Yea Forums Tier thread

Yea Forums Tier thread.

Template coming up

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Garbage fucking taste. Congrats

Nah, I more or less agree

>Awakening in god tier
>Heroes on the list at all
>no JP games
Apply yourself


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Fire Emblem is literally Shit Tier: the series, fuck off with your anime swordsmen nonsense

So you also have garbage taste and like shit games. Point?

Yo-Kai Watch tier

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>doesn't even have a real FE on it
fucking shit list

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From 10 feet away I could tell you that all of your games in pic related belong in the shit tier

>awakening in god tier
>echoes not in shit tier
>no SNES FE games
i have more complaints but i wont list them

>Yokai Watch 3
Is that thing out?

>any kind of Gaidenshit

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>path of garbage in god tier
>fire emblem blazing garbage not mid tier
>godquest not in god tier
>shadow dragon not top tier

this, there's maybe one good game and the rest are just irredeemable garbage

>not knowing a successor when it slaps you in the face
typical tumblr/danglinggrandpafag.

This is some good bait, just enough correct spots to make all the shit stand out even more

8 was also a successor and still sucks, so goes for Awakening. TRS isn't good, it's yet another Gaidenshit game

Why would 4 not come to the West?

Yup, although physical copies are just scarce as fuck

I actually like Heroes. The maps are generally still tactically engaging. Mechanics are solid and bring innovations that the series could really use like weapon traingle mattering, special attack countdown, assist skills and etc. It's one of the most EP and PP balanced FE games and the different ranges are at their most balanced. Still miss the larger maps though.

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Was Blasters any good at all? I got 3 and kinda enjoy their little explore thing it has.

It took three years for Yo-Kai Watch 3 to come to America. If YKW3 bombs here, we might have to import YKW4

Actually true despite what the retarded fans of this series will tell you

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It's true if you think shit games are good sure.

Of all the FE games I've played
Conquest>Radiant Dawn>Blazing Sword>Sacred Stones>Birthright>Echoes>Awakening>Revelations

I can't even find the USA .cia

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Pokemon games tier list

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Seems about right

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The patrician choice.

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move diamond and pearl to d tier

Switch BW2 with Platinum and BW

Don't listen to the dweeb for brains in this thread, op. This list is pretty boss.

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Id drop omega and alpha down a tier but other than that I agree

Drawful makes me lose my shit no matter who I play with. People who don't like Quiplash have braindead friends

I think I have an idea of how and why you rated them how you did, but could you explain your reasoning anyway?
People are going to say you're baiting but I mostly agree with your list

I can understand liking Path of Radiance or Sacred Stones that much but not for Awakening.

>he thinks shitty games are good

Tee K.O. is god tier you just have uncreative boring friends

I'm not going to insult your taste, user, but no JP/Kaga games in the list? What the actual fuck? Genealogy and Thracia are amazing, and Binding Blade is a much better game than FE7.

>Bloodborne that low
>X and Y on D tier
>Dad Of War on Mid Tier

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you actually think x/y deserve higher?

Forgot something.
That's technically true, if you replace "friends" with "everyone on Yea Forums"

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>X and Y on D tier
Yes, fuck France and fuck your gay friends that don't have a full moveset

Honestly all XY needs is a revisit like how Diamond/Pearl needed Platinum and Kalos would be a solid region.
It wasn't THAT bad.

>intentionally left out the kaga games
i hope your first born gets mauled to death by cougars

Awakening was pretty dope if we're being real. The music was far out and it had boatload of content. The maps weren't as bogus as people like to make them out honestly, and while people didn't seem to like the characters for being one-note, I thought they were entertaining and likeable enough to enjoy. Awakening took all the best parts from past games and made it into the most radical swansong that ended up being good enough to keep itself from actually being a swan song. Just my opinion though.

absolutely right

FTFY, with the kaga games added.

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Here's a actually good list

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x/y are definitely D tier, but i agree that kalos could be fixed easily. Pokemon Z is the game we desperately need but never got.

>8 better than 7
>Awakening better than Conquest
what the fuck is this dumb shit?

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>FE8 and 9 above 6
In what world? Pretty based list otherwise.

Yeah I actually liked the characters as well it's just that its other aspects like the gameplay, story, and visuals are weaker leaving it face fierce competition with the other FE games.

smashtards detected

7 is just a shitty 6 the fuck are you on? You're at least right about awakening tho.

Your post is going to get torn to shreds by various anons but I agree.
I never found Awakening characters particularly one noted bar Kellam of course but they even threw him some low self esteem which I enjoyed.

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>God Tier
>Sacred Stones
What the fuck
Is this some sort of bizarre false flag

They are right though

>Echoes in top tier
>but Gaiden in bottom tier
Oh, fuck off already.

>Echos Top tier
>Actual Gaiden Bottom tier

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>7 is just a shitty 6
Poor taste, but the order is 6 > 7 > 8.

>Pokemon Z is the game we desperately need but never got
This, also when they announced Ultra Sun/Moon I was expecting something like BW2 but holy shit it was a shitfest.

Nigger why is the template smaller and lower size than the OP pic? Why is it in png format when there's worse artifacting than the OP pic which is in jpg format?


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>Fire Emblem but with an even more 90's art style
I hate it

It's not hive mind, it's just calling you out for being a faggot

All the 3DS games belong in D or F and it's solid.
>tfw no tiny punk rock gf with daddy issues

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90s art style was fucking great.

BW overrated, they're pretty much bumped down to B or C with the existence of BW2. Also, B tier is too full, I'd move down ORAS

Good list, but survive the internet should be moved up and zeeple dome down

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Having the non remake 3ds games anywhere other than shit tier is a yikes from me dog

6 doesn't feel quite as polished, I like 8's characters more than I should and 9 was my first so I'm pretty biased but it's great overall imo.

Gaiden is a fucking mess. There's literally not a single reason to bother with it because it does everything worse than echoes and to a lesser extent 8. Honestly the presentation alone makes echoes top but if it actually had noncopypasted gameplay it'd be god tier for sure.

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i'm not saying i disagree, dumbass

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yeah, i was pretty let down too when i realized they were more like the sister games of the past. i was okay with it though since i thought they would fix the problems of s/m, when in reality they just made them worse. i actually got less enjoyment out of us/um then i did from the originals.

