I just beat the 5th dungeon (second one in the dark world).
Should I drop this shitty game, or does it gets better later?
I just beat the 5th dungeon (second one in the dark world)
nah you should stop having shit taste
good bait
it's a short enough game just muscle through it
Play it to the end you zoomer.
90s games didn't blow their load early like modern games do. The best content was always saved for last.
Man, I wish I could have such shit taste
Why are you playing a game you don't like?
Life is too short to waste your time with things that don't make you happy. Geez.
You're already past the best part.
nothing makes me happy
Drop it and start playing an actual good Zelda title, such as pic related.
Go play a better game like Landstalker
I was planning on playing that if I actually liked aLttP. How does it compare?
well if you aren't enjoying it now you might as well. and I'm sorry about your sexuality user
Please don't ever forget this song... or me...
How do (You), yes (You) pronounce Sahasrahla?
Just like Shyamalan, I don't even try
Play Medievil, now that's a good game. Also
>Ape Escape>Kirby
What is even your issue with the game?
It's much better than LTTP.
Like Sahasrahla?
It literally says it right there.
Saw Hoss Sirrah La
I call him whatever nickname springs to mind
>Got hookshot
>Not hyped as fuck by how much things just opened up
ok fag
autistic nintentoddlers can't admit that link to the past is overrated trash
Sah haz rah luh
Theres like 2 good dark world dungeons maybe 3. All hyrule dungeons are kino as fuck and turtle rock is an abomination. Keep playing tho, ganons castle is a masterpiece
SonyCHAD here.
A Link to the Past is the best Zelda game. Wind Waker comes directly after it.
He doesn't. Worst 2d Zelda probably.
Incredibly based taste
Dungeons are quite linear with simple puzzles and they sometimes requires some annoying backtracking
Over-world is feels lifeless because the characters in it lack any charisma.
I don't think the game is awful, I'm enjoying it more than I did OoT, but there isn't a lot in it that makes me want to continue.
It's an improvement in basically every way besides that it was made for inferior hardware, and even despite the restrictions of the Game Boy they ended up making an overall better game.
Sa Has Rah La
lmao the overused excuse for having bad taste
>Dungeons are quite linear
I can understand everything but this, Link to the Past dungeons typically are more mazelike than later 2D Zelda dungeons.
Also in defense of its puzzles, you have to remember a lot of them were series first and maybe even firsts in gaming. The statue whose eye you need to shoot in Palace of Darkness for example is obvious now but back in the early 90s was a headscrather
said the nostalgia faggot
Oracles > Minish Cap > LA > ALBW > LTTP
1, 2 and the DS games are too trash to count.
Haha the overused excuse for nincel nostalgia