How do you deal with edgy incels and underaged tweens online shouting at each other in multiplayer games?
How do you deal with edgy incels and underaged tweens online shouting at each other in multiplayer games?
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Get them to put their mom on the mic and then have phone sex with the mom, become the step dad, and beat him
I play Splatoon 2 so I don't have to deal with that shit
I don't play the games they're playing.
Threaten to call their parents.
How about you grow some thick skin.
You could try growing skin user.
the mute button
Dont care.
Call them a quad nigger and play better than them. How new are you? Holy fuck
I very rarely hear edgy shit shouted in game. Either you are exaggerating, or your lack of team contribution might be a factor.
stop being a bitch and tell them to stfu
I fucked my friend's mom at his 22nd birthday party. We all went out for drinks, and then went back to pregame. Mom (milf) left and I left at the same time "nonchalantely" and asked if she wanted to grab a drink with me before heading back
Became his daddy on his 22nd kek
He could never talk shit again in Halo 3 :^)
I do that at least once a day
>1) Join them
>2) Ignore them
>3) Mute them
Take your pick?
mute or leave the voice channel
What's wrong with saying nigger? Serious answers only, please.
>leaving voice chat or all chat on in an online game
If the game doesn't have a common sense ping system, it's not worth playing/not worth my time in team matches
I don't want to interact with another human if they aren't someone I know irl and am talking to over skype or discord. Easy as that
The less these young ignorant folk have outlets for this kind of stupidity the less they'll do it in real life
I can't give serious answers to retards
by joining them and not being a big faggot about it you fucking faggot tranny cocksucking cunt faggot
For the most part I'm graced with the good taste to avoid the shit games they tend to play, it's when they come here and post on Yea Forums that I have a problem.
>4) Teamkill them
Or how bout we stop perpetuating the idea that behavior like this is somehow ok
devs are too pussy to put that in
why not fuck the incel too, get that tight virgin boipucci
i don't play multiplayer games
the only right choice
I grew up online, on getting called foul words, death threats, being told I'm trash, and all the other things that make normies quake in their sandals. It's nothing at this point.
Get off Yea Forums you dickless faggot
By not being a faggot bitch and dealing with it.
No you ;)
In GTA Online, whenever a squeaker or some incel started talking shit, I'd just get the whole lobby to rally against them & we'd all gang up on the fucker until they ragequit
By not being a triggered little pussy bitch.
i mute them. not report. just muting a team mate is just as effective as reporting and you get instant results. its almost like if someone is annoying me i just shut them up, rather than going out of my way to sack their account.
>grow thick skin
>deal with it
You're all part of the problem
epic win
Doing it myself. There hasn't been a tidepod eating zoomer born yet that can outshout me on racial epithets. Last night I went into a twenty minute diatribe on why that white-sounding kid was a nigger and how his people were responsible for a disproportionate amount of violence in America, and underpresented IQ-wise on the bellcurve.
I'd say mute them but you probably don't know what that means because you only play games where the devs have to coddle you
I don't play multiplayer games.
The same way you deal with them on Yea Forums
I don't and mostly just ignore it
I've legitimately never understood what's fun about not being nice and polite to people
kek, I'd join in. Edgy kids are great and I don't take the internet seriously. what actually happens though is that I just don't play multiplayer games anymore. sp all day baby.
based and redpilled
I calmly say "Can you keep it down, I'm trying to concentrate".
I yell into the mic "Hey that type of language is disgusting and not welcome here! Don't throw the [LGBT/Black/Muslims/Jewish community under the bus! Go step on a lego!"
then spam a mod I bootlick's pms for 30 minutes straight.
Then type "bye bye troll douche bag :)" just before they get banned.
shut the fuck up you fucking mentally deranged spastic nigger tranny with aids and dementia
I call them incels, that puts them in their place
as if bullyhunters were that skilled
Literally what games are you guys playing that you find these fags in?