Sim City tier

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>II God Tier
>III Top Tier
>Dad of Boi Mid Tier
>Ascencion low tier

>Honestly the presentation alone makes echoes top
It sure as fuck doesn't. Presentation is the only thing Echoes has, and for me, it's a shame that talent was wasted on Gaiden instead of Three Houses, which looks awful in terms of presentation.

>only rating games with official English translations
>SS and Awakening in God Tier
>Heroes and #FE listed at all
You're shitposting. This is a high effort shitpost.
It took me a bit to realize it, but it's true and I want to make sure that everyone in this thread properly understands that your post is a high effort shitpost and not your honest opinion.

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what makes fates conquest so good? ive only ever heard people shit on fates so im curious as to why people are calling it god tier
t. curious non fe fan

Rest in peace, Kyle Katarn...

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The term Hivemind tends to have negative connotations user

Gameplay is easily some of the best in the series.

>II on Play
>III on Optional
I mean, there's plenty wrong with this list, but saying II is better than III, a game with a great Job system that directly leads into V, which you put in Must Play, is just plain retarded.

>DS II that high

I played MKWii for years but doesn't it kinda suck?

Because the Euro one was released months ago so everyone just settled with that one.

It isn't good at all. It is just as bad as the other 3ds games

only with your narrow-minded cultural assumptions

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anyone that has a positive opinion on ff8 must be disregarded

How can you have such good taste and such shit taste at the same time?

>It has quite good map design
>Weapon Triangle feels more organic
>it's fairly well balanced
That's about it, a bit over hyper but still quite good

Switch MKWii and MK8D, move up MKDS, move MK8 down and move Super Circuit down. Then the list is perfect.

As someone who loves the crap out of Banjo Kazooie and Tooie, Donkey Kong 64 is FUCKING AWFUL to play. Everything else it gets right, but I have never had fun playing it

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>Must play 8
>play X, IX and IV
>FF II same tier as X, IX and IV
Yeah ok

high skill ceiling

Swap 2 and trop freeze and that's mine

Drop 8 and 12 to play
Drop 2 down to Do not play
And add X-2 to play

it feels really good to play and introduced a ton of great courses, but is hampered down pretty much solely by shitty items like the pow block and thunder cloud. still a decent mario kart though imo.

It certainly has its problems (bullshit AI, OP bikes, etc) but it's still a pretty good game, and rather well liked.
Make yer own damn list.

double dash sucks

>far out
Would you also call the game RADICAL?

The gameplay is actually good a rarity for FE

Chains > Ghost

Just tubular

No need when you can just read what I wrote
Boatload of awful content. If I have to eat shit, I'd like my portion as small as possible, yeah

It's the SMT IV: Apocalypse of FE. Gameplay is great, music is good, story is absolutely fucking awful

Yea I know it's not a good "game" but I had a lotta fun with it and it's honestly really high because it made me enjoy the game I hate the most. Hopefully they'll learn from that and make the next remake have more than just minor improvements to gameplay while keeping the effort, but yea I'd like it more if it were in a main game instead of just a remake.

I did, in the paragraph, why do you ask? Also why did you quote a bunch of random adjectives dude?

It's not good. The only people who defend it are "people" with pea-sized brains who think anything that isn't 100% capture or rout maps is automatically "good map design"
Even in a bizarro world where Conquest actually DID have good map design, the game would still be shit overall because the characters, mechanics, storyline, character design, and just about every other aspect of the game is utter garbage

I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy it, I'm saying putting Gaiden in bottom tier and Echoes in top is bretty retarded when they're essentially the same.

based and pikpilled

>Awakening lower than Revelation
user, I know you're salty about it being what started the second casualization of the franchise, which FE7 started, but you and I both know Revelation is a shitfest.

>because the characters, mechanics, storyline, character design, and just about every other aspect of the game is utter garbage
That's Echoes not Conquest

Yokai watch is shit tier regardless the template you put it into.

>One of the tightest gameplay of the series with much needed innovations like attack stance, DVs, debuffs, weapon rework and etc and overall great map design
>Difficulty scaling is literally a marvel of the gaming industry. Difficulty increase rarely increases enemy stats but rather changes enemy formations, enemy reinforcements, enemy skills, and map mechanics while being fair
>Catchty and great ost
>Some decent characters like Xander, Charlotte, Nyx and Leo. Story is shit but the writing's strength lies in more on its supports
>Improved visuals over Awakening giving more variety and style to animations to different classes with more detailed in game models

Also note that each route in Fates plays differently. As much as I actually like Birthright, it doesn't compare to Conquest. Revelations is just a mess.

uh oh, the awakening-babby woke up

Not bad but you made a few errors, I corrected them for you though

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Nigger I think you forgot the best Kong game, Donkey Konga.

Yea but I'm a huge fucking sucker for the whole "use both armies" shit even though it was implemented awfully. Plus fates' gameplay as a whole is just much more enjoyable.

6 is better than 8 and 9 in every way and Echoes is garbage in every single aspect. The poorly designed maps,shit mechanics, broken AI, mediocre repetitive music, crappy story, awful characters, recycled animations, eye bleeding art, and the stupid twirl the MC do at the beginning of the the PP every single fucking time.

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It feels like a watered down Thracia, so people who haven't played Thracia enjoy it a lot, which is warranted, since Thracia is probably one of the best, if not the best, in the franchise.

Lousy garbage area. Anyway, Sly 4 is pretty good besides the story.

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>Difficulty increase rarely increases enemy stats
It actually doesn't at all, HM has the same stats as Lunatic which is great.

swap returns and dkc1
promote dkc2
move arcade dk to end of top tier
i will accept this than and only than

It's nothing like Thracia besides the existence of focus on gimmick maps.

Everything you say for the most part is right but why do you insult the art?


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Echoes was fucking boring. I'd put that in low tier.

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Which is what everybody first praises about the game. I mean, I did a one line response, of course it's just a very superficial comment, but I feel like people do appreciate the varied map objectives a lot, which are very strong in Thracia.

