
Dark Void
kys unironically
more like unTRANNY
Usually I'm okay with this argument but not here. You're a shill or literal retard trying to stop the game from being DOA
but is the game fun
>the verticality and flying gameplay
>being excited about superman flying at running speed
Bay 12, please.
>made a literal princess the ugliest character in the game
What did they mean by this?
not sure
It makes you FEEL like Iron Man!
It's still bombing across the board and looking at battlefield and battlefront when a game bombs they release the held back content and nothing more. Your game failed and your anthem experience will be short lived and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
>it's fun with friends
Literally anything with friends can be fun. Shitting, pissing, dying, as long as you have good company you're gonna have a good time.
>Kingdoms of Amalur
>lacking in gameplay
The gameplay was fantastic. The game itself was just too fucking big, which made even the great gameplay stale by the end.
yes to all that but also now begging for money for his taxes or some shit
What surprised me is a couple friends actually started talking about the negative press this time around. Yet they still bought it and realized the shit I pointed out in the 10 hour trial was still there and that you could infact beat the game in under 10 hours.
Oh man especially this one. Tripping with friends and trying to stay alive together is truly something
Because each dev thinks it's ok to give fuck all at launcher but still ask for a $60 price tag, despite it being one of the biggest criticisms of games like Destiny, 1 and 2, and The Division.
what im aiming for a bad time huh smarty pants? more people will make it worse if my objective is to not enjoy myself.
What do you do for work if you dont mind me askin.
The game blows btw
A game should be fun with or without friends.
>you're a shill.
Sure do like those buzzwords huh?
based reddit-spacing samefag
If it wasnt for a fuckton of weed and my roommate Far Cry 5 wouldnt have been my favorite game of the year. Im willing to admit that game was painfully mediocre otherwise.
I had no interest in buying it. When I first saw a glimpse of it on E3 last year, it looked boring as all hell and was shocked it was from BioWare.
I will just wait for it to be forgotten in a month
I think the trend in all these is they all launched with heavy criticisms. I played Division on launch and that had barely the variety that it does currently.
>roadmap is released
>all of it is "freeplay" events
So more ash titan spawns? So exciting
What is the game like exactly? is it actually a destiny clone?
is just
At least you're willing to admit it, and that simply reinforces the point because you could have had more fun playing a better game.
Just calling you out for what you are.
If it looks like a duck...
Freeplay is clearly their focus for end game+ content that arnt directly strongholds. Honestly idk what else you would expect
I did, after playing the 10hr trial and my opinion is it's a completely mediocre game all around and a joke that it took six years to shit this out.
This is literally the crux of the "it's fun with friends" argument.
ANYTHING is fun with friends, but a GOOD game is MORE fun with friends than a bad game.
Unless it's just so bad that you're all dying laughing at how utterly shit it is.
Actual missions, strongholds, different enemies, more than two guns in every category, that sort of shit.
What exactly do you think I'm shilling?
I guess. I base value entirely on whether i was able to come away with a positive experience/moment in my life and i def had that with Far Cry 5 even though the criticism wasnt wrong.
Anthem is a game built for that kinda thing even though it seems to not know it.
I'm 99% sure that sub-reddit ran by Bioware. It's like the Fallout 76 one; no negativity and oddly sanitized.
Lol you think that shits gonna be free?
That's so dope!
Where are the white people in this game, Yea Forums? As a consumer, I'm seeing the lack of white people as Bioware/EA saying that this game isn't for my market (white male), so I'm skipping it.
Anyone else?
I mean Fallout 76 was released
>1 point less and it’s a red score
Case in point, Sonic 06. It's fun to play with friends and make fun of it, but it's still a shit game.
Ah yes, ive heard of this GOOD game. The prophet speaks.
The trash as a service narrative and the deluded idea that SP games aren't profitable.
It’s set in the future
Has to be intentional.
wait for it to have a shitload of dlc and buy the whole thing just like destiny
Unironically a better game than Anthem.
The problem is that modern multiplayer games are shit and are literally only bearable when played with friends.
no thanks destiny was soul crushing enough. i dont need to go through that again.
Ever since I saw this game, it looked completely void of any soul or unique identity:
>You probably play as a character with a generic title (the Freelancer or whatever) and join together with other faceless fighters with the same name
>You fight a generically designed big, alien guy and his generic minions
>Spreadsheet design (grind X materials to craft X "epic" weapon that has a purple effect around it to make sure you know how great it is)
>Grind raids for a low chance of getting "legendary" loot that'll be worthless soon
>All the cool customization options are conveniently placed behind a time-sensitive paywall
>Grinding for materials and money is hard, but don't worry! We have an option for you gamers! You can spend real money to buy in-game money!
>What's that? That's bad? Uh, we'll use a small portion of that money to fund development of low-effort content that pushes you to buy more money to buy our new content like guns and outfits!
>no big raid to flex my dick in
This game will be dead if all the grinding is just for show. This is why destiny is still going strong.