Do you not have friends to play with or something?
whoa... no need to get violent... NIGGER
Stop playing kid's games faggot
>people are upset by words spoken by kids who will eventually forget you after 5 seconds
Meanwhile you made a thread about some nobody kid calling you a nigger.
When I actually played console games online, Xbox 360 and Modern Warfare or so, I'd just disable voice chat completely and jam to whatever music I was hyperfixated upon at that age. Then I'd sift through hatemail and voice messages later accordingly.
>Benny Benassi
>Daft Punk
>Tunnel Trance Force
>Infected Mushroom
>Alex C. (feat. Yass of course, I'm cultured)
Cry on internet forums about my hurt feelings
>Yea Forums
i usually just single them out and annoy them with my friends. most of the people OP is referring to actually browse Yea Forums so that's the explanation for all the gay replies
Its rude, just objectively speaking.
I don't play multiplayer games.
The Internet's widespread success was such a fucking huge mistake. It's effectively ruined now with oversensitive faggots constantly whining about being called mean names by some nobody on social media and filing online harassment reports with the police, who probably have more important things to worry about like actors faking hate crimes because they felt like they weren't getting paid enough.
i saw that naughtyamerica vid too
One of the first games of Halo 3 (and Xbox Live as well) was a guy calling everyone else in the lobby niggers cause we wouldn't veto Sandtrap. The sheer blunt randomness of how he said when there utter silence in between was absolutely hilarious.We can't have moments like that anymore cause schmucks like you have to police every little instance of the lives of everyone else you interact with even for only 15 minutes. Please kindly fuck off you cock-mongling quadruple nigger.
Playing only AO games isn't going to stop children from also playing those same AO multiplayer games.
log off bitch
By playing games that don't attract tards in the first place.
I bet you cry when someone gets in an argument with you.
Its still September bro
There is none other than it being an insult, just like calling someone any other word like that. Niggers take offense because they have a MASSIVE victim complex and big government lets them destroy cities because they can't stop throwing tantrums when anything they don't like happens.
so you're a delicate flower... okay
Today I played counter strike go... I first played counter strike in 1999 when it came out. I'm 31 now.. such youth were chitter chatting on their mics today. I simply said what I said back then. "You sound like faggots!" *mute*
based. saving western civilization, one BTFO'd zoomer at a time
Who the fuck plays multiplayer games except kids and incels?!
You should probably just kill your self.
The quads have spoken.
Im not a subhuman amerimutt so I join them and make trannies mad
>muting those faggots before they can even talk back
Next time some white dude says n-word irl I'm going to go off on them. Fucking hate these cunts
I go to my nearest computer and bitch about it on an image board.
>owned by quads
People who make Geiger counters go off when stuck between their jelly roles.
>have tools to ignore or mute dumb people screeching on their mics and to protect your feels when they tell you naughty words
>not laughing at their autism and/or ignoring them
>you're part of the problem
fuck how did you people survive high school let alone leaving the house
impressive, very nice
I just listen to Danny Brown nowadays
Based before they were born.
What are YOU talking about? Nintendo doesn't let us use voice chat!
muting is the best option
Lol no u first
>That crow
Shut up, incel.
It is perfectly okay to shit talk online
It’s just words you gigantic wimp
You could talk shit too if you didn’t have less balls than the literal children you’re talking about
I'm so fucking sick of ironic bait
Fuck you, I bet you think it's funny doing this, that you are sticking it to the other side by pretending to be them
Fool: all you do is invite them in
Fuck you, fuck ironic shitposting, and FUCK Yea Forums
What about half an n-word???
Git gud
What up, nig
go to 8ch, it's better anyway you fucking faggot. either grow a pair or shutup
it's not okay, but it's like cursing IRL
it's rude and badly seen, but eventually (non-autistic) people stop giving a shit because they realize it's not a big deal and you can just ignore those people and go on with your life
/mute all
DOOD my nig!
