Why is this fucking retard considered a genius again?

Why is this fucking retard considered a genius again?

I swear, mainstream pop culture rewards shallow fuckwits than it does talent with actual merits.

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Remember you don't have to actually be smart you just need to convince the majority you are and sick your minions on anyone who tries to expose you.

Damn, Zoomer. Back in the day, action games meant a side scroller where you shoot endless bullets in a row. You naturally went in loud and killed anything that moved.

Metal Gear Solid took aspects from multiple genres and created a game where stealth actually mattered. Along with tons of minor details that could cause you to fail your mission.

Modern action games are what they are because of Kojima.

Two reasons:
1. Most of his stories, regardless of individual opinion on quality, were still more elegantly written than 80% of games of their time. Their perceived quality of writing was relative to other games which didn't even attempt to have a good story.

2. He pioneered the "cinematic experience" type of action game, which at the time was still a fresh and novel concept.

Kojima's success was due to him showing up in the right place and the right time. I doubt he would receive the same mainstream attention if the majority of his games were released in today's climate.

He made Rambo for videogames.
Hard time not getting cred for it.

Unfriendly reminder calling people stupid doesn't make you smart, retard.

>I'm 16 and i don't understand what makes video games good or noteworthy

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He made some great fucking games

Nobody unironically likes his writing and direction

because he had good editors

he doesn't now

Calling people retard won't make Kojima's shitty writing any less embarassing either, faggot

MGS was never good, stop pretending.
Furthermore is the responsible for the imbecilization of the stealth genre and the obligatory "stealth" sections on action driven games.

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There was an editor or a writer that helped him with MGS stories, so it wasn't always 100% Kojima. With Death Stranding, we'll see if he's a good writer or just a hack living off of overhype.

I'll admit he's an icon, for good reasons or no, but some of his decisions have been questionable, especially with MGSV.

*tips fedora*

His games are popular. Glad it was him and not Suda so I can enjoy his games without them being changed to appeal to the widest possible market.

MGS IV and V were complete shit. The fact that V had to ''wrap things up'' in a previous settings only made things worse. I'm pretty sure revengeance did a better job at telling a story than V did. And the best thing is, Kojima got the most direction in V.

>With Death Stranding, we'll see if he's a good writer or just a hack living off of overhype.
Look no further than Policenauts, MGS 4, Peace Walker and MGS V.

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Normal people only recently have been calling him genius because of game media sucking his dick over the Konami fiasco and because PS picked him up.

I would also like to add that I really liked the MGS V gameplay, were it not for the bullshit open world mechanic

>mass replying
You forgot yours frog picture in post.

you must really be deluded if you think kojima wrote that himself

Hideo is based

What happend? MGS 2 was Deus Ex tier writing, the series went into a train wreck after this.
>muh, child soldiers

Nothing in the MGS series afterwards ever surpassed this moment.

You realise that Kojima's was saying nothing that academics weren't already saying decades before him, right?

Combine that with simple observations about the mobile market in Japan at the time, and you get the GW's speech.

>I'm pretty sure revengeance did a better job at telling a story than V did.
it arguably did, and it's one of the few metal gear games that doesn't have surface-level religious or literary symbolism shoehorned into it

This. He called out pc culture before it hit hard in 2010 +.

pc culture has been around for a long time

Right up until the end where we got geopolitics though

why would you put that second line in spoilers? you new or something?

It's not like he was the only person saying this shit but in mgs it was pretty interesting to see.

>top tier gameplay mechanics
>engaging stories

It isn't about pc culture, it's about culture as a whole, biases, and people refusing to believe facts, instead choosing to believe whatever suits their world view

he's a writer not a game designer

no, no academics were talking about insular online communities decades before 2002.

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>engaging stories
Tryinghard at most.

except he's always been a game designer, ever since mg1 on msx2

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he's an "ideas guy" at best

based Hideo

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>four replies = mass replying
Back to resetera, newcuck

Nothing, he was inspired back then.
He's a creative, unless he's really inspired to do something he's going to half ass it.