Because its shit and Hidari is a overrated hack. Look at this, Celica's face and hair look like shit, and the chest part of the armour that looks like squished breasts is bad too.

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This is just my opinion.

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Why is X6 so high?

The only non-faggot ITT.

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>Mfw have spent 100+ hours training everyone and grinding for every skill in Revelations just like with Awakening despite me not liking Revelations that much and not even having a post game like Awakening did
A-a-atleast the cross kingdom supports are generally funny or interesting.

I was referring to how certain bosses like Endgame Takumi getting more max HP as in +10 HP in Lunatic over Hard.

>I feel like people do appreciate the varied map objectives a lot
That exists also in RD. Hell, FE3/12 is only seize yet makes some of the most unique levels in the series.

I forgot something.

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I don't play Fire Emblem, but here is my contribution. You may not like it, but this is the ideal tier list.

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Dude I think you might be autistic user. What is wrong with her hair here?

Why is there so much love for FE8-9 in this thread? Were they everybody's first? I understand putting them high, since they're not really FLAWED but I dunno, seeing PoR as God Tier feels off.

Why are Lollipop Chainsaw and NMH2 so low?

Not at all, you are just a braindead retard who can't see. The hair looks like plastic.

Move XD up one tier and you've got a perfect 10 from me, son.

because it's great

FEfags are retarded. They are going to say some dumbshit about the story but it's not good at all and especially not the gameplay.

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>NMH2 and Killer is Dead that low
I hope your low tier is still a "they're great but not as great as the others" style low tier.

Why is this getting praised
Here's the REAL Pikmin tier list
Pikmin 2 apologists, don't even reply to me. Drink bleach instead.

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Cause you wrote like you came out of an 8-hour marathon of Rocket Power

This looks fine though?

I feel like the Colosseum games depend on the GBA games to be great, so I had to put them in the same tier I put the GBA games.
This is a good list too, but ORAS and RS in B tier? I personally like the aged feel of the original games also.

What a fucking awful logo for 2.

It doesn't at all

It looks like regular vidya girl hair user

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Because what said. I like all the games on the chart, but some had to be on the bottom.

They're nice, simple, straightforward games. They're not too hard (unless you do maniac 9 for some retarded reason), have decent to good stories and supports and have solid gameplay overall. At least, that's what I feel like, but I wouldn't put 9 above 10 like that guy, idk what he's thinking.

Not at all, regular hair would wave in the hair.

Seething rosterfag.

>The contrarian choice.


I mean the original Pikmin game is so vastly different from the rest of the series. They tried to capture the feel of anxiety and dread of being stranded on an alien planet in Pikmin 3, but kind of failed imo. Pikmin 2 has no dread, so it's just comfy/more casual, but that widens the appeal of the series.

air like that*

Here's your difficulty change bro

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sim city 3000 mah nigga

i never got 4 since i was already burnt from how much i played 3000 when i was younger. is it worth playing?

It also has great OC girls. Hope they aren't neglected to the moblie game only.

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This is actually fucking awful. All of the Pikmin games have some massive redeeming quality to each. 1 had atmosphere, 2 had music, area, treasure, writing, etc, 3 had gameplay but shat the bed in the rest, and Hey! Pikmin lives in unused content and enemies, as well as some cute stuff and decent level design. I'm going to bet you haven't even played it either. Fuck you, dude.

>use Marcia
Manic is a massively tedious waste of time but it's not close to difficult

Maniac mode is so fucking retarded, I'm so glad they didn't bring it over. Granted, PoR could have certainly used some difficulty changes but not to the point maniac mode made them.

Great taste

Is her spine ok? It looks more fucked than heroes catria with the way she's sitting.

Is this woman dead? It's like her lower and upper half aren't connected with the way they're bent.

This is the perfect tier list

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Honestly, the only important stat increases are Spd, since you can't double him now, and luck, since he'll most likely evade all your shit. Unless he one shots your units, you should be fine by Rescue stratting...right? RIGHT?

>9 to 21
4 what purpose

after playing Thracia 776, i honestly think its the best game in the series, with Conquest as a close second

I don't get why tropical freeze is so popular. It's a good game but I had way more fun with DKC returns on 3ds. Tropical freeze seemed like more of the same but less of it.

Don't forget he has FUCKING NOSFERATU

Can somebody post a template that's not for fucking ants.

Awakening genuinely killed the series by adding all that waifu shit....

But, saved the series by....adding all that waifu shit.....


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Yea if you weren't literally swamped with units because that's what maniac mode's "difficulty" is.

What? You have a promoted Marcia by now with a forged sliver/javelin. Oliver dies in one turn

I mean, you should, but there is a slight flaw in that Asvel and Orsin break the early game with the Calibur and the Pugilist Axe and Ced just demolishes the endgame with Forseti, just like in Genealogy.

>original good, remake bad

Attached: brainlet.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Awakening is literally Genealogy 2 too anyways

If you actually think that's a problem you haven't played Manic mode

Other than Gen 1 being so far down and on the same tier as X and Y, this is pretty much correct.

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No, it seems boring as fuck

What I do with my time is none of your beeswax

prob a bit controversial but fuck it that's what makes these threads fun

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I forget, user, I haven't played RD in ages. If that's so then that's nice then.

>pugilist axe

Pikmin II goes in god, I goes in top

This is pretty damn perfect.

Shit taste, from a meta and storyline perspective. Jesus user, fix that shit. Get your life together.

>Haven't played yet Tier
Literally the two best ones

You're damn right it's fucking controversial.

Any game that can be solo'd by one character is not a good game. Can you figure which God/Top tiers don't belong?

Isn't that what Pugi stands for? I mean, correct me, please.

Why did you put one of the best Mario games in Low tier? Sunshine is god tier easily. Everything else I have no issue with. Mario 2 was always a weird Mario game.