Destiny launched just as devoid of content as Anthem and it got fixes with updates.
>>Grind raids for a low chance of getting "legendary" loot that'll be worthless soon
nope, no mechanically difficult content to speak of in this game. everything is braindead.
It literally did not. You're going to need to find a new job soon, your employer will be cutting all the dead weight in a week or so.
So, as I stated: if you had the reading comprehension of an 8th grader and the basic grasp of inference, you'd completely understand that wasn't what I was saying at all. IN COMPARISON to multiplayer titles, single player games don't make money. Take for example... Spider-Man. So far, Spider-Man has sold 9 million copies roughly, so that's 540 million dollars, give or take. And that's really swell. But in comparison to a multiplayer focused title, like FIFA 19, it's a drop in the bucket. FIFA, once again, has sold 9 million copies globally, just for the PS4 mind you, so it has already matched what Spider-Man has done. But then you add in Ultimate Team, which generates a yearly revenue of nearly $1 billion dollars. And it does this every year. It'll be another 3/4 years before you see Spider-Man 2. And in that time period, EA will have made $4 billion dollars just in micro-transactions.
Difference is Anthems open areas and dungeons are significantly bigger and more complex. And Destiny PVP is terrible. Everyone agrees is the worst part of the game and it was very smart from Bioware to not waste resources there. Power discrepancies have no place in PVP. People with bigger stats win.
Regular Destiny pvp baselines everyone, the only time stats actually matter are Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner.
I forgot that people that have done the "higher end" content don't even finish it because the chests throughout them drop better gear than the bosses.
Assuming we all go at the same time, I'd unironically have a blast on my deathbed if all my friends were with me. We'd probably just do puns on death until the very end and be fucking proud of ourselves.
They actually do give better gear, it's just that two out of the three stronghold bosses are broken. One of them randomly one-shots and the other takes 30 minutes due to health bloat. They don't seem to have been tested at all
>Power discrepancies have no place in PVP. People with bigger stats win.
have you played the game? only pvp events have power advantages, and they are not frequent.
You need high level gear with perks that help you in PVP. Low level players cant play PVP. Its a trash system.
Wait, what.
no you do not, i could go into more detail but you clearly have bad gun skill and movement.
in this video, this guy proves it's possible to get to max comp level WITHOUT any dlc or "gear with perks that help you in pvp"
Did EA really buy customized chocolate bars that are 62% cacao to make fun of their metacritic score?
If so..........has anyone told them it's 60 now?
>Copy/pasted terrain and caves just like TOR
>More complex
Utter spastic.
i love this "its fun with friends!" shit
everythings fun with friends, this is a well-known fact
you could take the worst pile of shit game ever created and have a decent time if you're with a friend
grow the fuck up drone faggot
I'm having a blast playing. Some bugs need ironed out but nothing crazy.
the NPC programming is strong with this one
> but nothing crazy.
>Game has more loading screens and menu hopping than JRPG
Fuck off.
No, management bought them to mock Bioware and basically shame them into quitting so they don't have to pay severance or benefits
Look at those fucking goblins christ almighty
The example that comes to mind for an actual writer working on a game was R.A. Salvatore writing something like a thousand years of lore for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Reportedly, he was paid about $1.5M for the project.
>no true capitalism
Imagine all you internet niggers when it hits 6m sales target this weekend.
Same, some patches and updates this game is a 9-9.5/10 easily.
>implying capitalism isn't inherently Jewish
>Paying 15 dollars for demos
Hahahahaha, c'mon son of man.
Because you actually need to put some effort into the game. And most companies just do them by formula with maybe some shitty gimmick tacked on top. Compare Anthem to Warframe. The latter has shitty grind from start to finish but it has great visual design and is actually pretty fun to play from time to time - it is also free.
Anthem basically has all the same elements as Warframe but has shitty visual design, weaker combat and asks 60$ for it.
thats literally what hitler said
red is below 50, not 60
I enjoy anthem more than warframe because it doesn't have shitty freemium tactics to entice you to spend money at every turn.
>b-but you can trade plat
Where do you think plat comes from? Someone has to buy it.
yes, it's a post for defending sean murray's game, i don't even remember the name. the proc. generated space exploration one. no man's sky, i think.
>severance during layoffs
which europoor country are you from?
I saw many claim Fallout 76 was going free to play.
They just laid out a road map for the year with weekly updates. Now people love the game.
How's Mike Ybarra taking the news?
is this a white man? 1st i have seen in this gamae
when you decide to pay for Anthem it'll end up having cost $75
>weaker combat
how can you DE shills be this delusional?
>not shooting yourself in the mouth alone in your basement
You fags can't even do death right.
peePee poopoo
Could have done that with the $4 thing
Better question is 'why did so many morons pay $60+ for this piece of shit?'
I love how you can make racist caricatures in games now, you just have to put a rainbow on your corporate twitter logo every once in a while.
You'd think he'd have learned how to cleanly read two sentences in a row out loud by now.