Wrong thread my bad

what, dumbass? which academic was talking about trivial discourse in digitized media in the 1980s and 70s? you name them.

trivial discourse in general dumb dumb

>MGS was never good, stop pretending.

which was exacerbated in specific ways by digital media and the internet which are delineated in the GW speech. you can say that it's all stuff that was anticipated as far back as, say, Orwell, but Kojima was not very far behind the curve in terms of realizing that it was already occurring and how. in terms of mass media products like games movies TV etc he was pretty damn far ahead of that curve.

So why does he get credit for designing the first metal gears?

>Kojimbo drones preach this shit hard
>while also fabricating lies about Survive and believing ecelebs

ideas guy usually do take all the credit

I don’t really understand what point you’re trying to make. Just because fans are hypocrites doesn’t make the statement not true

>b-b-but Survive
lmao, anti-Kojimafags still asshurt.
I still remember the ones who said that normalfags would flock it.

You have any source on him taking the credit? Just interested because Ive never looked into it

>designed MG1

This board is for 18+

that's not why the colonel's speech is clever. it's clever because it's an appeal to emotion coming from an AI. it's alarmist and outlines a false dichotomy and portrays itself as the lesser of two evils. it uses sophistry and rhetoric and generally lies to you, and yet it's just an AI. it makes you think it is in complete control when it's obviously still reliant on humans. but the fact that it obviously understands humans and can clearly manipulate them is what makes it threatening. the speech itself is an exercise in creating context. it disarms raiden by creating an almost impenetrable barrier of false logic

and that's mgs narrative in a nutshell, too. it's a bunch of nearly impenetrable bullshit that props itself up and makes itself seem really important. when actually it's just a movie satire/parody franchise with some window dressing. but the context it has created for itself is entirely different and almost seems serious in tone


I think what a lot of people miss is the value of his individual artistic input vs. overall "profoundness" of the work. Kojima's not making any games that make you fuckin reconsider the meaning of life, he's making games that are unquestionably his and that contain some of himself within them. Compare to David Lynch. People will argue with you all fucking day about the relevance of some detail in the work, whether it means anything, whether it's even good or not. But no one will say they can't tell who made it, even if the subject matter has been done a thousand times before by others.

Anti Kojimafags still can't come up with a good argument. SAD!

Are you serious convinced that Snake is somewhat a believable character in any shape or form? It's a husk for kojimbo teenager wet dreams, nothing else. I can't stand Snake talking.

Awwww did little baby think Venom was Big Boss in MGSV? Still mad?

You are, because you ignored every bit of evidence. Caramel drank your tears.

he did actually come up with the game design. he originally wanted a game like the movie The Great Escape where you don't get into any combat. then later, when the MG1 team encountered hardware limitations with the msx2 (they were just going to make a typical military shooter), kojima decided to turn it into a stealth game. he's still got hand-drawn maps of the game with notes, he probably did a lot of the level design

thank god Kojima came along and turned video games into bad movies

fucking delusional kojimadrones

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Damn user you sure showed him Yea Forumsro

Because he made some good games and is good as a producer/director, but he should definitely have a co-writer when it comes to story because he can definitely fuck it up. Why anyone would consider TPP story a deeply layered meta masterpiece is delusional and I can't believe he even got an award for it, which I'm willing to bet it was a pitty prize for being fired from Konami and because he is besties with the Dorito Pope.

Because he literally invented a whole genre, retard.

He was the creater director writer for five crictially acclaimed and commercially successful games. People love to complain about his long cutscenes but he’s already established himself in video game history as highly influential. MGS is in the goddamn U.S Smithsonian museum. Younger kids don’t have the attention span to appreciate art.

Hideo Kojima is the Zack Snyder of video games

more like george lucas. a hack who only got famous because he had decent editors that cleaned his garbage stories up.

The movie game genre? The worst genre there is?
He didn't invent the stealth genre you know.

>Kojima does something good
>Kojima does something bad

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Keep deny the truth faggot.


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Damn, that actually makes more sense.
Does that mean he is going to make a Phantom menace with death stranding?

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So edgy, you gotta be deluded to think Kojima wrote that

Tomokazu Fukushima co wrote the series up until MGS4 when the series took a nose dive

Who did then?

"co-wrote" means a lot of things. Did he write 50% of the story or 20%?
Also he wrote Ghost Babel by himself. Does anyone think that was particularly well-written? Is it help up as a standard of good writing in the MGS series?
Also Kojima wrote Snatcher and Policenauts. You can try to set up Kojima being the "incompetent leader" for MGS series, but you can't for Snatcher and Policenauts, which catapulted his career.