I'm being really serious here in that I think the cross kingdom supports are one of the best ones.
>Xander and Ryoma's give some sight to Nohrians and Hoshdians interacting with each other and both princes having to deal with their newfound alliance
>Leo's and Takumi's and Saizo's and Charlotte's and Odin's and Kagero's are really funny
>Arthur and Azama's have each other question each others values with Arthur's patriotism with Azama's more laid back attitude to his country with Azama thinking that Arthur might be cursed but encouraging Arthur to continue being heroic as it might because the gods are just jealous of him
>Oboro dealing with her prejudice with Nohr and confronting Beruka on more context behind her parents deaths. She later finds out that Beruka was just another victim like her and even after finding out Beruka already killed her parent's killer she finds it pointless to hold on the anger and finally makes peace with it

>NSMB as the highest ranked NSMB game
blue and shellpilled

>3D World above 3D Land
You're really asking for it, huh?

It is, complete trash of a difficultly mode.

That makes sense and I don't know enough moon to be sure exactly what it means, I just thought he named it Pugi himself or something.

>playing pokemon for its meta
go back to smogon
best meta is Gen 4 BEFORE Platinum & HGSS

That's PoR not RD

Very good list overall, think you underrated Sunshine though, but of course it has its big share of flaws.

Based, aside I think Wii would be midtier or high low tier. U is more of a rehash of Wii.

gay and faggotpilled

Sorry, mindfart. I did want to write PoR, though, my bad.

I haven't played all the games yet but why do you think Kenzan is better than Ishin?
Are the PSP games really that bad?
Also is there any reason 2 is considered one of the best other than that it has the best story? I like the game but the combat system just feels like a slightly improved-but-not-yet-perfect version of the first game's
Also I'd personally put swap around Kiwami and the original. The original is the optimal way to experience it the first time, and Kiwami is like a bonus.

>mario 64
>god tier

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I know people like to put RD into high places in tier lists.
But I can never see why, it's got ugly portraits, no supports, horrible unit balance, a horrible story and it has Fiona.
Music is excellent though.

well if you use a guide yeah, but imagine being a young japanese guy going blind in this game without a guide, how do you know about the pugi axe or the secret chapter where asvel joins?, Ced is the crutch if you did badly so you dont get locked from beating the game

What did I tell you faggot
Google search "tall cliffs near me" and jump off of one

Just downloaded all of Fates on Citra, should I do a quick playthrough of birthright to get a grasp on the gameplay and then jump into Conquest Hard mode? Or would I be fine?

>Hard mode
Play Lunatic, the way the game was meant to be played.

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If you haven't played FE before yea but otherwise just jump into conquest hard.

It's been like years since I touched the other 3ds game but wasn't that hardmode total bullshit?

1. The only reasons i think kenzan is better than ishin is i like the story more
2. I really dislike the psp games, the main character voice is really irritating and the combat in both games are IMO bad
3. Yakuza 2 (Original version) holds a special place in my heart as it was the first in the series I have played. Although if i was to judge critically, yes It's not the best in the series and I would have put 5 higher
4. Dub, it's the onl

4. the dub is the only reason why i put it worse than kiwami


I get your point, but I do believe a guide is not necessary, I know I never used one whilst playing Thracia, at least. The house you go to in chapter 1 asks you to bring Orsin over, which promptly gives you the Pugi early on, so that's not really a secret. Asvel could be a tough recruitment, though, since you have to save all the villagers in the previous chapter. As a player you should still be aiming for that, since you're a lord saving the people, but yeah, going into that secret chapter may have been a tad more difficult. Good thing the game throws promotion items at you like there's no tomorrow so you can promote Fergus and the others real quick.

You're thinking of Awakening. Virtually all of the difficulty of Conquest Lunatic is fair.

I never said it wasn't, just that he shouldn't start with it.

Was Revelation that bad? I liked most of Conquest but I figured if any of those games were gonna be good it would've been Revelation.

Oh and are there same turn reinforcements that move?
It was the fucking worst to see a storm of Wyvern Rides come from nowhere

It's too bad Fakin' It is unstreamable, it's the GOAT jackbox game.

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I hope Sacred Stones gets an Echoes remake

Is this bait? Since when has 3d world>3d land been a controversial opinion?

Replace fair map design with exclusively the most gimmicky maps ever created on literally every stage

Revelation has both the story issues, and on top of it any unit that isn't a furry or royal comes underleveled and is shit. Unless they were originally shit like Subaki and Hayato then they're usable for like 2 chapters.

Probably only played DS III

Unit balance is worse than fucking RD, the maps are all either recycled, ultra gimmicky, boring, or all of the above, and the story is pretty terrible.

platinum is the best pokemon game

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No sameturn acting reinforcements. The skill counter is nerfed as it now only works during the opposite phase.

I'd criticize you for putting 9 in must play but since you put 5 there too I'll forgive you.
Too many people brush over that game when it did the job system so much better than 3 and had more of a story.

Thank fuck

How is Awakening and Sacred stones better than Conquest?

Why are you missing like the entire SNES series, the based FE12 remake or FE6, yet you included #FE which might as well be an SMT game?

>BO mediocre
>BO worse than SR 2
>BO not in top tier
Garbage taste

That's for you.

I agree with most of this list but I would put Sunshine in Mid Tier, 3D Land in Low Tier and Mario Land 2 in Good Tier

>DaS2 in any form above DaS1


>that guy who puts LGPE lower than anything else to fit in

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>not wanting Thracia 776 to get a Echoes remake

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Sacred stones is much too easy to be in God Tier even compared to path of radiance. If map and game mechanics are your favorite, then conquest deserves to be god tier, if you place emphasis on story than it should stay at top.

You also are a pleb to not rank the non-localized fire emblems even though they shouldn't be much higher than mid tier.

I honestly didn't want to put it on the tier list. I just thought I should be fair to even the shittiest game.

Dad of war should be higher fuck the contrarians. The combat in it and the dialogue between kratos and boi is too good for it not to be.

>2 on the same tier as 1
>SotFS higher than 1
Just because you've placed Bloodborne correctly doesn't mean you can get away with this sort of shit, user.

I honestly believe LGPE are better than ORAS since they have a different focus and actually achieve it fairly well while ORAS just fails at everything does and is unenjoyable all around.

what a fucking retard
BB >DS > DS3 = DES > DS2

What happens if you die in Demon Souls? You start the level over. From the beginning. AND you have limited healing. AND dying makes the game harder.
Demon Souls is garbage get over it.