Nothing wrong with it, I just hate having to hear some 13 year old screaming about niggers in every game I play because they think it's SUPER EDGY
I was born with thick skin you fuckin faggot
Ignore them because I don't have such levels of insecurity and low self-esteem that 12 year olds saying they're gonna fuck my mom causes me to have a panic attack.
le mad oldfag is mad
>this were the good old times according to Yea Forums
Then mute them you retarded fucking nigger. If it bothers you so much can't you take two seconds out of your time to go to the menu and click the little speaker? Or, better yet, disable voice chat entirely if you're such an autistic faggot that you can't handle children being children in your children's entertainment?
It still happens if you play stuff like CoD or Rainbow Six Siege or Battle Royale games. You just have to follow where the zoomers go.
If they're really that annoying I'd mute them. Though I hear kicking and screaming for a dev to come ban them works just as well these days. I don't really talk to strangers online so I don't find myself in these situations often, maybe try being less of a fag and they won't bully you.
maybe it a man/women-child, they all act like rancid buttholes. scared of a little rain
I chug a bottle of my favourite non milk product and cut myself untill the bull is finished so I can tell my wife because her son doesn't listen
Every single decent pvp multiplayer game has a mute button, use it.
It unironically was you zoomer faggot, but keep cherrypicking.
>when you can't get dubs and instead you get quads
Children are annoying, in a perfect world they would be banned from playing online games. Why do you want to play games with children as an adult?
I'm not American
>implying it wasn't for cheating
You'd be doing them a favor
Double Incel
I tell them they're based and redpilled, it's funny when they can't detect obvious sarcasm.
>buy game
>say word
>money stolen and thrown in jail
Muting is an option, dumb shit.
This is literally CS now
I always disable voice chat. Waste of bandwidth.
When the fuck did I ever say that in my post? Jesus fucking christ, you really are a retarded nigger because the only way you could extrapolate that retarded fucking point is if you're in the ghetto high on crack right now. Besides that, are you seriously trying to tell me right now that video games are a mature and refined form of entertainment? If you think that, maybe it's time to find another hobby.
I win!
not being a thin skinned bitchboy like you helps inmensly you gigantic faggot
incel is just the new version of söyboy
I deal by playing story rich campaign games
online multiplayer is for:
>underage edgelords
>people with no jobs
no one with actual responsabilities would have the time to spent to get good at online games when there's people spending 10 hours a day at it, offline is where the patrician adults play.
no nigger
I'm not saying that games are mature at all, I just hate children because I'm not one.
If they're bothering you, just mute them.
>I deal by playing story rich campaign games
Unfortunately i deal with it by mostly avoiding all online multiplayer games. Too many children with bad parents or redneck trump supporters running their mouths or failing to understand basic things about how the game is played. I've had a lot more fun playing games like Pit People with the one good friend i have who is actually into video games.
>pit people
I AM SO RANDOM the game.
its decently difficult
Looks like an absolutely reddit-tier LOLSORANDUMB game to match your reddit-tier post.
First time I played insurgency it spawned me as a hijabi on the US side. Had no clue and some kid started getting pissed about it and tkd me. I got a refund and went back to counterstrike.
not user but indeed, fuck story games. I'll tolorate some 4x or turn based strat, but about 5 to 6 years ago cinematic story games and rpgs became this quagmire or political and ideological insertion. I only want to see numbers, pew-pews and tits when I play games. I need to chill out not stress out.
This unironically
also mute feature has been a thing for years
it's ok in my books.
perpetuate this *unzips dick*
Rage baby rage baby owo you're a bitch ono
Whenever I see a squeakshit in tf2 I either
1. Mute them
2. Kill them until they ragequit
3. Votekick them
EZ shit user.
what games do you guys play where these even exist?