But MGS2 was terrible and MGS1 was a legitimately stupid story.

>mgs was never good

>mfw I will never again stay up all night at my friends house making microwave grilled cheese, playing mgs2 on the ps2, and watching shit tier cable tv porn while jacking off in the same room

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He made neither the first stealth game nor the first 3D stealth game. First 3D was Tenchu, and possibly Castle Wolfenstein along with other games were stealth games before MG

>Also he wrote Ghost Babel by himself. Does anyone think that was particularly well-written?
He'll say yes but he won't answer why because pretending to like Ghost Babel is the cool opinion in Yea Forums, despite the fact that almost none of them played it.

>watching shit tier cable tv porn while jacking off in the same room
nigga thats gay

I just finished Bloodborne and I thought it was amazing seeing all the books and movies Miyazaki took inspiration from while creating something of his own. Meanwhile, Kojima has to outright say "I'm referencing 2001" and make constant posts online about what pleb garbage he likes and is inspired by. He can't even take a picture of himself without having posters and a shelf full of movies behind him. What a manchild.

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I can't blame him, the reason why I ask that is because I never played the game. Apparently it is pretty famous though, but I don't know if it is because it is a good GB game or because it had a good story.

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>I swear, mainstream pop culture rewards shallow fuckwits than it does talent with actual merits.
You can blame this on a phenomenon I like to call, "The Emperor's New Clothes" effect.
In that story, the Emperor is visited by some (((merchants))) and they sell him an "invisible robe." It's supposedly invisible only to stupid people, so the Emperor pretended that he could see it so people wouldn't think he was stupid. So did all his palace, and all the citizens. Nobody would admit that the Emperor was naked, because they didn't want everyone to think they were stupid.

People like Kojima get held up on these bandwagons, people praise the fuck out of them, and then solely because of this, they reach legendary status. They're untouchable, and any criticism will make everyone think you're an idiot. This happens all the time. This also happened with Shakespeare, and the Monogatari anime series.

It was an asset flip of the two first Metal Gears but for GBA.
Never saw anyone discuss it until the Fukushima guy was started being mentioned in Yea Forums, and even then, there's no discussion beyond people who insist that it's well written, but never explaining why.

This is just people who don't understand that Kojima simply grew tired of making MGS games.
Hell, looking at his taste in movies, he doesn't seem to have any particular fondness for the military, so making military games for so long must have grown into indifference.

Not if you dont look at each other
I looked

Snake was based on 80s action movies. So no. He's not believable but he's not supposed to be. Kojima still manages to take this and all his otaku shit and create the most in depth explorations of the west's industrial military complex. Its excesses and its harmful effects. From the Cold War on. MGSV continued this as you got the chance to explore war torn regions at your own pace in a futile effort to make things better. Before you find out that you are one of the key players making things worse.

Well then. At least his additions to the idea formed the genre.

>implying Kojima has had any sort of positive effect on the stealth genre

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>chance to explore war torn regions at your own pace in a futile effort to make things better.
>Before you find out that you are one of the key players making things worse.
Except that was pretty obvious when the first soldiers you hired were Mujahideen. Literally no fucking subtlety there, and nothing really comes out of it in the game beyond about the relevant history to do with them.

Playing the PSX classic, I really do miss Syphon Filter and I still remember the times when Metal Gear had actual competitors in the genre. Whatever happened to the series?

I'm not implying that. I'm outright saying he literally made the genre what it is today.

You'll see, OP. Kojima is teaming up with Hollyjew actors to make true vidya kino.

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has nothing to do with "editors", he used to do the games' stories primarily by himself. the point that people commonly say he stopped writing good stories is when he started having more people help him write them, like tamari and murata. what he always needed help with was programming, sound design, graphic design, etc.

fukushima did nothing on mg2 and mgs1 is heavily based on mg2. and mgs2 is heavily based on mgs1. and mgs3 is heavily based on mgs2. so what did fukushima do, help make it even more copy-and-paste than it already had been? was fukushima the one who wrote all the plot holes in mgs2, or was that kojima? whose idea was it for 90% of the games' stories to copy movies, fukushima or the guy whose body is 70% movies?