It's a shame you let other people's opinions speak for you, LGPE are better than anything in Gens 6 and 7. They're completely basic and don't come close to the better games in the series but just calling them the worst is extremely shortsighted.

this dude, definitely gave off that rapey catholic priest vibe.
that Maniac mode buff tho. not sure if the forged Javelin-Marcia strat would still work considering that Nosferatu would heal in between the two attacks.

>What happens if you die in Demon Souls? You start the level over. From the beginning. AND you have limited healing. AND dying makes the game harder.
Have you considered gitting gud?

Not ashamed to say so. Also never played the NES I and II. I'm sorry, but the menus look awful.

I love you

The absolute tightest gameplay in the series, nothing else is as good desu. Some fags might argue that thracia is but they are simply wrong

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Get gud you Darkbaby.

Sorry I'm not interested in going back to Kanto again. I'm content with FRLG and even RBY. Wasn't a fan of GO either, but I won't judge you for liking it :)

I think Awakening is the game that is not the worst at anything but not excelling anywhere.

I only ever touched Phantasy Star 0 for the DS and never gave the series another chance. Should I? Is it by far the worst the series has to offer?

It would, Marcia has like a high avoid rate and Oliver can't hit for shit. you can also just siege him

Look as good as the story in FE4 was, the absolute slog of the maps and piss poor difficulty will never allow it to be above mid tier

>RS on the same level as GSC
End yourself.

I'd move down diamond and pearl.
Move up Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Secret Rings is highly underrated. Its got great replayability and the OST is honestly amazing.

I want to get into Yokai watch but god the english voices are so annoying.

Are there undubs for Psychic Specters and 1 out there?

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It isn't horrible but you can only really go up from there.

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>I don't like Kanto so these games are below shit tier
Why bother rating something if you aren't going to even try to be objective?

As if souls games require skill. Their all easy games. Demon Souls is just annoying to the point of being not fun.

Demon Souls is always overrated cause it's the least known so people who play it blow it up so much.

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>They're all easy games
Then why were you complaining about DeS getting harder when you die? If the game's so easy why did you even die in the first place?

you've made a mistake or two but sunshine should be top tier

>Not liking the Eldigan map, the Reptor map, the Bloom map and the Travant map
They're good. Not amazing, but good.

I have a soft spot for both Storybook games because of stuff like their OSTs, their stories, their presentation and the equip systems they try to do. I try to give them a lot of rope, but they just...don't play very well.

Is the DS III bad or something? I was thinking of playing it

Move 8 down to play, I'd move 9 up to must play but it's been a long time since I've beaten it.

>64 that high
>Sunshine that low

>Final Fantasy II
story was pretty good: things like surprise Lamia Queen and storming the Dreadnought. Gameplay was grinding trash, except the that pure kino Ultima spam from unlocking it to the endgame, so very flashy

also shit list for no god tier pic related

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Sim City is shit tier well, that game has the most easily exploitable systems I've seen

2. I only played a little bit, but from what I played it was pretty bad. Assumed it got better as the game progressed but I guess not.
4. Definitely understandable, but I'd say the best version of Yakuza is the HD re-release. Only issue is that its never been translated.

Lunatic should only be played if you know how to properly class and reclass for creating game defining characters, otherwise you should stick to hard mode so you can atleast bring a long the characters and classes you like the most

did you forget 5 or is its absence symbolic

I thought you were my nigga because you were the only other person in the world to put Crystal lower than Gold/Silver. Then I realized you just forgot the game existed.

Seven Rings in hand is the worst vocal track.


All those are insanely boring and too big

How is Crystal worse than Gold/Silver? It's better in every way.

you know your series is shit when a game like sonic and the black knight is mid tier

I'm confused what do these games share?

Im complaining about the world tendency system. The game becoming more difficult when a player dies is dumb. And there nothing teaching you about it. Its a retarded design and if you defend it you are also retarded.

>psychic specters
yes, google ziperto


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Someone post the template that isn't like this fucking shit. The artifacts and different size piss me way off.

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who the fuck made this? muh nostalgia kiddies need to grow up

I'd argue that's the Dino Forest one, but that barely has any vocals, so I'll give it to you. Still, Let the Speed mend it and the Foundry track are great vocal tracks.

GT3 > GT4

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Reviews are all subjective in their very nature. One could argue that a reviewer who openly acknowledges their bias is, all other things being equal, a better reviewer than one who feigns objectivity.

The real mark of a good review(er) is being able to back up the opinions you present with evidence of some sort. This is on a dimension than bias though and thus is not relevant to the discussion.

Don't get me wrong, while I can't remember all the maps some were kino. But having to trek to one castle just to shift and charge across the map making any non cav/boots characters useless was bullshit. The only way to circumvent this was by giving you're lord that ability to return to a base and tediously sending all foot characters across the map before you siezed a castle.

I barely even wanted to finish the final map and it had the best last push towards the boss. Getting there was simply horrible, you can easily wipe all the enemies prior to the dreadlords and I think it was the mage girl and Pegasus bitches.

Please tell me how you're going to finish a lunatic conquest mode without prior knowledge of maps and character growths, atleast with hard mode I can bring in sub optimal characters and not have to research each map on my first play through.

Playing on an emulator gives the benefit of pausing a chapter after each castle seize, so one tends to forget how much of a slog they are if played completely in one sitting.

>close second
Begone foul necrodragon

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I didn't play bloodborne but otherwise I agree

That computer from tactics? Never played it much at all myself. Otherwise I can't disagree honestly.

I would have put Crystal in the same tier as original Gold/Silver. I guess I forgot Yellow too.

SaGa series. My memory sucks but I think those final fantasy games were just labeled FF overseas.

I didn't know there were that many SR games

2 is way too high, halo wars is shit, halo 3 odst was too short to be better than mid for me

Yeah it's the Calculator. It has basically no personality but avoids the lowest tier by way of not being actively detrimental on its game story in the way Father and Autumn are.

By playing well.
You don't need Effie.

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I think this is why Genealogy improves on replays. If you know what battalions will begin to engage you after each seize, you can properly structure a wall of units to engage the enemy before seizing each castle, preparing you for the next wave. For example, in the Silesse map, I like to leave Bridget and Jamke in the northern castle to fight off the pegasus that raid it later on, something you wouldn't think of doing in your first playthrough.

