Xbox Game Pass on Switch through streaming

>Xbox Game Pass on Switch through streaming
>Means Banjo, Forza and a ton of AAA games can be streamed to the Switch with little to no downgrades
>Meaning more Xbox Players and subscriptions for Microsoft giving them a shit ton of money
>Both Fanbases will be more connected meaning less cancerous Xbox Vs Nintendo threads

What are your thoughts Yea Forums ?

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i'll just play them natively on my xbox

I don't have an Xbox One, can I use Xbox Game Pass to play Xbox games on my switch?

also switch wifi is poor so you better have a wired connection for that. i don't see it being practical in handheld mode.

Anyone with half a braincell would do this. Thankfully there are loads of retards who won't and they'll buy xcloud and give MS more money to fund games.

What a shame. The 360 was a nice console.

when will this happen?

Does that mean I can play Halo 2 with online on the switch?

Is MCC on the Game Pass? Then yes.

>>Both Fanbases will be more connected meaning less cancerous Xbox Vs Nintendo threads

When do you ever see this? Both fanbases are virtually nonexistent to each other. Hell, I can bet more people own a PS4/Switch than a X1/Switch.

No one wants you stinking up the place, Xniggie.

>On a portable

this is great for me since i gave away my shitbox one

KEK the epitome of its okay when Nintendo does it, jesus christ

>Microsoft literally cucking themselves out of reasons to buy their console
This is truly the best timeline

will you be able to stream the games you already own on xbone, or will you have to buy the gamepass?

It's viable in Japan and bits of Europe. It'd likely be done in the same way as the Japan-exclusive Resident Evil 7 Switch port.

I’ve been wanting to play MCC for so long, I never got into Halo when it was relevant

It's expected to happen in late 2019

If it comes to Game Pass or Xcloud then yes!

I believe it depends on if you sign in on the account you have on your Xbox.

Is it wrong that the term Xniggie sounds like a decent nickname?

Xbox Nintendo Niggas be trippin!

Enjoy your 30 fps, fag, I'll be streaming the PC version to my Switch in handheld mode in 60 fps.

>MS is finally going to leave the console business

Did they figure out that darned tachyon communication technology yet? Because I'm not fucking touching streaming until then. I guess I'd fuck with quantum entanglement streaming too. That'd be 0 latency too.

My thoughts are you have to be a retard to think it'll actually happen

Don't really care since Xbox doesn't have any good games.

Can someone please explain what “streaming” a game is? How is it different from playing a game?

Except that this rumor has been reported by multiple magazines and insiders and neither Nintendo nor Microsoft have denied it. It's supposedly coming to tablets and cell phones, too, so Snoyboys will be able to play Halo on their cell phone.

It means the game is being run on a computer somewhere far away and your inputs have to go all the way to that computer before they take hold. It causes shitty laggy controls. It can also mean a lot of video artifacts in the stream because they're lowering quality in realtime to make sure the gameplay doesn't stop.

Basically, it's crap and completely inferior to playing the real way where there's a disc or hard drive in the room with you that has the game on it. No need to send data across hundreds of kilometers.

tl;dr Streaming games is a shit tier meme that is impractical horseshit and basically anti-consumer.

Oh ok that’s what I thought. I was a bit perplexed though because I assumed that the technology wasn’t good enough for a company to try this. Why even do this anyways? Switch can definitely run 360 games if they just took the time to port them

You assume Microsoft isn't working out these problems. Streaming technology is improving.

Switch is capable of handling MCC (collection of 360 ports), Cuphead (2D indie game) and Rare Replay (collection of portss ranging from the NES to the 360), either port them directly to the Switch or I won't even bother

Microsoft knows they lost this generation and will not recover. They are setting up for the next gen. They want some of the PS/Switch people to go Xbox/Switch next gen.

That would be crazy. I had a dream like this where exclusivity ended, playing Mario on PS4 and shit.
>And Windows Central reported that it has heard for almost a year that Microsoft has been aiming to bring Xbox Game Pass to Switch, and even PlayStation 4.
Microsoft is bowing out of the console race, there's no Microsoft/Nintendo alliance because they're even trying to suck up to Sony now

>Why even do this anyways?
It's extremely profitable for the people running the streaming service. Those monthly sub fees are worth a shitload and all you have to do is maintain a server farm and pay some techies.

Imagine the boardroom pitch. Some asshole comes in a shows the board of directors that his tech can run Xbox 1 games on an iPad via streaming. He tells them that cutting edges Microsoft games will be something they can offer on any device with an internet connection and a screen. The board collectively cum in their pants, imagining their potential userbase expanding from "people who own Xbox" to "people who own Smartphones/PCs/Macs/Tablets/Smart". It's typical blind corporate greed.

I would only ever stream a visual novel or strategy game. And only if the price was aggressively low or I already had the ability as part of a different more valuable service or subscription I already pay for.

You can't improve the speed of light. You also can't force municipal or national authorities to improve telecoms infrastructure.

It's -literally- that simple. It's inferior. It cannot be solved for It will never come close to being EQUAL in our lifetimes, much-less superior.

Not gonna pay for it. Every game streaming service I tried sucked badly.

I for one welcome our Xbox brethren. There's plenty of room on the Switch for two companies!

>Yea Forums for 15 years
Xbox has no games!
>Yea Forums now that their Nintendo console they got for Christmas can play those same games

Yeah a streaming service not even japs play, seriousky if this is implemented the xbox is dead for real this time.

I guess I'll play through the Halo CE remaster and whatever the latest Gears is and never touch it again. MS doesn't make many games I like honestly.

>When do you ever see this?
Mostly seething DKfags and Banjocucks when it comes too Rare being owned by MS.

I feel like this is a move really for the Japan Market
>Japs love the switch
>How about we put gamepass o the switch give them a taste of the Xbox games, an give them more of an incentive to play them naively on a Xbox

No one said this.

>Yea Forums is one person

>owning an Xbox

i dont think you understand how different streaming a video game is versus a movie. you're actually fucking retarded.

i own bone and switch. and pc is my main system

ps4 isnt welcome here because its a pile of ass with no games

that crossbuy pretty comfy desu

>how different streaming a video game is versus a movie
It's way more complex and the back and forth communication AND high levels of responsiveness required make it unfeasible.


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Yes you can physically make a game stream to a device. You can also fit a whole edible hamburger into a tin can and sell it.

That doesn't mean either is desirable compared to alternatives.

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You think switch will be getting an achievement system? i sure hope it does.

If streaming is good why PSNow isn't popular?

>taking a dedicated piece of gaming hardware and streaming games to it
I know the Switch isn't the most powerful console, but surely it's capable of something much better than this

Because it's available in very select countries and it's only available on PC and PS4/Vita


Yes, thru Master Chief Collection.

There are dozens of you! Should have got a PS4 so you could play some real games bitch!

Oh boy, I'd love to play MCC through a 600p video feed with 80ms controls.

Most people are praising it though. But when PSNOW came out, everyone shat on it. Hell, when gamepass on Xbox came out everyone shat on it until they revealed it was downloading and not streaming. But everyone seems to just be excited for this on Switch.

Minecraft already links with Xbox Live for achievements on Switch. Highly likely

How's that gonna different from streaming when you still need internet for everything?