That's odd because there are only a few great stealth games and none of them were inspired by MGS 1's shitty gameplay.

>I'm 23 and think I'm really smart because "I'm not 16"

We truly do live in a society.

yes and?

This game was groundbreaking.

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Shut the fuck up and get that mouth back around Kojima's cock you blubbering retard.

>im 23 and the only time i consume an actual story with philosophical ideas is when i play a shitty video game by a japanese hack

uhh 24 actually :^)

Fukushima did most of a huge chunk of the Codec calls, which admittedly, did a huge part in bringing a lot of depth in the story. I'm not saying that Kojima didn't write the main story, but the fact that someone else is usually assigned to the Codec writeups is pretty telling consider that a huge chunk of the emotional moments in the series consist of Codec conversations.

Similarly, I thought Peace Walker's main story was hilariously hamfisted in its writing whereas the respective tapes that detail the rest of the characterization actually felt like the meat of the story. I didn't think much of it, but then I later found out that the KojiPro team behind Revengeance's writing were the same people behind the Peace Walker tapes, and that Kojima had very little to do with those tapes that actually made Peace Walker passable as a story.

He made the genre. Nothing good or bad about it inherently. Deal with it.

Snake Eater managed to have good things while also cutting down on codec interruptions

hes the bill gates of gaming

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Kojima unironically helped shape mainstream pop culture. That's why he's considered a genius. You're just mad that one of the few modern day artistic geniuses has come from video games.

I didn't know Kojima posted on Yea Forums

> Implying his English is even remotely that legible.

cause he let you not kill people to win

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Kill yourself fucking retard.
Kojima was making revolutionary videogames with machines with literally half a Megabyte of capacity on a primitive version of MS-DOS before you were even sperm.

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A lot of Snake Eater's good writing feel like happy accidents.
>Kojima wanted to reuse a Big Boss mentor-character from MGS2 but simply flipped the gender because it has "maternal" vibe to it
>Kojima describes Ocelot and Big Boss's rivalry as "love at first sight"
>Kojima was obsessed with adding James Bond vibes due to the time period so he added more crazy super spy elements
>Kojima basically admits to ripping off Fujiko from Lupin III when creating Eva
>Kojima unironically wanted to show The Boss's tits bouncing during the final battle but his editors thought it was ridiculously stupid so they had him remove it
You should read Kojima's notes, it covers most of what went into the story and it's pretty much a comedy from start to end.

0 days since Yea Forums complained about Kojimbo

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you think the mgs series isn't a comedy?

I mean it is, but I guess you can get more of it from reading Kojima's BTS notes.

kojima didnt write that though

That's because you can't fix it user. You can only be a party to it

Thanks doc

He wrote this. He made me pull the trigger felt that shit.

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His staff certainly thought it was at some point.

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What did you ever do with your life?
Jealous cry hards

i think the boss' breasts bouncing around fits perfectly, to be honest. in mgs3 there are lots of snakes to eat, two of them are the coral snake and milk snake. the coral snake is venomous, and the milk snake just pretends to be, it looks similar to the coral snake. but the milk snake can still bite, just not kill. in mgs3 there are two main female characters, eva and the boss. both expose their chests, tasty. both have similar roles, to get close to volgin and get the legacy, then bring it to america. but eva is a traitor, she's not actually on your side. the boss meanwhile just pretends to defect, she's not a traitor. the boss is the milk snake. kind of like solid snake, liquid snake, naked snake

back in primeval cultures, people worshipped women for their ability to bring life. milk was like manna from heaven. and it's fitting, the boss being a metaphor for god. so her maternity being a focus makes sense. and kojima is naturally a pervert, so that adds up too

the best part is how vamp was originally a woman, which explains the whole "his nickname is because he's bisexual" thing. it originally meant, "she's a vamp because she manipulates men". but they didn't change vamp's backstory when they changed the gender. how is that not hilarious? mgs2 is a comedy from start to finish. the final boss shouts "i won't be an intron of history, i will be an exon!". the president of the united states, dressed up as doctor octopus, attacks you with two japanese swords called "democrat" and "republican". the whole series is a farce, it's the best

>the boss is the milk snake. kind of like solid snake, liquid snake, naked snake
God fucking dammit, I lost it on this one.


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