I don't get the last push part in Chapter 10, though? It's fairly easy if you have the holy weapons, especially Forseti/Holsety and a good Ares.

Oh man you have made a mistake, it has the tightest gameplay of the bunch and while it's certainly arguable that it's map design isn't as good as DES/DS it doesn't lag too far behind and it's aesthetic is top tier.

Also the DLC for BB is better than any other part of any other souls game.

How about great story and gameplay?
So FE7 FE6 FE4 and POR would be god tier

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>all these contrarians hating on Awakening
Ooga booga, popular game bad!

Ungrateful ass niggas. Awakening saved Fire Emblem.

Everything related to Suicune is obnoxious. On the most petty level, singling out one member of a trio as the 'face' of the game and completely ignoring the other two is aesthetically displeasing to me. On a much less bullshit criticism: it started Pokemon down the path of being all about legendaries and the MC being some chosen one bullshit that would ultimately serve to make later games more about spectacle than exploration or adventure (which was shitty in everything other than B/W).

I also think the animated sprites looked bad but I'll concede that this is a matter of opinion. As is the absence of Mareep (and Ampharos).

Nah theres some good game you missed out on

Advertising saved awakening

I think they are upset because Fire Emblem was saved by becoming a waifu simulator. It was pretty niche series before that some people kinda knew about because of Smash inclusion.

I don't think it's particularly hard, it was just pretty kino throwing you're characters that absolutely steam all prior chapters against enemies that could put up a real fight.

I'll be honest my first playthrough against the dreadlords I just sacrificed one of my knights to draw attention away from my characters and let the girl rape Arvis

lol, None of these have great story and gameplay. FE4 has a serviceable story and 6 great gameplay but that's it

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Like what? There are only 5 good FE games. FE3 and 4 just have decent stories but the actual gameplay is shit

Fates was sold on a lie and even then conquest was bastardized with waifu a mie
Xander isnt a pokemon you dastards!
What do you propose has great story and gameplay?

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1500 hours in ms paint

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Nah the stories are never enough in my opinion to prop up average gameplay in to god tier. For example, as great as FE4's story was I just can't excuse the steamrolling characters and unwieldy maps. And as piss shit as conquests story was, the gameplay is so great it's god tier for me.

In the end you spend most of the time in Fire emblem focused on solving the maps so you have to have tight gameplay to be god tier for me.
7 and POR are certainly high tier though given that the gameplay was pretty solid and ike is one of the best lords. They should really go the mercenary route with more lords rather than destined noble shit.

They changed the voice actors in 3

Oh that's cool i didn't know that played Legends 2 as a kid

None of them? It's FE

>arguably as easy or easier than 8(outside 1 specific difficulty you need to play like 4 times to unlock)
>story is ok at best and only Hector is interesting in terms of lords
>gameplay is pretty good
>story is generic but Zeph is pretty good I suppose
>takes 4ever to go through maps, some characters are so absurdly broken it's not even funny
>story is the best in the series
>easier than 8, BEXP is broken
>story is solid


No the 3ds having jack shit did

Who knows if this will land with anyone.

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Or maybe it's just a bad game like most of the series

>saga frontier 2 in low tier
what the fuck

This, the supports and gameplay of awakening were much better than most previous games.
I do fucking miss the sprite animations, I'd actually watch that instead of turning animations off

The buffed Oliver has way more skill and luck and speed. His accuracy is at 144 and his avoid is 64.
A forged Javelin maxes at 11 power and 85 accuracy so a Marcia solo assault may not always hit let alone kill. Falcoknight strength caps is pretty low at 23, which is exactly enough for a 2 hit KO. That is if both hits connect and Nosferatu misses.
Alternatively, one could position Marcia in range of Oliver and allow him to attack first, and after eating a Nosferatu then Marcia can get two consecutive attacks in a row without Oliver self-healing. That only works however if Oliver is the first enemy to attack

Suicune may have started the trend, but I feel Lucario is the worst offender. The MC is a chosen one was only well done in BW I agree there.

>story is solid
lol. PoR's story is fucking terrible and Ike is a mary sue

fuck I want to get into Umineko.

Thats not the point i was trying to make, i enjoyed FE6 and 7 in terms of story
Awakening story is piss poor
And telius is praised to high heaven.

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Go read it then, you won't regret it.

>supports and gameplay

What the actual fuck? The good supports are so few and far between I'd say fates has better overall supports and they're fucking trash. The gameplay is just a fucking Robin roflstomp regardless of difficulty.

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I always turn off animations because I’m an impatient fuck. All I miss out on is seeing critical hits/skills activate.
Awakening managed to split between surprisingly good supports and pretty painful ones. I did really enjoy the good ones though.

Personally, I'd bump Legend of the Golden Witch up, but other than that, I agree.

>2 is way too high
3 and 2 are pretty much equal and descrepncy is just self-opinion
>halo wars is shit
>halo 3 odst was too short
i probably played more hours in firefight than i have in all of Halo:Reach

Ike isn't even close to a mary sue in 9. 10 is another story but we're not talking about that.

I only played Awakening and I never even finished it, but Echoes has a cool boxart. That's the only Fire Emblem I was even remotely interested in. Did I miss a hidden gem?

So story wise its FE4 and gameplay wise whats the best?

No if you didn’t finish awakening there’s very little chance you’d suffer through the maps in Echos

Yep if you can get past the horrible maps of gaiden
Makes me think that is should make a toggle between classic maps and remix maps because of screeching nostalgiafags

12, conquest, maybe 10 and thracia too.

That's exactly how you do it. Marcia can't get hit by anything by that point.

Oh yeah, Crystal wasn't especially bad in that regard, but it started the trend that would eventually lead to the shit we have now. It's also (in my opinion) worse than the 'vanilla' plot of G/S/C where you're just some nobody trainer who doesn't really do anything more remarkable than stopping the poser vestiges of Team Rocket (with a bunch of help to boot).

DaS should be on top, but other than that I completely agree.

Yeah maybe you're right. I find episode 1 hard to rate due to how different it is from the rest. In hindsight I'd probably move episode 8 up a tier. It was pretty weak overall (especially the first half) but it had some fantastic moments, and the scene where beatrice falls off the boat was probably my favorite scene in the whole vn so it deserves some props for that at least.