Only really play quake and doom online and everybody there is incredibly civil and nice. The rare annoying one is usually a total shitter wich gets me some laughs.
provoke and report if you're on vendor servers
Even Kanye West got called an incel once.
BUT the point of these online shooters is teamwork, without chat it has no strategy, some zoomers faggots will say i'm being a nostalgia nigger BUT LAN parties were incredibly superior than current online multiplayer, with LAN you got
>real friends
>real strategy
>no one saying shit because you can literally get slapped only funny banter
>no problem with ping
>a real social event with actual friendship bonding
I remember the first time my mom dropped myself in a friends house to all nighter, everyone with their pcs, cs 1.6, it was just a blast, nowadays? it's you alone in a dark room hearing zoomer niggers rambling on their headsets, zoomers will never know this feel, enjoy flossing and being milked like cows with microtransactions
slave owners used to call their slaves "niggers", so by saying "nigger" you're making remarks about years of slavery and torture of black people
You stop caring and start saying the same shit but ironically
You just have to play the right games user. I play quake and most servers are pretty cool. Most zoomerniggers are on madden or Fortnite.
yell at them louder and be more offensive which is usually funnier or just shuts them up
I've been farting around with the new fortmeme ea game.
80% no mics
19% screaming children/memesters
1% useful comms
Back to reset era you fucking faggot
>Mute player
>They start spamming chat about how I'm a dicksucking faggot because they ran off solo and died
>Report him
>He proceeds to whine on Yea Forums about how people are thin-skinned and can't take bantz when they get banned
You know there's some game that allows you to signal whatever you want to them without saying it right?
Things as commands, pings, anything.
Of course if you have friends to play with it of course you'll talk with them. But talking to anyone outside of them? Fuck no.
Back in 2006 to 2011 era Yea Forums? Absolutely nothing. About as offensive as calling someone a fag, it was mostly an endearing thing to fuck with people who had no clue what was going on.
In current Yea Forums and more general internet culture? A significantly higher percentage of being an overly politicized attentionhungry faggot, so people aproach (or just ignore) with caution not to give attention if they're not retarded. In public with randos on the street? Asking for trouble ofc.
I fucking hate mic users in general because they’re either screaming children or nogs. I never get any actually useful teammates in team chats.
what kind of gay videogames are you playing were people use voicechat
To be fair you do sound like a dicksucking faggot
Shout nigger back. Bully them out of your territory until you're the one dictating the mood.
Abuse the mute button if there is one. If not and there's an option to turn off voice chat, do it. No match is worth dealing with some beta male screaming about how much "roasties" have ruined his life and a kid who's treating it like a popularity contest.
guaranteed replies?
I know, but it's still hilarious to get someone banned every time.
Sticks and stone bitch.
Every edgelord that shouts or types out the n word constantly on the internet i have personally seen are losers in real life so i do nothing. Their life sucks so atleast let them feel some empowerment in the internet world
Sweaty, oh no...
Join in
You call your daddy moderator and report them as the strong and independent wymen that need no man that you are sweety.
niño soya
Games that don't require teamwork - mute and just talk to friends
Games that do - don't play on free weekends, otherwise put up with them if they're not too loud or just mute them if they're being annoying
Fortunately there aren't that many autists in Insurgency - well there are, but they're at least the kind who are autistic about the game rather than memes
By not playing video games at all. Online multiplayer is too "toxic" for you it seems
Nah you're just lame
Sorry I offended you.
googolplex incel
A haiku
I used to be edgy
I have now improved my ways
Edgelords can suck dick
I'm about to say the nigger word.
Mrs Obama watch out
To be honest saying nigger is the opposite of edgy- it’s an almost whimsical word. I think the recent clown apu sums up how I find most people use nigger nowadays
Yeah too bad unironic /pol/turds ruin it
I think you’re a bigger problem teebeehaytch
>he doesn't understand jews are ruining games just like they ruined movies
>he can't see the agendas in all these fag new games
>he is this much of a faggot