I guess it's really not that much money. People drop $20 on a single night outing, and most games will give you entertainment for more than 3 days. Still, I have a hard time justifying spending money on this kind of shit. I played the demo, Anthem is boring and stiff. The flying is the only fun thing.
>This is the best meal I've eaten in years.
>I've eaten putrid shit, shit with corn in it, diarrhea shit, solid logs of shit, and many more.
>This is even better than those!
Jesus Chrsit
I bought it. Im enjoying it. I never played Borderlands, Warframe, Destiny, The Division
kind of like how I bought Far Cry 5 and enjoyed the fuck out of it because I haven't played one since 2.
You guys play too many video games. Play less video games and then the video games that come out are pretty good.
One thing's gotta change though. Heavy being at a huge disadvantage as far as map traversal is fucking stupid...You can't even keep up with your teammates and get out of bounds warnings.
>play absolute shit heap of a game
>don't know any better because you don't play any fucking games
>*sips* it's good I swear
If this is good for you, there are games you'll enjoy 10x more
>play bad games
>get eviscerated by Yea Forums
>don't play bad games
>get eviscerated by Yea Forums for not playing them
lol@u son
>blame jew for capitalism
>blame jew for communism
you want neither? what are you an african hobo?
I'm having fun with it, but this is my first shooter MMO game, is it bad and I haven't gotten to the shit part yet or as someone who hasn't played any games as a service games before have I just avoided the fatigue?
I wouldn't be surprised if something similar to Andromeda happened, that is, there was supposed to be a lot more but incompetence squandered years of work and the final product only took about 1.5 years.
I still want to try and get the Yarrow is a dog whistle for Trump supporters going all because he sounds Russian.
It'd be a 7 if it cut down on the fucking loading screens, added more armor options that aren't just in the shop, and not have server disconnects occasionally fuck you over unless you get back on before the mission finishes. Anthem is a game I want to like despite its semi-generic state of being but there is so much here that's either unintuitive or flat out broken
pasta aside, it's hillarious how 90% of the anthem defenseforce can't explain why they love the game. all you read is
> hurr, people are jus blindly hatin
>the game is awesome because it's cool
>and great
>and fun
>and it looks good
>and it's really cool´
>it's a great game because I personally enjoy it
Dude it just makes me feel like Iron Man!
Does anyone think they use advanced subliminal marketing for major releases these days? Even though I know it reeks of absolute shit, these past couple of days anytime I'm exposed to content of Anthem I have this urge to buy it. Its happened a few times before with BFV, AC:Odyssey and KH3. Unfortunately I bit the bullet on AC and bought it, but with BFV and KH3 I literally avoided the internet for a week knowing the pressure would be too much. How the fuck do I avoid the Anthempill if Yea Forums is gonna constantly shill it?
No, you're just submissive and have a follower mindset.
these area real reddit posts, these are the people ruining the fucking industry because they think mcdonalds is fine cuisine holy fucking shit
I actually have the urge to buy Anthem too
>No, you're just submissive and have a follower mindset.
Fuck. How do I change this? Are you sure? Its not every release I chase, just the overly hyped major ones. It almost feels like I'm missing out or missing something by not buying in. Recent ones like Metoo Exodus and Far Cry New Dawn I couldn't give a fuck about. Surely for games like Anthem they put some sort of mind control shit in the vids and streams?
The Javelins are cool, the abilities are a far more intergral part of combat than most looter shooters due to the elemental combo system and I like how weird and alien the OST sounds in places.
It's ceetainly not amazing but with my expectations as low as they were I was just glad it met them and I didn't pay $60.
>It just seems like they spent 5 years going back and forth, and then scrambled to create a game within the last year.
that's exactly my thought. the game we have now feels like a first playable prototype demo that they polished to the max.
I mean, look at the damn weapons. they all look like placeholder models. why does the shotgun look exactly like the lmg?! IN A FUCKING LOOTER SHOOTER
>Anthems open areas and dungeons are significantly bigger and more complex
uh no, the verticality literally adds nothing to the game and there's vast swaths of open world left unpopulated and useless, destiny's design while dull is way more focused
>I actually have the urge to buy Anthem too
It sucks user, really fighting the urge to download then feel like shit a few hours later after realising what I've done.
You could play Mass Effect and get the same combos.
nobody still at bioware has any creative agency, EA made sure of that during the development of the original mass effect trilogy which is why this game is so obviously devoid of any vision, you can just tell by looking at any bit of gameplay that not a single person there had any idea of what this game was meant to be, EVERYTHING about it is astoundingly generic and nothing about is properly developed or has any depth
Your confidence is dependent on the feeling of 'missing out' and not having knowledge of things you can then relate to others in conversations when it's brought up. Stop caring what others think of you and everything else will fall into place.
Honestly this game smelt like bad news from the get go. Bioware needs to die for good, what a waste.
>these area real reddit posts
they should also really kill themselves.