Fucking abysmal taste actually

GoW3 should be lower, other than that I agree.

Ike in 9 is the definition of a mary sue. The writing in PoR is godawful, Ike's doesn't even have flaws because they never stop him in anyway and has no consequences for his actions since the plot bends over backwards for him to always be in the right . His only real flaw is that he "doesn't know much" in general. Which has no effect when he gets free passes for using the word "sub-human" in Gallia, or gets constant aid from much better warriors while still getting the credit because "he's new to the bussiness", gets a ton of respect from people he never saw for no real reason, etc.

I like Crystal as an alternative to Gold/Silver due to the weird Pokemon placements. They're rare and hard to find, but it's cool to find stuff like Teddiursa before Gym 1 and I think Kadabra in Union Cave before Gym 2.

12 is new mystery a remake of FE3 which is a 2 story of shadow dragon in full and mystery
Conquest is the least horrible fates games with terrible story
10 is radiant dawn
Thracia, slightly better FE4

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How did I know this was going to be souls games? You guys are so blind to your pretentiousness.
Dark souls is the absolute worst game I have ever played. Horrendously bad game design.
The main reason people "like" it is because they think they're part of some kind of prestigious club that plebs just don't understand.

what are the 2 in god tier? I can't read the subtitles

bad bait

CQ and 12

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I know what they are obviously, I'm saying they've got some of the best gameplay in the series, especially conq and 12. No FE game has good story and gameplay, the closest is probably Thracia and the story is just decent.

What's the context behind this map? How are the units and enemies at that point of the game?

Fuck this map. A map this hard shouldn't be around this early in the game.

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I can't remember this game very well but can't you get with your cat or something?

Based and dunkpilled

>Conquest Lunatic
LOL, wtf are you talking about. I only finished the final boss by getting Bowbreaker via Spotpass. And don’t get me started on that ninja level shit.

That map is insanely difficult and rewarding for beating it. By the time it comes around the game has a very strict control over your resources and the enemy doesn't play around even on HM. You can't afford to charge due to the strength of the enemies but at the same time you need to because if you don't they will gangbang you and even more so due to a lot of them having 2 range. FE12 is very PP oriented so you have to make every action you can count.

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iirc, if you don't get enough points/affection with any of the girls, you get the cat.

git gud

What do you think the "virtually" part means? And ninja level is balanced as well. The former ninja one just requires tanks, the latter ninja one just requires shuriken breaker and freeze staves.

I still think Rome 1, and Medieval 2, while dated, are the pinnacle of total war games.
Such attention to detail, and the campaigns were always different and interesting.

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Not bad.

I'm assuming Horrigan is above god-tier

basado y rojopilled

make alexander low tier and barbarian invasion mid tier and you are right

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They have large maps in conquest mode.

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I’m going to play Conquest for the first time what Asset/Flaw/Talent should I pick?

>Not elder god tier


You're the only person in the world who had played all of these games.

There literally aren’t enough resources in Conquest to get bowbreaker on enough characters. I only finished the final levels by rushing to the end and staking everything on one-shotting the boss.
Empire should be mid or low-tier. Kingdoms should be god-tier. But other than that it’s perfect.

Depends on what class you're doing but unlucky is almost always a good flaw.

Bowbreaker is not necessary at all, it's just a good skill

Knock all the 3DS games down to D, and GS and BW down a tier and put BW2 on the same level as HGSS, Pt, and E and you've got what I think.

>it's another FEfags derail an entire thread episode
Can you faggots fuck off for good? /vg/ exists for a reason, whether you like it or not. Doesn't help that you talk about the same games for the last three years.

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And yet Grand Conquest just closed yesterday...

+Spd, +Str and +Mag are all good but depend on what you look for. Speed is always good, Strength helps for using Yato or other physical weapons and magic helps using levin sword and dragon stones.
Luck is generally the best flaw to choose.
As for subclasses, samurai, cavalier and ninja are all good options.

People are still talking about other games you faggot.

I went with Ninja because it’s hard to find a game where Ninjas aren’t good

excellent taste, user.

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>thread starts with FE

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I also agree, so what would you change user, other than your pissy sheets?

DD is goat


Your brain for a better one and some taste

Ninjas are fucking busted in Fates. They're very fast, have insane accuracy and avoid, and always have a 1-2 range weapon. They also fucking suck to fight against and are not fun overall since they also have high Str. I don't even know what the devs were thinking when they made this abomination.

YOU suck

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>Shit defence and weaker might for weapons
>Easily dealt with, with tanks
Git gud

Anything with access to a Sword, Wyvern and Ninja is good if you reclass right away, +mag Kamui is the best possible choice due to wielding the levin sword but anything works but -skill. Always go -luck

>What is Poison Strike

I dropped Pikmin 3 after like two or three areas, because it was yet another garden. I get it, gardens, that's where the carrots grow. But at least 2 had some caves and you could go through a kid's room or something. More variety in environments, less grass and streams.

I’d bump up GSC a tier based on soul alone but this is a really accurate list

>Sonic Adventure/2 and Sonic Unleashed being anything above shit tier
Opinion discarded.

>Something that can't even kill you
>Something that only deals 20% damage of which is easily dealt with by smart pacing and with a healer

Yep, this is about right

A skill that doesn't work on PP for the enemy, just one round them.

Damn, Desperate Struggle below Travis Strikes Again? That's pretty contrarian. Lollipop Chainsaw was so bad I didn't get more than an hour in, and never touched SotD.

I'd personally swap S/M with X/Y, as bad as both are at least X/Y didn't fucking slog you through cut scenes as much and the region was pretty. Alolah felt uninspired compared to Kalos. Also megas > z moves.

3D Land had tighter level design than 3D World. At the very least swap those two. OG Galaxy is also probably God tier. NSMB to low tier.

Unreasonably mean to Knight. It's at least as good as Asylum.

What the fuck.

Black and White 2 are the only non-remake games I haven't beaten. I played them blind on emulator once with a bunch of buddies, and it felt like we were still in the tutorial after hours of playing. So we gave up and went out to get pizza.

