Why did you leave me for dead, Yea Forums?

Why did you leave me for dead, Yea Forums?

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I don't even know you, but here's some spare change God bless

Playing Digimon: Cyber Sleuth on it right now.

Sony abandoned it, not the people.

Proprietary memory sticks.

I didn't, I like handhelds. I'm playing my Vita tonight after playing some Hollow Knight on Switch and Rune Factory 4 on 3DS.

I just 3d printed a new grip for you and I'm playing like 4 games right now what do you mean?

What are some PSVita games worth playing and when will I be able to emulate them?

I still play Taiko on you

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But I'm playing Hollow Realization on you right now, Vita-chan.

I didn't, your memory cards were too pricey though.
I bought a Vita TV first for the memory card and PS3 controller to play Persona 4 and some other stuff from my PS3 digital space then eventually got a white Vita Slim discounted and moved all my data
Sony killed it desu. 3DS had a rough start, it would have bounced back regardless but they had the perfect window to make a statement and instead they made a loud wet fart

This is my recent purchase. Until the OLED goes out, you're still getting used.

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I have never seen one sold in stores

I've been looking for years

>Sony abandoned it, not the people.
Exactly this. It was my primary system for 2013 and 2014, and still has the best interface of any current system. But they wanted the CoD crowd and didn't get it, so they keep trying to bury it. It's simply a better deck than Sony deserves.

Blame your father for not promoting you.
We still love you.

Did you play Cyber Slueth 2 on it? It was removed from the Vita PSN and I dont know why.

doesn't help that the COD that was on the vita was total ass especially compared the greatness of the killzone fps.

I fucking loved you PS Vita, not consumer's fault Sony couldn't solid the deal on getting MH IP onto Vita versus Nintendo.

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I didn't!
I bought TWO Vitas!
And I only bought the second, because the 1.0 was too goddamn nice to take with me on the bus. I was terrified of scratching the screen so I left that shit at home. The 2.0 isn't quite as nice, but it is a lot easier to take around. I'm not terrified it'll shatter if I accidentally drop it.

But then Sony didn't do anything to make it worth it, and once I beat my favorite PS2 RPGs again, and beat Soul Sacrifice like six times, there really wasn't anything to do with it.

I’m playing P4G right now though

they have already answered, none of the portables that sony made were meant to be a good platform, they were just downgraded versions of their respectives consoles, receiving shitty ports

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Thinking of playing Shiren.

Hackers Memory is still on it. No idea why the first one got removed but it's not the first Bamco game that has happened to.

Please shitpost in /vitagen/, it is in dire need of optimism.

Shiren, good taste my sir.

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Because Sony did.

But you are my favorite handheld, vita-tan!

recommend me some great Vita/PSP games go play on my PSTV

>OLED goes out
why would that even happen?

Good game
Also can't can get enough of this

Because sony said it's anti consumer to enjoy games.

>implying I didn't jailbreak it and am currently playing Quake 3 on it

Bruh I’m platinuming KH through remote play with you right now

Glad I got both of them physically while I could. They're insanely expensive now. Kinda hilarious since they're so cheap on PS4




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You did well my friend . I play a lot of game on you and countless hour of youtube

Gotta beat Persona 4 Golden before it's inevitably ported, that would cause my drive to play it to become 0

my fucking Vita just died on me it was the AC Creed White OLED one fucking POS

Because virtually all of your worthwhile games are on other platforms that aren't dead, your exclusives consist almost entirely of weeb shit, and the only thing you're good for is playing pirated PS1 games at native resolution thanks to already having a built-in emulator.

just installed pkgj this week and I'm downloading as much shit as I can

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just hack nigga

how do you even set that up?
looks complicated, I've been just downloading off nicoblog

considering getting that project diva vita because im a huge mikufag. what's some good stuff on it so when i get it it isn't just a diva vita?


Proprietary memory sticks

But I just hacked you and played Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight

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It would have been dead by now even if it wasn't hacked. If you really want 20fps console ports and weeb games, get a switch.

If you hack you can use sd cards on it

>need a proprietary adapter anyway

Aren't the download speeds awful over the vita wifi though?

I'm still waiting for P5R port

> and still has the best interface of any current system.


>I want a handheld that is like a home console!
>Oh, you got one, thanks Sony
>In second thought, this is not as good as a home console, so eh, kinda useless
Sony tried to sell steak in a vegan restaurant to bring in a larger crowd and ended up with neither.

The PSP is fucking godlike. It's a shame it's sequel never reached the same heights and instead double-downed on pedophile games that killed it completely in the west.

This guy just shipped in from Sushiland. I hope to pay Persona 4 Golden on this boy.

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once your vita is hacked, just download and install PKGJ. there is no setup. you are thinking of the older PKGI

But I still love it, I even made a dock for it just so I could play it's exclusives on a bigger screen

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>Install app

I still use you for emulation, PSP games, and a few games you have that work well as portable titles. I wish you weren't abandoned outside of Japan so soon. I also wish your official memory cards weren't overpriced as fuck.

this is just sad.

I'm getting about 1mb/s, not great but I just leave it downloading while I shitpost on Yea Forums and big games are done in an hour or so.

does the vita actually have tv-out?

I don't see what the problem is, it works pretty well with a DS4 and also has audio output

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There's a couple of plugins you have to install in order to work: udcd_uvc for usb streaming and ds3vita/ds4vita for controller support

$10 to use however big of a micro SD you want is infinitely better than paying close to 100 for 64gb which is likely to just up and die anyways because the vita memcards are garbage

how do you set this up?

Can anyone do me a favor and use whatever latest SNES emulator for the PSP is and try the english translated DQ5 please? It always runs like shit on portable devices, barely half speed on the PSP.
If the vita runs it well I'll buy one to clear my snes backlog

Install CFW into your vita and download everything that's necessary, search for udcd_uvc, ds4vita/minivitatv (for controller support, each has it's downsides and you only need one) and the easyswitchvita apk, install all of that, configure the apk and set autoreboot, now everytime you want to stream your vita via usb just open the app and wait for the vita to reboot
The plugin send the streaming signal as webcam video to the computer, so search for a program that can display a webcam device and choose the vita signal, I recommend PotPlayer for that because you can assign the device to a shortcut and not configure it every time you open the player
It's kind of a hassle to set up but after you finish it you don't have to do it again anymore and it become almost plug and play

bumping while I test this

bumping for that user

it's running at solid 60fps

I'm using retroarch with the snes9x 2002 core.

if you find a game that has graphical or sound glitches you should use the 2005 core and turn "reduce slowdown" to max, it will run almost all games perfectly. a few games like DQ5 and SMRPG need the 2002 core though.

What's the best site for Vita iso's?

just use pkgj, most sites stopped updating since it came out anyway.

i still want one
how much is a new one?

Let's say I just bought a Vita. What games are must own?

Playing RE2 on it right now

Its a better Playstation Classic than the Playstation Classic

i'll buy you once you are 100% crackable.

Persona 4 Golden

Hotline Miami