Should I give this game another chance? Does it actually get a lot better?

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>Mario 3 not in god tier

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It arguably the best Pokemon game with a great about of diversity and by far the most and best postgame. It’s not a battle frontier but PWT is literally a perfect fanwank that brings back every gym leader and champion with competitive teams

Swap sunshine and SM 2.
Then it'd be perfect.

If you were able to get through the beginning of SM I don't know why you'd have issue with BW2.

That's pretty fair, I'll probably give it another chance then

I'd put Heroes in Low and Adventure in Top.
If for nothing else, the atmosphere.

Just my personal opinion

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>NSMB Wii in shit tier
>Super Mario 2 in top tier
>Super Mario Land in low tier

Holy fuck how can anyone's taste be this bad?

I feel like I'm the only person in the universe who likes Oracle of Seasons/Ages more than A Link to the Past, but I'm also probably biased because I played those two first.

>FE8 and FE9 that high
Good taste OP

>P2fag is autistic

Who woulda guessed

Wording it like that I would argue to put FF4 in must play, because if someone asked me what FF game they should play first, I would say 4 every time. It's the most simple gameplay wise while also being a great game in its own right, even if it's not amazing like 5 or 12.

And 8 is still mediocre at best champ. It only excels at music and atmosphere, and maybe deserves optional.

Gee I sure love rolling for a unit only for it to be powercrept the next month good game design.

>Four Swords Adventures Shit Tier
What's wrong with it? It's probably one of my more favored Zelda games.

Standard Nino despite living along flier Nino, Lewyn, WT!Olwen is still a good green mage, faggot.

Yall might as well throw in at least the first Mario vs DK game if you're gonna include the GB game

I'd personally put it a tier above GB

>XV and XII in do not play
>VII and VIII in must play
>III in optional

Probably the most generic contrarian FF opinion

I like this much better. I'd personally move XI and XIV into Optional though. The MMO's are fun for what they are.

He doesnt have any friends to play with

This was for main villains. Horrigan's just a henchman with five lines of dialogue.

Fallout 76 player detected

>Game designed around local multiplayer is better when playing with friends


x/y are universally considered the worst games in the series by almost everyone.

This probably isn't the thread for it, but is 12's music good?
Lately I've been trying to play games with great scores

It's among the best in the series. It's got lots of the same instruments used across the soundtrack but the compositions are ace.

Sounds good. I'll probably pick it up when it almost definitely goes on sale for Golden Week.
Thanks, user

You enjoy yourself, it's a fantastic game.

Where the fuck is Resident Evil 1?

You got it

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Where my ADVANCE WARS niggas at???

>portable 2 in mid

Naw dawg it's easily top tier.

Ehh I liked 2 more than 1 tbqh

>Minish cap at the top
You're a man of good taste user

I was going to criticize you for putting Black Knight so high, but it turns out that Sonic has a LOT of bad games

I'm just going to post this

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>AJ is bad
>DD isn't one of the worst games in existence
Kill yourself so you can hopefully reincarnate with better taste.

>Oracles worse than Minish Cap

Nostalgia's a hell of a drug.

Play Zelda 2 without save states.

good list

Radiant Dawn's a clusterfuck of a game.

all of those things you listed make demon's souls an objectively superior game

Well geez, this is a weird looking sword this main character is wielding

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>edgeworth 2 good

I thought people liked AJ and only hated the ending

Or how about this weird looking sword wielding girl. Her sword is fucking invisible, that or the bird probably turns into one.

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>reuniclus, luxray , druddigon, primarina, gengar, donphan, houndoom, breloom.
Patrician tas....
>florges, moltres.


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No it's fucking garbage that almost killed the series the reason it's popular on Yea Forums is because everyone wants to be that hipster contrarian faggot

>halo wars is shit

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>CD not in god tier and above all rest
Pleb filtered.

celesteela is underrated as fuck

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Are Mario RPGS the definition of OLD=GOOD NEW=BAD? Or is it just contrarianism at full force?

Patently Stupid has the potential for top tier but no one wants to do a fucking presentation at a get-together, same for Mad Verse City but it's almost always cringe because Jackbox is played by 90% white people.

Shit taste pvp whore detected

The fuck did you just say to me? I'll have you know that Double Dash fucking breaks this chart. If the """top""" game is S, Double Dash would be SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. How fucking dare you walk into this thread and open your stupid fucking mouth, only to blabber the most senseless bullshit i've ever had the displeasure of reading with my own eyes. The fact that you're even alive is a fucking travesty. Double Dash is the greatest game of all time, and it's not even fucking close. Ocarina of Time? Kill yourself. Some shitty fucking JRPG? Die in a fucking fire. Games like that could never even dream of touching Double Dash. I jerk off to Double Dash, that's how fucking incredible it is. It's the only game I play. I've tried playing other games, but those fucking disgraces make me throw up uncontrollably just because of how fucking atrocious they are. And you, some fucking Yea Forums scumbag, thinks he can just badmouth it without any consequences. What a fucking embarrassment. I hope both of your parents die slowly and painfully, whatever godforsaken illness they have slowly ruining their mind and driving them so deep into depression they try to kill themselves. I hope whatever disgusting offspring that stems from your sickly seed grows up to hate you. I hope they put you in a cheap home, where you waste away until you die of undernourishment or some other agonizing death. But most of all, I hope that on your deathbed, you remember this. I hope you remember what you said about Mario Kart: Double Dash, and I hope you live to fucking regret it.

Mario RPG's, unironically, have mostly been lower in quality as the years went on.

A few exceptions being Super Paper Mario was a Wii title that was really good, and the last DS sequel of Bowser's Inside Story was really good.

Dream Team was pretty good but not great which is why it's mid

LTTP is bland. It's just Zelda 1 but better, which wasn't all that good in the first place.

Swap AJ with the game that gave us Turnabout Big Top.

you okay man

>The original part one in low tier

Top tier at the least. Of course it's old as fuck these days put playing that shit on ps2 way back then was the best video game memory I ever had

I'd swap Wii and 7 but otherwise a great list

this level of disrespect for sly 1 is a real shame

>Cierra that fucking low
>the hippy so high
>loli in shit tier despite IMAGINE
kys nigga